Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jul 1968, p. 5

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Please telephone the rector or Mrs. Gerber at 884-6929 for further Information and pickup if you can help provide articles for this new work of the church. Church News lthe portable classrooms to be There will be a celebrationfiused in September. It is ex- of Holy Communion at the 103pected also that work will soon am service this Sunday at Stwbe underway to extend the tile John's Anglican. The rector.;bed system for the expanded Rev. Earl Gerber will be absent washroom facilities. the following two Sundays. Miss Nancy Passmore was the When 183/ readers 311d laymen 0figuest of honor at a shower held the parish will conduct the serv- by Mrs, Ted Terry at her home lees- With Gordon AChilleS and on Leonard Street June 26. Miss Leslie Eliot delivering the ser- Passmore will be married at mons. Wnefflaln ‘Hnitnrl (‘hnrnh Hamil- An appeal has been made for household furniture and crock- ery for St. Leonard's House. the rehabilitation centre and half- way house for men being re- leased from prison. This centre is being established in the rec- tory of St. Matthias Church Toronto. The Married Couples' Club will hold its last meeting of the season at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Browne, Bathurst SL, this Friday. A swimming party and barbecue should make this event fun for all. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Patricia MacDougall. July 13 and to Stewart Chubb on the 161h. All persons having claims‘versary cake was cut and the against the Estate of Olive L. guests then adjourned to the Elliott. late of the Township of home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Markham, in the County of;Boyle. Yonge Street. York, deceased, who died on3 On June 29 an Open House or about the 4th day of Aprilflwas held at Maple Community 1968, are hereby notified to Centre for Mr. and Mrs. Meyers. send particulars of same to the at which 175 guests, including undersigned on or before the‘Rev. Earl Gerber and Mrs. Ger- 26th day of July. 1968, aftel‘lber signed the guest book. which date the Estate will be‘ A gold and white quilt em- dlstributed. with regard only broidered with “Mum and Dad" to the claims of which the unâ€" and bearing the signatures of dersigned shall th en havelloo family members â€" 9 child- notice, and the undersigned \Vllliren, 48 grandchildren and 23 not be liable to any person of‘great grandchildren â€"- was 3 whose claim they shall not then gift from the family to the Mey- have notice. ers and a gold rug was received DATED this 19th day of from the immediate family. June, 1953, The gra-ndchildren's special gift MINER: m “mm” L Mn“, was 50 gold roses and a $50 bill. Work has commenced at Jef- ferson School on the erection of DATED this 19th day of June, 1968. MESSRS. PLAXTON 8: MANN, Barristers and Solicitors, 116 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor and others In The Estate of Olive L. Elliott, Deceased LAMB THE MOVER LTD. 127 BIRCH AVE. - THORNHILL PHONE 889-4911-2-3 ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE MOVING Contact T0 CREDITORS Carnation Milk CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ‘A" EVAPORATED â€" Tall Tins RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE â€" Pkg. of 60 FACIAL TISSUE GRANULATED i‘fié‘in 41¢ ALL POPULAR BRANDS - Cartons of 200 CIGARETTES 5:171. $4.29 v- -vv-wu v-v.;uuu 1 1.21qu â€" Eng. 01 DU 'I'EA BAGS 87° 7 7 ¢ DOG FOOD PURINA CHOW 2:313? AT ALLENCOURT IGA ONLY 'I'OMA'I'O SOUP 10 Oz. Boxes Cookies 5;: 4'/ 51-00 NOTICE CAMPBELL'S â€" 10 oz CORRESPONDENT: LEONARD LOMAS Telephone 884-3000 Shop Where You Save The Most Compare Our Low, Low, Prices We reserve the right to limit quantities Miss Nancy Passmore was the guest of honor at a shower held by Mrs. Ted Terry at her home on Leonard Street June 26. Miss Passmore will be married at Westdale United Church, Hamil- ton on August 3 to Keith Knill. whom she met while attending McMaster Umversity and Ham- ilton Teachers’ College. Nancy has been a member of the teaching staff at Beverley Acres School, Richmond Hill. At St. John's on Sunday morning. the banns for the Knillâ€"Passmore wedding were read for the second time. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rumble accompanied by their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rumble of Montreal at- tended the annual Rumble fami- ly reunion at Stanley Park, Erin. recently. To mark the observance of their 50th wedding anniversary on June 27. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Meyers were entertained at Summit View Gardens Restau- rant by their sons and daugh- ters. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davies. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Meyers and a friend, Miss Florabell Condy of Hamilton. Following dinner, an anni- versary cake was cut and the guests then adjourned to the Eighty cards were received by the happy couple as well as telegrams from Governor Gen- eral Roland Michener and one from Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Colleen Gary and Carl Boyle spent the July 5 weekend with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. William of Thornhill at their cottage at Deer Lake. Golden Anniversary 400 Box Save REG. PRICE 69c Lb. 2/73c 2/39c 2/29c ‘ gl' uuu11mmnumlmmuuumum“\\mummulluqu1nuuuuummmmuuumuummnummmuumuuumllnmmmmunmlum\mmluuumumuunn\mmmumuuuuumuuuummummlununuummuuumunumumuumuuu muuumuunmulumuuuuulm -P The reduction will be wel- corned with open arms by King Township taxpayers who are facing record him» ‘A bills in 1968. The basic exemption across Ontario will average from $45 to $65. In Metro it will differ' slightly from borough to bor- ough. Across the board for county, general township and education purposes, the increase is about 14 per cent. Residents of King Township $281,920 over 1967. in 1968 are on the receiving end Education costs hold the lead of a money-gift from the pro- again of 57.51 percent of the vincial government instead of total tax bill. compared to 5656 just being on the paying end of percent last year. it. Towns \ip general purpose is it. Towns tip general purpose is Each resident will receive in‘24.34 pelier 4. York County's is the area of $43 by way of the 12.12 parent. 3 decrease of 3,07 newly instituted basic shelter percent. Special area rates are rebate. 6.34 percent, a slight decrease The tax reduction system was this year. The province will pay about $150â€"million in these tax reduc- tions in 1968, amounting to 121/2 percent of all residential prop- erty taxes. In Toronto it will be $59.52: York, $60.38; Etobicoke. $55.68: North York, $54.36; East York $54.50, and Scarboro $56. The education levy of $1,185,- 648.24 and the municipal levy of $875,145.48 produces a roll of $2,060,793.72, an increase of The tax reduction system was presented by the Robarts Gov- ernment to' ease the burden of municipal and school taxes on residential property for both home owners and tenants. :9mummmmun“muuunnnmmmumumummmlmnulmmummumunmmuum \umuuumuuuumunuummulllmum“11mm“lmum“uuummmmmmumumunmmuumuumm11m“qummmlnuuumumuumumuuuuuummlmuuunumuumuum~11 Basic Shelter Rebate Nets $43 For King Township Householder “Actually I found the oc- topus meat rather disappoint- ing," she said. “It looked like fried onion rings. They serve a lot of veal and suck- ling pig. One of the most delightful things I ate in Spain was huge bowls of wild strawberries." Mrs. Rabinowitch found the tour quite purposeful and worthwhile. “They really went out of their way to get us very special guides," she claimed. Eels and octopus meat were a part of the exotic fare enjoyed by Mrs. Ruth Rabinowitch of Kerrybrook Drive in Richmond Hill on a recent tour of Spain. Mrs. Rabinowitch, owner of the Ruth Calverley Gallery on Yonge Street South went on the art and archeology tour sponsored by McMaster University from May 20 to June 10. They started out in Ma- drid. where they saw the Prado, termed by Mrs. Rabâ€" inowitch “one of the most fabulous art collections in the world." It contains many paintings by Goya, El Greco and Velazquez. From Madrid they travel- led to Segovia. Saville and Toledo. “Toledo brings his- tory up to the Lsent momâ€" By JANICE MAWHINNEY 0f Bullfights, Goya And Octopus Meat lb. 66¢ 2/ 57¢ 2/25¢ 2/33¢ OUR PRICE nuuuulmum“muummummuuumuummumnuuuuuumum His weekly column will return to this page in Aug- ust. flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll NEWMARKET: Prospect Street may be the location for a future public housing development. This recommendation is conâ€" tained in a report from town planning consultants Proctor and Redfern who recently sub- mitted a proposed urban re- newal scheme to town council. For general township pur- poses. administration is 13.77 percent, a jump of 1.95. Road and bridges, at 51.54 decreased by 3.3 and fire protection at 4.56 showed a slight percent drop. Police protection requir- ing $142,339.73 or 28.26 percent was an increase of 2.19. ent," Mrs. Rabinowitch en- thused. “They point out to you the iron grille in the window where the Inquisi- tion headquarters once were. “I came back with a more vivid appreciation of Goya and Velazquez." she contin- ued. “Until you see Goya‘s originals, you can‘t believe the influence he has had on art and literature. It was breathtaking to see the stages he leapt through." Mrs. Rabinowitch attend- ed a bullfight on Ascension Day. At the same bullfight was Dr. Christian Barnard. the world famous heart sur- geon. to whom the matador presented the ears of the bull. The bullfight represented Spanish life from ancient times to the present to Mrs. Rabdnow‘itch. “Everything becomes telescoped in Spain from the pagan era to the present," she said. "Things you thought of as very much in the past be- come a part of today. The bullfight is ancient. primi- tive and symbolic and it is still unchanged in any of its aspects. “The bullfight. was a sort of realist symbolism. Every nuance of life was portrayed tbcre." Legion Columnist Eric Chapman is attending sumâ€" mer school to be followed by a family vacation. Chapman On Vacation ALLEHBOURT IGA |73c nnvu GIIICT cufiuv nnnu BAYVIEW 8. MARKHAM ROAD GRAPES PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. THOMPSON SEEDLESS ROYAL GUEST “ SUNNY moan IlB. BAG 2 l3. BAG '1 1B. BAG 3lB. BAG death. but they threw hats, flowers and wineskins into the ring to honor the good fighters. The wineskins have lines attached to them so they can be drawn back to the owner. ' Many of these nuances were evident in the interac- tion of the crowd. / They booed a bad fighter and called for his immediate The bullfight is about the only thing that starts on time in Spain. Many things are more casual and are fitted in around the siestas. “You have to take siestas.” Mrs. Rabinowitch affirmed. “The sun is so hot you really can't move." The shops close for sevâ€" eral hours in the afternoon, then reopen until late at night. Meals are eaten later in Spain than is customary here. At various times in its his- tory, Spain has been under the rule of Venetians. Greeks. Romans. Visigoths. and Moors. ‘fWe saw rem- nants of all these periods." said Mrs. Rabinowitch. "They still use the Roman aqua- ducts and bridges." These structures contain no cem- ent or mortar: they are made of cut stone piled up to bal- ance. © 19678 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO‘ Get more moneyat Ben- ' at Beneficial...for your eficial. Call up . . . or 0 vacation and all your come to where the money is . . . now. You'll be surprised how much more you can get Get more money at Ben Come to where * the 1_n9ney Richmond Heights Centre 0 Ph: 884-4417 (Toronto area residents Ph: 889-6811) OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENTâ€" PHONE FOR HOURS BENEFICIAL 250 YONGE ST., NORTH RICHMOND HILL Loans up to $5000â€"Your loan can be life-insured 42 month contracts on loans over $1500 FINANCE CO. OF CANADA ' ‘9 Mrs. Rabinowitch was par- ticularly impressed by the Moorish architecture. “One of the most gorgeous things I saw was the Alhambra at night." she said. The Alham- bra is a palace in Granada. built by a sultan for his wives. It was the last strong- hold of the Moors in their rule. It was in the audience hall of this building that Columbus received Isabella's jewels before his trip to America. In Barcelona. Mrs. Rabin- owitch expanded her know- ledge of Piasso. “We were among the first of the public to see the new Picasso Gallery in Barcel- ona," she said. Picasso loved Barcelona, and donated all his variations on Las Menin- as of Velazquez to the city. When Picasso's secretary died, he left all his Picasso prints to Barcelona, so the city has an impressive col- lection. Mrs. Rabinowitch did a lot of research on Spain before she left. “I’ve done more since I’ve come back." she said. “My whole mind was stretched by the trip -â€" my interest in history was‘ raised to a fever pitch.” Mrs. Rabinowitch is hav- ing some antique prints and Picasso lithos sent from Spain for her gallery. summer expenses. Why set- tle for less money than you really want? Call Beneficial. a“: EfiiiEFI'ZEZESFdEE‘isFm49“I OLDEST AUTHORIZED DATSUN DEALERSHIP IN ONTARIO David 0f PHONE 889-8830 - 884-8134 IMPORTS 16 Industrial Rd. Richmond Hill DEALERSHIP As soon as your Old Age Security pension is approved. you will be sent information about the Guaranteed Income Supplement and an application form. You may be entitled to a supplement which, together with your Old Age Security pension, will guarantee you a monthly income of at least $107.10. ISSUED BY THE HON. ALLAN J. MacEACHEN, MINISTER THE . . . make application for your Old Age Security pension six months before your 66th birthday. An application form for your Old Age Security pension is available at your local Post Office, or you can write to the Regional Director of Old Age Security in the capital city of your Province. Along with your application form you will receive a pamphlet giving you full information about the Old Age Security pension program. 0L1) AGE SECURITY PENSION PRICES 0N FEATURES AND BONUS ITEMS ARE EFFECTIVE JULY 10th. 11th. 12th and 13th. THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 11, 1968 SHORT RIB IspAsmac TABlERlTE Canada": Finest Quality Red or Blue Brand Beef By applying now, you will receive your first payment in January, 1969, when persons who have reached the age of 66 become eligible for Old Age Security. If you were born in 1903 You should apply now for your GUARANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT r..- E Phone 884-2844 for photographic folder 0...

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