The meeting closed and mem- bers ml! enjoyed a box lunch and exchanged gifts with one an- other. Thomas Hobden headed the committee which assembled the ,80 electric candles carried by the choristers at the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at Richmond Hill United Church on Sunday evening. ï¬t was announced that in the spring the Cubs and Scouts will go from door to door and volun- teer their services for odd jobs. This will be for the purpose of raising money and identification cards will be given to each boy. The January meeting will be held on the 16th. Plan to at- tend. The three choirs directed by Gordon Fleming sang anthems appropriate to lessons read by Robert Cowan. Kathy Hynne. Arnold MacNaughton. Beatrice Avakian, Harold Sanderson. Hil- ary Balmer. Dan Kay. Edith Clement and Rev. Albion Wright. Decorations. following a red and silver motif. were in charge of Mrs. J. A. Miller. assisted by Mrs. M. H. Cunningham. Lighting was directed by John 'Pounder. On Monday the senior choir enjoyed a pot luck supper and evening of carols and games. Mrs. Cam Smith and Mrs. Gor- ,don Fleming convened the meal. The Progressive Conservative Women's Assoeiation held their annual Christmas dinner party last Monday night at the Honey Pot Tavern and Ski Lodge. President Mrs. Terry Bore- ham conducted draws on assort- ed Christmas table centres. Card games‘ were played fol- lowed by the exchange of gaily wrapped gifts. The annual meeting will be held January 17. The ChriSEmas meetinz 0! the-Candlelight S e r v i c e at the lat Beverley Acres Scouts and‘church, prior to leaving for Cuba Lndles' Auxiliary was held home. ' December 12. Mrs. Pat Grifâ€"1 * t * flths has been appointed vice-i Mr. and Mrs. Michael Matyas president, following the resigna-Hvere among the guests at a re- _.tion of Mrs. Pat Hobbs. and Mrs. ception given on Friday evening Marion Hester as membership. by the president and members ï¬t was announced that in the of the French Chamber of Com- spring the Cubs and Scouts will merce at the John Hamilton go from door to door and volun-lBuilding in Tommi). V Mrs. Hobden. dressed as Mrs Santa Claus. presented her hus- band with a gift. The many friends of Allan Allder of Lynett Crescent are pleased to hear he is now mak- ing good progress at, York Cen- tral Hospital. where he has been a patient for several weeks folâ€" lowing a coronary attack. He hopes to return home in time for Christmas. IICHMOND uï¬f mcuuoun HEIGHTS mu is must su. m an 31% n51 ‘iccunnc‘ PRESCRIPTION sumo: PTICAI. The affair was attended by ‘over 100 people and one of the special features was presen- tations 10 Mrs. Barbara Smith and Jack Sullivan {or attendâ€" ance records during their time of employment. Also attending was the well- known conductor, Samuel Her- senhoren and his wife, Jeanne. David Zeidman of the Scott Mission on Spadina Avenue. To- ronto, graphically described the welfare work carried on there. at the December '7 meeting of Richmond Hill Lions. Fifteen hundred meals are served at the mission on peak days. such as Thanksgiving Day, with an average of 560 meals each day. he reported. A daily average of 45 people also come to the mission seek- ing clothing, the speaker re- ported. He went. on to describe the staff's work with family problems and attempted sui- cides. During the evening President Leon Katz made a presentation of a signed lithograph by Rio- pelle to retiring president. Mon- sieur Hulot. with words of ap- preciation for his work during his term of ofï¬ce. Former residents of Richmond ing the Christmas party held on Hill and aetive in the Presbyterâ€" Saturday evening by Ron Chud- ian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Srig-‘lley and Diane Stanley at his ley renewed acquaintances with‘home in Toronto. many f'I‘iendS 0n Suhday when Ron. author of Titus Turning. they attended the annuallthe Curtain Club‘s entry in the Candlelight S e r v i c e at, the;Central Ontario Drama Festival, church, prior to leaVing for has also written all the mater- home. ‘ial for a revue. To For Two. * * * lin which he and Diane will eo- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Matyaslstan It opens January 9 at were among the guests at a reâ€"lThe Dell Tavern. The speaker was introduced by Lion Bill Min-lees and thanked by Lion Alf Bryant and the Lions made a donation to help in the mission's \vork, rather than the usual gift for a guest speaker. Representatives of eight local denominations were also guests of the Lions to hear this ad- dress. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hook. Rumble Avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. E. Srigley of Tillsonburg. R. D. Little and Don Little of R. D. Little Ford Sales, were hnsts to their employees at a dinner and dance on Saturday evening at the Summit Golf Club. The editor would like to take this opportunity of wishing one and all a very merry Christmas and all the very best for the New Year. If you are entertaining over Christmas. have guests from out of town or are spending the festive season with relatives or friends. why not drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South, or call the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105-6 with news of your social activi- ties for inclusion in “Life in the Hill". There is no charge for this service. Following the bushes meetâ€" ing Mrs. George Irwin read the club a timely talk on how to .handle anonymous phone calls re member's private bank ac- counts. Several members have received these calls and appre- ciated the advice on how to deal with such insidious practices. Chief Police Robbins then in- vited the club to attend a musi- cal evening being held at the Bayview Secondary School the same evening. Those who at- tended found it well worth hear- HDg. A Christmas tea. served bylHawkins then served Christmas Mrs. B. Cook. preceded the dis-‘cake and cookies. jtribution of gifts and the presi-§ The next meeting will be held ldent then closed the meeting on January 9 at the home of with good wishes to all for a Mrs. Graeme Bales. 35 Vaughan [very happy holiday season. |Road. Game winners were Misses Cathy Coulman, Shirley Peek and Camile Hasmatali. Twenty-two members of The Toronto Alumni Chapter of the Alpha Iota International Soror- ity, were entertained at a Christ- mas buffet by Miss Patricia Price, Fernleigh Circle. Every Thursday “Evening Tea" is served at the CNIB, by these busy girls. muu“mmnmuummummmuum“mmImu“mnmmumumm Senior Citizens Their latest project is the clothing of a five-year-old In- dian orphan girl, at Longlac, Ontario. A snow-suit. overâ€" shoes. bright red mittens and a special Christmas present, have been sent. The general meeting of the Senior Citizens‘ Club was held December 13 in the Christian education building of the Rich- mond Hill United Church with 93 members present. “Mystery Sisters" were iden- tified during the evening. and Christmas gifts were exchang- ed. - Mrs. L. Clement played for Mrs. W. Charles, Bedford Park the singing of O Canada, reports Ave., which was beautifully were made on the minutes of decorated in the Christmas the last meeting and an up-to- theme. date treasurer’s account. Presi- There were 32 members and dent Ed Lomax suggested that guests present to enjoy a deâ€" a vote of thanks be tendered to lightful Christmas Party and all those who took part and the honored guest of the evenv worked so hard towards the suc-ring, Mrs. W. Pocknell. installed cess of the bake sale. the new executive for 1968 â€" Following the business meet-lPast Chairman Mrs. L. Sims, ine Mrs. George Irwin read the‘Chairman Mrs. C. Hall. lst Viceâ€" The annual Candlelight Serv-l The 0611‘ am ice held on Sunday at, the Pres- of St. John's byterlan Church was well at- met jointly f0 tended with everyone enjoying‘Party in the the melodious voices of the jun-‘nf the church, ior choir and singing many ofirimmed with the old familiar carols. Bob‘girls had made Imeson and Bruce French read Christmas tree the Christmas story as contain- The girls sal ed in the scriptures. Story around 1, The Young People’s Society entertained at a social hour following the service. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Basham. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Diakiw and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Crack were among the many guests attend- ing the Christmas party held on Saturday evening by Ron Chud- ley and Diane Stanley at his l\\\\\\\\\\l\l“ll\\l\l\\\\l\ll\\\l\ll\\\\\l\“\\\lll““MN\l\\\\\\l\l\l\lll\ll\\| Mrs. Grace Sayers announced a banquet for members on Janu- ary 11 which will be catered by the Presbyterian Church in their hall. Anyone wishing to attend is asked to call Mrs. Sayers at 8844316 as soon as possible. Mrs. W. L. Shuttleworth. member of the local Royal Can- adian Legion. then gave a recit- al of carols. some which were recorded and others which she sang. Mrs. Shuttleworth was warmly thanked for her contri- bution to the afternoon's emer- tainment. Signe Snary. a grade 13 student at Richmond Hill High School, was chosen by her' school as the After Four Sweetheart and was featured in last week‘s pub~ lication of the After Four supplement of The Tele- gram. Last year Signe was the president of the GAA. cap- tain of the cheerleaders and a house captain and this year was crowned Prom Queen at the school’s an- nual "At Homeâ€. However. she has now curtailed sever- al of her school activities to concentrate more fully on her studies. She plans to enter univer- sity next fall in the honors English course and is one of three students who will take part in seminars at York University in the near fut- ure. Signe. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Snary. Elka Drive, is now eligible to become the Sweetheart of the Year and win the grand prize of a trip to Hawaii at Easter. Sweetheart 0f Richmond Hill Mrs. Hanna read a thank you note from the Turgeon family and announced plans are in motion for the public speaking contest to be held February 11 for the parish schools. A sacred Christmas program was presented on Sunday after- noon in St. John’s Baptist Church when members of the Sunday school and the youth groups met for their first Christ- mas festal presentation. .Rev. John Lawrence acted as chair- man and warmly welcomed the parents and friends. Guest speaker Dr. F. J. Skaine. a staff member of the North western General Hospital. was introduced by Mrs. J. Barry. The subject was the abortion laws in Canada and why they should be left unchanged. It was a very informative evening and restored one's faith in the modern Catholic doctor of to- day. Questions were asked in writing and showed great con- cern for the present question before the government. Members will cater for a communion breakfast for the Knights of Columbus on Jan- uary 21 and it was suggested that a St. Patrick's Day bridge and euchre be held instead of the annual St. Valentine’s Day party. The date set was March 16. After a sing-song of the well known carols the young actors took their places. The CGIT acted as narrators for the sacred story, while the Explorers form- ed the background choir. Vari- ous members of the Sunday school portrayed the characters gathered around the manger â€" Mary, Juseph, Shepherds and Wise Men. Two other choirs assisted, one composed of prim- ary members and another of kindergarten members. Mrs. Ken Crusby played background organ music for the whole pro- duction. Mrs. R. Carter will he in charge of prizes and Mrs. L. Wilson, favors. Mrs. R. Carter thanked Dr. Skaine for giving up his valu- able time to give this important lecture. ] then served An executive meeting was held December 12 at the home of Mrs. Vincent Hanna, presi- dent of Our Lady Queen of the World CWL, with 10 members in attendance. The CGlT and Explorer Group of St. John's Baptist Church met jointly for the Christmas Party in the fellowship room of the church, which was gain trimmed with decorations the girls had made and a glittering The ladies of the congregation served refreshments to the children and their guests at the close of the program. The December meeting of the East Central Branch of the YCHA was held at the home of Mrs. W. Charles, Bedford Park Ave., which was beautifully decomted 1n the Christmas theme. The girls sang 1he Christmas Story around the tree with carâ€" ols and told it again in story and verse. After an exchange of gifts. refreshments were served by the leaders, Miss Donna Willett. Mrs. Audley Kitchen. Mrs. Rob- ert Vandervelde and Mrs. Fred Ward. Our Lady Queen of the World CWL held a meeting in the par- ish hall. Father M. Grace led with prayers. President Mrs. H. Gater. Sec- retary Mrs. J. Bowden. Treasur- er Mrs. J. Heard. Friendship Mrs. Charles. Membership Mrs. R. Russell. Telephone Convener Mrs. D. Hitchins; Program Con- venors. Mrs. J. Deswbury, Mrs. C. Hardwick and Sewing Con- venor Mrs. Sims. Prior to retlring from the of- Ilce of president Mrs. Sims thanked all the members for a year of generous support in all projects‘ The meeting was then taken over by Program Convenor Mrs. Dewsbury. who rread a story about Christmas traditions around the world Everyone then joined in to sing carols and play games in keeping with the festive season. Several memâ€" bers won pnzes. An exchange of inexpensn‘e gifts took place and the beauti- ful Christmas mantel arrange- ment donated by Mrs. L. War- nica was won by Mrs. Bowden. The hostess assisted by Mrs. F. Perkins. Mrs. J. Roberts, Miss Marion Carter and Mrs. R. Hawkins then served Christmas cake and cookies. Refreshments were 1 Mrs. Howard Burkeholder of Ta‘reyton Road entertained at the Christmas meeting for the Women’s Circle of St. John’s Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. A. MacNaughton entertained the Richmond Hill Chapter IODE members and husbands at. a wine and cheese party at their home on Tampico Road. Miss Joanna Bourjeaurd. a student. at Queen‘s University. arrived home last weekend to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Bourjeaurd, Richmond Winners of the Centennial Christmas draw were, quilt, D. Craig, Belmont; turkey. L. Houle, Rumble Avenue and yule log. A. Galloway. Wright Street. The annual Christmas party of the Sugar and Spice Club was held at the Summit View Gardens Restaurant. Members then returned to the home of Mrs. William Turner on Rumble Avenue. the “hostess with the mostes‘ " and gifts were exchanged. All in a’festive mood they then showed their acting ability in a game of charades. The ladies’ auxiliary to Branch 3’75. Royal Canadian Legion. held their Christmas party at the home of Anna Lehtonen. Hill llllmlllm“|lillllllll|ll\l\|\lllll“|lllillllllllll\llllllllmll“l‘lllmmlll‘l Turkey dinner was served with all the trimmings. gifts were exchanged and a good time was had by all. The hospital visiting commit- tee made the annual Christmas visit to Sunnybrook Hospital and distributed 150' gifts to the veteran patients. Adopted Vet- eran Bill Mitchell entertained the committee of Audrey Ap- perley, Grace Lindsell, Lillian Miller, Frances Beaulieu, Anna Lehtonen and Lucy Rickard. in the Red Cross Canteen after the completion of the visit. The thought of having to en- tertain a whole orchestra in one’s living room might be a bit of a nightmare to most people but on Sunday last, Ann Sellen. president of the Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra. was the hostess at a very enjoyable Christmas party for her fellow musicians. The party took place at her home in Maple, built long be~ fore Confederation in the Geor- gian style, and full of atmos~ phere and charm. The spacious rooms ablaze with light and furnished in Canadiana held out a special welcome to the guests‘ , A supper was then 5mm bringing m a dose a 310 Kerrybrook Dr., Richmond Hill umost enjoyable annual event. ,v Myanmar: K020!“ The next meeting will he held in January at the home of Mrs. Alex Young, Oak Ridges. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\l“\lllllllllllllllllllll A merry Christmas to all aux- ilialry members! Members of the orchestra and their Conductor Arthur Burgin relaxed over coffee and refresh- ments served from an antique harvest table. The younger musicians danc- ed to the beat of rock and roll forgetting momentarily about Bach and Beethoven while their elders enjoyed the company of congenial friends. President Mrs. Ken Tatum conducted the business portion during which donations were made to the White Cross fund and a food Parcel â€" both for India. Scripture calendars from the literature department of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Ontario and Quebec Con- vention were distributed to the members. The program. arranged and conducted by Mrs. Audley Kir- chen, was the Christmas story, told in verse and prose, inter- spersed with Christmas carols. Between each reading a Christmas carol was sung, which gave everyone an opportunity to participate. Assisting Mrs. Kirchen were Mrs. John Lawrence. Mrs. E Roblin. Mrs. Don Lugsden, Mrs.‘ Bill Allison. Mrs. Robert Van- dervelde and Mrs. Frank Clark. KKKKKKKKKKKWA | ( The nominating committee presented the slate of officers for the year 1968 and a short installation service was conduct- ed by Mrs. Fred Ward. The new executive is President Mrs. Tatum, Vice-President Mrs. Burkeholder, Secretary Mrs. Lugsden. Treasurer Mrsi Alli- son, Social Convenor Mrs. Rob- lin, Program Convenor Mrs. Burkeholder, phoning commit- tee Mrs. Vandervelde, Mrs. Jack Butterworth. A buffet table which flanked one entire wall, was loaded with every conceivâ€" able gourmet food which attested to the culinary skill of the cook. William Weber. Manageress Mrs. D. Pat- terson greeted everyone on their arrival and on enter- ing the lounge one was aware of an atmosphere of warmth and eongeniality which soon had guests hapâ€" pily intermingling While enâ€" joying the many amaetizing hors d'ouevres served by the competent staff. Adding to the evening was the mood music played by the well known pianist. Lloyd Edwards. 0f the Lloyd Edwards Piano House in Toronto. ' The Honeypot has already become an established ski resort and the additional facilities now offered make it an even greater aSSet to the community. Many guests attended the gala opening of the Honey Pot Tavern and Ski Lodge held Thursday evening in the spacious lounge over- looking the ski slopes. Many Attend Tavern Opening All officers and leaders are asked to submit their reports to the church ofï¬ce not later than January 12 for inclusion in the annual report. Mrs. J. Pollard. former resiâ€" dent of Church Street North, moved last Friday to Duffel-in Street. Mrs. J. M. Hough and her daughter Rosemary of Zelda Crescent left by air on Tuesday last for four weeks holiday in England. The Richmond Hill United Church will hold their annual congregational meeting January 30. A Christmas visitor at the home of Dr. J. lan Kerr and Mrs. Kerr. Leisure Lane. is her mother. Mrs. R. C. Jones of Brandon. Manitoba. Her friends extend their best wishes for a very happy Christâ€" mas in her new home. They will spend Christmas the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw in London. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. O’Hara, North Taylor Mills Drive will be her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Dillon, of Col- lingwood. There was an excellent turn- out for the casting of Any Wednesday held Saturday after- noon at the Curtain Club Theatre. The play, a wacky Broadway comedy by Muriel Reznik, di- rected by Dagmar Matyas and produced by Jay Madden, opens February 23. Looking relaxed and suntan- ned are Frank and Margaret Southwell who have just re- turned to their home on Church Street South following two weeks holiday at Clearwater Beach, Florida. Their son, David, has also arrived home from Queen’s Uni- versity for the Christmas holi- days. “Alice looks as if she had stepped out of a Tennial draw- ing. Her performance is all that it should be" â€"â€" an excerpt from one of the excellent re- views received by Wendy That- cher for her role of Alice in Alice’s Adventures, which open- ed Saturday at the Colonnade Theatre in Toronto. Wendy is a graduate of Lang- staff Secondary School and has appeared in several Curtain Club productions. “muezkvzmwxxwm'mï¬xaezzxamae- York Central Association for the Mentally Retarded have extended thanks. on behalf of the children from Thornhaven School. to Richmond Heights Centre. “The Liberal" and the New Odeon Theatre “for the excellent Christmas show presented on the morning of December 9." They felt the program was well arranged and ex- tend season’s greetings and best wishes for 1968 to all involved in this second an- nual event. The Ski-doo was won by F. Fryer, 88 Cherrly Ann Avenue, Weston, in a draw held to raise funds for new equipment for the nursery school. A co-operative effort, the school. held five mornings a week in Wrixon Hall. is attended by 40 children from Richmond Hill, Maple. Thornhill, Richvale and Gormley. It belongs to the parents themselves and an executive board of parents is elected each year to handle the administrative work. Although there’s no snow on the ground and the snow scooter is on a trailer, Scott Hill, Sharon Jackson and Warren Billings, all of Richmond Hill and pupils of the Top 0’ The Hill Nursery School enjoy an imaginary ride to the North Pole to visit with Santa Claus. Qualified and experienced teachers are in charge of all teaching with volunteer mothers co-operating by helping in the kitchen and bathroom. Thank You! The Gift Of Blood Is A Gift Of Life lé Seventy years ago, eight~year- old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote an appeal to Frank P. Church of the old New York Sun: “Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?" The same question is still important today. It‘s important especially to the thousands of children in hospitals across the country. Some lie in bed attached to a thin plastic tube leading to a plastic bag. It may be a bag of whole blood. It might be one of the many products derived from blood. These children need it be- cause they are “bleedersâ€, or victims of leukemia, or recup- erating from open heart sur- gery. So far this year York Cen- ral Hospital has been issued with about 1,300 units of blood this year â€" and to date citiâ€" zens have donated 667 units. A worthy objective would be to supply our own hospital with our own blood â€"â€" an objective we have not yet been able to reach. mamummmw It's there because someone like you took the time to give part of himself. ‘ That’s why Church was able to reply: “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.†You can help provide the gift of life by making a donation at the Blood Donor Clinic at Rich- mond Hill Lions Hall, Centre Street East, December 28 from 2-4 and from 6-9 pm. There is lots of parking available. ggxmmmmmxflgxflg Simmammahxmammamzmzamï¬ It Was A Wonderful Trip ï¬zï¬mxximflwxzuj THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 21, 1967 3!!!! “5355 x gmncaxmexxwxummzxummumxxmux lflfllfll‘flflflfl immmmmmmmmm gxmmmxxxwmummmummm A RECORD...that keeps on. giving (Photo by Stuart's Studio) maria