imamummcmemmmamuxxmtmmamimmemxuuaeme; rl‘-l'-"-4I-U-I--II-KI-I‘-U’1i-‘-(I-U-IV-‘|-I‘-U-lY-vi.0.fl-H-11-14.0-0-0-U-u-vv-Hâ€"U -4>-v-0-(--1-0-r“>.ir.u-U.<-p 7/ I . ’ z I ; $200,000 Debentures For New High School York Central District High School Board's re- quest for $200,000 worth of debentures to purchase a site for Don Head Voca- tional School. its seventh school. was approved by York County Council at its December 19 sitting. Only opposition to the debenture issue came from Markham Township Reeve Stewart Rumble who oh- jected to the wording of the authorizing bylaw. The by- law indicated. he said, that $200,000 was the entire cost of the site while he had been informed that its cost was actually $210,000. Called upon for his opin- ion. County Solicitor J. D. Lucas reminded council members that earlier in the year they had approved an application from the muni- cipality lVaughan Town- ship) to debenture monies for the board to acquire the land. The board Saying hello to another New Year brings with it the pleasure of greeting our friends. and send- ing our thanks and best wishes to all our loyal patrons. A happy 1968 to each of you! gm Tin NEXT BINGO JAN. 8, 1968 M“ 1 iii-553m at the Fabulous New Year’s Eve Frolic Season’s Greetings to All NO BINGO Monday, January Ist RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB Expropriate Site Midnight Hot and Cold Buffet Dancing to a live Orchestra The chairman of the On- tario Municipal Board had assured him, Mr. Lucas said, that it would be in order to proceed with the $200,000 debenture issue and have the $10,000 made up from other resources of the board. The words “en- tire sum†used in the by- law referred to the total of the debentures, he said, not to the total cost of the land. couldn't get the land for the price it wanted. so had expropriated it. The $210,- 000 figure he felt was a very favorable settlement. Site of the school is 28 acres on the north side of the Maple Sideroad, im- mediately east of York Central Hospital. just out- side the borders of Rich- mond Hill. Former owners were Don Head Farms. op- erated by Ernest and Fran- cis Redelmeievr. HONEY POT TAVERN $20.00 PER COUPLE 10 pm. to 3 am. to 3 am. -m-u.u.o.:mu.u.4- - - ODD-‘0 est SKI RESORT Telephone 889-4988 DL’FFERIN ST. 1 Mlle North of Maple Sideroad AND Another accident at the ‘Bathurst Street-Carrville Road intersection involved an estiâ€" mated $1,700 damage when a car driven by Donald Morton, 33. of Downsview was struck by a car driven by Rudolph Teobien, 58. RR 1, Maple. Teo- bien was charged on December 24. with failure to stop at the intersection. Carlo Bencic 17, of Thornhill mammxmmakarma QNO BINGO Thursday. Decemâ€" ï¬ her 28th Our Lady Queen of ï¬lthe World Hall â€" next Bingo iPolice Accident Report Markham Township Police Chief Harvey Cox reports that the Christmas Weekend traffic and criminal offences were at a minimum. Extra men on night traffic checks have stopâ€" ped 150 cars in two nights re- sulting in about 10% being charged with minor offences. No major traffic accidents were ‘ reported and extra men will be ‘on duty to help keep accidents on New Year's weekend at the same low minimum. abrasmn who sus were ta Hospital who sui injuries taken b ance to Newmar The c not knm been 13 vestigati Townshi Area police reported a quiet Christmas weekend with few serious accidents to liar holi- day festivities. Police hope‘ that careful driving will con-‘ tinue in the New Year. Richmond Hill Police report Patricia Elsey, 15 Edgar Aven-i ue. Richvale. failed to allow for the treacherous Christmas Day weather and was involved in a collision with George Bradley, 140 Garden Avenue, Langstaffw The accident occurred as Patric- ia Elsey was making a left-hand turn from Markham Road to Newkirk Road and resulted in about $100 damage to each car. No charges have been laid pen- ding investigation. H. J. Mills Florist. 123 Duf- ferin Lane, was broken into on the evening of December 25. Although nothing in the office was damaged, about $15 in cash was taken. Crestwood Road and struck the Byers‘ car resulting in $500 damage. Raymond Gratrix‘ 17. of RR 1 Woodbridge was killed Decem- ber 22 when his car swerved off Highway 7. some eight miles east of Brampton. Police stated that they did not know whether Gratrix. who was alone at the time was killed in the crash or drowned when his car over- turned in the Humber River. 10‘ >3 * Ik A head-on collision which sent five people to hospital oc- curred. December 25, on the Gormley Sideroad, west of ‘Concession 3. The eastbound car, driven by Derrick Gariepy, 17. of Aurora accompanied by his father John Gariepy. 44, and Judy Banford. 15, of King City struck the westbound car of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Bird of Toronto. 1 A fire in the Unionville home of Dennis King caused an esti- mated $1,000 damage Christmas Day evening. The fire which began in the fireplace spread to the basement of the house; Rash Of Auto Collisions On Christmas Weekend Vaughan Township Police inâ€"1 vestigated an aceident in which“ George Bradfield. 24, of Rich-‘ vale. was involved in a collision at the intersection of Carrville Road and Bathurst Street. De- cember 25, with Fred Roda, 31. of Willowdale. Bradfield was charged with failing to yield the right of way in the accident which caused a total of $1,400 damage. m-“ Concession 3. of- on 25. ice iSh ice 7 Newmarket. The eastbound! car, driven by Derrick Gariepy, 17. of Aurora accompanied by his father John Gariepy. 44,‘ and Judy Banford. 15. of King, City struck the westbound car. of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Bird. of Toronto. Derrick Gariep)r with minor} abrasions' and Judy Banford,i who sustained two broken legs} were taken to York Centrall Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bird. who suffered head and chest injuries and Mr. Gariepy were taken by Newmarke‘t Ambul- ance to York County Hospital“ Country Fair Restaurant 300 Yonge St. N. â€" Richmond Hill .} acmuxwxwam 3183:3690; L....-.-.-..‘ Mia 33313130313131?! Nerl‘f'market‘ _ I However, the planning board! 1;: cause at the ac‘c‘dent ‘5 realized that its rejection of not nown an no charges have the application may be over- been laid pending furlher m‘lruled by township council which vest'gam’n .by WhltCI"‘"Chlihas already won favourable Township Police. W 7 A conditions in an agreement Put a Liberal Classified Action with Metro on the use of the Ad to work for you. Save time site for a dump. In View of and money by calling 884â€"1105 Metro's urgent need for a and placing a Liberal Classified dumping area, a recent OMB Action Ad. « hearing ruled that Vaughan Raymond Gratrix. 17‘ of RR 1; Woodbridge was killed Decem-j ber 22 when his car swerved off Highway 7. some eight miles east of Brampton. Police stated that they did not know whether‘ Gratrix, who was alone at the‘ time was killed in the crash or- drowned when his car over- turned in the Humber River. ’0‘ * it It A head-on collision which Sent five people to hospital oc- curred. December 25, on the Gormley Sideroad, west of; Concession 3. The eastbound car, driven by Derrick Gariepy, 17, of Aurora accompanied by his father John Gariepy. 44,l the permissive legislation passed with only three neg- ative votes. those of Mr. Bailey. Aurora's Reeve .lim Murray and Newmarket Deputy-reeve Clare Salis- bury. RESCIND RESOLUTION In moving that his last June resolution forbidding the consultative committee to report be rescinded, Georgina Reeve Norris stat- ed that he felt there had been a lack of liaison beâ€" tween council and the com- mittee and that there had been a poor public relations job done. A head-on collision which Sent five people to hospital oc- curred. December 25, on the Gormley Sideroad, west of THE.LIBERAL‘ Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 28. 1967 3 u~I1mmmun“\um|um\unu\\lmu“\\\munl\n\n\\\uu\\\uumumuumm\\mmummmummunmun\\\\\\\m\\\\\\m\mm\l\mu\1mm\\\l\m\\\\uum\\u\\\muumuunmummwmml\1\muuumuumum\muumumuuumuummtu1uuuumnmmmuuuuuumn\\uunmuumummuuu“ummmmuummum“nmm“ummmmmas Two Consultative Committees, County Asks Planning Control (Continued from Page 1) of Steeles Avenue were other factors to be considered in the application, “Nothing in the MacLaren report", said Mr. Deacon. “suggests they know anything about health or polluâ€" tion problems." Vaughan Fears More Dump Sites, Board Rejects a-mummuImmmmunminimumIInmnnmnmmumIunummumlImumIImunnmmmmuumnunImmuunmummmumnmuumnmuumum:\umuun\nuumnumnmmu nm11mmmlmnuuummuumuumumnmuummmmumnunmulmnmmu\mummuummumIlImun“mmumnummmmumuuun\umuummnm '1‘ The resolution to ask for the permissive legislation passed with only three neg- ative votes. those of Mr. Bailey, Aurora's Reeve Jim Murray and Newmarket Deputy-reeve Clare Salis- bury. «Continued from Page 1) that "there are certain mun- icipalities entering into negâ€" otiations which would be contrary to the intent of this legislation." a reference to pending amalgamation of the Southern Six municipal- ities. should permit this use. While the final resolution, proposed by Norn Garriock and passed by a four to three vote. rejects Metro‘s application. it included a statement of the board’s reason for the rejection, “Vaughan Township Planning Board is concerned that approv- al of this application will jeop- ordize the position of a future application for the North Thac- King Township Reeve Gordon Cook, who seconded both resolutions, stated how- ever that he viewed the first resolution differently than some others evidently did. “It was stated that boards of education would cost us more money and this was never denied.“ he stated. “Most of the elected repre- sentatives and the mayors and reeves at their conven- tion felt the government should pay 80% of the cost of education, but since that time. the Department of Ed nation has not seen fit to carry out the wishes of the people of Ontario and has announced that we are goâ€" ing to have a board of edu~ cation." “When the Prime Minister makes an announcement, after just having received a mandate. I am willing to see the resolution rescinded. Let us go ahead and get the best board of education We (U Cooked Ham .‘ "I ‘ f: I 5 I Lb. $1.09 J w (I: , Kï¬!WMK£¥WÂ¥KflWK’¥EM¢$€ï¬KKÂ¥$§ DEL MONTE JAY’S FANCY QUALITY Pineapple and Grapefruit Pineapple and Orange DRINK DUNCAN HINES â€"â€"- All Varieties BALLET -â€" All Colors 4-Roll Pkg. EKQ’Q’KKKfl’K‘EKKKJM'éK Rlï¬lgzglï¬iug'glglgrlg FLORIDA SEEDLESS Tomatoes Wflflxflmmflkafl“ Ontario Finest FRESH KILLED TURKEYSR 20 Lbs. and over LB. FLORIDA Vine Ripened Bathroom Tissue TOMATO JUICE Also Fresh I-ien Turkeys and Capons, Frozen Ducks and Geese CAKE MIXES 48 Oz. Tins 19 oz. Pkgs. 48 oz. Tins COPACO -â€" Fresh Sliced, Lean GRAPEFRUIT keray site" Vaughan Township Coun- cillor. Dr. Charles Birkett stated emphatically. “I would never accept a pro- posal for the northern site,“ because it would mean a real 1055 of assessment to the township. This senti- ment found approval with other members of the board. can get for the County of York.“ Reeve‘ Cook con- cluded. “Is this a moratorium or a brief interval because we have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century by the Prime Minâ€" ister?“ enquired Reeve Bail- ey of the rescinding resolu- tion. “Or do we want this committee to continue to work? It was an indignity to create a consultative com- mittee if it was not able to report. I hope regrets will be conveyed to the commit- tee that the first resolution was passed. I regret it." Mr. Bailey stated that the consultative committee's re- port was an excellent one and that he was disappointed that county council had sup- pressed it. “If this new res- olution is to try to get a re- port that suits you. and then do away with the committee again. I would be opposed to it." he said. We sincerely thank you for your patronage. May the holidays be most happy for YOU. acumngmmx KKK- MANAGEMENT AND STAFF $1.00 ly¢ I 10 oz. Jar {3'15 Lz'gzwgwgmz'azemzlg KKKKKKK KYE'EKMW $642.15 55%. mWe;team;sexeaecgeetxzmegmtamaeamwewgemmwwggamumwamummw DE 1 A MONTE ruit Mix & Match Peas, Corn, RINK Cut Green Beans 8. Wax Beans 3-Lb. Bag ’25:. mg’zmzee’gmewz taI:mmxmnwemzmxuï¬nmqmezzxxumxnxxa TWO CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEES After the resolution was passed. nominations were reâ€" ceived for the new consult- ative committee. Reeve Norris nominated Planning Consultant Conroy Dowson but he was ruled in- eligible as he does not live in the count)" Six people were nominated for the five man committee. former members Jesse Bryson of Vaughan Township, John Fawcett of King. Robert Luke. Sutton. John MacKay, Markham. and Stuart Starr of Whitchurch. Sixth nom- inee was Reeve Donald Plax- ton. In the voting Mr. Plaxton edged out Mr._ MacKay. who served on the committee since its inception in 1965, by one vote. However, Mr. MacKay was nominated for membership on a secondary school con- KLEENEX â€"â€" All Colors â€" Pkg. 400‘s DEL MONTE MAXWELL HOUSE BRADFORD No. CARROTS 6369 Yonge St, Willowdale (1 block south of Steeles) Lew - LOW PRICES between Sheppard Ave. and North Bay that is LUCAS & ARTHURS SUPER VALUE BACON TOMATO CA'I'SUP z 11 oz. Btls. 43¢ INSTANT COFFEE 10 oz. Jar FACIAL TISSUE WE DO CARE FOR YOU IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH L. & S. DISPENSARY 15 oz. Tins OPEN "I‘ll. MIDNIGHT ()NLY DRUG STORE That‘s why we are the 0 Dial 225-7719 Pkgx sultative committee. to con- sist of three members ap- pointed by county council, an inspector and an appoin- tee of the Minister of Educa- tion. Other nominees were “Liberal†staff member Margaret McLean. Dr. R. Urquhart of the Aurora School Board, Mr. Plaxton, Mr. Luke and County Engin- eer A. J. Rettie, a member of Newmarket District High School Board. Mr. Luke and Mr. Plaxton were declared elected with Mr. Mac-Kay and Mrs. Mc- Lean tied for third place. Mrs. McLean then rose and asked to withdraw in favor of Mr. MacKay in recogni- tion of his able services on the public school consulta- tive committee and in the final vote Mr. Mac-Kay was declared elected. Secretary of both committees is to be Area Superintendent Mayn- ard Hallman. nominees w e 1' 9 staff member McLean. Dr. R. of the Aurora ard. Mr. Plaxton.