Association March ‘27. The patients last year, making 20,000 adult and children been served by the hospit: operation. The most dramatic increase, was in the outpatient depart-lhi ment where 10,414 people wei'eist; admitted for treatment andlpl diagnostic services, an increase of 25%. ship 13.4%, Metro : church Township 5 laneous (mostly 4.9%. The Optario 1 vices Commission 1) the costs and the Mr. Chatfield noted that the demands here have seemed to reach a plateau and forecast that there would be no further dramatic jump until the new addition is completed and in service. ship 13.4%, Metro 10.7%, Whil- church Township 5.2%, miscel- laneous (mostly emergency) 4.9%. The Ontario Hospital Ser- vices Commission paid 95.4% of the costs and the Workmen's Compensation Board paid 2.40}. Uninsured residents paid 13% and non-residents paid .9"b. Revenue during the. year was 51.607532 and expenses amounted to $1.564,168, The credit balance enabled the board to reduce the outstanding debt to a mere $8,217. The hospital has 170 full time and 60 part time em- ployees with the volunteers xddlng the equivalent of approximately eight full time workers to the hospi- tal program for the beneâ€" fit of the patients and of the hospital alike. he noted. Chairman Stuart Parker, QC. concluding his two-year term of office. reported that the hospi- tal had operated at 90% capac- ity. sometimes over. during 1967. in contrast to 70% in its first year of operation. only four years ago. He also pointed out that the medical staff had grown considerany in the four year period. In 1964 there were 1-0 specialists and 24 general practitioners on the staff. In 1967 this number had increased to 22 specialists and 36 general practitioners. As a result the field of services available has also increased greatly. 20 Residents of Markham ship and Richmond H counted for 43.9% of tl ients. those from V The chairman said major equipment added in 1967 in- cluded a heart monitor, a striker bed, a pacemaker. and closed circuit TV in the emerg- ency department. He reported that the first class in the regional school of nursing, which will serve five hospitals including York Cen- tral, has an enrolment of 61, six girls being from this area. They will spend two years at the school and one year gaining practical experience in a mem- ber hespital before graduation. Contract for construction of a building to house the school has been let, he said. Work on the coâ€"operative laundry, which will serve 13 hospitals including York Cen- tral. is still underway. he said, with opening anticipated in June. Dramatic Increase In Hospital Outpatient Dept. In I967 this issue Next year's budget is set at $1,778,894. with salaries accounting for $1,238,332. Standard ward rate has been set at $35.35 per day. with the difference for a semi-private room being $4.50 per day and for a pri- vate room 88.50 per day. The chairman outlined proâ€" gress on the proposed expamion of the hospital to 372-bed capac- ity by 1970. It is planned 10 allm-ale 290 of these beds {or aolive care. 30 for pswhiatric and 52 for chronic cases. Wilson will be found on Page 8 mnmuuumuuumuuuuuuumilumumumumnummmumm mmmuumuummmmluulumuuumulum|mumumuumuuuu KALEIDOSCOPE by Cathy The introduction of OMSIP in 1966 had a decided effect o’n increased demand for hospital services during 1967, Administrator Gary (‘hatfield told the annual meeting of York Central Hospital Association March 27. The hospital cared for 5.532 patients last year, making a total of more than 20,000 adult and children bed patients who have been served by the hospital in its four years of Canadian Head Office TOI'O JAMES GRAINGER State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company I’ll get you the best car insurance Value from the world‘s largest '8: insurance company. Let’s talk! 9’ 130 Yonge St. S Ph. 884-1529 PHE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, April 4. 1968 i'AH flAlM & INSURANCE King st dramatic increase, During 1967. he reported. a e outpatient depart-lhigh percentage of the hospital a 10,414 people werevstaff had been involved in the for treatment andfplanning stages for the expan- services an increase.sion. In Tact, at. one time. as insurance due planningstages for the expan-i The trustees are now “Ork- sion. ln iact, at one time. asljng with the municipalities and many as 17 doctors were work-lwill do all in their power, the ing on the plans to gel the mostlchairman stated, to bring; about OVER 25,000 MILES? FOR SAFETY'S SAKE DRIVE IN FOR A efficient unit possible. Located at the north of the present building. it will be join- ed to it at ground level. The plans will allow the construc- tion to proceed with a minimum of inconvenience and will in- volve a minimum of remodel- ling. The new wing will contain L basic fldors of sérvices, thor mechanical floor. then thl patient floors organized on double corridor planl BRAKE RELINE $2435., Reline and install bonded brake linings Check wheel cylinders Check master cylinder. brake hose, front bearings and seals Repack front wheel bearings ices, then a then three LOGO mnie contain two extension of. Trench Street and: Dr. J. A. McPhee, head of the provision of adequate sewerageimedical advisory committee. reâ€" set-vice. Eported that the medical staff He paid tribute to four de-Ehad tried to ensure that the ceased members of the board,§new building would have built who had contributed much woran a flexibility for development in the days. when a local hos-‘in patient care. He stated all Dital “as just a dream, UH‘OUgh‘\\'ork in the hospital was carried its blinding and early years Of out under the supervision of Operation capable department heads in These were J. E. Smith the order to maintain high stand- assm-ialinn‘s second president; ards of care. He paid tribute to four de- ceased members of the board, who had contributed much work in the days. when a local hos- assouation‘s second _ Dr. Hagar Hetheringm chief of medicine; Mr Come in today! AH repairs fully guaranfeed! “’ith the latest electronic equipment you get 2Q performance c = only ‘20 n“ Mon Can. 6 n‘. can. Add $2 ‘9' He reported that Dr. Al‘nold‘Gl-aham. Joseph Fry, W. G Fin. Al‘ai is now head 0" SUl‘gel'Yv‘lay, W. S. Cook, Mrs. F. C. Jack- succeeding Dll 13“ Kerr- 'son, Graham Walter, Donald Mrs. W. S. Pocknell reported:Stewart. and Stuart Parker. on the activities of the auxiliary The County of York repre- of. which she was president for sented on the board by Reeve (6". Add )1 rot 3 cyl. Pam 2x076 ii Maui-0d. t\\'o years. An average of 1551Donald Plaxlon of Richmond volunteers [including 22 candy-lHill and Deputyâ€"reeve Robert striperst each month provided'Laidlaw of Markhhm Village. 15,181 hours or work in‘ thelRichmond Hill is represented hospital during 1967. {by Councillor William Lazenby John Griffin. Dr. Walter‘as the.mayor's alternate. Vaug- Mason and Dr. John Heard \\‘e1‘e‘han TONI-Ship by Reeve Brian re-elected for a three-year termlBailey and A’lal‘kham TOWHShiP as trustees and Harry Hill of by Reeve Stewart Rumble- Thomhil] was elected for the The hospital auxiliary is re- John Griffin. Dr. Walter Mason and Dr. John Heard were re-elected for a three-year term as trustees and Harry Hill of Thomhil] was elected for the first time to serve until 1971. Other trustees are: Gordon 295 Yongve St. South - Richmo 884-4423 PHONE 889-5531 '11†Monday to Friday 8 am The hospital auxiliary is re presented by its President Mrs to 6 pm. â€" Saturday 8 am. to 5 pm mmuuuumumummw\ulmmumumuumuuuummulummw OWMOW ummumununununumuuuuuummmm nu»..munummmlu\ WC Besides being members of a very efficient hospital staff. representatives of that staff at York Central Hospital are no mean curl- ers. Last week at Richmond Hill Curling Club these re- presentatives won the Can- ada Pharmaceutical Trophy for the third successive year by defeating the York County Hospital staff. A Very enjoyable after- noon was spent in the an- nual curling event. it is re- ported. Hospital Staff Wins Trophy Richmond Hill Richmond Hill & District. Unit 18 Yonge St. Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping Servire Home Nursing Services Diversional Programme Patient 'l‘ransportation Lodge Accommodation For Further Information CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY 884-4070