Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Dec 1967, p. 21

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° Last minute gift ' An Honest- To- Goodness Distributor} 0N ENTIRE $50,000 STOCK 0 Wood Holders 0 Fire Lighters, etc. In solid brass, black and brass, all black, and Swedish Clearance FIRE-GLO CENTRE You pay only $7.35 for a $10.00 certificate, maturing in 1973. Simple rate is 6% for a total return of more than one-third in-six years. Make someone a happy investor this Christmas. Give Bank of Montreal Savings Certificates in merry Christmas wrappers from Bank of Montreal. Wrappers available free in all branches. Give new Bank of Montreal 6% six-year Savings Certificates in Merry Christmas gift crackers m Bankof Montreal Richmpnd Hill Branch Screens Direct to the Public! SALE with more interest OPEN EVENINGS ’TIL 9 RM. 46 STEELES AVE. W. (Just west of Yonge) :anada‘s Fltst Bank Fire Sets D. J. MONT/\Gl‘F. M'm Andirons ‘ship Marg Miller. Mrs. Agnes Wilson is now home from ho'spital and says that she is feeling much better Powell Road Home and School Association held its regular monthly meeting December 5. The results of the elections for officers for the new year are as foHOWs: President Olive St. John, lst Vice~President Iris McEwan. 2nd Vice-President Ron Miller, Corresponding Sec- retary Joyce Postar, Recording Secretary Dorothy Nichols, Treasurer Nancy Antonacci, So- cial Convenor Mrs. Dyne Jacobs, Assistant Helen Genin, Member- Assistant Mary King. Executive members Marg Beckett, Alice Bradheer, Tony DeAcetis. Mary Greenlees, Doris Palin. Mrs. Gibson and Mr. J. Koor. forthcoming marriage to Bever- ley Decker, Willowdale. The wedding will take place at Thornhill United Church Janu- ary 6 and the young couple will reside in Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown, form- erly of Morgan Avenue, now of Wilfrid. Ontario. have added a baby girl to their family of three boys. Congratulations to Bob Good- year, Henderson Avenue. who received his certificate at Thornhill Secondary School in the 4-year arts and science course. We regret that his name was missed when the list was published earlier. Bridal showers given for Miss Bev Decker and Don Kindness. Henderson Avenue. included a miscellaneous one given by Mrs. December 16 W. A. Stephenson 5. Orillia 7 Michael Coyne led the losing cause with three goals and an assist followed by Randy Bagg with two goals and an assist; Bob McIntosh had three assists withl single assists going to Mark Woolnough and Paul Davies. December 17 W. A. Stephenson 5, South Shore 1 Randy Bagg had two goals and an assist; Bill Law, one goal, three assists; Bob McIntosh. one goal, one assist; Don Bar- ton, one goal, Hugh Matheson. two assists, with singles going to Paul Davies and Rick Hart- wick. Brett Davidson threw in the loner for Thornhill on a pass from Norm Ast. December 17 Wilson‘s Esso 1. Sutton 6 Manager Bill Huckvale said the game was much better than the score suggests. Wilson‘s had only eight players avail- able and they tried hard. Rick Montgomery drove in the sin- gle from Ross Johnson. Neighborhood News Happy birthday to Mrs. Ruth Marges of Crestwood Road. PEEWEES North End Cleaners 1, Orillia 8 Chris Sutton scored. the goal from Jim McIntosh. MIDGETS Wilson’s Esso 1. Woodbridge 4 We are sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Bunn and family, of Yonge Street, are leaving our community and moving to their new home in Burlington. Best wishes. Brownies Christmas Day. it! * 1k )0! A candlelight carol servâ€" ice was held at Holy Trinity Anglican December 17 at 5 Shutâ€"ins Were visited by car- ol singers following the ser- vice. The junior auxiliary girls entertained patients at nursâ€" will take place commencing at 11 pm. The choir will sing carols until 11.30 pm when Rev. H. R. Howden will deliver his Christmas Special choral selections will be sung by the junior choir at the 10.45 am mass December 24. Masses on Christmas Day t!‘“illl\\\\\l\l\\\\\\\\ll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilillllllllliilllllillllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ATOMS Richvale Ready Mix 1, Orillia 1 Billy Sim delivered the Thornhill goal. BANTAMS The Christmas Party for the 4th Thornhill Brownie Pack was held at Powell Road School. De- cember 13. Brown 0W1 read “Blvd. and Goalie Paul Sanders: Christmas Story entitled “Santaer; and Mrs. J. D, Barton. FOI‘EOt Who He Was" and thelMeadowview Avenue, and son Brownies exchanged gifts andIDon: Mr. and Mrs. S. Wool- enjoyed cookies and ice Cfeam-lnough and son Mark; Mr. and Everyone joined in singing hapqlvus. R. Hodge and son Rich Dy Christmas Carols. Sharonland Mr. and Mrs. R. Carr. Hen- Bunn. Shirley WEbb and Gai1[derson Avenue, and son Randy. Marges were given Centennial E. Brannigan. Meadowview quarters for wearing correct Avenue, is again taking charge uniforms to every meeting. of the ice rink in the Grand- Each Brownie received a ginger- view Park. He hopes to get it bread Santa Claus and Christ- flooded for use during Christ- mas candy. mas holidays. Best Christmas Wishes and a‘art. Paula and Susan Keirstead Happy New Year to everyone. {and Jane Goodyear did a mas candy. mas holidays. Brownies will resume January After a week's rehearsal Lori 10 in the Powell Road School.,Cox, Susan Carr. Nancy Burk- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday '6‘lll“\\\\\lll\lll““1“““mm\\l“l\l\\\\\\\\\m\\ll“l1l11I!“\l\1I“\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“\\\1\““WWI!“\11\\\1ml\\\l\\“\\\“H“l“l\l\1\\\\“\l\\\l\l\\“\\\\\\\l\m1\\“ll“lllllmlllllilllllflll““I“\hllllmllllllll““Rimmmlll“ll“Illillllllllllllilllllll“11leIll“llll“MIMIll11mmlull!lRml“lululRIllllllR\llllllll\ulllllllllllI!lllII1llllIklullllllllllll“lmll\lllllllllllllllllml'P ”WWW Carols, Candlelight Mark Christmas In Churches Children of the Sunday school enjoyed a party Dec- ember 9 in the church hall with Santa in attendance. Each child was presented with a gift. Superintendent Lloyd Webber was in charge of the party and was assisted by volunteers from various church organizations. A Family Christmas Servâ€" ice will take place December 24 at 11 am and will be con- ducted by Dr. Minton John- ston, The congregation will participate by singing tradi- tional carols. There will not be a service Christmas Day. A carol service was held December 17 conducted by Organist Miss Carol Ward. The choir was led by Harold Williams. grandfather of Miss Ward. Mrs. R. Slim and Mrs. R Abbey were soloists with the senior choir. The junior choir contributed two selections at. the carol service. The junior high group of Thornhill Baptist Church presented “The Christ Story" December 10 at a White Gift Service. Carl Parsons was narrator and the entire ser- vice was prepared by the young people of the church. Gifts collected at the service will be delivered to the In- ner City Mission. Once again Thornhill Churches have ushered in the Christmas Season with carol and candlelight serv- ices, parties and pageants. Crestwood Rd. News Willowdale Telephone 889- Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road THE THORNHILL SPORTS SCENE 889-3443 Friends and neighbors of Mrs. Jessie Blaikley, 122 Glen Cam~ eron Road, are sorry that she is still unable to get around, Mrs. Blaikley is most appreciative of the help given her by Mrs. Rose Fox, Mrs. Grace Kindness and Mrs. Jessie McLeod. who come in daily and help with her treatâ€" ments. In the Christmas spirit they also made her home spick and span and shiny for the holi- day season. Neighborhood Notes St. Edward's 2. Holy Trinity Rams 2; United Bears 2. Thorn- hill Presbyterian 9; Holy Trin- ity Rifles 4, United Wolves 1. Midgets: St. Edward's Flyers 11, St. Edward's Hawks 1; Holy Trin- ity 5, St. Luke's 2. United Invaders 2, Presby- terian Cougars 1; Presbyterian Hornets 4, United Warriors 0; Holy Trinity Terrors 6, St. Ed- ward’s Tigers 1; St. Luke’s 15, Holy Trinity Rockets 0. Bantams: Friends and former neighbors of Mrs. Eyvette Adkins, Yonge Street, are sorry to hear that she is in York Central Hospital and wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. G. Maeers, Proctor Ave- nue, has returned from Branson Hospital. We hope her health continues to improve. St. Edward's 2, Holy Trinity 1; United 1, St. Luke's 1. Peewees: With The Sick Tikes: Presbyterians 2, St. Edward's 1; Holy Trinity 11. St. Edward’s Cubs 0; St. Luke‘s 3, United 1, Atoms: uncuuo. 1n ulc Ululntlllda 3pm“. they also made her home spick Pupils Will be dismlssed at and span and shiny for the holi- if? 2132mwgfc§2122202éa gaggi- day season. vidual class parties. There will Neighborhood Notes be a primary and junior assemb- Congratulations to Don Kindâ€" ly in the auditorium. At the mess. Henderson Avenue, on his junior assembly one class is forthcoming marriage to Bever- putting on a pageant. ley Decker, Willowdale. The Guides wedding will take place at As their “Christmas Good Thornhill United Church Janu~ Turn" lst Thornhill Guides are ary_6 39d the young couple will earning money to buy canned reSIde 1n Wiuowdale. mm», M 1m innlnAnJ .-_ n... Thornhill 2. Orillia 4 John Betts scored a goal un- assisted. Tony Lockerbie scored the second from Peter Lynch. Bob Huckvale played well in goal. JUVENILES Bridal showers given for Miss Bev Decker and Don Kindness, Henderson Avenue, included a miscellaneous one given by Mrs. Clarice Clarke, Patricia Avenue, December 12, and one by the groom’s sister, Mrs. R. Duncan, 372 John Street. December 13. R. Law, 9 Oakbank Road. en- tertained the Thornhill Bantam Hockey Team December 10. Parents and boys enjoyed the dinner and Included: Mar. and Mrs. B. Sanders. Highland Park Blvd. and Goalie Paul Sanders: Mr; and Mrs. J. D. Barton. Meadowview Avenue, and son Don: Mr. and Mrs. S. Wool- nough and son Mark; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hodge and son Rich and Mr. and Mrs. R. Carr. Hen- pm when the senior and jun- ior choirs, under the direc- tion of Mrs. Ralph Markham. presented special Christmas Music. The congregation joined in the service by singing Well known carols. Shutâ€"ins Were visited by car- ol singers following' the ser- vice. THORNHILL CHURCH LEAGUE South Thornhill News CORRESPONDENT High Average: Mike Tutt 17, Mary Redman 24, Shirley Hopâ€" per 36. Jean Simpson 37; high triple (flat). Mary Redman 623; Jean Simpson 619; Joan Fulton 567; Billee Maver 525; high triple (hdcp) Jean Simpson 736; Joan Fulton 684; Thea Hagen- aur, 680: Billee Maver 669; high single (flat) Jean Simpson 242; Mary Redman 238; Joan Fulton 216; Marian Duncan 215; high single (hdcp) Jean Simpson 281; Mary Redman 262; Marian Dun- can 257; Doreen Uhl 257. Thornhill Mixed Bowling League : MRS. MAY BARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-5205 Members of the league en- joyed a Christmas Party Dec- ember 14 at the home of Art Palmer, Highland Park. A Winners of the turkey roll were Bill Burns, Reg Sparkes, Reg Edwards, Jean Garnet, Joyce Robertson and Joanne Jennings. Hidden score winners were Becky Kinney. Erma Palmer and Mabel Tutt. "Christmas Good Turn” by C‘ carolling in the Grandview- to Henderson area December 15. dl The girls carried bells and col- C lected $23. which they are send- S! ing to Cheryl Ann Henry, a five- be year-old girl from Trinidad. who cl came to Toronto for a delicate operation. School News In The staff at Henderson Ave- nue Public School enjoyed an Italian dinner at noon Decem- ber 20. Mrs. Carmen Foti’s mother prepared the meal. Mrs. Foti is a member of the staff. Standings: Ontario 53; BC 49; Manitoba 53; PEI 39; Goofy Newfies 35; Alberta 31. An area teachers’ meeting was held December 19 at the Royal Orchard Public School. As their “Christmas Good Turn” lst Thornhill Guides are earning money to buy canned goods to be included in the Lions’ Christmas Baskets. Their Christmas Party will be held at Henderson Avenue School December 19. The Guides planned the party themâ€"lI selves. Ladies‘ Afternoon Bowling Club 5th Thornhill Guides held their Christmas Party at Bay- view Glen School December 14. The six patrol leaders put on a skit and provided the refiresh~ ments. The Guides each com- pleted a Christmas good turn on their own. They have also helped by making word cards used in treatment of Michael Shier. Scouts and Cubs ing homes in the area and shut-ins in their homes with carol singing December 13. The girls presented candy containers and gifts they had made to the patients. A Christmas Eve Service will take place commencing at 11 pm. The choir will sing carols until 11.30 pm when Rev. H. R. Howden will deliver his Christmas Second Thornhill Scouts and Rumble Transport MODERN H EA TED 94 NEWKIRK ROAD 884-1013 - Richmond Hill 889-6192 - Toronto - 364-2625 WAREHOUSE STORAGE BOWLING COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL HOUSEHOLD Third prize winners of wine were Kay Cunningham, Kay Crouter and Betty Tom. Winner of the first round in the annual Christmas Turkey Draw Bonspiel was a rink con- sisting of Skip Fred Hayman, Dave Startup, Ed Young and Ross Wesley. Winner of the second turkey was Skip Norm Ferguson and his rink of Herb Swanson, Ed Turner and Bill Millar. Second Draw - First turkey won by Skip Howie Strader and Ivor Reid. Pete Donnelly and Doug Rattray. First prize winners of ham were Mildred Wilson, Irene Dickson and Jean Palmer and their rinks. Second prize winners of cheese were Babs Harper, Chris Currie and Dorothy Gra- ham. Fourth :prize winners of nuts were Roz Swanson, Hilda Leg- gatt and Betty Quartermain. Winner of the second turkey was Skip Jay Wagstaff and his rink of Blair Pollock, Jeff Perry and Bob Myers. Ladies’ Xmas Bonspiel Cubs held their Christmas Party together December 20 at Henâ€" derson Avenue School. The Cubs exchanged gifts. The Scouts each donated money to be used for a charity of their choosing. Church News Second prize winners were: Melody and Jean Phinnemore, Joy Barrington, Carolyn LePage, Janice Barrington, Gary Gollop, Cheryl Cripps, Ernie Legrehn, Jack Pompili, Heidi Legu'ehn, Lyn Gallop, Glen MacDuffie,I Grant Heer, Vicki Edwards, Wayne Cripps Wayne Robinson'i and Linda Evans. CURLING Men‘s One Day Bonspiel Grand prize winners for 52 Sundays were: Glenda Hunt, Clarke Avenue; Cathy Bierma, Glen Cameron Road; Diane Evans, Clarke Avenue; Donna Walker. Glen Cameron Road and David Surridge, Henderson Avenue. I The Pilgrim Girls held their Christmas Party at the chapel December 19. , Congratulations to the fol- lowing children who won at- tendance prizes at Doncaster Bible Chapel Sunday School. They were presented at the an- nual Christmas Program De- cember 9. First prize winners were: Maureen and Sylvia Hunt. Jean Bierma. Andrew Dean. Karen Miller, David Dean. Jennifer MacDuffie, Betty Bierma, Diane Surridge. NEWMARKET: Santa Claus is burned up. A fire in Legge‘s warehouse destroyed Santa's Parade Float. Donations to help purchase a new float for next year's parade may be made at Royal Bank of Canada on Main Street. Midnight mass will be held at St. Luke’s Roman Cath- olic Church Christmas Eve. The choir will present a special program at 11.30 pm preceding the mass. The choir is under the direction of Mrs. J. MacDonald. A candlelight service. conducted by the 3rd Thorn- hill Guides. will take place December 24. This will be a very impressive service and an excellent way to spend Christmas Eve. The family worship serv- ice will be held Christmas Day at 10 am when children are encouraged by Rev. Dill- wyn Evans to take their fav- orite gift with them. Mr. Evans will be assisted by one of the young boys from the church school at the service. Message and Holy Commun- ion will be observed. There will be two comâ€" munion services Christmas Day at 8 am and a family service at 10.30 am. Right Rev. D. D. Marsh will deliver his Christmas Greetings at the later service. will take place at 8.30, 9.30. 10.45 and 12 noon. Daily masses are held at 7.45 am. Father Thomas Chidlow will conduct the masses at St. Luke‘s. It 1i- : t Christ The King Lutheran Church held its congrega- Special music was pre- sented by the Thornhill Presbyterian Church Choir. under the direction of Wale ter Stothers, at the White Gift Service December 17 at 11 am. The primary depart- ment from the church school presented a Christmas pag. eant at the evening service. [IlllIlllllllllllLllllMlmfllllllllmnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm‘l-} “The Adoration Of Kings and Shepherds" will be pre- sented at the Christmas Eve service at 7 pm. Christmas Eve Communion will take place at 1115 pm. Rev. A. I. Higgins will conduct the ser- vices. The Sunday church school will meet at. 9.30 am Decem- ber 24 and the morning ser- vice will take place at 11 am. A Christmas Eve Family Service will be held at 7 pm conducted by Rev. Arn- old Weigel. Services are held in the Mastmic Hall. Elgin Street. Thornhill United Church held a Vesper service Dec- ember 17 at the evening ser- vice. The CGIT were in charge of the program and were assisted by the choir under the direction of Hugh Martin. White Gift Service took place at the morning service when primary, junior and intermediate children attended church with their parents. There will not be a service Christmas Day. Christ The. King Lutheran Church held its congrega- tional dinner December 17 at. 4.30 pm when a family dinner and Christmas Pro- gram was enjoyed. There will not be a serv- ice Christmas Day. FREE PARKING FOR EVERYONE THIS SPECIAL OFFER STARTS TUESDAY, JANUARY 2min» Hurry for the best selection We are open to the public DAILY ; from 12 noon till 9 pm. â€"â€" 9 am. to 6 pm. Sat. only}1 Textile warehouse now open to the public at No. 7 Highway and Don Mills Rd. Across from Knob Hill Farms In addition to our usual Mill Clearouts of cottons, silks, fabrics of all kinds â€"â€" drapery and uphol- steries â€"â€" at Mill Clearout prices â€"â€" we now offer our once-a-year . . . WOOLLEN SPECTACULARU; LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Get Results 8841105 Lllllll"llIlllIllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm "l‘ fifififififififififimfifimmmfififlflfiflflafimfl‘afl‘fl‘fi’fl’l‘é METRO'S ONE AND ONLY NOW! MILL OUTLET PRICE TO THE PUBLIC 5,000 YDS. 0F 54" WOOLLENS $1. 095 Retail Values up to $5.95 yd. chmond Hill, Ontario, Thursdav. Dec. 2'1 1967 21 W4: . :4: ».

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