Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1968, p. 18

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THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'I‘hursday. April At. 1968 hornhill and District News “The Liberal" ls always pleased to publish Items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. 18 PHONE 889-3190 Our representative in Thornhill is .\lrs. Jo Cruise who may he reached by phoning 889-3190. oddly Speaking in Thornhill l Honor Philatelist l A medal was presented by with Mr. and Mrs. George and in the evening at 8 pm Friends gathered March 26‘Harry Sutherland, president of Julil and their son Robbie. there will be children singing; at “Keegunoo”, the Thornhill‘the Canadian society..on behalf Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Deâ€"‘Japanesc dancing and ballet. l estate of John Young, to honor]of its 2,000 members. Marco with seven of their nine A bake sale will be held in Canada’s greatest philatelist, Dr. Henry Hicks. president children travelled down to St. the afternoon and baby sitters FTCd Jarrett, 01'! the OCCBSIOD 0f and vice-chancellor of Dal- Augustine and Daytona. Flor- will be provided. his 80th birthday. housie University. Halifax. and ida. and Atlanta, Georgia, for Mr. Jarrett has written three former premier of Nova Scolia,‘tllcir holidays. b00kS 0" Canadian Stamps. and Salli Nickle of Calgary atâ€" The De Marcos drove down numerous articles and he is tended the. birthday celebration. in their ll ton bus. converted cumn mos: voglovs i GIVE TO Indâ€"l the author of the Jarrett stamp Vim-em Greene was joint into a. land cruiser to Mr. De- album. He is on the British host with 11,; Young Both Mixlklarcos specifications. The roll of distinguished philate- Greene and My. Young are robinâ€"egg blue crutser has all CANCER SOCIETY Fellows of the Royal Philatele the comforts of home includ- Society or Canada~ ing a bathroom. kitchen. a furâ€" , ,. H rd nace and hot and cold water. “any En‘w‘v “my”. .01 M A separate motor runs a gener- local families spent lists and is also a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada. ' Many . ,ator for electric power and ltIllIIltIlIllIIttvtItlIIllItflItttlltlllltltttllIllItltttlIIIItlttltllttltltlttttltltillhe ,tha. ‘school vacation hotâ€"“he auxiliary pumps provide, April is campaign month for If you are NEW-TO-TOVVN ldal'mg m interesting places. louldoor Shower baths, ll is the cancer society. Won't you or have just moved into a , M’” .a"d “LIT? T; “Iarl‘.s"also equipped with a telephone please give generously when h (l‘hornridge Dine. “1th the” and inter-com system_ your canvasser calls on you‘.’. new ome . Ithree sons dim"? toplearwalter The family has travelled over Your donation may be a wise Thornhill’s Beach, Florida. where t1€y25v000 mlles lh North America anBStrnent for your future .spent a moSt enloyable ten dais over the past three years. Trips health. ‘ Own, , , , m the warm chmate- are carefully planned by Wm- The Thornhill unit of the. Mrs. J. Malone and her son . , ing ahead to chambers of com- society would like to thank the: lof Thornrldge Drive spent the merce and mayors of various Holy Trinity and Presbytel‘iani Elioliday at Daytona 383Ch- F101" cities, Many invitations frOm Guides and Brownies for their} llda- city officials, hotels and motels T1919 in Preparing the Cam'ass-l l Mrs. Wally Crouter an? 1181' have resulted from these en- ers‘ kits and distribution liter-‘ lSOU Glen, Elizabeth Streethqulries. This mode of traveh ature. The society is lnost 15139111 the 5011001 holiday at:1ing has certainly proved the grateful for their help in this ' :FOl‘l LaUderdale- FIQTIda- answer to travelling with {community Lmdet‘tflking- Mr. and hits J. Kearns and large famih._ If anyone in lhlg Village is their family. Kirk D1‘1\’9. SP9!“ planning to be out of town dur- \ki‘fit)“ l‘jl'ed ’1 Siding ll?llda‘l" " The day she spent at the studio but P0895 “ill be maile “1195 dm‘e 10 Mount Mans‘idoesn‘t. think she would like to field Vermont. where they .. - . . . l v _ . ,pui ue modellln as a career. spent a low days before drlv-lSh; is a gradeng student “To Proceed JOTTTLIY , ling to Mount St. Anne nearlThomhlll Secondan,‘ l lQuebec City and Mont Tram-1 * a a l; 1 . . . ; ,rblant 1n the Laurentlans. l llh: and Mrs. Mlchael Hal.“ Mrs J E1Vidgei Amom AV' rington and their daughter Jenâ€" ePQQ. I‘Gturmd "309“th from nifer of Waterloo spent 3 rec- VlSltmg her daughters 1“ the'ent weekend visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. D can and Mrs. T. Harrington. if is * ’k d. WELCOME SERVICE ' would like to call on you with ‘housewarming gifts’ U-S-A- On Senior Housing ’ 1n reversal of a decision at a previous meeting, Markham Township Council dectded last 1m" week that it will seek the co- operation of Vaughan Township in the senior citizens’ housing project planned for Thornhill. Clerk Harry Crisp was au- orized to draft an agreement between the townships under Mrs. Elvidge spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. Connelly and their children Carol, Patty, Sympathy is extended to Al- Debbie and DaVid. at their new.lister Morrow and Mrs. John home in Westport, Gonn. ThelHand on the recent death of th conneHl/‘Sy former “Sldems 0fltheir brother K. A. Grant Morâ€" .Thornhill. recently moved from row of Oshawa. and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your' subscription to the RICHMOND HILL 'service a lions Mini-Pot Pro res To Be A Bonanza . Holders of the last two of 150 tickets in a minhpot draw Richvale Lions Monte Carlo night in Richmond Hill Lions Hall In the above picture (left to ri draw for its 20â€"week Dauvin of Port Credit and Ed M holders had had a ch Ask For Volunteers At Good Shepherd Refuge guest speaker of the evening: and spoke on the work and problems encountered day to day at the refuge. The program opened with a t St. Luke's conducted by Father Thomas Chidlovv. After the mass, members and guests adjourned to St. Luke’sloften begin when children are.Guides and Brownies School where coffee and des-‘forced to live in cramped quar-l serts were served prior to the meeting. Father Reinhard Burchhardt of King opened the meetingl with a prayer and welcomed guests and speakers. for York County region. ght) Lion life is shown presenting a c ance at a $25 prize. albon of Thornhill. how much you may save on car insurance!” FRASER DUNN 145 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL, ONTARIO TELEPHONE Bus. 889-3288 SEA" IAIN & INSUIANCD State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office ~ ’I‘oronto lPhoto by Stuart's Studlot - .7 W “M "“V'””““ shared the $1.000 pot at the March 1. Clare Greenfield, who had been in charge of the heque for $500 to each of the co-winners â€" Don In 20 weekly draws each of the 150 ticket Paul's Lutheran. Bayv'levv .\vc« nue. Richmond Hill. The meet- Over 1,000 the len dav holiday al Jekyll Cam] Burleigh John S'mel mg Apr” and would like In St. Luke‘s Roman (‘atholic linto the work the Brothers ac- at ll am and 5 pm Island, Georgia, where they had an lnlemslmg experience; m“, a donallm] Del-ore lhm. St. Luke‘s CWL hosth thelcotupllsh at the refuge. United (Thurch have eniOY‘Pd Dl‘PViOUS IIOIlda-‘PS‘ l'ccentlv when she was chosen leave or when they return. Spllmg general "leeling or lurk! Broth?" (“‘0'”me mm 1"” '\ "Scepli‘m "f "9“ “'embp's Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wiles and m mod‘el lo]. 1he April issue of please mall ll lo “mic. Culley County Regional Council Marchlthe refuge has assisted 430 will he held .\pril T. .\t the lheh-‘Chlldmn: Ricky. Terry and “Miss Chatelaine" Magazine 91 Calm-n Chambers (orescenl'ZS. Brother Columban of thell‘amilies during the past to close of the service the new Suzanne, Thornbank Road. en- Carol lhomughly Humid me‘ A recelpl f0]. income tax pm._ Good Shepherd Refuge was months. Accommodation l'ovymcnibcrs will be welcomed by homeless families and counsel- ling given by the Brothers are the congregation at a reception to be held in the Sunday school just two of the services the auditorium. refuge provides. Explorers will be selling , Children need a corner of home-made fudge in the Thorn- ‘their own to grow in, he said, ‘where they can keep their own lprivate belongings. Problems hill Green and Bayview Glen areas April 6. Please support lthese ambitious young ladies. lthe church site, Royal Orchardl mg will take place April 17 at 8 pm. the last _l0llll ecumenical service. sponsored by the ’l‘horn~ hill Ministerial. Association. will be held in tile United Church April 7 at 7 pm. the cornerstone for Christ The . . . King Lutheran Church was conducted March 31 at 3 pm at NEW SPRING HATS The service for the laying of Fashion accents the Hat for ‘68 and the prettiest styles are now at Madeleines. From New York we have the Iters or are shunted from one .place to another. The corner. lor cage as he called it. then beâ€" comes a place with bars. Brother Columban told an ap- Father pealing story of three little boys; Burchhardt is spiritual directorlat the refuge who insisted on Schoeler were awarded their ikissing him good-night before Boulevard, and Baythorn Drive.lLilly DaChe debs' An enrolment for two Brown-l Don Deacon MLA’ York Cen_ .les of 2nd Thornhill was held inl lre_ and the Rev. William Hm‘as'lChoose your new chapeaux from our wonderful collection of if,“ Pmefl-erian Churd] Mamhldean 0f the Central DiStriCt floral extravaganzas, original l‘6' Browmes camlyn and Bar-Eager“ Canada Syn0d' partiCi'ltulles fancy Swiss, textured .bara Englesman were enrolledlpated at the service. or sn‘looth straws featured in lby Brown Owl Helen Mowat. l Beth Mackenzie and Cathy ‘lovving the service. It is anticipated Coffee and refreshments were; full ran e of s rm Shades_ served at the Masonic Hall fol-ia g p g ’In irresistible array priced from golden bars at the ceremony. the $798 to $30. that ‘ , - 7 _. , , I , which the buildin, including , .- . . . e v v . - r . s . v . . LIBERAL l\jlllfiilllesley Hills, Mass. to West ‘ x ‘s >5 a . eight bachelor and €12 one bedfluggfiicigd Egan‘ciennllellengf \tvla: 1l‘njl'ilelllde‘tt forlthe It‘lffetlltlg. Finest: IllE‘ZlehThOIhllllé Baowmes hulldmg will be Completed 10. Call Mrs. Ralph Harle‘v ‘ ._ , l ‘ Miss Baibaia Brennan and mom miles “and b . td , . e L” 19” “01“? a 9910“. {31 i-md Bid r 0mm” “1 es ale wards the end of April. All the _ ‘ After leaving \\ estpovt. l\liS.,l\llSS pal Ellloll Ema-tamed all \, ‘k ‘ ,, L .9 elec e gional Ol‘atOI'lt'al contest and the." seldom get enough 0i. The holding a mother and daughter “all; are up. the l-Oof l5 on. lhe 6/ / - 889-3313 Elvidge travelled to Nevvll‘sed-‘li joint miscellaneous Showermdlal l‘an"__1°lm5mp‘ ‘ , gave her winning speech on audience could easily see, how banquet April 17 at 6.30 pm in “mm” oliher lhan glal‘new Cl e 91,19 lvvtvvuvvltuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvuvvvvvvuumvvvvvvvvvvvvuvvvvvuvuuvuuuunuv {Ol'd- Mass. where shg 7 “151299 April 1 in honor of Miss .Iac-‘ d sung] Fdldhellllladldmf"WT EdPCaUOH- Marie Franco 3 this kind and compassionate the Presbyterian Church Hall. glass Mg. in; much of the 919..- . . , H w . ( W W) queline liomes. The party was Shh: $135,“ I “1 Ill 19 PioJSCt'POISCd and exceuenl _Speak€1'. man filled their need. Guides and Brownies l'eccnt- frlml work ls (lone as is some “lumen & Auefismiles ,l held at me home of Miss Elliott U dl‘gla“ “ ‘en 1 “as received a large hand from the Volunteers are needed for all Iy awarded badges are as lots of the plumhlng felt that Vaughan was not pre» pared to share costs on a 50/50 rbasis. However. Ontario Housing L g, in Aurora. Miss Homes be- 3/ comes the bride of Gordon An- -, gus of Etobicoke May 18. i gt l Ring Funeral Home 889-7783 7783 YONGE sr- Thornhill {a/ it w >.< >k C _ n . V. l ,, , _ , l. M w _ oipotatlon advised that if- / hill“? ] holnhm Omsell SLIIOOI.hIai'klialii were to proceed alone.’ ) L I {11.9" 319 IOOkmg £01“ am to a new survey would have to be‘ )a not to North York Public , .. l )lL. ‘ v _. U taken of the Malkham Town- j“ “flaw A,p”l 1‘? and to Fath‘lship side alone. The surveyl ’ lgélsmolDay Apr“ 20 at the‘already taken included Mark-l l ’ ham Township from Yonge l“Spring Safari” Street east to Leslie and Vaugh- lv Local residents are invited to an Township from Yonge Street a “Spring Safari” April 20 from to Dufferin. Z-S pm and 7-10 pm in Holy The county assessment de- Trlnity Anglican Church Hall. partment had also advised that ""M’.‘ "I Admission is 50c including tea. senior citizens' housing is exâ€" VTC’S BARBER SHOP i 'Il‘ohis is a most interesting and empt from municipal taxes. In- A am itious showing of treas- stead, the provincial grant Under New Managemeld ures from around the world. makes a grant of $25 per unit in 'VAuthentic costumes and curios lieu of municipal taxes. 2 E Barber ilfiromAChlna. Africa, Japan, In- Vaughan had refused to con- . V ‘ .’ ia. sia, Siam, Thailand, Egypt tribute, indefinitely, 50% of a‘ 138 HENDERSON Al 13.. 'IHORNHILL [land Palestine, Polynesia, South,hypothetical municipal tax an-l iIUdience for her OUtSlandlng good causes Brother Columban lows: lst Langstat’t‘ Guides. Eliza deliver). Con‘enm's read their reports the refuge to keep up the \ol- Wilson. Louise Gorrsiine, host- d brought all those 1” allend- ume of work being done by the 955: 2nd Thornhill. Guides. Lynn El 1‘] ance up to date concerning lRoman Catholic Churches in the been placed‘ \jsll region. I Archdiocesan President Mrs. A. E. Begin reminded the mem- bers that 1968 is human rights year. She stressed the need for Catholic women to continue pounds of coffee was collectedlhand: Nancy Palmer 001190“)? their W01‘k "1 helping to SOIVB from the audience and present- and toymaker. some of today’s problems. “The CWL is important in community efforts”, Mrs. Begin empha- sized. Rev. S. C. Robinson, archdio- thanked the St, Luke CWL for 10 am, stated and they are needed at After families have ation is done by volunteers except in difficult cases. Trained personnel from St. Vincent de Paul take care of this requirement. A donation of $35 and 52 Brothers. ed to Brother Columban. Mrs. C. Thompson thanked the speaker for his most inter- esting talk and Mrs. B. Harding cesan spiritual director, stated‘arranging the successful even- his concern about the future of mg. Catholic education. “There is a Presbyterian Church greater need of involvementl Tlle couples’ club is holding within each individual .parishla hard times party April 6 at for people to take notice ofl3,30 pm America and the Arctic will be'nuall shown. Japanese art LEO & VINCE wish to announce that they are the new proprietors of Vic‘s Barber Shop and look forward to meeting their regular and new cusâ€" i tmnem- Phone 889-8030 i Barber Shop Hours; Closed Monday ’l‘tles. to Fri., 9 am. to 7 pm. Sat., 8 am. â€" 6 pm.>- ,- / y but had offered to pay 50% of the cost, of any direct. ar- municipal costs incurred by the. and floral rangemcnts will he a feature development. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS . . CORRESPONDENT: MRS. RHONA WET-IRENE} g (5} 130 May Avenue â€"- Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) ‘ r v V v (I. FULL! ESLOR'IED t "The Liberal" is pleased few days with her sister-mlavv. De r“ T . ll _ . . I) o announce the appolnt- :Mrs. Steve Arbon and also visit~l ‘pa 11.; oronlo \lay 15 Returning June 5 ment of Mrs. Rhona weh_ llng her 37_year_old mother, Mrsl Extensive travel through the northern highlands of Scot- ll tens, 130 May Avenue as its IAda Arbon of Spruce Avenue. ‘ 5 land. the Midlands and south of England including Corn- ‘ new North mehvale conesâ€" GOOd “10k to Gerry’ Anital and Linda Lemire who have re-l‘ pendent. Mrs. Wehrens is anxious l to hear from all area resi- dents about community hap- wall and Devon, with a stopover in southern Ireland. A. H. CREIGHTON TRAVEL AGENCY l peniugs_,,s,ts,mps,m BOX 149, Thornhill, Ont. Phone 889-5643 ties. engagements, wed- mNNNNWN'm-WWNN l dings. whatever is going on. r“‘IIII‘IEI‘II‘I' “case “"11" in the eve"- ing a - 33 . At Highways I t 8844 3 eigbborhood Notes 0 Children cently moved from our area to mond Hill. Mrs. Kerwin Burman [children David and Roxanne1 Ifrom Campbell’s Bay. Quebec,r spent a few days recently with‘ lberton Road. and; Mr. and Mrs. George DeBoer .of Kersey Crescent have just returned from a three weekl holiday in Holland. ‘ IN l ll Congratulations to Mr. :Mrs. Paul Jarvis (nee Karen :Gibsonl Oil the arrival of their I baby daughter March 2. . All ‘ ' i A vv arm welcome to Mrs. L015 -,, hf” Wan) hlenfb and ' . neigthls will be pleased to Parker who has come to live kno“. that \lrs Freda Llltle_ with her sister. Mrs. Morris ‘ ' I THEATRE ' heaters. t'ord. Kersey Crescent. is now home after a stay in York Cen- tral Hospital. Wright on May Avenue. Air. and Mrs. M. Legrow have just returned from a pleasant months vacation in Florida. Ali's. Ada Davis is spending a it..- "K. School News Vaughan Township School .Board Chairman Warren Bailie will be the guest speaker at the April 8 meeting of Ross Doan llome alld School Association. Mr. Bailie will speak on the reorganization alld consolidaâ€" tion of the school board areas. An invitation has been extended to home and school associations at Roselawn. Langstaff. Thorn- hill and Charles How'itt schools Lnder Electric 0 Box Office Open 7.00 pm. â€"~ Show starts at 7.30 pm. 12 Free ll'l-Cal' HAND TAILORED SUITS ON THE PREMISES Week Starting April 5th All Technicolor Program DEAN MARTIN as MATT HELM l I as the entrance into a York n ' & County Board of education next \\ January will affect all in the M ' ” ‘ REMODELLING UT erer S OW â€"â€" i. ' Captain Carol Dawson of the AND I 3rd Richvale Guide Company ' has been very busy instructing \\ _ , I, ‘ Tailors the Guides in handicrafts. With 520] Yong-e Streel the assistance of Dolly Brown e I I 3‘ 09m] and Linda Lambert. It IS exâ€" - r s " ' "- necvcd live company will have ‘ linen l-i enough ucnvs to SlOt'lv a booth \tltlll Entertainment A m mg, Uhmmm: ‘mmml RUSS Dmn Spun; Pal: \lllli ‘37 A!!3,I!!â€"nnlgnlgn What is gOIllg on“ Father ROD' A Good Friday breakfast will inson stated. “Be more aware and take time to help in the Father Robinson also stressed his concern over the present Toronto housing situation. Mrs, C. Bettles introduced Brother Columban to the guests. Brother Columban gave an en- lightening talk and gave all those present a greater insight Neighborhood Notes I Sympathy of the community ton. The funeral service was held March 28. I The Explorers of Thornhill made fudge in the Thornhill Green and Bayvievv Glen Dis- tricts this Saturday morning. This is an ambitious group of girls. 9-12 years old. who meet at Thornhill United Wednes- days from 7 to 8:15 pm. At present CGIT meetings are varitable hives of activity. Rehearsals are in full force for the fashion show" to be held May I at the United Church. Tickets are now on sale and may be obtained from any of the girls. Happy birthda} to Michael Shier, Glen Cameron Road. who celebrated his fourth March 30. After a year of patterning. Michael is now able to crawl in a straight line to pick up a 103'. He is still receiving five patterns daily, with the help of many neighbor volunteers. Lorna Lennox decorated his birthday cake. Rosemary. Janey and David Smith and Joey Fudge helped him celebrate. Scouts 8.- Cubs The 6th Thornhill Scouts and Cubs Ladies‘ Auxiliary held a very successful Hydro Hawaiian Luau Show March ‘36 at Bay- \'ievv Glen Public School Pro- ceeds will be used to provide catnme equipment ml tith Thornhill Scouts and L'lllb T-ve ~l‘n“ its ~llUIl~t>“t‘(l Iv' Illchmnrrv Ill“ Rural l‘l‘m‘t‘. 1 'in (titralcr‘l 7‘9 3)". cc .\i‘ be held at 9 am followed by the morning service. This breakâ€" Catholic ed ucalion cause'Ui'as-t is for the whole family. The three hour Good Friday service will be conducted from I2 noon to 3 pm at the Presby- terian Church with all the churches in the area participat- ling. 3 The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be served April 7 South Thornhill News l CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY HARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-57305 won by elec- electric blanket was Mrs. Madelaine Gosnell, live on Markham Road, Rich-‘is extended to John Barbour, tric can opener by Mrs. Johaneathcr Heidman, Glenda Hunt, 1whose mother passed away unâ€" vaindells, . andjexpectedly March 25 in Halnil-‘ers. Dorothy Hodge. electrlc‘ electric lamp by ‘heater by Mrs. Irene Lewis and Iflovvers by Mrs. Pat Bean and. hvh-s. Isabel Boujard. her aunt, Mrs. W. Clark of Pem- United will be selling home-l Awards . ' Members of the Pilgrim Girls of Doncaster Bible Chapel reâ€" ceived the following badge and rank awards in the chapel on the evening of March 26: Voyager rank: Cathy Carter. Cheryl Cripps. Jane Cyr. Kim Edwards. Carol .\nn lloddy. Heather lleidmau. Glenda Hunt. Brenda King. Advanced kltchencrat‘t. ing badge. home care Jane Cyr. Intermediate and advanced Heather Heldman Kitchencrait: Glenda Carol Ann llodd} Handcraft badge Jean Bier- ma. Cathy Carter. Ann Casey. Cheryl Cripps. Jane Cyr. Dar- lenc Fuller. Geraldine Dysart. Carol Ann Hoddy. Glenda Hunt. Brenda King. Dorthea Woolley. drawâ€" badge. badge badge \v‘alcv vvatei llvmt. New Life badge: Joanne THE Challenge 0F Cancer The Canadian Cancer 50- clot} has local organizations n over 1400 communities in Canada and extends its ser» '-iccs in educatln: the publlt :np‘mm: the contort (.tll((‘" ’l?tl§(‘ll'~ in alniticf :31 hi and A? nine" to l‘l'r‘s 3319 YONGE S'l'. - vtlpposlte Fairlavvn Ave.‘ The chancel furniture taltar. pulpit. baptismal font. com- uvunion rail. credence table. tvvo hymn boards) is being built and should be finished by the time the building is completed. abeth Baker. Susan Ralph, Jane 2 bus stops below city limits Leainan. cook: Diane Reesor. Fri. 94) birdwatcher: lst Thornhill Brownies. Judy Burke. toyinak- lcr: Julia Finch. Kelly Hanson. ’ Debbie Billings, house orderly: ‘lst Langstaff Brownies, Karen lBooker. Ann Leslie, golden ()pen 9-6 \ \' vWWNwV‘v-V'VVWVWA 'v v If you must mow. . . do it with a Quick and Quiet LAWN-BOY Mower or for the BIG JOBS mow in comfort on a MASSEY-FERGUSON Electric starting rider mower Christ The King Lutheran ‘ A joint Good Friday service will be conducted at St. Paul‘sv Lutheran, Richmond Hill, at‘ The service will bel lconducted by Rev. James Dauâ€"v :phinee and Rev. Arnold Weigel will preach “Ever, Only, All ‘For Christ". Registration is being taken for the summer camps at Camp Edgewood, just east of Guelph, for boys and girls in grades 4 to 9 Cost per week is $24. .lunior camp is for grades 4 to 6 and intermediate 7â€"9 .\II the camps are co-educa- tional and are owned and oper- ated by the Eastern Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church. Ladies of the congregation are invited to attend the April meeting of the LCW at St. Available in 4 to 12 horsepower SURF MARINE 889-4391 889-2271 Thornhill lCarle. Cathy Carter. Cheryl Cripps. Jane Cyr, Kim Edwards, ,Breuda King. ‘ Water badge: Cathy Carter, .Heather Heidman, Brenda King.‘ 9002 Yonge Street * NO PARKING PROBLEM SAME DAY ' ' SERVICE DRY CLEA NING li\' It) am. 0th by 5 pm. '( In it v You'll Like Our Quick Service and Top Quality Workmanship 9724 YONGE ST. “1.316.”. \nI-thiZ if husv

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