Archie Crosier, who has serv~ ed as treasurer of the Richmond Hill Unit of the cancer society for six years, was recently pre- sented with a silver Caduceus 'pin, the emblem of the society. The presentation to Mr. Crosier, who has been transferred to Ottawa by the Canadian Imper- ial Bank of Commerce. took place at the regular monthly meeting of the unit held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Phillips. Sugar Maple Lane, Pleasantville. In making the presentation Chairman William Kedwell paid tribute to Mr. Crosier's contri- bution to the sheiety and ex- tended best wishes to the Crosier family in their new home. Archie Crosier Honored By R. Hill Cancer Society Mr. Crosier then introduced his successor. Kenneth Rintoul. who took over the manager's duties at the Yonge Street branch of the Canadian Imper- ial Bank of Commerce April 5. He will take over the duties of treasurer of the unit. The retiring treasurer report- ed that at the. end of March 1968, $3,233.31 had been re- ceived as “In Memoriam" gifts.‘ This amount has been forward- ed to headquarters as the initial payment on the $27,800 which is the unit’s quota- for this year’s campaign. One thousand volunteer can- vassers are at work in Richmond Hill and surrounding territory on behalf of the society, Cam- paign Director Munroe Ash- kanase reported. Donations to date include $555 from Markâ€" ham Area Hydro Association and $200 from Thornhill Sec- ondary School students. Director Mrs. Mary Follows reported 913 dressings and 684 colostomy bags were made and After contacting two senior men in the CNR organization, we were referred to the company’s publicity department, and were told emphat- ically that the CNR had no intention of closing;r the Richmond Hill station -â€"â€"â€" that express and freight services would still be handled from it. In February the Canadian National Railways announced that tickets would no longer be on sale at the Richmond Hill station and all in- quiries about fares and times would be handled from their“ Toronto offices. At the same time rumors were prevalent that the CNR was taking one more step to the closing of the local depot. Less than two months later the depot is closed and an express office has been opened on Enford Road. in the industrial area. Local com- mercial enlerprizes have expressed concern to town council that this is the first step in a reduction of serv- ices available locally. Council has decided to protest these moves to the Board of Trans- port Governors and has enlisted the support of John Addison MP, York North and Donald Deacon MLA. York Centre. Further action has been referred to council’s industrial committee with the suggestion that a poll be made of industrialists and commercial operators to determine their reaction to the railway’s action. Although some members of council felt the town’s official protest would have little effect, Mayor Thomas Broadhurst pointed out that such railroad efforts had been successfully fought by other municipalities. In an attempt to learn what effect discontinuing the sale of tickets would have on the public, we asked the CNR how many passenger trains made scheduled stops at Richmond Hill depot. Three hours later we received the reply that only one train. northbound Northland made a scheduled stop here. One of our‘ readers, William Grif- fith of Newkirk Road, questioned the If you have ever wondered why some people say “Don’t pick the trill- iums, you’ll kill them,†the answer lies in the fact that it is impossible to pick the blossom without taking the leaves. And if this is done, the plant loses its ability to store food neces- sary for the following season’s growth. As a result. reckless picking of Ontario’s official floral emblem could ultimately result in the com- plete destruction of entire trillium colonies. The trillium is a tuber-like, rhiz- ome-rooted plant with three broad, deeply-veined green leaves growing closely beneath the star-like. three- petalled white blossom. centred by a cluster of yellow stamens. The nu .Luupyouuvuu u vv-nuv . -.â€"â€"-.~~_â€"~-.-.. __ r - cu L ._‘ Subscription Rate $4.50 per year; to United States $6.00; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd. W. S. COOK, Publisher “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 25, 1968 Don't Pick the Trillium: Misleading Information An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 QB): liberal appeared in spring, we tl‘llllum was originally known by the name of “Wake Robinâ€. To ensure that On- tario looks its best during the years to comeâ€"all of us should remember the old saying: “Please don’t pick the trilliums.†r-like, rhiz- hree broad, 'es growing ~Iike. three- entred by a nens. The onored By R. Hill Cancer Society delivered during March. Mrs. Mona Robertson was ap- Mrs. Cecil Nichols of Victoria pointed ofï¬cial volunteer catn- Square branch said that at four vasser for the Don Mills indus- meetmgs during the past month trial area in Markham Township 1_5 volunteers. made 480 dres- and reported 9.000 church bul- smgs to be distributed free to letin sheets were used in local cancer patients. churches on Daffodil Sunday. d'\lllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllll\llilllll\lllllllllll\l\l\\llllllllllllllllllllllllll“\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllKlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllululllllllll\\l\lllllllllllllllllllllll\l\l\lllllll\\lllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllullllllllllullillllllllllllllllllllllllill\lllllllululllllllllllllulllllllllll They ease our burdens too. Their own sweet smile's a pleasant break Made in a leaden sky; . Which lets a warmth and glory shine Upon the passer-by. Their gentle words and Winsome ways, Help beautify the hours. For ’long the paths 1 chance to roam They are . . . the ‘flowers’. For such dear souls I thank Thee Lord â€"â€" Because of what they do. â€"â€"Flowers at my feet, warmth in my heart, And o’er my head some blue. REV, M. R. JENKINSON, Headford and Victoria Square. At the actual practice, the routine is to sing a scale, start off with a few easy numbers for five or ten minutes. then work into the hymns and anthems. The hymns are sung mainly by the junior choir. Bruce began as number 19 in the junior section and ended up in the number ‘two position in the senior choir, where he sings psalms and anthems. Most of these are in four part harmony. ' As a member of the choir, Bruce is part of the recitals, when St. Clement’s visits another church. Recitals have been held at Eglinton United, St. George’s United and St. James’ Cathedral. So far, Bruce has sung five solos and taken part in five or six duets. The last duet was in March. Last year, Bruce took private singing lessons (Continued on Page 14) uiinuuumummuuuuuumumuumuummuunnuuumum-z A Brown hair, brown beard. and brown corduroy-jacketed David DePoe was in Rich- mond Hill April 10 and his appearance was vivid evi- dence of the generation gap existing between the young and the old of today. The youthfullyâ€"mature. ax"- ticulate David Depoe was one of a three-member panel ar- ranged by the York Centre New 'Democratic Party Wed- nesday evening of last week in the Richmond Hill Public Library. Other members of the panel were NDP'ers Peter Burnett and Maurice Wind- att. Moderator was Bea Bryant. The topic was “Democracy. Do We Really Have It". but the sparse audience â€"â€" mainly adults with a fair sprinkling of teenagers â€"- centred most of their atten- tion on Mr. DePoe who is a Yorkville-in-residence mem- ber of the Company of Young Canadians organization The general conclusions about youth and adult aliena- tion in today's supercharged society were more muddy than clear but added up to an interesting confrontation. Bearded David DePoe Vivid Evidence 0f Generation Gap By FRED SIMPSO N truth of this statement, telling “The Liberal†that he had on more than one occasion boarded the southbound Panorama at Richmond Hill depot at 6:15 am and arrived at the Union Station at 7 am. A further enquiry to the CNR brought the reply that it was quite possible Mr. Griffith had boarded the train here as it is listed as a flag stop and if passengers from beyond Armstrong wished to detrain here a stop would be made. Mr. Griffith refuted this informa- tion. claiming that Richmond Hill is listed as a regular daily stop for the Panorama. one of the two transcontâ€" inental CNR trains (the northbound Panorama and both Super Contin- ental trains are routed through Maple. Aurora and Newmarket). Study of the latest CNR timetable shows that Mr. Griffith is right â€" Maple. Aurora and Newmarket). Study of the latest CNR timetable shows that Mr. Griffith is right -â€"â€" that any resident of this area can board the CNR Panorama at Rich- mond Hill station at 6:15 am any morning of the week and arrive at the Union Station three-quarters of an hour later (if the train is on time). Unfortunately this time table is valid only until April 27, and the summer table may make some changes in times. Heavy \summer traffic also often causes the trans- continental trains to run late. But no other means of public transporta- tion available at present will take a passenger so rapidly to the heart of the city. By giving out false information, did the CNR believe it would lull res- idents of this area into inactivity while the complete closure of the local station was quietly accomplish- ed? Did they think that any objec- tion to their moves would then be too late to be effective? It appears that way to us? We heartily endorse council's pro- test and urge its members to con- tinue the fight to ensure that indus- trialists already located here and those who may ocate here in the future will have express and freight service readily available locally. flower was recommended as the prov- ince’s floral emblem by the Ontario Horticultural Society, and was offic- ially passed by the Legislature in 1937. The trillium abounds in Ontario’s deciduous forests and woodlands dur- ing late April and early May, depend- ing on the weather conditions. Be- cause it bloomed when the first robins appeared in spring, the trillium was originally known by the name of “Wake Robinâ€. To ensure that On- tario looks its best during the years to comeâ€"all of us should remember the old saying: “Please don’t pick the trilliums.†Mr. DePoe, who maintain- ed the democratic system and the people governing it have been clinging to out- moded concepts in a fast- changing society. was pushed into the background at times. Doing the pushing were two or three members or ex- members of the teaching pro- fession who clashed with some teenagers currently at- tending high school in Rich- mond Hill. One youth complained that there “are two kinds of stu- dents in school today. the good guy and the bad guy. The good guy is the one that goes along with everything, the bad guy is the one who has a mind of his own and questions or disagrees.†Another said that in the high school he attends in Richmond Hill there “are only about 10 teachers out of the 63 on staff who are individualists and not afraid to go their own way, come up with some ideas of their own that conflict with the general ideas handed down to them." A former teacher dis- agreed stating she had never been restricted in her handl- ‘t .J I believe that when the TTClseen f0 took over the arrangement ofEStEEIeS transportation of passengerslusually from Richmond Hill. there may‘iSteeleS have been some formal agi‘ee-iperiod. ment that restricted certain the Pa: changes in transportation ar- mondi rangements. l shorten Dear Mr. Editor It would be a pity that any such arrangement would come ahead of serving the public of this area, since‘ the purposé of any transportation system is to provide GOOD service to those requiring this service. Other than at rush hour per- iods, when the buses are he quent and well-filled from Richmond Hill to the subway station, the service has much to be desired. ing of students. had gone her way. and had been liked by her students. Another youth said too much money was being pourâ€" ed into buildings and not enough into the most import- ant part of any school â€"- "the Vpeople who attend them who are more important than cement and steel." Mr. DePoe ventured his opinion on democracy to the effect that “we are a long way from achieving it as it was ideally conceived. “In actual practice." he said, “there are a lot of people who do not have a say in how they control their own lives. These include the poor. Indians and young people.†He stated the fact was that “people are not regarded as actual people by those in positions to make decisions governing their lives.“ Mr. DePoe said that free- dom as it is defined in a democracy today means “simply economic freedom, economic liberty. but not al- ways human liberty." He charged the democratic system of being too slow to react to change blaming this What is there to do on a Friday or Saturday night? Of course there is the show, but one gets tired of the same thing. Fridays. the Richmond Heights Centre is open but we aren't supposed to hang around there because the man- agement doesn’t like it. Saturday night there is “The Hole Thing†at Richmond Hill United Church but after a while, it can gettboring if there is nothing exciting happening. Many teenagers can’t hop down to Toronto to get a piece of ‘the action because their financial situa- tion does not permit it. So what else can we do but turn‘to something which is in some sense exciting? So, ask yourselves how to solve the problem. For a start, take a survey to determine the tastes of local teenagers. This, I feel, is the first step. Once this is done, get a young person who knows “where it’s at’f. With his young ideas‘ he pos- sibly could get some form of activity going for teenagers. Dear Mr. Editor: - Having read the article by Margaret McLean (April 18) about the situation of young people in Richmond Hill, I feel, as a teenager, that I must write and express my views. "infulrlheartedly lagree With the article that boredom causes vandalism, pot smoking, etc. I myself have not reached the same extreme as some teenagers. but I am bored. But a word of advice: don‘t make it a club with all kinds of restrictions. Make it open to everyone. Also, make sure it can serve at least 75% of the teenage population. 1 A word about the sidewalk cafe as suggested by Judge George Sweeny. I think it is a great idea. It could be a place for us kids to‘ go and have a soft drink or a coffee. to sit and talk with friends without having to get out after a» certain period of time. A word to Leon Kumove: Sure, we kids are noisy, but remember that we are bored! When one is bored. the obvious thing to do is to create some excitement. _Even noise is more exciting than what we have here now. ‘ May I leave this letter anonymous, Mr. Editor, as it is written for all teenagers, not just myself. SUGGESTS CHANGES NON-RUSH HOUR TTC SERVICE I thank thee, Father, for the friends Who, like Thy sunshine’s rays, Shine on this darkened world of ours, And brighten up our days. Their presence, with a heartening grace, Brings miracles to View. They leave a laughter in our eyes. They ease our burdens too. Their own sweet smile's a pleasant break Made in a leaden sky; . Which lets a warmth and glory shine Upon the 'passer-by. Their gentle words and Winsome ways, Help beautify the hours, For ’long the paths 1 chance to roam They are . . . the ‘flowers’. For such dear souls I thank Thee Lord -â€" Because of what they do. i I Than/l Thee Father TEENS WANT ACTION “ANONYMOUS TEENAGER†in‘the passengers from the Rich- [I‘- mond Hill bus at Steeles thus ishortening the route (non-rush hour only) of the Richmond Hill ne bus, and also stepping up the of frequency of passenger pick-up ofgin the Richmond Hill - Steeles to! area without any additional cost. Fly On non-rush hour periods the buses are very infrequent (every 40 minutes), are usually quite empty, and are usually seen following those buses from Steeles or Finch. which are also usually quite empty. Buses from Steeles in the non-rush hour period. could quite easily take It seems very uneconomical to have a number of almost completely empty buses go from between Steeles and Yonge and Yonge Subway Station on the non-rush. hour periods. The afea alohg Yonge. north of Steeles has developed greatly reality on the disillusmn- ment of impatient youth who have grown disenchanted with outmoded ideas. “There is ' a growing number of young people,†he said “who are bored with the hunger for just material goods. They just can't com- municate with adults". Mr. DePoe blamed a lot of the alienation on today’s society terming it a neeâ€"capi- talist system based essential- ly on over production and the artificial creation of need made necessary in or- der to keep the system funcv tioning. He noted there were two ways for young people to change an existing system. “He can try to make the changes within the system but the odds are against him. “And he can get out, by- pass the system completely, as in Yorkville and create power by existing within himself and persons with "By doing numbers he numbers 01 being done cause cham icing this in sufficient ‘35 he can affect large 1's of people as is done and eventually changes this way in the disillusion- over the last few years. but the same type of service is provided by the TTC as was provided 20 years ago. I am sure that you will agree with me. that the bus for Rich- mond Hill to the subway station it routed on the. non-rush hour period from Richmond Hill to Steeles Ave. station. that you would provide a much more frequent, service of pick~up of passengers. which should be your number one priority of serving the public without addi- tional costs. Surely we should not let an old time agreement be the p05- sible cause of providing ineffi- cient service to an area. Yours truly, R. A. MARQUIS. 46 Roosevelt Drive, ’Langstaff. - (The TTC has informed Mr. Marquis that any suggestions for changes in the present schedule will have to come from the three municipalities that form the North Yonge Bus Line. The line is owned by Rich- mond Hill. Markham and Vaug- han and is operated on their behalf under agreement with the TTCâ€"Editnr.) A singer is a musician of a special order. To become a great singer is a privilege reserved to only a few people in any generation. To become a good singer is not easy. With some aptitude and plenty of self-discipline, it is not impossible. In a good choir one learns the fundamentals of a singing technique and also the sense of achievement that Comes from artistic production. r \rUllAbkj LLUAII “LI41K_VVA\./ r- Bruce Longstreet sings in St. Clement's Angli- can Church Choir. He is 14, a grade 8 student at Royal Orchard Public School. Thornhill North. Last August. Bruce and his family moved from Toronto to Wild Cherry Lane in Thornhill North. Bruce began his singing days in the Wood- bridge United Church Choir six years ago. Five years ago. when the family moved to Toronto. he joined St. Clement’s. He goes to choir practice twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday. ,,r-1. However Bruce may not longer. He expects his voice next year. UCA I, 3’ but; . “One big advantage of choir training,†said Bruce, “is in learning to understand music. To get into St.~Clement’s I was given a test and another one three months later.†n- Ullh UllLvu lAlVAAvc-Au “a---- Strangely enough, there are no girls in this choir. John Sidgewick, the choir master, is sceptical about the value of a young girl’s voice in 1118 ch01r. Rambling AIM! CHOIR SINGING, A WAY OF LIFE “Sight reading is very important.†said Bruce. “We get harder music all the time. Every one in a while Mr. Sidgewick takes a few boys off in a group, gives them a piece of music to read, and it is usually sung the following Sunday.†the system. “For example the York- viile situation has created pressure on our schools which is simply an indication they are relating, there is a need there, something is missing.†Mr. DePoe pointed oUt also that a great number of people in a democracy are not being educated to “rea- lize their abilities to change a system. realize the power that is within their grasp. They don‘t know how to use the power they have in a democratic system.†The system and its red- tape. he said, has caused apathy among people who feel they are powerless to resist. Mr. DePoe said education must start at the bottom in the home and work up through the school and teach people to get off “their rear-ends and exer- cise the power at their dis- posal." He stated that the purpose of the Company of Young Canadians was to organize people. make them aware of what they can do, the power they have. This Teenager Is A Boy Soprano a soprano much his voice to change within the 5 Richmond Hill Sailor In New Orleans Mr. Windatt stressed the slow; undramatic fashion in which democracy works and succeeds. “Individuals.†he said, "tend to feel they have little or no opportunity to effect change in the status quo. They look for instant cures and there aren’t any." He said that individuals working in concert with others can bring about changes but they must have patience and perserverance. “Old attitudes are not eas- ily replaced.†he said, “but they can be. But it takes time.†Individuals, he said. by working together can and “are shaping democracy.†Mr. Burnett said that de- mocracy is government by representation and “its ef- fect depends on how good He said democracy suffer- ed when minority groups such as large institutions can exert great pressure and pre- vail in the face of the greater good of the majority of indi- viduals. He cited unfair ex; tion tactics as one 1 point. 6f the fbunding of New Orleans. An artist indicates the fine points of one of his paintings to Leading Seaman Donald Alexander of Richmond Hill, at a sidewalk art display in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Seven Canadian' naval ships were on a recent week's visit to the port torpart‘icipate in “(lariada Week" in honor of the 250th anniversary bad_ that representation by Elizabeth Kelson one case in Happiness is seeing a play that wildly surpasses one’s expectations, and sitting down at the type- writer to write a review. Such happiness is mine now as I report to you on the completely successful opening night of Berkeley Square, presented by the Richmond Hill High School Drama Club. The play is an adaptation by John Balderston of a novel by Henry James, in which he has retained the essence and weirdness of the original story, but made it into a highly entertaining vehicle for both actors and audience. -_. r1: "L ’mmmmmmmmm $5 PROCLAMATION The production opened danced Sir Roger de Coverly auditorium. As we watchei couples, the ladies exquisite in [n 1119 Sp oilighf‘ Whereas MENTAL ILLNESS disables more people than all other diseases combined, and should be the concern of every citizen. “MENTAL HEALTH WEEK" May 1st to May 7th, 1968 Garfield E. Wright WARDEN OF THE COUNTY OF YORK Do hereby‘proclaim By JOAN HAROLD to be Garfield E. Wright Warden, County of York (Canadian Forces Photo) bew