Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jan 1968, p. 6

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RESTORING of weight operat- ed antique clock works. grand- father or wall clock. Carl Walker, The Little Gift Shoppe. Victoria Square. 887-5485. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS _______.___.______”:".‘i’ JILL GODDARD 2 Philips turntables, 2 Electro- poonLE GROOMING voice speakers. 20 watt ampli- New Address. 80 Steeles Avenue fier. records and cases. Call West. 889-3606. Holt) 1‘3"“- §§flE§mewfÂ¥W2j SIAMESE kittens, champion. NEW and used appliance parts. blue point. champion chocolate wringer rolls. wood blocks. bear-,point and seal point, males at ings. belts. stove elements. etc.!stud. Also domestic and part Math's TV. 45 Industrial RoadflPersian kittens. to good homes 8844903. tfc36.Cat boarding with outside run. Duplicating and Stencil Cutting AUTOMATIC washer. suds re- turn, will deliver and guarantee one year. Ken Clark 889-5226. tfc14 Doors, windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 CHESTERFIELD and matching chair. contemporary design, floral print, loose cushions. As new. $195. 832-1276. c1w28 CONTENTS ’of ’home." Brownie uniform. carpets. stove. {rig etc. 884-4304. after 10 am. RUBBER STAMPS. fast service â€"- any size - several type faces to choose from. call “The Lib- eral" 884-1105. tfc For fireplaces, 884-3089. C. L Knappet, Bayview North. Truckload lots. $10. Phone Cad- illac Lumber. Maple, Ontario. 889-4973. ('1w28 BABY carriage. car-bed and baby seat. all in excellent con- dition. Call after 6, 884-2304. c1w28 71797760 Meteor. good running con- dition. best. offer. 68 snowmo- bile. 18 h.p. $795. 773-4260. SLIP covers. cut in your home. extra cushions. arm caps. etc. Phone 1734202. Evenings. FIREPLACE LOGS Carefully selected hardwood $18 per single cord (4'x8'x16"). Alvin Baker. 889-2436. tfcw26 Sales and Service Doors. windows, siding. awn- ings. York AlumInLun. 884-4558. tfc40 Service Available HI-CORPS mv OFFICE ASSISTANCE {shil 18 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hilli884 384-5732 5% 88 Baker Ave Richmond Hill SiKlijacket, girl‘s. medium teen size. blue. excellent Condition. $10. 884-5275. clw28 WIG. medium brown, medium length. 100% human hair, $25. 884-8534. c1w28 1 pile of well rotted cow man- ure. Free for removing. J. A. Cosgrove. Bathurst St. *1w28 $141300 Gas Tanks Repaired. éfiEilfiéfiéi-cutter and one set of single harness. 884-2549. TV PhuTfis’fi" table model. re- conditioned. s75. 3344777. TWO 700x14 ‘snonitVi’res and wheels. $25. 889-2935, after 5 nm. c1w28 TAPEWréic-rdrder. new at Christ- mas worth over $100, will sell for $75. 884-1250. clw28 CHEST type food freezer. C311 after 6. 884-6197. clw28 FKiRW matching Victorian couches. $75 each. 832-2623. SNOWTIREST7135'x 14.. mount- ed on Dodge rims. 889-4230. TWO pairs of Skis. 137013, and harness. 889-6896. c1w28 Baled Hay. 885 KITCHEN set. 4'chairs, $50. 384-8344. clw28 NEW laid eggs. 884-6367 SNOWVfScioot. twin tracks. in- side heater. 884-2838. c1w28 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmoml Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 11, 1968 Maple Welding and Repairs 889-4516 DRY MIXED HARDWOOD ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, 1st insertion .7c each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged, .70 per word. min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS 111 extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the Week as passible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 8844983 and you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE ALUMINUM FIREWOOD 5-2531. 884-1745 tfc49 IHORSE. black mare. colt at Cl“‘28|13~2 hands. excellent with c1w27 clw28 c2w28 cZwZ? c4w28 c1w28 clw28 ‘Z'f‘wza TOP Quality 1966 or 67 Kay. 70 cents per bale delivered. nount‘ Straw 45 cents per hale deliv- 230- ered. 200 bales per load. Maple chm 832-2063. c4w28 clw27 tfc27 WE‘SIAMESE kittens, champion. Jarts. blue point. champion chocolate bear-,point and seal point, males at ,etc.|stud. Also domestic and part RoadJPersian kittens. to good homes‘ tfc36}Cat boarding with outside run. Eâ€"“iBeryl Stewart. 889-2581. ficB tfc24 TWO 800d CFOSS'bPEd H3mp"Mature male or female. person- shxre Ewes. not bred. $15 each. n91 experience necessary. 9-5. 88412474. (‘1\\'28 Salary open, HORSE, black mare. colt a? side. MOTHER'S STAND-1N 13.2 hands. excellent with chil- _To Care for baby and 3 Sr- 01d drenl rides and drives “.enlgm thelr own home 8:30 to 5:30. Can board until Spring. 3150‘!Steady. pleasant woman needed. Also western saddle. large GIRL FRIDAY chm“ size. like new. s45'lSecretary for sales department. Phone 7713-5509. was! Eifffl‘findcffllf;, (Efogslephwe CONTENTS immaculate 8-room call house. consisting of three bed- fizâ€"A rooms, 1 Spanish, 2 contempor- DE; ary; 9 - piece contemporary wo dining suite; Chesterfield AG and matching chair; tables; ED. rugs; odd chairs; stereo; TV; ‘oil paintings: single beds; din- â€" ette and 4-piece vinyl recreation’ room furniture. Appointment 3rd HUI-8855. c5w28 Eng CONTENTS of large home â€" 9 piece contemporary dining room. Chesterfield and chair, tables, lamps. 9 x 12 and 12 x 18 rugs. Dinette. two bedroom suites with triple dressers. TV, Spanish black leather chester- field and chair with matching black oak table. Stereo with built-in liquor cabinet, drapes. Appointment. 222-6019. c4w28 5-piece Rock Maple dinette suite. $60. Two 36" continental beds. $35. Playpen $5. Crib $15. Carriage $20. Inglis wringer washer $25. Volkswagen car top carrier $10. All in good condi- tion. 884-1861. c1w28 YOU have seen the rest so buy the best for less at our one of a kind clearance sale. Chester- fields â€"- 2 piece from $88. Trades accepted, terms, free de- livery and good service at Wil- lowdale Furniture and Interiors, 5807 Yonge Street. Willowdale. 221-4070. c2w27 CONTENTS of home â€"- 9 piece Spanish fruitwood dining mom. Large custom Spanish Chesterfield in red. Colonial family room. Spanish Stereo. French provincial bedroom, also contemporary bedroom. 6 chair dinette. TV. 9 x 12 and 12 x 18 rugs, 20 ft. of drapes, Black vinyl Chesterfield and chair, matching bar and stool. Call after 4 pm for appointment. 889~6644. c5wZB fiOMERANIAN female Call after 7. 889-6832. FREE to good home snow white kitten. 4 months old. 884-3241. c1w28 HAVE your dog cared for by professional experts. Trimming, boarding and training. Don Mills Country Club for Pets. Pick up and delivery. ask about our Christmas Special. 297-2597. tfc18 4 burner gas range 30". 2 years old. perfect condition, $50: baby's large crib, used 6 months. “Can't wet" mattress, 360, new. Sell for $25. 727- 8276. c1w28 GERMAN Shepherd puppies. 6 weeks old. 884-5182. c1w28 IRISH setter pupTBVweeks old. Registered. Paper trained. 889- 6780. c1w28 RESPONSIBLE adults willing to baby-sit in your home or ours evenings and weekends. Please call 884-2940. tfc28 dishwasher. excellent condition. Call after 6. 884-2304‘ c1w28 TV 23" Emerson. console. 3 years old. Excellent condition. 889-2783. c1w28 4 Cragar mags and studs. Best offer. Call Mike. 884-1281. HOBART Kitchen Aid portable ADMIRAL TV. 21". very good condition. 884-7298. c1w28 35 mm Projector. 500 watts. $25. 884-2340. c1w28 PETS FOR SALE i BABY SITTING LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE (Continued) $10. c1w28 lovely c1w28 ‘! ’WANTED Cleaning man and woman for ski lodge. Call 889-4988. 3rd class engineer. or stationary engineer. or man holding com- pressor papers, for ski lodge near Richmond Hill. 889-4988. c1w28 Capable woman of neat appear- ance to assist in pleasant friend- ly home with well-disciplined children. Private room with TV. References required. Please call Thornhill, 889-3419. c1w28 HOUSEKEEPER. live in. large family and house. Must be a mature. reliable person. who can occasionally assume full re- sponsibility of children. 884- 5019. c1w28 PAR'FTIME Wraiwing Machine REGISTERED NURSES {or in bicycle style. 889-7983. For Green Acres Home for the CME Aged. Newmarket. Salary range TEENAGER requires skis 5’ 6" $417 to $482. Graduate nurses to 6’. Reasonably priced. 884- also considered. Apply Green 7917. c1w28 Acres Home for the Aged, 194 DEAD or cri . , . ppled farm animals EagleISt'f‘wagarkztz' grflPer‘ picked up promptly. For direct sonne O we‘ ast n 00r' line call Long Distance and ask ' v 1 C1" Ha” T°r°m° 367'3025; ‘for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. €3“23 m Dannni x, an “’nndvillp MATURE woman for very light housekeeping. Pleasant family home. Every evening and week- end free. Live in or out. 833- 5061. c1w28 PART-TIME switchboard oper- ator. 4 pm to midnight. Mon- days and Fridays. Apply to Thornhill Services. 15 Yonge Street North. on Thursday only from 10 am to 2 pm. c1w28 WANTED. 2 GIRLS FOR CAR- DEX AND GENERAL OFFICE WORK. STATE EXPERIENCE, AGE AND SALARY EXPECT- ED. BOX 75 “THE LIBERAL". REGISTERED or practical nurse from 8.30 to 4.30 pm days, Monday ‘to Friday. Please phone Mr. Nelson Dean at 884-2878, 163 Vaughan Road, Richmond Hill. c1\\728 Business machine operators. secretaries. bank tellers. inven- tory clerks. etc. wishing PER- MANENT or PART TIME work register with INVOICING CLERK FEMALE Experienced Preferred In credit. collection and counts payable. CARPENTER, experienced, full time position. must have mind for design, and enjoy re-creab ing old buildings. 832-2606. evenings. 92w27 BANK clerk required. Apply in person at the Canadian Imper- ial Bank of Commerce, Maple. Experience preferred but not necessary. c1w28 Cal] Personnel Department TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. 280 Centre Street East, Rich- mond Hill 889-7373 MOTHER'S STAND-IN To care for baby and 3 yr. old in their own home 8:30 to 5:30. Steady. pleasant woman needed. SECRETARY wanted for Law Office. exper- ience preferred. salary open. Reply to Box 73, “The Liberal". 18 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 884-6782 - 832-2335 GIRL FRIDAY Secretary for sales department, Richmond Hill. Good telephone manner. Salary to $325. Refined woman, good cook, to live in (apartment supplied). or out. $200 plus. Above are permanent positions. A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Call 9-5 884-6944 FEMALE snack bar help want- ed 5.30 - 10.30 pm. Experience not necessary. Apply Mrs. Pur- vis. 889-4615. c1w28 DRIVER wanted for city deliv- ery. 5 day week. Evenings 773- 5119, after 11 am. 833-5282. c1w28 Call 884-8864, Mr. Reid. Thurs- day 4-6 pm. c2w28 CLEANING woman wanted, one or 2 days weekly. Thornhill. near Yonge. 889-6801 after 6. c1w28 TWELVE dollars â€" 9 am to 4 pm - cleaning lady. experienced. Maple area. Supply own trans- portation. 832-2443. clw28 W O M A N To baby-sit with a group of chil- dren, 1 to 6 pm, Monday to Friday. Call 889-4988. c1w28 CLEANING 1ad7y.7 experienced. must be able to do relief cook- ing. small institution. 221-2800, from 9 to 5. c1w28 'novs WANTED To earn money. win prizes CLEANING lady with own transportation. Bayview-Steeles area. 889-5215. c1w27 EXPERIENCED hairdresser 884-3354. tfc24 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED HELP WANglgg HELP“ WANTED {MESCELLANEQILS{MISCELLANEOUS was I lr‘nanunfll K- HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE SRfBOOKKEEPER MAN WANTED HOUSEKEEPER TEMPORARY or fiRMANENT c2w28 c1w23 c1w27 CLEANING GBman wanted two c1w28 days a week, Thornhill village. 889-3419. c1w28 c1w28, c1w27 CLEANINGWlady for Monday or Tuesday and Friday. 889-6809. J ghl c1w28 tfc24115ART-Time Arc welder. one or own two days per week in Richmond “1” Hill. 889-7681. c1w28 LADIES wanted full or part time. to take orders for an ex- clusive line of cosmetics and skin care products. No deliv- eries or collection. Just demon- strate our product. we train you‘ plus give you free beauty course at our studio. Excellent earning possibilities. For more information, Mr. Wright, 787. 1864. c1w28 GIRL wanted for part time office; 1-5 pm. Good typing expected. Some clerical, an- swering telephone, small office. Speedex Manufacturing Ltd.. 385 Ohio Road, [Richmond Hill (E. of Yonge St. off Elgin). 889- 7549. c1w28 INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING co. Requires two mature persons to be trained as representatives. To sell and service new and established accounts. Applicant must own car and have a good educational back-ground. For further information, please write to Mr. Berger, Box 71, “The Liberal“. clw28 For country club. to assist mai- tre d’ in food and beverage de- partment. Salary. bonus and benefits. Apply Thornhill Coun- try Club. 889-4818 between 9 and 5. c1w28 Opening for salesman to spec- ialize in farm and land sales with successful long established company. Call Mr. McLean, 889-1176. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors, 74 Steeles Avenue West. c1w28 Globe and Mail routes now available in these areas: RICHMOND HILL 1. Elgin Mills - Oxford 2. Mill Street â€" Altamira. 3. Ruggles â€" Lawrence - Church St. RICHVALE Scott - Mackay Drive. Call Mr. Prosser, 884-8864. Thurs. 4-6 pm. c2w28 CLEANING staff for offices at night at_ Bathurst and No. 7 Highway. Hours 6 to 10, own transportation necessary. Call 889-5351. Mrs. Peaker. clw28 WOMAN for accounts payable. some typing and or switchboard experience helpful. Apply Wil- son Niblett Motors. 889-5435. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Young lady with general office proeedure and cashier experi- ence, to fill full time position. Apply Mr. Hill, Canadian Tire Store, Richmond Hill. 884-1196. c1w28 woman to subér'ii‘éé'a‘ sais‘year'complete cleaning and main- olds, 2 hours weekly. for par- tenance. industrial, commercial. ticulars call 832-2520. c1w28 residential. 884-7225. tch FOR greenhouse-work. steady PLUMBING job for EOOd man. Bayview Ziccardl Bros. 884-2947 Florist. 16th Avenue, R.R.1. Repairs and new work. 24 hours Thornhill. c1w28 emergency calls, (work guaran- SALESLADY wanted, 5 days per week 12 - 7 pm. Apply Supreme Dry Cleaners. 9010 Yonge St. Thornhill. c1w28 GOOD seconfl hand washer and dryer. 889-6789. clw28 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. transmission shops. 889-6662. or 884-6663. c2w28 DRAFTING fi'chine. 884-5269. *1w28 WANTED to hu’yTa good used rugs. private. 884-8795. c1w28 TAXlidfivers. Apply A. Leckie, Richmond Hill Taxi. 56 Yonge St. South 884-1144. *1w28 lVIAPLE Y.\TV.â€"C._A. requires PIGEONS wanted. any color or breed. Call 884-6388. c1w28 WOULD person taking woman‘s tall leather boots by mistake from Lions Hall. Richvale. New Year's Eve, kindly return to any Lions member or to 53 Carrville Road. c1w28 LOST from car early June. 1967. a medium sized round top. old gray trunk on Bath- urst Street just north of High- way 7. Keepsake. Reward for return. Box 72, “The Liberal". c1w28 MXfi’for’geneI-al office clean- ing, Toronto Airways. 297-1422. clw28 Eliâ€"RM SALESMAN WANTED (Continued) HGS’TESS LOST _fl“_‘?§| MICHAEL PETERS ‘Leckie,lUphOIStery and carpeting, 47 5 Yongeflndustrial Rd. Richmond Hill. *1w281Phnne 884-2189. tfc14 requifeELAl ICLEANING smyxcnlsA tfc44 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. homes. of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. th3 Ziccardi Bros. 884-2947 Repairs and new work. 24 hours emergency calls, (work guaran- teed). tfc38 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and limestone. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. t£c12 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations. garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889â€"3653. tfc28 R W EXCAVATING Trenching,~ footings, concrete and drains. JBackhpe loader rentals. 884-6264, 884-5559. CHESTERFIELDS SHAMPOOED FAMILY MAINTENANCE CO. PHONE 884-2433 BILL MITCHELL CONSTRUCTION Rec. rooms. additions, fire- places, custom buildings and repairs. Thornhill 889-7646. MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 5. Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25. and up. Complete with free spray flushing. Call SPEEDY PERM-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Antique and modern furniture. All work guaranteed. Up to date selection of material and styles. 884-6885. tfc17 FRANK AND’BILL'S SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic tanks. pumped and cleaned. Liquid sludge removal, fast efficient service. Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Lib- eral" 884-1105. tfc E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 Dead elms, poplars etc. Cut and removed. Reasonable rates. Alvin Baker 889-2436. fimnfifs; PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. 334-2793. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris Harrisoni 884-2838. tfc45 Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs 3 Specialty Free Estimates Plastering 884-1245 PLASTERING -â€"7DRYWALL Remodelling â€" Renovations New -â€" Repair. 884-8391 488-7521 Offices Cleaned Industrial, Commercial Day or Night. Family Maintenance Co. 884-2433 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 6: SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 Richmond Hill. 884-3321 889-5061 RUBBER s'TKMps' TREE CUTTING SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 or tearing up pipe Sewers cleaned without digging C. STUNDEN R. CLARK Richmond Hill, 832-1287 889-5413 889-3185 tfc20 ThErnhiu tfc19 tfc27 tfc43 tfc18 tfc19 tfc21 tfc16 tfcl3 tfc9 Placing a WANT AD is a PLEASANT EXPERIENCE “THE “BERN: _4_¢7___d_ _" “C27 In good. mechanical condition, BAKER’S BACKHOE 36.208 (honest mileage). Phone EXCAVATING 832-1413. c1w28 Trenching. sewer & water lineS.lA good second car for $85. 1954 footingS- 889-3604. tch‘Chev sedan, radio. solid body. WWW excellent motor, recent battery, hrivewavg and Sidewalks fires and brakes. 889'3054- SNOW REMOVAL Driveways and Sidewalks Cleared. 884-2838 ROOM furnished or unfurnish- ed, kitchen privileges, Yonge and Centre after 5. 884-8562. c1w28 KERR-Taylor Electrical con- tractor. Industrial, commercial, residential and electric heating. Ray Kerr-Taylor. Phone 889- 2976. tIc28 ROOM fo'r rent, $5 weekly, or exchange for light housekeep- ing duties. 884-4110. c4w27 FIVE room semi-detached bun- galow in King City. Call after 4 pm. 833-6853. c1w28 ONE - BEDROOM apartment, available January 15. 884-8337. clw28 BED-SITTING room to let. close to Yonge Street. Phone 884-8259 after 4 pm. *2w28 ONE bedroom basement apart- ment. central. block from Yonge. 884-5771. c1w28 FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms, self-contained, private entrance, Oak Ridges. 884-7719. c1w28 LARGE bedsitting room with bath. Residential area. Thorn- hilI Business woman preferred. 889-7224. *3w27 Roger Proulx â€"â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 PLASTETRING and alterations Alfred Jensen. 28 Walmer Rd.‘ Richmond Hill. 884-8078. ROOM for rent, would suit one or 2 gentlemen. 889-5786. FURNISHED basement flat. kitchen and large bed-sitting room. $60 monthly. 225-9431. c1w28 BEAUTY salon to rent. fully equipped. Operating for 6 years, Oak Ridges area. 773-5032. BASEMENT apartment, 1 bed- room. 3-piece bath. separate entrance, at reduced rent for exchange of day care. 884-3928. After 6. c1w26 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Berks Jewellers at Yonge. tfc22 SUBLET. 3 bedroom townhouse Thornhill 11/2 baths, rec. room, 4 appliances, $195 per month. 889-7698. tfc24 Alcan - siding. Eavestroughs Doors and Windows 20 years guarantee For free Estimates call your Local Contractor ROOM to rent. suit gentle- man. 884â€"1629. tfc27 1,000 feet office space. 6A Lev- endale, Richmond Hill. 633- 5661,- or 889.5651 .or 884-2377. Emerald Isle Real Estate. tfc13 TWO room furnished basement apartment â€" cooking facilities, twin beds. separate entrance, parking. Would suit two busi- ness girls or working couple. 884-7685. clw28 MODERN APARTMENTS l - 2 bedroom suite available January 31. rent includes hydro, hot water and heat. Close to Richmond Heights Shopping Plaza on Yonge Street. Call Mrs. Cheetham 884- 1066. c1w27 FACTORY. 5,000 square feet for rent on Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. 884-4774‘ DRESSMAKING European styling a specialty. Fast service. Maple, 832-1275. c4w27 D R E S SMAKING. alterations, slip covers made etc. M. Kuch- arski. 240 South Taylor Mills Drive. c1w28 ACADEMIC TUTORING High school chemistry, physics and mathematics. Phone 889- 6809. c4w28 IJATIfifi‘uny qualified classics teacher wishes to give tuition in Latin or Greek to grade 13. PLUMBING & HEATING DRESSMAKIN G The classified ad takers at “The Liberal” are friendly, helpful people, trained in their jobs, with a. full realization of the importance of being helpful to everyone who calls to place a Want Ad. We hOpe you will call to place a Want Ad soon. When you do, it will be a pleasant experience. SEWING OF ALL KIND-c WALL WASHING FLOORS CLEANED Family Maintenance Co. 884-2433 Day or Night 889-5061 HANS BUTT. 889-4106 Very reasonable prices 889-2488 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Large or small‘ call SPEEDY SNo'W’ PLOWING TO RENT TUITION (Continued) 889-5413 *2w27 clw28 c1w28 clw28 tfchB c1w27 Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call {If} EMS-8684. tfc17 c1w28 tfc27 tfc22 tfc24 1962 Falcon wagon, 2 door. standard. radio. good condition. $295 or best offer. 832-2612. YOUNG MEN. 16-19, lookingI for work. Anything considered. Can you help us? Call Salvation Army. 889-7655. tfc29 NEED SPRING WORK DONE? Call Newmarket Spring Service Owned and operated by Moore Truck Parts and Sales Ltd.. Holland Landing, Ont.. 895- 5901, 895-4666. tfcll ATTENTION TRUCKERS When you need parts call the truck Wreckers first. Used parts, tires. bodies, etc, Rebuilt rear ends, transmissions. MOORE TRUCK PARTS AND SALES LTD. Holland Landing. Ont 895-4666 â€" 895-5901 SAVE YOUR MONEY By repairing your work and school clothing. 884-4007. RELIABLE young lady seeks office work in Richmond Hill area. Efficient, hard worker. Have typing, dictaphone. Phone 884-1367. nc3w25 1965 Chrysler. Windsor. 2 doér hardtop. fully equLpped. low mileage. clean car. Can finance Mr. Taylor, 222-7685 after 5.30. c1w28 1965 Mustang hardtop. 6 cylin- der. floor shift. radio, wide oval tires, best offer. 884-6814. TYPING done in my home. Pick up and deliver. 884-6542. c1w28 MAN will do painting, paper- hanging. Years of experience. Reasonable rates. 884-2902. PART or full time position wanted, extensive administra- tive experience. particularly in statistics and data collection. 21 years RAF and RCAF, chauf- feur‘s licence and half ton pick- up. age 47. Resume on request, Schomberg. 939-2027. c2w27 experienced woman. in her own home. 884-8344. c1w28 EAY cgi‘re’, any rage, hot lunches provided. Bayview - N. Taylor Mills. 884-4344. c1w28 DAY care available in home, one or two pre-school children, Brookside and Yonge area. 884- 8485. c1w28 A mother offers reliable day care for infants or pre-school- ers. hot meals and friendly at- mosphere. $12. 887-5539. 1960 tion. tires BABY'SI-TTING. any age, by WOMAN available for cleaning, 3 days a week. 895-6106. c1w28 DAY care available for children of any age. Near Richmond Heights Plaza. 884â€"2922. c1w28 DAY care in my home. any age. Bayview and Markham Road. 884-8420. c1w28 THORNHILL care. near Yonge. Your home or mine. daily or weekly, any age. 889-6509. 7 if DAY’c’aEe'available. 4 years and under. Taylor Mills Drive South. 884-7353. c1w28 FUN AT YOUR FINGERTIPS WITH ARTEX WORKING mothersâ€"Day care available in Beverley Acres. 3 years 61d and up. Hot lunches for school children. 884-8647. tfc27 The modern way to embroider.l Demonstrator available for home parties. Kathleen Tutt. 889-1786. c2w28 LADY BOWLERS WANTED Y Come on girls, get out of the: house and have some fun bow1-' ing Tuesdays. 1.30. Richmond Hillbillies. Allencourt. 884-5821‘ - 884â€"1988. C4w28 YOUNG lady requires ride, ar- riving 8.45 Eglinton - Yonge leaving approximawa 4.45. Call 884-5949. c1w28 YOUNG woman wishes ride from Langstaff Stop 20 to Bloor and Yonge Street return, Mon- day - Friday 9-5 pm. 889-2820. c1w28 EMPLOYMENT WANTED SINGER GAZETTE 1959 Transportation Volkswagen. goiod condi- 7 complete wheels, snow $225: 884-7253. c1wzs PERSONAL DAY CARE c1w28 c1w28 c1w28 c1w27 c1w28 c4w28 clw28 tfcll TOURS, cruises, rail and bus tickets. reservations and individ- ua; travel. call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 389-7096. look after all yam- luggage and shipping problems to any point in the world and arrange passage & accommodation 889-6269. tfc HOUSE. thrée bedrooms. Adult. family. 889-1814. UCZB DESPERATE many seeks 3 bedroom house. with furnace, immediately. 832-2660. c1w28 SMALL stable for place to board 2 young cattle for bal- ance of winter. Phone 884-5074 or 889-7312. c1w28 The Four Winds Nursery School 7951 Yonge Street. Thornhill. mornings and afternoons and all day school. Transportation available. 889-4664. After 5. 421 3175. tfc20 LADY wants room ‘to rent with use of kitchen in Richmond Hill. Write Box 74. “The Lib- eral". c1w28 Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines, tools. chairs. 884-6761. Let; WORLD WIDE‘ SHIPPING PORTABLE "TV 'RENTKIJS WEEK 0R MONTH RICHMOND HILL 'rv 884-7456 RENTALL. 41’TONEE‘NT To train for responsible position in light man- ufacturing plant. Must be 25 to 30, married, completed minimum grade 11, preferably tech- nical course. Good hourly starting wage leading to salaried position. Good company benefits. Call after 9 am. 223-5470 TOWNE & COUNTRYE SQUARE. YONGE a; STEELES by Hicks, Marsh & McLean, Architects & Engin- eers, 5300 Yonge Street, Suite 202, Toronto, Ontario. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Architects, (Hicks, Marsh & McLean) 5300 Yonge Street, Suite 202, Toronto) on deposit of .. Vuoc a markediclie'que for $50.00 payable to the Arch- itects. Deposit will be refunded on return of plans and specifications in good condition. Each tender must be accompanied by a Bid Bond or marked cheque payable to Combinedfioman SEALED STIPULATED SUM TENDERS, mark. ed “Holy Name School”, will be received until 5:00 pm Catholiciseparé’ce School Board, King City, in the amount of $7,500.00, which Bid Bond will carry a sixty day limit from tender closing date. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Denise Jones, Secretary, PO. Box 404, King City, Ontario. TOOLS &. EQUIPMENT RENTALS Renate Wool Shop NURSERY SCHOOL WANTED TO RENT HOLY NAME CATHOLIC SCHOOL TRAVEL 1 SNOWM0131LE§ O INSTRUCTION ‘ O FINISHING O BINDING O LINING SPECIALIZING IN HAND KNITTING YOUNG MAN TUESDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1968 A World of Knitting Wools & Fashions 884-1159 Mr. Park T O R O N T 0 General Contractors tfc47 tfc22 tfc31 tfc43 SNOWMOBILES rented by the hour. 100 acres of excellent sn0wmobiling. open every day until 11 pm â€"- King City Trail- ers). King Side Rd -â€" 3 mile! west of Yonge St. 773-4260. A ROOM and BOARD EOOM and board “1117619 in Richmond Hill. 88443684. clwfls BAKER’S SALES AND SERVICE Excellent opportunity with expanding Town Planning Of- fice serving York County Ind 14 member municipalities. Duties: Carry out a wide variâ€" ety of research pro- jects in local govern,- ment, planning and . urban renewal. Qualificatmns: Research back- . ground in one or more of the following fields: economics. engineer- ing, geography, local government, market research, planning, soo- iology or statistics. Commensurate with qualifications, all mun. icipal benefits. Apply in writing to: York County Planning Office 62 Bayview Avenue Newmarket. Ontario. Salary: 9144 YONGE»ST. (Just South of Richmond Hill) 889-1189 or 223-8066 WANT ADS ’ PHONE 884-1105-6 RESEARCH PLANNER c2w2!

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