6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday,-Apri1 25. 1968 What May Seem Old To You Is New To Someone Eise -â€"- SELL IT With A Want Ad! {9377*Travel_’fx:3ilex‘. 15' Ram- bler. sleeps 6, best offer. 884- 8406. clw43 ELECTROHOME 3-way Steven set and antique China cabinet. 884-2891. after 6‘ c1w43 FI‘WO girls' bicycles. zir’wand 26" boy's 26"; fire screen. 36" x ‘31".. 884-5058. c1w43 LADIES ‘dresses. One yellow Shantung. and one black chif- fon. size 10. Worn once. 833â€" 5486. 7‘ ' ~ . clw43 ROTOTILLER . with power mower; rollaway bed. Toro power mower. Reasonable. 889- 3859. ‘ ' ‘ c1w43 TOP SOIL Large load $10. Immediate delivery. Call 884-1146. tfc42 ’BLACK LOAM For lawns. flowers, gardens. trees etc. 773-5412.' tfc42 DOUBLE bed. flat springs, mziti tress and headboard. In perfect condition. 889-6526. c1w43 ITAIR matching china corner cupboards. $85 each. 889-1213. ‘ ' *1w43 RECONDITI'ONED p o \v e r mower, Lawnboy, $20. 884-6807. *lw43 AUTOMATIC ‘Washer', moving, must sell this week. $60. Also Playtex Nurse'r Kit, cheap. 884- 8249. c1w43 . .4... *4...â€" MUSTANG demonstrator riding mower, 25" cut. 4 h.p. Regular $389. now $295. B.P. Station. Maple. c1w43 MUST sell this week, 2 bedroom suites. kitchen suite. living room and rugs and lamps. 889- 8788. chi-43L bbeï¬ basis." crlotlie'svline poleasi and 12‘ poles. delivered. B.‘ Gibson and Sons, Queensville.‘ GOODVQilality baled hay 2531. . suites. kitcheo sditefflï¬ï¬ng NEW and used appliance parts» room and rugs and lamps. 839- wrlnger rolls, wood blocks, bear- 8788, c1“:43‘ings. belts, stove elements, etc. ““"â€""“"“ " m ' "'4: ' ï¬â€"‘Math‘s TV, 45 Industrial Road. CEDAR posts. clothes lme polesl‘3844903- ads and 12' poles. delivered. B. ,~A4 _.A _,_V , __ Gibson and Sons, Queensville.‘WASHERS-WRINGER type Fe- 478-4634. tfc38'conditioned. guaranteed. $39 "Kï¬'by7s dA’ï¬DEN’SUPPimskand up. Several to choose from. Loam. peat. sod. sand and graJ GEARINGS vel, etc. Any quantity at. reasonâ€"! rI309 Yonze St. Willowdale able rates. 773-5725. «xx-42¢ ('lw43 Loam. peat, sod, sand and gra- vel, etc. Any quantity at reasonâ€" able rates. 773â€"5725. c4\\’42 HONDA, cub model, 90cc. auto- matic.‘windshield. luggage rack. 2.300- miles. excellent condition. 884-3796. After 6 pm. clw43 AUTOMATIC washer. suds re- turn, will deliver and guarantee one year. Ken Clark 889-5226. . A . tfc14 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 RUBBER STAMPS, fast service â€" any size â€" several type faces to choose from, call “The Lib- eral†884-1105. tfc BILLIARD table. '7’ long, with cues and balls. Excellent condi- tion. $100. Kool-Vent aluminum awning. 11‘ long. green and white. $50. 889-4495. clw43 TELEVISIdecHaâ€"rich’zÃ©ï¬ Combo organs, self contained?“ "" "“‘°â€â€œ “‘"c’ up. 50 models. your choice, and larger from $399. Home ____,, Wâ€, GEARINGS organs, lowest prices from $599.} . MOWER ' ' 6309 Yonge St. Willowdnle Hammond â€"â€" Lowrey â€"â€" Farfisay6 hpï¬l’lenS. “115,91 I‘ldlngv “a? ‘ clw43|0rgans, Rental and Budgetjlgil‘d"101113.35I 33 trotég‘y â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"“~‘x#_' w" :Plans. Lessons only $1. Open‘ a e†3 acm‘en' “9 '3 ‘ggiï¬snggs'féulgglgzjaysoggtievenings. Toronto‘s Organ Cen-‘condltmn $250. 889-1680. ' l l ‘4'? ' ' ' ' ~. ‘tl'e. Hammond Organ Studlos, A V_» _ J _ v A63} ( gislxs‘sgliï¬fggllgrfggtgagi5‘ 5254 Yonge Street. ‘Vi110\"dale.l'fAPE recorder, constellation V I . ('1\\‘4I§ [Opposne willow Theatre’v 222188. model MT 3644. Regular 5517. 1f039§$429, for half price. burn In A vni‘ n COTTAGE furniture. double bed, springs. 2 Rollaways. mat- tresses. Chesterfield. Armchairs. tables, straight chairs. 884‘5818. ('l\\'43 FRIGIDAlRE Fridge lsmall) $50: Easy spin dry washer, $60; Double beds‘ $15; Baby car- riage. $12; Playpen, $5. Phone 884-8870. evenings. c1w43 PRIVATE. New camper trailer, 1968 model. sleeps 4-6. retails for $519. Sacrifice for $475. Phone 884-6550 after 4.30 pm. clw43 CONTENTS of a large homeâ€"9 Rental and budget plans. Les- }Diece Contemporary dining I‘OOm- sons. only $1.00. Open evenings. gChesterfield and chair, tables. Toronto Organ Centre. Ham- lamps, 9 x 12 and 12 x 18 rugs, mond Organ Studios. 5254 Dinette. two bedroom suites Yonge Street. Willowdale. 222- :With triple dressers. TV. 6517. Opposite Willow Theatre. 'Spanish black leather chester- c1w43 field and chair with matching msm “39“. “If: table‘ .Ster†wuh bedrooms, 3 double. 1 king size. built-m liquor cabinet, drapes. , ‘ . 1 air 39" beds, Appomtment. 222-6019. c4w4111..§33i11ns.izeo mnpwmm "no..- DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Concrete. stone. sand. etc. De- livered in small quantities. Call c. L. Knap’pett. 834-3039. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. 3V4 h.p. McDougall deep well pump. tank and controls. Genâ€" dron baby carriage. car bed. good condition. 889-7017. Richmond Hill ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Shutters. doors. windows, sidâ€" ing‘ awnings. Free estimates. York Aluminum. 884-4553 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .7c each word. minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, .7c per word, min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be In as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE 884-17452appn tfc49i 1826 '. 889- c1w43 c1w43 tfc38 tfc35 ELECTRIC range. 4-hurner and washing machine. suitable for cottage. 884-7615. clw43 QUART sealers. 10 cents each; also Gladioli bulbs. 5 cents each or $4 - 100. 884-2345. *lw43 RASPBERRYâ€"plants â€" fatham. For sale at 8929 Bayview Ave.. 889â€"2518. *1w43 3/: h.p. motor, 160 gal. tank, top condition, reasonable. 889- 1413. clw40 WROUGHT iron table, glass top and 4 matching chairs and Sump pump. 889-1210. c1w43 CRUSHED stone, sand and gra- vel. good quality sand. top soil. Full or part load. 293-4060. REFRIGERATORS. recondi- tioned; $45 and up. GEARINGS 6309- Yonge St. Willowdale c1w43 PHILCO refrigerator with across top freezer, stove, single bed' and mattress, like new. $300 or best offer. 884-8720 after 4 pm. clw43 CEDAR fence posts. 5" x 6" tops x 8' long; also old fashioned split rails. C. L. Knappett, land- scaping. 884-3089. tfc39 1 “Hum with plough and cultivator. $75. ,,_ _, 24" Electric stove. $35. 889- MAPLE double bed. bookcase 5162. c1w43 headboard. box spring and mat- §O§7§~reversigm‘5â€iieâ€"§ tress. Excellent condition. 889- %: girl's coal, size 6. $6; excel: 4116' 7 W W, __ €13.43 lent condition. 884-2651, even- BELL and Howell 8mm movie ings. c1w43 projector, like new. Best offer. I ‘_._..___a _,__ _‘ bunnvnwm MhmA’Lflall after 6 pm. 884-3709. LARGE size walk type tractor Return of female German Shep- herd, black-grey and white, wearing choker chain and Markham Township Licence 746. Answers to Lady. Can be identified. 884-2337. c2w42 CARPETS dyed, shampooed and installed. New broadloom sales including the popular indoor- outdoor carpet. Office hours 9 am to 9 pm. Call 221-9959. c4w42 SINGER Automatic Zig Zag Sewing Machine, table model. Makes buttonholes, sews on but- tons. dams and does all fancy stitches. No attachments need- ed. $45.00 cash or $5.00 per month. Write Box 131, "The Liberal". c2w42 French provincial fruitwood dining room. Large custom French provincial Chesterfield matching tables and lamps. Colonial family room, provincial stereo, French provincial bed- room also contemporary bed- room. 6 chair dinette, 23" TV. 9 x 12 and 12 x 18 rugs, 24 ft. of drapes, black vinyl chester- field, 2 chairs and ottoman, matching bar and stool. Port- able Zizâ€"Zag sewing machine, original oil painting. recently purchased. For appointment. 889-8060. c3\\'43 ORGANS â€"- Spring clearance sale. April 25 to 30, only. All store stock reduced. 40 organs to choose from â€" new, used. and demonstrator models. Com- bo organs, self-contained, and larger, from $379. Home organs. lowest prices, from $569. Ham-- mond. Lowrey, Farfisa organs. 6309 Yonge St. Willowdale c1\\'43 :20 gallon hot water tank. com- plete with all automatic con- trols and heating units, $25; 1 oil burner with motor, all con- trols and heating units, $25; Both units in good condi- tion. 889-7983. cluï¬i CAMPING trailers complete with canopy and spare wheel. From $338 and up. 8 models on display. travel and camping trailers, parts and accessories. Rentals from $35 per week and up. King City Trailers, King Sideroad. 773-4260. c1w43 FURNITURE CLEARANCE ;Chesterfields, 2 piece, from $119. Bed chesterfields. spring jfilled mattress. from 5134. Con- tinental beds and bunk beds “by Restonic, and many other items. Save money buy now and . ,AiAL a . A . A __ L____ A“ -AunnA CONTENTS of home â€"â€" 9 piece CONTENTS for 15 rooms, six bedrooms, 3 double, 1 king size, 1_queen size, 1 pair 39" beds, living room, 2 rec rooms, colon- ial and black leather, Spanish, oil paintings, lamps, figurines, 2 frigs, stove, occasional chairs tables, dining room suite, stereo. drapes, (several sizes). dinette, six chairs. bar and stools. 2 bookcases. sewing machine. 3 drum tables. 1 love- seat, Chesterfield and chair â€"â€" tuxedo style. in velvet. hall mir- ror and table. some dishes. For appointment please phone 889- MYERS DEEP WELL PUMP FOR SALE $100 REWARD (Continued) ORGANS 3 DIRECT LINES TO SERVE YOU â€" PHONE 884-1105-6 OR 884-1983 â€" 3 DIRECT LINES TO SERVE YOU ‘ anti REGULAR size canapy crib and c1w43 mattress. high chair, clothes dryer, all in good condition. d gra- p soiL c1w43 0. TREES cut down and removed, c2w43 pruning etc. Call C. L. Knapâ€" lpett, landscaping. 884â€"3039. nnnfnr . Lr â€" TOURS, cruises. rail and bus mir- tickets. reservations and individ- . For ual travel. call A. H. Creighton 889- Travel Agency. 889-5643. tfc351 tfc47 MOFFAT fridge: 30" stove and dishwasher. First class condi- 1ion. 889-4112 after 5. c1w43 TRANSMISSION. 1955 Chev‘. 1,: or 34 3 speed. 18,000 miles. $60. 833-5038. c1w43 DEEP well piimp. 3/4 hp. moton pressure system and tank. 884- 2860 after 6 pm. clw43 TENT trailer. aluminum body, foam mattresses and spare tire. 884-4679. c1w43 FRENCH doors, 1 pair, inside glazed with hardware, pine fin- ish, $45. 884-4821. c1w43 17 cubic foot freezer, immacu- late condition. Reasonable. 884- 5850. c1w43 WASHERS, automatic, Inglis, reconditioned, guaranteed, $89. Several to choose from. GEARINGS 6309 Yonge St. Willowdale c1w43 TWO floor length formals, one white strapless. one yellow, one wedding dress. All size 12. 884- 2271. c1w43 ‘BABY'S scales. bassinette, botâ€" ‘tle Warmer, bathinette, new ichristening gown. All good con- ‘dition, reasonable. 884-2769. c1w43 Gendron, 4’x8’, new. Slight im- perfections. Best offer. 488- 7911. c1w43 BABY carriage, Pedigree. Good Sondition $25. 884-6967. c1w43 1966 Honda 305 Hawk, A-l con- dition, $550. Black and gold. 884â€"1990. c1w43 HIGH chair $5. stroï¬er $8. ex- cellent condition. 889-1950. E760L table and accessories, PIANO, Newcomb, 48†high, 60†long, bench, good condition, $275 or best offer. 773-5149. clw43 TWO 36†Continental beds, box spring and mattress, electric vibrating machine, full length. 884-7426. After 5 pm. c1w43 AUTOMAgmc washer, excellent condition. 884-7197. c1w43 (Continued) DRUMS. $360. Phorfe and en- quire. 832-1105. c1w43 PACKAGE DEAL 1961 Pontiac automatic 6 in good condition. 14’ Peterboro cedar strip boat, 10 hp. Johnson motor with con- trols. 251 Browndale Cresc., Richmond Hill. c1w43 IDEAL furniture for cottage, bed, Chesterfield, chair and ac- cessories. Baby carriage and complete nursery furniture, children's toys. Sandbox, bicycle etc. 23 Bryson Drive, Richvale. c1\\'43 Flat lop. suitable for box or Snowmobile. 600 x 16" tires, signal lights and 1968 plates. Phone 884-5298 after 5.30 pm. clw43 6 hp Ariens. wheel riding, trac- tor includes 35†rotary twin blade attachment. Excellent condition $250. 889-1680. FURNITURE CLEARANCE Chesterfields, 2 piece, from $119. Bed chesterfields. spring filled mattress. from 5134. Con- tinental beds and bunk beds by Restonic. and many other items. Save money buy now and furnish your home or cottage from. WILLOWDALE FURNITURE AND INTERIORS 5807 Yange St. 221-4070 The Four Nursel.y School nlcluuuuu 11111. c... -â€" 7951 Yonge Street. Thornhill, WANTED morning and afternoons and Lady fully familiar With Unit all day school. Transportation Record Installation, minimum 5 available. 889-4664. After 5. 421-‘5'ears experience on 402, 514, 3175. tfc20 077, 082 and 602. Interested in and capable of grasping new iwork quickly. Apply to: 1 Ill-CORPS IOURS, cruises, rail and bus. OFFICE ASSISTANCE tickets, reservations and individ- Personnel Placement Agency ual travel. call A. H. Creighton 18 Yonge Street North Travel Agency. 889-5643. Richmond Hill 884-6782 FOR SALE NURSERY SCHOOL GEARING TRAILER tfcw36 c1w43 ('1w43 c2w43 : phone HIGH school girl for counter work in dry cleaning store. Phone 889-2566 between 7 am and 3 pm. c1w43 ACCOUNTS Receivable Clerk required. Apply:- Mr. Warren, Burroughes Furniture Store. 884-8193. I c1w43 EXPERIENCED meat. cutter and wrapper. good working con- ditions. Apply in person to Mor- ley's Foodland. clw41 MOTHER’S HELPER For summer months, light dut- ies, baby sitting, live in. 225- 7577. c1w43 MALE grocery clerk over'IB: MALE grocery clerk over 18. Should have some experience. Best working conditions. IGA Bayview 8.: Markham Rd. Rich- mond Hill. clw43 WETVCED waitress. Gal- axie Restaurant. 884-6531. HAIRDRESSER WANTED Joseph Hair Stylist, Newmarket, free transportation from Rich- mond Hill to Newmarket. 895- 6462. c1w43 YOUNG man required for cleri- cal duties in administration de- partment. of Steel Warehouse For interview call W. Jones. Company, located near Maple. 223-2220. clw42 'VI‘iYPI’ST for general office. In- teresting and varied duties. Call 884-1146. clw43 EXPERIENCED hair styliét â€" female. Full or part time. 889- 2311. clw43 GIRL wanted for Saturday only. must have typing and some knowledge of filing for Real Estate Office, phone Manager, Norm Black Realty Ltd. 884- 8106 or 889-6241. c1w43 MOLDMAKER Experienced on plastic injection molds, required by progressive plastics company in Richmond Hill. Top wages. For appoint- ment phone 889-7651. 9 am - 5 Dim. c1w43 GIRL wanted for packing eggs. King City area. Must work 5 day week. 833-5282. c1w43 MACHINE OPERATOR Experienced injection molding machine operator required by molding company, Richmond Hill. Experience on husky presses an asset. Phone 889â€" 7651. 9 am - 5 pm. c1w43 OUTBOARD service mechanic required. Permanent position available with holidays and medical plan. Applicant must have own tools and be capable of working with a minimum of supervision. For appointment call 884-4464. clw43 WANTED Clerk-Stenographer for partâ€" time position, in central Richâ€" mond Hill. Trained girl needed Accurate and good speed typing. Shorthand preferred but not essential. Small amount of book- keeping. No small children. Box No. 135, “The Liberalâ€. c1w43 FOR DIET KITCHEN York Central Hospital. One night nourishment girl to work 1.30 pm. ‘till 10 pm. Two female diet preparation staff, day work, 5 day week. One male porter. Apply in person to: Diet Kitchen, York Central Hospital. c1w43 DRIVER-SALESMEN Four part-time men immedi: ately, weekdays. 6â€"10 pm. Sat- urdays 9 am - 4 pm. Must have valid Ontario Drivers Licence, and be between 19â€"35. Salary to start $3.10 per hour. Call Mr. Ross between 11 am and 9.30 ‘pm. 884â€"8179. c2w43 LOCAL firm offers interesting; position to mature woman. Duties to include general office work, billing, typing. traffic. etc. Good working conditions, company benefits. Apply in writing: Otto Pick and Sons, Seeds Ltd., Box 126, Richmond Hill. clw43 \‘V e “T FEMALE sales help with part time cashier duties. Apply in person to Mr. Buss, Canadian Tire Store, 70 Yonge Street N.. Richmond Hill. c1w42 HELP WANTED NEEDED NCR 3200 OPERATORS wanting PERMANENT or TEMPORARY employment register with HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE Personnel Placement Agency 18 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Ontario 884-6782 895-2262 c1w43 "£231; Mr. Moore {mg-@121. c2w4?j * ' ‘NeedvEXTRA hél’pFA‘day, a restin ‘ mmarï¬week, 01' longer? Call: [office MONA ROBERTSON traffic, TEMPORARY PLACEMENTS ditions, 78A YONGE ST 5. My im 884-6944, 9 am to 9 pm. c3w43 clw42 FURNITURE PACKER AND DRIVER. COMBINED Good V working conditions. Steady employment benefit. Ap- Lply Lamb the Mover. 889-4911. l‘Also part-time help. c4w40 :COOK 01‘ good kitchen help with knowledge of cooking re- quired. Good pay. Apply [Meadowbmok Golf and Coun- Hry Club, 297-1591 or 887-5444. ‘ clw43 BOOKKEEPER wanted, half days, pleasant working condi- tions. Write Box 133, “The Lib- eral". c1w43 WAITRESS. Monday - Friday, 5 days a week. Day shift. Top wages, also high-school girls for weekends. 889-0027. c1w43 MEAT wrapper, female. Rich- mond Hlil area. Experienced or one willing to learn. No Satur- days or evenings. 889-6487 or 884-8721. *1w43 TAXI driversirwanted. Full or] part-time. 889-1154. c1w43 §60NG reliable fellow. for full time employment. Apply: Maple IGA, Maple. c2w42 §6UFG man to JVERICTnihOIEé farm. Permanent. Gordon Gay- ford 489-2587 or 363-3944. NOW Hiring stifdgnts for partâ€" time ushers. Must be willing to work weekends. Apply in perâ€" son. Dufferin Driveâ€"in Theatre. After 7 pm. ‘ c1w43 RECEPTIONIST - TYPIST Evenings, 5 to 9 pm. Private Hospital, Thornhill. ' Answering telephones. admitting patients and typing. Shouldice Surgery, 889-1127. 1nc43 OFFICE senior, knowledgeable in bookkeeping up to trial bal- ance. Wages based on ability and experience. Employee bene- fits company paid. 889â€"6227. c1w43 (Continued) EXPERIENCED female Hair: dresser. 884-3354. c1w43 WAITRESSES and waiters. Full or part-time in high class res- taurant. Royal Fontainbleau Restaurant and Tavern. 6232 Yonge Street at Steeles Avenue. Apply in person. clw43 RELIABLE man. steady work on night shift. for punch press. Apply Speedex Mfg. Ltd., 385 Ohio Road, Richmond Hill. (East of Yonge Street, off Elgin Mills Road). 889-7549. clw43 SWITCHBOARD operator â€"- receptionist, experience requir- ed. Must be neat, accurate typist. Company benefits, with good starting salary. Call 889- 1105. Mr. Bell. c1w43 want. u.â€â€" v-.__r--t, NEW AND USED CAR free spray “flushing. Call SALESMEN SPEEDY We have openings for 2 experi- 8395051 339-5413 enced combination, new and tfc27 used, salesmen. Apply George Booth, Kinnear Pontiac Buick Ltd. 9612 Yonge St. Richmond] Hill. c1w43J PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Antique and modern furniture. 7 7/ N All work guaranteed. Up to LOYAL “99 Blue Al‘d Orange date selection of material and ‘Home requires an assmtant sup-styles. 884_6835I “(.17 ervisor, (female) of child care 7 w 7 r r leer-A â€" istaff. Only those with trainingl BILL MITCHELL and experience in institutional CONSTRUCTION ‘child care need apply. phone‘R‘ec. rooms. additions, fire- L..:I_I:..,._ an»! SERVICE station attendant: Part time, evenings and week- ends year round. Experienced only. Apply Berta's Sunoco, Don Mills Road, 887-5411. 1 WANTED, widow or pensioner to live in, free room and board and a small remuneration in re- turn for babysitting, non- smoker. 727-9626, evenings. EONCORDWCORRESPONDENT “The Liberal†requires a cor- respondent for Concord. If you enjoy serving your community and want to earn some extra money then phone staff writer Margaret McLean at 884-1105. nc4w39 MARKHAM T.S.A. N. 2 Invites applications for Care- takers. Salary minimum $4,200, maximum $5,500. Written appli- cations stating name. age and name of last employer to: W. G. Morley, Business Admin- istrator, Markham T.S.A. No. 2. Unionville, Ontario c2w43 N.C.R. 3200 Operator. Trans portation needed. 580 weekly WOMEN and men for nursery and greenhouse work. Apply Vic’s Nursery Ltd.. RR 2. Gorm- ley, Woodbine Avenue. c1w43 Receptionist - Typist, mature smart girl. 360 weeka A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY MONA ROBERTSON 884-6944 WOMAN for grading roses,‘ Steady job with occasional half' day work on weekends. Own transportation. Concord Floral Co. Ltd., Hwy. '7 near Keele St. nclw43 HELP WANTED PASTURE 10 acres, vicinity Richmond Hill. 884-2332. 6-9 pm. clw42 BLACKSMITH â€"â€" horses trim- med and shod. 888-1715. tfc39 BAY mare, 15 hands. also 2 ponies and pony cart. 884-5410. c1w42 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE N. z ‘ HARRISONS CUSTOM ur Care-i CARPENTRY 1 $4,200,‘Custom built homes, renova- an applintions, additions, and repairs. age and'Kitchens a specialty. Morris to: JHarrison. 884-2838. tfc45 clw43 clw43 c1w43 at: I aining BILL MITCHELL .tionali CONSTRUCTION phone Rec. rooms. additions, fire- czw42 ‘ places, custom buildings and _- i repairs. Thornhill 889-7646: 3A.. ('1 “'43 tfc F'RKNK' AND BILL‘S 5 SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic tanks. pumped and cleaned. Liquid sludge removal, 34 fast efficient service. .-‘ Richmond Hill. 884-3321 EXTERIOR painting only. Guar- anteed good work, free esti- mates. Low rates. 'Phone 223- 8024. c4w40 CEEXNING home and office. 884â€"2433. Day or night. tfc36 PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 EIIXS'TEEING â€"â€"WDRYWALL Remodelling â€" Renovations New â€" Repair. 884-8391 !GENERAL contracting. altera-l tions and additions, homes. ofâ€"l fices, factories. Custom carpen-l try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889~2546. tchl l [CARPENTRY WORK. additions} renovations, garages, recreation} rooms, tile floors. No job tool small. Free estimates. T. Price‘ '889-3653. tfc28 WATER SOFTENERS Call your local “Miracle Water" dealer, Gerald Morlock for free information and estimates. 884â€" |4016. “('34 MISCELLANEOUSiMISCELLANEOUS: PETS FOR SALE I GARDENING PLUMBING Ziccardi Bros. 884-2947 Repairs and new work. 24 hours emergency calls, (work guaran- teed.) r tfc38 A1 CLEANING SERVICES Complete cleaning and main- tenance, industrial, commercial, residential. 884-7225. tch GARDENING Spring clean up, home and swimming pool maintenance, patios, free estimates. 884-4876 â€" 884-5126. tfc42 E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l MKSOSIRY coï¬mcfon Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S. Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tf023 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and limestone. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfc12 CARPENTER I.:L-L-.... Ullleu tfcll icnst. Free estimates. iFine Floors. 884-8831. BAKERA’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lines. footings. 839-3604. tfc2 fo‘fovATING " " ‘ lTractor mounted 5’ 8" tiller and Bolens hand power tiller. Com- plete soil cultivation and grad- ing. Landscaping - sod and seed. R. Harrison 884-2337. tfc41 SPRING CLEANING? WINDOWS WALLS FLOORS 884-1311 CHESTERFIELDS SHAMPOOED FAMILY MAINTENANCE C0 PHONE 884-2433 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and limestone. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfc12 Alterations, repairs, kitchens, rec rooms, etc. Free estimates. good work. reasonable. C. Callin. 884-7864. tfc37 Trenching. footings. concrete and drains. Backhoe loader rentals. 884-6264, 884-5559. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25. and up. Complete wi free spray flushing. Call SPEEDY Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Lib- eralâ€. 884-1105. tfc Plastering R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates ior and exterior. Free estimates‘ W o r k_ guaranteed. 884-7902. Temporarily changed to 773- 4387. 889 customers call col- lect. Local from Richmond Hill. tfc43 RALPH ELMS Painting. paper 884-1245 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 488-7521 PAINTING & PAPER. HANGING R W EXCAVATXNG Dunn. 884-2798 'R'U’BBER STAMPS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 Sewers cleaned without digging h or tear-mg up pipe C. STL‘NDEN 889-3185 tchO DE’CORKTiï¬'G '-hanging. inter- . Free estimates. NDEN "DAY care available. Maple‘ 832- Richmond, Hill,2083. clw43 Thornhill tfc43 tfcla tfc19 ancev FLOOR COVERING '4376 All types floor tile. sheet goods. 2‘12 Expert workmanship at low .cnst. Free estimates. Gillett tvnesiFine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll “Harm i, 3mm; CHIMNEYS , too‘Chimneys and fireplaces built price‘and repaired. Free estimates. tfczg Expert workmanship, 20 years ‘experience. Phone 889-5292 ‘ Walker Construction tchl tfc16 tfcg Heating and ventilation, rec. ;â€"â€" rooms, alterations, eavestroughs ‘with and flashings â€" new and re- paired. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-1006, 291â€"1222. r tfc35 tfc (Continued) PANORXMA painting and dec- orating and Sunset Seamless Flooring. 783-8702. tfc35 LIMESTONE Driveways and parking lots graded and gravelled. Roy Har- rison. 884-2337. tfc40 TREE cutting and pruning. Ex- perienced man with chain saw. 884-6735. E. C. Doak. tfc35 Baked. fertilized and debris re- moved. Roy Harrison. 884-2337 tfc'40 PLASTERING. stucco work a specialty. Also alterations. A1- fred Jensen, 28 Walmer Road. 884â€"8078. c4w40 RON MOORE cate. health certificate and PAINTING - PAPERHANGING tattoo. $5 to $15. 889-7934. Interior - Exterior. Free esti- tfc41 mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. mmgâ€"cmr‘b§ tfc35| _7_#_ u___ i__ professional experts. Trimming. KERR-TAYLOR ELECTRICAL'boarding and training. Don CONTRACTOR Mills Country Club for Pets. Industrial, commercial. residen- Pick up and delivery. 297-2597. tial and electric heating. Phone t£c30 889-2976. tfc29 â€"â€"rï¬â€"‘Râ€"nARn G ‘ Brick - - Block work - â€" Patios General Alterations WALKER CONSTRUCTION on»; In Allvv ........ WALKER CONSTRUCTION :FURNISHED room, Thornhill Phone 889-5292 ‘area, gentleman preferred. 889- tfcsgi 1540. c1w43 LEO§XEDI BRO-firms {BACHELOR apartment, furn- CONSTRUCTION ished, parking, suit one. 889- 1009. Evenings. tfc4l Concrete, Drain and Generalkï¬ 7 , Repairs. Patio.~Stonework andiFURNlSI-IED room, cooking Sidewalks. ifacilities, 16 Lorne. lst house 889-5228 least of Bork's Jewellers at “139 Yonge. tchZ iCHVVI'MlIfEYS' ‘ V‘SELF contained l bedroom Chimneys and fireplaces built apartment near Yonge. Adults and repaired. Free estimates. only, immediate possession. Call Fvnm-f wnrkmanshin. 20 vears 889-5233. clw40 Alcan HOUSEWOVR'K" by the day, ex- perienced. 889â€"3877. c1w43 HEALTHYVt‘eenager, 155 1b; HEALTHY teenag’eï¬â€™1‘55 1b; 5' 61,2†desires farm work. July and August. 444-3570. c2w42 WANTED TO RENT YOUNG mien \Qisnesi summer employment. grass cutting. 884- 2390. Ask for Larry. c1w43 MOTHERS helperâ€"oé'ï¬aiby'si’ti ter available for July and Aug- ust. student. 884-2881. c1w43 FULLY experienced private secretary seeks position Thorn- hill area. 889-2804 after 6. tfc43 F'Aï¬MHbUSE and buildings; 889-7934. c1w43 THREE adurts â€"â€" references, 'want small home in the country. 889-5024. c2w43 METHER with 3 crï¬ï¬ren Jr?- ently needs accommodation. 767-3065. c2w43 ï¬bRNHILL, 3 or 4 bedron in...“ nnoflnr‘ nnv time. now to YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us? Call Salvation Army. 889-7655. tfc29 THESES; letters; inventories SECRETARY-Receptionist, ex- cellent typist. Able to do some bookkeeping duties. Cash ex- perienced and enjoys meeting people. References. Write Box 134, "The Liberalâ€. c1w43 CLEAN’ï¬n. 68 Birch Avenue. Richvale. 889-3126. clw43 SMALL 4-burner gas or Pro- pane range. Call after 6. 889- 1481. c1w43 WANTED, peat loam, top soil and cow manure. Frank Watt Sod Supply. 889â€"5496. tfc40 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi 8; Son. Woodville, ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS ulcan â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free Estimates call your Local Contractor but. Licence No. 3240 - 66 ’CANsééâ€"siï¬a’m METAL EMPLOYMEN WANTED LAWNS AND YARDS HANS BUTT, 889-4106 EUSTOM BUILDING TRENCHING Keith McLaren 884-8771 DAY CARE WANTED BENTON BUILDS 884-3300 .339'52921TWO bedroom duplex, $30 10“ weekly. '71 Pemberton Crescent r_trfc3_3 N._ 884-8789 between 4 and 9 [ETAL pm. c1w43 c5w40 tfc30 tfc40 tf022 tfc44 PONY for $125. sale 884-7482. with saddle, cl\\'43 STRAW horse manure for sale. Can deliver. 884-6975. c6w38 PXRTiErsiEï¬i kiittens, 6 Weeks old. litter trained are free to good homes. 773â€"5530. c1w43 Twoâ€"WEi’s'hâ€" 156535, saddle. harness and sleigh, will sell separately. 389-5162. c1w43 libâ€"(51.3133 pups 7 weeks. minia- tures, healthy and adorable, $50. 833-5038. c1w43 KITTENS free to good home: Completely trained. 884-7532. clw43 LA‘WN editing. John Mashinter. 884-7573. tfc43 R_Oâ€"'l"0 TILLING Free Estimates. 884-6994. c2w43 GARDEN NEEDS ROTITILLING? Reasonable rates. evenings and weekends. 832-1402. c4w43 ï¬ENDEdeN BROS. Landscape gardening. custom plowing and discinz. weed cut- POODLE clipping and groom- ing. Reasonable..Te1ephone 889- 8470 for appointment. c4w40 JILL GODDARD POODLE GROOMING New Address. 80 Steeles Avenue West. 889-3606. tfc19 GERMAN shepherd and Dober- man Pincer puppies, registered. Also boarding and training. 889- 1688. 02w43 ADAORABLE puppies, large_ai1ti small, inoculated. Vet's certifi- cate. health certificate and tattoo. $5 to $15. 889-7934. with outside exercise run: Siam- ese males at stud, Siamese and household pet kittens when available. Beryl Stewart. 889- 2581. ‘ tfc35 ROOM available, male prefer-l red. 884-5883. c1w431 131515 sitï¬ï¬g’ioéï¬b réï¬ffgéï¬'tlel man only. 884â€"1629. tfc43 FURNISHED room. gentleman preferred. 884-1428. *1w43 ROOM for young lady, Vl/lth kitchen privileges optional. 884- 3949. c1w43 ONE and two bedroom apart- ments, modern, near to Bayview. Parking free. 884-8808. c1w43 ONE bedroom apartment, $130 per month, 402 Markham Rd. Call 884-8246. c1w43 UNFURNISHEDâ€" basement apartment, suit one or two young business ladies. 884-2563. ncw43 LARGE newly finished home located at No. 7 Highway and Dufferin Street. will be ready for occupancy soon. 889-1234. tfc43 SMALL apartment. suitable for one or two people, centrally 10cated in Maple, total abstain- ers, available May 11. 832-2437. Pun". -v. _..- if “C33 1966 Apache top model, all ex- .H’dr URGENTLY needed by May 15, tras, sleeps six, like new, $1,495. small house. preferably small 884-7520. c1w43 Tfarm. Will repair and decorate # .ourselveS- 773-5506- 2‘33? COTTAGES Crosby Ave.. Available for bowling banquets, wedding re- ceptions etc, Contact Jack Wil- liams. 884-3200. c13w36 'Aï¬nï¬'ï¬mï¬â€™s’cnoom Why not consult TO RENT iKï¬ï¬OUSE and buildings. 889‘7934- «£134? COMWSRIEIIAL THREE adults â€"â€" references, COLLEGE want small home in the Countl‘y.[about preparing you for a g‘ 889-5024. €2W43'business career. MOTHER with 3 children urg- 15 Yonge Street N0"?! ently needs accommodation. RICHMOND HILL 737-3065. c2w431884-6405 or 781-4928 after he ('1‘ THORNHILL, 3 or {bedroom home needed any time, now to June 15. The Greens. 889-65377: clean. reasonable. Responsiblei couple one boy. being transfer-i red to area June 30. Contact: D. L. MacGowan, 303 James, Orillia. *2w43 LIGHT housekeeping or room and board required by female university student from May 11th. Newkirk Road area pre- ‘ferred. Ann Lewington, RR 4, Ilderton. Ont. 519-666-0663. ___________.__7 LARGE room available (board optional). 889-3270. c1w43 ROOM and board available for young man in Canadian home. 834-4947. c1w43 22 cubic foot Viking Freezer in good condition. Will exchange for smaller size. Phone 884- 1669. nc2w43 ROOM & BOARD CAT BOARDING TO RENT N. SWAP TIE-g. léiâ€"dege Street North iation. RICHMOND HILL c2w431884-6405 or 781-4928 after hours c1w43 c2w42 GARDEN NEEDS ROTITILLING? Reasonable rates. evenings and weekends. 832-1402. c4w43 HENDERSON BROS. Landscape gardening. custom plowing and d‘iscing. weed cut- ting. 884-5838. *3w41 FOR SALE. Half rotted chicken manure or straw horse manure. Full half ton load $10.00; half load $5.00. 50c a bushel. deâ€" livered. 889-1842. tfc41 SEE THE WEEKEND SPECIALS AT VlC‘S NURSERY LTD., IR.R.2 Gormley. Woodbine Ave- {nue. (formerly Don Mills Road) .1 mile north of Victoria Square. ,Our prices low as possible. to {fit any budget. Plant material ‘and merchandise guaranteed. tfcw43 Fully Insured Free Estimates THORNHILL TREE SERVICE Experts in Tree Care Tree Removal. Planting Pruning. Trimming Etc.‘ 889-3821 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Sodding and stonework â€" in- cluding patios, walls. rockeries and rail-road-tie walls. Fertilizer and topdressing. Sandy topsoil, mushroom compost. By the load â€" or yard. Free estimates. A. Hartwick. 889-6338. c12w40 CAT, gT‘éy, white and orange spots, expecting kittens. Chil- dren's pet. 884-1225. c1w43 $100 REWARD Return of female German Shep- herd, black - grey and white. wearing chokerl chain and Markham Township licence. 746. AnSwers‘to Lady, can be iden- tified. 884-2337. c2w42 BOATS - MOTORS BEAGLE, female; red collar. lost March 21, John Street, Thornhill. 889-1572. c1w43 SIAMESE ca? male. one week ago, Oak Ridges area. Reward. 773-5529. _ clw43 12'7h.p.ï¬Vik7jnz routbinord. real good. $110. take smaller one in trade. 884-5992. *1w43 1957 Evinrude 18 h.p. motor, good condition. 884â€"2998. «,An fr]? 12’ aluminum boat and 12 h.p. motor, anchor, paddles and life preservers. $225 or best offer. 889â€"1709. » c1w43 Legging-4.30, Monday to Friday, days 832-2206, evenings. 884- 6224. c1w43 WANTED -â€" by legal secretary, ride to Yonge and King or Eg‘ linton subway from Richmond Hill, to arrive at work approxi- mately 9.15, leaving 5.35. Office 884-1451, residence 884-2617. i DRESSMAKING WANTED, Richmohd Hill to Maple to arfiye Maple 8:30. 3 bedroom cottage at Brechin Point, Lake Simcoe. Hydro, across road from lake. $35 weekly. 884-2712. c1w43 European styling a specialty. Fast service. Maple, 832-1275. ALTERATIONS -â€" men’s. ' en‘s. children. Drapes Prompt service, 441 North 101' Mills. 884-1928. FURNITURE SLIP COVERS Cut in your home â€"â€" custom made, workmanship guaranteed Please phone evenings or Sat‘ urday. 773-4202. tfc42 Do you have a drinking pro“ lem. If so AA can help. Writ Box 84. Richmond Hill, or ca EMS-8684. ticl Trees Cut and Removed Reasonable Rates Alvin Baker. 889-2436 ’SEWIï¬Ã©â€"di’A'LTKINDs Very reasonable prices. 889-2488 Transportation TREE REMOVAL COLLEGES COTTAGES TO RENT TRAILERS PERSONAL 'D’RESSMAKING LOST by legal secretary. 2 and King or Eg‘ y’ from Richmond 2 at work approxi- eaving 5.35. Office .dence 884-2617. for a good c4w41 tfc42 c1w43 c1w43 . wom ; etc ,h Tay tfc3i tfc31 tchBl