. 12 11-11:; Libhirttiii, hicnmond hill, Ontario. Thursday, July 4, 1962: BUTTONVILLE I Correspondent: Mrs. F. H. Leaf ER. 2. Gormley Phone 297-1741 Church News i It was an intrepid group ofi campersâ€"the Brown‘s Corners Couples‘ Club and their fam- ilies -â€" at the Ponderosa Pic- nic Park near Mount Albert June 21. , The Weather was damp and cold to begin. but by Sunday the weatherman relented and the sun shone warm and bright. The Dugan gentlemen, Rev. Christopher and father James joined the group on Sunday for lunch and a worship service. Among those attending with their families were Ken and Eileen Stiver; Garnet and Grace Stewart. who included Dawn Hood in their family group: Jim and Doris Grant. Richard and Carole Carr. Al- an and Brenda Carr. Brian and Helen Colman. John and Bar- bara Mitchell. Jack and Dor- othy Bishop. On July 11 the club plans a barbecue and swimming party at Bruce‘s Mill Conservation Area. The distaff members and their families plan to ar- rive for afternoon activities about 2:30 pm and the men will join them for supper. A11 couples and families welcome. For information please call Brenda Carr. 889-2495. or Dor- othy Bishop, 297-1749. WI Trip June 1968 will go down in history for its rainy not its rare days, so picnic weather it was not. However that detail did not deter 47 W1 members and friends who sailed forth early Wednesday morning. June 26. for the annual picnic and my- stery tour. This year the trail led to parts unknown to most of the womenâ€"Picton and the Bay of Quinte area â€" a beautiful part of Central Ontario. The weather improved as the Trailways bus travelled east, and ‘at noon and the supper hour the hostesses served a sumptuous spread. A visit to the Black Diamond Cheese Plant at Belleville was also an interesting experience. To Mrs. Rose Baker, Misses Elizabeth French and Cora Brodie. thank you for a delightful day. Neighborhood Notes Joe and Helen Robinson left early last Wednesday morning with Rev. William Askew and Mrs. Askew for a trip to West- ern Canada. The Calgary Stam- pede will be one attraction they will visit. Tâ€"oCharge SID Hour Cut Private Weeds In Mkm It might pay some people to. cut their Weeds â€" especially this summer in Markham Town- ship. Conversely. it will cost them more if they don‘t cut the weeds. thanks to last week’s decree by township council. Last year the charge to the householder â€" if the municipal- ity was forced to do the cutting -â€" was $6 per hour. This sum- ,mer the hourly rate will be $10. Reason; At the $6 hourly rate Mark- ham Township ended up $6.000 deficit in operating costs. The $4 an hour increase is to shave off some of the loss. Weed inspector is Sidney Mar- chant. The new rate was set in mo»‘ tion of Deputy-reeve S. J. Gads- by and Councillor Allan Sum~ ner. Council also moved to reduce speed on the gravel surfaced north and south roads. Over 50 percent of the township roads are still gravel surfaced. Speed limit is now 35 miles. per hour. Deputy-reeve Gadsby noted that the heavy summer traffic is underway which means “we work on the road weekdays and cars rip them up on the week- ends." l He said he would like to see. heavy traffic prohibited from! all gravel concession roads “to cut dowri on the cost of main! tenance". l Councillor Charles Hoover agreed. l “I observed the traffic lasti weekend,“ he said. "and it was very. heavy on Concessi 9 and' portions of it were ba ly cutl up.†I Mr. Gadsby also remarked on the danger of travelling behind a car on a gravel road when thel vehicle in front is proceeding atl the 50 mile an hour speed limit.l Reeve Stewart Rumble said he understood the municipality; could reduce the speed to 35‘. miles per hour but warned aboutl enforcement. "It is a good idea. but I have my doubts about whether it can be enforced. Our police force would have to be doubled." The motion by Messrs. Gads- by and Hoover was approved and the next step will be to implement the bylaw. . Council also gave third read- ing to a bylaw to prohibit heavy traffic from using certain sub- diVision roads at Thornhill and Unionville. Main effect of the bylaw \\ ill be to prevent trucks and other heavy vehicles from invading residential areas. Only services such as fuel oil deliveries. store deliveries. fire. police and ambulances will be permitted. The bylaw was introduced some weeks ago when residents at Varley Village. in L'nionvillc complained that heavV \‘i’liii‘lN travelling in and from hiiildiii: projects in the area “on: a liIiJ- aid in their homes and families See Editorial on Page '3 DOLLAR COUPONS THE FIRST 3,000 CUSTOMERS SHOPPING AT THE NEW A&P IN RICHMOND HILL THIS WEEK WILL RECEIVE A DOLLAR BONUS COUPON GOOD FOR ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) OFF A PURCHASE OF TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) OR MORE. REDEEMABLE MONDAY, JULY 8th TO SATURDAY. JULY 13,1968 CHECK THE LOCATION OF OUR NEW STORE ON THIS MAP OPEN WEDNESDAY THURS. 8: FRI. ’T IL 9. P.M. AMPLE FREE 'PARKING RICHMOND HILL ‘ "" ‘\-' GIN MILLS CROSBY A ,â€".â€". z a». . RD. Jane Parker Plain POTATO CHIPS izmis 59c A&.P Clear Plastic SANDWICH BAGS Chinet 9" Size PAPER PLATES Van Camp BEANS With Pork Pantry Shelf W44" .IUJGM' - PALE DR\( S omGE" AL ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 6th, 1968 Thursday, July 4th FREE! Friday, July 5th FREE! Yukon Club (5 Varieties) Canned Beverages CASE OF 24 IO-FL-Ol TINS No Additional Charge for Low Call Aylmer Choice Quality TOMATOES 3 28-i-ozins1.00 Monarch pkg ol80 3 9‘ pkg ol,30 6 9‘ FEATURE PRICEI 48-ll-oz lin 4 9 c Reg. Price tin 39c â€" SAVE 40 7-02 tin 3 5 c Libby's $1.79 A 1 pound package of Boston Bluefish Fillets. tree \AITI‘I the purchase of a package at regular price, while supply lasts. A lai- ot Cedarvale Beet Horseradish. ire; With the purchase of a Jal' of Cedai‘vale Plain Horseradish at regular price. while supply lasts. A 15 oz. Jal‘ of Ann Page Peanut Butter. tree with the purchase of a Jar at regular price. while supply lasts. A 1 pound package of PennyWise Beef Burgers. fi-ee With the purchase of a pound at regular price. while supply lasts. A 2 could package at A&P Frozen Crinkle Cut Potatoes. free With the purchase of a 2 pound package at regular pi‘ce. while supply lasts. A package 0" two GE. Shadow Ban 1100 Wattl Ligl" B..‘bs. We; u. [r‘ toe purchase of two G.E. Shadow Ban HM \Natt Light Bulbs. at. regular price. wr- e SLIDI‘ y ‘aszs. BONUS 05 YONE 51'. NORTH SALAD DRESSING Aylmer Fancy Quality Cut WAX BEANS manâ€"missile Kraft Cracker Barrel (4c Off Deal) SAVE AN EXTRA 6c AT A&.Pl MEDIUM CHEESE Deep Browned in Tomato Sauce BEANS LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI Jell-O Assorted Flavours INSTANT PUDDINGS 23-ozpkgs35‘ Pantry Shelf ORANGES Pantry Shelf Sweetened Grapefruit or ORANGE JUICE Libby's Pineapple- GRAPEFRUIT Drink 3 48-i-oz .00 Saturday, July 6th Jane Parker Southern PECAN PIE Jane Parker RAISIN PIE Jane Parker -â€" Large CHIFFON CAKE .49, Orange, Banana or Lemon -â€" SAVE 10° FULL 8â€"INCH 5 24.02 PIE 9 Id Reg. Price each 69c â€" SAVE 100 ruu 8-INCH 24.01 PIE FOR ¢ Reg. Price each 490 - SAVE 19o Jane Parker SIICed B R EA D ITALIAN Jane Parker Reg. Price loaf 28c â€"â€" SAVE 9e Reg. price pkg 27c _ SAVE 15° 22min-..“ DINNER ROLLS 2pigsoi1239¢ CANADA’S FINEST QUALITY "RED BRAND†STEER BEEF SHORT or CROSS BLADE BONE REMOVED RIB ROAST oi BLADE ROAST m53¢ LADE STEAK EXCELLENT FOR HOULDER ROAST lb GROUND CHUCK A2225: 9 TO 11 CHOPS IN A PACKAGE PORK LOIN OUARTERSi67¢ BEEFSL'EOLOGNA .49.: new i325¢ i359¢ i359¢ WW SCHNEIDER’S BULK POLISH SAUSAGE FROZEN LAMB LEGS SHOPSY OR COORSH, BRISKET CORNED BEEF PORK HOCKS BURNS SHAMROCK, TRAY PACK, PURE PORK SAUSAGE ‘g" COORSH â€" VAC PAC â€" ALL BEEF A&.P Brand Frozen I ' SAVE 4c E N E HADDOCK FILLET 16-02ka 5 3c A&.P Brand Frozen SAVE 40 COD FISH STICKS wows 59: ASP Brand (Fried in Batter) Frozen SAVE 10c LAKE PERCH FILLETS iz-ozpis49c A&P Fancy Quality Cut: SAVE Bo GREEN BEANS AW... 53‘ York Fancy Quality SAVE 4c Control HAIR DRESSING REGULAR ivz-oziuiae39c (With Free Toothbrush) SAVE 34c RHUBARB 2-ibpoibag43e COLGATE toothpaste Mamieâ€: . . I 1 ex Brand (Individually Frozen) 16-2-†Patties _ SAVE 80 Top Model (Firm or Extra Firm) FEATURE PR 05 HAMBURG PATTIES 2-ibbox1.29 HAIR SPRAY is-i-ozaerosoiin99c Reg. Price pkg 39c -â€" SAVE 40 pkg ol 2 rolls 3 5! Reg. 2 pkg: 73o -â€" SAVE 40 2 pkgs OF 400 69‘ Reg. pkg 59c â€" SAVE 46 pkg ol 4 rolls 5 5! Reg. pkg 83c â€"â€" SAVE 40 pkgol6079C Kleenex Boutique TOILET TISSUE White or Coloured Facial Tissue Ballet White or Coloured TOILET TISSUE Red Rose Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS SAVE 7o Sanitary Napkins 2 pkgs oI12 99¢ FEATURE PRICE! Regular, Slenderline or Super Reg. Price jar 79c â€" SAVE 100 16â€"01 iar 6 9 C Kraft: Plain CHEEZ WHIZ Chicken of the Sea Light Meat TUNA FISH Lawry’s SEASONED SALT FEATURE PRICE! 16-Il-oz iar 3 9C SAVE 90 6‘/2-oz lin 3 7c 31l8-oz btl 31¢ 16-02 pkg 79¢ FEATURE PRICE! 2...... 5 5. Reg. Price 2 tins 25c â€"- SAVE 99 3 4‘/z-oz lins 29‘ SAVE 4c TEXAS â€" SALMON FLESH â€" NO. 1 GRADE LARGE JUMBO SIZE 23’: ANTALOUPE 3 9;! NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&PI VIRGINIA NEW CROP â€" NO. 1 GRADE WHITE TABLE STOCK FEATURE PRICEII 4 IO-II-oz tins 9 9C FEATURE PRICE! 3 .8........51.OO FEATURE PRICE! NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&Pl h the pun ' A 15 or. tin oI Pard Dog Food. Iron Wlt‘ One halt-pound package of Schneider! 5'59 BBCOP' chase of two tins at regular price. while supply was pacl. free With the purchase of a half-pOund lasts. peekage at regmar price' Whlle SUpply ‘35“. A 14 oz. Package of York Frozen Cubed Squash. lar A package ot’ 10 Garbage Bags. tree With the pur- free wnhlthe pï¬rcl‘ia’?’ of a package at regu I i l“ ‘9 'U l price, whi e supp y a . ’ chase of a package at. regular price w i ppy A one pound twm paCk of Monard‘ super so“ I55“. . Margarine. free With the purchase of a twm pack . A 6 oz. cto. of Swiss Style Yogurt. tree With the at regular prlce’ whfle wpp‘y lasts. Monday, July 8th purchase of a container at regular price. while Iupply lasts. ' V A 15 oz. tin of Bravo Spaghetti Sauce, free With the purchase of a 2 pound package of Lanma Spag- hetti or Macaroni at regular price, while supply lasts. A 14 oz. tin of SX Brand Cabbage Rolls. free With A c†pound packâ€: of Mapdle te::gtll_l::d_p:r:: i o o a . h h f a tin at regular price, while supply Wlth H e purchase 0 a p u t e pure ase o I. while supply lasts. lasu. . A 6 oz. package of McQuaides Mortadella. tree . w I" the purchase of a 6 oz. package of McQuaide: Varety Pack at regular‘ price. while SUDD'Y laSlS-