THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, 0A1 COVERS SELL YOUR USEFUL OUTOOOR EOUIPMENT FOR EXTRA OASH NOW! Ads like these result-getters can bring you extra cash! Place your outdoor equipment action ad today! OPEN TO SERVE YOU 8 Phone 884-1105-6 for Liberal Classified ACTION ads 40 HP JOHNSON electric out- board motor with c0ntrols, like new; Gator trailer, tilting, one year old; heavy duty 12-volt marine battery and box; two cruise-aaday tanks. Phone MOTOR SOLD For CASH-IN-HAND results, advertise items that are now in great demand. Every Thursday, Liberal readers in 9,000 hOmes throughout Southern York County are shopping the outdoor equipment column for items such as boats, boat trailers, travel trailers, water'skis, tents and other camping and fishing equipment. Place your classified ACTION AD NOW on our low cost householder plan with cancellation priv- ileges . . . you pay for only the Thursdays used. The cost for 15 words is low . . . one day $1.00 . . . repeat .90c. .to to to to 9 pm. 5 pm. 5 pm. 12 noc ..m. Monday and Tuesday: Lm. Wednesday; pm. Thursday and Friday: noon Saturday CAMPING trailer, sleeps six people, all conveniences, light to pull, mattresses included. Will sacrifice. Call after 5 pm. CAMPER SOLD