Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1968, p. 1

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VOL. 90, NO. 40 Educ ’n Minister Davis Admits County Boundaries Not Ideal “There is a very real need for your participation." said Mr. Davis. “Who knows better than the working dassroom teacher some of the problems the new board will {ace and handle?" ,Mr. Davie stressed too thal ihe new syslem should provide for more freedom [or principals and deparlmem heads in their own schools. “It will give you far greater opportunity for tpacbing freedom and for David DePoe 0n NDP Panel On April IO David Del’oe of the Company of Young Canadians and some- limes referred to as Canada’s voice for the Hippies will be in Richmond Hill April 20. Mr. DePoe will be one of three persons participation in a panel discussion as sponsored by York Centre Riding Associaâ€" tion of the New Democratic Part): members. Peter Burnett of Richmond Hill and Maurice Windalt of Pine Grove. Mr. Windatt is a former member of Vaughan '1‘0\\'nship Council. Several hundred York County school teachers were told March 28 by Education Minister William Davis that the new county board of education would give them an unequalled Opportunity never available in the past, to develop a philosophy of education. A The subject will be: “Democ- racy. Do We Really Have It?” Locale will be Richmond Hill Public Library at 8 pm. Also featured “1'11 be a folk singing group from Richmond Hill called Les Collages. wwfii'T-I-‘Javis addressed the teachers at a meeting called by the York County Committee of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation, held at Huron Heights Second- ary School, Newmarket. i‘\\|“N“MN\\\\\\“\\\\\\\\\\\\\\V Anthony Roman Seeks Tory Nomination Amhony Roman, who is now in his (him year as Ward 11 Councillor in Markham 'I‘mmship, in- tends 1.0 seek the Tory nom- ination in the new federal By MARGARET )[cLEAN It is a sharply divided dele- gation which is attending the Ottawa Liberal Leadership Convention representing the York North Federal Liberal Association. One delegate supâ€" ports External Affairs Minister Paul Martin. one Minister of Transport Paul Henyer. one Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp and one Minister of Consumer Affairs John Tur- riding of York North, “The Liberal" learned this week. Mr. Roman was not avail- able for comment as he is out of town until April 8. The other {our delegates are uncommitted, although one is undecided between Mr. Hellâ€" yer and Mr: Turner and one between Minister of Justice Pierre Trudeau. Hellyer or Daniel Poyntz, president of the York North Association. has been a member of the Metrb Toronto HelLver Comâ€" mittee since last summer and is its financial chairman. A net is its financial chairman. A Hellyer man all the way. he would mention no second choice for the leadership. A “Pearson Liberal”, Mr. Poyntz came into the party during the Prime. Minister’s time in opposition and has worked in all federal camâ€" paigns since. He has been a member of the advisory coun- cil of the public relations comv mittee of the Liberal Fedela- tion of Canada since 1962. He was campaign chairman for Charles Templeton in his bid for the leadership of ihe On- Pierre Turner. Danie “North Liberals In Ottawa But The others will b9 NDP to th M De very real need greater involvement on the icipation." said‘part of professional teachers," no knows betterihe said. l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ of the On in x964. l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\il\\\\1\\\\! Ile reassured teachers too that all teaching contracts in existence at the end of this )ear would be honored by the new board next January. He emphasized that the new system had not been developed in the Interests of either teach: ers. or trustees. but in the in-1 terests of all children. Due to} the increased mobility of popu‘ lation and the ever-increasing drift of young people from rural lareas to the cities, it‘ was ab- Thomhiu Secondary School. Mr. Rohmer. a Toronto buyer. who had-been act- lawyer. who had-been actâ€" ively at work in We riding for several months, took a prominent part in the PC leadership campaign in support of former Finance Minister Donald Fleming. last September. At the time of his resignation it was reported he was suffer- ing from stomach ulcers. All prospective candi- dates are asked to make their intentions known to Association President Bob Sherwood, 50 Silver Aspen Drive, Thornhill, as soon as possible, WILLIAM DAVIS Hopes For Less Red Tape York North with 245 polls is one of the largest ridings in Canada, so the organizalion feels a candi- date must be selected soon to have sufficient opportunâ€" ity to become kn0\\n in all areas. them well organized". Married and the father of three children, Mr. Poyntz liv- es on Manorcrest Drive in the Bayview-Finch area and is in the life insurance business, manager and owner of D. A. Poyntz Insurance. M. Joseph Hafiey, QC. mem- ber of the legal firm of Hafiey, Sherwood. lives on Banstoek Drive, Willowdale, and is vice- president of the York North Association. "I have been ac- tive in the Liberal Party for wU anver Aspen :niull, as soon “131% is also coauthor “all”: “$311533; afiifllfigt‘g‘gyzigt The board was of the generallat Elmwood Avenue and L201- memoer nowaru wuumm‘tttutv.;l.v-?--.. V- V, . a“ my “um” “mum-w mm with 245 Principal Nathan _ Davidson ot‘iproceed with obtaining approya Ol‘nmen thatfiâ€" {althoughd Elle. berry? .éxovefma'e 1 if a“ a _ foulicu ole;obs.lei1;10u;.n » e C- t * * ‘ which is printed on Page a t of me largest :VIaeKlliop of. English text bookslof the Department of Education a“? m 01195110“ “35 10“? 01f} ed “1 iidi t 2:7 53’ .CPBSX :‘f ‘19 avafa .1 y y I. I I . h i of this issue. _ Canada so bme ‘wlnch are m use _m schoolskfor purchasevof a portable class-{E‘IDaI‘jtment‘s â€"â€" the question 0 tpl‘fwe â€"d\\‘0Uby'a “ID 01' . [selyiees 6 Ole appmvmg any "Council “as meeting 'for t 21 For 'the“. co‘memenice, feeh ’a cam“ throughout the provmce. . room for Walter Scott Schoollbmwces, 5011001 accommodation, suites "an 30 nous comp ica- additional apaflment applica-ifnst time in the new south, “The Liberal" wm publish ‘ Superintendent Gordon Mcâ€" and for conversion of the f01~-'pius other factors tended to trons mvolung school accom- nons. Wing of the enlarged mummpal, . 5mm" calendar at the {9.5‘3‘90‘8" 50°“ Intyre reported that the develâ€" mer kindergarten into the third “discourageu appi'OV'al- ‘m’malions and the PI‘OViding Of The diSCUSSiOH 0“ sel‘ViCes Offices at Buttonvme 311d mem-i beginning of each month. 'mem oppqrt‘m‘ opment of the learning resource “bum' in the school systemf Other factors: services found board members treading bers expressed approval of their There will be no excuse “‘9 “10“” m 3“ centres in Crosby Heights and The superintendent was author- A 56-suite apal‘tl'nent in the R9511“: a familiar but seemingly still new quarters. for arriving at school with Beverley Arr-es Schools in- ized to appoint a teacher-librar- same region at Markham Road The board. after considerableobscure pathway C051 of the new “mg and reâ€" books for the wrong my. ,dicatcs the need for develop- ian [or this school. and Bayview Avenue already pondering. decided that it Continued on Page 3| novations to the old section of jects! t\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\MW“\\\\\i\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘l\\\\\\\\\ii\i\\\\Mi“\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\l\\\ \lihiiiiiimiiiiiiii\\\\\\l\\\\\\1i“Whit\i\\\\l\\\\\i\\\ii\\llimm\\\\\1\\\\Mimi“Milli\\\\\\{muliilllllllmilliiiiil\\l\iii“llllliiih“it\i\\\\ii\\\t\\\\\\\\\i\l\\\llli\\\\\\\\\\\\i\l\\\l\\\\\\\\l\tl\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\“it\\\\i\\\\\\\\\“himi\\\\iii\\\\\\\\\h\\it\\\\\l\i\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\!iii\\\\\\\\i\\\i\\\\\\\t\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Nil“iii\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\ii\\\\\\\\\\\\\t\\\\\\t\\|\\i\i\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ii\\\\\\lt\\i“WNWMilliii\|ii“!lll\\\\\lt\\\\lll“\\i\“\l\" -n. a 'l ‘l A (‘0 44,, nu..- soluter essenUal. he said. that their giggiild be iaemical to that of city children. proV After his rapidâ€"fire, off-the“ cuff, three} quarter of an hour speech, Mr. Davis answered written questions for a further three quarter hour period. Asked what guarantee a sec-i ondary school department head‘ would have as to freedom to choose text books and the like. he replied that in all cases this freedom does not exist now but that he hoped under the new system it would. that more confidence would be (Continued on Page 3’ Mrs. Eleanor Robertson Richmond Hill Public Schools Library Supervisor Appointed Mrs. Eleanor Robertson. BA. BLSc., was appointed librai‘yi supervisor for Richmond Hill: Puhlic Schools at last week’sJ board meeting. She will also retain the position of librarian“ in Crosby Heights Public‘ School but a full-time assistant at that school will be appointed 1to assist in the work of cata- 1vloguing' and processing books. I’I‘he assistant will also be in ‘charge of the library during any absence of the supervisor. Mrs. Robertson joined the local public school system as a‘ classroom teacher in 1956. She took a sabbatical leave in 19653 66 during which she received; her Bachelor of Library Science ‘degree and in September 1966,‘ on the opening of the senior school at Crosby Heights, was appointed teacher - librarian there. While he admitted that the county boundaries of the new boards were not ideal in all respects. “What are the alternatives?" he asked. The pOssibility or taking boundaries of pres- ent district high school boards had been discuSSed in depth. he said. but these often cut across both town- ship and county boundaries. “In the end. we came down to county boundaries as a reasonable base." She is also coâ€"author with Principal Nathan Davidson of MacKillop of English text books which are in use in schools throughout the province. . Superintendent Gordon Mc- Intyre reported that the develâ€" opment of the learning resource centres in Crosby Heights and Beverley Acres Schools in- Haffey slated proudly. Although he is not actixe on his committee. Mr. Haffey sup- ports Mitchell Sharp in the leadership contest and has worked {or him pi'eiiously. He would name no second choice, Sam Cook, a former pre: dent of the York North Libe a1 Association and a reside of Richmond Hill since 193 educational experience SAM COOK Martin. Winters W ETCHMOND HlfiLrâ€"COWNTARIO. THURSDAY. APRIL 4, 1968 Jaw cell The teacher-librarians in theifmnti ngschools will operate with the‘lmond or;supervisor as a team to developlweek 'asl‘the needed procedures and! nut anltechniques. ’9 c“ The board also authorized!meT“t ithlthe business administrator tol .h.‘ opmu oprroceed with obtaining approval uksiof the Department of Education 3”“ ols‘for purchase of a portable class-151133“:t ‘room for Walter Scott Schoohsel‘vu Ic- and for conversion of the for-‘Pllls el- mer kindergarten into the thirdf‘discl -(-e library in the school system. 0“ ml The superintendent was author- A in- ized to appoint a teacher-librar- same 39- ian [or this school. and muumunuluuumuluumuuImlmummuummuuuuumumm mummullml1umuuuumuuumummuuuuuu\uuuuuuuuv meni of procedures of ordering! and cataloguing books. and the' development by claSsi'oom! teachers and their pupils of» techniques to make effective; use of the learning centres. The Supervisor of libraries will be asked to establish pro- cedures for ordering books for :all six public schools. processing and cataloguing all new books and establishing procedures to catalogue all library books at :present in The schools. Several local young peo- ple boarded the “Helh'er Special" at the Union Sta- tion Tuesday morning. part of the contingent of 60 "Metro Stampers" who win demonstrate in favor of Liberal Leadership Can- didate Paul Hellyer at the Ottawa convention this week. In addition the supervisor will be asked to develop a list of suitable non-print materials for libraries in the junior and senior schools. Among them are Susan Bailey, Richvale. Nancy Fraser. Maple. Lawrence McLean, Concord, David Turner. Markham Village and David Pettit, Union- ville. The young people will wear special red and white uniforms and will deman- strate at the Chateau Laur- icr. the Skyline. Beacon Arms and Lord Iilzin Hotels. will be at the 0:- tawa Civic Centre Thurs» day night for Pearson‘s farewell and in hospitality suites‘ “1'11 be in the centre Friday night when the can- didates speak and again on Saturday when the voting takes place. They will also meet delegates arriving in the capital by train and plane. “They’ll be right there where the action is." said Dan Poyutz. a delegate from the York North Lib- eral Assoeiation and a prominent member of the Heilyer Committee. The young people would be busy 14 hours a day he predicied but would have the experience or a life- time. It was a wonderful opportunity, he felt. to get young people involved in political life at an‘early age. zIn Essentials Unity; in Non- Ynul'h Suppor Paul Hellyer both in the matter of Quebec and our national economy. We need a firm hand at the helm in order to keep the ship of slate afloat. I am one Liberal who feels the experi- ence and record of service of both Mr. Martin and Mr. Win- ters will be sorely needed in the months ahead.” A former president of the Canadian University Liberal Federation, Mr. Cook has serv- ed in various executive offices since first elected as secretary of the county organization in 1955. At present he is presi- dent oi the York Centre pro- vincial organization and a vice-president 01' the federal Married and the father of three sons. 39-year-old Donald Stephenson has lived on Hard- ing Boulevard. Richmond Hill for 1-1» years and is also a vice- president of the association. He is divisional advertising manager of Dow Chemical of Canada Limited. Still uncommitted himself, Mr. Stephenson feels the elec- tion will be “a real cliff-hang- er" between Trudeau, Hellyer and Turner. Mr. Stephenson advises that he has spent considerable time phoning party members, mak- ing an unofficial impression survey. However, the impres- sion he has received is a vevy mixed one, although he did detect a “distian feeling against old-guard politicians." “I feel the country wants a ft is expected to cost $4.97”. secondary schools, and the sixth Of this amount, $2,893,500;ghan To will be levied against the four 32.5% ft supporting municipalities, $1,- ship, $72 085,062 or 37.5% from Vauâ€" Richmom High School Costs Up 19% As Budget Nears 5 Million 78 Years With Company He Founded With teachers’ salary rates up 14% and enrolment up are, low menu-41 District High School Board‘s 1968 budget shows an increase of 19.1% over last year. It is expected to cost $4,977,200 this year to operate the system’s. five annrmflsn‘v schools. and the sixth one which will open next September. Planning Board: To approve or not to approve. That was the question con- fronting'members of the Rich- mond Hill Planning Board last week as they considered an ap- plication for a 106-suite apart- ment building on Essex Avenue. Shy 0f Approving More Apartments people do not have a strong party allegiance. They will vote for Image, style and I can’t see this group, who often switch votes, going for an old- er man with the old political, wheeler-dealer image. The public is much more sophisti- caled now and votes much more intelligently." To commemorate 78 years of and in Canada of its Chairman an (Canada) Limited has presented a pay for a two-bed room. To commemorate 78 years of service with the company in England and in Canada of its Chairman and Founder Martin Ratcliff. Ratcliff’s (Canada) Limited has presented a cheque to York Central Hospital to pay for a. two-bed room. Mr. Ratcliff (left above) who was visiting the Canadian plant located in Richmond Hill, made the presentation to Chairman of the Board Stuart Parker, QC (right) March '25. .. J k.--4.'...n- For a detailed report see. Page 20 of this, issue. DON STEPHENSON Trudeau, Heuyer, Turner \\“mumfimH|\1\\“\\\\l\miU\mmm\\\\\\\\\\\!\“\lllIlll\\\lulummI'IuluulI|lUuiUmIunuumuuuuuuumvm . .. Support Divided Among Several Candidates ng associatio .o appoint on ghan Township, $940,706 or 32.5% from Markham Town- ship, $729,567 or 25.2% from Richmond Hill and $138,165 approved and built and soon to start operation. Two other proposals again in the general area â€"-â€" a 37 suite apartment building at Markham Road and Norfolk Avenue and a 28-suite apartment building at Elmwood Avenue and Col- borne Avenue. The m’fe of a well-known veterinarian Dr. George Kelly, Mrs.‘ has lived at Button- ville for over 20 years and taught school there prior to her marriage. An active work- er in the WMS of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church and the Buttonville WI. Mrs. Kelly has also been a Liberal Party worker for many years and is now president of the Markham Truanchin Women‘s Liberal the convention North will be M. of Buttonville. :1; I‘own ave) who was Visiting the Canadian plant made the presentation to. Chairman of they ght) March 25. of the hospital association‘s annual meeting 14% and enrolment up 8%, York Central budget shows an increase of 19.1% over HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Hilda Kel or 4.7% from Woodbridge. This will mean an increase This of 3.8 school would be inadvisable to approveibeen awaraea to uagmar bun- the ICE-suite building for the‘struction Company and last time being due to a lack of side-[week council approved a price quate park space. lack of schoollof $5,756 submitted by the same accommodation, and a lack ofifirm for work not included in services and road access. lthe original Pricey inCIUding reâ€" It also approved a motion by moving of existing structures, member Howard Whillans timbre-location of the water chan- Mmmn ha rnnuofled tn serious-,nel, etc. It also approved a motion by member Howard Whillans that council be requested to serious- ly consider the availability of services before approving any additional apaflment applica- lions. mitted in her choice of a lead- er for the party, however. “I have not heard all the candi- dates and feel it is not fair to make a decision until I have,” she said. “I have read all the literature. but that is just other people‘s opinions and I want to form my own." Mrs. Kelly felt however, that the leading contenders in the race are Martin. Trudeau, Hellyer and Winters. She left for Ottawa Wednesday and planned to meet as many of the candidates as possible in small gatherings and then to form an opinion. also sendi to the con York N01 Woodward Avenue. Highland Park. has been elected to at- tend in this capacity. Regis worked for Donald Deacon. York Centre Liberal )ILA in the last provincial election and for the past seV- eral months has been active in organizing Young Liberal As- sociations in Toronto and is presently organizing a local group. A grade 13 student at Breâ€" beuf College. the convention has come at an awkward time for Regis as he is in the middle of writing examina- (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) mills for secondary costs for taxpayers of ssoeiation. 18- 1'1'udel of 58 he. Highland oung Liberal and although as yet. no examlna a DaPe Markham Township; an in- the figure is based on only a crease of 2.8 mills for those 5% increase in teachers‘ sal- in Richmond Hill; an increase aries this year., The growth of 1.6 mills for Woodbridgc in school population requires residents and a decrease of 1 a 7.3% in salaries and a fur. mill for Vaughan Township (her 2% is added by a lower. taxpayers. ing of the teacher-pupil ratio. ) (Vaughan paid an overlevy Long term dEb’L Charges are fin 1967 which has been offset also up this year to $539,917 ,against its 1963 levy. This a- from $424378. reflecting the : rose when at the insistence of‘xfil‘st instalment due on the de- local councils the high school‘ben‘tUI‘ES for the new Thomlea ‘boal-d decreased 3 $75,000 pro-‘Scliool which opens in Septenh ?posed reserve fund to $25,000.b91‘- Dem Charges this year ‘while Vaughan had proceedeclfll'lcount for 10.85% of the to strike its mill rate in the‘board’s budget. ‘expectation that this would not AllXilial'y services have al- §be reduced,‘ ‘50 Increased from $79.137 In ’As in previous years, bulk $103300, due 10 the hiring 0‘ of the budgeL 57.57% is ac-_additional psychological staff. counted for by teachers’ sal-Hn the fall Of 1968. DUe to Laries which will cost $2,870,â€"‘5taff limitatiODS, full service 500 this yeah This represents was not available in 1967. an increase in salaries, in-I To meet the increased eluding annual increments, of, 005“, York Central will 14% over last year, although' (Continued on Page 15) Markham CounciI Passes $600,000 Road Budget CNR line to Leslie Street andihung the installation of storm sew-t Cot ers, curb boxes and asphalt top-f build ping of Henderson Avenue fromlfumi Clarke Avenue to John Street. Eunct Acquisition of land for the exâ€"v An tension of John Street between build German Mills Road and Woodâ€" in J bine Avenue is expected to cost‘the 1 $50,000. Also planned is the widening of Steeles Avenue from the SELF-SERVE DRYCLEANING A tender for $34,213 for the- construction of a culvert on‘ 16th Avenue between Conces- sions 7 and 8 had previously been awarded to Dagmar Con- struction Company and last week council approved a price Council was meeting for the first time in the new south wing of the enlarged municipal offices at Buttonville and mem- bers expressed approval of their new quarters. THE COIN-OPERATED WAY Wrinkle-free drycleaning in less than 1 hour for only $2.50 per 8 lb. load to write the following Monday morning. In spite of this, however. he is enthusiastic about attending the convention and feels it a great responsibility. Not com- pletely committed, he feels 'his choice will be between Hellyer and Turner. “Both have youth to look at the future and not be stymied by the past," he said. “Both have experience, would haVe good images for an election and both show leadership qualities." REGIS TRCDEL Hellyer. Turner CLEANING 37M fl#m The new council chamber is larger than the 01d, air condi- tioned and carpeted with blue tweed broadloom. Behind the dais is a birch panelled back- drop. Jack Grant of Hengran De- velopment Limited attended the meeting and presented council with a handsome painting by R. E. Elmore, dated 1883, to be hung in the new building. Color schemes throughout the building are bright and the new furnishings are attractive and functional. An official opening of the building will be held, possibly in June when landscaping of the property in complete. “mumul\\mx\umum1ummxumxt\m\tmmuuuuuummm 18 and 21 are more enthusiastic and politically minded than older people.” he said. Regis intends to attend the Univer;- ity of Toronto next year and plans to major in political science. Attention of students and teachers at Richmond Hill High School, Bayview, Langstaff and Thornhlll Secondary Schools is drawn to the six-day cycle calen- dar for school Schedules which is printed on Page 8 of this issue. For their convenience. “The Liberal" will publish a similar calendar at the beginning of each month. There will be no excuse for arriving at school with books for the wrong sub- jects! This area’s two elected rep- resentatives will also have a vote at the convention. Al- though he could not be reach- ed personally, York North MP John Addison is reported a firm supporter or John Turner for the top p051. Six-Day Cycle School Calendar Donald Deacon. successful Liberal contender for York Centre in last October's pro- vincial election, will not leave far Ottawa until tonight vincial election, will not leave for Ottawa until tonight t’l‘hursdayi at the close of the sitting of the Ontario Legisla- ture Although he has been a strong supporter of Justice Minister Pierre Trudeau, he stated that he now leans some- what to Winters and thinks both types are needed. He is also favorably inclined to Hellyer but added, “I have a lot to find out yet.” CENTRE Three alternate delegates elected were Ned Belliveau of Grandview Estates in Mark- ham Township, a former news- paperman and now a Toronto advertising executive who is a MacEachen supporter; Mai- colm Wardman of Markham Village. an engineer who supâ€" ports Hellyer and as a Young Lihaml alternate. Richmond PER COPY 10c M a run supporter

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