Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Mar 1968, p. 13

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Bruno Tambosso of Sussex Avenue. proprietor of the Stan- dard Tile Company, returned home on Sunday having spent two days in Northwestern Hos- pital where he underwent surg- cry. The operation was very suc~ ressful and Mr. Tambosso will be able to resume work after a shOrt period of convalescence. it ill 9' The Youth Corps of Our Lady Queen of the World will be collecting this Year on behalf of the Red Cross Campaign in the areas of Crosby North to Elgin Mills and Bayvicw to Newkirk. Area Chairman Mrs. E. C. Nokes and Richard 'Englehutt, president of the youth group. ask for the public’s full support in this campaign. The collection will take place between March 16 and 30. o c Sergeant Donald Saunders of 11th Division Metropolitan Pol- ice spoke on “Safety” to the an- nual father and son banquet of 6th Richmond Hill Scouts and Cubs. held March 8 at Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church. After a delicious chicken dinâ€" ner, provided by the mothers’ auxiliary, P. Nye acted as chair- man for a brief program. Cub David Mirrlees said the grace, Scout Ricky Standing proposed the toast to the Queen and Scout Ricky Francis to Canada. Scout David Hay proposed the toast to the fathers and G. Van Weert replied, while Cub Philip 'I'earne thanked the mothers for the delicious meal and their help throughout the year. t it a The Ryders, with their reâ€" freshing, positive approach to lhe'Christian faith, will be tak- ing the 7 pm service on Sunday next at Richmond Hill United Church. This program of worship, reâ€" freshments and sing-along for the whole congregation is being sponsored by the CGIT. t A n large audi- tine Draw that took place re- ence of young people and ad- Lucky winner of the \‘alcn- PlilliUs‘laSllC cently at Bork's Jewellers. ults had a mOsI enjoyable Sun- lYonge Street South. was Don day afternoon. March 10. at the 'Smith of King High Drive, Conâ€" monthly gathering of the Rec- }cord. ,reational Guild of Culture. Mr. Smith received a beautiâ€". All joined in choral singing. ful diamond set Bulova watch. Swiss bell ringing. recorder ihis name having been drawn by playing and music appreciation LWilliam Race of the Gormley on Composer Palesti‘ina. \vith .Sideroad. who was in the store,rccordings of his music. .at the time of the draw. The piece d'resistance was "‘ * "‘ ‘thc film on Composer Franz A Corporate Communion Lizst and also a surprise film Breakfast was held Sunday entitled "A Ballerina". morning for some 25 servers ing the life in a day of Can- and crucifers of St. Mary's Ang- adian Prima Ballerina Margaret lican Church. Mcrcier of Les Grandes Ballet Rev. J. F. O‘Neil paid tribute Canadiens. to Brian Atkinson for his .V‘ears * * of service with this group and The 8th Richmond Hill Scouts congratulations were extended and Cubs Ladies' Auxiliary held a at the home of Mrs. Carmen McCabe on Essex Avenue. There was an excellent at- this week. Diane Hayes which takes place‘ i I v i. been designated as Human happy to welcome a new mem- ‘Rights Year. a study group former. Mrs. Hazel Downic. A gold .women of the Richmond Hillipast president‘s pin was preâ€" .United Church Congregation is‘sented to Mrs. Bea Seymour in :being formed by the UC Womâ€"lappreciation of her work during 'en's Citizenship and Social Ac-‘the past year, and plans for the‘ tion Committee to explore its‘fa‘ther and son banquet held concerns. Tuesday evening were finalized. The first topic will be “Can- The boys will be taking ada And Its Indians" and theiorders for hot cross buns. to be group will meet March 20 at,delivered on Good Friday morn- 1.30 pm at the home of Mrs. S.,ing. ‘Elson. 254 Church Street South.‘ A fun filled evening for mem- * * * hers is planned for the April The Crosby Heights Home} and School Association will pre-‘ sent a panel and open discus- sion of “The Development of Larger Units of Admlnistration" on March 27 at the school. What does this mean to Mr. Average in the Hill? Will it mean higher school taxes, a‘ .lowering of the standard of ’education in the schools or ‘perhaps one school system in the province? , This is your school board. lyour school system and possibly ‘your child that is being affect- instead of the regular date. The Richmond Hill Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses had a busy January and February. The visiting nurses made a total of 729 calls in the two months, compared to 480 in the same period of 1967. Of the total. 139 calls were in Richmond Hill. 103 in Markham Township, 118 in Vaughan Township and 369 in the new extended ‘ed_ area. New cases numbered ‘- If you are an interested parâ€" 57- ient. make plans now to attend ‘Recemly two students lthis meeting. from the Nightingale School of Nursing in To- W 1L“ ‘ 85 YONGE STREET N. 884-8191 M t WW GLOBE" TRAVEL SERVICE BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES, TOURS AND CRUISES For your convenience 2 lines to serve you No service charge, no booking fee spent three days with the local branch, ao- companying the nurses on g ronto, E their home calls. 1 as x * Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Barrow and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Clark have returned from a two week 3 vacation at Accra Beach in the _ ’iBarbados. ‘)‘ While there they lcar é. RICHMOND HILL rented a and in perfect weather toured the island. with its magâ€" m i m ' Our Lady Queen of The World EVERY THURSDAY AT 8 RM. nificent countryside and sup- erb beaches. In the evenings they explored the colorful night life and at one night club. The Trevor Howard. a regular visi- ltor to the island, joining in the calypso dances. x y it Dalton Hicks. l Mr. and Mrs. depict-‘ to him on his marriage to Miss‘their March meeting on the 6th In recognition that 1968 has tendance and the auxiliary was Bearded Fig Tree. they notedl the well known British actor,l St. Patrick‘s Day will he rel» cbralcd by the (‘WL of Our Lady Queen of the World Rom- an Catholic Church by a card party March 16 at 8.15 pm. Mrs. John Daley is general con- vcnor of this annual event, Mrs. B. Oudricmcriuk ticket conven» or. Mrs. R. L. Carter. draw conâ€" venor and Mrs. L. Wilson con- vcnor of table favors. x 1 Mrs. Larry Oliver entertained members of the Richmond Hill ProgreSSivc Conservative As- sociation at her home on the Cachet Country Club Estates to finalize plans for their St. Pat- rick's Day Dance to be held this Friday. March 15, Lions Hall on Centre Street East. There will be dancing to the Metro Notes Orchestra with a buffet supper following. Tick- ets will be available at the door. Refreshments were served by the hostess and members then enjoyed a tour of her new home. )Ii '0‘ The girls of the CGIT and Explorer Group of St. John‘s Baptist Church joined in a ser- ‘vice of worship February 29. :The program followed the out- line of “The World Day of a ‘Prayer" service for childran iThe CGIT girls conducted thel l . . lserVice With every member meeung- to be hem 0“ the 15th ‘sharing in it and the story wasl ‘told by one of the CGIT lead- ers. All the girls were impressed this world-wide ‘ sharing in movement. The offering from these ser- vices. all around the world. is .used to supply Braille litera- ture for blind children. i The Ladies’ Auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian ‘Legion Dart Team brought the Zone E2 Davrt Trophy home to Richmond Hill Saturday last. Players Adelaide Mills, Joan Dickson, Isobel Bonner and Anna Lehtonen won playing at Woodbridge against 25 teams from Zone E2, with tea-m mem- ber Mills winning the trophy for high score with 140 points. .The dart team will be playing at Brantford, May 4. in the iregional dart tournament. l The St. Patrick‘s pot luck ‘supper will be held this Thursâ€" day, March 14, for members and .guests. : Best wishes for speedy recovâ€" ‘ery are sent to Past President iLucy Rickard at present in {York Central Hospital. - >i< ‘ Jr The Green Room party after ‘the Saturday performance of Any Wednesday was held at ithe home of Mr. and Mrs. Mich- iael Matyas on Roosevelt Drive. i It was a very lively evening nvitli everyone in high spirits following the success of the fix >1 in they and felt most privileged to be' i. weekend \isiim at me home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLeod on Richmond Sircci was William S. (l, McLeod. on route to his home in Bl'iilllllild. following a Florida vacation. The 5th Richmond Hill (‘uh and Scout Ladies’ Auxiliary will hold a rummage sale in Rich» mond llill Lnitcd Church March 30 at 9.30 am l-‘oi pickup call Joyce Wells at 88-1â€" 5959. Marilyn Schiller. 884-8216. Marjorie chks. 884-4792. Yvonne Sale. 884-3073 and Betty McGhic. 884â€"13685. 'l'hc l’t‘W of St. Matthew's will hold lIlDll‘ general meeting next 'l‘ucsday. March 19 Members of St. Matthew‘s Players will present a playlcl. (‘loudcd Questions. which will he followed by a discussion on implications of the Christian faith. .'\II the women of the coiigi'c- gallon are Ill\ll(‘d. A. H. Gabl) returned on Thursday to his home in Wrax- all. Bristol. England. following a three month stay with his daughter. Mrs. G. C. Crack. at her home on Leonard Street. Mr. Gabb. a regular com- muter to Richmond Hill. has made many friends during his visits, and prior to his leaving was entertained at scvcral luncheons and parties, includ- ing a pi'e-celcbi‘alion of his 80th birthday in April. Mrs. Kenneth Tatum, presi» dent of the Women's Circle of ,St. John‘s Baptist Church en-y itcrtained the group for theirl ‘March meeting at her home on Rockport Crescent. ‘ After the worship period plans were made for the decorâ€" ating of the Easter eggs. at a work meeting at the church. These are made and sold by inâ€" dividual members of the group. ‘ Work was continued on the articles for the mission box. ‘ ‘I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllll\i1lllIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllll‘ ‘ l ; Going Places! I The attractive cover girl . on the current issue of Miss Chatelaine is Barbi Peirce. who is also featured ! throughout the magazine i modelling the fashions. This is Barbi‘s second assignment with Miss Chat- elaine and judging from her photogenic quality we i can look forward to seeing ‘ her in many future issues. Barbi. 13-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William \ E. Peirce, Rockport Cres- v‘ cent, is a grade 8 student at Crosby Heights Senior School and recently placed third in the York County Elementary School Public Speaking Contest. A former “Rose of Rich- mond Hill” she has done modelling and TV work since she was five years old. lllllllIIIIIIIlIIIllIllIIIIIIlllllIIllIIIIllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllll Entertaining at cocktail part- ies prior to the all Beethoven ,concert held Thursday evening ‘by the Richmond Hill Sym-; phony Orchestra were Mayori Thomas Broadhurst and Mrs.‘ Broadhurst. Dr. W. D. Bennett ;and Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. J. Dob-i Erensky, and at a buffet dinner, Mrs. Joseph Rabinowitch. . A capacity audience attended ithe concert, which will be re: peated this Thursday at the; Huron Heights School in Newmarket. ! * >l< >k 1 Richmond Hill friends of Private Donald Hoover. former- ily of Lawrence Avenue. will be interested to know that he is l i » a. new spring [â€" | IODE held their March meeting: "1‘. A. Gough. 75 Inverlocliy,i Secondary l Ontario is THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l‘hiirsday. March 14. (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Tea House Of The Rising Sun Room 17 at Beverley Acres Public School was. converted into a Japanese Tea House of the Rising Sun Thursday afternoon of last week. Each guest entered the tea house through a door curtained with colorful streamers “to keep out the evil spirits" and was greeted by one of the pupils wearing traditional Japanese costumes. After 1‘emov'ing‘ shoes and donning- white socks, the guest was guided around the room by a pupil to admire the many displays of objects from that country. The children greeted and said goodbye to their guests and sang a welcome song in Japanese. Highlight of the afternoon was a Japanese meal of rice. shrimp and oysters, served with a cup of tea and fortune cookies. The happy smiles above tell of the success of the afternoon as Teacher Sandra. Hood, looking quite unfamiliar in her black wig. kimOno and obi. serves (left to right) Delphia Battaglini, Donald Shanks. Steve Miller. Cathy Steele and Billy Kerr, who handled their chop- sticks like veterans. The meal was served at a low table with the children and guests kneeling in true Japanese fashion. Just returned from a relaxingi three week holiday in Florida. are Mrs. Stuart Casement of Alper Street and. Mrs. Howard, A. McKay, Bluegrass Blvd. l Travelling by Trailways Coach they stayed in St. Peters-‘ burg at the Colonial Inn. , x >4~ >.< Willowdale N o w! New Spring Sty/es Children '5 Wear For Boys and Girls: The Chapter ; at the home of Regent Mrs; Thornhill. , Among the 18 in attendancel was new member Mrs. Valerie Davis, who was warmly welcom- ed by members of the chapter. On April 17 the chapter willl be entertaining the senior citi-* zens of Brimley Acres. i‘ a The irony of it all! Mr. and5 Minutes to Years Mrs. Earl Cameron, Mr. and; Mrs. Stanley Parr, Mr. and Mrs.; Tom Finlay, and Mr. and Mrs} Hugh Kerr escaped to Florida. to bask in the warm sun. in-} stead they continued to wear their winter woollies as the- weather was so cold! En route for home, the Cam-i erons and the Paris decided toi go to Apsley for a snowmobile safari. And guess what? The weather turned so warm and balmy it practically necessitated unpacking their :Florida wardrobe! l is a“ Plans were recently finalized; for the mammoth rummagel In the centre of the Centre RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE a min im u m $300. maximum $500. JACKPO'I' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith, allth‘eCtOF Dagmar Matras and "MI-- and Mrs. warren Davey,‘play. and after presentations to taking a seven-week luniOI‘sale to be held March 30 at‘ leadership course at the Cana-iOur Lady of Fatima School at a OOOOOONOO ' m *$ 4 Special and 25 Regular Games East side of Bayview at Crosby Ave. Wing Photographs .0 O... OOQO”O“ ‘and Mrs. Bob Weiss, Willowdale and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams most holidaying at the Blue Water Motel in Antigua. Throughout their stay the weather was gorgeous, ideal for sunbathing. swimming and sail- ing. and on one occasion. a cricket match. arranged by Sir You’ll Treasure Phone 884-67 41 ‘ o for Appomm‘e" Alex Horslcy. a businessman . from Eiwland. between the W t z: Stuarts btUdIO Visiting Canadian men and the ' . natives who worked at the Phomg‘apm motel. Needless to say the visitors were victorious! Other highlights of their holiday were dining at Half Ricardo PEOPLE boil‘s redness. entry. It is called a boil face. an abscess when or a pimple. This Diabetics, or patients quire immediate medica you need a medicine. without extra charge. entrust us with their 884-4444 incl. :0 i><i -.:e-imi;-ew i><i PU IN BIBLICAL TIMES They are often mentioned in the Bible. swelling. greet tenderness as a fluid-filled core develops. gives a picture of a typical infection. usually caused by a staphlococci variety of bac- teria which remains confined to the area of their A carbunclc is a cluster of boils and a felon is a specxal type of boil affecting the thick tissues of the pad of a fingertip. hardening of arteries or Buerger's disease rc- \'OI‘R DOCTOR (‘AX PHONE l'S . Pick up your prescription If shopping nearby. or we will deliver promptly compound and dispense AIIencourt Pharmacy Ltd. Allencourt Shopping Centre. Richmond Hill Wm. C. Lazenby Hugh A. Wight th.B. Free Delivery ms ll ll’lr'Ele-‘E'Rall ii scarier ’ 1Moon Bay on the other side of the island and a day on the beautiful French island of Guad- ‘aloupc. a ten minute flight from Antigua. ironsulaia HAD BOILS V r u Many parties lime been held for Miss Bettina Harvey whosc marriage to Jack Barth takes {place this Saturday at St. :Paul's Lutheran Church. Entertaining at miscellaneous .Sl10\\el's were Mrs. Adam Pamcr and Mrs. Elsie Cowan. both of Toronto. Miss Linda Harvey. .Thornhill, and Mrs. Ross Perâ€" icival. Mrs. William Tea and plrs. A. Manock. all of Rich- jmond Hill. Many relatives and friends .attended the irousseau tea held ion Sunday by the bride's moth- er. Mrs. Albert Harvey. at her home on Rugglcs Avenue. Pour- ing tca were the groom's grand- A local "hotness." and Boils are when on the skin's sur- it involves deep tissues. Never squeeze a boil spreads the infection. with vascular disease. l attention. when mother»; Mrs. M. Barth and A great many people Mrs. Eric Broscr. prescriptions. May we Out ol town guests included "0111.5? Mrs. Jack Davies and Mrs. ‘James Fullerton of London. Ontario, and Mrs. Edna Nash of Naiiaimo. B.C.. who is staying with the Harvey family until _ the wedding. l The young couple are both graduates of Richmond Hill .High School: Miss Harvey is a member of the teaching staff of Maciiillop School and .\ll'. Barth. son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Barth. is assorialcd with father in Barth‘s L‘lcnncts. lRirhmonn Hill and Aui'ma. t Alec G. Clarke 884-4461 his of Toronto. have returned from‘ orous incidents that took place behind the scenes. The next Curtain Clth meet- mg m“ be held next Mondayfi’l‘his course is necessary before held TuGsda)‘ by Mrs. F. lngles March 18. when a rehearsed reading of A Couplet With The Rhodes, by Graham Greene; will be presented by Mary Monks. featuring Marion Postlethwaite, Kathie Warner. Ron Scott. Tre- vor Stanley and John Tidswell. a! it Attending the Sundridge Win- ter Carnival last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnold Price and their daughter Patricia of North Fernleigh Circle. They drove to Sundridge on Thursday. staying at Caswell’s Hotel and on Friday were en- thusiastic spectators at the opening of this three day event. Sundridge. 40 miles northeast of Huntsville. has a population of less than 700. but over 1000 were on hand to watch and parâ€" - ticipale in the many exciting winter Sports. 'l‘weniy-t’our teams from the States and all over Canada. took part in the dog sled racing. and due to a record number of 88 entries in ,of Richmond Hill; Mr. and ll'Irs.iPI‘oducer Joy Madden, Neville‘dian Forces Base Borden. Jack Smith. Oakville, Mr. and‘crc’?S added 10 the mm“): by‘ En1isling at the age of 16, the home of Mrs. C. Bettles on ‘ ,Mrs. Scott McCann. Thornbury,‘l‘eadlng a poem he had written‘Donald has now been in the Benson Ave..ue. formerly of Richmond H111, Minion the man-V unusual and hum-‘t‘orces for six years and is Wallis and Mrs. Ron Cook are istudying leadership and inan- agcment. methods of teaching. military law and map reading. ihe is promoted to the rank of ‘ corporal. t! i Recently returned from holi-‘ daying in the Florida sunshine are Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hopper of Mill Street and Mr. llopper's mother and aunt. Mrs. W. Jen- ner of Aurora and Mrs. J. Reyn- olds. Toronto. ‘ Travelling by car they stayed‘ at St. Petersburg. where they visited many places of interest including the Cypress Gardens and Florida‘s Silver Springs. where they explored the excit- ing mysteries of the underwater“ world through the magic of the famous glass bottom boats. Silver Springs comprises the largest group of natural springs in the world and has for years been known as the underwater film capital and home of such famous ’l‘V subjects as Sea Hunt and The Aquanauls. Mr. llopper returned by car after two weeks. but the others it at Imorning coffee break held at Mrs. Arthur coâ€"convenors Many CW1. members attend» ed a jewellery demonstration lags HIViFUD/‘Wf/M’ W for fill-TAMI” "I'msafiI at her home on Libby Blvd. Future events include two dessert bridge parties on April 24 at the home of Mrs. Theo Van Wieringen. Richmond Street and on May 1 at the home of Mrs. George Rice. Knollside Drive. All proceeds will go towards purchasing kitchen equipment for the new church hall. BUSTER BROWN FEATURES THE SQUARE TOE LOOK Mum LOATIONS msr I ACCURATE PRESCRIPTION smwcs ' swat... RICHMOND HILL “BONNIE” the snowmobile races. many . .- - v ’ hem were necebmn. prim. {‘0 {en‘d‘ned “1“” f“? “‘5‘ “99’”, aicauono Hzicmsmzi BLACK (:ALF ‘ r v _ In March. reluining home 13) anions: SLR. mull . . ~ - the final race. Other exhilarat- jet. . CHAIR 51411103 ing events were the snow shoe _L L . . , ,, L. L LLL, LL. . _. racing and the fiin (lei‘by and ’[Kx"{7"“KKKKRWRKWK’SRKRKRKRRKRRRRRRRSi g-KATIE" the most impressive sight â€"â€" an (j: gnuLAR To BoxxlE ice palace on the lake â€" served / ‘ . V ' 3 ’1, ' v I - ~ a two fold purpose adding to R0} al Lanadlan Leglon (” \ELLOW SUEDE the attractive winter scene and I FFIOV (OERT BI‘STER BR(’)\V.\ QRAYI‘GF‘ SFEDE l)l'l_)\l(llll‘.l refreshments for the C',‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ .” V ( HI‘NO SLEDE many \‘l.\llOI'S x; FliAThRI‘iS LUIIUR In the €\Clllli:\. iwo dances rOC Is ; SIZES 12-2 10 4 wci-c held. in the community «I i k I. ( hall and the hotel. where exc-ry- . I f' $ng one relaxed and discussed the ,’ day's menu and prophesied the ,1 final results The carnival. sponsored by I; fr the Sundridge Legion and Lions :2 i’, V 1 ‘ / Club. started last year as a one /, e . . ~ . - ' day Centennial project. and was § , lb : L 4 L f no so successful it was decided to r ' ‘ extend n to three dais thls .uvsu‘ Bv THE QL‘AR'i‘t‘n soles ; ..c...oNoHe.c..rsceaiit year. .v ,. I The Prices lime a collage on 1' s1 - =. ‘ . i . .r t... . . ~ l“ $1;le .epic ’ SOUH BLOCK Like Bernujd 1nd “H PMce 15 X, l i...» added lemme (munitions . \{l i. . ,, 1 ‘ill cxeciilivc member of the A r... I 5; .3 I “‘9 ‘ Lake Bf‘llliild P'npcii) l)" nci ~ “' 'H EMT" "I L a \ ‘ ‘m‘ l a I “mi »:\\_‘\\.\_‘3\‘\\\_\ \'\\:\:x' \\\ {\f\ x“ \\A§‘\C\‘\"\f\ <\\\\xx\x\\f§ c1.

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