Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoppe, May Avenue went to New York last Thursday to meet Mr. Hoppe's mother Mrs. L. Gutschow of Berlin. Germany, who plans to spend five weeks in Canada. Guests included Mrs. Fran Neal, Mrs. Carmen Bignell. Mrs. Grace McKinlay. Mrs. Sadie McKinlay. Mrs. Claudette Mc- Kinlay, Mrs. Josie Robertson and her daughter Cathy. On June 28 at 1.30 pm in Roselawn School's auditorium the graduating class was repre- sented by Carol Parker who spoke on behalf of the students. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tltshall of May Avenue are visiting their son Albert. daughter-in-law Mar: and granddaughter Elean- or at Gull Lake. Vncationing at Lake Eugenia sir/e Isobel and Jim Bonner. Hillaview Drive, who are also visiting their daughter. Kathy Millard and family at Maxwell. Kathy and Maurice Clark. Pemberton Road are vacationing with their sister Pat in Oshawa. Many lovely gifts were re- ceived for which Mrs. McKinlay thanked the guests. Her two daughters Joanne. '7 and Caro- lyn. 5. presented her with a dozen sweetheart roses. Ill“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllflll\mlllllll\llllllllll\l\lllllllllllllllllllllllfll A speedy recovery is wished for David Frazer. 7. Weldrick Road who was injured in a tragic accident on June 29. Mrs. Diane McKinlay of May Avenue was guest of honor at a surprise baby shower held at the home of Mrs. Marilyn Coop- er, Walmer Road, on June 28. A buffet supper was served and Mrs. Neal won the prize for having the lucky number on her plate. Roselawn Graduation Neighborhood Notes Proficiency awards were made to Carol Parker, history by Mrs. Olynyk. Ross Dean School. Judy Little. geography by Mrs. Burns, Jefferson, Janet Thornhill, science by Mrs. Palin, Powell Road School. David Parrish. art by Mrs. Walker. Roselawn, Sharon Boyd, music by Mrs. White. Charles Howitt. Marianne Tomasitz. girls physical educa- lion by Mrs. Parker, Langstaff, Shawn Hutcheson. bays‘ physi- cal education by Mr. Hofmann. Thornhill, Bernard Souche. Oral French by Mrs. Elibrachy. Rob- ert Tuckerman, mathematics by Mrs. Oliver. General proficiency awards were won by Nancy Sills. 3rd award by Mr. Kennedy. Robert Dolierty. 2nd. by Miss Harris. Carol. Parker, lst by Mrs. Dun- can. mnmuuummmumlumnulmmuumunu‘nummunummmm Thanks to the parents associa- tion of each school were ex- pressed for their assistance and support throughout the year. Refreshmenfs were served fol- lowing which the graduates en- joyed a dance. Earlier that day. each class was presented with reports and graduates and lransferees were presented with their certificates. There's only one way for you to be well-informed about import- ant local events and your special interests. That's by reading “The Liberal" evezy Thursday. ll“\lll“llllllllllll\ll1“|llllllllllllll\llll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lll“mm Thornhill’s Own. . . . Call Mrs. Ralph Harley 889-3313 mummumuummummumuumuuuuuuummmuuumuum would like to call on you with ‘housewarming gifts’ and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the The additional deben- tures were required to pur. chase a $50,000 school site in the Presidio (formerly Selkirk) Subdivision on Bayvlew Avenue South and to instal and equip libraries at Henderson Avenue, Woodland, Bayview Glen “and Baythorn Schools. School Libraries Approved M a r k h a m Township Council last week gave ap- proval for an additional $170,000 in debentures re- quested by TSA 1 Mark- ham. Council had first turned down the request but later agreed to meet with the school board for discussion. What about next Week? NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) CORRESPONDENT WELCOME SERVICE RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL THE FIRST 3,000 CUSTOMERS SHOPPING AT THE NEW A&P IN RICHMOND HILL THIS WEEK WILL RECEIVE A DOLLAR BONUS COUPON GOOD FOR ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) OFF A PURCHASE OF TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) OR MORE. Jane Pnrkor Luge Jane Parker CHECK THE LOCATION OF OUR NEW STORE ON THIS MAP FULL 8-INCH 24-02 SIZE Redeemable Monday, July 15th To Satufclay, July 20, 1968 BLUEBERRY PIE ANGEL CAKE THURSDAY, JULY Hfh FRIDAY, JULY 12th BREAD FREE! FREE! Reg. Price each 59¢ â€"- SAVE 10° OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURS. & FRI. ’TIL 9 PM. CANADA’S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF PRIME RIB ROAST AT A&P WE CONSIDER ONLY THE FIRST 4 RIBS TO BE PRIME RIBS THUS ASSURING YOU THE FINEST EATING ROAST POSSIBLE A GOURMET CUT FRESHLY MINCED GROUND CHUCK w 69†DELMONICO STEAKS AMPLE FREE PARKING -INCH SIZE EACH JANE PARKER All Prices in H153 Ad Guarnnteed Through Saturday. July 13m, 1968 60% WHOLE WHEAT 3 24.02 loaves 6 5c Reg. Price each SSeâ€"SAVE 20° 17-02 each 3 9‘ Regular Price loaf 27c â€"- Buy 310avesâ€"SAVE16c A package of French’s Assorted Sauce Mixes, free with the purchase of a package a1 regular price, while supply lasts. One half-pound package of Burns Sliced Side Bacon, free with 1he purchase of one half-paund package at regular price, while supply lasts. A 16 oz. cln. of Borden's Cottage Cheese, free with lhe purchase of one or regular price, while supply lasts. A 6 oz. package of Leo d’Or Frozen Onion Rings, free with the purchase of a package at regular price, while supply Iasfs. A 12 01. package of A&P Breaded Cod Fish Crisps, free with he purchase of a package at regular price, while supply lasts. 105 YONGE 51'. NORTH LB $1.69 RICHMOND HILL LEAN BRAISING RIBS CAROLINA FREESTONE, SWEET, FULL OF FLAVOUR, No. 1 Grade Ur‘l\v- m w ""‘W" ' w“ 2 LBS. PEACHES 29¢ CALIFORNIA, THOMPSON, SEEDLESS, LARGE SWEET BERRIES, NO. 1 GRADE ~11.†vuunn, ulvnuuvn, UI-I-IILI-UVI annui- UVVIâ€"Iâ€"I III-I\I\II-v, I‘v: . 'u. ‘-_ GRAPES w 7 INCH CUT, FIRST 4 RIBS ONLY SATURDAY, JULY 13th SAIUKDAY' JULY mm A 10 oz. Origena Cheese Pizza, free with the [DW- chase of a 12 oz. Origena Pepperoni Pizza, at regu- lar price, while supply lasts. . A package of Kurly Kate Scouring Pads (No. 44), free with the purchase of two packages at regular price, while supply lasts. A 15.02. iar of Bick’s Sweet Icicle Pickles, free with the purchase of a iar at regular price, while supply lasts. MONDAY’ JULY 15th A 3 oz. package of Lushus Jelly Powders, tree with the purchase of three 3 oz. packages at regular _ price, while supply lasts. (Banded Deal) . A package of Rise ’N Shine Orange Flavoured Crystals, free with the purchase of a package at regular price, while supply lasts. A 3‘4 oz. package of Swing Orange Flavoured Crystals, tree with the purchase of two packages at regular price, while supply lasts. SPAGHETTI "' INSTANT Coffee LANCIA (6 VARIETIES) MACARONI 0R Shirriff Green Relish or Sweet Wafer SUNDAE TOPPINGS AYLMER PICKLESRE WHEETABIX CEREAL Spear‘s Unsweetened Sweetie Presweetened Aluminum Foil REYNOLDS WRAP PRUNE NECTAR “49¢ SAIL DETERGENT GIANT 5 42-01 BOX 9 ¢ 65¢ 8 O'Clock Coffee PREFER A MILD. FULL-FLAVOURED BLEND? THEN SUPERB EIGHT O’CLOCK IS YOUR BEST BUY! NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P POWDERED â€" AN A&.P QUALITY PRODUCT 1-LB. BAG SAVE Se Reg. Price pkg 69c â€" SAVE 10¢ Low Cal Beverage Assorted Flavours Handy Pack of 12 Envelopes 69¢ Reg. Price jar 29¢ â€" SAVE 46 > 15-FI-oz iar Ly: Reg. Price pkg 59c â€" SAVE Go 8X Brand Tray Pack, Pure 529m SPARE RIBS «59¢ CHICKEN WiNGS "33¢ Sweet Pickled Vac Pae Halves Maple Leaf Waxed Chub BEEF BOLOGNA WIENERS , 13-01 pkg a J t Reg. Price roll 39câ€"SAVE 4c PORK SAUSAGE COTTAGE ROLLS Reg. Price 471: FROZEN SIDE Frozen Maple Lea! Vac Pae CHICKEN LIVERS Burns Vac Pac Pickle and Allgood Smoked Sliced Rindless PIMENTO LOAF SIDE BACON Reg. Price jar 33câ€"â€"5AVE 4o 3-LB. BAG SAV E 240 SAVE 4c Red Rose (20¢ Off Deal) Save an extra 10c at AaP 5 envelopes 2 9 c .89 Reg 25-“ roll 24-02 btl 8-02 iar of a iar of _ WEDNESDAY, JULY 17th 2-LB PKG 1-LB. BAG Bokar Coffee SAVE 60 6-OZ JAR WANT A STRONG BLEND? THEN MAGNIFICENT BOKAR IS YOUR BEST CHOICE! SAUERKRAUT ORANGE JUICE ORANGES MANDARIN BEANS WITH PORK GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS PRUNE PLUMS ° “““““ 3 : GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 99¢ THE’LIBERALTRichï¬oHd’HiuToï¬tï¬-ia Thursday: July'nflses TUESDAY, JULY 2 lb Pkg 89c FREE! A one pound package inh the purchase of ‘while supply lasts. 0 _____ J _ I 1 “Au-nu 5 Varieties TANG BEVERAGES 4 Kellogg’s CORN FLAKES A&P Brand Fresh ORANGE JUICE AéP Brand Fresh Orange Juice Crone G. Blackwell Peek Fraan Leatoil SPRAY STARCH 1“M39: NUT LOAVES 4s-owns99c Geisha Solid White Meat TUNA FISH BISCUITS ABOVE BUY-ONE, GET-ONE FREE DEALS AVAILABLE AT A&P STORE IN RICHMOND HILL ONLY AéP Brand Frozen VEGETABLES McCain's Fancy Qualityâ€"Family Pack POTATOES Johnlon a Johnson 3~LB. BAG Pernonna Super 'S'fKI‘ï¬liss BLADES 25kggof57sc BAND AIDS SAVE 18° 161k A 2 pound package of Romi Spagheni or Macaroni, free with 1he purchase of a 2 pound package at I I I regular price, while supply las'ts. I . A 2% oz. package of Siuarf House Chicken Soup Mix, free with the purchase of Mo packages at regular price, while supply lasts. SIDE BACON vmb Pkg 45¢ .19 Maple Leaf Vao Pae Rindloss CHICKEN LOAF Burns Sliced BEEF BOLOGNA Burns Vac Pac Mock A&.P Brand Frozen Reg. Price pkg 57° - SAVE 80 A&.P Brand Frozen Reg. Price pkg ï¬goâ€"SAVE 10° In Bafler 16-02 pkg 5 9c Rupert Brand Frozen Reg. Price pkg 790â€"8AVE 100 SOLE FILLETS HALIBUT Steaks Iz-ozpka69c Pantry Shelf or Sweetened Grapefruit while supply lasts. A 1 pound package of A&P Instant Skim Milk Powder, free wi'h the purchase of a package at regular price, while supply lasts. Stokely’: Bavarian Style Culvorhouu Choice Quality f PANTRY SHELF Van Camp Pride of Jamaica ibby’: Pineapple FRENCH FRIED (3 VARIETIES) MIXED Reg. Price 2 pkg: 490 â€" SAVE 00 :3 4 3‘/4-oz pkgs 6,: Reg. Price pkg 43° â€"- SAVE 40 Prepriced at 75c Reg. Prico tin 29° â€" 8AVE17° Prepriced It QBcâ€"Half Price Sale ge of Kismet Soft Margaflne, free of two pounds at regular price, :3 16-01 pkg J y: Reg. Price 430 â€" SAVE 40 32-fl-oz iar 3 9c M-fl-oz-btl 79¢ â€" SAVE 40 Reg. Prico tin 45° â€"8AVE 89 3) 16.01 pkg a 9‘ Reg. Price 490 â€" 8AVE100 2 28-H-oz tins 4 9 c 3 48-H-oz fins 1 '00 410-fl-ozfins 9 9c 3 IMI-oztins 79c 4 19-H-oz tins 99c 3 48-f|-ozlin51 '00 2-lb poly bag 16-01 pkg 49¢ 48-H-oz fin FEATURE PRICE! t-oz Pkg 2 5c 7-fl-oz rm 3 9c FEATURE PRICE! pkg of 60 44b box pkgâ€"2 for 1 salc ~49: 99c