Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1968, p. 18

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would like to call on you with ‘housewarming gifts’ and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL Call Mrs. Ralph Harley 889-3313 mnmmmmmmu\uuuuummumuuuuuunmuumuumunu Thornhill's first game on February 18 was played before a capacity crowd in the cells- eum and they squeaked through with a 2-1 win against Mur- docliville. Quebec. Chris Sut- ton and Rocky Pautalone scored for Thornhill. Much of the credit. also, must. go to Brian‘ Stankiewicz for brilliant goal- tending. An interesting prelude 10 the game in the form of an ex- change of gifts took place on theiice shortly before the start- ing whistle when the Indians presented each of the ’l‘hornhill players‘ with a single-feathered headdress and received. in re- turn. a miniature replica of the wellrknown symbol of Quebec‘s Winter Carnival. The Indians were accompan- Ied by Chief Max Gros Louis vigorously beating on the tome toms in a vain effort to spur his team on to victory. Not- withstanding his team’s crushq in‘g defeat. however. the chief graciously. invited our boys and‘ personally conducted them on a tour of the Indian reserve. 'l‘hornhill Peewees played three games. the highlight of which, no doubt, was the sec- ond one played against “Les [ndiens du Quebec“. This; highly-rated and very popular team in Quebec was eliminat- ed from the tournament as a result of Thornhi‘ll’s win by a score of 6-1. I Mr. Clark made it in time for Thornhill’s first game on Sunday along with son Danny and friend Dino Pantalone, who both play for Thornhill Minor Atoms, by flying to Quebec City following their game at Doublerink Arenas Saturday ev- ening. Mrs. A. Hartwick also travelled to Quebec late Sat- urday night. with son Rick, fol- lowing his game with the Thornhill bantams. Among the team‘s fans who travelled to Quebec were Mr. and Mrs". E. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. R: Howson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hal'twick. Mr.’and Mrs. A. Takeuchi, Mr. and Mrs. H.‘ Okada. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harvey,‘ Mrs. S. Stankiewicz. Mrs. R. McIntosh and Mrs. Jock Clark. a large crowd of parents and 111: fans on hand to welcome them ne home at 11.30 pm. Represent- Ba ing Thomhill Hockey Associafltrick tion were Robert Law and Ed India Windsor. Richard Howson, one;cm‘j, of the team's coaches was also’emm- on hand. having returned from: It Quebec a day in advance. Mr. and Mrs. A. Takeuchi. Mrs. R. Great Howson and Al Hartwick ac-gtion companied the boys. mm. ainst Although the train arriving at the Union Station February 22 from Quebec City with‘ the‘ Thornhill peewee hockey players aboard was almost two hours late, there was Th-ornhill Peewees Enjoy Quebec Trip Despite Third Round Loss 5 889-8118 Ladies interested in a physi-‘ Mrs. E cal culture program to be held Street. en in the United Church Hall are for her hl asked to call Mrs. Eve Ward at of his 801 Get well wishes are extended to little Susan- Peck. Arnold Avenue, who is recovering from a tonsillectomy. Stankiewicz Stars In Goal Congratulations to Bob and years of experience in conduct- Pegzy Horn on the birth 01' mg exercise classes, She is en- thei‘r daughter Lisa. born Feb- deavoring to introduce a mom- rua‘ry 29 in York Central 1103- ing program for area residents. pital. Congratulations also to Classes will be an hour in Jack and Do Horn on the ar-‘length at $1.50 rival of their first grandchild. I Anyone wishing to tone up 18 WELCOME SERVICE Mrs. Ward had had many THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. March 7, 1968 Socially Speaking Thornhill and District News PHONE 889-3190 arriving Brian was singled out 'ebrual‘y for special mention by y withI sportscasters as being one hockey of the tournament's most almost outstanding goalies. He is ve was also very ably assisted on m5 and many occasions by his part- ie them ner Robbie Clark. Dl‘esellt' Barry Howson scored a hat ASSOCla‘itrk-k in that game against the and Ed‘Indians with Kenny Okada. .uay wumwu W a Dallquet 1“ hi * * >1: ' Congratulations to the Thornâ€" ‘tile EVEDing- 30 it was that a Svmpamy is extended to’hill Secondary senior basketball 'lmed but Very happy party Of John lFinerty, Thornridge Drive. team for Winning York ~Central ‘iparems. and boys f'etumed to on the death of his sister, Mary‘sfmlm‘ BaSkflball Champlonshpl T110rnhlll February 22- Margaret Finer“. of Toronto_ {Title March 2 at Langstaff Sec- Hearty congratulations to the‘ * * * * Iondary Gymnasium. The Thorn- Richmond Hill Lions on win-g Advance orders are belngvhill crew won the title by de- ning the grand championship of taken for the hand-made Easter feating Bayview in the semi- the Quebec International Pee- eggs being sold by the Alpha finals PlaYEd MarCh 1 and RiCh' wee Tournament. group of Holy Trinity ACW. mond Hill High in the finals. 'i The ’l‘hoi‘nhill contingent un- lanimously agrees that the hospi- ‘ tality shown them by the people of Quebec and the Knights of Columbus organization whose dedication in their efforts to ensure a maximum of entertain- ment for the benefit of the boys during their stay in Que~ bec City is quite overwhelming. :The same warmhearted friend-f :ship was found in the homes of‘ Ethe kindly Godpai‘ents. as} ,‘they‘re known in Quebec, where the boys were billeted out two ‘by two. Anotlfér highlight of the trip was a Ski-doe why on Wednes- day followed by a banquet in the evening. So it was that a tired but very happy party of parents and boys returned to Thornhill February 22. It was in the third game ag- ainst Amos of Quebec that the great disappointment of elimin- ation came for the Thornhill Peewees as they were beaten by a score of 6-]. Credit for the lone Thornhill goal went to Neville LePage. Chris Sutton and Dai'id Court-I emanche getting the singles. Mrs. E. Burt, 8159 Yonge Street, entertained February 17 for her husband Ernie in honor of his 80th birthday. An open house was held from 2 - 5 pm for members of the Anyone wishing to tone up their muscles for the summer activities ahead should contact Mrs. Ward now in order that she may arrange classes as soon as possible. "l‘f’m’ gm?" While in Lake Worth Mrs. “:35”; 0': Martin was guest soloist at the bv his Barb third anniversary of Lake Worth “1“ Lutheran Church. Members of ‘ the church entertained at a some? a h"‘tlreception following the service. )9 agalnst theers. Martin sang at the official kennX Okadanopening of the church three Da"_‘d Courtiyears ago. During her visit she “‘9 Smgles- ‘also performed at the Scandin- hird game agâ€"‘avian Club before an audience iebec that the of 200 members and guests, ent of elimin- A visit to Bible Town in Boco' the Tliornhill‘Raton to see the celebrated per- Sympathy is extended to John Finerty, Thornridge Drive, on the death of his sister, Mary Margaret Finerty. of Toronto. The weather was quite cool for, her visit but Mrs. Martin swam in the ocean twice a day and had a wonderful vacation. Mrs. Martin spent the second week of her holiday visiting Mrs. G. Stanley Robinson of Marymount Farms, at Pompano Beach. Mrs. Robinson has spent the past 12 winters at Jasmin Villa. While staying at the Villa, Mrs. Martin was co-host- ess with Mrs. Robinson at a Canadian party one evening and entertained 20 guests at a din- ner party on another occasion. formance of religious music featuring a brass band. piano and organ under the direction of the former musical director of The People’s Church, Tor- onto, was a highlight of her trip. Mrs. Martin drove to Hypo-for a luxo. Lake Worth, where she‘and t spent a week as guest of Mnlplace a‘nd‘Mrs. Bill Kajola. formeriMarch Uplands Avenue residents. | Mrs. Hugh Martin. Westwood Lane‘ returned recently from a visit to Florida where she spent two delightful weeks holi- daying with friends. The Jacksons flew to New York where they boarded the Cunard liner “Franconia” and enjoyed perfect weather for their holiday. Florida Vacation “The Liberal” ls always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be reached by phoning 889-3190. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jackson, Mill Road, returned last week from a three-week cruise to St. Thomas, ‘Grenada. Barbados. South America, Jamaica and Haiti. Present at l bl'ation were 1 her, Mr. and J liamson and Frances and ( Beverley Doan senior citizens bowling club and a family dinner \\ as enjoyed in the evening. in Thorn/till the‘ evening cele- Mrs. Helen Bam~ Mrs. Borden Wil- their daughters. Claire, and Miss Congratulations to George Neeland, Franklin Avenue, for his outstanding performances at the Maple Leaf Indoor Games held March 1. George. repre- senting Waterloo University, placed second in the 50-yard college hurdles and fourth in the second heat of the men’s 50-yard hurdles. Congratulations also to Tom Stoyan of Langstaff Secondary for placing third in the 440- yard dash, (high schools}. visor of music for Vaughan Township Public Schools. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McVic- ar of Simcoe. recently spent a few days Visiting Mrs. McVicar‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Martin, Westwood Lane. Maple Leaf Track Meet Lona Richardsbn is organist at the United Church and Bob Richardson is assistant superâ€" NII‘. and Mrs. Richardson took second place honors in the class 75 piano duo senior amateur] class at the biggest festival in‘ its 25 year history. ' Congratulations to Lona and Bob Richardson for their ex- cellent performance at the Ki- wanis Music Festival held re- cently. After many difficuln'es were ironed out, Wayne was flown up for a brief visit with his father and the happy reunion took place at Malton Airport, Wayne has been living in England for 17 years with his mother and is now serving aboard the HMS Juno. Mr. French found out that the naval ship was docking at Jackson- ville. Florida, over the weekend and asked the newspaper to try and arrange leave and a trip to Thornhill for his son. After appealing to a Toronto daily newspaper for help in locating his son, the dream of meeting 21â€"year-old Wayne was fulfilled. Walter French. Spruce A\'e~ nue. was l‘e-united with his son, Wayne, over the weekend, whom he had not seen since the boy was four years old. Eggs are priced at 25 cents: Stephen Watson apiece Please call Mrs. R. Cox, commended at the 889-4359 or Mrs. G. Langmam'having the single < 889-1529 for your order. becoming the t Happy Reunion United Church The choir is looking for new members, male and female. Anyone who enjoys mixing good music with pleasure is in- In appreciation of the enjoyâ€" able u'eekend, the 6th boys preâ€" sented them with a Canadian flag and tje-affirmed an invita- tion for them to spend a May weekend in Thornhill. Highlight of the operation was a cook-out on the ice that the host group provided. Cubs in the gfiup to have Presbyterian Church earned five Stars‘ In order to make the youth The 6th boys have had a vel.y‘program more meaningful to active season. Recently 15 sen-‘the young people a new format i0}. Cubs with two Scouts andifor grades 9 up began March 3 four leaders were guests of lstuatj pm. Grade 9 students have Halibunon Cub pack. Theyijomed the presbyt‘eens and spent an enjoyable weekend ice_;YPS as part. of the total youth fishing. skidooing and tobaggan-Wl‘ogmm- ning on Drag Lake. The new program is aimed at Given special recognition at the celebration were Tom Doh- erty and Dan Daly. the first two Cubs in the group to have earned five stars. gram Trophy Race at Mosport and answered a barrage of questions from the enthusiastic audience following the film. Stephen Watson was highly commended at the banquet for having the single distinction of becoming the troop's first Queen Scout. Scouts and Cubs Scouts and Cubs from 6th Thornhill held their fifth an- nual father and son banquet February 27 in the United Church Hall. Guest speaker for the evening was Charles “Chick” R'IcGregor, sports edi- tor for the Toronto Telegram. Mr. Ric-Gregor introduced a film based on the 1967 Tele- The OWRC’s Ieuer ad- vised council that while the urgency for the new well was recognized, approval must be sought and plans submitted. It concluded by saying the commission “is at a loss to understand the township’s lack of at- tention to the Ontario Water Resources Commis- slon.” Sports Editor Popular Guest At Scout Banquet I am sure there pondence on file A letter from the On- tario Water Resources Com- mission criticizing Mark- ham Township for con- structing a new well at the Don Mills - John Street lo- cation and completing it without the commission's permission aroused the ire of Councillor Alan Sumner, chairman of council’s water and sewerage committee. “I regret hhe day we ever got involved with the OWRC”, said Mr. Sumner at the February 19 meet- ing of council. “There was verbal application made to the OWRC staff last year. It was understood approval would be given. Prior ap- plication was made! I blame the general confusâ€" ion at the OWRC for this. I am sure there is corres- OWRC Objects 3rd John St. Well For further information. young people are asked to call George James. 225-8085: Bill Winship. 636-8773: Don Timney, 221-9190; Alan McKechnie, 889- 5025. Anyone wishing to transfer membership at Eastertime is asked to call the church office. The opportunity sale held March 16 from 10 Donations of new and new clothing is needed. take to the church by '11. No Permission Given ,\'ited to join. No previous ex- }perience is necessary. Please :call 889-4257 or 889-5803. The ‘choir meets on Thursday even- ings at 7.30 pm. The couples‘ club will meet for bowling at Newtonbrook Plaza March 9 at 7.30 pm. Re- freshments \\ ill be served at the church following the bowling. Rev. Garth Nelson conducted devotions over CFGM last Sun-l day evening. Water from the Don Mills plant where two wells are now in operation serv- es much of the south-west sector of the township where water shortages "We have had the OWRC people on the site all along." said Ml: Miklas. They have been given inâ€" formation al all stages. They have all the final drawings for changes in the pumphouse itself and alterations to pumps are ordered to increase the capacity." Township consultants subsequently reported that the third well would add approximately 500,000 gal- lons per minute to the water supply. boosting the output to 2,000,000 gallons per minute. an Miklas advised that township representatives had met with OWRC per- sonnel a year ago and were told that the commission could not approve the third well at that time because there was no proof that the new well would produce sufficient output to be of benefit. Township Engineer Dus- Miklas advised that, The couples club will hold 1 meet its next meeting March 9 and nbrook'all new couples are invited to m. Re- attend. Square dancing and l at the games will be on the program. owling. The WMS will hold the next ducted meeting March 19 at the st Sun-‘church. All ladies are invited to attend the monthly meetings. will be The 1968 executive is as fol-- 12 am. lows: Honorary President Mrs. nearly H. Mizen: President Mrs. R. Please Camsell: Vice-President Mrs. N. March Nixon: Secretary Mrs. K. Van-‘ Holy Trinity Anglican The men's association is hold- ing its annual dinner for the election of officers March ’7. Rev. Sidney West. Anglican chaplain at a provincial cor- rectional institute will be guest speaker. All men are invited. Dinner commences at 6:45 p.m. The Harmon}~ group of ACW meets on the first Monday of every month at 1.30 pm in the nursery room to make cancer dressings. All women are wel- come to join the group in this worthwhile work. Owners’ costs over 20 years at 634% interest are estimated at 56c per foot frontage. plus $96 per water service connection. If connection costs are also amortized over 20 years, they would amount to $8.89 per annum. There are now three Lay Readers in the parish, Philip Townshend - Carter, Dennis New members will be wel- comed into the church March The six inch watermain proposed for the project “ith an overall length of 14.675 feet was estimated at $198336, including ser- vice connections. The township‘s share of the cost would be $46,936. dermey: Treasurer Mrs. L. Dia- mond: Supply Secretaries Mrs. F. Porter and Mrs. E. Jackson: Friendship Service Mrs. H. Har- per and Miss F. James; Home Helper Mrs. J. Kok; Co-ordinaâ€" tor Mrs. N. Nixon. An engineering report, made under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act, includes all streets in the existing village, plus East Drive from the CN right-of-way to Kennedy Road. In the meantime, council has received estimates on the cost of supplying water services within the boundâ€" aries of the Village of Un- ionville. The opening feature March 3 was a film. “The Summer We Moved To Elm Street". produc- ed by the National Film Board. have been common in rec- ent years. Mr. Miklas said it is hoped the third well will be connected by the end of April, well before the summer season. r““““‘i“‘;‘;vf:ivi_ii ' SIDNEY PORTIER - SHELLEY WINTERS I I ELIZABETH HARTMAN I I Both Features Adult Entertainment I There‘s only one way for you to be “ell-informed about import- ant local events and your special interests. That‘s by reading “The Liberal" every Thursday. The new building on the church site at Royal Orchard Boulevard and Bay Thorn Drive is advancing favorably. Cold weather has caused a few delays but occupancy is still looked forward to take place in the spring. The Eastern Canada Synod Annual Convention will be held in Waterloo from June 3-6. Mrs. Frank Kenel has been chosen delegate and the alternate is Mrs. A. Kehlin. Jones and Harry Iddon. These men have assisted in services of worship and it is the objective of HoLy Trinity to have a lay person take part in every wor- ship service in the future. Christ The King Lutheran 0 Children Under 12 Free â€"- Electric in-car heater: 0 Box Office Open 7.00 pm. - Show starts at'7.30 p.m4 “MORE THAN A MIRACLE" Week Starting Friday. March 8th What about next week? â€" 2ND BIG FEATURE ~~< "A PATCH 0F BLUE" EXPERIENCED SALES LADY WANTED OMAR SHARIF, SOPHIA LOREN in First Toronto Showing~ in (‘olor Paris Shoppe Towne and Countrye Square WILLOWDALE MRS. LEVANT 223-1365 Excellent wages Excellent working conditions CALL THE: .1“ -‘- In " THEATRE FRASER DUNN State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office - Toronto H5 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL. ONTARIO TELEPHONE Bus. 889-3288 how much you may save on car insurance!” “Find out At Highways \.- 400 a. 7 E 5"“! [All INSURANCK'

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