VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE W.&P.MOTORS LTD. i I78YONGEST.N.‘ H. D. Melsness, D.C. X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate & Bayvlew (1 block south Bayview Plaza) Phone 884-1075 We personally handle all sales bills and advertisingâ€" PHONE A Complete Transmission Service Automatic Specialists LEONARD R. ROSENBERG B. Com. Bunk of Nova Scotin Buildlnt Aurora Telephone 884-7110 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-4474-5 112 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. - 684-1177 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Joscelyn, Laughlin, Franklin, Tucker Thomas S. Summers, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 80 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Alvin S. Farmer , Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Years’ Experience Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 889-6662 Transmission Service 2468 DUFFERIN ST. Automatic & Standard Transmission Specialists 181-0221 L. E. Clark & Associates PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 545314; YONGE STREET 225-4701 Noriown Arthur G. Broad . SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK, FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS Chartered Accountants 889-7701-2 Auto Transmlssmn Chiropractic 21 Redford Park Ave Richmond Hill 884-4251 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORYI‘Rc-mbling Around §k%%% Automobiles ’NE 886-5311 GORMLEY, ONT. Richmond Hill Accountants ll Chinese Food Auctioneer By Appointment By Appointment & McBride 884-6011 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Dec. 21. 1967 Mister FIND THE SERVICE YOU NEED FOR HOME OR BUSINESS Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service 15 Yonge Street N 884-1551 8! Barrow. Insurance Servuces Ltd. HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Ernie Brock & Son 884-1812 Toronto 7 363-: 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 Delicious piping hot. Chinese food to take out. Home delivery or pick-up. Heat retaining containers. Ask for our special take-out menu. Fastâ€"Eificientâ€"Tasty PHONE: TELEPHONE 727 -9488- 9 Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Aurora. Ontario For Particulars Call 889-6849 - 244-6573 Member 4 Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 NATION -WIDE INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts Suite 2. Lowrie Building Fire, Auto and Liability Corner Agency Limited 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. 485-1145 Town Inn TAKE-OUT SERVICE 32 Yonge Street South 884-1136 Roy 'V. Bick Insurance Ltd. SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings 78 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL 884-1462 LOWEST RATES AND TERMS FAST SERVICE Lenok Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 STEAMFITTING WELDING LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. Engineering L812 889-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICE’S FLOWERS Insurance “Flowers For All Occasions" Phones Flowers Dental 635-6158 884-1137 363-3959 ldins [I Furniture Office Supplies n_ ' Social Stationen Txpeuriter 134-1219 and Adder Sales and Rentals. (formerly York Office Supplies) 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 884-4413 889-7052 80 Richmond St. W. Suite 402 Toronto 1, Ontario 366-3156 Edward D. Hill B.A. LLB. Barrister. Solicitor and Notary Public. 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ontario. 884-7891 \220 Bay Street, Suite 701 iToronto 1, Ontario. {366- 9411. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Toronfn Officeâ€"â€" 7 Queen St. E. Suite 151 Phone 363-5877 Suite 2 Lowrle Building 15 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon 884-7 561 H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. T. C. Newman, Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor 8; Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Barristers. Solicitors 8: Notary Public 116 YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL 884-11 15 884-1116 Office Supplies Parker & Pearson, BARRISTER. 8; SOLICITOR ‘0 order too large or too small. Local and Long Distance Moving and Storage Lawlor. LeClaire & Bannon BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS 59 Yonge Street N.. Richmond Hill, Ontario James H. Timmins Nbrman A. Todd MOVING Plaxton & Mann STUART P. PARKER. QC JAMES H. PEARSON ROBERT G. PARKER J. Rabinowitch r.V THOMSON Richmond Hill, Ontario Office 884-1780 Residence 884-1863 By Appointment o let's get together rder your van in advance. oving is 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill . 884-5829 Richmond Inn Block e will save you time and money. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Moving Richmond Hill 50 Yonge St. N. 884-4494 THORNHILL 889-3165 HUMDUN your neighbourhood mover. 889-6948 889-6271 Res. 884-2117 your next move Legal our specialty ll Optometrists RUMBLE TRANSPORT} Daily Richmond Hill Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Information: 889-’ Langdon's Coach Lines Ltd 4901A Yonge St., Willowdale 221-3485 George T. Yates, OLS Res. 24 Denver Cres., Willowdale A. W. Kirchen, 0.D. Coaches for all Occasions Local and Long Distance Hauling BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT 43 Yonge St. N. (Legion Court) C.C.M & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 TUNED f? REPAIRED “Checked†Electronically GUESSWORK ELIMIN ATED Sporting Goods Pyle Piano Sales FOR INFORMATION Transportation Trailways Of Canada Ltd. Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop P.C.V. Class A. C. and H Yates & Yates WINTER GARDEN Ontario Land Surveyors 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 9114 Yonge St. Richvale aint-Wallpapet We Dismantle Pianos for Recreation Rooms DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO FREE DELIVERY INTERIORS LTD. Local Bus Service 839-1059 Surveyors Trucking By Appointment 884-3614 884-1013 364-2625 Telephone 833-5351 Pianos 884-3962 889-7585 your local newspaper Your local newspaper is a widerange newspaper with many features. Its emphasis is on local news. It also reports the major national and inter- national news. THE MONITOR OOMPLEMEHTS YOUR LOCAL PAPER We specialize in analyzing and inter- ‘preting the important national and international news. Our intention is to bring the news into sharper focus. The Monitor has a world-wide staff of correspondentsâ€" some of them rank among the world's ï¬nest. And the Monitor's incisive, provocative edi- torials are followed just as closely by the men on Capitol Hill as they are by the intelligent, concerned adult on Main Street. WHY YOU SHOULD TRY THE MONITOR You probably know the Monitor's pro- tessional reputation as one of the world‘s finest newspapers. Try the Monitor: see how it will take you above the average newspaper reader. Just ï¬ll out the coupon below. The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston. Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 1 Please start my Monitor subscription tor the period checked below. I enclose 3 (U5. iundsl- C lYEAR $24 6 months $12 [I 3 months $6 D Name â€"‘__~_ Street City State ZIP Code F"315A kâ€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" (Continued from Page 2) For example, the Village of ‘Markham is hesitating. natur- ally, to approve the connection 'of water and sewage services to the new school proposed by TSA No. 2 of Markham Town- ship if this new connection, equivalent to 75 homes. will in- ihibit the future development lwithin the village boundaries. COMMUTER SERVICES I was dismayed to find that no feasibility study on the Go iTransit service has been under- taken because it requires cabi- 1net direction. The cabinet is still considering a report of the Metropolitan Toronto Area Transportation Study Group. I (have handed out several hun- . . . l .‘dred questlonnaires concerning ‘the interest of residents in a north-south commuter service To my surprise very few of these questionnaires have been returned and it would indicate that either the residents of the area are less interested in com- muter service than they had indicated to me during the elec- tion campaign or that they have forgotten to complete and re- turn the forms. GARBAGE DISPOSAL I was impressed to learn at the recent Pollution Control Conference sponsored by the OWRC at the Inn On the Park that extensive sanitary land-fill programmes had been conduct. ed along fresh water lake fronts uithnut endangering the \iater mom} or the cities inl'nlYPd During the past week an article in one of the Toronto dailies describes the ambitious scheme of the Metro Planning Board for a 50 mile long waterfront- development. Such a scheme would only be feasible within the next few years if the OWRC approves of the use of sanitary land-fill or in less polite terms garbage dis- posal in the lake. To protectl the lake from contamination; idikes are built and the waterl is pumped out. By laying tiles underneath the area in which) $the garbage is dumped water. fseepage can be pumped into tsewage plants and treated to} control any lake pollution. If the} ’OWRC and the Metro Works. Department are prepared to vigorously investigate such a programme it is quite impos‘ 'sible that our residents will be‘ able to forget the threat of gar- bage dumping by Metro in our area and that Metro residents will be able to enjoy a wonder- ful waterfront development in the not too distant future. I am interested in hearinz vour views on the above or other matters of concern to our riding, Only in this way can I properly represent you at Queen's Park. You can write me at Box 32. Richmond Hill. or 'phone me at 365-5683. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR NEED GOOD WORKERS? GET ‘EM FAST BY I’STNG LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS w.â€" a - o w . 3C0 etl- 0Ҡr65 h?- » ho‘ï¬e ‘ in . Avoid the penalty of TOO-LITTLE INSURANCE Your Insurance Protection is inadequate if it has not kept pace with today’s hazards which you read about every day in your newspaper. Rising costs, new purchases and home improve- ments also require that you protect your finan- cial security with adequate insurance covera Consult your Economical Age . a Tailor- made Insurance pro to fit your needs, Economical MUTUAL Insurance Company Emmiâ€"m Head Office ‘ Kltchonor, Ontario CANADIAN ALL THE WAY Branch Offices: Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, London. Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa. Montreal, Moncton, Halifax. 13137 ::‘rmv Insurance Services Ltd. 534455] R’ .' 1.. . “illowdale .. Neil G. McDonald Limited. 221-1611 Office hours by appointment Telephone: 889-4851 Telephone 884-1432 Your local newspaper is a widerange newspaper with many features. its emphasis is on local news. it also reports the major national and inter- national news. THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR LOCAL PAPER We specialize in analyzing and inter- .preting the important national and international news. Our intention is to bring the news into sharper focus. The Monitor has a world-wide staff of correspondentsâ€" some of them rank among the world's ï¬nest. And the Monitor's incisive, provocative edi- torials are followed just as closely by the men on Capitol Hill as they are by the intelligent, concerned adult on Main Street. WltY YOU SHOULD TRY THE MONITOR You probably know the Monitor's pro- fessional reputation as one of the world's finest newspapers. Try the Monitor; see how it will take you above the average newspaper reader. Just ï¬ll out the coupon below. Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON THORNHILL Veterinary Clinic Why The Christian Science Menitor recemmemis yell read your local newspaper Hall’s Domestic Fuel Oil and Burner Service 884-4361 Richmond Hill Just Call! We’re on the Job, to keep you supplied with convenient heating oil. Prompt, metered de- livery. 8119 Yonge Street, Veterinary THORNHILL Office 147 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Everybody who knows Cathy Wilson will miss her very much. Cathy expects to be in hospital for three months, following spinal surgery. She plans however, to continue her weekly column while con- valescing. The school’s Centennial project is an excellent one. After Christmas, it will be a pleasure to walk through the hall of Bayview Secondary. Seven paintings by Canadians will adorn the walls. And you know the old saying, “A thing of beautyis a joy forever.†Everyone here is rooting for you Cathy! And there’s a lot of fine comments about your column in “ThierLiberal.†Keep plugging! Says Kay, “Every second Sunday, we go to Victoria Square, U of T. We debate on international probems, for example disarmament or food prob- lems. Woodbridge represents Uganda in the gen- eral assembly.†THE BAYVIEW BROADCASTER Jeff Parisi reports that the student council will again be supplying paper and ribbons to Co-ordin- ated Welfare. Sad news about Bayview’s brave attempt to have a political clxub. Jim Albright says it has be- come inactive. The little “U†wasâ€"formed in 1962. Before that the classes operated independently and gave to United Appeal. THE WOODBRIDGE INTERPRETER Kay Howick announces the first year of a model United Nations in Woodbridge High. President is Stan Watson and staff advisor is Miss Frances Peake. n... V..-..J . Bonnie says the whole school is involved. Each grade is working like all-get-out because it’s really a competition to see who rates the little “U†plaque. Methods of raising money are ingenious and unique but some of the money will come from “Open House†and ghristmas carolling. , The little “U†Christmas drive is onra‘nii’that’s the word from Bonnie Parrott. The purpose is to raise money for charitable work for the area of Thornhill and sometimes farther afield. Last year, the Thornhill Branch of the cancer society, the Ontario Society for Crippled Children and the muscular dystrophy association were among the recipients of little “U†generosity. Charlie Zinkan, president of the BOSS says the school Centennial project is to supply a large attrac- tive showcase for the foyer. In the future, the school trophies will be shown to the best advantage, The first issue is out and circulating. Patron- ize The Thorn. students, only 10c â€" not much when you consider the work of getting it together. Read Leslie Sautman on club news, Doug Bolton and Pam Kelson on boys’ and girls’ sports, Diane Schilf on the social scene. Publicity gal is Nancy Proulx. THE LANGUAGE COMMENTATOR Dennis Anderson, president of Langstaff's student council said exams really put a crimp in the news situation. but he expects the houses of Murch. Pitman, Ellis and Quinn to remedy the situation after Christmas. He reports that the jamboree volleyball team won the area championship this year. Also that the slave auction held December 12, was successful. The proceeds of the auction went to fill the coffers of the student council. THE THORNHILL TRANSMITTER Liz Bick, editor of “The Thorn", the “blah" sheet for Thornhill Secondary School says, “We want everyone to know what is going on in the school." Co-editor is Gail Fox. Langstaff’s Ski Club under staff adviser Kel Tonner is planning a weekend at a youth hostel in Collvingwood, January 26. Since September, members of the club have enjoyed hiking along the Bruce Trail. In October, there was an orientation competition. The course was set up across country with obstacles and wooded areas to help create confusion. In order to get their bearings and find their way around, members had to rely on map and compass. Another interestingâ€"event will be a series of ski days in January. The first canoe trip was made a year ago last spring. Mr. Babcock tested them at Camp Rich- ildaca as to swimming ability and physical fitness The campers brought their own food and piepaied it themselves. Elaine says the program helps to create aware- ness and appreciation for the out of doors. It also gives practical instruction of how to survive in it. (Continued from Page 2) three years ago by Bill Babcock. Mr. Babcock is Richmond Hill‘s physical education teacher and staff advisor to the club. Don Deacon Reports your views on the above or other matters of concern to our or ’phone me at 365-5683 in one of the Toronto dailies describes the ambitious scheme of the Metro Planning Board ggwésgaéaï¬ Your Insurance Protection is inadequate if it has not kept pace with today's hazards which you read about every day in your newspaper, Rising costs, new purchases and home improve- ments also require that you protect your finan' cial security with adequate insurance covera Consult your Economical Age . a Tailor- made Insurance pro .u nt your needs, Mail Subscription Rates: Anywigere in Canada $4.50 Yr. United States & Great Britain $6.00 Yr. From : “Home Paper of the District Since 1878†Use this coupon to take care of your holiday shopping the easy way with a mail subscription to “The Liberalâ€. “The Liberal", Subscription Dept. Box 390, Richmond Hilv], Ont. Please send “The Liberal†as my gift “The Liberal†will announce your gift with a special holiday gift card . . . Spread the news! It’s time for us to deliver greetings and hearty thanks to you. Christmastime . . . and address for D 1 year I] 6 mos. Enclosed is E] cheque El money order address starting 4}," PEOPIE x comMUN‘iriék' 4 Anmhsm surance pro .u Ht your n Econonï¬cal MUTUAL .Insurance (hnnpany mamaâ€"m “The Liberalâ€