THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 11, 1368 8 Button Vi/le Community Happenings Church News It was an llhpll’lllfi (lay at present lot He Had (treat Special Easter sei'iiies have Brown‘s Corners Church on Possessions' been planned {or Brow n's Corn- Palm Sunday Rev Dugan Y('ll. ers United Church this week- preached a meaningful sermon Friday morning of last \\t'i‘l\’ end. The Good Friday seHlt'C‘ and the llill<lc l)_\ the three \i hen the Btitioiiiille branch in will be held at 10.30 am. and choirs recened high praise .\lr.< the \(‘ll\ Illi‘l at the home oi the Easter Sunday semice will Donald Reesor was organist and Mrs l) l’arltin L'achet Park» be held at the regular time. ll tn the senior choir anthem "The way. plans were finalized t'm am Rev. Christopher [)upan Palms", .lll‘S. \ W. Miller wasihe semiâ€"annual fund raising will conduct both services and soloist mom a cut-lire, ronihined there will be music by the ‘iun- Dr and Mrs. \ F. Binningiori with a sale or gifts and home entertained Brown‘s Corners l'CW niembeis at their apart- .mcnt home. 35 Thorurlit'fe Park Drive. Wednesday of last week. tor and senior choirs. baking to be held April 26 at Buttonville Hall. Mrs. Robin Bush chaired the meeting. and Mrs. William Cou- “Lar insurance due? .. I'll get you i ' Township May Buy 'l‘wcnti-scien women were lin resumed the duties of 590 the best car ' i. ' -'~» iprcsent for dessert luncheon, retary which had been delegat- insurance value u R B E l- o N G I N G S ‘ and later \isited the Chapel In ed during her recent illness. ~ . " - * ' i _ . . r l arc st - . i. , BUttonv'lle SChool il‘he Park. an undenominationel There were 14 members pres- from the l or d 51 5e car insurance company. Let's talk!†church where Rev. John Sul- ‘livan is the minister. Mr. Sullivan eplained his cut. This. acme group is concoct- ing all manner of hand made The possible sale of SS 5 But- tonville School, on the west side +WITII THE FINEST CARE! of Don Mills Road slightly I -. . . - . , . ministtv among apartment tcn- articles and would welcome asâ€" south of Markham Fow'nship ‘ , . a a » . _ . e . . ._ WI r_ ‘_ ll 0†I r y t ‘ ants ‘4 cliff dwelleis 1n ststance fiom inteiested pei T.R..Sexpeuenced DaLkersuseme mostmodemmethodsmmotect ‘ “ "“p‘l "395' “d5 0 m 9‘ today s soctetv \lrs Aubrey sons ‘ - CS! [0 the lmmship coum‘il‘ St Ahén: n I . j . t h) .Ya V , :n ..7 N r r ., g V R q you. enacts, no matter what D€IIOd of time IS involved. Modern 0p 30 Sang m ‘ mm L)“ l "'ng ‘ 1' ‘ ' vans llanx’pOl‘t votit qoods safely to clean warehouses where T.R. Advised that trustees of TSA solos accompaMGd by Mrs '1’. 2 Markham had enquired if the English on the organ. Mrs, H Styx].MIXERFilmcaP'mmEEE-i: Ph' 85,1433†‘ STOR‘A‘VAULT SPWICB ensuresme‘rUh'ma‘e mmecuon‘ municipality “ould be interesb Pieterse the group president aâ€??? or etvliw .géhtaouon um: i; .04; no pigâ€: tofu Ilte best storage. ecall T.R. today. Also . - - .i . . ‘ ' V ' t e: i ie abou‘ . .‘se ictentmovmg SGlVICG. 3:312:21": [iiilelgtlrngéfll 3S Ill Ill? than. I has b0?†a\.\al.dcd 1h? ('entelp sun tun [q H l - 4-67A _ _ ‘ ' d i 4 l3†‘1 a tonvenors tor the meetingnial Medal. llc t’eels it is a & glsltutlfï¬â€˜ ‘tlée (,leilx 10 “Ill? The were Mrs. Binnington, Mrs. "recognition of the work at the. “The Friendly Movers†i Oild 0ԠCla'lltsem ’ 1 Gordon Spring. Miss Rhea Scott Army in the community†i-aâ€" “‘“mm'. 1 ._ ; AqetitsjAHied Van ngg I \‘35 Iougl' d a some and Miss Mary Rodick. thei than a personal ll'lblllP. i “Iâ€? 1" ill? IUIUFE‘ ll might bï¬â€œ There is a rare treat in store Captain Newman has been in State Farm .\1tuu_a| i y lde'bll'able to house some mUlII-‘ifor Buttonville residents on the charge in Newinarket since Atitomohilelnsurancet ompaity ‘ ' MOVING . sronAaa o pAcKma . smppmg ‘Cipal department in the build-evening of April 2] when a 1964 coming from Windham. . . y Y . . _ . C, ., > I r . I ling rather than adding to the‘group from St. Matthews Unitâ€":Ile had also spent 15 years Canadlan “cad 0m†1010“) lmunicipal offices. ‘â€"â€"‘-‘â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€" ‘ed Church. Richmond Hill. williin the armed forces. tPhoto by Stuart's Studio) 7 n - . MR. AND MRS. ELMORE HILL, BU’I'I‘ONVILLE Diamond Wedding Anniversary i By JEAN LEAF _ . .lMills. land Hazel tMrs. Bruce Robin- Mr' and Mrs' Elmore Hm' 16’ For years the Hingson) of Thornhill, who planned Hughson Drlve’ Bumonwne'ifarmed on John Street. west oflthe “ent- T“'° 0f the Hills“ who were married March 29. . . i. - ‘ randdau hters travelled long 1908, received many messagesiDOI) Mills Road and raised their g g .family there. About 1955 theyidistances to attend: Mrs. Ned many of congratulations on their dia-. mond wedding anniversary. A cable from Queen Elizabeth and a telegram from Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson were two of the most prized of these. March 20 Mr. and Mrs, Hill . during the summer spends longI were guests of honor at a dm- 1 ner party in Buttonville Hall‘hours on the “ate†0f Gun! for 75 members of their immedâ€" iate family, followed by a re- ception for ' tives. During that period 200 signatures were placed in the guest book. Mr. and Mrs. Hill (the former May Wiltshire) were born on farms which are now densely populated parts of Metro To- ronto â€" Mr. Hill at Oriole and Mrs. Hill near Glengrove Ave- nue and Yonge Street. They were married in a quiet cere- mony in Toronto by Re\'. Baker. Before her marriage Mrs. Hill was organist at historic St. Frank McEachren In looking over a recent can- cer society newsletter. we were pleased to see the picture and story of a well-known resident. friends and rela-i Gérmléy ire man In the winter .nothing better than fishing 'tlirougli Lake Simcoe ice. and i Lake 1 cottage is situated. :member of Brown's Corners 'Church Women's Institute for years. She is a talented crafts- woman with quilting and rug- ging her specialties. home attests to her many skills. The couple‘s five children were present at Saturday’s cele- brations ~ Leslie Hill of Agin- court, who proposed the toast 3to their parents: Ernest of New- lmarket; Alice (Mrs. Charity) of Smith Porcupine; Florence News ' Our ’10 Mr. McEachren on his new position. lNeighborhood Notes l Congratulations to Mr. and tent: home in Arnleigh Heights.‘ 1_ ‘ 1.1 ‘ ‘ Mr. Hill is an ardent iislierJMOSt of the '0 gl'andcnd‘en he likes where their Haliburton' Mrs. Hill has been an activel Their til-ed and moved to their pres_'Toner of Sault Ste. Marie and iMrs. Vince Frank of Petawawa. and 14 great â€" grandchildren were at the party. Mr. Hill‘s brother John of Thornhill was also present. Mrs. Hill‘s sister iMrs. Lloyd .Baker) of Locust Hill poured ltea and a brother. Tom Wilt- ’inire of Willowdale attended but William Wiltshire of Vine- land was unable to make the‘ UCW and Buttonvillegjournex many i For the evening “open house", Mrs. George Kelly, Mrs; Russell Boyington. Mrs. Rose‘ Brodie and Mrs. Baker (Mrs; Hill's sister) poured tea. ‘ Buttonville WI members who‘ catered for the dinner and! Brown’s Corners United Church; {Women who assisted with the reception were each presented lwith a rose as a token of ap- 'preciation. Notes smcerest congratulations den passing of his father. Alex quill. in Toronto last week This is a double bereavement as .Mr. Yuill‘s mother passed away just a few weeks ago. YONGE AND LEVENDALE, RICHMOND HILL Frank McEachren. 1Mrs. George Boynton on the ar-i Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mat- Mr. and Mrs. McEachren liavejrival of their first grandchild,l sunaga of Toronto had supper a home. Donaghadee. north of the Gormley Sideroad on Don Mills Road, where they spend weekends and summers. Mr. McEachren has recently been elected president of the Ontario Division of the canceria birthday party dinner on Sun- Peru, lham entertained a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. .Carlisle Boynton of Mount Al- lbert. i Mr. and Mrs. Jim Empring- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Empringham and Brenda at society for a two year term. As day in honor of Jim’s father. one of Toronto's leading citi- Mrs. Ray Hawkins had the zens, he brings to this positionicast removed from her arm on a wealth of experience and ai strong belief in'the cause of that sooiety. Mr. McEachren took his firstl executiye position in the society in 1950 when he. became a direc- tor of the Toronto unit. He later became campaign chair- man for Toronto and the first chairman of the. Metro District Council of the society from 1957 to 1959. He has served on standing committees at. the national level for many years and in 1963. he took over the task of campaign chairman forjrl'enry Heise back home from‘land and will also the whole of Canada. During World War 1!. Mini McEachi-en served overseas and‘ is presently the senior aid-deâ€" c. up to the Lietenant Governor of Ontario. lie and his wife†the former Florence Mary Eaton, have two children. Gil- bert and Signy. An Easter Who is the one who comes Nobody really knows. I Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. Richard Oh]- man and sons of Willow Springs Bible Camp had dinner on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George Yake. Kenneth Doner is employed for a month with the CPR at Bi'antford as a microâ€"ware techâ€" nician. Richard Zonnekeyn left on Monday from Malton for a three weeks visit with friends in Europe. . We welcome Mr. and Mrs. their winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Johnston and sons were guests at the ‘wedding of their nephew Dennis‘for the local churches will be Gill and Sandra Heniy on Sat- urday at the Kingston Road United Church in Toronto. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Barry \‘uill at the sud- Surprise at night 2‘ Who is the one that can see you at sight? But you can‘t see him no. no! Who is the one that gives you candy. The chocolate eggs Otten. at times he Surprise! surprise! It's covered with sugar and honey. geria and April 13. Mrs. E. becomes very handy. the Easter Buiinv! by GAYLE JONES. Age 11. IR. 2. GOI‘lllley. o §PLANTING TIME : tls NEAR . . . t . l-‘(lR Ql’lt‘lx' snitvicr .vxn \‘(ll‘R o : t‘t).\‘\.'EI:lE.\'(‘IC : gflur Fertilizer g tPIanis Are Near § § ORDER NOW 3 . from . § Bradford Fertilizer Co. Ltd. 3 . Holland Landing .\urora Locust Hill 9 Q 895.3Hix‘ 727-9121 391.3909 . ’0...QOQO0.0.00.0QOOOO0......Ot on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Matsunaga. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sprox- ton recently heard from their daughter Betty in South Ameri- ca. Betty had gone to Lima, to attend a conferencei ‘but instead she was rushed to hospital for an emergency ap- ipendectotny. She was released lin five days and will remain in .Lima till April 12. Betty will 1then fly back to the mission station at Huanuco, Peru. where she is nursing. ‘ Misses Vera. Velma. Jean and Mildred Brillinger had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steckley. Wedding bells will be ringing in our community in the not-to- distant future as three young ;ladics are flashing diamonds .loseph Wright is attending a ‘television convention in llol~ visit his ;wife‘s relatives in England. Church News . , A special Good Friday service 9 -v lheld at 10 am April 1 at the United Missionary Church. Rev. \l'ard Shantz. District Superin- tendent of the Ontario Confer- ence will be the guest speaker. The ch0ir of Emmanuel Bible College will present a service ot‘ iiiUsic in the Stoutfville lligh ‘St‘iIOOl Auditorium at 8 put, .\pril 12 Rev. Ward Shaniz will speak Sunday evening, April 14, at the CM Church. ‘ The annual MISsionary Con- \ention at the UM Church will begin April 16. with Rei‘. Rich- ard L'mmel of Brazil as speaker; April 17. Naomi Everett of Niâ€" Brubacher. also of Nigeria. lei. l... K. Sider was the spe- cial speaker at the anniversary services on Sunday at the O’Connor liills L'M Church in Toronto. Reid and Mrs. R Olilnian con- ductc‘d the service on Sunday at the LC“ Clinicli in Rev. Sidâ€" ei‘s absence Bishop Ii .1. Swami guest speaker ioi' eieuiiic seriiccs at the I‘lPlSE‘ Hill Church on Sunday The Bl‘Ille‘JOLlCl Quartette pioiided lllU\lt' at the eienin; service. Last Thursday. 53 ladies ll'Olll our area vent by bus to Niagara Falls Brethren in Christ Church for the annual “'MPC Cotit'er- cure. The senior ladies sewing circle of Heise Hill Church met all day Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Joseph \t‘ideiiian. Church bulletins in our com- munity were produced b1» the concer SOc‘lE’l). The lmel: \el» low daffodilc on the cover spoke of spring as tell as bean: the iloral eiiilJiem oi the wciet; \Wl’i‘ l; t‘di'lt't‘l ll't'lllllt and (till‘ ‘.t<w .,l he bun .n inc a ea \\ a: the morning and s $5 EASTER SHOPPING SPREE ‘ AT THE “HEIGHTS†To Euler: Simply fill in the free coupon. below. clip it out and deposit at any “HEIGHTS†store - ----â€" f xmxx§§i§§QXQRKRKQFSXVIKSacxwdeo“CW' V" "'77 . ._ , {It Win a 5 Hour 35000. hastcr v/zi SHOPPING SPREE at the “Heights†II. 'n' O Dzaw will take place Saturday. Apiil lL’vth, 1968, at 4 pm. Coupons must be depuSllCd at an‘.‘ Richmond Heights Centre Aswciation store not later than 2 pm. Saturday April 13th. 1968, Participants must be 16 jears of age or over, Employ ces of Richmond Heights Centre or their immediate tamilies are not eligible tor llllS draw. be pl'(':€lilC(l \‘llll a credit III the amount ot $500. which must hr spent by the "lnIlCl‘ oi. "purchach in at least 5 member «ores of the Richmond Heights-Centre Assoc’iaâ€" on \‘Jednesday. .‘vpril 17th, between 10 am I‘. {873‘ .. . KEV. x ~ \ \.-.-.-..-.-.-v- \\\\\ ~ winner will \\\\\ \\‘\\’.\’\" C .- I I I I I :ion I anti 3 it‘ll " o l.‘ '0 he pittiroaiaptmd {or pill) I i l'liin'noiid Heights (enlie I I I I I I I must agiee .Iill‘ hf _\\\ilt'idli0l‘-. [wt Utl\r‘t ’\\‘\‘s 1‘ \< \\‘_x‘ s \1 ‘ SltJXA'l‘l‘RE Fur†‘.iil\ tree toupon and deposit at int . l'litiunond “lleigzit: Centre \:>0Clatl0n Stow t' Richmond Hill. “‘7 :x‘ \ v»: \ g *3 5 t: . fl. ':.\\j _<SSSS$§SÂ¥SSSS9SY§§¥&§V issxsss‘es 9}}: |.';..' -----------_------ \Slx I’llR \l)lll'|'|(l\.\l. ('tll'l’l)\.\‘ \T \\l "HICllill'l'S" S'l'tllllï¬