ALLIANCE MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Maple Community Centre Keele Street North. Maple Pastor: D. S. Davidson 233-9725 Sunday Services 9.45 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Worship Service Speaker: Mr. Herb Wilson 7 p.m. â€" Evening Service Speaker: Mr. Herb Wilson Nursery Facilities Provided ANGLICAN St. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil Rev. F. C. Jackson Rev. B. W. Fraser SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 TRINITY IV 8 a.m. â€"â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€" Parish Communion (Family Worship 8.: Nursery Care! Wednesdays 10 a.m. â€" Holy Communion ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage. M.A.. D.D. 8 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m. -â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 a.m. THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bayview at Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. William E. Moore 884-4236 Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert Newton-Smith SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 TRINITY 1V 8.00 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. â€"â€" Parish Communion Nursery Care HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector . Rev. H. Reginald Howden. B.A., L. Th. Estelle Markham. ARCT.. RMT. Organist and Choir Director WEDNESDAY 10.30 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 4th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 10 a.m. -â€"-Holy Communion Preacher: The Rector Summer services will be at 10, a.m. EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Maokay Drive â€" Riehvale, _ . .. Rev. William J. Rhodes 889-6789 Mrs. E. V. Collier ATCL Organist SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 TRINITY IV Summer Schedule 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer Preacher: Mr. David Brooman 731W RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) Pastor. Rev. A. B. Arnot. D.D. SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 11 a.m. â€" Subject: “The Declining Church" 7 p.m. â€"- “The Whole Armour" Nursery Supervision All Welcome LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street. Thornhill SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 9.50 am. -â€" Bible School 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Guast Speaker: Rev. C. Roblin Special Music at 7 pm. Mr. Dave Pediey Midweek Hour Wednesday. 8 p.m. Supervised Nursery at all Lord's Day Activities THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Stop 17. Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D. Min. Organist: Miss Carol Ward 10 a.m. â€" Senior Sunday School 11 a.m. -â€" Service of Worship Nursery and Junior School ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH: 75 Oxford Street. Richmond Hill (Convention of Out. & Que.) Rev. J. R. W. Lawrence B.A., B.D.. Pastor Church 884-6323 11 a.m. ~â€" Morning Worship and The Lord's Supper Nursery Facilities Provided A Sunday E Church Services _. LUTHERAN ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuckle. Pastor Organist Mrs. J. Keffer For Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 1 SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 9.45 a.m. â€" Church School 11 a.m. â€" Worship Service (The Friendly Church) l l l CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Royal Orchard Blvd. Bay Thorn Drive. Thornhill. Ontario Arnold D. Weigel. B.A., D.D., Pastor Phone 889-0873 SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 9.30 a.m. â€" The Service Nursery provided Everyone warmly welcome! ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue 5., Near Centre St. Richmond Hill 3 The Rev. James S. Dauphlnee Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 4th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 9.30 a.m. ~â€" The Service Note: Sunday Church School is Discontinued until September 8.: PRFSBYTERIANI RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 ll. a.m. â€"â€" Morning Worship. 11 a.m. â€" Nursery Department. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN’ CHURCH _ Hwy. 78. 1"2 Mile West of Yonze', Rev. Dilwyn T. Evans. Minister . SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 ‘10 a.m. -â€" Public Worship Class for 3, 4 and 5 year olds Small children cared for in our, nursery. UNITED RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH l l ' of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Danter of‘ (Iln lilamnriam "A: The Father Hath lovea’ Me, So Have I loved You†l . . i g0ther Denominations 1 A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Ave. and King High ‘ Drive CONCORD SUMMER SERVICES SUNDAY :11 a.m. â€"- Bible School and Morning Service i7 p.m. â€"â€" Worship and Comy munion . Wednesday i 7.30 pm. -â€" Bible Study and Youth Program A. E. Atkinson Minister. 889-3364 R. Witty. Sec.. 889-5057 RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road West Pastor. W. M. Mercer 889-7221 Saturday 9.30 a.m. â€"â€" Sabbath School 11 a.m. â€"â€" Divine Worship 4 p.m. â€"â€"â€" Young People's Wednesday 7.30 p.m. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Births HORNEâ€"Jim and Heather (nee Mills) are happy to an- nounce the birth of a baby‘ boy. 7 lbs. 11 ozs. Kenneth, Joseph at Toronto General! Hospital June 29. 1968. clwl Engagrmrnla Mr. and Mrs. Denver Dyer of Richmond Hill are pleased§ to announce the engagement of their daughter. Jackeata to Mr. Douglas Wayne Danter. son. Richmond Hill. *lwl CHENERYâ€"Jn loving memory of a dear son. Graham Alex- ander. who passed away July 3, 1967 in his 38th year. Sadly missed along life‘s way, (Yonge and Centre Streets) Minister The Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 Organist and Choir Leader: Gordon M. Fleming, A.R.C.T. B.A., M.Mus. Church Office: 884-1301 SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 11 a.m. â€"- The Rev. Albion R. Wright, (Nursery Services Provided) ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED I _ V CHURCH ~ 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. F. James Burn. BA, BB. Minister 884-5526 SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Servme CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A., D.D. Mrs. Wilfred G. Bowes Director of Music SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1968 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service and Sunday School THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Ministers Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A., B.D. Rev. Garth C. Nelson, B.A., D.D.. S.T.M. SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 ll a.m. â€"- Nursery 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Worship For further Information call 889-2131 MAPLE JOINT SERVICES St. Andrew's Presbyterian Maple United SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 ..MAPLE UNITED CHURCH. lit) a.m. â€"- Service of Worship 11.15 a.m.â€"Service at St. Paul's Rev. B. F. Andrew Welcome To All ‘ United Missionary ’. RICHMOND HILL (Beverley Acres School) Thought of quietly every day. Sadly missed by mother. clwl Ik ill it * CHENERYâ€"In loving memory of a dear brother, who passed away July 3, 1967. its just a little. but means a lot To say “Dear Bill, we haven‘t forgot" ' And whilst he rests in peaceful, sleep, His memories we shall always keep. 1, _ l Always remembered by sister‘ Betty, Margaret and family. i clwlf *Iktkill MCCARTHY Evaâ€"In loving memory of a dear mother, who passed away, July lst. 1961. Toâ€"day recalls sad memories Of a dear mother gone to rest And the one who thinks of her toâ€"day Is the one who loved her best. Sadly missed by daughter Helena, son-in-law Cliff, and grandchildren. clwl xv wk air It FAIRHALLâ€"ln loving memory of a dear husband. father and grandfather, Alfred, who, passed away July 5, 1965. It is sad to walk the road alone. instead of side by side. ; But to all, there comes a moron ent. when the ways of life‘ divide. ‘ You gave us years of happiness.‘ then came sorrow and tears,l But you left us beautiful mem- ories, l gWe will treasure through the; ; years. ‘ i Sadly missed by his wife Doris. Linda, Dorothy. Bill and l grandchildren, Tonda and , Terry. clwl a s s n: MCCARTHY Evaâ€"in loving memory of a dear mother, who passed away July 1, 1961. Peaceful be thy rest dear mother it is sweet to breathe thy name‘, As in life we loved you dearly So in death. we do the same. ‘Remembered by daughter Eve- Pastor. Andrew P. Jones .1 SUNDAY. JULY I. 1968 .945 a.m. â€"- Family Bible Hour (11 a.m. â€" Worship Everybody Welcome GORMLEY Pastor, Rev. L. K. Sider SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1968 9.50 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"-â€" Worship Guest Speaker: Mr. Robert Slaght. Scarboro 17.30 p.m â€" Evening Service Guest Preacher: Rev. Elden Boettger Wednesday. July 10 .8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting vening's n ‘lyn, son-in-law William and 1 grandchildren. clwl ill 1* t O . (WATSON, Mary â€"â€" in loving, memory of a dear mother who: passed away July I. 1960. l lWe do not forget her. ‘ :We love her too dearly lFor her memory to fade from l our lives like a dream. {Our lips need not speak when our hearts mourn sincerely. For grief often dwells where it seldom is seen. Sadly missed by son Robert and daughter-in-law Anne. *l\\'1 Hour of Relaxation The York Farmers Market (Yonge St.. Thornhill) AT 8:00 PM. See a series of Science Films produced by the MOODY SCIENCE INSTITUTE. These films were seen by thousands at “Sermons from Science" at Expo 67' THIS WEEK - JULY in Montreal. 7th SEE “FACTS 0F FAITH" COME AS 101' ARE AND BRING A FRIEND Sponsored by Ricbvale & Doncaster Bible (‘hapcls ‘never be forgotten. led up. Correspondent: Mrs. Arlen The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Arthur Allen and family on the death of Mrs. Arthur Allen. wife and mother, who will long be re- membered for her devoted serv- ice to this community. Belated birthday wishes to Archie Huffman of Weldrick1 Road. Friends of Omodeo Bel- trame will be pleased to learn,‘ lthat he is convalescing at, home“ Worship Service Notice: There will be no Sunday Evening Services for the next two weeks. Attend Family Camp. . Family Camp â€"â€"- June 28 '- July 7. At the Pinc Orchard Camp. Grounds. on the Vivian Side-‘ road, East. of Newmarket. DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL (Clark 8: Willowdale Sts.) SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 9.45 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 1after a short stay at Bransoni 11 a.m. â€"~ Family Service 1 Mr. Strongintharm 6.80 p.m. â€"â€"- Communion Service 8.00 p.m. â€"- York Farmers’ Market, BUDGE, John A.â€"Suddenly on Monday, July 1. I968. beloved‘ husband of Ruth. dear father,‘ of Mrs. Patricia Bousficld an David. Grandfather of Scott.l Member of St. Andrews Mas-1 onic Lodge. Geoffrey DeSt.: Aldemar, Victoria Chapter, Rameses Temple. Brother of Mrs. S. MacDonald. Mrs. R. Mackie. Miss Jean Budge. and Mr. Robert Budge. Mr. Budge, is resting at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 78.) Thornhill. Service in the Chapel Thurs- Film: "Facts of Faith" Wednesday â€" 7.30 p.m. Prayer Service and Bible Study Marriage ANDERSON-HUTCHINSON. On Friday. June 28. 1968 at T0- ronto. Karen Gail, daughter ofl Major William J. Hutchinson‘ and Mrs. Hutchinson of Belle- villc to Mr. George Russell An-, derson, son of Mr and Mrs: day 11 am. Interment York George Anderson 0f RlChmond Memorial Cemetery. clwl Hill. newl. * * * * COUPER, Agnesâ€"Suddenly at‘ Alliston on Saturday, June 29, 1968. Agnes Couper formerly of Maple. dear sister of Mar- garet (Mrs. W. Park). Alliston, Tom. Toronto and the late William, Mount Albert. Restâ€" _______~___.__-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" CARD 0F THANKS I would like to thank my many friends. neighbors and relatives for their cards, gifts and bouquets and helping me1 (“h h‘ .t] d ,. Pd Ell ll'lP Pipher-MarshalL calemate my film It); ghiiman; Chapel, 126 Yonge St. N.. ' ' clwl‘ Richmond Hill. Service was i. .t i I. held Tuesday. Interment Ma le Cemetery. clwl CARD or THANKS 9 , , , , ROUGH, Kenneth Edward â€"â€". At York Central Hospital on Sunday. June 30. 1968. Ken- neth, beloved husband of Anne Wood. 34 Avenue Rd., Thornhill. dear father of Scott, Tom. Kenneth. Stanley and April, brother of Marg- aret and Rita. Rested at the Pipher-Marshall Chapel. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. lsaac Meyers, wish to thank their relatives and friends for their expres- sions of good wishes on the oc- casion of their 50th Wedding anniversary. clwl it! all it: It CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for their nice cards during my recent stay in York Central Hospital. I also afternoon. Interment Carr- wish to thank nurses and staff ville Cemetery. clwl 4: )k a: a: on second floor. Also Dr. Arai. Dr. Blakely, Dr. Murphy and Dr. Cowan. Your kindness will LAURETT. Annie -â€" Suddenly“ at York Central Hospital, on Friday evening. June 28, 1968, Maud Lee. Annie, beloved wife of Al- clwl phons Laprett. RH. No. l, at v v in Maple, dear mother of Eryna 1 (Mrs. John Rumble), Pete; CARD 0F THAhKS and Mary (Mrs. J. Langdonl; We would like to express our also survived by 4 grand. sincere thanks to relatives. children. Rested at the‘ friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sym- pathy shown in so many ways. To Rev. B. F. Andrew. the Mar- shall-Pipher Funeral Home and the Villa Private Hospital. We are most grateful. The family of the late Ella Caseley. clwl Pipherâ€"Marshall Chapel. 126 Yonge St. NI Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday. Interment King City Ceme- tery. clwl * il< it it LAWSON. Margaretâ€"vAt the Willows Nursing Home. on Sat- urday. June 29. 1968. Mar- garet, beloved wife of George Lawson, 67 Yongehurst Road, Richmond Hill, dear mother of George. Rested at the Pi- pher-Marshall Chapel, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday. ln-l ferment Richmond Hill Cem- etery. clwl‘ =0- 4: t a: CARD 0F THANKS We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to our relations and neighbors. and his fellow work- ers of the North York Board of Education. for their kind ex- pressions of sympathy and floral tributes in the loss of a beloved husband and father. Also thanks; to Dr. Granton and the Ringl Funeral Home for their kind- ness and efficient service. Mrs. Chenery and family #**# Mac-KINNON. Dr. Gordon SJ, (Chiropractor) â€"â€" Suddenly on: Saturday. .lune 29. 1968. Get», don. beloved husband of: Olive Cunningham, 243 Lani Clwl nox Ave, Richmond Hill,: dear father of Catherine. Peter and Betty. brother of] ' . A C. MacKinnon, Toronto and Summer Blood Clinic “mm (Mrs. p_ Theda, pherâ€"Marshall Chapel. 126‘ Yonge St. N., Richmond. Hill“ Service was held in the Rich- mond Hill Baptist Church, Wright SL. Wednesday. lnterâ€", ment Port Elgin Cemetery. clwl Draws Fair Turnout Last week's turnout of donors at the Richmond Hill Red Cross Branch clinic was described as a "vast improvement over the previous one but still amounts, to only one percent of the popu- lation." “ Commenting was Mrs. Kayl Warren who is president of the“ local branch. l Mrs. Warren said that 272? donors contributed 258 units of blood Thursday of last week inl the clinic at the Lions Hall on Centre Street East. l This was a considerable jump‘, from the previous clinic March} 28 when only 147 donors show-i ##1## WALKER. Keith Eric IBud>â€", Suddenly on Friday evening, June 28, 1968. Bud Walker. beloved husband of Mae, Nicholson. 28 Elgin Mills Rd. W., Richmond Hill, son 011 Mrs. Helen Walker. brother of Beryl IMrs. J. Groves). At the Pipher-Marsball Chapelji 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond. Hill. Service was held Tues- day. Cremation. Donations could be made to the Ontario Heart Foundation. clwl >l< x >i< Â¥ WALKER, Minnie R.â€"At the "We were certainly very happy with the increased inter- est,†Mrs. Warren said. “but we, Cobblestone Nursing Home would be happier still if even†Aurora on wednesdav even: more local donors got into the Eng JL'me 26, 1963 "after a spirit of thingS.' _ lengthy illness, Minnie Wal- She .pomted , out that m kcr of Richmond Hill daueh- Thornhill â€"â€" which has a nitich tor of the late Rev ‘ Geoide smaller POPUlallon w 1“? L'lm' Walker and Louisa. Robe;- ics there averaze 300 donors son: dcar sister of Dr. R. R. four times a year. Walker Dr. Brock Walker. “At a recent school blood 311.91Ail-susperougi an donor's clinic at Bayvlew Sec- of Toronto and Louise V'Jlt‘s. ondai‘l' School the turnout “35 L. A. Van Dtlzei". Montreal. 70 Pel‘t‘em- COmDBI‘P that 10 the Rested at the Fibber-Marshall town's one percent?†Chapel. 126 Yonce St. .\'.. )lrs. Warren observed that Richmond Hill. Service was persons tended to be lethargic held Saturday. interment “unless there is some kind of Prospect Cemetery. clwl x » x crisis occurring to spur them » on. But blood is needed con- stantly. There is always some kind of crisis going on." The next clinic will be held sometime in late September or early October. )lrs. Warren hopes attendance YATES. Hettie Edithâ€"Suddenly at the home of her daughter in Richmond Hill on Monday. July 1. 1968. Hettie. beloved wife of the late Horace Yates. dear mother of Eileen (Mrs. T. Joycev and Kenneth: also “ill be even higher than this survived by 4 Erandchlldren. timc. Rested at the Plpl161‘-.\Ial':‘l‘l.lll Remcmbcr 7 com donor Chapel. 126 ‘t’once St, N, makes the gift of tie to 2 "c1â€" Rthond Hzll. Service ua: low human â€"â€" make your 21ft held Wednesday interment the next time. Prospect Cemetery. clul CARRVILLE NEWS Port Elgin. Rested at the Pi-; e Park - Phone 884-5051 260 “‘eldrick Road RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Neighborhood Notes Hospital. Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Birthday wishes to Lynne On the Dominion Day holiday Pastor Bagley who held a barbecue weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Rev. David A. Dyer. B.A.. B.D. party in honor of the event with Huffman entertained 33 mem- 884-6629 friends Ann Bulfon. Barbara bers of the Huffman family in SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1968 ‘Veitch. Lila Frandsen. Roxanne a re-union. {9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School Newitt. Linda Ostcp and HeathÂ¥ Present from Blenheim. On- 1045 - 11.30 a.m. â€" Morning er Whittaker as guests. Itario were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pepper and granddaughters Debbie and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lister and daughter. Mi'. and Mrs. Chuck Judson from Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Huffman and Mrs. Thomas Atte- wcll. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, July .1. 1958 at l 3 IN ADVERTISING, CIRCULATION and NEWS “THE LIBERAL" Home Paper of the District Since 1878 Guests from Leamington were }:>, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper and granddaughters Barbie and Debâ€"I hie, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cooper and daughter Lisa. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl O'Rourke came from Chatham. Friends of the Huffmans. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sexton were also present. l Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushell, 1 l dheld a family reunion at. their,’ home. on June 23. Thirty-six‘ relatives atended from Torontoï¬, Montreal. Goodwood and Ste-H vensonvilie. Church News Members of Carrv1ile United: Church Choir were en by Mrs. Irene Bowes, leader of the choir. at her home on June 27. UCW President Mrs. Gordon Read wishes to thank all who helped at the strawberry festi- val making it an outstanding, success. A special thank you| goes to the men of the church who worked long hours to have the new kitchen and washrooms ready for the supper. The annual congregational picnic at Cedar Glen. held June ‘23. proved to be a day of fel- :lmvship {or young and old alike. The races were the highlight of ithe event. Kindergarten rac- ‘ers all. received prizes. The winner in the primary ,section was a boy, whose name is unavailable at the moment. second was Heather Veitch and third was Caroline Greenfield. Beverley Wood was the win- ner of the junior girls. Susan Purves, second and Leslie Todd tied for third place with Anita Greenfield. The junior boys‘ first prize winner was Keir Todd, second. Bobby Bone and third was Bobby Veitch. Don Bone won first place in the in- tertained 1. _ What do you mean EXTRAMAGANT! “It costs only ONE CENT to run my electric hedge-clipper for yn 5 hours .' You can hardly call that extravagant In fact, it costs just a few cents a day to have electricity do dozens of jobs, inside and outside your homeâ€"and do them faster, more efï¬ciently. Electricity is safe, clean and economical. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. live heifer...lilll:llllcnlll termediate boys’ division with Ricky Greenfield second and David Bowes third. In the men's race. Ken Wood led the three who finished with Doug Bone and Ellie Park ClOse behind. The ladies’ shoe kick- ing contest. was won by Cathy Wood, in the teens‘ section and Nancy Bone for the ladies‘. The three-legged race was Won by juniors Keir Todd and Rob- ert Bone. with teens. Barbie Park and Adolph DeMambro. second. Ken Wood and Alex Todd. third. with Jessie Kirk. and May Park. in fourth place. making a good show for the ladies. In the kindergarten ball throw Danny Bowes and Laura Greenfield were the winners. Anita Greenfield won the girls' balloon blowing contest with, Susan Purves second place winâ€"‘ ner. David Bowes won the boys’ section in this contest and Don Bone was second. George Veitch was the fastest to thread the needle in that contest. ‘ The ladies‘ shoe race was won by Frances Purves with. Jessie Kirk, second and May Park third. Caroline Green-; field was first in the children's. shoe race. Beverley Wood. sec- ond and Susan Purves third. Rev. A. I. Higgins won the, men's shoe race and when Ellie‘: Park bent down to flirt withl one-year-old Jeanie Read. he found himself the winner of the lucky spot. i Service Vote Returns Favors Danson, Roberts‘ The armed services vote simp-l ly added another exclamation} mark to the convincing wins scored by the two Liberal can- didates in York North and York Simcoe in the June 25 federal election. In York North winning can- didate Barney Danson received 80 votes. second place Conserva-. tive Gordon Hurlburt 34. and, third place New Democraticl Jack Grant received 19. There, were six ballots spoiled. It was much the same story in York Simcoe as Liberal John‘ Roberts rode roughshod over his previously heavily favored riv- l al, Conservative Wallace Mc- Cutcheon. ‘ Roberts garnered 78 votes,‘ McCutcheon 39, and New Demo- cratic Candidate Donald Mc- Fadyen received 21. There were three spoiled ballots. it was much the same story across the country as the Lib- erals retained the political im- alty of the armed forces despite unification. The service \‘ote even gained them one seat from the Credit- istes â€"â€" Sherbrooke in Quebec. The armed forces vote was an- nounced on Saturday and added to the civilian Vote. The service vote also narrow- ed the gap in several other rid- ings and there will probably be demands for recounts after the official tallies are made this week. Recounts. however. seldom change results and the party standings are likely to remain at -4, ._. NDP. H uh one independent. Lamnureux Cornwall; be Speaker in the Commons. 0. f2.) Credmstes. 1%. Liberals. 154. Conservatives. f Lucien . who \llll ,' denaï¬cicleawozhmada‘l Richmond Hill Hydro Electric, Commission SAM COOK. CHAIRMAN Al. Horwood, Superintendent 4 YONGE ST. SOUTH 884-4466 dew STARTS THURS. way an. Now at Regular Prices WINNER [if SillliMl AWARDS lncluding'lest Fiche"! “2:- votxzms .. iuuillzlismxs lu )lIl-li'l' \l ISH cl / .‘w mum: |Iu\ léi\ 4 H} - Daily - Box office opens 7.30 p.m. > 0: 47/1.†Show commences 9.30 p.m. I - niu'ANDREWSnatal-TuvalzitPLUMMER $8,113,“. tofu-r visizl ii’igiiuan RODGERS l LINEAR Hxnvsasrcm n l ERNEST Lsva Plus Special Featurette: "THE VOYAGEURS" in Color DUFFERIN DRIVEâ€"lN. S. 0F HWY. 7 - 889-2505 sums ruuns. JULY 4n. ~ RICHMOND HILL - WEEK DAYS Cont. show from 7.00 p.m. Last complete show 9.15 p.m. SATURDAY Cont. show from 4.45 p.m. Last complete show 915 p.m. SUNDAY Cont. show from 2.00 p.m. Last complete show 920 p.m. 9' 905°“ RICHM’D HILL 67 Yonge St. S.. Phone 884-6221 Two Action Filled Features! "author. the end of World Warll began! 'I.’ r †M, "’I .91. JrPWJ. cl COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A D‘hO DE U mam mm :h'lllltl‘ @ PANA‘IJSlOW- lECrlMCOLDRL Adult Entertainment ADDED FEATURE AT THE DRIVE-IN ONLY smomng secnon ' Free Parking â€" a dark affair . . . a delicate affair . . . a deadly affair I - PARKWAY - with - Daily - Maximillian Schell and Lynn Redgrave JAMES MASON in Box office opens 7.30 p.m. Show commences 9.30 p.m. lohn le carré's Last complete Show 9.50 pm. . r ‘2 I PARK/W deadly at | air DRNE'IN ' ‘ " technicolor†; a o SIEELES orr WOODBINE 293.2444 I. SATURDAY, JULY SPECIAL CHILDREN’S MATINEE 6th, AT 1.00 PM, “ THE BEATLES†in “HELP†.ODEdNixQ “W Plus One of Your Favorite Cartoons RICHM'D‘IHI and Chapters 9 A; if) of our Serial GT Yonge St. S. ~â€"- Ph. 884-6331 “FEDERAL OPERATION N0. 99"