16 April. . . Maple Avenue, \vent 'couver for the school holidays. They flew to Calgary March A going away party for Jack Iand Min Sykes. 10 Malaren :Road was held at the home of Norm Rtitt'le March 30. Jack 'thas been very active with the gjé'ndgï¬l; HOCke-‘é §&eague- Engilook forward to our spring. .' .oac orm an anager o ‘ . . 1Mclntyre and the hockey exec-lGe‘grï¬ie Balls}, selffiolm t 7 4 'utive expressed their appreciaâ€" e "9:5 a-I’ p†a ' 5 Ifion with their presentation of am palenis 0f StUdemS ,ai . eorge Bailey School are in- beamifm glass diSh' hoping vited to attend an Interview ‘that it will always remind the. . . 1 .‘ . IngI’It when teachers W111 be on Sykes 0f the“ fuends m thethand for personal interviews. {Maple Hockey League. ‘ ~ . . . 1. Jack. Min and family will be.Room mothers Will assmt \Vith ‘Imoving to Kitchener in the . . yery near future and will belmlsï¬â€˜Ã©iw' . . . . will be displays of gagatAZigrglgggg by the" frlendslwork in the Library and par- ients are also invited to ob- ready arrived, with everything looking lovely and green and all the spring flowers in bloom. They flew back to Toronto the .following weekend and now it n II- it: I Harm, Hamen 33 Lancenserye the use of physical edu- 1Drive Iis a patient: in York‘Catlon eqmpmem 1" “19 gym- tentral Hospital. Harry had a ‘33†hladder operation Monday ï¬nd we wish him a speedy re~. Icovery. interviews. The ladies of the home & school association are providing :refreshments at the close of the . l 7 ‘ Richmond 8‘ enmg‘ :- w a t Kelly Welliam. :Street. flew to England March :16 to see his ailing father. This ‘ ;was a very unexpected trip. He Sewndm’ Who obsewed teaCh‘ -received a letter, made up hisimg methods In hisml‘y {OF iwo Imind to go and was gone inldfdis‘ retul‘nmg the Similar .about nine hours. This was vis1t by Frank Callaghan of the EKelly's first trip home since;George Balley Staff to Langâ€" ~coming here 12 years ago. He .Staff' _ _ . :managed to see all his brothersllar “Change VISllS in art and Iand sisters and several of hisgeography and the staff feels ‘old acquaintances while he waslhat the closer liaison will ben- there and returned to Maplelefit students. This is all part March 25_ of an articulation program to make the transition more smooth between grades '7 to 10. It was arranged through the York South Regional education committee between the York Iacute throat infection, requir- Central hlgh Sohools and the ling an emergency trachotomy various public and. separate :Howevel.‘ we are glad to reportiSC‘I‘IOO'IS which feed into them. -he is very much better now Gms softball . Zand back at home- ‘ Bruce Thurston is looking . * * * * ifor someone to assist him with , Mr. and Mrs. .lim Wardropedii‘e girls, “mm†this 'Vear' 24 Railway Street had threel“1e girls are ream" keen and grandsons. Stephen. Michael‘eager m get 59â€â€œ as 50°" as and David for a long weekendiweather. permits and Bruce at the beginning of the schoollwoum llke ‘0 g6.“ somebody holidays while their daughterlmed up to he“) mm “mm the n v David Robinson of #itlltlitl Dr. Charles Birkett was 3 rec- ent patient in York Central‘ Hospital where he caused a bit of concern for a while with an NM."1a and husband Bob “.em Junior girlshage 10 to 12 yearsldes. Susan Gipps, Sandra KeynenCe Palmer with 797’ I If you are interested and will-Debbie Key. Mary Lou Lamont.l :skiing with friends. . . ~ * ,.. ,,. ,. mg to give an evening or two _ Art and Shirley Amodm and or a Saturday morning to coach :children can and Glen' 23-tliese girls. please call Bruce jNetherford Road and Tove:at 832'2575‘ -Synbo left Maple March 16 andlMaple WI . . ldrove through eight States on. The WI “"11 meet Apr†9 at their way to Daytona. It rainedithe. home. "f Mrs' Andrew and was quite cool until theyiSnider. heele Street South. got to South Carolina and then “the sun shone and everything '.was beautiful. They arrivedl jmid-day Monday and stayed: quite close to the ocean so Were able to swim in both the} ~0cean and the swimming pool.‘l They took the children to 'Marineland which they just loved, picked oranges off the‘ trees. went to the dog races. zwent shell hunting and shop- .ping and really enjoyed them- :selves. ‘ _On leaving Canada every- :thing was brown and dull but .in Daytona everything was :green and the palm trees fascin- -ated the children. . On the way home they visâ€" ited Washington and saw the Capitol building and the Lin- coln memorial. They arrived. *in Baltimore at 5.30 in the' ~afternoon rush hour which they .didn‘t enjoy one bit. Maryland ’is just beautiful. said Shirley, _so green and white and clean? - _They had just two days, the .middle weekend. that were qutte cool, about 60 degrees.’ but for the rest of their stay ‘the temperature hovered be- ;tween 80 and 85 degrees. ‘ Although they drove about ;3.200 miles the complete change 'and rest on the 26 miles of white sand at Daytona gave them all a beautiful suntan. it i V"! V'K .. Jack and Marion Holmes and children Claude and Jackie. ACADIAN the allocation of time for each’ There has also been sim-l is 3 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. April 4. 1.968 Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News "The Liberal†is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord and Edgeley districts. Maple, please phone Mrs. Pam Rolfe. 832-1122; in Edgeley and Concord. Mrs. Margaret McLean, 884-1105. Open Map/e Cancer Campaign The beginning of the cancer campaign in Vaughan Township was marked by the raising 1 Monday morning of the society's flag at the municipal offices Maple, where it will fly throughout i Above. Reeve Brian Bailev (left) is seen receiving the flag from three members of the. Maple branch of the society. First Vice-President Mrs. Lorne Wells, Campaign Chairman Mrs. Robert JameshandmCo-Chairman Mrs. David Anderson. to Van~ers. B. Andrew and Mrs. W..played in the mixed doubles in lNoble will be on the enter- :tainmcnt‘ committee and Mrs. 18 and then took the trainlll Jennings and Mrs. M. lVlc-‘Iost 17~16 and 15â€"10. .throu h the Rockies to Vanâ€"‘ -‘ ~' : ‘v the tun-hi . . . . . .. . . . mum}: “here “3,.an has ah‘glï¬giï¬gxn 12:23.02; \‘,9]mm(e_lnpr Yvonne Rm...“ mavpd immany friends wish him a speedy Mome; Maddin from Mclxinley. This will be a dance with buffet lUnited Church ‘ A special evening was enjoyed lUnited Church March 26. ' UCW President Mrs. A. Dar- lington welcnmed everyone and the evening's activities began with the singing of the hymn "Stand up. Stand up for Jesus". As each lady arrived her Imaiden name was written on a piece of paper and placed in a basket. Later on in the evenâ€" ‘ing a game of bingo was played :using these names instead of ithe usual numbers. which prov- ed to be quite interesting. Sev- eral games of court whist were played and also two otherl games. The games and plansl ifor the evening‘s entertainment hasium while waiting for theirhere organized by Mrs. L. Pa1_114. Buckingham 12. Matinee 12. l rmer and Mrs. H. Rumble andl they are to be complimented for a very successful party. I A very interesting poem was lread by Mrs. B. Davis. the gist The school had a visit fromlof which was. that no matter; Langstaff‘how sick you feel there is al-. ‘ways somebody somewhere who is far worse off than you are. A delicious luncheon was ‘served to complete the even- ing‘s fun. The spring luncheon will be ‘held at the church hall April 16 at 1.15 pm and the guest speaker will be Mrs. Lois Smith Iwho is a clothing specialist. LTickets are $1.50 each and can be obtained from any UCW member, or call Mrs. H. Light- heart at 832â€"1153. |St. Stephen’s Anglican 3 Last Sunday. 12 JA mem- lbers received their Winchester l . . . ‘crosses. ties and first stripes at gthe regular Sunday School ser- [vice . Leader Shirley McBrien and {her assisting Junior Leaders 'Julie McBrien, Sandra Bourke ‘and Nadine Watson were pres- ent and Sunday School Super- intendent Mary Davis made. the lpresentations to Robin Birnie, :Christine Davis. Barbara Ged- iHeather Lamont, Cora Ann Lemoine, Jackie Lines, Wendy ‘McBrien and Cathy Watson. ‘Robin Birnie carried the ban- iner. iBadminton ‘ March 7. Freda Bourke and Iher partner John / / ON SALES and SERVICE BEAI'MONT - VAUXHALL - GOODWIIJ. USED CARS PONTIAC 6'1 BUICK Phone 851 -11“ WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO (Just 2 Miles West of 400 Hwy.) FIREBIRD r In CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. Gordon Read Phone 889-4001 Farewell 111.1037,- 11001091 .5935! ITS A The Maple Midget OMHA OMHA RESI'LTS team brought home this comâ€" TYRES munity's first hockey trophy in the Hespeler Midget Invita» tional Tournament during the spring school holidays. Maple knocked off five teams “5:5; ‘ Richmond Hill 2 Maple Tykes 0, PEEWEES Hiiniber \‘alet Cleaners 5. ) f ‘ \“ \†\‘x‘ m†\†x“'\“'\“"\xm h WA \2\7\L\C\C\’\. oney pot taver OPEN DAILY 12 Noon to 1:00 am. \C\. W Specializing in Businessmen’s Luncheons Dining & Dancing Smorgasbord Saturday & Sunday RESERVE NOW FOR EASTER WEEKEND W~v~*“ / R) wmmwmmj i mink gprlng has {many M. to capture the midget "C" class rived. .lust \\ hen you can‘t bear Champim‘sllti‘u to shovel another walk, zip up‘ Congratulations are in order another snowsuit or wipe an- I0 3†the DIHA'PTS Im'OlVPfI and other runny nose. you awaken 5' SDCCIHI mention to Coaches one morning. open the curtains‘Norm Ruttle and Manager Bob and there it is Maclntyre for their guiding ef‘ forts. iby several ladies of the Maple‘ The ground is bare of snow. green sprouts are thrusting their way through the earth and leaves. Open the windows and the warm air rushes in with a sweetness born of promise ofl many good things to come. _ But. I regret that this will be the last column that. I will be writing as we are leaving the community before the middle of May. We will be moving to (‘Iairville in the Woodbi'idge area and it will be a great "upâ€" (Photo by Stuart's Studio) rooting" for my husband and ‘me as we have spent all our llives in this community. How- jevei'. our hearts will always be in Carrville. l have enjoyed writing the ‘(Tarrville Column but. I am afraid it has suffered in the lpast few months because I could loot. spend as much time on the,‘ column as I would have liked. II hope you will help our new correspondent as much as you A . illaVe given me in order to makel s n e I a e e the column both interesting and informative. Neighborhood Notes ‘ .ihe a†Tomnm 19amâ€, Jack Barton underwent eye. semiâ€"finals with 98 entries. but,surgery 3' "‘9 Tnmm†General ‘Hospital last week but he. is ex-l Last week Freda and hm. parhfpected home this week. His doubles at Aurora‘TN‘OVEI’NI .and won 15-9. Church News tGuides and Brownies l The children of the Sunday. Tickets for the mother and‘scliool. parents and teachers are :daughter banquet to be held‘inyited to see Maple syrup mak- ‘at the United Church hall Mayflng at our farm. the Reads. on‘ I at 6.30 pm are now available April 6. Weather permitting. lat $1.75 each from President everyone is invited to meet at‘ Marilyn Third. 5 Weller Cres- the farm about 1 pm. ‘cent. i The stewards of Carrville Ladies' League iUnited will hold a euchre party. Last week K0015 took 5iMay 8. The proceeds of this lpoints leaving Players with 2 euchre will be used to finish land Rothmans took 5 leaving the expansion of the ham IBuckingham with only 2 points. Export took all 7 points from â€"_â€"“~_‘â€"‘ lMatinee and Belmont took all‘MARKHAM VILLAGE: Council 17 from Cameo. has recommended that a survey ‘ as of last weeklof residents of Markham, Stouff- ‘the ladies‘ t The thanks of the players go W WW\V\1\’ Thornhill z i An exhibition match. DIEII) Bourke was outstanding scoring( Dufferin St†1'.» Mile. North of Maple Sideroad three goals with Peter IF‘raser 1%,}xhwwlxxwxmwxxxxxxxgxxï¬xxmmmmJ and Gary Leonard picking up ‘ ’ “‘“â€â€œ""’“"‘~““ the other Humbcr Valet mai‘k- ' ' " "'"“““' †York Fire. & Casualty 4. Aurora 1 The first game of llie North ‘the trees are bursting with new _ ‘moine t to all the parents. friendsnYork Bantam "C" finals in Aur-l those from Maple \iholora. Tom Edmanson played an Journeyed to Hespeler for theloutstanding game and whacked three days to give support to‘home three goals for Maple. on and the team. Peter Adams scored on a pass The names of the players are from Graham Cameron. Paul as follows; Banks. Dana Coxworthy and“ George Sayewell. Grant Rose, Robbie Bourke picked up assists Mark LeMoine, Eddie Hoogen- on Edmanson's goals. boom. Ron Lloyd. Jim Maddin, Clements Rad & SprinZs 2 Wayne Rouarth. Ian MacKinley. Grandview 2 Don Thacker. Gary Sykes, Dale Snllll'dai'VS 11? E131“? Im't'F‘S 3 Bone, Bob Bailey" Terry Wat. third one against Grandview in son. .Iohn Brown, Bob French. the Midget "C" “rial-<- GPOFL‘F‘ and D'Arcy Shank. Sayewell scored the Inn 20313 for (‘lcmcnis Rad & Spring in RESULTS . ‘ Map“, 2 gix Nam)!“ 1 this tie. Grant Rose and Mark Mafk '1 awning Q‘mrm hmhjlmMoine received assists. Hon-‘ goal: [he “I.†‘aqqmed M oi'able mention should go to Jim George Sayewell, the second one unassisted. ‘ Maple 3. Norwich 1 Goalscorers were Mark Le» from George Sayewell;‘ Wayne Rowarth assisted by .Iim Maddin for his tireless play. ANNUAL MEETING I The annual meeting of the‘ ‘Maple Minor Hockey Associaa tion will. be held April 17 at. the‘ community hall. ‘ This is an open meeting and. Maddmi and I‘eane {mm the election of next. year's exe- G'Vam' R05“ cutive will take. place. All parw‘ Maple 3. A." 3 ents. officers and executive oI'l One five minute overtime the league are requested to be period ended in a 3-3 deadlocklon hand for the report on the with shots-on-goal deciding the 1967-68 season. 83m"- In “WW "I Mal"? . There will. however. be a Rowarth from Maddin: Saye-iMaple minor frolic night on. well from Hoogenboom and Le- May 3 at the community hall} Maple 3, St. George 2 and refreshments providing an‘ Grant Rose scored twice from Opportunity for parents“. McKinley on the first one and‘machss. sponsors. and hockey from Sayewell. Sayewell scored‘f'ï¬end-iand fans "I ha“? 3 “WW the final goal unassisted ldll‘lg windup‘ to the hockey sea. The “All Stars" chosen from.50"- _ Maple team were invited to re-l F†th" “'19 3'0“ I93“ the turn to Hespeler Arena for an‘kidg at 1101"" Md enjoy your- a)] star game from the NB" andself. The cost is $4 per couple “(3†series but were unable toland profits will provide funds appear due to a previous COm_€for the start up of the 1968-69; mitment. .season. I Chosen were Goalie Johhl A players' banquet W111 be Brown, Centre George Sayewell.lheld 181311126 at 5‘30 pm at the Left Wing Grant Rose. andsame location- Mahager. Bob Maclntyre. I There are over 270 players; Again our hats are off to a‘coaches, referees, managers andl wonderful group of boys and 10:executive this year and parents} are requested to leave the play- LIFE INSURANCE FOR DAIRY CALVES? If such were possible it. would probablv be a popular policy with Canadian Dairymen. Losses from calf deaths during the first 6 weeks of age are often frequent. Many professional dairy herd managers are now routinely injecting all new-born calves with SHUR-GAIN VITAMINS A, D, E to protect their calves against SCOURS STRESS VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES SLOW GROWTH SHL’R-GAIN INJECTABLE VITAMINS ADE are available from your local Feed Service Mill. animal health service MAPLE FEED MILL i Standings were Belmont 23, Kools 17, Rothman 16. Export 16. Players d Cameo 2. ‘ Marg Amos played well and‘ scored the high triple at 710} an ville. Uxbridge and Lindsay belthelr “03°†.and mani‘ger fort undertaken to diScover opinionslthï¬"r Effort .m Pl'OmOtmgflood regarding the establishment of SPOI'ISmanShlp and goodwul on a G0 train service on ‘he’behalf of the Maple Minor Hoc- CNR line. Copies of the resoiu-[ker League in bringing hnme tion would be sent to the Min- the community.“ “PSI Cham' 832-1241 ers at, the hall and return around 8:30 pm. Facilities are. not adequate for the inclusion‘ of parents with the enlargement of our league this year. Laughlinl . /{ WbyPayMore$$P go to MARCH PONTIAC & BUICK ana’ Save More $ $ ‘and high single with 324. I . iPioneer League . Last week in the first round of the playoffs Ed Barrett's; team scored a total of 3.020, chn Weeks' boys scored 2.892.i ‘Orne Downey‘s crew were third iwith 2.868 and Pete Craib's.I team scored 2,781. High triple was bowled by‘ Clarence Brown with 641 and .he also took the high single with 311. Men‘s League Last week top four teams played the first round for the; league trophy. Ken White’sl team scored 3,544, Ray Jelli- son's boys scored 3396, Ken Kennedy‘s team was next with 3347 and Roy Glegg's teami scored 3310. i In the play in the MRA "Tournament. Harry Cooper‘s team scored 3,437, .Iack ShepflI pard's team scored 3.311. Harry‘ Mathewson's boys scored 3.- ‘304 and George Harrison's team scored 3,288. I High single was scored by lBrucE‘ Murray with 295 and high triple was bowled by Clar-j ister of Transport. Chairman of Metro Planning Board. thel County of York and Donald Deacon. MLA. York Centre. I KIN GSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 G.M.(‘. TRUCKS your biggest bargain in hot water. pionship trophy. i NEED GOOD WORKERS? . PS. The goaltending of Bob GET 'EM FAST French and John Brown was BY USING superb. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS You can clean up this bunch for pennies a day with an electric water heater ' Bath the kids,do the laundry, wash the l dishes, have a shower. With a Cascade 40 electric water heater there'll be lots and lots of hot water for all your needs . .. WILL SOON BE HERE Meet that tax deadline with ready cash from GAC International. Stop 7/: or call. You ’/I sleep much better an April 2.9. LOANS UP TO $5000 GAC INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORR. LTD. RICHMOND HILL and for only pennies a day. ask your hydro 20 Yonge Street, South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone 884-4458 TORONTO 25 Bloor Street, West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone 924-7731 (Bloor at Yonga) 2290 Dundas Street, West . . . . . . . . . . Phone 532-4421 (Front of Towers) 3034 Danlorth Avenue . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Phone 698-1161 (Opposue Shoppers World) 64 Vaughan Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone 534-8816 (At St. Clair Ave, W.) 2645 Eglinton Avenue, East . . . . . . . . . Phone 261-7276 (Ezlinton at Brimley Road) . 944A St. Clair Avenue, West . . . . . . . . . Phone 531-4623 (St. Clair at Oakwood) 4967 Yonge Street , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone 222-2504 2907A Dundas Street. West . .......Phone 7676161 (1 Block West of heels St.)