Frank Robson has been kept very busy this past few weeks making maple syrup. He has had school groups from the local schools visiting as well as sev- eral schools from the city; March 30 the Cub pack from King, March 31 more Scouts and Cubs from the surrounding area. April 7 the Cruikshank family from Weston and the Ranger company from King. Frank enjoys having visitors come and learn about making \maple syrup and is always ready to explain in detail. the old time and the modern way of collecting the sap. Joseph Gibson School I“ll\lll|||“|ll\lllll|l|l||lllll||l| come and learn about making maple syrup and is always ready to explain in detail. the old time and the modern way of collecting the sap. Joseph Gibson School Miss Ellen Burton's grade 2 class went to Frank Robson's farm April 1 to see-how maple syrup is made. It was quite cold‘and the sap was not run- ning very well but Frank ex- plained to the children how the sap was collected the old fashâ€" ioned way and also by the new method with tubing connected to the sugan house. Four mothers assisted Miss Burton with transportation and at the farm. Jean Geddes, El- eanor Brown, Marg Toy and Jean Thomas. Cub Packs “A†and "B" join- ed on April 2 for an evening of skating at Doublerink Arenas. Akela Ada Garnier. Baloo Murâ€" ray Hobbs from "A" Pack and Akela Muriel Van Vogt and Ken Van Vogt from "B" Pack with 'the help of some parents and leaders, transported 39 boys to ‘the rinks where they played shinny hockey and enjoyed themselves with no injuries re- ported. At the end of the even- ing several gallons of Freshie and approximately nine dozen ldonuts were enjoyed by those ‘present. lGuides and Brownies At the regular meeting last week Rosemary Brice. Sandra Campbell and Bettina Mummery were enrolled. Their mothers Sheila: Dalton. sister of Pat- ricia Campbell, 44 Goodman Crescent. was married to Karl Ernaman. March 29 at Forest Hill United Church. George Campbell, her brother-in-law, gave her away and Patricia was the matron of honor. A recep- tion was held at the Valhalla Inn for 24 close friends and relatives. Sheila and Karl are honeymooning in Florida and will reside at Thorncliffe Park Drive, Don Mills when they re- turn. wuwu mun uuuwmwuun anu At me regular meeting last!a beautiful smocked dress. The will finish the season with a1 The emarged callingv area will to 450 ‘ at the farm. Jean Geddes. El- week Rosemary Brice, Sandra‘winning ticket was held by Mrs. banquet April 17 in Maple Com-‘bring an increase in the On June 16. the Pl‘ehflx “f the eanor Brown, Marg Toy and‘Campbell and Bettina Mummery‘Margaret Sullivan of-Richmond munity Centre, followed by a monthly telephone rates: Kleinburg exchange “111 change Jean Thomas. were enrolled. Their mothersiHill. 1dance. Residence services: individ- from 296 to 893. dilillilllllllllllllllil“ll“llll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“l“llll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||||lllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllIllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll'P Mrs. Audrey Espey, 143 Keele Street has been hospitalized at Women's College Hospital for the last month and a half and has recently returned home but unfortunately will have to take it very easy for quite a while. Best wishes go to her for a smooth convalescence. All members of the panel agreed that there was a need for sex education in the schools. Mr. Myers qualified his agreement however. de- pending on what is under- stood by the term “sex eduâ€" cation" and who is tn teach Moderator of the discus- sion was Vaughan Township School Board Physical Edu- cation Supervisor Al Dorans, married and the father of three children. Other panelists were Mrs. Janet Berton of Kleinbui'g, a mother of seven children. Bill Myers of Maple. a phyâ€" sical educational instructor at Earl Haig Collegiate. Wil- lowdale, father of four and Dr. Peter Granger who car- ries on a medical practice at Maple, is unmarried and Humber - Seneca District Scout Commissioner. , "I will certainly draw this to the attention of the school board,†promised Warren Bailie, chairman of Vaughan Township School Board who was a member of a panel of four which discussed the subject. By MARGARET McLEAN "Out of an audience of 61 at the April 8 meetinz of Maple Home and School As- sociation. 55 indicated they favored the introduction of sex education in the elemen- tary schools. 16 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, April 11. 1968 Most Parents Favor Sex Education In Elementary Schools Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News It must start with the “The Liberal†is always willing to publish items regarding people 1nd event/s Maple, please phone Mrs. Pam Rolfe, 832-1122; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs “Are you in favor of sex education in the elementary schools '3†was the question put at the Maple Home and School Association’s April 3 meeting. Members of the panel discussing the question are seen above (left to right) Bill Myers, Vaughan Township School Board Chairman Warren Bailie, Moderator Al Dorans, physical education supervisor of Vaughan TownShip schools, Mrs. Pierre Berton and Dr. Peter Granger, Humber-Seneca District Boy Scout Commissioner. Both the panel and by far the greater number of parents in the audience approved the inclusion of sex education in the curriculum. See story on this page. Mull“lIlIll“\lll‘1mlll\l“N“llll‘mllllllllmll‘Nulllllllml‘lllllllllllllllll“lllllmll‘lllllmlmllllllml‘“l‘Illullllm“'“Hllm‘ml‘mllMIIlllNW“fl““NlllllmlllllllI“IlllIHill“\lllllulllllmllll“||l|mlllhl|IllllIll“llmlIII“!“llllllllmnlfllllllllllllIlIIIIIIlllllll“llllllllllullllullnI1lIImulllllllllllllulllullnmlll||IIllllllll“\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIl|ll“lll“lulllIllll“llIllllllml‘lllllllllllNil“'F Parents are invited to attend‘vPost Ofï¬ce the Lions Music Festival in} Don't fox Newmarket when groups from ets for the Maple will be taking part April ter Banque1 {29, April 30 and May 1. Third, 5 W Thursday. May 16 the school choir will sing at Thornhill Sec- ondary School along with other schools. The Vaughan Townâ€" ship Festival Choir will also be singing. Scouts and Cubs The Lions Music Festival will be held at the United Church, Yonge Street, Newmarket and all schools from York Township will be represented. Friday, April 26 is Profes- sional Development Day and teachers will be going to schools in Toronto Township, namely Hillsdale Senior Public School and Queen Elizabeth Senior Public School in the Cooksville area. Principal Ross Robson asks for the co-opera-tion of parents in reminding their children not to walk across the lawns of property neighboring the school. George ‘Bailey School Friday, April 5 at assembly this same class presented “Blackbird Pie" an amusing little play based on the nursery song “Sing a Song of Sixpenceâ€. Brian Toy made a very impres- sive king, though suffering from a touch of laryngitis and he was supported by a very good cast.‘ It was plain to see that these children thoroughly enjoyed performing for the school and some of their parents who were present. Mr. Myers noted that last year the Department of Edu- cation had made it optional for school boards to intro- duce it into the curriculum if they so desired. He teaches the subject in con- nection with his physical education classes. he advised. and found that it was neces- sary because an average of only three boys per class got any information on the sub- ject from their parents. “We are hung up." he said. “We can't talk about sex with one another as adults because we are embarassed and anxious. This attitude is the one we give to our children.†While he emphasized that he did not speak for the school board, but only as a parent, Mr. Bailie stated that this was why he felt sex edu- cation should be given in the schools. "In some homes it might be handled better than in the schools but this Mr. Bailie emphasized that sex is already being taught in the schools â€" in the school yards, the cloakrooms and in the washrooms. “But this type of education is not good," he said. “It should be taught in the classrooms." adult group." he said. “Let them understand what they are as sexual beings. Then it can come through the teachers after they are prop- erly trained." Panel Fa vars Sex Educa tion In The Village Of Maple agar-ding people Ind events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord and Edgeley districts. In Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Margaret McLean. 884-1105. The spring luncheon will be held at the church hall April 16 at 1.15 pm and the guest speaker will be Mrs. Lois Smith, who is a clothing specialist. Tickets are $1.50 each and can be obtained from any UCW member, or by calling Mrs. H. Lightheart at 832-1153. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church . . The ladies of St. Mary's CWL, the Queen of Heaven Group, made the draw for the raffle of a beautiful smocked dress. The winning ticket was held by Mrs. Margaret Sullivan of Richmond Hill. Bruce Thurston is looking for someone to assist him with the girls’ softball this year. The girls are really keen and eager to get started as soon as weath- er permits and Bruce would like to get somebody lined up to help him coach the junior girls, age 10 to 12 years. If you are interested and willing to give an evening or two a week or a Saturday morning to coach these girls, please call Bruce at 832-2575. United Church L During the next week the Guides and Brownies will be calling on all the homes in Maple taking orders for the Girl Guide cookies. They will also be leaving at every home, a questionnaire from the newly formed recreation steering com- mittee which all residents are asked to fill out and deposit in the red and white box attached to the bulletin board next to the Don't forget to get your tick- ets for the Mother and Daughâ€" ter Banquet May 1 from Marilyn Third, 5 Weller Crescent. Girls’ Softball After a few games in which the younger sisters were able to join, lights were dimmed for the campfire sing-song. Freshie and potato chips were enjoyed by the girls while the parents enjoyed a cup of coffee and cookies. Serving the refresh- ments were two members of the parents’ group, Barbara Hill and Marion White. were present to watch the cerec monyi Laura Young received her skiers badge and Debbie Cook received her laundress badge. Mrs. Berton suggested that perhaps a team of a doctor and nurse could come into the schools with other aids such as films and teach the subject. Mr. Myers felt how- ever. that the children should be taught by teachers whom they know and with whom they already had rap- port or good communication would not otherwise be pos- sible. However, he said there is no shortage of good films on the subject and a profes- sional group could well come in and work with the teach- ers. A parent wondered whether the showing of a film would not cause a child to come home and ask ques- tions parents couldn‘t ansâ€" wer. This type of thing did happen, Mr. Myers agreed. Often students who have taken his course go home and act as parents them- Asked whether he felt family doctors were qualified to teach this, Dr. Granger stated that any doctor who graduated from medical school more than 10 years ago had been given no in- struction on the subject al- though it is now included in the curriculum. is the exception and it is not good enough. Only the schools can be relied on to reach all children." WHO SHOULD TEACH IT The consolation series was won by George Harrison’s team composed of Dave Gray, Don Murray, Ray Barndon and Tom Taylor with a score of 6,675, followed 'by Jack Sheppard‘s team only 3 pins behind with 6,672, Harris Mathewson’s team with 6,579 and Harry Cooper's team with 6,535. Garry Palmer led all bowlers on the night with a high single of 334 and high triple of 832. The Men's Bowling League will finish the season with a banquet April 17 in Maple Com- munity Centre, followed by a dance. Ken Kennedy's team. com- posed of Delmer Cupithorn, Jeff Foulds, Bruce Palmer, Rod Shields and Garry Palmer won the league playoffs. Trailing by over 200 pins after the first three games, they bowled an im- pressive 3,692 three game total to finish with a total score of 7,039 for the six games to win the championship over Ray Jel- lison's team with 6,953, Ken White’s team with 6,906 and Roy Clegg's team with 6,570. Men's League Jackson Cook, one time member of St. Stephen’s An- glican Church, Maple, now of St. Martin’s-In-The-Field, To- ronto, and Jack Bayly of the same parish attended the York Deanery meeting at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Aur- ora, March 26. as guests of Dr. Ramsay Armitage, rector of St. Stephen's. to watch. It is a dramatized documentary on the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto and the Ontario Cancer Insti- tute called “A Matter of Timeâ€. All who can should remember to watch it. There will be a special pro- gram on television April 17 at 9.30 pm on Channel 6 for you to watch. It is a dramatized Many thanks to all those who helped with the building fund. Cancer Society A teacher who advised that he had been teaching in elementary schools for 16 years, in response to a quesâ€" tion, stated firmly that there was a need for this type of teaching. “The tab005 are there, but the children are asking questions that should be asked at home.†he said. Another teacher, in his first year of teaching. stated that he would be keenly in- terested in taking some training that would enable him to provide sex educa- tion. "I am only teaching English and mathematics to grade 7. but the subject comes up all the time," he said. to general laughter. SHOULD BOOKS BE AVAILABLE? A parent enquired whether books on sex education could not be included in school libraries. Mr. Bailie advised that to the best of his know- ledge, such books were not available in the schools but that the school board did not dictate to principals or teachers which books should he purchased. However, he felt that before such books were put in the schools there should be some plan for teacher training on the subject as the children “In this way. the school can act as a catalyst,†he said. selves and open up com- munications on the subject Maple telephone customers will acquire a wider calling area August 11 the Bell Telephone Co. announced this week. On and after that date calls to ex- changes in Toronto core and Weston will be local calls â€" increasing the number of tele- phones which may be called without toll charge to approx- imately 760.000. When calling any Weston or Toronto number from the Maple exchange it will be necessary to dial the directing digit then the desired tele- phone number. Exports took 5 from Belmont, Matinee took 5 from Cameo, Kools took 5 from Rothmans and Buckingham took 5 from Players last. week. Standings now are Belmont 25, Kools 22, Export 21. Roth- mans 18, Buckingham 17, Mati- nee 17, Players 16 and Cameo 4. High single was scored by Kay Fraser with 316, who also took the high triple with 674. Add Toronto 8. Weston To Maple Telephone Calling Area Aug. ll The Pioneer League will hold their banquet April 16 at Sum- mit View Gardens on Yonge Street. Ladies League Last Week in the final night of the playoffs, Ed Borrett‘s team came out on top with 5,825 points. Len Week’s crew were second with 5,808. Next came Orne Downey’s boys with 5,701 and Pete Craib’s team with 5,622. The high triple was scored by Ed Harding with 555 and high single was scored by Roland Keffer with 219. In summing up the evenâ€" ing. Mr. Dorans concluded that the panel had agreed that there should be sex education in the schools: that it should be introduced early, at the kindergarten level possibly with the aid of pet rabbits, mice. etc.. that not all teachers should be asked to teach it. only those who felt comfortable doing so and could establish a rapport with students on the subject; that teacher training would have to be provided before it was intro- duced; that its presentation should proceed from the use of animals in the early The bowling league extend a welcome to everyone to come along and enjoy an evening of modern and old time dancing to live music. Lunch and coffee will be served. Admission is $1 per person. Pioneer League Asked why the school board could not initiate sex education into the schools much as it had introduced the “New Math", without consultation with parents, Mr. Bailie stated that in his view the elected official was there to do the bidding of the people and although he should lead them a little, should not go too far ahead. would ask questions. One parent felt, however, that there would be some (older) parents who would object to such books being made available to their chil- dren. Mr. Myers agreed. “We have enough kooky people around who would just love to step into something like this. Believe me, I know." (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Business services: Individual line, from $10.50 to $18.45; multiâ€"party line, from $5.10 to $9:15; individual line â€" mes- sage rate, (75 outgoing calls now $7.05), 90 outgoing calls $11.25 and each additional call 5c; PBX trunk $26.65. Extra exchange mileage (where applicable); per quarter mile, individual line, from 60c to 75c; two-party line, from 35c to 45c. f The service this year will be Church will have a Good Friday lbased on the gospel according service at 11 am. and Dr. Ram- ‘to St. Matthew. The first lesson say Al‘mitage extends an invi- wvill be read by Allan Poole, the tation to all to come along and second by Graham Lamont, the join in the worship. third by Bob McIntyre. the Zion Lutheran Church will fourth by C. Grant, the fifth by have the Sacrament of the Altar Mrs. H. Lightheart and the Good Friday at 10 am. sixth by Mrs. A. Sutherland. Maple United Church will ual line. from $4.65 to $6.95; two-party line. from $3.65 to $5.55, multi-party line, from $3.25 to $5. Don’t forget the Maple Min- ors Frolic May 3 at the com- munity centre. It will include a wind-up dance for parents, executive and friends of the MMHA hockey players. OMHA RESULTS Maple Tykes 2, Richmond Hill 2 The Maple Tykes tied Rich- mond Hill in this final game before the Streetsville Tourna- ‘ment. Chris Seigman and Graydon Moore scored for Maple. For those who would like to get out and support these youngsters, game times in Streetsville are Friday at 9230‘ am and April 13 at 3 pm. PEEWEE I Humber Valet Cleaners 2, I Oak Ridges 1 g It was the final game of the. North York Pee Wee “C†fin- als. Robert Yoteff and Bruce Bailey scored the goals with Paul Hoogenboom drawing as- sists on both scores. It was announced that evening graduation exercises would be held. June 27 at George Bailey School and that crests and books would be awarded to the top 10 students with three general proficiency awards to stu- dents whom the principals judge to have made the most progress during the year. Guest speaker at the grad- uation exercises will he H. L. Gerber. principal of Langstaff Secondary School. A treasurer‘s report show- ed a bank balance of $279.00 and the meeting agreed una- nimously to make $150 avail- able to the two school prin- cipals for crests, trophies and awards, the recipients to be chosen by staff members. It will be held April 18 - not 17 â€" at 8 pm In the com- munity hall. (burr/7e: To Mark Easter Wit/I Joint Service CONFIRM DATE Please note a correction in date for the annual general meeting of Maple Minor Hoc- key Association. The meeting is being held in accordance with Article 7 of the MMHA Constitution for the election of executive for 1968- 69 season and to consider such amendments to the constitution as may have been presented to the secretary in writing by April 8. All bonafide residents of Maple and the surrounding area are eligible for membership in the association. During the business por- tion of the meeting, the new executive for the coming year was introduced, Presi- dent Jan Myers, Vice-presi- dent Sylvie Bedford, Secret- ary Inge Bittner, Treasurer Barbara Ruttle, Program Convenor Pat Kantaroff. Membership Convenor Shir- ley McDonald. Social Con- venor Jo Garrett. Grade Mother Convenor Pat Allen, Past President Lois Ander- son This year as has been done for the past four years the United and Presbyterian Churches will join together at 11 o‘clock Good Friday morn- ing in St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church. for an Easter wor-; ship service. grades. then by means of graphic illustrations. films and books, to teacher in- struction. NEW EXECUTIVE )IL V016 H0 (Km ' * \RES‘l/TLTS anu f0 Clements Rad and Spring ralso finished off their series with Grandview to bring home their second trophy this year. Congratulations to all con- cerned for surviving the ham- burg party at Norm Ruttle‘s last Saturday as well as surviving a very fruitful hockey season. e to hese in 9:30 The line of George Sayewell, Grant Rose and Mark LeMoine proved too much for Grandview as all three took turns scoring in the overtime game. Maple won on the basis of collecting four points to Grandview’s 2. Having won the first game in Aurora 4-1, they lost their sec- ond game in Bradford April 2 to Oak Ridges by 2-1. Tom Edmanson scored the only Maple goal assisted by Bob Fox. BANTAM The York Fire & Casualty team copped the North York Bantam “C†Ihampionship. It was a game full of suspense and thrills for the large num- ber of fans who turned out to see Maple defeat Oak Ridges 5-3 at Doublerink last Saturâ€" day Dana Coxworthy was the hero of the day getting the third and winning goals unas- sisted. Peter Adams opened the scoring on a pass from Bob Bourke. James Young and Doug Irvine combined on the second goal scored by Bob Pur- ves. Bob Fox put the cap on the event, which had gone into 10 minutes of overtime tied at three goals apiece. when he scored the final marker for Maple unassisted. MIDGET The choir will sing “Jesus, Joy' and Treasure". "The PassionI Chorale" and “Ave Verum". l Further information in regard to Kindergarten classes and arrange- ments for transportation will be distributed to parents concerned through the schools at a later date. W. R. BAILIE (‘hildren enrolling in Grade 1 for September 1968 must have reached the age of five years on or before December 31, 1967. Children enrolling in kindergarten for September 1968 must have reached the age of four years on or before December 31, 1967. Proof of age of all children enroll- ing must be provided by the parents at the time of registration. Parents are also requested to provide immunization records for their children, so that a complete record will be available throughout their school career. Transportation to and from school will be provided for Kindergarten children in parts of the township where transportation is normally pro- vided for the children in other grades. Information sheets to be completed by the parents prior to the registration will be distributed to the homes through the schools. Any parent who has a child to enrol and does not receive a form should contact the principal of the school where the child will register. Classes will be organized on the basis of the information pr0vided on these sheets. Thursday, April 25 â€"- Wednesday. April 24 â€"â€" Tuesday, April 23 â€"â€" Monday, April The registration of children enrolling in Kindergarten or Grade 1 of the schools in Vaughan TSA for the first time in September 1968 will take place at the local junior schools according to the following schedule: PRE-SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER, I968 hairman of the Board TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA OF VAUGHAN n) A) mmum“mmnmuuuuunnmmunununmmunumumuumum ummnmuuulmumuummmuuumI|l1\Ituuuumunumuumm Recreation Survey In A pril An innovation in the church this year. the members of the congregation are ordering lilies in bulk to beautify the chancel during the Easter services. The families will then take them home to enjoy them. Some will also be donated for the sick and shut-in ‘people of the commun- ity. Easter Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the United Church. the choir will sing an old spirit- ual arranged by Walford Davies entitled "0 Sons and Daughters let us Sing" and also “Christ is Risen" arranged by J. H. Maunder. There will be a solo "I know that my Redeemer Liveth" from The Messiah. St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church will hold its Easter Sun- hold a service at 7.30 Good Fri- day evening with lessnns and Easter music suitable for Good Friday, The choir will sing a selection of solos and choral are rangements called "The Re- proaclies" by W. S. Hoyle. to senior citizens will be considered and the steering committee hopes that all sections of the community will give the matter their attention. The information gained will determine the recrea- tional activities to be un- dertaken and whether or not 3 Maple Recreation Board should be set up. The board would arrange for the use of schools. playgrounds and halls in Maple, plan activities and engage instructors. It would be eligible for finan- cial grants from both Vaughan Township and the provincial government. Interests of all age groups, from pre-schoolers A survey of the recrea- tion needs of Maple will be undertaken during April by the newly-elected recrea- tion steering committee. Maple Guides and Brown- les will distribute survey forms this week. Resi- dents are asked to complete the form indicating the in- terests of each member of the family and return it be- fore May 1 to the red and white box attached to the bulletin board at the post office. The survey sheet lists suggested activities in such general areas as physical, social and intellectual but is intended only as a guide. Charles Hewitt School Thornhill School Pine Grove School Concord School Powell Road School Jefferson School Kleinburg Junior‘ School Lanzstaff School Joseph A. Gibson School Ross Doan School Superintendent of Schools RH. No. 2, MAPLE 3 or by writing to 1 CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE 1WOOL GROWERS LIMITED ; 40 St. Clair Avenue East E Toronto 7, Ontario. Maple Alliance Church will hold a service at ll o'clock at the community centre and the children of the Sunday School will sing “l-[e Lives". There will also be an evening service at 7 o'clock. The Sunday after Easter Mrs. Frank Irwin, a retired mission- ary from Vietnam will speak at the 7 pm service. Mrs. Irwin went to Vietnam in 1914 and now has two children in the missionary field there. The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church Avenue Road. Toronto will hold 3 Rally, Good Friday at 2 o'clock for all mem- bers of the Alliance Churches. There will be 3 Sunrise Ser- vice at 7.30 am at Zion Luthâ€" eran Church Easter Sunday and the young people of the church will serve breakfast after the service. At 11 o'clock there will be a regular morning service with the Sacrament when the choir will sing “Up from the Grave He Arose." St. Stephen's Anglican Church will have Holy Comâ€" munion at 8 am. and 11 am. Easter Sunday with Easter music and choral arrangements at ,the 11 o'clock service. day service with Easter music and choral arrangements at 10 o'clock. St. Paul‘s Presbyterian. Vaughan will have its Easter services at 11.15 am. KIN GSDALE A NIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 Realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization. D. R. Man-DONALD W. G. BOWES Our Registered Warehouse No. 1, Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from 9.00 1.30 9.00 9.00 1.30 9.00 1.30 9.00 1.30 9.00 1.30 9.00 1.30 SHIP COLLECT TO Shearer 11.30 am 3.30 pm 3.30 11.30 11.30 3.30 11.30 3.30 3.30 pm