Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Mar 1968, p. 1

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VOL. 90, NO. 37. All “frills” have been eliminated and the £33001 supporters maintenance budget cut to a bare minimum, Luke's Separate 5 he Sald- Supporters of This 17 mill Increase makes no provision system in Mark? '1'lMilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllflllflllllllllllll|IlllWNW“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfillllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll _ M W \. M.m>m«¢ The increase was considered necessary when the initial yearly rate paid to Traihvays of Canada was increased to 60¢ mull“uumuuummu|umummuuuun\mmmmumuuluumu Over determined opposition by Councillor Lois Hancey, Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night decided to accept a recommendation of its trans- portation and parking committee to increase the local bus rate for adults to 20c per trip. The present rate of 15c has been in effect since the bus service was instituted in 1956. mmmummumumuummuuumum I, d UU'U‘ID 7"",l‘here was also considex‘a- miuee from all walks 0: com- o renovating the 01d munity life. March 18â€"N0 Change Children ’3 Rate M§kh$ni Council To Re-Studym‘ The first Liberal leader- ship candidate to visit the Richmond Hill area will arrive in town this Satur- day morning. He is Con- sumer Affairs Minister John Turner who will meet local delegates to the April Leadership Convention at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stephenson. Hard- ing Boulevard. Mr. Sle- phenson is one of six dele- tates to the Ottawa con- vention from York North riding. The other delegates are Sam Cook of Richmond Hill. Dan Poylltz and Joe Haffey of Willowdale. Mrs. Hilda Kelly of Buttonville. and Regis Trude]. Young Liberal delegate from High- land Park. Markham Town- ship. A minimum increase of 17 mills in the 1968 tax rate for separate school supporters in Richmond Hill was forecast by the Rich- mond Hill Separate School Board finance committee at the public meeting March 5. This increase is necessary. stated Finance Chairman Peter Smith, to balance the cur- rent operating budget, which includes the annual increment for'teaching' staff but: does not make provision for any increase in the basic annual salary for level one teachers with no experience. Such an increase would be reflected across the board in every teacher’s salary. All remain uncommitted to any one candidate with tho exception of Mr. Poynfl. president of the York North Association. who strongly favors Paul Hellyer. Turner Here This Saturday The skirl of the pipes and a pictorial visit to the cities in a dozen countries were features of the annual Father and Son Banquet of 5th Richmond Hill Scout Group held March 1 in Richmond Hill United Church. The group‘includes two companies of Venturei's, two packs, numbering in all about 135 boys actively engaged in crowd at the annual banquet numbered 250, who all enjoyed the women’s auxiliary of Scouts and Cubs. Douglas Deacon piped in the head tablequest vincial Commissioner Donald Deacon, who is also Y Ontario Legislature. By means of colored slides, Mr. Deacon took all boys and fathers along on his Centennial trip last year to Mexico City, Lima, Buenos Aires, Rio De Janiero, Abadan, Nigeria, Johannes- burg. Khartoum, Moscow, Hamburg, Stockholm, Oslo, Glasgow, London. Mr. Deacon covered the 37,000 miles in 27 days. In the picture above (left to right) are Chairman Ray Weeks of the group committee and son Senior Venturer Mike Weeks, Douglas Deacon, Mr. Deacon, District Commissioner Douglas son Semor Venturer Mlke \\ ee Toogood and Charles Toogood 'T was A”. Braw Night For Father: And Sons By MARY DAWSON Ml Tublic Library, 24 Wrirght am, Richmnd Hill. 5 June 6H5~4~3-2~l~0-9~8. @ME MNMMW per mile. At the request of the transportation committee the town’s auditor, Stuart Joscelyn, had examined Trailways state- ment of costs of providing the service and had found them correct and the increase in rate‘ justified. it was reported. The two year contract pro- vides that this rate is subject to escalation in the second year on increased labor costs only as verified by the town auditor. The increase in the rate lor adults will become effective next Monday morning (March 18'. convenient. "It goes on quite a scenic tour. in fact," she pointed out. “People taking ‘the bus obviously can‘t afford taxis. so we shouldn‘t compare the fares.” She drew council‘s attention to the fact that you can travel all over the City of Toronto for a 20L- {are and have the conven- ience of the subuay, buses and streetcars. “This is a needed serv- ice." Mrs. [lancey agreed. 5' lllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllll| thughani There will be no increase in the 100 rate for children up to 12 years. which applies also to secondary school students to 12 years. which applies also For the third time in as to secondary school students many meetings. Vaughan Township Council March 5 Two Weekend turned back for further study a recommendation of I its hydro committee with re- 5 PIOpEI’ty LOSS spect to street lighting areas in the township. Vaughan Township Police are Council has been dealing investigating a break-entry and with the subject since last theft which occurred March 9. fall when. following two fatal at the Pinewood Sand and Gra- accidents in the area. resi- rel offices. RR 1 Maple. Thieves dents of Richvale requested took electric drills, sanders and that the district be designat- other tools and accessories“ ed a street lighting area. A amounting to some 51,000 loss.‘ similar request had been re A second theft took place ceived from Maplecrestâ€"Es~ March 10. at the Duffel‘in telle industrial subdivisions. 1Street and Steeles Avenue Council agreed to set up lFina Station. Vaughan Police the two street lighting areas report that tires and automobile and investigate the possibil» accessories Valued at some $600 ity of similar lighting areas "an. tnknn i being set up in other built-up A second theft took place March 10. at the Dufferin Street and Steeles Avenue Fina Station. Vaughan Police report that tires and automobile accessories valued at some $600 ccessories ere taken for paying off the operating deficit which has been building up for several years and stood at $80,000 at the end of 1967.- Last year the board held the increase in the mill rate to five mills. which brought the total mill rate in Richmond Hill for a resi- dential separate School supporter to 84.76 mills or 7.05 mills above the public school supporter. Commercial and industrial rateâ€" payers paid 94.11 mills, 7.9 mills more than public school supporters. 1 I r..v__- _,___-- 1n Vaughan Township the separate school rate for supporters of the Richmond Hill system in 1967 was 36 mills for residential property and 40 for commercial. This com- pares with 32 and 35.5 mills for both public school supporters and supporters of St. Luke's Separate School in Thornhill. "Liu'pfidiiters of the local separate school system in Markham Township paid 43.8 leguests. including his father Assistant P170- also York Centre's elected representative in the a scenic tour, in fact," she pointed out. “People taking the bus obviously can’t afford taxis. so we shouldn‘t compare the fares.“ She drew council‘s attention: "The rate per mile has goneidents protested agamst a tour- to the fact that you can travel up from 39c [0 60c per mile lane highway through their area all over the City of Toronto for since 1956 and the committee‘and asked that main traffic be a 20c fare and have the convert. felt that )Ol’l‘ie of this increase kept away from Concession 5 ience of the subway, buses and should be passed on to the’and Glenburn Park. streetcar-s. . people “ho use the facility”; It was noted that when the . “Thls Is a needed serv- ; Councillor lx'an Mansbridge,‘amendment was the subject 0f ice," Mrs. Hancey agreed. - (Continued on Page 15! a public meeting last August. :i'lulllll\l\l“1|l“lllliii“lllll“llilllllllii“lull!“lllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllliilllllillllllill“llllllllllllll“mulllllllllllllllhllllll“|lilllllllli\llllllllllilllll“ll“ll“Null“\llillHillllllll“\llllulllmii‘ :h Vaughan ’3 Street being se troops of Scouts and three Cub Scouting. This meant that the the roast: beef dinner provided by Eftffifiin HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH 14, 1968 “But the town may have to subsidize it to a greater ex- tent rat-her than increasing the cost for those who can't walk and can‘t afford a taxi.” Mayor Thomas Bi‘oadhurst, who pointed out that more ad- ult fares than children‘s are collected by the bus service, stated. “Everybody accepts the [act that the town should sub- sidize the service ~ but the question is just how much this subsidy should be. t 1 I “In Essentials Unity; in Nonâ€"Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity areas of the townshlp However, any action has been stalled because itwas felt by staff members that as Section 85 of the Power Commission Act gave author- ity for entering into a con- tract with Ontario Hydro for street lighting and the sup- ply of power is now vested with the local municipal sysâ€" tem and not the Ontario Hydro Commission, the tmmship had no authority to proceed under the proviâ€" sions of this act. Two sections of the Muni- cipal Act provide for the municipality’s charging the capital casts of street light- iné to-the areas, but not the operating and maintenance c0515. which would therefore (Photo by Stuart’s Studio lllfllllllfillllllllll“ mmumw mills (residential) and 48.7 (commercial). The separate school in Markham levied 42.] and 46.6 mills and St. Luke’s levied 41.7 and 46.3. Comparative public school levies were 39.] and 43.4 in TSA 1 and 37.2 and 41.3 in TSA 2 for public schools. Trustees of the 20-3'ear-01d board recalled that for several years former boards kept the mill rate for separate school supporters at the same level as that for public school supporters â€" in fact one year the separate school rate was one mill lower than that for the public schools. “This was the beginning of the deficit and the situation has become that much worse with each succeeding year,” stated Chairman John Taylor. Stated bualrmau auuu Layim. “From the financial point of View some steps have to be taken.” stated Mr. Smith, with Trustee John LeClaire commenting. "We're wiggling on the end of a hook, the " .i llllll\lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll“\lllllllmlulutnulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillll\lllllllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllll\\lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll vvvuAu up you u;¢~yvu.¢;° uw-a--.’ V- ~., V. --. $5,000 and $6,000 in bank interest charges. The second is to add to the debenture issue the outstanding mortgage on the St. Joseph School site, which would bring the All trustees expressed their concern over the impact of a 17-mill or greater increase in the 1968 tax rate on their supporters. (Continued on Page 3)‘ lllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll-fi uuuumumIllIImunululmuumuluuu\quluullmlummuullmummmuuullmmumumuluuuumumuuumumnumuuuummwunuuuuumumummu“mun “IIIUIHHlHIHiU||“HI\lmNIHI“lll“!\Iunuulnwuuuuuuu Lighting Areas May Be Charged Ambros Township , ,. _ L“. .h- mm, Aicnul'opâ€" then decide how 10 pay for I Admission-free entertainment mm headline the event and kick- Ioff with a special introduction of guests including Richmond Hill's Lions Peewees Quebec Tournament Champions. This will be followed at 8.15 |by an official ribbon cutting cer- emony: at 8.30 by the Richmond Hill Figure Skating Club per- forming highlights from its 1968 Carnival; at 9.30 by the Rich- mond Hill Minor Hockey As- sociation teams in some action- t‘illed games. I It was in 1964 that George! Chassie, a former president of 3 the Richmond Hill Arena As-‘ isociation and now chairman of; :the building committee. first} lgave consideration to a new arena in association with other tmembers of the group. ‘ mmmuulluu“mumuuuuunuuuummummuuuuuummmm 1 See Editorial on Page 2 Full page advertisement on Page 9. I lililllhlllill\ll\ll\l\lllllll\llllillllI“llllllmllilililililiillllllllillhlllllY _“We started looking into the cost of some kind of new addi-; tion," stated Mr. Chassie. “We‘ thought of it in phases. The gfirst phase was accomplished iwhen we built the new front on‘ ilhe old arena in 1963." This initial phase had been jfinavnced by the iSSuing of a 330.000 debenture of which the association has paid slightly over half. ( “The next phase.” he said, "involved the possibility of con- structing a new ice surface next to the old one which would be open-aired. We thought of â€" providing a minimum of cover lby building some kind of roof ‘over it. $400,000 Arena Officially Opens Friday By FRED SIMPSON What started out as a germ of an idea in 1964 has grown into a $400,- 000 reality in 1968 â€" the new Richmond Hill Arena. This reality, a 140 by 240 foot steel-clad structure, will get its official baptismal tomorrow night (Friday) at 7 :45 pm in a gala sendoff replete with special guests and official ribbon cutting ceremonies. Admission-free entertainmentfarena but this would have, “The committee‘s job,” h! \‘ill headline the event and kick-‘amounted to nearly the cost of said. “was to find out just wha )ff with a special introductiona new arena. That‘s when we type building we wanted, \vha )f guests including Richmond‘started‘ considering the possi- type we could afford, to get thl rlill's Lions Peewees Quebec.bility of a new arena.” fibest type at the cheapest prici Following receipt of a written objection from; residents of Glenburn Park concerning township plans for roads in the area, council agreed last week that the section of the official plan dealing with the area “will have to be revised to satisfy the people.” Patterns Of Devil's Elbow Road At a public meeting called by the planning board at Union- ville Arena February 29. resi- dents protested against a four- lane highway through their area and asked that main traffic be kept away from Concession 5 and Glenburn Park. \Scbalvu -I auuux u: v.-. ’cillor Anthoninl’ionian asked 743 people were enjoying the â€" I ' When the mayor reiterated when the that these be installed to pi‘e- presentation of the skating ' ’ r v , ;ubject of want the high speed summer club's annual carnival, the COUI‘CILLOR “ “- LALENBY that he had been assured that 1 August. traffic. youths responsible for the \'an-' Charges Lack of Co-onerationj (Continued on Page 15.) \mlllllllllllllllllllllllllll'?‘ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'lllllllllllllllilllllllllnllllll‘ilmlll \lll\\\\l\\\\l\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\ll“\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\ll\\\l\\\lll\\\l“\lllllllluulhuullll\\ll\llll\lllllllllll“mullullllullllllllllMl“I“N““lllllllll\ll\\\\llfllll\l , A ._ .- ‘ m I . an“... ‘r__.-__-,,, 3. resin In the meantime. 35 mph signs a four- will be posted on Glenburn ril' area Park and the built-up portion of ffic be Concession 5. from 17th Avenue ;sion 5 south to Glenburn Park. Coun- ‘cillor Anthony Roman asked en the that these be installed to pre- ‘ject of vent the high speed summer August, traffic. I This took about two years and continued prodding from lice-hungry organizations such as the Richmond Hill Minor iHockey Organization and other }bodies before the new arena started to take shape â€"~ on {paper. - a What followed was the ineVlt- able spadework involved in any project: The looking around, the gathering of facts, the costs in- volved. This shape was in the form of a brochure prepared by such peaple as Elgin Barrow, Wil- liam Lazenby, Brydon Ellis, and Bill McVean.‘ It contained briefs from RHMHA and the local figure skating club, outlining reasons why a new building was neces- sary. "We met with council,” he said, "and as a result a factâ€" t'inding committee was formed to dig even more into the exact costs and practical prob- lems involved in accomplishing what we set out to do.” “We prepared our own brief also," said Mr. Chassie who at that time was president of the association. position as aSSociation presi- dent to head the fact-finding committee. Councillor William Lazenby was appointed secre- tary. There were 17 members on the original fact-finding com- mittee from all walks of com- munity life. residents of Thornhill protested, in writing, the re-alignment of John Street but that no written objection to plans for the Dev- ils’s Elbow community was re- ceived from residents there al- though there was a protest at the meeting. u.» u.-- ._._,7 The present letter, listing 19 objectors. was referred to the planning board for comment. ,L _.__A_ Mrf‘Chassie then resigned his who was not present, to the effect that he had consulted with authorities “in the know” and they could see no reason for the private bill. Mr. Bailey stated also that he had consulted with the official at Ontario Hydro who had prepared the cost analysis for the township's takeover of hydro at the be- ginning of this year and “He couldn’t understand our problem.” "Ontario Hydro says we do have the authority, then, and Mr. McDonald (the township managerl says we don’t” commented Council- lor Charles Birkett. “Costs must be charged mel‘ the whole township,“ insisted Mr. McDonald. Three suggestions for eliminating the deficit were outlined. all calling for balancing the annual operating budget and rigidly confining all expenditures to the budget lim- itations. These alternatives had been arrived at after consultation with the board’s auditor, Stewart Joscelyn. more we struggle the deeper set the hook becomes.” The first suggestion is to debenture the board's deficit which would entail an annual payment for 10 years of “$14,777. This would bring the increase in the mill rate to 20 mills this year as a mill brings $4,400 into the board’s coffers. HOWever, there would be an offsetting saving of between $5,000 and $6,000 in bank interest charges. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Ceremonies Start At 7:45 PM. “The committee‘s job,” he said. “was to find out just what type building we wanted, what type we could afford, to get the best type at the cheapest price pessible.” The committee searched far and wide but found out the best deal was available to them right in their own back yard by way of the Richmond Hill firm of Stranâ€"Steel. What resulted was the offer of a complete arena building at a price of $293,000. I The committee jumped at the idea, took their findings to council, and met with success. Council then appointed a building committee to be chair- ed by Mr. Chassie. appointed Architect Douglas Allen to supâ€" ply additional plans and to over~ see the building. The building committee then reported back via a brief presented by Mr. Bari-ow. Additional changes were made in the original plans which increased the price from $293,000. Tenders were called for and the low Stranâ€"Steel bid Charges Police Fail To Coâ€"operate Hooliganism At Arena Continues “I find it rather hard to be- lieve, after what I’ve been told, that no policeman visits the arena,” stated the mayor. He pointed out that there are only so many policemen per shift and Saturday night is a time of big business for them. “You can’t expect to have police on hand all the time to do internal policing.” Councillor Lazenby reported that last Saturday night when 743 people were enjoying the presentation of the skating .nda' "Whatever you do with the existing areas", you must do with the new areas," stormed the reeve. "Either shut off the lights or charge for them over the whole township. There is no speci- fic authority given in the act, but you are charging {he existing areas.” Councillor David Fraser suggested that the matter be referred back to committee but this brought another angry retort from the reeve. “We have been doing that for six weeks, I can see no reason why we don’t pro- ceed.” he insisted. Councillor Birkett agreed that every member of counâ€" ( Continued on Page bl “When they found the loca- tion of their weekly ‘thrill night’ was in use for other purposes. they congregated outside and created a disturbance. The Rural Residential Use Suggested For Vaughan Vaughan Township Planâ€" ning Board is considering an amendment to the town- ship’s official plan to per- mit high quality rural resi- dential development in the township. In order to provide the general public with an op- portunity to comment on the proposal, a public meet- ing has been scheduled for 8 pm. March 21 at the mun- icipal offices, 33 Richmond Street, Maple. Present provisions 0! the official plan permit rural residential development only in areas “unsuited or incapable of agricultural production by reason of to- pographical defects or soil conditions.” The township council has suggested how- ever that high value resiâ€" dential development should be encouraged in areas which are particularly suit- ed to homes in rural set tings. annual payment to $25,625. The third is to voluntarily balance this year's budget and include money to pay off some portion of the deficit each year. The trustees reluctantly accepted the fact that they will have to opt out of the psychological services provided by the York South Regional Education Committee._ They are committed to subscribing to the service until the end of this school year. This was described as the only “frill” left in the system. Another reluctant step taken last Tues- day night was to start investigations for the sale of assets, proceeds of which could be used to decrease the standing deficit. s‘ t pnumc \$ Show and PONTIAC QUICK no.1 -language had to be heard to be [believed,” re'ported Mr. Lazen- - ‘by, reporting that some of them "had had to be forceably ejected ‘from the arena. The councillor also exhibited J‘a slingshot constructed from a piece of wire and rubber bands, which had been picked up in ,cleaning-up operations after the rcarnival. The conclusion was that the intent had been to use ‘it to annoy the skaters. ‘ “It’s very frustrating to try to run a public facility and have to cope with the situation which exists on Saturday nights. We have restricted the new arena to adult and family skating at that time and have been building it up. I don’t want it ruined by a few irrespon- sible people. It’s a munic- pal building and I would like some co-operation from the police. After my re- quest 3 month ago, the police did put in an appear- ance on the first Saturday night. but have not been seen in the vicinity since." w L4“ The proposed amend- ment to be discussed at the meeting calls for minimum lots of one acre and front- ages of at least 125 feet. No lots will be permitted on unpaved concession or side- roads and lots facing paved concession and sideroads will also be restricted in or- der to avoid strip develop- ment-s on presently existing roads. In other words, de- velopment will be encour- aged only on internal roads. Use of prime agricultural land will not be encourag- ed. Instead, single parcels and plans of subdivision will be carefully located and designed to take ad- vantage of wooded, rolling topography and to ensure that proper private water supply and waste disposal systems can be provided. Interested residents may study the proposed amendâ€" ment prior to the meetinz by calling in at the plan- ning department offices. then decide how to pay fox them," said Councillor Bir- kett. Reeve Bailey pointed out that the township’s budget would be set in the next six weeks and costs of the light- ing areas would have to be included if the lights were to go up this year. “I think it is disgraceful how this has been handled. Either you want to put the lights up or you don’t.” absent, the other two mem- bers of council carried the day and the matter was once more turned back to com- mittee for further discus- “However, with both Dep- uty-reeve Williams and Councillor Dalton McArthur on - MKREUB PER COPY 10c light- to be were think

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