Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1967, p. 6

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TYPEWM‘T‘EES ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Phone EMA-E47 5282 Turkeys, Duck; ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 RUBBER‘SiKM’ESTfECseMcé RUBBER. STAMPS. fast service ~ any size â€" several type faces to choose from. call “The Lib- eral" 884-1105. lfc NEW and we‘dâ€"ap‘m‘iance 1:31;] wringer rolls. wood blocks‘ bear- ings. belts. stove elements. etc. Math‘s TV, 45 Industrial Road» 884-7903. tfc36 CHRTS'I‘EIKSTIES‘IEY“ First quality guaranteed. excel- lent gift, 1 dozen $5.85 onei pair free. six pair $2.99. 8843 5537, til 9 pm. c3w22! 1‘ UI TYfiWRITERS. private, 15" M0] carriage, one manual, one elec- Ce] trlc, both in excellent condition. em 889-2665. c1w24 Km PIANO in good condition. needs Fin little tuning. $25. Male and5433 female budgies and caze, $10.i_ 773-5552. c1w24’ DRUMS. Stewart. complete set! amplifier. Paul, two 12“ speak- ers. like~ new. must sell. 884~3Hm 51932. ‘ *l “‘23l :0“ FRIGIDAIRE 4o" electriciggu‘ range. $40, also 2 pairs lady‘s â€" figure skates. 51,2 and 6L2, $4 SP] pair. 773-5876. cle4 DUI AUTOMATIC washer, suds re- “’1” turn, will deliver and guarantee 1°“, one year. Ken Clark 889-5226. B” tfclé Track set $4; Chesterfield suitie $45. 884-3362. c1w24 g'OY's bfiie 26â€"" $8; Tn?- LIONEL tiaifgét. six cars, 20‘ of track, $15. 889-6760. grey frieze, slip 889-4116. SNOW tires”2.’”6§5’xi4. Wife‘â€" wall tubeless. as new. Used 1 winter. $15. 884-3717. c1w24 HOCKEY equipment for 10-12 year old. in very good condition. 832-2543. c1w24 CHESTERFIELD ARTIFICIAL fireplace. wh'ité and black stone. 884-7567. pressor, 2 piston. Phone 884- 5943. ' c1w24 AIRCO portable electric welder in , excellent condition. Phone 889-4516. c1w24 SKATES. sizes 5. 8 and 9; hoc- key equipment. hunting boots. suitcase. 889-4112. c1w24 APARTMENT size electric stove, 4 top burners. clean con- dition. $30. 884-1395. c1w24 277"“Admiralâ€"TVfgood condi- tion. must sell. 884-7989. Call evenings. clw24‘ BLACK Persian pawn 3/4 length coat. 16-18. as new. $50. 773- 567]. c1w24 HEAVY duty tricycle. 20". $17). Sled, $2. Easel blackboard $1. 884-6038. clw24 FOR SALEâ€"fir rent. air chi-1; NEW laid eggs. 884-6367 WHOITESKLE CHRISTMAS POULTRY SPACE heater. small. with pipes. $15. 889â€"4432. c1w24 RCA vi'c’tFr po’r’téfile"recbi~’d player, stereo. 884-670]. c1w24 RABBITS for sale. 889-2987 PIANO. good condition, 887- 5435. clw24 '6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.80 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. CASH RATES. lst insertion .7c each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged: .70 per word, min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 FOR SALE Ducks. Geese. Canons. Fryers - Fowl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES or King 833. - and chair, covered, $40. c1w24 mm; tfc36 :ervice a faces e Lib- tfc parts, \ bear- s. etc. Road. tfc36 u?â€" excel- 5 one ’. 884-- c3w22 ‘MAS apons. I 833- c4w22 CONTENTS immaculate 8-room house, consisting of three bed- rooms. 1 Spanish. 2 contempor- ary; 9-piece contemporary din- ary dining suite: Chesterfield and matching chair; tables; rugs: odd chairs; stereo; TV; oil paintings; single beds; din- ette and 4~piece Vinyl recreation room furniture. Appointment HUI-8855. c5w23 CONTENTS LARGE Willow- dale home: 9-piece contempor- ary dining room, 5 oil paint- ings, turquoise and gold chest- erfield and chair, tables, lamps, 9‘ x 12', 12' x 18' rugs, dinette, bedroom suite with triple dres- ser, TV. Spanish black leather Chesterfield and chair with ot- toman. matching black oak tab~ ‘Ies. stereo with built-in bar, idrapes, most items recently ‘purchased. perfect condition. c1w24 c1w24 ('lw24 c1w24 SPECIAL’FALL‘PXIEFSAIIE Dural Exterior and Interior white latex paint, $4.39 per gal- lon. BUTLER J; BAIRD LUMBER LTD. 884-1125 HORTON’S CHRISTMAS TREES AND APPLES Have a family outing and cut your choice pine. From Aurora go 5 miles east and 1,2 mile south. 888-1738. c3w23 Northumbria Patterns Available Morning Mist, Lake Louise, Cello, Normandy Rose, Laurier, etc. Call collect. Mrs. O’Hara, King City 833-5253 or write Fine Arts â€"« Northumbria. Box SET of Wilsonâ€"Staff 1967, golf clubs. Irons 1~9, woods 1, 3, 4 â€"â€" like new â€"- sacrifice, $170. 65 Austin Cooper. Model 998 excellent mechanism. Best of- fer. Phone 884-3594, after 6 pm. clw24 ALUMINUMiPâ€"RODUCTS Sales and Service Doors. windows. siding. awn- ings. York Aluminum. 884-4558. tfc40 SPRING rocking horse $10: Shoo-Fly rocker $3; Chrome dinette set with buffet â€" green arborite $30: Playpen $7; Bath- inette ‘ $9. Evenings. 884-2213. c1w24 Sand, stone. tities. 3089. USED kitchen cupboards, 5’ bathtub. shoWer doors. pedestal sink. pine student's desk, oak lady‘s desk. blue battleship linoleum. 884-2147 after 5. CCM 3-speed racer. one year old. Two dozen LP records, like new. Used hockey game, good condition. Best‘offer. 727-6712, Weekdays. after 5 pm. c1w24 CHILD‘S coat size 10. Bright red. dark fur collar, perfect condition. sweaters, slacks, blouses, the lot $15. 884-2192. *1w24 FIREWOOD Truckload lots. $10. Phone Cad- illac Lumber. Maple. Ontario. 889-4973. c1w24 21" Crossley console TV. $452 17" Crossley table TV. $35. A-l working order. 889-5541. RABBITS Fresh dressed. every week, free delivery on Fridays. 887- 5391. c4w23 BALES offsti‘éw. 50 centsTTa bale. deliver 50 or over‘ C. Mashinter. 884-2549. *3w22 FIREWOODWI'BI‘VfirepIace, any size; also fur jacket. 773-5488. c4w21 SNOWMOBILES 18 H.P. $795. .ow down payment. Easy terms. King City Trailers. 773-4260 c1w24 King City. Ontario. c4w21 DRIVEWAY "(inâ€"[WEE crushed stone and lime- Delivered in small quan- Call C. L. Knappett. 884- tfc9 FOR SALE (Continued) 889-3506 tfc17 clw24 c1w24 FEMALE CLERK Required. A young girl to as- sist production planning man- ager with order entry and pur- chase order functions. The per- son should enjoy working with figures, typing essential. Texas Instruments Inc.. 280 Centre Street East. Richmond Hill, Personnel Department. 889- 7373. clw24 required by local firm offer- ing a permanent and interest- ing position in the Sales De- partment. Typing and short- hand essential. Filing and switchboard experience an as- set. Starting salary $300 per month. Apply in writing to Box 30, “The Liberal". WOMAN to work in Dry Clean- ing Store to look after coin operated dry cleaning machines and work at counter. No ex- perience necessary. but an abil- ity to serve the public in a re- tail store is desirable. Hours: Monday - Tuesday. Thursday - Friday - 12.30 to 9 pm. Satur- day 9 - 6 pm. Apply Mr. Jack Barth of Barth's Cleaners. 198 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. c1\\'24 Apply Mr. Jack Barth of Barth's Cleaners. 198 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. cl\\'24 MATURE SECRETARY Required for a professional acâ€" counting office. shorthand and recent experience, while help- ful, are not necessary. The posi- tion requires a mature individ- ual with a pleasing personality and a general knowledge of of- fice routine. Reply in confi- dence to Leonard R. Rosenberg and Associates. Chartered Ac- countants. Post Office Box 95. Aurora. Ontario. clw23 and choir director, required for Kleinburg United Church. Ap- ply in writing to: J. L. Ireland. Kleinburg. Applicants must have the time and initiative to develop a junior choir, as well as train the senior choir. SECRETARY for real estate development office position, must have knowledge of light bookkeeping. Independent work- er. Half~days or full time. Ap- ply from 10 am to 1 pm at 59 Yonge Street North. Suite 203. Mr. Kaptyn‘ 884-8197. c2w24 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. Requires Clerk-typist for invoices and general office duties. Some statistical work. Call Personnel Department. 280 Centre Street, East, Richmond Hill, 889-7373. clw24 LIKE PEOPLE? If so. the Real Estate profesâ€" sion should interest you. To discuss opportunities in this field of endeavor call Mr. Hob- son at H. Keith Limited 889- 7771, 727-9449 or 887-5822. REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ins: program, special assistance to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited. 1222-2525. ACCOUNTANT TRAINEE Position open for young man in local chartered bank. Grade 12 required. Previous experi- ence an asset. Bank of Nova Scotia, 884-1109. Ask for Mr. McCready. c1w24 APPLICANTS for all types of temporary work may list with DESPERATE working mother wants capable help for home and 2 young children. Living in preferred. excellent holidays and salary. King City. 833-5504. clw24 FEMALEâ€"As Unit Manager with a local collection office. Only those with experience in credit and collections need ap- ply‘ Please reply in writing to Box 29, Newmarket. c1w24 EXPERIENCED hairdresser. 884-3354. tfc24 NURSES’ AIDE. no experience necessary. part time, day shift. Nursing Home, Yonge Street, Thornhill, 889-7072. c1w24 .Want CHEAP XMAS GIFTS? New records $1.00. Skis $3.50, Guitars $10.00. Drums $20.00. Books - china - furniture - mus- ic - skates - hockey equip. - lamps - games - toys - fridges - stoves - race sets â€" cameras - microphones. MANY ITEMS AS NEW “SECONDHAND BETTY” 9 Wellington West (at Yonge) MONA ROBERTSON TEMPORARY PLACEMENTS 78A Yonge St. South By Appointment - 88445944 ('1w24 CONTENTS of jeweller's 10- roomed home, everything in outstanding condition. must sell. For particulars. telephone 889-6644. c5w23‘ SELECTED giftware for all ocâ€" casions. handicrafts. candle- craft. greeting cards. etc. The Little Gift Shoppe, Carl and Grace Walker, Don Mills Rd.. N. Victoria Square. tfc22 Females $10. males $8. King. 833-6811. c2w23 FERRETS. white or brown HELP WANTED AURORA â€" 727-9373 Open Daily (except Wed.) 11.30 am. STENOGRAPHER FOR SALE ORGANIST c1w18 OX 95. and clw23,6809 c1w24 c3w23 tfc20 tfc25 IV 41“ Ly” SIAMESE kittens, champion, _ blue point, champion chocolate WANTED BmOCL‘larS and “(1' point and seal point, males angle Cage- 334-1939 after 7 p-m- stud. Also domestic and part‘i PM?“ Persian kittens. to good homes. DOORS. to fit 57" width open- lCat boarding with outside run. ing‘ any kind. 83443453 'Beryl Stewart. 889-2581. tfc8l c1w24 iIfi-IAVE your dog cared for byIGIRL's White figure skates. professional experts. Trimming, size 1. for Christmas gift. 884- boarding and training. Don‘7898. c1w24 . I , w- M1115 C°untr~v CIUb for Pet5">DEAD or crippled farm animals Pick up and deliver“ ask about’ ~ . - . . .~ _ picked up promptly. For direct iOLU. Christmas Spec1al. 297-2397. line can Long Distance and ask I tfclB‘fnu Vnnnh anonn run .myumn JILL GOEDARD POODLE GROOMING New Address. 80 Steeles Avenue West. 889-3606. tfc19 COLLIES, Sable and white reg- istered. One female, Sheltie, Lassie types. Ideal Xmas gifts. 832-1546. c3w23 HOME tutoringifiailable in high school math and science. 884-4967 evenings. *1w24 ACADEMIC fUTORING POODLE pups, standard Black, registered. Pick out your pup for Christmas, private, reason- ably priced. 889â€"2109. c3w23 AQUARIUMS, tropical fish, budgies, canaries. monkies, etc. Norm‘s Pet Shop. Gateway Plaza. Aurora. 727~6762. *2w23 MINIATURE black poodle pup- pies. registered, ready for Christmas. Males and females. 889-2180. c3w22 BEAGLE pups, 4 months old, registered Shots, Boogie, Pear- son Creek bloodlines. F. Collins, 80 Holland St. E., Bradford. JILL GODDARD Poodles. Miniature Silvers, 2 male, 1 female. needled 8: regis- tered. $85. 889â€"3606. *1w24 Border Collies, Shepherds, Dalâ€" matians. $5 up. 889-7934. BEAUTIFUL chocolate poodle miniatures, excellent tempera- ment, healthy, 6 weeks, 889- 7220. c1w24 COLLIE puppiéTfor Christ- mas, registered. Lassie type and show pups. 851-2375. PUPS, Shepherd breed, 6 weeks old. reasonable. Make good watchdogs. Welsh pony and a horse. 832-2543. c1w24 FREE to good hameggr'éy’male kitten, nine weeks old, litter trained. Phone 884-6334. 2 10-week old female fiuppies Free to good home. 773-5506. SAMOYED puppies, thorough- breds, unregistered. ready for Christmas. 889-6338. c1w24 GOOD home needed ifor 3 month old German Shepherd pup. 833-6335. clw24 IRISH setter pfifibies, register- ed, for Xmas gifts. 889-6780. c1w24 LONG haired Dachshund pup- pies. 6 weeks old. Will hold till Christmas. 773-5215. c1w24 DRIVER for cylinder delivery truck. prefer married man, ab- stainer, references required. Our staff has been informed of this advertiSement. Reply to Box 55, “The Liberal" stating qualifications and salary ex- pected. c2w23 2 Mexican Burros, children's pets. will hold ’til Christmas. 727-9322. c1w24 De-wormed and tattooed. Maple. 832-8933. c2w24 COLLIE pups, sable and white STENOGRAPHER Experienced. with shorthand preferred for local bank man- ager. Pleasant working condi- tions and wide range of em- ployee benefits. Phone Concord 889-7528 to arrange interview. tfc17 PERSONABLE young lady re- quired. Speed and accuracy in typing essential. Duties are var- ied and interesting in attractive air conditioned office. Salary dependant upon qualifications. 889-4978. c1w24 BOOKKEEPER required, male or female, part or full-time for sales subsidiary of US. Manu- facturer. Full set of books to trial balance. Apply Box 56 “The Liberal". *2w23 FEMALE help for snack bar. part time. from 5.30 pm to 10.30 pm. Experience not necessary. Apply Mrs. Purvis 8894615. GIRL or woman to help work- ing mother. 8 hours per week. $1.25 an hour. 832-2446 after 6:30. c3w23 YOUNG man for general office duties, steady employment. Keele and N0. 7 area. Phone 889-1145. clw24 PITMAN typing teacher for Richmond Hill. Full or part time. Call RU.1-4928 eveningsl 02w23 PETS FOR SALE HELP WANTED h school chemistry. physics mathematics. Phone 889- 9. c4w24 TUITION *1w24 c3w24 *1w24 c1w24 c1w24 02w23 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. TRANSPORTATION wanted â€" Monday to Friday to northwest Brampton. Leaving 7.45 am re- turning after 4 pm. Apply Box 59 “The Liberal". nc2w23 BOWLERS needed for mothers‘ bowling league, Wednesday afternoons 1:30 pm Allencourt Lanes. Babysitting provided. Pat Jones, 884-1900 (‘6w22 BOWLERS WANTED Mixed leagues, Monday 7 pm. Tuesday 9:30 pm, Thursday 7 pm and 9:30 pm Friday 7 pm Call after 1 pm 884-5511. LADY BOWLERS WANTED For a friendly Tuesday after- noon league. Free baby-sitting. Join now, and still be eligible for turkey roll and trophies. 884-5821. 884-1988. c6w22 BOWLERS WANTED Mixed league, Allencourt Lanes, Monday evenings, 9 pm. Con- tact: A. R. Kyte 884-4862. Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, 01‘ call EM.6-8684. tfc1'7 ECONOLINE van and driver available â€" days or nights to January 1, 1968. Phone 884- 6336. *lw24 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us? Call Salvation Army. 889-7655. tfc29 MARRIED man seeking farm job, experienced in mixed farm- ing, prefer separate house. all particulars given. Write Box 60. “The Liberal". *1w24 WANTED, house work daily or cleaning, 3 days a week. 9-3. $11. 884-3597. *1w24 THREE bedroom townhouse, Thornhill Green. 4 appliances, drapes, recreation room, 2 washrooms. Immediate posses- sion. Call 889-7913, A. E. Le- Page Realtor. c1w24 MODERN APARTMENTS 1 2-bedroom suite available December Slst, rent includes hydro, hot water and heat, close to Richmond Heights Shopping Plaza on Yonge Street. Call Mrs. Cheetham. 884-1066. 1 bedroomiabartment. afiigfié January 1. business couple pre- ferred. 884-8985 after 5.30. BACHELOR apartment. private entrance, new home, 2 blocks west of Yonge, Richmond Hill. Suit business girl or pensioner, $15 weekly. 884-4827. c1w24 RICHMOND Masonic Hall 112 Crosby Ave.. Bowling banquets, Xmas parties, dances. contact Jack Williams. 884-3200. c10w16 SUBLET. 3 bedroom townhouse Thornhill 1% baths. rec. room, 4 appliances. $195 per month. 889-7698. tfc24 1,000 feet office space. 6A Lev- endale, Richmond Hill. 633- 5661, or 889-5651 or 884-2377. Emerald Isle Real Estate. tfcl3 FACTORY, 5,360 square feet for rent on Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. 884-4774. SANTA CLAUs:dif. Lifigstarf Women‘s Institute. 839-1645. or 889â€"3270. cswzo FURNISHED room, cooking facilities. 16 Lorne. 15f. house east. of Berks Jewellers at Yonge. tchZ A part time clegfiing lady for motel. Call after 2 pm. 889- 4823. c1wZ4 FURNISHED or‘u'h’furnished 5 roomed house. for 6 months, adults. 889-6019. c1w24 DUPLEX. 2-bedroom. $23 weekIY. 635-5080. clw24 ROOM. suitâ€"gne_6nWoâ€"ééntle- men. 889-5786. c1w24 ROOM. or rooms, board or kit; chen privileges arranged. 884- 8463. c1w24 THORNHILL. lovely r'orin with TV in nice home. 225-1872. FREE rent in exafig'e fbr light housekeeping duties. 884-4110. clw24 ROOM for rent. 884-5452 ROOM to feif, suit gentle- man. 884-1629. tfc17 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Transportation PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT c6w22 c6w22 c1w24 c1w24 clw24 tfc44 tfc24 tic20 Placing aWANT AD is a PLEASANT EXPERIENCE “THE usERAL" Custom built homes. renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 Plastering 884-1245 Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs 3 Specialty Free Estimates Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script. Block letters. Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Libâ€" eral" 884-1105. tfc Septic tanks, pumped and cleaned. Liquid sludge removal, fast efficient service. Dead elms. poplars etc. Cut and removed. Reasonable rates. Alvin Baker 889-2436. PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Antique and modern furniture. All work guaranteed. Up to date selection of material and styles. 884-6885. | Me” EXP CTING COMPANY FOR T E FESTIVE SEASON? Why not have your cleaning done professionally? Call and make your appoint~ ment, now! 884-1311. tfc21 GENERAL contracting, altera~ tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen~ try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889â€"2546. tfc3 Webb 889â€"2546. m3 ace Road, 2“gcgg’(,1;g'g‘chfid'refi_ 1964 vw de luxe. A-l condition. ""Irh‘gf'au ,er ends December CARPENTRY WORK, additions, $15. 884-8708. c1w24 Radi‘)‘ gas heater» whitewalls- 22 and classes will resume on renovations! 3319395 recreation ifAvYTaTe for 1 {HIr-Vearélaliqofitj§;§§gflg; , ,CIWM January 3- boomls, tlle floqrs. No job too and 1 school aged child. Bah/1.964 Chev Biseayne wagon. V87, Lions Cldh smal‘ Free estlmates. T. PncerThom area, Hot lunches 225-13uto-transmission and radio,i A1 O‘Brien. chairman of the W tfc28‘4274_ (-1w2410w mileage. full price $1.385.‘Lions Cluh community service Licence X45832. Ask for Bevfiprogram, is asking for the help R W EXCAVATING Trenching. footings, concrete| & Barry. 889-5445. c1w24 9f students from Charles How- and drains. Backhoe loader‘ ' {5%5â€"V3fi_x‘flzll‘i;i§:fardfbfsnow ltt‘ Roselawn' Ross. D08" and rentals. 334-6264, 884-5559. EQUIPMENT tires. in good condition, only $383353: “£3123 _‘ tfc9 $650. Contact R. French. 884- white gift of Canned goods are x 5037 after 6 9'“ €1W24 requested to leaVe the gifts at nvnnnmI‘Yn “AI-h - ‘7‘! CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and limestone. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfcl2 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S. Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 TILING All types floor tile. sheet goods. Expert workmanship at. low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter~ ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc31 TREE cutting, pruning by exâ€" perienced man with chain saw. Also light trucking. 884-6735. E. C. Doak. clw24 A150 ugnt [FUCKlng. 554-!)(53. E. C. A7 7 (’1‘N24 E. W. PAYNE Alcan - siding, Eavestroughs Drains, septic tanks. All types Doors and Windows of concrete work. 20 years guarantee 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES For free Estimates call your trcsll Local Contractor Complete cleaning and main- tenance, industrial, commercial, residential. 884-7225. th8 PLUMBING Ziccardi Bros. 884~2947 Repairs and new work. 24 hours emergency calls, (work guaran- teed). tfc38 CHESTERFIELDS SHAMPOOED FAMILY MAINTENANCE CO PHONE 884-2433 EMERY Hammond. snow plow- ing. 884-4868. c2w23 MICHAEL PETERS Upholstery and carpeting. 47 Industrial Rd. Richmond Hill. Phone 884-2189. tfc14 A1 CLEANING SERVICESâ€" PAINTING & PAPER. HANGING R. E. Dunn. 884-2798. MISCELLANEOUS[MISCELLANEOUS‘ U ED CAR WMFRV Hammnnfl cnnux nlnw. {Continued} \unAnâ€"râ€"L'au‘: 1 4:, . FRANK AND BILL’S SANITARY CONTRACTORS PLASTERING â€" DRYWALL Remodelling ~â€"- Renovations New â€"- Repair. 884-8391 488-7 521 The classified ad takers at “The Liberal" are friendly. helpful people, trained in their jobs, with a full realization of the importance of being: helpful to everyone who calls to place a Want Ad. We hope you will call to place a Want Ad soon. When you do, it will be a pleasant experience. Richmond Hill. 884-3321 Windows Cleaned Family Maintenance Co. Wall Washing Floor Cleaning Day or Night 884-2433 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY RUBBER STAMPS James D. Stewart 884-2201 TREE CUTTING SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED 525.00 or tearing up pipe Sewers cleaned without digging . STL’NDEN R. CLARK Richmond Hill 889-3185 tfc20 Thornhill tfc13 tfc16 tfc19 tfle tfc43 tfclB ffc look after all your luggage and shipping problems to any point in the world and arrange passage 8: accommodation 889-6269. tfc 21 Cubic foot freezer to trade for piano in good condition. 884-8309. c1w24 TOUR§ cruises, rail and bus tickets, reservations and individ- U31 travel, call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-7096. iSTOUFFVILLE: Mrs. Ethei‘figgggQélt’ Drive, 339-3806 Mole became the second woman Hockey in history to win a seat on the Parents are asked to v __’__ village council. She led the teer help Saturday morni; The Four Winds Nursery School polls with 637 votes from 3 am, to put up hockey board 7951 Yonge Street, Thornhil], total of 735 voters. Jim Mc- open the rink in the par] mornings and afternoons and Kellar and Tom Lonergan were posite Langstaff seem all day school. TransportationIre-elected. Reeve Ken Laush- schooL If your children available. 889-4664. After 5. 421%way and Deputy-reeve Bill Par- joyed the rink last year 3175. tfc20»sons Were TetUIDEd by aCCIama- pleasure skating or he â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"‘tion. please lend your assistance ROOM and board for quiet gen- tleman, abstainer, in quiet home. 884-6650. ncw24 D R E S’SMAKING alterations, slip covers made etc. M. Kuch- arski. 240 South Taylor Mills Drive. c1w24 DESIGNING fiRESEMAKING Expert alterations and restyling. 884-6869 If you have $20,000 or more. invest in apartment building. 20% interest guaranteed. After 6. 884-8808. c1w24 ROOM and BOARD INVESTMENT ' OPPORTUNITY DAY care available, South Tay- lor. 884-8558. c1w22 DAY care in my home on Als- ace Road, 2 school age children, $15. 884-8708. c1w24 ’RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. AVAILABLE for one or two children, references. Thomhill. 225-1872. c1w24 under, Taylor Mills Drive South, 884â€"7353. clw24 DAY care available, 4 years and LATHING, plastering. acoustic “'3’ “010- “lean- 4’- ceilings, dry wall partitions, re- « pairs. alterations, new work. ’59 Chev. 6 cyli North York Acoustics. 222-7179, standard for sale c4w22 2070 or 832-1212. Call (Speedy) for Waste Re- moval and Free Spray Flush- ing. Also Snow Plowing Ser- vice. 889â€"5413 or 889-5061. BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lines, footings. 889-3604. tfc2 Rev. rooms. additions. fire- places. custom buildings and repairs. Thornhill 889-7646. PLUMBING & unificâ€" Roger Proulx â€"- Telephone â€"- 884-1650. tfc24 Removal â€" hauling. Large, or small. 884-6981. €6w24 Let WORLD WIDE SHIPPING STIRLING MAINTENANCE Complete Cleaning and Maintenance, Industrial, Commercial, Residential. Phone - 884-1311 DRESSMAKING PORTABLE TV RENTALS WEEK OR MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Offices Cleaned Industrial. Cnmmerclal Day or Night. Family Maintenance Co 884-2433 HANS BUTT. 889-4106 SNOW PLOWING SNOW REMOVAL A. Hartwick 889-6338 DAY CARE SNOW PLOWING BILL MITCHELL CONSTRUCTION TRAVEL SEPTIC TANKS SWAP c3w23 tfc22 c4w22 flc47 ,,__{1940 LaSalle. 4 dooritouring, [NG 1partly restored. $300. Phone ’ne â€"-3832-1189. 01W24 t,i__ r _ tfc24Jl955 Chevrolet. two-door. six )cylinder. runs well, snow tires, g9. 01‘ block heater. needs body work. c6w24\$50. 884-4765. c1w24 c4w23 tfc43 tfc31 tfc22 tchl tfc19 tchl t£c211959 NEED SPRING WORK DONE? Call Newmarket Spring Service Owned and operated by Moore Truck Parts and Sales Ltd., Holland Landing, Ont., 895- 5901, 895-4666. tfcll ATTENTION TRUCKERS When you need parts call the truck Wreckers first. Used parts. tires, bodies, etc. Rebuilt rear ends. transmiSSions. MOORE TRUCK PARTS AND SALES LTD. Holland Landing. Ont 895-4666 -- 895-5901 1965 Dodge 4-door. Standard transmission and radio. 28,000 miles, balance of new car war- ranty. Licence No. J48658. $1.435. 884-8242. c1w241 GOOD DEPENDABLE TRANS-i PORTATION 1962 Comet de-luxe. 4 door sedan. Big 6. with automatic transmission and radio. Full. price. $750. Cash or terms. and ask for Bob Burrows. 889-5445.. chi/24; NEED SPRING WORK DONE? Call Newmarket Spring Service Owned and operated by Moore Truck Parts and Sales Ltd., 71A!.....1 T nadir": fin} 205- Dy lllc uluua. Bowling Bowling for the week of De- cember 5 â€" Richvale East Bowl- ing League Team Standings: F Troop 46..Aztecs 43. Dirty Half Dozen 42, Bill‘s Buffaloes 40. Beatles 37. Six Chanteaux 35, Hippies 34. Red Caps 31. Silver Dollar Winners: Don- na Jones 728. Lyle Breedon 824. Men‘s High Average: Russ Jones 229. Ladies’ High Aver- age. Ann Hewitt 200. Men's High Single: Gord Reeves 344. Ladies' High Single: Donna Jones 314. Men‘s High Triple: Lyle Breedon 824. Ladies’ High Triple: Ann Hewitt 756. Neighborhood News 1965 one ton Chev. truck, good condition, $1.100. Bowden Lum- ber, 9301 Yonge Street. Rich- mond Hill. 889-4921. c1w24 barrel, duals, 49,000 miles. Call after 6, 889-2714. clw24 1964 TR4 sports car. Excellent mechanical condition, new tires, recent tune-up, needs small amount of body work. Call from 7 to 9, Thursday to Sun- day evenings, 895-4901. 1963 Cortina engine and 4- speed floor transmission, 35000 miles, $100; will fit Anglia. Send telephone number to: B. Wancke, 104 Woodlane, Rich‘ mond Hill. clw24 1963 Chevy II wagon, 6 cylin- der. automatic. finished in bright red, good condition, full price $875. Licence 2576K. Ask for Bob Booth. 889-5445. 1961 Buick Electra. A1 mech- anical condition â€"â€" lady driven. 884-4075. ClW24 1961 Vélkswaggn'in good con- dition. 889-3727. c1w24 1933 Ch-éIIâ€"Biscayne, standard, one owner. 889-2439. c1w24 1564 i‘ord, 352. standard, 4 1963 Galaxie 2-door hard-top. Automatic, V-8, powered, radio. Excellent condition. Licence No. 89544K. $1,175. Cal] Brian, 889-5445. c1w24 1:100 mercury. guuu WU." “WWI The library announces that good running order, best Offer- the storytelling hour will start 884-7417. 91W}? again January 9. at 10.30 am. féfisfll’lyâ€"‘mmâ€"lfifâ€" new brakes. The library is presently display- new rubber‘ perfect. body, mech- ing art work done by the stu- anically sound. Best offer. 833- dents of Charles Hewitt Public‘ 6313. clw24 School. More student art work 1957 fiifimobne, convertifil'jlwm be shown periodically . . _ithroughout the new year. The gOOd condmon‘ $100‘clfifg4 library will be closed Christmas as _ Day. Boxing Day and New 1959 Vauxhall for parts. make Year's Day, offer. Please call after 6. ‘88:}: Church News up.-. nu, "nuns A.) no suuuwa. .l'l‘ESl- standard for sale. $125. 832- dent Mrs. Joyce Howard, Vice_ %0_70_”:j3_2'_1‘212- “021 President Mrs. M. Jarman, 1961 Austin 850, 40 miles per Secretary Mrs. Eileen Peck, gallon. A1 shape, 33,000 miles, Treasurer Mrs. Doris Davies, winterized. $195. 773-5938. .Corresponding Secretary Mrs. clw24’Caroline Cook. Sunshine Con- ExcfiPTI’ONA’L if”. venor Mrs. Margaret, Quance, 1961 Buick Electra. Al mech-'geliphon&h.tcomrfittee Mrs- anical condition -â€" lady driven. a" me lne-V' rs' Doromy 3844075. clw24 Everton. Mrs. Betty Walker and _ A . _. - Mrs. Anne White. 1956 Mercury. good body shape 6754 1959 Ford, 6-cylinder, automa- tic, radio. Clean. $100. 727-6337. c1w24 59 Chev. 6 cylinder, 2-door He will report to the Division Controller and be responsible for accounting and office procedures includ- ing supervision of a small clerical staff. Need not have a degree but must have sound accounting knowledge and background acquired through five years or more practical busm_ess experience. Good fiiture prospects. Full range of social security benefits. Starting salary according to experience and qualifications. Salada Foods Agriculture Division requires a mature man for its processing plant and farming operation at Alliston, Ontario. good condition, $100. 884 Vauxhall for parts. make Please call after 6. 884- clw24 Send resume in confidence to PLANT ACCOUNTANT c1w24 clw24 tfcll Salada Parents are asked to volunâ€" teer help Saturday morning, 9 am, to put up hockey boards and open the rink in the park op- posite Langstaff Secondary School. If your children en- joyed the rink last year for pleasure skating or hockey. please lend your assistance. A1 O‘Brien. chairman of the jLions Cluh community service program, is asking for the help of students from Charles How- itt, Reselawn. Ross Doan and 16th Avenue Public Schools. Students who wish to donate a white gift of canned goods are requested to leave the gifts at their respective schools. These white gifts will be collected later and made into Christmas baskets for those less fortunate, by the Lions. Bowling Belated birthday greetings go out to Miss Susanne Holcman who celebrated her 10th birth- day by inviting some friends home for lunch. Your correspondent would like to hear of any Christmas functions or news which may be of interest to the community. Contact Mrs. Anne White, 24 Get well wishes are extended to Mrs. Diane Coons. MacKay Drive, who has been in the hos- pital for leg surgery. Bowling for the week of De- cember 5 â€" Richvale East Bowl- lng League Team Standings: F Troop 46.‘Aztecs 43. Dirty Half Dozen 42, Bill‘s Buffaloes 40. Beatles 37. Six Chanteaux 35, Hippies 34. Red Caps 31. “tri'ck or treaters" collected $107.05. Last week's column stated. in error, that Jane Elizabeth Bow- den. who was christened at Emmanuel Church, lived on Birch Ave. Jane Elizabeth Bowden lives on Roosevelt Drive. School News The children of Charles How- itt School report that their Hal- lowe’en UNICEF collection was very successful. The tiny The Christmas Play “Child- ren Of The Forest" will be presented December 21. 8 pm, at Emmanueli Refreshments will be served by the Parish Guild after the play and every- one is invited. Christ The King Lutheran Church will have the family dinner this Sunday. 430 pm at the Masonic Hall in Thornhill. The annual Christmas Party for the children of Emmanuel Anglican Sunday School will be held this Saturday from 2.30 to 4.30 pm. A festival carol service will be held at Emmanuel Church ‘this Sunday at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome. The Parish Guild ot Emman- uel Anglican Church met De- cember 5 to enjoy its annual Christmas Dinner and to elect officers for 1968. The result nf the voting is as follows: Presi- Library Notes PHONE 884-1105-6 Richvale News WANT ADS Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosvelt Drive 889-3806 Mr. G. H. Chrissley Salada Foods Ltd., Alliston. Ontario.

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