Comrade O'Breclit. who Is also the national committee chairman of the Legion's sports training plan, said that he. was delighted to be once again in the presence of men he had known for years. He noted the motto of dis- trict "E" â€" E for effort. and said that it should be “E for endless effort". He reminisced on personal acquaintances with district officers Jack Flood. Or- rie Truman and Jack Hackett and said that su'ch effort creates a better country for all of us. Among the head table guests II." at the noon luncheon of roast 0n Canadian involvement he beef with all its trimmings were said. “I would like to see the Donald Deacon MLA. York federal government send at Centre and Mrs. Deacon. Reevelleast one field ambulance unit Brian Bailey. of Vaughan Town-Ito Vietnam. The presence of ship and Mrs. Bailey. and Im- the Canadian uniform would let mediate Past Dominion Presi- the world know where we stand. dent Fred O'Brecht. And I can tell you that our Comrade O'Brecht. who is comrades in Australia and New also the national committee Zéaland feel very strongly on chalrman of the Legion's sports the fact that Canada is not sup- tralnlng plan, said that he was porting their effort." After touching briefly on the Legion's program to encourage the youth of Canada in the field of sports. the former national president recalled the Battle of Vimy Ridges. He said that he Two columns of hemedalled Legionnaires stood before the hill in silence as wreaths were laid and the Union Jack was lowered to the sound of trum- pet calling the Last Post. And several young boys who could not have been older than five watched the ceremony in awe and must have wondered what it was all about. Four hundred representatives had walked over the grounds of from the 48 Legion branches in Vimy on two occasions. The district descended on Wood- last time he was there he had bridge last Saturday for the come across a grave the marker spring convention. and weather-lot which read. “James George (wise they could not have pickediPrescott. Age 16.†a better day. “What did he know of Can- Brilliant York County sun- ada?", our comrade asked. shine greeted the veterans from "What brought him to an early all parts. and with a stiff breeze grave at Vimy. There are no blowing to flutter the colorful answers. Vimy is pretty dear array of flags. a six-hundred-meal estate. but the men who yard-long parade marching toidied assured a better Canada â€" the Skirt of two pipe bands not for us â€" but for our child~ wended its way from the mem. ren.†Brilliant York County sun- shine greeted the veterans from all, parts. and with a stiff breeze blowing to flutter the colorful array of flags. 3 six-hundred- yard-long parade marching to the Skirl of two pipe bands Wended its way from the mem- orial arena to the stone ceno- taph. which in Woodbridge is gelt with majesty high upon a i l. Blackburn and Ashton WITH OFFICES AT 38A YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO . 'Announce the formation of a partnership for the practice of law under the firm name of "Where We Rea/l y Care " Our Prices Are Lower Come In ï¬'ï¬ï¬iï¬'ï¬ ORANGES vgg~49c IMPORTED -â€" CANADA FANCY GRADE. PRODUCE 0F U.S.A BURSTING WITH JUICE FRESH STRAWBERRIES CALIFORNIA â€" CANADA No. l GRADE ROBERT H. BLACKBURN, LL. B. ALAN F. ASHTON, LL. B. Announcement And Compare Your legion Reports The dominion councillor's ad. dress was greeted with a- stand- ing ovation and only one dis- senting voice was heard, This came from: member of Branch 302, Gravenhurst. Of the Vietnam War. Com- rade O'Brecht said. “It is easy for you and I to sit back and judge what the United States is doing." He recalled the events of World War I when Canada sent troops to France and the U.S. had not entered the war. "We said unkind things then to our southern neighbors. and now we are say- ing them again. To my mind the U.S. is defending the same principles that We defended in World War I and in World War II." Twenty district ofï¬cers. eight of them displaying Centennial Medals, gave reports at the business sessions of the conven- tion. Don Campbell, managing editor of the “Canadian Com- mand" magazine. was welcomed as in guest from Branch 442, Erin. district "B". and he sat at the press table with John Dewit of the "Bolton Entemrise" and Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman - 884-0086 PINT 39¢ 884-1451 100: id- is- 11: The chairman was asked if it had been established whether poppies could be oï¬icially dis- tributed in LCBO and brewers retail store premises. He re- plied that the Legion could not do so ofï¬cially. “We can't dis- tribute them in the post ofï¬ces either." he said. And some- where in the upper timberworks an angel must have asked “why?†Membership Chairman George Wood reported that the district had gone over the target of 7,600 set by dominion command. Total membership was now now 7.778, and this year the membership trophy went to Branch 34. Orillia. The public relations ofï¬cer of Branch 371, Bolton. mentioned during the course of events that his branch while showing a curâ€" - rent membership figure of 229. had recently discharged 40 members for reasons of inactiv- ity. “Unlike some other branch- es." he said, “Bolton does not believe in maintaining a high membership of non-workers, We like to enlist members who have something to contribute." 1111 ed sul cle ing Ku zl'lllllll Chu‘ was fami All were \VBS first seco and Lom Cars phei Rev. gave on t then L." Readers are reminded that a Dinty Moore Night in aid of minor hockey will be held this Friday at 7 pm. On April 11, the ladies‘ auxiliary will stage another English pub night fea- turing Mac Butler and Wally Andrews the Aurora comedians. This pair were entertaining last Saturday evening at Wood- bridge at the district ball, and as an indication of their popu- larity it is worth noting that all tickets were sold out well in advance. various other scribes who pre- fer to remain anonymous. Poppy Chairman Gus Balder- er reported total receipts through the 1967 district cam- paign came to over $35,000. Branches spent $22,342 on vet- erans‘ welfare in 1967 and this amount was expected to rise in 1968. Branch 68. Penetang- uishene. led the rest of the disâ€" trict in raising money for the poppy trust fund. Saturday evening. back at the Branch 375 camp. 200 Richmond ‘Hill fans attended the Lord iPower gala dance extravaganza. West Indies night was. as Bob Dickson predicted. really some- thing to see and Della the sweetheart of the ,tropics was well in evidence. Luckily for some Legionnair- es the medical profession has discovered a new operation cal- led the "optoâ€"dectomy". this is the latest painless method of replacing eye-balls. During the business sessions the wives of members were pro- vided with a bus tour. The bus set out for the Toronto Domin- ion Centre and other points of interest in the southern hemis- phere. The last we heard was good news: and good news of course is no news. MINCE PORK BUTT ROAST Zia-89¢ PRICES EFFECTIVE 0N FEATURES AND BONUS ITEMS APRIL 3. 4. 5 AND 6. BAYVIEW 8. MARKHAM - RICHMOND HILL ALLENCOURT IGA ONE POUND 49¢ Services for Holy Week and Easter have been' announced. There will be a celebration of Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday at 8.30 pm and on Good Friday morning prayer will be held at 10 am. Easter Sunday there will be two cele- brations of Holy Communion, at 8 am (said) and at 11 am (chor- all. St. John's Anglican Church was filled to capacity for the family service Sunday morning. All the Sunday school children were in attendance. The psalm was read by Lorrie Sayers, the The sidesmen were Michael Carson. Leslie Sayers. Christo- pher Hall and Christopher Watt. Rev. E. C. Gerber, the rector, gave a short innstrated sermon on the passion of our Lord. Two members of St. John’s were elected ofï¬cers of the chapter â€"â€" R. M. Sayers is now vice-chairman and L. M. Lomas is secretary-treasurer. The young people‘s group went roller-skating Saturday evening at the Terrace, Mutual Street, Toronto. first lesson by Larry Wilton. the second lesson by John Gerber and the prayers by Caroline Lamas. Church News A tape recording of the an- them, “Sweet Rose of Sharon" by George B. Shea was also played. Leslie Eliot conducted the catechism instruction. Next Sunday, Palm Sunday. at 11 am there will be morning prayer and Holy Baptism. At 7.30 pm at St. Mark‘s Chapel there will be the monthly fire- side hour with a color film on the rebuilding of Coventry Cathedral. following its destruc- tion in an air raid during World War II. THE LIBERAI}. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April '4, 1968 5 a-mun“nmmmmmmuu“mumlmmummmmnmmnumnummunumnmmnmmunmmmunmummnnnunnmummnmu‘\umnmmmummmmunnmumu\mummmmununummmmmuuum“\numumumlmuumn11\\\mnn1mum\uummumm1mnmuumuuuunn1m\\\m\1mummnlmium\“nun\u1lnumummmmummmmun\\\1m“mumlu1unu1nmumumummmm4! Tuesday evening of last week. six men from the parish attend- ed the meeting of the Deanery Great Chapter at Trinity Church, Aurora, at which Rev Mr. Gerber showed colored slides with taped commentary on the Arctic. to be submitted to council at its next meeting. when a final decision will be reach- ed. Suggestions should be submitted in writing to the clerk. At the first council meet- ing in October 1967. Stan Kucharski. 240 South Taylor cause of the water tower. which stands at the foot of the street and is a landmark easily seen from a great dis- tance. An alternative sug- gestion was Parkside Road. A bylaw was prepared to make the change in name tures on the first petition as 94 (84 owners. 10 tenants) representing 81.03% of the 116 properties. The second petition was signed by 63 owners and three tenants. representing 66 properties or 56.9%. There were 43 sig- natures which appeared on .luusb uuc-uc u n Lucius: I†name is needed." he urged council. R. L. Carter of 439 South Taylor Mills Drive spoke for the second petition. “I have lived on South Taylor Mills Drive for 10 years now and haven‘t lest any mail. I Councillor John MacDiarâ€" mid pointed out that there were homes on South Taylor Mills where the house num- bers were not duplicated on the other streets with sim- ilar names. “These people would have no problems in deliveries, or at; least no I have been in favor of the change. but I don't intend to have council spend‘ the whole year in contention on this matter. By next meet ing. we must decide whether to send the matter on to the judge or reject the ï¬rst pe- tition.†8‘lllllilllllllilllllllllllllllllllllilllllll“ill“ltllllllillllilllllllllllllll\lllllllllllillllllltlill“llllllllllllllllllllllllllilliilllllllllmull“illllllllllllllllllltlllllllllillllllllllllll\\l\l\lllIlllllllllll““ll'tlllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllillll“hill“llllllllilllllllllllllllllllllilllllltlllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllillllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillilllilllllllllllllllllllll“ll“llllIllllillill“lllllllllllulllll“Illillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli Suggestions fOr a new name for South Taylor Mills Drive, which will please the majority of residents on that thoroughfare. are being sought by Richmond Hill Council. After a lengthy discussion of the name change during which it ap- peared that many people ob- jected to Tower Road rather than the change. Mayor Thomas Broadhurst urged the two groups to get to- gether and agree on a name to be submitted to council at its next meeting. when a final decision will be reach- edt Suggestions should he submitted in writing to the clerk. South Taylor Mills, Drive Name Change Is Still Possible Elgin Mills - Jefferson News Correspondent Leonard Lamas Neighborhood News A very successful euchre par- ty was held March 26 at Jef- ferson school by the community club, at which there were 25 tables. A11 prizes were donated. Winners were Mrs. D. Goulding tbox of groceries donated by Marley's Foodlandl; E. Ford. Brookside. $10 voucher by Re- liable Mower and Marine: Mrs. Audrey Jones. consolation prize. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Hazel Hall. a 22 1b. turkey do- nated by Sunnybrook Meat Mar- ket; C. Ratchford. voucher from Avenue Taxi; Mrs. J. Chubb and Mrs. H. Wood. Toronto. won vouchers from Wimbridge Cleaners: D. Sykes a voucher from Village Coiffure; ashtrays were won by Mrs. E. Bull and Mrs. K. Crosby. The committee expreSSes ap- preciation to Lianne Costoff, Kim Perry, D'Arcy Bolton. Rob- by Hallgren and Colin Ford. Mills Drive. presented a pe- tition bearing 94 signatures asking for the change of name. It was claimed that three Taylor Mills Drives (Taylor Mills, South Taylor Mills and North Taylor Mills), with duplication of house numbers, created con- fusion in mail and other deliveries. Delay in mail de- livery because of this con- fusion often led to expense for late payment of bills. it was stated. The group had selected Tower Road for a name be- cause of the water tower. which stands at the fool. of the street and is a landmark easily seen from a great disâ€" tance. An alternative sug- gestion was Parkside Road. Here is a career opportunity for an alert young man. The man we are looking for, is presently employed in a parts department in a Big 3 dealership, preferably General Motors. He has advanced as far as he can, in his present job due to lack of seniority, but he is a “take charge†man who wants to see what he can do on his own. He has had several years’ experience, is knowledgeable in all phases of the parts business, is capable of managing his own department, and has a keen desire to start now. He is aggressive, ambitious, and is eager to work hard to succeed and advance with a growing company. If you think you have something to offer, and if you have a real desire to succeed, please come and see me, Peter Boyd, and we’ll discuss it. KING CITY PARTS MANAGER LESLIE . MOTOR PRODUCTS GM EALER Phone 884-3000 who assisted with the cloak- room tickets and serving lunch. Parents may be interested in a meeting at Ross Doan School at 8.15 pm April 8. when Chair- man Warren Bailie, Vaughan Township Public School Board. will explain the changes under the new county system. CHEV. - OLDS. DEALERS The next meeting of the com- munity club will be April. 24. It is hoped parents of grade 6 pupils at Jefferson. and grades 7 and 8 at Roselawn will attend this meeting. Final plans will be made at this meeting for the airplane trip. Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Patti Bell on the fourth and to Nancy Browne on the 10th. Jefferson Euchre Club met March 25 at the home of Mrs. Alice Mashinter. First prize was won by Mrs. Beryl Riley, lone hand prize by Mrs. Beth Bowyer official and was given two readings at the first meeting in December. A judicial hearing was then arranged. at whiéh objections could be heard, before final passing of the bylaw. However, a counter group of residents presented a secâ€" ond petition against the name change â€"- and the jud- icial hearing was cancelled pending evaluation of the two petitions. Monday night Clerk Russell Lynett pre- sented his evaluation. which listed the number of signa- tures on the first petition as 94 184 owners. 10 tenants) representing 81.03% of the 116 properties. The second petition was signed by 63 owners and three tenants. representing 66 properties or 56.9%. There were 43 sig- natures which appeared on REQUIRED BY ‘ PURE CANE GRANULATED " WHITE 1%; S U R our PINDER BROS. |.TD. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS both petitions Mr. Kucharski, who circ- ulated and presented the first petition, again spoke in favor of the name change. He intimated that those circ- ulating the counter petition used “scare tactics" in gath- ering signatures. He felt that those who had signed his petition. then had a change of thinking. should have notified council of this in writing â€" not by signing the second petition. “Let a judge decide if a change of name is needed.“ he urged council. R. L. Carter of 439 South Taylor Mills Drive spoke for the second petition. “I have lived on South Taylor Mills Drive for 10 years now and haven‘t 105t any mail. I STEEL FABRICATING Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 PEAS SWEET N’ TENDER [GA CHOICE APPLE SAUCE BICK’S PICKLES BRIGHTS FANCY BABY DILLSORSWEETMIXED 833-5301 WITH THE PURCHASEOF A 12 OZ. BONUS JAR OF MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE AT THE REG. 10 OZ. like the name and I'd like it to stand." Ward I Councillor Ivan Mansbridge. where South Taylor Mills is located, stated that after receiving several phone calls on the matter. he had come to believe that the majority of people are in favor of a change of name. “The name chosen is the problem." he felt and then offered an alternative. "Cen- tennial Drive“. reminding council it is its responsibilty to come up wth a suitable name. Low Cost 2nd Mortgages nonpaymentsbasedonï¬â€˜Bï¬perannumioflyeaB WHY OUR PLAN IS BEST: NO BONUS CHARGE OR HIDDEN FEES: With the Assoéiates, you get a mortgage agreement that is metal ctear. No bonus or hidden fees are ever charged. Prepayment privileges. Conï¬dential arrange- SPEEDY SERWCE: Just teflus yourneeds andwe"! set up a plan for you immediately. ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED Getcashfastforhouserepairsmnowcaf. vacations. or any other good reason. Monthly Payment: You Borrow As Low As $2.000 $3.000 $4.000 $5.000 32 [ll]. JAR ONLY more than the rest of us,†he said. Deputy-reeve Floyd Per- kins also voiced his approval of a change in name. Councillor William Lazenâ€" by. a resident of North Tay- lor Mills Drive. admitted that letters sometimes got lost in the ï¬rst few years. but "I've got used to the name.†The mayor. a former resident of North Taylor Mills. directed council's at- tention to the facts. stating. "Council has no compelling reason to change the name. I have been in favor of the change, but I don't intend to have council spend‘ the whole year in contention on this matter. By next meet< ing. we must decide whether to send the matter on to the judge or reject the first pe- tition.†$38.10 $57.14 $76.19 $95.24 6A Levendale Rd. Phone 884-8136