Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Feb 1968, p. 18

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Mrs. Lloyd Baker and mem- bers of the WI work committee met Thursday afternoon of last week to plan shenanigans for the family night party planned for February 21. This is an annual affair. when members entertain their families and friends. freezeout prizes went to Mrs. Helena Hooley. William Mills. Mrs. A. Klinck and Mrs. Russell Burr. WI members who were host- esses for the evenin were Mrs. Garnet Francey, rs. George Kelly, Mrs. Reginald Allen, Mrs. Boise Brodie, Mrs. George Hoop- er and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson. The next game will He February 16. Mrs. Bill McArthur has in Scarboro General He for surgery. We wish 1 quick return its health. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mr. and Mrs. Dick spent an anxious weekend they learned their son I and his family were sa Wallaceburg. The Bruce Jones Family were forced to evacuate their home on the river bank, when flood waters rose to first-floor level. Last week‘s winners were Mrs. was named in her place. J. Eddington, Mrs. Russell'Boy- Otherwise. Mrs. Robin Bush lngton. Mrs. William Mills, Mrs. remains as president with Mrs. L. Cooper; Ted Tooley. Dale Bert Gardheuse vice-president; Claughton. Cecil Lateham. Mrs. Mrs. W. Conlin, secretary; Mrs. Cecil Lateham and Mrs. Pat D. Barbour. treasurer; Mrs. Smith won lucky draws, 78nd A. W. Miller. work convenor There were 26 tables at play- ers at the third game of the winter euchre series last Fri- day evening. The games at Buttonville Hall are sponsored by the WI and provide an even- ing’s entertainment for euchre enthusiasts from a wide area. On Monday afternoon of last week Mrs. Albert Shenfield was guest of honor at a tea held at the home of Mrs. James Hood, Perth Avenue, when more than two dozen friends and neigh- bors met to bid farewell to an old friend. Mrs. Shenfield. who moved recently with her son to a home on Parkway Avenue in Mark ham Village. was presented with TV tables and a lamp. On Wednesday afternoon of last week Mrs. Russell Boying~ ton was hostess to the Mark- ham Township Women’s Liberal Association meeting. YCHA (Buttonville Branch) Buttonville branch of the Neighborhood Notes Free Delivery on All Orders Printers and Publishers 63 Yonge Street. S. 884-1105 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 8, 1968 to produce an eye- catching business letterhead capable of sparking sales. Count on our skill The Liberal These were years of growing responsibility in the township and the struggle to keep things on an even keel was constant. In describing this period, Councillor Hoover pays tribute to “the people who helped me stand my ground.” The beautiful Centennial Medal with its red and white ribbon and the.citation. which accompanied it are prized possessions which will hold Markham Township. In addition to his other duties, Mr. I:Ioover became welfeie-officer for the township in 1936 with Mrs. Marie Rae as his assistant. This office he held until 1962 when he was re-elected to council as representative for Ward 3. Late in 1934, Mr. Hoover was appointed treasurer and tax collector for the township and in 1935, following the death of Clerk G. A. M. Davison of Unionvillejhhe became clerk-treasurer, a post he held until 1958. Charles Hoover, Markham Township’s senior councillor, last week received a prized award -â€" Canada’s Centennial Medal, awarded for distinguished service to the nation. Sometimes referred to as “The Senator” in council circles, Mr. Hoover was first elected to council in 1933 long before the present ward system was instituted. In that year, George Paget was reeve, Robert Smith deputy-reeve and councillors were W. L. Clark, Fred Coakwell and Mr. Hoover. The next year, 1934, Mr. Hoover polled the highest number of votes in the election. Button ville Community Happenings Honor Veteran Councillor .. ... place of 'honor Lin the home of this‘veterafiséi‘izifiEâ€"of'people of .A.! 1A,", ' planned 115 is an members as been Hospital 1 her a . Jones nd until 1 Bruce safe at played "' :1? E351 6:53 #25:: aviati- - w I 1-! Pipher Funeral? Grant A. Ma 126 Yonge : Richmond Hill, 884-10 YCHA returned all 1967 execu- tive members to effice, when the annual meeting was held at the home of Mrs.‘C. Adair, Friday morning of last week. Mrs. Norman Reid has asked to be relieved of the office of mem~ Lbership convenor for health reasens, and Mrs. John Brown wa§ hamed in her place. Otherwise. Mrs. Robin Bush remains as president with Mrs. Bert Gardhouse vice-president; Mrs. W. Conlin, secretary; Mrs. and Mrs. A. Robinson, project convenor. The branch has 29 members and four associate members. At Friday’s meeting Mrs. Gardhouse was in the chair, and reports were heard regard- ing membership and the trea- sury. Mrs. Barbour reported k Pipher Funeral Home Grant A. Marshall 126 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill, Ontario 884-1062 EFEM You - You â€" 0n Such Subjects As: METRO THREATENS TO GOBBLE US UP PROPERTY TAXES â€" HOW HIGH IS UP? YORK COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES SHOULD UNITE EDUCATION â€" WHAT IS QUEEN’S PARK PROPOSING? RICHMOND HILL BOUNDARIES MUST BE EXPANDED TUESDAY â€" FEB. 13th â€" 7.00 P.M. PHONE 889-4915 - CFGM $360 was forwarded to the par- ent body from here' in 1967. Members were asked to hand in talent money by the June meet, 111g. The annual meeting of YCHA will be held at the hospital in Richmond Hill on February 15. RUBBER STAMPS 90 Yonge Street North 884-1571 BY Richmond Stamps NOW MADE IN RICHMOND HILL CAN EXPRESS YOUR OPINION CALL 889-4915 CAN TALK WITH THE MAYOR CALL 889-4915 Fast Service Mayor Tom Broadhurst Tuesday Night 7:00 - 7:55 pm. Presents. . Jenkinson opened the meeting Each organization showed with a short worship service. small balances after all obliga- Following are the newly elect- tions were met. ed ofiicers: Honorary Elder During Sunday school Feb- Stanley Boynton: Elders (5 ruary 4. Mrs. Jenkinson con- years) Frank Brumwell and ducted a short dedication serv~ Cecil Nichols: (4 years) Harold ice when seven Standard Revis- Hill and Harry Barber: (3 ed Version Holy Bibles were years) Gordon McWhirter and presented to the school in lova John McCague; (2 years) Fraser ing memory of Louis Nichols. ‘Gee and Clarence Steckley; (1 Mr. Nichols had been a devoted year) Percy Bennett and Earl worker, acting in the capacity Empringham. r of superintendent and teacher. Jenkinson ( with a shor Following ed oflicers Stanley Bi years) Fra: Cecil Nicho A special vote of thanks was given Mrs. Stan DeFoe for her devoted work as choir leader and organist and Barbara Emp- ringham was thanked for her help at the organ. Roy Glover was congratulated on 17 years of faithful service as Sunday school treasurer. Mrs. Ken Petty replaces him as treasurer for the coming year. Mrs. Mary Buchanan, M & M During 1967 there were five baptisms, three weddings and five funerals. Total amount raised by all organizations was $9,539. Christian Education Commit- tee Mrs. M. Jenkinson. Mrs. P. Bennett, Mrs. P. Rumney, Mrs. J. Boyd. W. Hlbbard and Mrs. W. Sandle. Nominating committee for 1969: Earl Empringham (chair- man). Fraser Gee. Mrs. J. Boyd, Harry Barber, Harvey Collard, John McCague. Harold Hill. ' Mrs. M. Jenkinson will be the "Observer" representative for 1968. Treasurer Herman Mortson, assistant. Norman Tyndall; Lay Representative to Presbytery Lawson Mumberson; M & M Committee Mrs. F. Gee, Mrs. M. Styrmo, Mrs. A. Chadwick, Mrs. M. Buchanan, Mrs. L. Mumberson. Gordon McWhirter and Herman Mortson. Stewards, (3 years) Gordon Draper. Harold Wright, Norman Tyndall and John Gee; (2 years) Jim Boyd. Lawrence Ashton. Neil Mortson and Mrs. D. Brumwell; ' (1 year) Arnold Mortson, Cecil Nichols. William Hibbard and Richard Frisby; UCW representatives. Mrs. J. McCague and Mrs. D. Boyd. Congregational Meeting Itreasurer. reported $1,358 given WI .. ‘Hart. February 13; Mrs. Neil: The annual congregational during the year. an increase of The February meeting of theICampbell. February 13. meeting of Victoria Square $56. During the year the UCW WI will be a pot luck supper in‘ Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ottaway United Church was held Tues- undertook painting of the Sun- the community hall February celebrated their 17m wedding‘ day evening of last week with a day school room and making 13 at 6.30 pm. The committee anniversary February 3. con- large attendance. Rev. Martin improvements in the manse. in charge is Miss Mary Muir- gratulatjons! Jenkinson opened the meeting Each organization showed head. Mrs. Carl Walker. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rennie and" with a short worship service. small balances after all obliga- George Joyce and Mrs. Vincentifamily, Scarboro, had Sunday Following are the newly elect- tions were met. Weedon. ldinnpr with Mr and Mr: r“- ianadian JAMES GRAINGER State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company “ Car insurance due?‘ I’ll get you the best can insurance value" from the world’s largest car insurance company. Let’s talk!” Victoria Square Neighborhood News 130 Head Office Yonge l. 884- 51A" FARM INSUIANCI‘ St. 1529 Toronto A cancer seminar and work- shop will be held in St. Mary's Anglican Church, Wrixon Hall. Richmond Hill, February 12 from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm. Any- one interested is invited to at- tend. A meeting of the committee of stewards will be held in the Sunday school room February 14 at 8 pm. All members are requested to attend. Cancer Seminar CLAIRTONE 00100 NS 10 BE WON IN RICHMOND HILL L L WIN! Deluxe model of trend-5e design in rosewood and - leather in giantvscreen t modeléhy Clairtone Written applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Male Clerks with the Markham Township Police Department. Dut- ies to include telephone and Police Radio dispatch- ing as well as General Office Duties. Type- writing necessary. Salary range $2,850.00 to $4,100.00 (starting wage). El EEIEIEIEEEEEIEEIEEEIEIEEEEIEIEIIEIEIEIEIEEEIEEIEEIEEEEJEEIEIEIEI MALE CLERKS TEST DRIVE A BEAUTIFUL NEW CHEVROLETo PONTIAC ° CHEVELLE~ BEAUMONT ° CHEVYII-ACADIAN - CAMARD-FIREBIRD- CDRVAIR- DLDSMDBILE° BUICK. - EPIC° AND VIVA - THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. AND WE CAN PBDVE IT. AND YOU COULD WIN A NEW CLAIRTDNE CDLDR TV lano vul who... come In to our snowruum wuay. . .. ._ MOTORS MARK OF EXCELLENCE ROAD TEST, and complete a simple entry form. That's all there is to it. But don’t miss this opportunity to take a few minutes to. discover what the Mark of Excellence means in motion. You can see, hear and feel for yourself General Motors margin of excellence over all other 1968 cars. The cars are ready for you to drive. No waiting to prove t_he_complete superiority of the GM cars we sellâ€"superioritym styling, handling, quality and value. The welcome mat IS out. But hurry. The Road Test Contest lasts_through February only at your Chev-Olds and Pontiac-BUICK dealers. And, who knows, you might be one of the lucky Winners of a 25" Clairtone Color TV. Exclusive with usâ€"your local GENERAL MOTORS dealer's: Your chance to win a color TV and take our MARK OF EXCELLENCE ROAD TEST. Kinnear Pontiac Buick Ltd.. TAKE OUR THIS MONTH ONLY* NO OBLIGATION TO BUY>X< ABSOLUTELY FREE 25 IN. Harvey N. Cox, CHIEF OF POLICE, Township of Markham, Gormley RR. 2, Ontaric. Visitors at the church service on Sunday morning were: Miss Annie McBride. Mr. Alf Mc- Bride and Mrs. Aubrey Wade. all of King City. Birthday greetings to Mrs. S. Boyington, February 11; Nor- man Gee. February 12; Terry George Joyce and Mrs. Vincent, Weedon. Barbershoppers An evening of harmony with the Scarboro Chapter of SPEBSQSA (Society for the Preservation and Encourage- ment of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America) will be held in the community hall March 1 at 8 pm. Tickets are available from any Lion or the Red and White Store. Bayview Plaza, Jones’ Groceteria. But- tonville. or CA S. Boynton and Sons, Victoria Square. Neighborhood Notes family. Scarboro, had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Hart and family. Two of our friends went ice- fishing recently. they ended up teeth-fishing! Guess what hap- pened? One of them lost his false teeth down the hole, luckily his friend was able to get them out for him! Another euchre party will be held in the community hall February 9 at 8.15 pm. TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH EEEEIEEIEEIEEIEIEIEIEEEEEIEIE yisit your Richmond Hill GENERAL MOTORS dealers today! MARK OF EXCELLENCE ROAD TEST PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL lINTELS | BEAMS STEEL FABRICATING Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Come in to our showroom today. Take our GENERAL MOTORS MARK OF EXCELLENCE ROAD TEST, and complete a simple entry form. That's all there is to it. But don't miss this opportunity to take a few minutes to discover what the Mark of Excellence means in motion. You can see, hear and feel for yourself General Motors margin of excellence over all other 1968 cars. The cars are ready for you to drive. No waiting to prove the complete superiority of the GM cars we sell-superiority in styling, handling, quality and value. The welcome mat is out. But hurry. The Road Test Contest lasts through February only at your Chev-Olds and Pontiac-Buick dealers’. And, who knows, you might be one of the lucky winners of a 25” Clairtone Color TV. Written applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Secretary in the Markham Township Police Department. Must be good typist. Salary range $2,850.00 to $4,100.00 (starting wage). Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to contents will be received up until twelve (12) o’clock noon on by H. C. T. Crisp. Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Police for the Township of Markham. Gormley RR 2, Ontario for the supply of four (4) 1968 eight (8) cylinder, automatic transmission Police Cruisers. Bidders to make allowance on the trade-in of one 1965 - six (6) cylinder Ford and two 1967 - 8 cylinder Chevrolets with automatic transmis- sions. Delivery of vehicles to be within eight (8) weeks of order date. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Specifications for the requirements may be obtained from the undersigned. POLICE CRUISER TENDER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15th. 1968 Township of Markham. Gormley R.R. 2, Ontario. Harvey N. Cox. CHIEF OF POLICE, Harvey N. Cox, CHIEF OF POLICE, Township of Markham, Gormley RR. 2, Ontario.

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