Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Mar 1968, p. 5

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Chul‘ch News Sunday. March 24, cars will be Sunday morning at St. John’s leaving the church a? 3:30 to Anglican Church saw the intro- visit the model of the emple in duction of a fully choral ser- Jerusalem, which is on exhibi- Vice, the reSponses, creed and tion at the Beth Aneth Syna- ._- â€". nL,,,_L n4 ..... Viv», nu. ‘wur ...... , ....v. . Lord's prayer all being sung. gogue, 100 Elder Street. DO\VnS-;’f0p The anthem, “Seek Ye The view. This model, which wastCub Lord," was sung by the choir. previously on display at Expo, .1011] with Miss Brenda Ash as 5010- can be viewed privately from ZiThe ist. The choir pews on the north to 10 pm Monday to Thursdaywmot side have been moved toward from 10 am to 4 pm Fridangue: the altar now that the old or- from 7:30 to 10 pm Saturday den gan has been removed after 61 and from 10 am to 10 pm Sun- Rev years of service. I . day. Mr. _ , A _ . _ ‘ _A_»In'n «unlln F-.. The organ from St. Mark's isl The youn now installed behind the pulpit had bowling and because of a bequest and evening prio a memorial donation will likely Bowling Tou be replaced by a new and more March 23 at powerful instrument shortly. pia Alleys, ‘ The rector continued his serâ€" Streets (jus mon series on the life of Jacob. The tournarr Thé service next Sunday morning at 11 am will be morn- inz prayer. nun uu , , in: prayer. The spring meeting of the North York Deanery Great Chapter will be held March 26 at Trinity Church, Aurora. com- mencing at 6:30 with a celebra- tion of the Holy Communion. followed by dinner at 7:15 pm. This will be the last meeting with Rev. John Speers, rural dean. present before his depart- ure to St. Stephen's House. To- ronto. Tickets are available from the rector at $1.75. THE flhnllonno The married couples group met Friday evening March 15 at the ABC Alleys, Richmond Hill for a bowling party. Four teams took part. Mrs. Mildred Ash won the single high ladies prize with 276. W. Fleury won the single high men’s prize withl 288. The team consisting of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sayers, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hughey and Mr. and Mrs. R. Doig won the team prize. After pizzas and other re- freshments at the rectory. darts and chess were played by the men. while the women enjoyed a chat. Neighborhood Notes The Scouts gave a demonstra-; tion of camping and the Cubs a demonstration of first aid. after which the North York Chapter of Barbershop Quartets enter- tained with songs. The Jefferson Euchre Club held its fortnightly meeting March 11 at the home of Mrs. Jean Lomas. First prize was won by Mrs. Alice Mashinter and the consolation by Mrs. Mary Hazelhurst. Mrs. Lomas won the lone hand prize. Aavertisement THE Challenge 0F Cancer 1 CANCER DANGER SIGNS The Canadian Cancer Soc- iety lists these seven danger signals as possible signs of early cancer. (1] Unusual bleeding or discharge. «2! A lump or thickening of the breast or elsewhere. (3) A' sore that does not heal. W Persistent changes in bowel or bladder habits. 15) Persis- tent hoarseness or cough. ‘6) Persistent indigestion or dif- ficulty in swallowing. 17) Change in a wart or a mole. These signs do not always mean cancer but if you no- tice any of them, tell your doctor. If they are caused by cancer, early treatment is essential. R. G. Britnell T. Moritsugu Elgin Mills - Jefferson News BRITNELL, MOORE 8. CO. Announce the admission into partnership of CLIFFORD R. REID, CA. The offices will be moved, EFFECTIVE 25th MARCH, 1968 FOOD PRICES & BONUS BOOSTER FEATURES EFFECTIVE MARCH 20. 21. 22. 23 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS ZEZQ” Correspondent Leonard Lomas 129 CHURCH STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Telephone (416) 884-6564 PARTNERS: Chartered Accountants ALLENCOURT «u, . The young people's gr0uP!Gerber and Stanley Ensor. had bowling practice SaturdBYlTwelve fathers and 25 boys at- evening prior to the KOinoniaitended the banquet. The toast Bowling Tournament to be held to the group committee was Mare}! 23 at 3 Pm at the Olym' proposed by Stanley Ensor and pia Alleys, Yonge and Edward answered by Mr. Winje, who in- Streets (just above Dundas). troduced the head table guests. The tournament will be fOIIOW- Graham Carson. member of ed by a banquet at St. Paul's the group committee. was en- Church on Bloor Street. rolled as a lay Scouter. , ,A,,_ Mrs. Rose Ainsworth, with Carol and Pauline. left March 19 for England. Frank is staying on for two or three weeks be- fore joining them. to The death occurred on Satur- day of James Hinson. Elmgrove Avenue, Oak Ridges. The fun- eral was held Tuesday at the Thompson Funeral Home, Aur- ora. Mr. Hinson was a parish- ioner of St. John's Anglican Church. The spring euchre party or- ganized by the community club will be held at Jefferson Public School March 26 at 7:45 to 10:30 pm. The organizers remind all parents that, even if you do not attend. your ticket will still make you eligible to win the door prizes and that all pro- ceeds are to provide funds for the plane trip being arranged for all pupils at the-school. J. E. Moore C. R. Reid Phone 884-3000 Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Heather McFee and James Ford. who celebrate March 26. The father and son banquet for lst Jefferson Scouts and Cubs was held March 14 at St. John's Anglican Parish Hall. The banquet was catered by the mothers‘ auxiliary. Head table guests were Brian Winje, presi- dent of the group committee, Rev: ETC. Gefiner,-Stewart Bell, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ensor. Jimmy Graham-"Carson. memfier of the group committee. was en- rolled as a lay Scouter. The Scouts gave a demonstra- tion of camping and the Cubs a demonstration of first aid. after which the North York Chapter of Barbershop Quartets enter- tained with songs. Ken Morrison, general sales manager of Binions Motors Ltd., Aurora, is pleased to an- nounce the appointment of Vin- cent Casey to the sales staff, a long time resident of the area. Mr. Casey brings some 20 years of sales experience to his new position. He welcomes his old friends and customers to Visit him at Binions Motors, 195 Yonge Street, Aurora, for their car and truck requirements and offers them personalized ser- vice. The branch ways and means What about . 4 chalrman has also been prov1d- next week? led with voluntary employment. There‘s only one way for you to He _will see that a door prize is be well-informed about import- awarded on each day of the ant local events and your tourney, and the membership special interests. That's by secretary will be in regular atâ€" reading “The Liberal" every tendance at the door dispensing Thursday. tickets. Announcement VINCENT CASEY ROYAL ‘3 sum” cum “on 1 :5. 1 lb. 309 Bug When the International Mid-z A host of other jobs still re- get Hockey Tournament gets main to be filled by suitable ap- underway in Richmond Hill plicants; and volunteers Legion. next month the culmination ongHMHA. or otherwise. ‘wishing almost a year‘s hard work willlto help out in any way are in- be realized by many people. vited to place their names with Not only Will there be a feel-any member of the hockey comâ€" ing of satisfactory accomplish-lmittee or Sports Officer Gord be realized by many people. lvited Not only will there be a feel~ any 1: ing of satisfactory accomplish-‘mme ment among the organizers and:Mi115 their wives. many local busi-l Pm nessmen will also be feeling a‘do th little proud. And rightly so;cessf1 because without the financialjwith support of local commerce andjwago industry the Legion's venture crast would never have been possible.|hole- certificates redeemable at IGA Now IGA cusiomers can exchange cash tegis- ierlopes for free lGA Food Certificates which can be used to pay for future food purchases. Just like cash savings. Redeem one folder ($l50. in IGA cash regisler tapes or Bonus Tapes) for one $2.00 IGA Food Cenificata. (Non â€" only complete folders may be re- deemed for Food Cerfilicu'es.) While this reporter wouldl * * * * like to list each supporter indi-l With regard to the line-up of vidually in this column, spacelteams. Everyone, including our unfortunately forbids it. How- own Fred Simpson of “The ever. the program of events Liberal" and Messrs. Vipond, which is currently being pub- Dunnell. McGregor and Hewitt, lished, will contain a full re- is waiting to hear. The appli- sume of all our friends who cations of 16 teams, and more, generously supported Richmond have been received but the Hill's first series of internation- hardest part is deciding and ap- al hockey. proving 16 from among the very Finnnnial hacking has alsolbest- - Financial backing has alsoi come from donations made "by Legion members. and incident-1 ally the executive. Every time the Legion hockey committee meets. a small charge of one dollar is levied for attending.; gurvnémfier thereof is required to pay for the privilege of donat- ing his timeAand epergy. ' Certainly it must be hard for some people to believe that such men still exist. Luckily for overpaid pseudo-politicians, and the nation, they do. mThis committee is probably the only one in existence where A11 trophies to be awarded have now been secured, some of these are presently on display in various local stores. Signs are also going up around town proclaiming the event, and wherever such signs appear ad- vance tickets for the tourna- ment will be on sale at 75 cents. Daily admittance to the new Richmond Hill Arena will be $1 while the series is being played‘ Discipline at the town arena was one of the numerous sub- jects discussed at a recent meeting of the committee. It was decided that three Legion Sergeants-atâ€"Arms’ would be present at the tournament. Three of the burliest memâ€" bers will patrol the arena aisles while play is in progress. and should any ignoramus attempt to disrupt the proceedings with malice aforethought, a swift kick in the derriere will be af- fectionately, diplomatically and tactfully accorded. Parking facilities will also be overseered by a Legion stal- wart, and woe betide any Volks- wagen driver who slips noisily but unobtrusively into the space allocated for Gordie Howe's Oldsmobile. COFFEE NEW IMPROVED! Your legion Reports Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman - 884-0088 Prospective volunteers should do this NOW! â€" for every suc- cessful event becomes filled with volunteers when the band- wagon is in motion. and pro- crastinators we need like a hole-in-the-head. With regard to the line-up of teams. Everyone, including our own Fred Simpson of “The Liberal” and Messrs. Vipond, Dunnell. McGregor and Hewitt, is waiting to hear. The appli- Legion district “E” public speaking chairman. Frank Bar- rott, reports that district finals for young public orators will be held this coming Saturday at‘ Legion Court commencing at 2.30 pm. Winning contestants from three Legion zones will be heard from, including our own Branch 375 winner Barbara Peirce, a grade 8 student at Crosby Heights Senior School in Richmond Hill. Winners of this contest will proceed to competition at provincial level and Legion members and their guests are cordially invited to witness and hear the young speakers in action. This is presently being done, and all that can be reported in this direction is the statement in the form of a well-worn cliche that “patience is indeed a. virtue". For members that do not care too much for hockey (there still remain quite a few), we report that our ladies“ auxiliary darts team recently brOught the zone darts trophy home to Richmond Hill. The ladies: Adelaide Mills. Joan Dickson. Isobel Bonner and Anna Lehtonen, competed with 25 teams for the trophy re- cently at Woodbridge. It seems that congratulations are once again in order for the female flock. Next week this column will attempt to relate some of the Legion's national neWS (there is quite a bit of it), unless of course your reporter is lobbied on the way by yet another col- loquialist wearing skates. Finally. a reminder that Din- ty Moore and his corned beef and cabbagers will hold a special event at the court on April 5. The evening event will be re- stricted to males and is in aid of minor hockey. Tickets at $2.50 are available A large audience is always encouraging to persons saying things of importance for the first time. For the many shoppers who enjoy the thtill of using their IGA cash register tape! to get free Eaton Certificates and that special "something" they've always wanted from Eutons. Eaton Certificates can be used tor purchases at any Eaton department stove or otdei' ottice. Redeem one folder ($150. in IGA cash register tapes or Bonus Tapes) for one $2.00 Eaton Certificate. cenilicales redeemable at an EATON store or order office ALLENCOURT BAYVIEW 8. MARKHAM ROAD â€" RICHMOND HILL â€" .mgcwomAN DAVIS Balm '352‘518 8 9-4 s 4 6 yaI THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, March 21, 1968 u-1mu“\mmmmuuulmmuumum“m\\muummmmu\mlmunm\mun“\m1ml\nuumumuuummmuu\\t\\I1nu\unmummlmmwumuuuumuuumuummun\luuuuuummum“mluuulllmmmum“umnnuuumuummuumummummuuunuunmm-p ammunnulummmmummmunmummmunummmumw For school boards the next few weeks will be most im- portant as resignations are received from members of the teaching staff and teach- ers are hired as replacements and for additional class- rooms. Five Teachers Leaving - Hiring Underway nun“mmummmumummummuuuuum“\mmmmuuumu That the annual process has already started In Rich- mond Hill Public Schools was evident at the board's meeting on March 14. Five resignations were acâ€" cepted with regret. contracts were authorized with two exâ€" perienced teachers and it was reported that two highly capable applicants had been accepted for the internship plan for the training of ele- mentary school teachers for the 1968-69 period. Lawrence Halliday (Mac- Killop) and ’Ronald Sproule (Crosby Heights Senior). both residents of Aurora. will be transferring to the new senior public school in that town. Miss Marlene Yaworski lMacKillop). a resi- dent of Toronto. and Mrs. Beverley Wilson (MacKillop). who will be moving to the city, will both be joining the Toronto public school system teaching staff. Bruce Eve- liegh. teacher of special edu- cation classes at Crosby Heights Senior, has resigned to accept a position with a -ummmumumumnummnmuunuunmmmnummmunmlmmmuummmuuumummn“unmmuumnuumnmumgun“mumummmnnmumm1mumummumunmnmmmuumumInlquWmImmgyumumumwuumumuuuuumnyumgmn RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 Do the wise thing . . . phone 884-1313 NOW and be sure your tank is always full of our Fuel Oil. Regu- lar metered deliveries. THINK PRINTING! a £06.“: tunefikxs. Ins secondary school board in York County. Superintendent Gordon McIntyre reminded trustees that this is the second special education teacher who has gone on to a second- ary school in the county. which indicates that there is an integration of programs between the special educaâ€" tion program in the elementâ€" ary school and the occupaâ€" tions courses in secondary schools. He also noted that the local public school system is developing teachers of the calibre which will be needed for the proposed Don Head Secondary School. The board approved the appointment of Mrs. Myrtle Campbell, who is at present teaching at the Thistletown Hospital School for emotion- ally disturbed children and is experienced in teaching children with learning dis- abilities and emotional prob- lems. The appointment of Miss Beverley Williams was also approved. On Monday Mr. McIntyre, Mr. Dobson and the princi- pals of the six public schools interviewed additional ex- perienced teachers. May 3 they will be recruiting at the two teachers’ colleges. We Moved Monday; FLORIDA WHITE {RESH TABLERHE CANADA SIAM fififfififiNâ€""iNiKIBASKET ERAPEFRUIT IABLERIYE RINDLESS SUCH) §i§ffii§fi SIDE BACON Our Phone Number Is Still The Same 884-4466 (corner Yonge Street South and Centre Street West) RICHMOND HILL HYDRO The business offices of OUR NEW BUILDING 4 YONGE ST. SOUTH are now located in Christopher Foot and Mrs. Sara L. MacDonald have been appointed under the in- ternship plan. Each has a strong academic background in English studies and has worked professionally in the field of journalism. Each has indicated an interest and competence in working with children, Mr. McIntyre stated. There were five highly qualified applicants. but the Department of Education permits the local board only two internes at a time, he explained. Selection this year was done by a committee containing representatives of the teachers‘ federation and the department. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Inspector Murray Dobson will be known as assistant superintendent of public schools, if the department approves a change of title re- quest being forwarded by the local board. The duties and responsibilities of the office will not be changed. Mr. Dobson will attend a workshop on school design being sponsored by the de- partment at Barrie March 28 and 29. Minister of Educaâ€" tion William Davis will be guest speaker at a dinner. "l‘ CUIUP LEGS. “EASE mugs, BACKS. E18 Brydon Ellis, Secretary-Treasurer RICHMOND HILL HYDRO The registration fee of $20 will cover transportation and living expenses. EDUCATIONAL TV William Kinsley. vice- principal of Beverley Acres School. will be attending a conference on educational television at Ryerson Poly- technical Institute May 3 and 4, sponsored by the audio- visual education committee of the Ontario Teachers‘ Federation. The conference will teach the use of cam- eras. video tape recorders and other equipment and techniques for utilizing broadcast programs in the classroom. The $10 registi‘ption fee covers all costs at Ryerson in- cluding coffee and lunches and Friday night dinner. The Minister of Education will address the conference. Permission has been re- quested from the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs to transfer the balance in the reserve account for purchase of a school site to the rev- enue section of the 1968 bud- get, to reduce this year‘s tax levy. The balance. including interest. is $13,104.38 and the funds are no longer re- quired for the purpose for which they were established. TRANSFER FUNDS MP1! M39$

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