YONGE AND ELGIN STS.. THORNHILI. Snack Bar â€"â€" Ample Free Parking ; Mr. and Mrs. James Leggal. Thornhill Avenue, with their son John and daughter Eleanor, i‘eturned recently from a two week holiday at Fort Lauder- _' The local unit of the society reminds everyone of the excel- lent educational drama being bresented April 17 at 9.30 pm 011 Channel 6 called “A Matter Of Time". This presentation has been prepared by the can- cer society for the viewing pub- lic and will prove to be both interesting and thought provokw ing. Join the throngs of wise shoppers every Saturday who pick up their week’s supply of fruits. veg- etables. meats. eggs. flowers. etc. at real savings â€"- Fresh from the farm to you. Open Every Saturday at Help fight cancer with a check-up and a cheque. April is gancer campaign month. Please give generously when your canâ€" Vasser calls on you. The need is urgent and the time is now. , Congratulations to Diane andidale, Florida. The family enjoy-fjoin the local horticultural soc- Dave Iverson on the recent‘ed a visit to Cypress Gardens,iiety. Now is the time to learn hirth of their second son. Con-lsightseeing and excellent about planting and landscaping. gratulations also to Mr. andiweather. Memberships obtained this Mrs. E. Fierheller and Mrs. B. The Leggats drove to Florida month will enable members Iverson. and on their return they visited to take advantage of the plant i t t * It with Mrs. Leggat’s brother inlpremiums at the May meeting. - Help fight cancer with a'Rochester. Memberships are $2 single or check-up and a cheque. April John Leggatt returned to $3 a couple. Call Mrs. R. What- cancer campaign month. Please|Waterloo University last weeklley at 889-1387 for information. 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 11, 1968 SAM RAUCH SUITS HAND TAILORED Custom Tailors 5201 Yonge Street BA. 2-2011 Open Thurs. & Fri. till 8.30 pm. ALTERATIONS & REMODELLING ON THE PREMISES Country Fresh I“ I'lJLL DLUUIVI. ' EASTER FLOW ‘ EACTrn nl lll'! Socially Speaking in Thorn/till Thornhill and District News MEATS, VEGETABLES, EGGS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, DELICATESSEN, ETC. PHONE 889-3190 ° EASTER FLOWERS ' EASTER PLANTS ° POTTED PLANTS The penalty for infrac- tion of the bylaw is to be not more than $10 for a first offence and not more than $50 for succeeding in- fractions. fllllllllll“llllllfllllllllllmll'lll!ll“MUM!ll“\llllllllllllllllllllllllllll] lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll“\ll' New residents and all inter- ested gardeners are invith to ‘ Bruce Cram, John Street. re- ‘turned recently from a two week holiday in Greece and Italy. Bruce flew over to Greece with the John Landers group from the Loomls School, Con- necticut. The group also enjoyed‘ a cruise through the islands to! Venice, Italy, where they spent four days before travelling by! bus to Rome. l Horticultural Society J John Leggatt returned to Waterloo University last week where he entered the third year engineering course. Councillors favored the move “to allow for clear lanes for heavy traffic in the area." The prohibition will not apply to TTC vehicles. _. v- "u... vaun- Parking on the north side >3 ~‘r' >:< * of Steeles Avenue between Wendy Louise Sowdon. Brook Yonge Street and Dudley ‘Street. is being married to Wilâ€" Avenue (the first street east lliam Alexander Snou'ie of Leaâ€" of Yonge) is to be banned 1 Crestwood Rd. in future, according to a byâ€" “ -...- law passed unanimously at the April 1 meeting of Markham Township Coun- cil. IN FLU BLOOM... Ban Parking Steeles Avenue at real savings! 3.111. {their 18th wedding anniversary ’1ast week. Fourth Thornhill Brownies Evisited their Tawny Owl Mrs. :D. Jacobs last week. Mrs. wJacobs is convalescing after re- '_ cent surgery and was pleased to receive the cards and bouquet lthe girls brought her. vvvvvvvv members of Vaughan Townshin and family's * a a Public School Board. Anyone ~» ~ with questions to ask about the mggnirï¬tuï¬itggjay 7Agggtbgig local school system who is too Thomas Cordina Morgan Ave_ .Shy. to “1‘ them personally’ is nue on the occasion of their mwtéd to bang along the“ forthcoming marriage, May 3 in “Wine? queStions ad (1905“; Brown’s Corners United Church. them in the box which Will beh)on Mills. Many parties and “31131319- ‘ Jshowers have been held in their Congratulations to Dave and honor. Vera Hayes who celebrated. t at it * itheir 18th wedding anniversary" Congratulations to Joan and ’last week. Ted McDonough on the birth of i‘ Fourth Thornhill Browniesftheir daughter Kelly Katherine. visited their Tawny Owl Mrs. born April '7 in Scarboro Cen- =D. Jacobs last week. Mrs. tennial HOSpital. Mr. McDon- lJacobs is convalescng after re- ough is the chiropractor in the cent surgery and was pleased to village and chairman of the receive the cards and bouquet local Red Cross Blood Donor the girls brought her. Clinic. ,munion will take place. i 'be made at 8 pm. At St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Church masses during Holy Week are scheduled for Holy Thursday at 8 am and 8 pm followed by Adoration of Bles- sed Sacrament and confession. Ceremonies to commemorate the passion and death of Our Lord will be celebrated Good Friday at 3 pm and Holy Com- The stations of the cross willl Both serv-y ices will be followed by. confes- sion. Easter Vigil service wilL be held Holy Saturday at 7.30‘ pm followed by mass at 8.30 pm. Confession will be heard following the Easter Vigil Mass and also from 3.30 to 5.30 pm Saturday. rnnl:vmnl:nn D:-I-An A]- â€.II. Tu:_:.l..- ‘ Good Friday (311de will conduct all masses. #4 w w -« During Holy Week, Holy Communion was observed at Holy Trinity on Wednesday morning and the Maundy Thurs- day service of Holy Communion will be held at 7.30 pm in commemoration of the institute of The Lord’s Supper. Sister Lyn Hefferman will give the address. There will be: a devotional service at 10.30 am when the Right Rev. Bishop D. B. Marsh will give the address. Easter Sun- day. Holy Communion will take place at 7, 8. 9.15 and 11 am.‘ Bishop Marsh will give his‘ Easter greetings at the 9.15 am service and Rev. H. R. Howden will deliver his Easter message at 11 am. There will be no evâ€" ening service. Drugs 1 Dressings 0 Home Visiting -) Nursing Services {p Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services 11 Diversional Programme t] Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation 4“ For Further Information 3‘ 884-4070 3 Special speakers \n‘ll be an: :41. Si] N members of Vaughan Township an m ; Public School Board. Anyone with questions to ask about the local school system who is too ; Congratl ; ; shy to ask them personally, is a 9 a 3 man, RN, Thomas C invited to bring along their 33:11:31]; gwritten questions and depositlBrown’s 0 them in the box which will beinon Mills 2; available. m. ....... 1.. Confirmation candidates Were as follows: Linda Anne Booker, Karen, Bz'odin, Barbara Cole, Carolyn and Lynda Cunning- ham, Debbie Dowker, Kathryn Fisher, Mary Jane Gall, Susan Gamblin, Carol Glover, Eleanor Glover, Ruth Ann Harper, Blythe Hedges, Janis Jessop, At the close of the service, a reception was held in the parish hall when Bishop Snell present- ed certiï¬cates to the candidates. A fellowship hour followed for relatives and friends. Mrs. A. Crawford convened the refreshâ€" ments served at the reception. A class of 60 young people and adults was presented to the Right Rev. G. B. Snell, Bishop of Toronto. for the Rite of Con- [imnation April 7 at 7 pm. Holy Trinity Anglican Confirmation Rites At Hoiy Trinity Richmond Hill & District Unit 18 Yonge St. N. Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 All parents are urged to at- tend the April 16 meeting of Powell Road Home and School Association. land in the Bahamas. The ram-i This is a most interesting and fly enjoyed deep sea fishing and‘iambitious showmg of treasures» skin diving during their stay!“0m around the world. Man)" and Visited Miami Beach andformer workers from these far] Key West before flying home, ioff places W111 be there in cos- Fred Moffatt_ Thornridge tume. Japananese art, flower Drive. joined the Laycocks at arranging, Children Singing, Andros for part of their visit ballet and Japanese dancmg a2 * xi * will be a feature of the proâ€"l Wendy Louise Sowdon. Brook gl‘am- AA bake sale will take} Street, is being married to Wil- place In the afternoon. Baby liam Alexander Snowie of Lea-lSittel‘S “111 be PI‘OVided duringg ilhe afternoon. Admission is 50c‘ ï¬ï¬: including tea. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. La) cock and their daughter Elizabeth. Arnâ€" old Avenue, enjoyed a two week holiday recently at Andros Is- land in the Bahamas. The fam- ily enjoyed deep sea fishing and skin diving during their stay and visited Miami Beach and 1 The April meeting will take iplace April 16 at 8 pm. There will be an exhibit of house plants at the meeting. Jim Mit- chell will show a sound film and give a talk on “Prescription For Easy Gardening". There will be a plant draw and refreshments will be served. MODERN HEATED . . Rumble Transport "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the 'l‘hornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. .10 Cruise who may be reached by phoning 889â€"3190. Crestwood Rd. News 884-1013 889-6192 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY WAREHOUSE STORAGE Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road COMMERCIAL 94 NEWKIRK ROAD 3 - Richmond Hill - Toronto - 364-2625 DIAL - INDUSTRIAL HOUSEHOLD j Spring hats were modelled by -members of Unit 5. Leader Mrs. G. Bennett was in charge of the program and Mrs. Hugh ï¬nal-tin assisted in showing the i pretty hats. E William Ackehurst. Robert 'Adams, Tim Alcock, Peter Cox, gRobert Crandall, ]vidge, Glen Gambell, Edward lGraves, Mark Hanson, Robert Hedges, Richard Hodge, Steven Hunter, Alan Jackson, Richard Jones, James Kearns, David Lear, Alexander Mackenzie, Douglas MacLeod, Hugh McMil~ lan, John Nobler, Stephen Pat- terson, Laird Pearcy, William Peters, James Simpson, Row- land Stow, Robert Stow, Freder- ‘ick Tram. William Booker, An- ‘drew Kizik. Ronald El-; r The UCW entertained ladies who joined the church April 7 at a morning coffee party in the church parlor April 10. This gave the new members an op- 7 Table prizes were awarded to lucky winners at the close of the program. A short business‘meeting pre- ceded a coffee party and hat show. Plans were discussed for the afternoon tea May 4- to be convened by Unit 5, the June Jamboree and the fall Holly Tea. The UCW held their general meeting April 9 with President Mrs. ’1‘. Harrington in the chair. United Church {Kathy Longstreet, Catherine ‘Lord, Judy Martin, Meredith McLean, Karen McMillan, Laura Nelson, Patricia Picco, Susan Raymond, Gail Shearer, Cathy Spence, Susan Wilshire, Julie Booker, Tina Churley, Jill Ring and Diane Kizik. , Congratulatibns to Anne Sher- man, RN, Highway 7 East, and Thomas Cordina. Morgan Ave- nue on the occasion of their forthcoming marriage, May 3 in Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sher- man of Markham Township, were entertained in Owen Sound April 6 in honor of their 25th w e d din g anniversary. Friends attending from this dis- trict were Mr. Sherman’s b'roth- er Elgin and his wife, Highway 7 East, his nephew Douglas Sherman and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Couperthwaite and family. Co-convenors are Mrs. R. L. Moore, Mrs. H. R. Howden and Mrs. Roger Priestman. Make a note of the dale of the Spring Safari taking place April 24 from 2-5 and 7-10 pm in Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall. Sympathy is extended to Frank Maw, Thornbank Road, on the death of his brother Au- brey March 31 at Chapala, Mex- ico. Spring Safari Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Saunders, Brook Street, returned recently from a nine day visit to Berâ€" muda. The Saunders flew to the island and were guests at Waterloo House. Hamilton. Wendy attended Thoran Secondary and Shaw‘s Business School and her fiance attended Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. side April_ 26 at 8 pm in Holy Trinity Anglican Church. wing is 500 R. L, 1 and Sherâ€" mhin afternoon. Proceeds will go toward Scouting activities. Scouts and Cubs from lst Thornhill held a movie program April 6. A large young audi- ence enjoyed seeing “Davy Crockett and The River Pirates†and a selection of cartoons. The snack bar was kept busy all First Langstaff Guides held a candlelight enrolment ceremony March 25 in the Baptist Church ,Hall. The following Guides [were enrolled by Captain J. JGorssline, assisted by Lieutenâ€" iant Penny Lee: Julie Davis, {Laura Case. Janet Case, Judy ; Martin. Marianne: Ritchie, Susan Turner, Susan Canzi, Janice fTodd. Patty Lewis, Barbara Johnson, Jean Gourlay. Kathryn Fisher, 3rd Thornhill T75]: Guides. recently was awarded Rev. A her minstl'el badge. ston, I Scouts and Cubs 'H. R, The Guides had a wonderful day and thoroughly enjoyed see- ing “Sugar Bush Farmâ€. 3m,"-\,"'\m mev" ‘ WWWW‘MWV V6 7 Guides from lst Langstaff en- :3“ joyed an outing to Amos Bak-i er‘s maple sugar farm March 30.1 .1 The Guides were shown the newiser, method where the syrup is pip-l}:re ed through plastic tubing into’fm] a large drum. The girls were‘cho interested to see the comparisoniTkK with the old bucket method still the on a few trees. mp. uouege Will lead a study andi Christ the King Lutheran discussion. All. ladies of tlielchlii‘cli will hold its Easter congregation are invited to atâ€"[family service at 11 am in the iiend. ;Masonic Hall, Elgin Street. ‘ The WMS meets at the homeiThere will be no church school of Mrs. F. Porter. 163 John’Easter Sunday. A joint Good Street, April 16 at 2 pm. ‘Friday service will be conducâ€" Rev. Dillwyn Evans conducts ted at St. Paul’s, Richmond Hill radio broadcasts at 9 pm every at 10 am. The service will be Sunday evening during April conducted by Rev. Dauphinee over CFGM. and Rev. Arnold Weigel will Guides preach the sermon. Guides The Fortnighters will meet April 22 in the assembly hall at 8.15 pm. Rev. Professor Don- ald V. Wade DD of Victoria College will lead a study and discussion. All. ladies of the congregation are invited to at- tend. portunity to meet members of the UCW. Presbyterian Church A joyous Easter day is looked forward to by churches in Thornhill. Ring Funeral Home BYRON E. RING 7783 YONGE ST. 'I‘HORNHILL --,.__ --\.- y“ u y..\, uuuuve. While the sap was collecting, the cleseesqï¬aia’ a \‘iSitvlo Amos Baker’s sugar bush on Langstaff Sideroad to see how syrup is produced commercially. They learned that it takes mnHAV... -1? .U‘- 4.- .A__Ll v gallons of rsarp to make one gallonraf 889 l 83 ‘_ l celebrate ' With Music RELIGIDUS SERVICES And Song D'agV. Thornhill Baptist Church “ill ates'u'take part in a Good Friday _The‘combined service at 11 am in y, au_En1manuel Baptist Church, 1 go Finch Avenue east of Leslie, The five Baptist Churches tak- aLuu. nev. u. Nelson and Rev. H, R. Howden will address the congregation during the three hour service. l The ecumenical Good Friday 'service will be conducted at the Presbyterian Church April 12 from 12-3 pm, The clergy. choirs and congregations of Thomhill will join together in the service of devotion. The meditations throughout the three hours will be based on‘ Jesus’ words from the Cross. Sister Lyn Hefferman, Father T. Cllidlow, Rev. A. Weigel,‘ Rev. A. I. Higgins. Dr. M. John- ston, Rev. G. Nelson and Rev. The Presbyterian Church will hold its annual Good Friday congregational breakfast at 9 am followed by a family servâ€" ice. There will be a regular ‘service at 11 am Easter Sunday conducted by Rev. Dillan Evans. The choir under the direction of Walter Stothers will present special Easter sel- ectionsi sented at the 7 pm service. “Thou Art The Christâ€. by Robert Hughes will be pre-‘ Uu uu .a;;\. nu Lu“. J :with ‘housewarming gifts’ and information about your :new location. The Hostess iwill be glad to arrange your subscrhï¬jon to the RICHMOND HILL IJBERAL Ca†Nhs.lhflph Hafley 889-3313 . . vwlAM mumum-mum... day Communion and breakfast will be held at 8 am at the United Church. The Easter morning service will take place at 11 am. Rev. A. I. Higgins will conduct the service. An Easter Baptismal service will take place at 4 pm‘ Easter Sunday masses will take place at 8.30 am, 9.30, 10.45 and 12 noon. Father Chidlow will conduct all masses. A Â¥pung People’s Easter Sun- It 's Sugaring-Off Time :1 M j masses willying part in the service are York- :0 am, 9.30, view Heights Baptist, Spring ion. Father Garden Baptist, Emmanuel Bap- ct all masses. tist. St. John’s Baptist. Rich- " mond Hill, and Thornhill Bap- Week, Holy tist. Ministers and deacons observed at from the five churches will take .uuuuuuuumuuuInun\mnmumuuumuImunummuuumum subscription to the RICHMOND HILI LIBERAL Call Mrs. Ralph Hal 889-3313 In by 10 DRY CLEA NING NO PARKING PROBLEMS" SAME DAY SERVICE You‘ll Like Our Quick Sen‘ice and Top Quality Workmanship 2.111 Out by 5 p.m on SlpringaF-I‘II‘I“-IIII“‘ 3 Bap-I _ _ ___ - KKK-"\- i {ii {I i813! 884-216 9724 YONGE ST. RICHVALE and THORNHILL RESIDENTS Due to the Holiday this Friday, April 12, customers who normally receive garbage pickup on Fridays will be served Saturday, April 13. Monday’s pickup will be made on Tuesday. Vaughan Disposal Service Photo by Barbour NOTICE 50 if busy 88-1-2163 Challenge 0F THE FRASER DUNN State Farm Mutual omobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office - Toronto ancer ' ' Find out how much you may save on car insurance!†145 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL. ONTARIO TELEPHONE Bus. 889-3288 You are not likely to die 0! cancer. Most people don‘t But no one should feel im mune. Cancer is a threat at any age. but especially after 35. An annual cancer check- up is your best insurance. An annual cheque to the Can- adian Cancer Society is your At Highways i Mann 8. 7 E 7% Insuuucq um um that cancer defeated ‘