THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March 14, 1968 A fl ‘:::l::":;: :1“ OF “FE '" ‘ °F with all conveniences ‘New’ Home! 7, Bring The Family And Choose Yours From These Fine Homes This Weekend iPRIVATE, lovely detached ONE acre. 151‘ frontage x 297‘, lCan be divided. i ATTENTION LARGE l FAMILIES l Elbedrglom brick,d dlandscaped, T. . Near schools roa oom. pave rive, nearj i r H ‘ , and shopping. Water and gas ischools, community centre: ' 36:16:80," Ne“ma'l‘et' He‘efg on street Richmond Hill area. ‘Parks, shopping, Yonge Street“. .l‘qel):11_£l?:1:e 2fe:tt:;:: éggie‘VESE" 884-2806. ifc36 ‘Tgkhnuï¬'ofafllioghtinD .lgiSllng 0f 4 bedrooms, gleaming ‘ CO'OPCAPACRTMENTS W ‘ lora‘ 727_494Qeg I 'C1w37 REALTOR family kitchen. separate dining, 1 & 2 bedrooms Balconies' = l ' ' 1. 884-5422 . 389.2951 iroom. oil heating. lovely wide ;M°dem' 511'000 to 513'000‘ REALTY LTD “ï¬gâ€"4. â€"â€"7-' ~â€"â€" .101. Generous terms. lsalooo to ,54'000 down payment- - , 6 room brick bungalow~ 3 low carrying charges. 884-8808.i king size bedrooms, fam- Two STOREY : ' ' g , , Sh}? 833.8241 , ily size kiltchen, rec. room, TWIN 889-7771 NORTH YONGE ' l garage' P “5 many em‘as- $18,900 Aurora. Waiting for a; Servicing Willowdale. ON 75’ x 315’ LOT 1 gaségifgleangreglazclosesto real Sharp 2 storey family, Thornhill & Richmond Hill $29,500. New solid brick 3-bed- OAK RIDGES DETACHMENT ' a. uy o k h‘ - ‘ __ . , .7..-- m room home. H011 wood st '16 . . . 51 Yono'e St s REALTOR LTD now for top value. 30?â€! {Bfueri 100 at this. tlgly‘ RES KING TWP ikitchen with Frencyh ‘ vin 3ial Diiyels of two neithboundlDetachment. > a . . . elgltu plopel‘ty tats 111' 10 AC ' ~ 910 C cars involved In a colliswn on‘ During the week officem 10 acre lot with 112 storey home, barn, creek. Noble- ton area. Beautiful estate setting with a frontage of 700' affording privacy galore for the lucky cupboards- 2-681‘ gal‘age- Fruit Yonge Street at Weldrick Road, from that detachment investi- uzeesi one bIOCk l0 SChOOl- ShOP‘,Richvalc, were injured March gated 18 accidents in which 11 P1118 3M1 Yonge Sll‘eei- This 15,4 just before noon. Both were persons were injured and stanlly appealing. Features a“ partly finished rec room, 25‘ living room combination, 3 bed- 28 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill’s Leading Realtor PHOTO M.L.S. ONE YEAR NEW 889-7381 773-4335 qubacfe homESite' Mount momsi bright modern kitchen.‘l Ewii'grs l‘t'hoTh‘,"m some?†3 we†bum home- C311 MI‘S- An-‘treated at York Central Hos- property damage amounted to o]. .‘ ‘. . . K . - _ er area. Only $10,900. paved drive, beautiful fenced _U1 0" l - IS acreage as ,drus, 889-8181. pital. $12,055. Two persons were!!!)- aosglbrld“ gldeISPht I. bedlotfrg§ .WIth. attachig 334 I35} or yard. Carries for only $8900 11.5 0W" 'Sll‘eanl The from HAROLD KEFFER LTD., Wesley Fitchett, 42 ill prehended for impaired drlvmz. l e galagei arge “mg'an mm}; 100â€? W! We have others to choose per month including taxes. “I‘ve†‘5 already mstaue‘l REALTOR Crestwood Road, Willowdale,‘ walkout to patio. Gleaming oversmed kitchen THORNHILL BUY from , and many trees. mostly eveg- “W37 suffered head injuries. and with lots of cu aboards. Located on 1?, acre lot. c22 900,00. Attractive 6 room 1 W- R. CASE REALTY LTD. . greens have been name - 4- v ,7 # Richard De Boer, 54, 167 Fellx‘ w I ' l’ ' Ca" ‘ 1 Located near the Aurora OWNER MUST MOVE Road, Richmond Hill, sulleredlSALE REGISTERS 96 Yonge St.. Aurora 727-4288 aluminum siding bungalow and garage on 74x300 ft. lot, close to schools, modern kitchen and bath. Gas heat, appliances included, storms and screens. Mr. Carlisle. NORTH YONGE $4,900. Building lots, 66x330 ft. on paved road, easy driv- ing from Metro, excellent terms, $2,000. down. Mr. Sunter. LOOK AT THIS Modern 6 room brick bunga- low and garage plus 2 extra basement rooms, 2 baths, broadloom throughout, large lot. only 2 blocks west of Yonge, $25,900. Mr. Taylor. $11,000 Down. Call BERT CUFF 6% NHA MORTGAGE 4. bedroom solid brick bungalow, finished recrea- tion room, aluminum roof closes in a colored stone patio. Close to schools, shopping and transportation. Your down payment considered. Call FINN SAMUELSEN $22,900 FULL PRICE 3 bedroom solid brick fully detached bungalow. Ideally located on the south side, close to separate, public and high schools, shopping and downtown bus. Call LARRY SANDERS BRAND NEW Only $27,900. 3 bedroom solid brick stone front detached bungalow, featuring extra washroom 884-5422 773-4302 Road, for quick commuting to the city. These parcels are getting scarce in this area. Asking $18000. Don't be disappointed, call Mrs. Dunlop at 889-7771. BUILT T0 ENDURE If you look at a home with a sharp eye for costs, this well built house will prove particularly appealing. You'll save on upkeep for years. Brick and stone, 3 bedroom bungalow with attached gar- age on deep lot in Stouff- ville. $25,400.00 includes roughed in rec room or fire- place. Has 7% NHA mort- gage. Call Mrs. Ellis 889-7771 RICHMOND HILL ' l ACRE lfacial contusions. Propertyl A real Spemal‘ 6 r90!“ bunga“idamage was estimated at $900. 19“? 3 bedroomsi dmmg room"Two persons were also injured, kitchen With loads;March 6 at 4 pm when two giatlgu‘ilg-Slgroglr?btgiggiétgly IEiCriisouthbound vehicles collided .b v I on Highway 48 just south of lshed rec. room or family room. 13th Avenue_ Robert Butler, igttaChEd ga£ag€l\V1th ClOSEd 111,31, 21 Craiglee Drive, Scarboro, reezeway. ove y View. Man i as r in a v 11 ‘ extras. Asking $30,000. Maki‘iiy chgfaeid O’Neillfh4§,e82drS:T: 0‘ MCMILLEN “05 .Lma‘e‘l offer. Mrs. Ash, 773-5840, Oak down Avenue, Scarboro, suf-lf‘,t L°t .27 con] 5 WhItChurCh {Ridges or Wally Smith, 445--fered a lacoratcd right knce,1w‘"belr‘g5mll‘as’.â€St Of Newâ€" 16074 evgs. or 447-8518 Toronto,aiid Lloyd Hamerston, 45 Stout-imhrket and 1 ""13 5°31“! 0‘ :anv time. J. J. Lambert Real‘fville. driver of the other car,iplne OFChal’d- Note' Th“ 15,3 Estate Ltd., Realtors. 170 Don-‘suffered a lacerated nose. Prop-1200d hal‘d- hay and Straw ‘5 ‘way w., Don Mills. (‘l\\'37i01‘t.V damage amounted to‘Cholce qualily- Farm 5°â€- N" ' $1.500. Jl‘eserve. Terms cash. Sale 1:30 .â€" 1 I Lacerations to the head and‘p.m. MARCH 19, TUESDAY â€"â€" Com- plete dispersal of the Holstein Dairy Herd at McLawn Farm, consisting of fresh, springers. bred and open heifers, also bulk cooler, 3 unit milkers, and 2.000 bales of choice hay, 1,500 bales choice straw. etc the property 921-1691 c1w37 MOONOOWâ€â€ 2W 11181 10th .1 ' Buy - Sell - Trade 24-Hour Service V Your Home ' 889 -624|, NORM BLACKâ€"REALTOR . REALTY tTD. , ‘ Atkinson and Wilson Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers face were suffered by Donald McKeil, 36, 427 Lumsden Av-‘ . . . . . or locally at 640-3253 enue, Toronto, Sunday at 6:05 c1w37 ggzililltel iopgnk‘ilfplacevd segglaï¬gd dmmg room: NEW FOUR BEDROOM KING TOWNSHIP FARM ‘4683 Yonge St_ 222,2548‘pm when his car was in collis-‘ * * * * y s Z6 1 c en an 8' ac garage! easy Attractive 2-storey ' Becoming scarce! 75 acre i0“ With another drive“ by Wil‘tMARCH 23. SATURDAY â€"v “am Walker' 38' 27 CatherinelAuction Sale of household fur- financing on an Avenue‘ Aurora' Sue 0f the niture, electric appliances, re- % mortgage. Call MRS. CRAWFORD farm, less than 2 miles to Nobleton, 7 room brick 2 home on large lot, size kitchen, separate dining WANTED A client with substantial cash s\\\:\\\ ‘ room. attaChed garage. im- store homestead and solid ‘ accident was Yonge Street at . MINUTES TO RICHMOND HILL mediate possession. Mr. barn,y to house cattle or gqï¬lres :nHQ}?er .ttygle honl‘l‘ the Aurora cemetery- Property‘Eggstoé‘;ingraggzibonraiwcï¬: . crowther' ' A 1 d rk ble. 10 mon l . W1 In W8 mg damage was $730. Mr. McKeil, ' '. .' Sparkling clean 3 bedroom detached home on horses 11 3“ W° '3 distance to Yonge Street “was fake†to the Newmarketlettes chestet‘fleld sum-’6. an- well drained, approximately 1000 feet frontage on main concession road. Ideal loca- ltiques, dishes, glassware, uten- Th eisils, handyman's, garden tools you are planning to sell in the near future, or interested in an AURORA 1/2 ACRE by ambulance. 19,900. with $6,000. down. Hospital 100’x240’ treed homesite. Features many extras accident is still under investiga- including garage and fenced lot. Full price - - - -. . . . .. . - . . .- - - t at PRENTICE'S Auction only $22,900. To inspect this bargain call 3 bedroom home With large “on Wm, pmes “5mg 1,, appraisal. please call Mrs.ition by Provmcial Constablele Cu . _ family kitchen, L-sha ed -. . ,Wright, 222-2548 or 334-35671c1in McBride of Oak Rid cs’yards- on 48 Highwal'J‘é miles MRS LADKIN P most desuable aiea. Call ‘ 7 _ g North of Markham Village. living roomand dining room. Mrs. Mabbett for further in- Properties of Private Parties MAPLE. 6% NHA full basement garage Lot formation 889-7771. ROYAL TRUST COMPANY - - . ‘ . could be lit. Immediate ' Consignments. Sale at 1 pm. $27500. full price for this beautiful 3 bedroom possessionspmn Charlebois | l RICHMOND HILL'S REALTOR Henderson S'dewalk Terms cash. no reserves. See 1 BEST BUY sale poster for full listings. brick bungalow, attached garage, has many won- Just east Of Y°nge Sl- 5190" Ken and Clarke Prentice, NORTH SUBURBS l-_ Estimate derful ‘features broadloom aluminum storms ? , , ’ V ‘- I ' lovely landscaped lot. Close to schools and shop- Ei‘lso? doh“? 3 J‘f-eqroom bun' . . . $40’000 . l is): 61oi°°i3iih°ng1§m°giaiuii l . Auwoneers' ping. Call GEORGE REID. swam 5:12:31 LVilt‘c‘ï¬enmogi This modern building, located In the Town Of basement, lots of fruit trees REAL ESTATE A S'dewalk 0“ Hendersoln‘ Markham ' 6404368622,,†heat 4 piece bath Carries Alliston, Will show an excellent return on your and many more features. Avenue from JOhnson to Stee' * e s t L SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL ,k I ,, w h‘ ,h investment. Asking $23,000.00, your down WA N TED .95 Avenue as requested by 1 BLOCK FROM YONCE ST 1 e I†9- ave ° “5 . . ‘ payment considered. Ask lâ€"mimiino or'siimno’oâ€"lTSA 1 Markham W“ m“ 3" MARCH 23' SATURDAY “ l . r - ‘ moderately priced. Mrs. Monthly rental per unit is $120.00. Full occupancy for Frank Zazzara 88947771. Th d f t. f. d ' estimated $48,000 it was re- Clearing farm auction of Case 011 Y 323,900-bbuy: 311115 l‘tanCh style bungalow Wlth sutherland- over the past few years indicates a heavy demand IMMEDIATE PO'SSESSION sayou‘fanllsNzrnfaETal‘ek {gynforglvealed at the last meeting Oflltractor No. 350 with hydraulic garage on a eau i u y reed 100’x199’ homesite . ‘ ' . ’ . n - .‘ Markham Township Council. loader (extra good), Case-0- , for housmg in the area. Call Mr. O Hagan, 889-1166. Thommn Green, almost new dollar . We Will give you fast Costs would be $3 per foot for Mane No, 300 tractor (extra with corner stone fire la e in ' ' o i I p c huge IlVlI’lo room, Members of the Toronto, results, often obtaining all costhver 6,000 feet. Unable to say,goodi, Case “D†tractor, 2 s-U Member of York County and District 3 bedroom back split bunga- . Real Estate patnelled rec. room. Extras galore. Call immed- York County and mstrict Board. 10w in lovely. Thor-“hill for‘ your property. .For a freoelwhich Side of the street the forage wagons, steel box (like 13 9Y- DANNY LORUSSO Real Estate Boards 1 Green. Gootd cfized liVlng lgigglstgaï¬ftgglgfaggigfu; ($1331: sidewalk should be on and who ne\vl‘ Case forage blower (like ‘ room. sePa_l‘a e mlhg room» , "‘ 'lshould pay for it. council re- newi, Case hay conditioner a r r V r ,1 modern kltChen With "1C9 18103'16 NngTBIad: R8333), ftd'iferred the matter back to com- (nearly new). Case tractor Rfeiiqnï¬ble down payment makes you the owner 1 i I ‘ table aliea.p Fullcggse'rzll‘enrl’. Couï¬yekea?r%:tgte Bog?“ mittee for further study. ‘ d spreader, Case 3 pt. 3 furrow 0 1s ovely billi alow with arao ‘ ' ‘ l "0 “1'†S 3"9- "4"" ‘ ‘ A request was also receive and 4 furrow tractor plow g g be m the healt ’ mortgage Make an Offer- “C7 from private citizens for a side- lgood'. snow blower with 2 fans of Willowdale. Easy carrying, large treed lot, Ca“ MR hot water Oil heat, owner moving to Florida. Call today ADRIAN LEE ’ EMERALD ISLE Asking $32,500.00. Murray. 889-7771. STOUFFVILLE. $4,900.00 < walk on Bayview Avenue from inearly newl, McCormick 20 i W Steeles Avenue to the new run grain drill, Case hay baler, . LOTS FOR SAL E Thornlea Secondary School and‘Case forage harvester ept tnear- â€" 7 according to Township Engineer ly ne“'!_ Case 3 pt, scraper, new, REALTOR RICHMOND HILL AREA: RANCH Vacant “33:3,, me, igiiglflggf A10; gggfonegilDusanhllklas this would cost bale elevator, Chev. No. 1600 8 laro. - _ . . 1 . . ' g ' ' ' , lapproximate'iy $80,000. ltruck with hoist, stake body, ee rooms plus a beautiful ieCIeation room REAL ES’IATE LTD. says. sell. I need money Estate, 223-5040, sgwgm Cost is not the blg problem‘RT wagon‘ number parts bins’ Back Split brick, 3 bedroom home on 206 foot lot on new residential street, water and sewers. Call Bob Ellis locally at 640-3253 or 889- here. however. An Overpass iSlelectric and acetyline welders. to be constructed at the CN 2 surge makers, air comm-es. tracks and MI‘. Miklas advised sop (med_ size, good), Case douâ€" that no Work could be under- ble disc on rubber (good), floor taken on sidewalks until after jacks, tools, repair parts. large with stone open fireplace. This executive home features electric heating, double glazed windows on Vinyl track, large wine cellar and many more extras. For additional information call 889-5651 884-2377 COLLEGEs__ AFTER HIGH SCHOOL Why not consult N. S. SMITH RICHMOND HILL $7,000.00 DOWN DOUG BENNETT. Situated on landscaped lot 7771' YORK the improvement of the Bay- quantity scrap iron. many other KING T W 88 143‘ f at r‘ 3 b d- NOBLETON COMMERCIAL view Avenue overpass is built good articles, etc†for the Late 0 NSHIP x e u mg e A 3 bed oom brick bundalow - - - d S (f W'th th' - b - . rooms. den 01‘ 4th bedroom, I, . b COLLEGE ,this year. 11. Pickering an on ormer 1 is new 3 edioom lanch style bungalow. separate dining room 1mm I 6 4 located 1n the Village - 15 iabout preparing you for a Good It was agreed tha, a bylaWCase dealershlp). Located on ' 5 miles from Metm' Lovely 5 should be Prepared to I'Educe 9th Concession of Pickering 16 Hollywood kitchen plus dining room, attached double garage, finished rec. room with fireplace. Will consider your down payemnt. (‘all FRED (‘ELSIE TRADE INS ACCEPTED FOR POSITIVE RESULTS CALL 889-6241 773-4151 business career. l 15 Yonge Street North 1 RICHMOND HILL 884-6405 or 781â€"4928 after hours (11137 room with open fireplace, large kitchen, panelled rec. room, double garage. To view call M. Hall. 889-5651 - 884-2377. YONGE STREET FRONTAGE Attractive 4 bedroom home. 2 4-pc. bathrooms, finished rec. room. 36'x16‘ with log burning fireplace, attached 2 car garage, paved drive. stone fireplace, finished rec- reation room, two car gar- age and a lot 100x130 ft. A quiet desirable area. Asking $29,500.00. Call Ken Villen- euve, 889-7771. ORLON HOUSE Comfortable family living in north Thornhill. Stone floor to ceiling fireplace in pan- elled recreation room, large well windowed basement, speed limits in the area to 25imiles east of Stouffvillei or mph until other measures can 12 miles west of Claremonth be taken. Note: Owing to a tragic acci- A decision to install a waterâ€" dent this auction has been (.811, main in the village of Union- ed in short notice tno sale bills). ville was deferred until the Extra good equipment. Come ricxt lull meeting of council. see for yourself, Terms cash. Councillor Charles Hoover fell Sale 1 p.m. Atkinson and Wil- that the local improvement i‘e- son, Sale Mgrs. and Auetion- port should be presented to the eers. clw37 village trustees for study be-- it at it: a fore council‘s endorsement of MARCH 23, THURSDAY the project. iAuction Sale of 2 M-Ferguson INCOME PROPERTY RICHMOND HILL - DELIGHT $6,900. DOWN, easy carrying. detached. 3 bed- room brick bungalow, finished basement apart- ment, large L-shaped living-dining room. kitchen with eating area, oversized bedrooms, just listed. Call MR. MAGEE TUITION ‘TUTORINGIinrnew math avail; .able for grades 6 to 9. Phone 1884-1009. clw37i kaG TOWNSH“; »- 13:13:21einpzaorggrttybéguldcsï¬ BRADFORD LOCATION toppedb \vith1 ImITIIDBCuil;te six W iflflldiesel tractors SIP swath†‘ i i ' . ou e ar- ,4,- e - .._ Hi 1.--. i_., _ _ , . I a: 3 bedroom brick older style. Bruce Pridham. 889-5651 - GARAGE - COUNTRY STORE - POST 222’." blggfag‘; drive, lagrge IBANDS for hlrev banquets. Three New Members conditioner, new Combine, 2 storey on large is acre loci 884-2377. OFFICE, plus 3 bedroom apt. on large lot, landscaped lot All for under weddings and bar work. MaD, balerrbulk cooler, Surge milker, Emma 5319 _ beSt Offe“ 32" $36,000.00. Mrs. Ellen Tern- bookings. 773-5564. tau/361 full line of late models, near new, farm machines, tools, mis- cellaneous articles, seed grain, For Local laytees .500. buys country living plus good year round busmess, excellent investment return, exclusive 5-4! ATTENTION HAIRDRESSERS * 3 bedroom frame on 1 acre, em, 839-7771. IRISH f'â€"â€"’olk Singing group avail: YOUR HOME? 328 500 . .- .v , . . ~ ‘ - , _ i . i q 1 Nsmp, 34,500, lable for St. Patllcks Day tele- , ’ . F . . It Exclumve 4 bedroom solid Well equmped beauti salon “1th MRS. ARMSTRONG. gn‘ï¬tTgt‘lYance to “is well ,brations. 884_8589_ Cm,“ Three new members haveibaled straw, household furni- or dependable serVice list‘brick ranch . w- h . n i In deSlrable Ionge St. loca- SP1 9 . . #s__._,-a- . . . . . R, .1,-lture, etc. At Part Lot 15. Con- -th , Al . . i e." .†Sena ts tion. For further details d651gned home allows mte- ‘NEWMARKET- Police Chief w 101mm the ’3an 0f the c ‘ - 2 v h T h- w1 us: . 1 cash if required. quarters, swimming pool, 4 can Mrs. Locking 889_5651 _ 7% NHA, $5,900. DOWN gration of rec. room and Hm presented Hudson Wilson mond Hill Junior Chamber of 2255:3318. R31; :1; 11:11:11: 3‘12: For detalls can: :ï¬gdggns‘opgiig' 2 acres 0f 884-2371 15 MIN' DOWNTOWN TORONTO games mom with Tipper l0f Bouon With a Cheque for qu‘lbrtliï¬rrcrfmnbership in the club of Richmond Hill4Pr0perty of , 7 ‘ . . . 1e 'el. Lar e ass oors t D ' ‘ l ' Mrs- Dorita Carter 889-3461 AURORA NE“ 3 bedio‘om bungalow or Sidesplit, extra big 01:9,, from in, in,“ mom lilftgrggb‘ï¬f‘fi:szfcigï¬on Ogimï¬â€™i'; is 32‘ ' iGLENHELN Farm. Sale at 1 Mrs' Jean Plano†8894210 ‘ HOHYWOOd kitchen, double garage, immediate to the outdoor deck. Large assistance in the apprehension President Ken Wallace an-ihim- Terms caSh- N0 reseI‘VEE- nounced that a dinner meeting‘Farm leased. See sale bills for will be held. March 19 at the listings etc. Montgomery Inn. ‘ Ken and Clarke Prentice, The local club has been in Auctioneers. * 3 bedroom brick bungalow in exclusive high school area. with swimming pool. Asking $30,000. glass areas and open fire- place in living room with siding glass doors. Informal of a hit-and-run driver. The association has instituted these awards to assist safety and co- Mrs. Barbara Wright 884-7915 possession. To inspect call MR. BARTLETT Carries like rent. it 1 .‘ . , . . _ . sircaiiiicrinriioetr loll; ts'eeiis and 4 BEDROOMS $91 '00 haihg m m‘iiderhl kmttlenheczi °""“â€â€œ “W “‘9 mm" 'stence since 1950 Markham 6403686 ‘ ‘ ‘ i -... a . a rooms, ou e 3 ac r # civicâ€"â€" 7 an ' 0 ' - . RE. v . ,xh - -. .- . - 1 ~ ~ ‘ W , V V h, L, ' AL ESTATE DINISION .3 blelasrtozzlls 33:32?\ffiï¬agg‘ngfggl; LOOK FOR THE SIGN or SOLID BRICK - 6% MORTGAGE ga‘atge' teghgipgflï¬lï¬ 1:“? ~AURORA: Acting ]for WRhgiae * t * * c2w37 ' ' i - ' - cons “1C a ' ' C truction. awyer ' Yonge Streetiany reasonable offer‘ “W37 THE SHAMROCK FL LL dry basement, aluminum storms and scaped acre. For further inâ€" Eilï¬valfli told council that an MARCH 28, THURSDAY _ EARL V STEWART screens‘ patio in yardv Close to SChOOIS and Shop' formation “a†M" Harvey a e apparent new assessment form-iClearing farm auction of 40 A A 7 7#»~*7 ~~~w * ping. Owners anxious_ Call MR_ MARCUSSEN White, 889-7771. rim is resulting in White Strip‘milking HOIStems' 3 “ado†‘2 REAL ESTATE BROKER assessed belowinewl, S.P. Combine, S.P. Swa~ being 222-2548 21 You St. N., v N LL _ 4 homes I I gt7327-9413 Aurora RICH\10N i v 09133330313311, HIbeautL Centrally located in Rlcll- the town's minimum of $7.000‘ther, N.H. Forage harvester, V 7" . D HILL DLPLEX fullv landscaped gOod C’ar- mond Hill, new modern 3 and hindering the de‘elm’mem self unloading Wagon, new ‘ 1 Block from Yonge Street deny area, hedged and trZed. bedroom bungalows, Crosby 0f the, Sunnyblookhsï¬bdlgzlogni b31913 With thrower. Power V I i i 7 'o ‘ Fun-V rented $320. monthly income. $12,000 smart frame bungalow‘ and Alverna. hbrme: 311:8ll15alsiilbtlllai'lslzon have filitleiadbec'i‘le ggsifidwzerRrTCkfagiioen: i . 4 , . ’ handles, y it * breezeu'ay and single car ‘ ~. . 'J 0 BY RAIL MR' LLND‘ garage. 4 bedrooms separate Excellent Mortgages seen 501d_0n the biblfhgfctlferm 1907. Gehl forage blower, new V ‘ BY dining room. large kitchen. signed 1351 .‘E‘ar an “hereby 10 cumvator‘ truck‘ fumnure' " V ‘ - ‘ finished rec. room with stone PHONE 884-82910r 638-1712 are now m a PUFWO". .i' also bulk cooler 3 yrs, old, - " ' OVERSEAS PACKING TRADE IN PLAN fireplace. finished plal'l‘OOm- me" ha“? .“0‘ “mph†“1†Surge milk“ 511° “madâ€. . . p ' AND CRATING ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A real beauty priced at only “I? f‘?%uâ€â€œ0rl§' automatic bunk feeder, also It l _ MODERN HCEQTED $26,900. Call Mr Zipfl. 889- milk quota '6801bs.i will be of.. ' 5, ' STORA x "‘7 f ‘d ' t v . ‘ r . b LDC“! AND LONG MEMBER iiil. (1:1: hiafv notrasold befOIe sale ‘ - s - *~ mqp \‘CE \IOVIVC OF AURORA & DISTRICT ~- ~ ~ - glam. furniâ€" , \ A. . . , _ , , ,. , -, . d lure. etc, the pl‘opertv of M 9.} HOL'R \‘ERVICE \ORh COL_\1\ 16 aLleS (home leiel lan . . . " . h I 8. situated in Oak Ridges. just UY- Ill-‘1 l-EWIS. Farm IOcated at lot .i . , t , -: x TORONTO east of Yonge Street. askmg . B y FOR PAST 12. Con. Markham Township, . ‘ ii, » ' ‘ ‘ - -" ‘ REAL ESTATE 0 85,000. per acre TOR THRU JJ V EOES beln: 4>mlles NE. of Markham) ' A 'i i ‘ ' ' BOARDS 516.900. brltk bungalmM 5 COMPLETE COLRT or 14 miles south of Stouffville'. ‘ Iâ€" - . rooms. 3 good sized hed- SATISFACTION a m SERVICE Note much of this equipment is v ‘ -â€"â€" lent csmz L1 11 _â€" V . . . . . . ; RICHMOND HEIGHTS {:grfgï¬fugogasejjj‘ $013,: CALL out ?:,T;na’:i,c‘,*§;i,‘s,,§fh $33533: '- ‘ ' i. CE‘NTRE room. ~carries for hless than ' B 5 I B “has Farm sold' Terms cash 2 V‘ V $100.00 per mom to one ‘ V _ g __ q _ gale at 19.30 - r- ...,. . - ‘ , . - ,i _â€"Q,l ~~ 889 510] :50 YONGE ST. N. ff; mï¬ï¬f‘éfaiggh if; 3;}; Mrs. Runl Ash, Oak Ridges (7' l) .iiriiison and Wilson slider 889-7771 ‘ A Adonis wanted with and vxiillwlt e:;i~el‘leiice Sale Mgl‘s and Auctionfoi-s r A- - I . , A, .. . - “:4 r. ‘W ‘ i i'..\i.'§7 1;-