tion $30. Stroller $5, training TOUR-A-HOME Truck Camp- chair $3. 889-6913. c1w2 ers. light-weight, no special equipment needed. Sleeps 4 to NEW farm wagons' one 8'ton 6 in comfort. Low cost. From with new 8 ply tires; one 6-ton - - s old Doner, Gormley. 888-1939. from $345 “and up ___ - keyi’szor Rentâ€"Travel - Tent - Boat ALUMINUM PRODUCTS and Utility Trailers and Truck Shutters, doors. windows. Sid-‘Campers, ‘ ing. awnings. Free estim'ates.' KING CITY TRAILERS York Aluminum. 884-4558, 1 King Sideroad - 773-4260 NEW farm wagons, one 8-ton with new 8 ply tires; one 6-ton with new 6 ply tires. Call Har- old Doner, Gormley. 888-1939. *1w2 ALUMINUM'ISR‘ohITCTS _ CRIB, white, standard size, with mattress, excellent condi- tion $30. Stroller $5, training chair $3. 889-6913. c1w2 2 uprighf pianos. refrigerator, Chesterfield, dining-room suite and a set of Encyclopedia Brit- annicas. 8844613. clw2 or best‘offer. Please call 884-. 6162. anytime. clwz DINING room table and 5 chairs. sealers. storm and screen ddor. window frames. 884-1065. cl\v2 ELECTRIC bass guitar. ampli- fier. speaker and imput cord included. New condition. 884- 3247. clw2 HIGH backed chair. Wool arid nylon material. gold color. 560. clw2 ORGANS 2 piece Chesterfield set, 6 piece combo organs: self contamed wood dining set, frig and stove and larger fro“? $399- H‘Zme and many small articles. Phone organs: loweSt Prlces from $999- after 5 pm. 887-5202. c1w2 Hammond â€" Lowrey â€" Farfisa . . . Organs, Rental and Budget WASHING machine With pump, timer and wringer $35. 2 chil- Plans' Lessons only 51' Open . - . evenings. Toronto's Organ Cen- drens me JaCkets' 88+172?‘,2_tre. Hammond Organ Studios. _M,____ ci'15254 Yonge Street. Willowdale, ELECTRIC bass guntar. amplx-’:opposite Willow Theatre’. 222- fier. speaker and imput cordyï¬sn, “C39 lâ€"nl..A...l xt-... ____,.:. RUBBER STAMPS, fast service -â€" any size -â€" several type faces to choose from. call “The Lib~ era!†884-1105. tfc cnusnnb‘smï¬n LOAM 884-8557 u... u; - v v.“ ._.- Doors, windows, awnings, and i23100n, except Sunday. Bring railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. own container. Quart boxes or tfc36f6 quart baskets only. 30c a "a -.v . AUTOMATIC washer. suds re- turn, will deliver and guarantee one year. Ken Clark 889-5226. tfcl4 For lawns. flowers, gardens. trees etc. 773-5412. tfc42 MOTOITC?CLE. 1962 Allstate, 175 cc. excellent condition. 884- 2714. c1w2 radio. honey exterior. $80 889-3235. STROLLER, aquarium 21" x 10â€. pump and filter. 884- AMPLIFIER. 12‘" Ja‘xi'éa speaker. 65 watts. depth and frequency. 884-1970. clw2 CAMPING stove arid cdol'éf. Like new. $40. 884-4731. After 5 pm. clw2 DRUMS’anH' cy nib‘alsfgddd chin: dition. Must sell. 727-6272 after 5 pm. (-lw2 SPARTAN’z’i" televiEiBï¬' CAMPER fbr pickup. used one season. Reasonable. 889-5792. 8 h.p. s’irï¬'nplicity garden tractor, with trailer. roller and plough $275. 640-3956. *1w2 FORMAL; blue. size pent? worn once. $30. 884-7674. 22" self proï¬â€˜léflirbtai'yilaivn mower $45. 23" Fleetwood TV. $90. 889-5541. cle GAS stove. 4-burner, Kitchen table and 3 chairs. Other items. 884-4822. c1w2 UPRIGHT freezer $100. Auto- matic frig. $50. Excellent con- dition. 884-2976. (-1w2 GIRL'S bicycle. 26“ MEL Very good condition. 884-7852. First class 889-7834. Uiï¬z'fGHT 1 Maple double bed’iiii’th Serta ma_ttress and springs in excel- lent condition. 884-2884. clw2 UPRIGHT piano’,’ good condi- tion. After 6. 884-8783: c1w2 BARN timberslvï¬iiie, alil'sriizZâ€"s. J. Curtis. 889-2494. ClWZ LAWN mower. Tecbimastazi 271" $35. 884-4378. Clwz FRIGIDAIRE ré’fï¬erator, good condition. $35. 889-5889. clw2 39"“h‘igh7hai'r and hardwood playpen $15. 889-3724. c1w2 MINI BIKE-Mm 21/2 h.p. motel; $60. 640-3956. *1w2 Reasonable. 889-1413. M652 30'"Mottat'gsgi-a'ngéfï¬glis gas dryer. 223-2411. c1w2 RAILROAD ties. 889-63387 Advertise Where The Reader Traffic Is McDOUGAL PUMP HEAD CARDS OF THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be In as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion .7c each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions If warding unchanged, .7c per word, min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c BLACK LbTM HAY FOR SALE FOR SALE ALUMINUM THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 11, 1968 40,000 bales, Ma ple. c4w2 tfc351 lppil cZwl c1 «22 1244 with cash. c1w2 *1w2 c1w2 c4w C] W iTENT walla-7675;: 530 {3%} week. 884â€"5887. 01“? ECAMPER trailer. sleeps 8. new. nvon in a draw $650. 884-7255 latter 5 pm. cl\\‘2 CAMï¬ï¬Ã©â€˜trâ€"aiié'réEEreï¬tTFor information call 223-5084 or 889-6648. tfc51 NEW Iroquois Tent Trailers for rent. $40 per week. Larger models available. Trailers for sale. BA 5-9051, 727-4571 even- ings and weekends. c13w49i 6 quart baskets only. 30c a quart. lst Sideroad North of Stouffville, east of No. 47 high- way. H. Henneberg. cle METAL Zippers 15¢ each â€" save on unpackaged zippers. WYN-DOT The Ladies Shop Bayview Plaza RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 884-2214 STRAWBERRIESTipick ya} own every morning from 7 am to GARDEN SHEDS Manufacturers’ seconds. made from heavy gauge baked en- amel steel. Over 230 cu. ft. of storage space in each. Come and take your pick â€" only a few left. 105 Industrial Road, Rich- mond Hill. 889-7691. c1w2 AIR CONDITIbNERS gCanadian Imperial 1! Clearing 1968 Chrysler Airtempx‘ Commerce units at dealer prices from $174‘ REQUIRES FEMQLE cash and carry. Central Refrig-i 884'810 eration Ltd., 119 Doncaster Avenue. behind the Gem Store. W_OMEN wanted for 889-7351. 02W2 nrpcc “AV and niah+ ehl MOVINGâ€"rotatiller $45 01"? Large wooden kitchen utility cupboard $20. 3 dozen quart sealers $1.50. Plastic freezer containers. old dresser $2. 6 volt timing light $2 or? and scythe $5. 889-6560. cle GIRL'S bicycle, suitable 8 years and up. 17" Admiral TV. $20 each. 88943094. c1\\'2 MASON E1 Risch upright player piano. 884-6394. c1w2 1 teenee iboat trailer, goodâ€"as new, 884-1838. c1va WAREHOUSE clearance of kit- chen cabinets and post-formed counter tops. 1/5 price sale at 28 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill, 9 am - 5 pm until Saturday, 13 July 1968. 889-7531. c1w2 Knappett, Landscaping. 884-;EXPERIENCED7mVale or femalEihOUSEkeeper. DI‘Eferabli’ W 3089. tfczihairstylisn immediately. Gnod'murses aid experience for w m‘cï¬iï¬fvï¬bï¬ï¬â€˜â€œ wages. La Riviera Coiffure. 832- Owenâ€, most, weekends fr Fedders â€"â€" all models in stock 2590‘ tfcsziwnte Box 177 “The leeral 1 â€" Same day delivery â€"â€" lowest MEN. women and high schoonm prices. 884-5126 after 5 pm or studean required to demon-1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS IN week-ends. tfc52 strate new cleaning product. WeiHas openings for experienc “mom. 884-3621. c3w52.female electronic assemble LOAM - TOPSOIL - GRAVEL Delivered in small quantities, shrubs pruned. hedges trimmed. grading and sodding â€"â€" C. L. Knappett, Landscaping. 884- 3089. tfc2 2 bedroom suites, 2 refrigera- tors, automatic washer, piano, ‘stove. kitchen suite and floor ‘polisher. Phone after 5 pm. 884- 6245. c1w2 FINDLEY gas stove for sale, like new, used only a short while. can be used for natural or propane gas. 884-2596. MOTORCYCLE Harley 74. fully decked. bike. ‘metal flake paint, chromed, extras. 884-1801 HAY STRAW AND MANUiï¬: Any. quantity delivered. 889- 1598 after 5 pm. c2wl GIRL’S clothing. sizes 8 to 10. Helen Henderson flower-girl dress, cost $45. will accept $20. Also other dresses, jumpers. etc.‘ 889-5082. cle NORGE 40" electric stoveiEk; cellent condition, $45. 889-3897. (‘1w2 Hundreds of Bargains TRAILERS FOR SALE (Continued) ft. Of‘ SALESMEN AND 3 and SALES MANAGER few Must have cars. Honest and pre- RiCh'sentable. Phone Aurora 727- c1‘~"’219594 collect. c2w2 Store. WOMEN wanted for punch CAREER position, ' Richmond 02w2 press, Day and night shifts, 339- H111 professxonal ofï¬ce}, mature 7549, speedex Manufacturing woman who Is a §enlor book- d Ltd. 385 Ohio Road, Richmond keeper (hand postmg to trlal ma e H111 m2 balance), to be responsible for :t e3; whole office procedure. Excel- lent salary. Call: 3 3"“ SALES MANAGER A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY few Must have cars. Honest and pre- Rich- r thfakla Dhnnn A ...... wan 884-6944 c1w2 c1w2 213,5 FEMALE "ï¬rtï¬ir’néï¬ilér 7m ~â€"â€" Monday and Friday duty. Phone JURE Mr. MacDonald. Bank of Nova 389‘ Scotia, 839-4961.‘ c1w2 c2w1 7â€", i_ w_‘,. r A, r. â€"â€" CLERK to handle various of- ° fice duties, some typing. Own r'gzlr transportation. Highway No. 7 ; it? and Jane. 889-1868. c1w2 V2†EXPERIENCED bookkeepér for House of Concord. Must have h transportation and good referâ€" S W ences. 889-7655. c1w2 hull" c1 fully CLERK DISPATCHER for Whitchurch Twp. Police Dept. Male 17-19 yTs. Successful ap- plicant will have the opportun- ity of advancing to the rank of constable. Apva in own handwriting stating age. height. weight, education. etc. to: Fred J. Mason Chief of Police EXPERIENCED Shorthand Stenos Dicta-typists Bookkeeping Machine Operators For Temporary Assignments Register with: HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE Personnel Placement Agency 18 Yonge Street N. 884-6782 i I i g i 1 No Charge to Applicants For Green Acres Home for the Aged, Newmarket. Salary range $456 to $536. Graduate nurses also considered. Apply Green Acres Home for the Aged, 194 Eagle St.. Newmarket, or Per- sonnel Office, 67 Adelaide Street East. Toronto. 368-4665. c3w2 Products. Can earn $50 weekly part 1time; $100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. G- 351-336, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry. Montreal. c1w2 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Young man required for non- ferrous chemical and spectro chemical laboratory. Experience desirable but not essential. Grade 12 minimum. Apply in writing to: Quality Control Manager, Ratcliff's Canada Ltd. 251 Yonge Street North. Rich- mond Hill. _ c3w52 WANTED immediately. M571 or woman to supply consumers i_n Richmond Hill with Rawleigh FEMALE cook for open kitchen on a grill. 7 am to 2 pm. Top wages. Peter's Restaurant. 7584 Yonge St. Thornhill. 889-0027. EXPERIENCED floor cleanersI and couples for office cleaning} Full. or part-time. Good wages.-we Write Box 185, “The Liberal".‘pel- PART-time female help for weekends. Please apply in per- son only, Scott’s Chicken Villa, 187 Yonge Street North. FEMALE ledger keeper. experi- enced preferred but not neces- sary. Phone Mr. MacDonald, Bank of Nova Scotia, 889-4961. (‘1\\'2 anu couples 101‘ omce cleamngj Real Estatéfléï¬e’smen Full, or part-time. Good'\\‘ages.rWe- have two openings for ex- Write Box 185, “The L1b€r81".‘perienced salesmen to join our tfCZJWillowdale office. Complete Canadian Imperial B’ank ot’training program. commission Commerce basis. For confidential inter- REQUIRES FEMALE HELP View. call Mr. Keffer 222-5481. 334-3109 Harold Keffer Ltd. Realtor. c1w2[5635 Yonge Street. c1wZ FEMALE typist required im- mediately. Duties varied. Apply in person at 28 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. c1w2 MAN wanted part-time to make sales calls in York County. Good commission. Box 170 “The Liberal". tfc52 LADIES! Do you need exffé money? I need help in my cos- metic business. 889-6984. EXPERIENCED cleaning woman for Thursday or Friday. On Trailways Bus Line, Bayview. References. 889-4375. c1w2 CLEANING woman, two days a week. Own transportation. Bathurst and King Sidemad. 773-4331. c1w2 él;x'2{ERAL"- c2w1 SHEET metal workers aFdlCOOK for evenings and week- helpers required for sheetiends, must be fast on grill, able metal fabricator. 339-6533_ lto assume full kitchen duties. C1w2‘Excellent wages. 887-5411. PART time boolgkeeper foi‘ mis- cellaneous iron contractors Must be experienced. 366-3328 TAXiï¬ivers, full or part-time.5 (Continued) _ A“ W {889-1154. czwz ,‘ CLERK-TYiSiST,’mature. Fast TRUCK drivers. Cadillac Lumflarguratg typing essential' 88?' jber' Maple. phone Mike Ches_;4933. Nights 223-2994. tfcaZ ï¬ter. 889-4975. clxvzis’xeï¬mï¬ï¬cï¬n sivi’tFï¬boara ‘LICENSED mechanicâ€"rgqï¬iï¬jjoperators for shift work. 889- Must have references. Apply 75â€- _ __‘___ , ._.,t,ff§§ Tony's Esso. 884-3440. c1w2 WAITRESS. experience neces- RELIABLE woman to clgï¬sary. for weekends. 887-5411. Fridays 9-4. Thornhill. 889-: _7 n _r 7 tfc51_ 6553- c1w2.‘EXPERIEnmzn nnmnn.‘ PART TIME REGISTERED NURSES HELP WANTED f HELP WANTED TEMPORARY PERMANENT J. Mason of Police , Gormley clwz cl w2 KITCHEN HELP WANTED obs available August 26. OD Women over 35 years, with 7584‘transportation. $235 per month. K2'7. ‘Hours, 10.30 am to 7 pm. Seri- C1W2 ous and clean only need apply tchen J c1w2 clwl “(.51 lRoad. Richmond Hill. 02w2 A . l r for‘_.*r .Â¥_hh ___ __, 77 _ _ I ,, )honelSALESMEN required to carry‘RICHVALE Llons Comm'unlty Novajnew products being introduced‘Hauv 31 Spruce Ave. avallable clwz in Toronto and surrounding'for rentals. 889-5038. Stan Judd. SAD}; areas. Must have ow'n .transpor- . ~r_ V w A “ c2w2 Ownjtauon. Good commlssmn. 889-1 bedroom and 2 bedroom q _ Z9914“,,__v_rv___c§y53 apartments to rent. Apply clwz SMART young girl for l‘ecep- apartment 3, 464 Palmer Ave- ï¬oâ€"r tipnist-typist.l 9 to 6 weekdays, 1395- r__~‘_ki_“hc1w2- Rlchmond Hlll- C311? TWO-bedroom apartment. avail- have A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY able im -‘ 1 CI 'F’fer' 884-6944 mm. «ninffiitfï¬â€™; “354" Mt." n “eVW‘INeed EXTRA Help? A c1337} l‘yz’week, 01' longer? Call: MONA ROBERTSON xtl'a COS" TEMPORARY PLACEMENTS 78A YONGE ST S. 884-6944, 9 am to 9 pm. CAT and small dog boarding with outside runs. Complete clipping and grmming services. Dogs and cats of all breeds. Household pet kittens. register- ed Siamese kittens. champion sired. Seal and blue point males at stud. Beryl Stewart. 889â€"2581. JILL GODDARD POODLE GROOMING New Address, 80 Steeles Avenue West. 889-3606. tfc19 vi CONCORD“;2 or 3 bedroom apartment or ll CORRESPONDENT lhouse in Richmond Hill or vic- .:uThe Liberal-u requires a cm._!1nity. No children. 939-2634 -lrespondent for the Concord after 7 pm" czwrl H‘area. If you enjoy writing and F U R N I SHED housekeeping {serving your home communityroom for lady, abstainer, urg- . and welcome an opportunity to‘ent. Central Richmond Hill. .earn some extra money then Write Box 179, “The Liberal". ilphone Margaret McLean at 884-' *2w1 1105. nc3-.\’52 U’ , , NFURNISHED apartment. 3 'WOMAN to do counter work rooms preferred with kitchen and tag garments in new dry-,‘facilities in Richmond Hill or cleaning store. Experience insThornhill area. P. Nelson, 75 dry-cleaning not necessary but Leggett Avenue, Weston. 244- must have ability to deal with 3434. *1w2 the public. Apply to Mr. Jack: Barth, Barth’s Cleaners, Bayl Thorn Drive, 1,4; block east of‘ Yonge, next to Mac‘s Milk, l PING 1 ' od con- Thursday and Friday, 10 am to pong tab e m g0 dition. Phone 884-1394. nc2w1 1 pm or Saturday. 2 pm to 5 pm.‘ 5, A «fâ€"‘C1W2 1 girls bicycle, su1table for age: x-hâ€"H ‘7. 8 - _ 12l YOUNG MAN not afraid of long‘ _Â¥81,7_931. c w hours with aptitude for figures WANTED to buy. a few puppies and willing to train as book_ for re-sale as pets. 889-7934. keeper. Transportation neces-. ads .sary. l VOLKSWAGEN van, 1960-631 ‘Contact: .rpqqnnahlu ......o cm.“ (ammunm in person. York Central Hos‘priu- tal. Vaughan Road, Richmond Hill. c8w2 HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE Personnel Placement Agency 18 Yonge Street N. 884-6782 No charge to Applicants ETEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. Has openings for experienced female electronic assemblers, second and third shifts. Com- pany offers good starting rate. shift premium, company paid medical plan. Apply 9 am - 2 Requires 'a FEMALE CLERK To form part of our expanding customs department. Previous customs experience desirable but not necessary. Apply: Per- sonnel Department. 280 Centre Street, East, Richmond Hill. pm at 280 Centré Street East, Richmond Hill. c1w2 FOR August lst in Bowman- ville (approx. 50 miles east, of Toronto) middleaged woman as housekeeper. preferably with nurses aid experience for wid- FURNITUREiï¬KCkï¬ 3 bedroom house in Kin Â¥ ‘7 a . g Clty. AND DRIVER COMBINED available August 1. $165 Good working conditions. monthly. Apply Box 186’ “The Steady employment benefit. Ap- Liberal" ply Lamb the Mover. 889-4911. 2 b ‘ Clwz Also partâ€"time help. c4w52 edmom apartment! new building. Bayview and Mark- Need EXTRA help? A day- alham Road area. 834-2326. \xlnn‘r In- In“ «an? “-1! . EXPERIENCED GREEN- HOUSE MAN, GOOD WORK- ING CONDITIONS. GOOD WAGES. BOX 176. “THE LIB- TEXAS ' INSTRUMENTS tfc50 Services For Home and Business c1w2 c1w2 tfc34 uufl‘ulllU. LLClé CARâ€"ITENTER Alterations. repairs, kitchens, clwl cooking :32;5F_ï¬Â§ï¬ISEED room, " ifacilities, 16 Lorne, lst house' in as . rec rooms, etc. Free estimates. withigfggeo'f Berks Jewellerifcglt good work. reasonable. C. wid-l ~ ' “ Callin. 884-7864. tfc37 f1~ee.‘$15b. 2 bedroom bungalow. _ an Keele and Langstaff. Immediate GENERAL contractmg~ altera- Cz.“ possession to reliable tenant, W. Hons and addmons’ homes’ Of' 7â€" - _ fices, factories. Custom carpen- INC. 1" Madln’ Realtor' 889 323?†try of all descriptions. Les need “mm, A I m M Webb 889-2546. thB c1w2 i BABY SITTING ; MATURE adult â€" full time baby-sitter required. 1 child. Centre St. E. and Yonge. your home or ours. Day and after- noon shifts. 88443720. clwz afternoons for summer monthé Call 884-8262. clu': MATURE adult â€" full time references. Please ’phone 884- 1391. c1w2 TEACHER wishes baby sitting. BABY sitting, evenings. Best 1 girl’s bicycle, suitable for age 7. 884-7901. c1w2 WANTE_D to buy. a few puppies for re-sale as pets. 889-7934. UNFURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms preferred with kitchen facilities in Richmond Hill or Thornhill area. P. Nelson, 75 Leggett Avenue, Weston. 244- 3434. *1w2 room for lady, abstainer, urg- ent, Central Richmond Hill‘ Write Box 179. “The Liberal". *2w1 RESPONSIBLE family of 4 would like house to rent in Vicinity of “The Liberal". Rea-I sonable. 225-5146. clw2‘ 2 or 3 bedroom apartment orj house in Richmond Hill or vic-‘ inity. No children. 939-2634 after 7 pm. €2w1. FACTORIES RICHMOND HILL Available September 1 10.000 square feet, 128 Indus- trial Road. r(Will divide to 5000 square foot units for suitable tenants). 1122 Industrial Road. Call Mr. JGriffin, 633-5661 or 884-81710 ‘ th46 TWO-BEDROOM house, Rich- mond Hill to Steeles area, by August lst. Must be reasonable. 884-6698, after 5 pm. c1w2 BUSINESS man wants large house within 10 miles radius of Thornhill, 1 infant. 884-1071, 1 pm to 10 pm. clw2 UNFURNiSHED apartment or flat by August 7. 3 adults, ab- stainers. 884-7914. *1w2 in a house apartment in Rich- vale. 884-7010. ‘ c1w2 COUPLEVouId like to reside FURNISHED room on second floor, parking. Basement house- keeping room with stove and frig. Large room to share. Gen- tlemen preferred. Downtown Richmond Hill. 884-1215. c1w2 STORE front for rent. Size 24x 14, suitable for office or small store. $65.00 monthly, 288 Bay- view Plaza. Phone 884-5112. 1 bedroom apartment suitable for a business couple or girls. Close to Yonge Street Thorn- hill. $115 monthly. 889-5517. TWO-bedroom apartment. avail-. able immediately. Close to school and shopping centre. 884- 4.917. clw2 3 bedroom house in King City. available August 1. $165 monthly. Apply Box 186, “The Liberalâ€. cle 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments to rent. Apply apartment 3, 464 Palmer Ave- nue. c1w2 FURNISHijoom on Yongé Street. North Thornhill. 889- 3685 or 889-2768. c1w2 FURNISHED room for single person, 884-8259. 394 Markham Road. Richmond Hill. 02w2 ï¬ngYALE_Lioris Community Jan acres of pasture land for WALL7WA_Si{INGJ ‘ ‘rent. 889-4197 after 6 pm, tfcljDay or night. 884-2433. tfc2 3 bedroom bungalow $175 ALUMfN'ï¬lldâ€"sinixï¬z cleanAéd. monthly. Call HU 8-4386. ‘eavestroughs cleaned out. 884- , cle‘131]. tfcl ‘ATTRA'C’TIVE†5555i in ’re’nt‘.‘ PLUMBifv‘G ï¬EATIï¬G " lady preferred, (board optionalLf A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-8344. c1w21 James D. Stewart B_ED-SITTIN_G room and km." 884-2201 Chen, close to transportation.‘ * tfc43 889-5597 after 6 pm. *1w2 iunwrnw: 21/2 acres of rent. 889-4197 3 bedroonir monthly. Call BED-SIï¬ING waifâ€"suit gen- tleman. 884-1629. 2m 21/2 acres of pasture land for rent. 889-4197 after 6 pm. tfcl 3 bedroom bungalow‘3175 monthly. Call HU 8-4386. WANTED TO RENT 39 BENITW_ [EISCELLANEOUSMISCELLANEOIE 3.1: Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. new Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S. VIark- Richmond Hill, phone 384- 5688. tf023 c1w1 tch 884â€"1245 PATIOS Asphalt, brick, stone or con- crete. All work guaranteed. Metro licence. John Bareta Contracting 889- 6344. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. ten tions, additions, and rep‘ Kitchens a specialty. M( Harrison. 884-2838. t Plain and Decorative Plastering Repairs 3 Specialty Free Estimates Summer Special SHAMPOOING Chesterfield Sets, $12. 20% off rugs Second rug, 1/2 price. All work guaranteed. Day or night. 884- 2433. tfc2 Plastering Several type faces to choose from â€"- including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature ~â€"- fast service. Call “The Lib- eralâ€. 884-1105. tfc BILL MITCHELL CONSTRUCTION Rec. rooms. additions, fire- places, custom buildings and repairs. Thornhill 889-7646. SWIMMING POOLS 15‘ x 30’, concrete, with filter as low as $2700. E. W. PAYNE CONTRACTING 889-5762 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25. and up. Complete with} free spray flushing. Call 1 SPEEDY r Trenching, footings. concrete and drains. Backhoe loader rentals. 884-6264, 884-5559. RALPH ELM’SDâ€"Eccmï¬c.~ Painting, paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc46 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 CKLL us 1'01“ your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and limestone. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. ‘832-8876. tfc12 Alterations, repairs, kitchens, rec rooms, etc. Free estimates. good work. reasonable. C. Callin. 884-7864. tfc37 488-7521 RON MOORE h PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti« mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc35 A1 CLEANING SERVICES Complete cleaning and main- tenance. industrial, commercial, residential. 884-7225. thB tfcï¬li W“ M,_,v,,ï¬_, _, ,_ 7, ,7 Eavestn PLASTERING â€" DRYWALL Heating Remodelling â€" Renovations Free e5 New â€"~ Repair. 884-8391 MW. 5;; TREE CUTTING Tree Topping and Pruning House Painting E. C. DOAK Phone: 884-6735 CLEANING home and office“. 834-2433. Day or night. tfc36 Inside 889-5061 or tearing up pipe C. STUNDEN R w EXCAVATEIE Sewers cleaned without digging SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 R. CLARK PAINTI’R’G outside. 884-1311 Richmond Hill 889-5413 889-3185 tfc20 Thornhui renova- repairs. Morris tfc45 tfc27 Efâ€"cé‘ROOM and board available in â€" King, gentleman preferred. 773- 5770. tfc50 tfcl tf_c99H0USEw0RK wanted by thé day. Ring 773-5665. c1w2 1! MAN with truck \{Iill clean up basements and garages. Very reasonable. 884-8485. c1w2 tfc18 pen. LEONARDI BROTHERS Les} CONSTRUCTION th3 Concrete, Drain and General [â€"ï¬ Repairs. Patio, Stonework and Sidewalks. ' it?!“ 889-5228 Avenue. (Sheppard-Yonge) 485 9688. CZWI Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA cap help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call ELL6-8684. tfcl7 kECOVERY INCORPORATED Self-Help Mental Health Meetings Thursday 815 p.m. Lansing United Church, Bogert WELSH filly, one year old, 5 8844341 after 6 pm July, quiet and gentle. trained ends- _*_4_ to lead. Sire only registered. MUST SELI $100. 727-5251. c1w211967 Meteor 4 door GOLDEN Palomino mare with $1530 or neareSt 0f: colt, well trained. Also part arrange bank terms. Welsh and Hackney two-year 889'7442' old filly. 887-5550. c1w111964 Peugeot. full 1 TRESPONSIBLE man wants va-k, painting, gardening rotoâ€" Ifilling. etc. Has own equipment. Available for part time or tem- porary work. 889-3137. tfc51 PALOMINO pony mare, 44 good with children. 773-5412. URGENT. Student needs room and board in Thornhill~Lang- staff area for school season. Please reply stating cost, con- ditions etc. to Box 183, "The Liberal". clw2 BLACKSMITH â€"â€" horses trim- med and shod. 888-1715. tfc39 Markham Road. Gentleman pre- ferred. 884-3639. clw2 ROOM and board available near for work. Anything considered.(Haifm'wm‘ “W; Can you help us? Call Salvation;1954 Austin. 6 Cylri'nraél" alrito’ma- Army. 339-7655_ tfc29 tic in good condition. New tires, w.._AA,,, .. _. , ‘ ' q _ RESPONSIBLE man wants block heater. $700. Private. .23 work. painting, gardening roto-1§1§4.F,ï¬eL,EPEL Clwz mung, etc, Has own equipment_11966 Datsun 1600 Sï¬tsf'finy Available for part time or tem-;€qUiPP6d. F1111 Eric-e $1.595 With porary work. 889â€"3137. tfc511$85 down and $06.43 per month. ‘If you are looking for good de- & pendable transportation, this is the car for you. Call Peter at ROOM and board available in 839'3332 01‘ Come to 16 Indus- King, gentleman preferred. 773- trial Road, Richmond Hill. TWO ambitious grade thirteen girls, earning money for univer- sity, will house clean. Call Judy 884-7256. clw2 GRADE 13 honor graduate will tutor any grade, French. Ger- man or Latin. 889-7760. c1w2 CAPABLE woman desires; cleaning, 9-3. $10 and transpor- tation. 884-7052. tfc2 CABINET maker-handyman. de- sires full or part time employ- ment. 463-4254. c2w2 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship, 20 years experience. Phone 889-5292 Walker Construction CUSTOM BUILDING / Brick - - Block work â€" - Patios General Alterations WALKER. CONSTRUCTION Phone 389-5292 FLOOR. COVERING All types floor tile, sheét goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. ' tfcll BKEEï¬â€™Ã©â€"BXCKT-Ionh EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer & water lines, CONTRACTOR Industrial, com mercial, residen- tial and electric heating. Phone 889â€"2976. tfc29 Heating, roof Free estimates teed. 884-1006. KERR-TAYLOR GRASS and “YeTui‘cutting 5' rotary cutter. phone Mike. 884â€" 7878‘ CIWZ PAINTING and decoratingâ€"ii?- side and .out. also carpentry work. 884â€"5009. tfc44 Eavestrough, new and repaired PAINTING EPITAPH“ HANGING R. E. Dunn. 884-2798. t PLUMBING‘aFiiEATING Roger Proulx â€" Telephone ‘ 884-1650. Hp: EMPLOYMENT WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PERSONAL SHEET METAITWORK SPRING CLEANING? WINDOWS WALLS FLOORS 884-1311 Continued Look Them Over At flashing, etc Work guaran- tfc44 EtEbTRICKi; tfc38 tfc39 tfc38 tfc40 tfc44 tfc-24 . , ~ ~- â€" . ‘ ' . Asking $2.300 going t3 " 1960 Fold. 94 ton pickup. 8 lad") ' IP ’2â€" fleetside box. 888-1701. clw2 Mexico‘ must seu‘ 884-60332‘vz tfc 4i â€"â€" a *: ~ ‘â€".v --‘ a 5' 1966 Honda Sponts Convertlbleb AUTO INSURANCE :- t :fully eqiupped. Full p1 Ice $1,190 All . k y . L 884-‘with $60 down and $38.83 per. “5 s ‘Tntten' owe.“ rage" cle‘month‘ If you are looking for Fast. servxce. Auto fmancmg 1â€"in: good dependable transportationâ€available“ 889-6853' Gas-6158' 3 may this is the car for you. Call‘iszsm‘ “C38 [fc44‘Peter at 889-8832 or come to; 1962*0LDS CONVERTIBLEâ€" i“‘v16 Industrial Road. Richmond‘starfire fully automatic V8, ‘ ‘Hin. clwzipoiver steering. brakes. stick 11:32.,ï¬oâ€"Valkswggeï¬:â€$léfsgj shift, good condition. 884-42672. u,an_'g3170. c1w2 $9.6? V‘ .M “9‘1; 3â€"“‘ “'*’,~' T"’-‘~"“‘l . olkswagen, deluxe. 1 6 bus “1th ladlo' Pontiac Laurentian, 6 cyl. auto- CAL‘M , ..' ,~,_,._ I, , l‘matic. best offer. 884-1109 or 1957 Triumph. TRBL.’58 Volks-i889-2138. Between 9 am and 5 denâ€"prageâ€"n motg._88§-£o26. 7vc1w2flpm. clwz long;1955 Chev, body good. $100. ESEâ€"R'jfï¬js is, ï¬Â§f{v‘i‘t’h"$1ï¬ fcz‘ lam-53961 Â¥W h†H L_W£1‘Y2_ down and $17.75 per month. 1951 Chev_ 1/2 ton pickup, Can Call Peter at 889-8830 ‘or come 'Ods‘ evenings. 884-1575, c1w2 to. 16 Industrial Road. Richmond 113::gigaesvsuKhznfmnme $793 $13,†‘1‘“ felllwith $40 down and $2355 perl1965 International station _ month. If you are looking for \Yaan. gOOd for camping or de- good dependable transportation, 11V9r188, 6 Cylinder. standard this is the car for you. Call shift $1,675, evenings. 889-5163. "95v Peter at 889-8830 or come to 16: tfc42 fl‘rlndustrial Road, Richmond Hill. â€"â€"â€"- Clwz GARDENING 1966 Yamaha, excellent coï¬i: ‘53. ‘tion, 3,500 miles. Reasonable. LAWN cuttmg' John MaShmter’ 884-3544. *1w2 884-7573. “C43 1968 one ton truck, 3 months old, take over payments. 360 V8 motor, booster brakes, all heavy duty. Also one ton 12 volt winch for same truck $100. 832- 8862. c1w2 1964 Peugeot. full price $695 m with $35 down and $23.23 per 7951 month. If you are looking for mom good dependable transportation, 311 . this is the car for you. Call avai] Peter at 889-8832 or come to 16 3175 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. __ 1967 Meteor 4 door like new, $1,650 or nearest offer. Could arrange bank terms. Mr. Ash. 889-7442. c1w2 1966 Corvair Mnnza. black with red interior. automatic. in A-l condition. 833â€"6362 after 5 pm. 1966 Ducatti 350 cc, overhead cam, 5 speed. 2.600 miles. $425. 1966 Comet equipped. A-l sell. Private. 1966 Ford Galaxie XL. bucket seats, floor console, power steering and brakes, 1 owner, private. 889â€"5726. c1w2 1962 Mercury Monterey, 2 door, ALTERATIONS â€"- men’s, wom- V8, automatic, top condition, en’s, children. Drapes etc. must sell. $595. 727-9615 or 773- Prompt service, 441 North Tay- 5251. clw2§lor Mills. 884-1928. tfc32 tfc 1966 Austin 1100. full price'smnewo $1,095 with $55 down and $36.51‘1‘Yallsx I per month‘ If You are looking’fi‘e "fa for good dependable vtransporta-I “551112, tion. this is the car for you. Calllroom 0‘ Peter at 889-8830 or come wig; tyziri 16 Industrial Road, Richmond 31†W10 2 Hill. _c M 1961 Plymouth station wagon. 8 cylinder, automatic. Excellent SMALL condition. 884-1776. c1w2 mu (1..., ff"“"",""' ,_ m “IV/j LAWN CARE 1963 Ford 1/2 ton pickup truck’Complete lawn maintenance -â€"- with utility body. Phone 884-‘hedge trimming. REASONABLE 3084. tfc2.RATES. Ted Neely. 884-8567 or {gmâ€"Rhine, stan’dSFdI-coach. {39457915- Ar LHV “02 6-cylinder. Two new tires. $450.‘ LANDSCAPE dARDENlNGfl 884â€"3012. ‘ c1\\'2jHedgeclipping, sodding and 1960 Volvo, 4 door. B16 in good shape, $350. 889-3702 evenings. c1w2 1964 VW custom, clean, good condition, private. Best offer. 832-2666. c1w2 uuuu uaeu v-vvs, uuuel‘ty Ninth LANDSCAWNG~ “5' 297‘2414' tfCEhRotovating. sodding and seed‘ 1966 Falcon coach. full priceling. Grass and weed cutting. $1,295 with $60 down and $39.83‘Limestone. Roy Harrison.‘ 884- per month. If you are looking 2337. tfc45 for gooti dependable transporta-j WE‘REâ€""OVAL tlon, this 15 the car for you. Call‘ Trees Cut and Removed Peter at 889-8830 or come to 16- Reasonable Rates Industrial Road, Richmond Hill.f l Alvin Baker. 889-2438 c1w2l u, .. Good used V-Ws, Doherty Mot- ors. 297-2414. tfc2 1960 Mercedes, bod}; excellent, motor very good. $800. 884-7876 after 7 pm. No dealers. c1w2 1962 Acadira‘ri, automatic, hard top. $695 or best offer. 889- 7220. clwz 1966 Mustang. GT. fasfback'. high performance, 3-speed. Must sell. 884-2476. clw2 884-3544. *1w2 1967 Dodge Dart v3 automatic", excellent condition. $2,100. 773- 5393. clw2 1959 Chev 6 cylinder. good dition. 889-6913. i557"Au_st’in{â€"c‘au 887-5627 USED CARS VOLKSWAGENS Caliente, fully condition. Must 727-6272 after 5 c1w2 cylinder, good can V Your Leisure or week- clwz clw2 ‘2w2 c1\\-‘2 All [W2 ACADEMIC tutoring. chemis- try. physics. mathematics for high school. community college and university treshman. 889a 6809. cl4w48 The Four Winds Nursery School 7951 Yonge Street, Thornhill, morning and afternoons and all day school. Transportation available. 889-4664. After 5, 421- TOURS. cruises, rail and bus tickets, reservations and individ‘ ual travel, call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. LADY wishesii-iiide to Keele Finch, and return. 884-5198 DRESSMAKING, alteraiï¬s‘t}; any kind of ladies and children's wear. 889-5061. tfc44 SEWINGâ€"OF ALL KINITS‘ Very reasonable prices. ' 889-2488 12' cartop, "Crusader". 6-cylln< der Chrysler motor, used once. $425. 889-6402. tfcl. McCULLOCH “Cartopper†alu- minum boat $175, and 71/2 h.p. motor, electric Bail-o-matic and tank. Warranty. $295 or best of- fer. Both new. 889-7220. c1w2 13’ boat, molded plywood hull. 1,4: deck, Evinrude control, steering wheel, lights. Best of- fer. 223-0201 after 6 pm. BOATS - MOTORS BLACK kitten wearing white collar. Has white marks on. chest, and crooked tail. Reward. 884â€"8472. c1w2 hill Green vicinity. Please call 889-4629. clwz LITTLE white puppy with lama back leg, in Thornhill. 889-5209. clwz Hedgeciipping, sodding and stonework â€"â€" including patios. walls, rockeries and railq‘oad- tie walls. Fertilizer and top- dressing. Sandy topsoil. mush- room compost. By the load ~ or yard. Free estimates. A Hartwick. 889-6338. c12w1 EXPERT garden maintenance. Planting of all kinds. Guaran- ‘teed nursery stock. No‘job too 'small. Free estimates. 884-1939. ; £ch ‘GRASS an’d’xï¬ed cutting. .7 ‘rotary cutter. phone Mike. 384- 7878. (-Iw2 CUSTOM \i/eeidfland hay cuttiï¬g ;Thornhill and Richvale area. 3 889-3608. c2w1 WANTED. grass cutting, odd jobs. King City. Oak Ridges, Richmond Hill etc. 884-3383 - 773-5053. tfc51 DRESSMAKING 1965 International station wagon, good for camping or de- liveries, 6 cylinder. standard shift $1.675, evenings. 889-5163. Pontiac Laurentian, 6 cyl. auto- matic, best offer. 884-1109 or 889-2138. Between 9 am and 5 pm. clw2 Starfire fully autbiï¬atic vs, power steering. brakes. stick shift, good condition. 884-4967. c4w2 19657V317kswagen, deluxe. 1964 AUTO INSURANCE All risks written. Lowest rates. Fast service. Auto financing available. 889â€"6853, 635-6158. 224-6573. tfc38 79â€"62-0135 CONVERTIBLE" Transportation INSURANCE All risks. Call F. A. Tucker. 889-7800, 921-2167. tfc45 1967 Ca'rBEamzso automatiE radio. Asking $2.300, going to Mexico. must sell. 884-6036. NURSERY SCHOOL TUITION TRAVEL USED CARS female BeaglefThorn- LOST A. Ryman 773-4118 SODDING c2w52 tfc20 tfc47 tfc28 clw2 and tfc42 tfc46