Church 884-6323 CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School Minister 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 1 ReV- A- 1- Higgins, B.A., ED- Good Friday ' Mrs. Wilfred G. Bowes ll a.m. â€"â€" Union Services with Director of Music Immanuel Baptist Church. 1100 SUNDAY. APRIL 7. 1968 Finch Avenue. East of Leslie 9.45 am. â€" Worship Service Nursery Facilities Provided I and Sunday School WEDNESDAY '1 am. -â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€"- Holy Communion 8 pm. â€" Lenten Series SUNDAY. APRIL 7. 1968 PALM SUNDAY 8.00 am. -â€" Holy Communion Blessing of the Palms 11 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion Preacher: Canon Leslie Hunt 7 p,m. â€"- Confirmation Service Preacher: Rt. Rev. G. B. Snell, Bishop of Toronto Special Muslc ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Rev. J. R. W. Lawrence B.A., B.D.. Pastor HOLY WEEK SERVICES Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Holy Communion Maundy Thursday 8 pm. â€" Holy Communion Good Friday 10 am. -â€"- Litany and Ante- Communion All Welcome Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. H. Reginald Howden, B.A.. L. Th. Estelle Markham. ARCT.. RMT. Organist and Choir Director ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage, RICHMOND HILL ' BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) U N l D 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) RICHMOND HILL UNITED Pastor: Rev. A. B. Arnol, D.D.. CHURCH SUNDAY. APRIL 7, 1968 (Yuan and Centrp streets) 11 am. â€"â€" Believers Baptism Interim Minister '7 pm. â€"- Radiant Life ServicegRev. S. W. Pattlson, B.A., B.D., Conducted by Youth of the‘» 3844675 Church'. Speaker Bill Franklin! Organist and Choir Leader: Nursery SuperviSion Gordon M. Fleming. A.R.C.T., All Welcome ’ B.A.. M.Mus. Miss Sylvia Pitts Midweek Hour Wednesday, 8 pm. Supervised Nursery at all Lord‘s Day Activities Passion Gospel) Church School (2-6 yrs.) and Nursery Care LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street. Thornhill SUNDAY. APRIL 7, 1968 9.50 am. â€" Bible School 11 am. and 7 pm. Mr. Philip King SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1968 PALM SUNDAY 8 am. â€"-â€" Holy Communion The Blessing and Distribution of Palms 10.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer Children‘s Palm Procession Church School, and Nursery Care 7 pm. â€"â€" Evensong HOLY WEEK Wednesday. April 10 10 am. â€" Holy Communion 8 pm. -â€" “Christ In Concrete Cityâ€: Drama by Pilgrim Players Maundy Thursday. April 11 7.30 - 9 pm. â€"â€" Quiet Evening and Holy Communion Good Friday. April 12 10.30 am. â€"â€"« Service SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1968 PALM SUNDAY 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Church School (7- 13 yrs) 11 am. â€"â€" Palm Procession and Parish Communion (The People Will Take an Active Part in Reading the M.A.. D.D. 8 a. m. â€"â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 am 11 Bayvlew at Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. William E. Moore 884-4236 Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert Newton-Smith THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Maple Community Centre Keele Street North. Maple Pastor: D. S. Davidson 233-9725 Sunday Services 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Worship Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Nursery Facilities Provided At Both Services HOLY Tmm'ï¬f'ciiï¬ncn THORNHILL Organist SUNDAY. APRIL 7, 1968 PALM SUNDAY am. â€" Holy Communion a.m. â€" Choral Baptism Nursery in Rectory 889-6789 MRS. E. V. Collier ATCL EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvale Rev. William J. Rhodes Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil Rev. F. C. Jackson Rev. B. W. Fraser ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH ANGLICAN ALLIANCE BAPTIST (Yonte and Centre Streets) RICHMOND mLL‘ Interim Minister SEVENTH-DAY Rev. S. W. Pattison, B.A., B.D., ADVENTIST CHURCH 884.1675 80 Elgin Mills Road West Organist and Choir Leader: Pastor. W. M. Mercer Gordon M. Fleming. A.B.C.T., 889-7221 B.A.. M.Mus. Saturday Church Office: 884-1301 29.30 am. ~â€" Sabbath School SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1953 11 am. â€"â€" Divine Worship 9.45 am. â€"- Primary, Junior.‘4 prm. â€" Young People‘s Intermediate & Senior Church‘ Wednesday _ school 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting 11 am_ _ Nursery and Everyone Welcome Kindergarten . . . ;nuuuuuumummumtummumumuuuuuluuluuuuuuu 11 am. â€"â€" “The Crucmxmn†By Stainer a “Tho Crimifivinn ‘THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \Hwy. 73, M.» Mile West of Yonge } Rev. Dllwyn T. Evans, ‘ Minister ‘ SUNDAY. APRIL 7, 1968 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School ; Grades 4 to 8 jll n.m. -â€" Morning Worship ‘ Primary Sunday School 7 pm. -â€" Joint Service in Thornhill United Church Rev. G. Nelson conducting Rev. M. Johnston DD, preaching Good Friday 9 am. â€" Men’s Family Break- fast and Family Worship Three hour Joint Service 12 noon to 3 pm. ‘ Small children cared for in ournursery. Y0u Are Always Welcome 7th Concession. Vaughan Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY. APRIL 7, 1968 10 am. -â€"- St. Andrew‘s Church and Sunday School Preparatory Service 11.15 am. -â€"- St. Paul's Church and Sunday School Rev. J. C. Cooper Come and Worship 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. F. James Burn, BA, EDI Minister 884~5526 SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1968 11 am. â€"-â€" Worship Service Infant Care Church School Ages 6 - 14 years â€" 9.30 am Ages 3 - 5 â€" 11 am. Ages 6 - 8 Wednesday 4 pm Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY. APRIL 7, 1968 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. ~ Morning Worship 11 am. â€"- Nursery Department Bayvlew Avenue 5.. Near Centre St. Richmond Hlll The Rev. James S. Dauphinee Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY. APRIL 7. 1968 PALM SUNDAY 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday Church School 11 am. â€" The Service with Confirmation Nursery Care is provided during the Service Lenten Service: The Church and The Cross Good Friday 10 am. â€" The service with Holy Communion â€" Ever only all for Christ â€"â€" Rev. J. S. Dauphinee. CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Thornhill - Langstaff - Richvale Arnold D. Weigel, B.A.. B.D., Pastor 24 Orlon Crescent. Thornhill Phone 889-7216 SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1968 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday Church School 11 a.m. â€" The Service Nursery Provided During Service Church School and the Service at Thornhill Masonic Hall, Elgin Street, Thornhill PRESBYTERIAN Wednesday, March 27, 1968 7.30 pm. â€" Mid-week Lenten Service (The Friendly Church) ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuckle, Pastor Organist Mrs. J. Keffer For Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 SUNDAY, APRIL 7. 1968 9.45 am. â€"â€" Church School 9.45 am. â€" Adult Study Group 11 am. â€" Worship Service (Convention of Ont. & Que) . Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston, D.D.. Min. Organist: Miss Carol Ward 10 am. â€" Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€"- Service of Worship Nursery and Junior School ST. MATTHEWS UNITED CHURCH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple, Ontario and ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Plan To Attend (hurt/7 This Sunday ST. PAUL'S CHURCH LUTHERAN THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH 1968 Service SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1968 10 am. â€" Sunday School Tuesday 8 pm. â€"- Prayer Meeting Friday 8 pm. â€"â€" Young Peoples 322 Kerrybrook Drive Pastor Rev. David A. Dyer, B.A.. B.D. 884-6629 SUNDAY. APRIL 7. 1968 9.45 am. â€"Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship Service “Christ's Sacrifice â€" For Me?†7 pm. â€"Evening Gospel Hour Wednesday 6.30 pm. â€"â€" CYC (Children’s Hour) 8 pm. â€" Midweek Prayer and Bible Study Hour CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 94 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 884-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorensen Associate Pastor: R. Cruick- shank , 11 am. -â€"- Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service “Sunday Services" 9.45 am. â€" Bible School, All Ages 11 am. -â€" Ministry of the Word 7 pm. Worship and Communion 80 Elgln Mills Road West Pastor, W. M. Mercer 889-7221 Saturday 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sabbath School Friday 8 pm. â€"- Bible Study and Youth Program A. E. Atkinson. Minister. 869-3364 E. Witty. Sea, 889-5057 Bring your family and Invite your friends and neighbors. nuuuunumummumuummnuuuulmun“\muulummunmm DONCASTER’BIBLE CHAPEL (Clarke 8; Willowdale Sts.) Pastor, Rev. L. K. Sidel- SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1968 9.50 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Service Rev. and Mrs. Richard Ohlman, of Willow Springs Bible Camp will speak and sing in both ser- vices. RICHMOND mm: FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles llllmlllllllllll“I\\llllllllllllllllll\lllululllullIllIlllllll\lll\llllllllllllll “The Crucifixion†At United Church On Sunday 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Family Service Mr. Howard Hunt 6.30 pm. â€" Communion Service 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Service Mr. Howard Hunt Wednesday -â€" 8 pm. Prayer Service and Bible Study A CHURCH OF’ CHRIST Concord Ave. and King High Drive (Beverley Acres School) Pastor. Andrew P. Jones SUNDAY. APRIL 7. 1968 9.45 am. â€" Family Bible Hour 11 am. â€" Worship SUNDAY. APRIL 7, 1968 11 am. â€"â€" Service of Worship 11 am. â€"- Church School Welcome To All 9.45 am. â€" Church School 11 am. â€"â€" Nursery and up to 11 11 am. â€" Palm Sunday Communion Service 7 pm. â€"â€" Lenten Service with other churches of Thornhill at Thornhill United Church. For further Information call 889-2131 MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Keele Street South. Maple Minister Rev. Norman H. Boogers Director of Music Mr. Hugh Armstrong A.R.C.T. Other Denominations Ministers Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A.. B.D. Rev. Garth C. Nelson. B.A., 0n Palm Sunday at Rich- mond Hill United Church at 11 am, “The Crucifix- ion". a musical meditation on the Saviour's death will be sung by the senior choir. Soloists, all members of the chair, will be Robert Keith, William Lakx and John Allin. The famous musical work of John Stainer will take the place of the sermon. SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1968 B.D.. S.T.M. SUNDAY. APRIL 7, 1968 United Missionary RICHMOND’HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH THORNHILL UNITED Everyone Welcome Everyone Welcome RICHMOND HILL CONCORD GORMLEY 'MADELEYâ€"In leving memory of a dear son and brother, Thomas Gordon Madeley, who passed away April 4. 1967. Sweet is the word remémbered, , Dear is the one who is gone, F In memory we will always keep Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hine- man of . Richmond Hill are happy to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Elaine Doreen to Mr. James William Harvey Smith. Wedding to take place May 19, 1968 at 7 o‘clock Sheppard Gospel Temple, Agin- court, Ontario. c1w40 MADELEYâ€"In loving memory of Tommy Madeley, who pass- ed away on April 4. 1967. Sadly missed by grandma and uncles, Rick and Brian. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Hillaby of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Jane Myrtle to Mr. Charles Howard Doyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Doyle of Thornhill. clw40 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. San- ford of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Charlene to Brian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chisholm of Lindsay. Ontario. Wedding to take place June 8‘ 1966 at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. ' c1w40 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trachuk of Fisher Branch. Manitoba wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Gladys to Mr. James Patrick Shewell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Shew- e11, Sutton West, Ont. The wed- ding will take place in Fisher Branch, Manitoba, Saturday, August 3, 1968. c1w40 him Just as the years roll on Sadly missed by Mommy. Daddy and Linda. c1w40 MADELEY. Treasured memor- ies of Tommy (Thomas Gorâ€" don) who fell asleep April 4, 1967. Dear little boy who we ioved as our own, Great is our heartache now you have gone Your friendly chuckle. your dimpled face Nothing on earth will ever reâ€" place. Sadly missed by Aunt. Nan and Uncle Andy. clw40 3m Memm‘iam We wish to thank all our}; relatives and friends for their§5e gifts. flowers, cards and theiraat congratulations given to us on}â€" the occasion of our 60th wed- ' ding anniversary. . Mr. and Mrs. c. Eme-e Hill]. c1w4o;9 a v. ‘I-Urxuvvu rvuAuAJ ROBB. Mary Dorisâ€"Suddenly. g; hag; ï¬afylgzgfsy #122133 The poultry produced by the a if' i th It S d 9 project increased the amount 1:; 'wabe of D et aethyany of protein in the diet of the ‘ ° ’ 0 31. m0“ ’ people. Poultry manure in- mother of Harold Kenneth ‘ ' ’creased the yxeld of the land Ernest, Joan (Mrs. N. Clark), equivalent to the amount of Wilma (Mrs' J- Balm susan grain used to feed the chickens. (Mrs. S. Travers), John. Mar- But grain was not the only if" (MFS;_J- PQ‘Iava"? Fnd‘food, as 65 percent of poultry CARD 0F THANKS SCRIMGER. Isabel C.â€"â€"After a lengthy illness at St. Ber- nax‘d's Hospital. Isabel Wil- son. beloved wife of J. Ross Scrimger, 71 Centre Street W., Richmond Hill. dear mother of Keith. Ruth and David; sister of William and Mildred. Rested at the Pip- her-Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge Street N., Richâ€" mond Hill. Service was held Saturday. Interment Rich- mond Hill Cemetery. Friends who wish, may make a don-a- tion to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. clw40 I would like to thank neighbors and friends for flow-c. ers, cards, acts of kindness to'. my husband while I was a pat-i. ient at York Central Hospital. Q Also thanks to Dr. Cowan and Q nurses on 4th floor. ‘. CARD 0!“ THANKS DUVAL MARTHA â€" At York} Manor on Tuesday. April 2,3 1968, Martha Devine. widow of Charles A. Duval. dear mother of Russell and Lillian Parfitt. resting at the Pipher- Marshall Chapel, 126 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. Service will be held on Thursday at 2 pm. Interment Westminster Cemetery. c1w40 Engagemmta carmanl Mrs- RObb reSted at ration is made from by-products. the B. E- Ring Funeral Home. Many “old†ways of India have 7783 Yonge St. Thornhill-lbeen adapted to modern meth- Service was held in the chapel‘ods â€"â€" baskets with lanterns Saturday. Interment Dart- forming brooders, Mr. Gilmore mouth, N.S. c1w40 explained. Eirtha Marion Rigby * 1 W40 c1w40 your' Dynes Jewellers and Willow- dale Rangers bowed out of the \York Simcoe Senior Hockey {League playoffs Tuesday night. t Nan‘ The Jewellers were tripped c1w4o‘by Don Mills Comets‘ 7-4 and *the Rangers were edged 4-3 by Toronto Shultons. er reâ€" Mr. Wishart says the legisla- tion is based on recommenda- tions in the McRuer report on civil rights. It will make magistrates’ courts provincial courts (criminal division) and juvenile and family courts pro- vincial courts (juvenile and family divisionl. Magistrate J a m e 5 Butler. Wright Street, Richmond Hill, described himself this week as a member of the fast-disappear- ing group; He was referring to the non-lawyer magistrates serv- ing in this province. Magis- trate Butler has served on the bench since 1947, first as an act- ing magistrate and since 1956 as magistrate. He has presided ;over courts throughout the prov- ince. but mostly in Metro muni- cipalities, particularly in Scar- 1boro. At present he is relieving Magistrates now get from $12,000 to $17,000 a year. The cabinet will bring them up to the level of county court judges who are in a range of $21,000 to $25,000. ‘ Last week Attorney-General ‘Arthur Wishart announced that ‘Ontario's 111 magistrates will soon become provincial judges and get salary increases of up to $9,000 a year. He has introduc- ed legislation in the provincial house to abolish the ofï¬ce of magistrate and replace it with provincial judge. Judges‘ salar- ies and pension benefits are to be increased under separate cabinet order. Under this legislation, to be appointed a provincial judge, a man will have to have at least five years’ experience as an On- tario lawyer. However, present magistrates and provincial judg- es, many of whom are not law- yers, will not have to meet this requirement, according to Mr. Wishart. For the first time in Canada a judicial committee will be set up, the attorney-general said. n1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mmun‘\m“uu\m“\mmmmmnnuw Magistrates To Be Prov. Judges New Appointees Must Be Lawyers Mr. Gilmore was invited to the Board of World Missions of the United Church of Canada to go to India in 1962 to help set up the pilot chicken broiler project at Allahabad Agricul- tural Institute. His task was to train technicians in modern methods of improved poultry raising. in the Newmarket Magistrate's Court. Mr. Butler has been a resident of this community for more than 40 years. Jewellers Eliminated The Comets and Shultons will' open the best-of-five final serâ€" ies this Sunday at 7:15 pm. The second game will be Tuesday at 8:15 in the new arena. n\\\\\\\\\u\\mnmum“\umumn“\\xm11mm“\mumuuumln“w flit: LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Optario, Th111Ԥday, April 4, 1968. Canadians Report On Their WorkEHigh COStS Up 19%, BUdQEt Nears Dave Eadie noted that a ne This committee will assist him in appointing provincial judges and in reviewing complaints about the conduct of these ap- pointees. The committee will be composed of the chief just- lice of the high court. the. chio‘ judges of the two divisions of the high court, the treasurer UL the Law Society of Upper Can- ada and two other people named by the cabinet. One of these will be a layman. not associated with the law or the bench, Mr. Wishart noted., The public is invited to at- tend this hour long drama as part of the observance of Holy Week. ‘ This group is the official act- ‘ing arm of the Religion and Theatre Council of Toronto. iThis play attempts to portray the Passion of Christ from three points of view â€"â€" as something that happened -â€" as of univer- sal significance â€"â€"- and events of personal significance for the here and now. On Wednesday of Holy Week, April 10 at 8 pm the perform- ance “Christ In The Concrete City†will be presented by the Company of Pilgrims in St. Mary’s Anglican Church. cessity in India is more water to provide for irrigation when the allâ€"important monsoons fail. and spoke on his work there with well-drilling rigs. Rigs had been sent to India in earlier years but had remained unused because there were no operators Two other 'magistrates who serve in Metro courts, well- known here, are David Coon of Stouffville and Fred Bannon of Richmond Hill. Both are law~ yers and are recent appointees. Holy Week Drama At St. Mary's Anglican TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT UNIT W to the CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY GIVE With the board's approval ob- tained, staff will now investigate It was suggested that such students would be especially valuable at the new ungraded Thornlea school. The students are not used as teachers of scheduled classes but are used in marking papers, leading mathematics clubs, in computer operating and pro- gramming instruction. in coach- ing students and in various other supportive roles. The students have all had one and a half years of university train- mg. so much controversy with the municipal councils in past years} to help close the gap. and grants provide an addit- ional $184,000. the 1968 bud- get necessitates an increase in municipal levies of $484,000. Bulk of the grant received Permission was given by York Central District High School Board March 25 to participate in the University of Waterloo’s co-operative training plan. by employing one mathematics stu- dent on a continuous basis. (Continued from Page 1) this year receive some ad- ditional grants which will produce an increase on to- tal revenue of 4.3%. but 2.3% of this is due to in- creased enrolments so in- creased grant benefits do little to meet a budget in- crease of 19.1%. While the board has year thrown in its by York Central comes undemgrant REDUCTION of 510‘‘ the basic tax relief grant 0fl500. It would also lower York $280 for vocational and $200 Central's percentage rate for for 'non-vocational studentststimulation grants and in the Every board in the province amount paid for extraordinary gets this grant- In addition. expenditures. Under this let- there is an equalization! grant ter provision, York Central ex. of $265 for non-academic and pects this year to receive $325 for academic students. 5267.000. but which is reduced by two Although the press was ex- this mills on the provincial equal- eluded from the board's dis- reserve ized assessment. fund of $135,000 (the cause of; 'cussion of its 1968 budget fig- Wifh~ um: [can nde-lal A“ “a-.. an Increased assessment Since its inception, Waterloo University has conducted a co- operative course in engineering. The year is divided into three equal parts and students alter- nate four months at a time be- tween attending university and working with a co-operating company. The company makes a commitment. to take one or more such students under a conâ€" tinuing arrangement whereby when one student returns to classes another student replaces him with the company. About three years ago this plan was extended to’mathe- matics students and last Sep- tember for the first time the university sought the co-opera- tion of school boards in placing mathematics students who plan a career in teaching. High School Board Participates U. Of Waterloo Training Plan ' WEBER u. or sums oh wooosme 293.2444 ‘ Free Electric In-Car Heaters MON. THRU. THURS. Cont. from 7.30 pm. Last complete show 9.00 pm. FRI., SAT. 8: SUN. Cont. from 7.00 pm. Last complete show 9.00 pm. Adult Entertainment STARTS THURSDAY, APRIL 4th Cont. show from 7.00 17.111 STARTS Richard BurtonoElizabefllTayim' THURSDAY, ° ,PeterUsï¬nov APRIL 4th “ééfum’lffimm A.» SATURDAY Cont. show from 6.00 pm SUNDAY Cont. from 2.00 pm. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thur WEEK DAYS Increased assessment with- out increased student popula- ion is not all profit because of this two mill penalty on the grant. Thus, an extra million dollars of industrial assess- ment in Markham Township. where the equalization factor is 100/19, would result in a under what terms such a stu- dent or students may be en- gaged and report back to the board for specific approval when this is clarified. DDEONMM [E ERIC J. KINGSTON AND CO. 763-5300 ALMOST EVERYONE HAS UNTAPPED BOR- ROWING RESERVES. YOUR PROPERTY MAY BECOME A WORKING ASSET. As a homeowner you could . . . Pay off accumulated bills Add to your home Purchase vacation property Buy a new car Re-finance present mortgages A 2nd or 3rd mortgage is simply an addi- tional loan on your present property. It can be extended up to 15 years. STEâ€"{ML MATINEE in Color, Sat.,| p.m. “WAR OF THE WORLDS" HOME OWNERS ’ PAY OUTSTANDING BILLS Plus 3 Cartoons GERBER Jack Palance Burgess Meredith in ALL COLOR THRILL SHOW Giant Thrill Filled Program FOR $1,600 TO $15,000 "The Comedians†632, Terminal A, Toronto 1, Ontario Private Personalized Service chylic, thcyclieag 4; they f, ,; destroy" Ibcyeven ' tzyto 2y! love. Phone or write Plus Serial - Chapters 11 an 12 Although the press was ex- cluded from the board's dis- cussion of its 1968 budget fig- ures tsee editorial on page 2) the figures were released to local councils and the press this week. A meeting has now been scheduled for April 10 at. Richmond Hill Council chambers when high school board representatives will give a detailed presenta- tion of the budget figures to members of the four councils. STOUFFVILLE: The 104 acre Bruce Harper farm. which con- tains some land within the south boundary of the village. has been sold to a firm of de- velopers which include Gino Testa, RR 2, Stouffville. Al- though the price was not re- vealed, it is reported to be more than $300,000. HKNAVISION‘ EASTMAN COLOR STEVENS-PETERSEN COLUMBIA chass wesmls GLENN GEORGE FORD-HAMILTON INGER PAUL