Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jul 1968, p. 8

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Challenge 0F Cancer ’- “The Liberal” requires a correspondent for Concord. If you enjoy serving your community and want to earn some extra money then phone Staff Writer Margaret McLean at 884- 1105. THE l-u- -u-u- -0- - v. -1 - v-“â€" -u-_ ' Rev. B. F. Andrew officiated at the service for Miss Couper and the pall bearers were Char- lie Rose, Gard Ingram. John Laâ€" Riviere, Ross Robson. Pete Rumble. all of Maple and Mr. Camefon of Alliston. Interment took place in Maple Cemetery. - Surviving the late Miss Cou- per are a brother. Thomas Downsview and a sister. Mar- garet (Mrs. W. Park). Alliston. The late William Couper of Mount Albert predeceased his sister. Miss Couper was born in the Orkney Islands but lived a great part of her life in Maple. She was an office worker and enjoyâ€" ed lawn bowling for recreation during her early years. She re- tired from active business ap- proximately twelve years ago but maintained her connection with the Presbyterian Church of which she was an active member. She was a familiar fig- ure in Maple. well known and respected by all and was missed when she left to live in Alliston. Miss Couper, daughter of the late David and Christina Couper lived at 34 Richmond Street, Maple until two years ago when she moved to Aliiston to make her home with her brother-in- law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ford Park. Funeral services for Miss Agnes Couper. whose death took place at Alliston on June 29 were held at Richmond Hill on July 2 at the Marshallâ€"Pi- pher Chapel. KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office Scarborough JAMES GRAINGER 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 11. 1968 Thanks largely to im-} provements in treatment and to much earlier diagno-‘ sis. stomach cancer is not‘ the terrible threat it used to be. In 1958 it dropped to second place as the most lethal form of cancer. TheI Canadian Cancer Society; still urgently need: funds tofinance research into all forms of cancer. The annual drive for funds is in Aprili MODERN HEATED . . Agnes Couper Rumble Transport “Car insurance due? I’ll get you the best car insurance value from the world's largest car insurance company. Let’s talk!” Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News 884-1013 889-6192 130 Yonge St. S. Ph. 884-1529 “The Liberal” is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord Maple, please phone Mrs. Pam Rolfe, 832-1122; in Edgeley and Concord, Margaret McLean. 884‘1105. Concord Correspondent WAREHOUSE STORAGE 31A“ 'IAI M lmUIANCL COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL HOUSEHOLD 94 NEWKIRK ROAD 3 - Richmond Hill - Toronto - 364-2625 On a belated honeymoon trip to Vancouver Island are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gill‘oy who are also motoring through British Columbia. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Ken Hough and family in their rec- ent sad loss of a husband and father. A speedy recovery is wished for Scott Hough who is in York Central Hospital with severe back injuries received in a motor car accident. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Basser have Mr. Basser's sister. Mrs. Bertha Lev~Rohrbasser and sons Hans and Ralph of Ber- ingen, Switzerland as their guests. The Bassers have been showing their visitors places of interest, such as Niagara Falls Last weekend was perfect for getting those luscious homeâ€" grown strawberries in the free- One of the highlights of the Correspondent: Mrs. Arlene Park â€" Phone 884-5051 1”“) was 3”, “Prompt.” concert T _ 1at Place DAcc-Ieul given to a 250 “eldrwk Road group of football players at the lexit gates one evening, with one of the players conducting. The Neighborhood Notes zer, and you are probably choir members were thrilled to Mr. and Mrs. George Veitch looking forward to some short- discover they had been singing and family spent part of the cake in the winter, as Well aslto the famed Montreal Allou- past week with Mr. and Mrs. jams and jellies. :ettes and scrambled for auto- , . l . l . Cy Chev1s at their cottage near In the midst of your vacauomglaphs, . Peterboro. n. ...~-u.-...n .--....l_ t- u“ M. l The final nnm-prr wac given Mrs. Marianne Huffman, ac- companied by son David and his friend, David Sephton enâ€" joyed a trip to Sarnia following a weekend of camping with Archie Huffman. Part Of Vaughan Twm Woodbridge T0 Annex High class residential de- velopment is proposed for the east with industrial de- velopment in the western portion. In ihe preamble to the resolution it was noted that the village has or will have available, municipal servic- Proposed for annexation is approximately 700 acres lying east. west and south of the present village boun- daries. including Lots 5. 6 and 7 in Vaughan. The western boundary is the Ontario Hydro right-of-way and to the east, Concession With amalgamation talks in the wind, Woodbridge Village Council has put it- self on record as intending to get into the act itself. At the June 25 council meeting, a resolution was passed indicating the vil- lage's plan to annex a sub- stantial piece of Vaughan Township. Highlight of Maple Lions Club July 1 Sports Day was the drawing for the lucky winner of a Sea-D00. Schomberg farm implements dealer Walter McLean is seen above, (centre) receiving the key to the snappy little vehicle the next night from Lions Ray James. Looking on are, (left to right) Mrs. McLean, Lion Lorne Wells, who sold the winning ticket and far right, Lion Bruce Davis. CARRVILLE NEWS 700 Schomberg Man Wlhs Sea-Don 4 TIPPET ROAD In the midst of your vacation or weekend jaunts to the cot- tage why not give a thought to some friend of your children who may not have the oppor- tunity of getting away? You will enjoy your own summer more for helping a child to enjoy his. Have a happy time! Tested . . . Classified. Try Acres “Unless We expand to use the sewers to full capacity. the burden of carrying the unused portion has to be borne by the existing tax- payers," Mr. Longhouse said. Long a proponent of en- largement of the Village boundaries, Reeve Long- house expressed disappoint- ment that his annexation recommendation of two years ago had not been act- ed on. If this had been done, the village would not now find itself with 21 mil- lion dollar sewer system. large enough to support three times its population. Council gave unanimous approval to the resolution. which was proposed by Reeve Gordon Longhouse. es to serve a population of 7,500 people; 4,000 within the present boundaries, 1,000 in Pine Grove and a potential 2,500 outside the present village. T.R. will move you across a continent swiftly, safely and with mimmum inconvenience. Experienced men pack your fragile amcles with the most upâ€"to- date methods and your household effects are moved safely to your new address. Phone today and learn how T.R. efficiency can save you money. "The Liberal" d jaunt; to the cot_ The final concert was given mt give a thought to at tthanada Pavilion Wednes- Id of your children 01.33.! nlght, when this year‘s of- not have the OPPOF fmal photograph was taken. getting away? You I:he cholr made a most effec- your own summer tlve departure, marching helping a child to through-the grounds in their Have a happy timehscarlet Jackets to the subway, ‘transferring to the Bonaventure Line, disembarking at the rail- Liberal" . . . Timepvay station and boarding the Time Pl‘oveanapido for the return trip. The Try It . . . PhoneHvalls of the subway station 884-1105-6 lechoed to two of the young- "The Friendly Movers TIPPET- RICHARDSON LTD. MOVING 0 STORAGE 0 PACKING 0 SHIPPING Two performances were given daily at the International Pavi- lion, formerly Band Shell “E”, the only covered bandshell on the grounds. Monday was St. John Baptiste Day and the choir sang to its largest audi- ence. A large Quebec folk fes- tival preceded the choir at the bandshell. and it was followed ‘hy a performance by the Mont- jfreal Symphony Orchestra. 'Man And His World Enjoys And ‘ls Enjoyed By Vaughan Choir {(Editor's Note: The following lreport of the Festival Choir of Vaughan‘s trip to Montreal was contributed by Dorothy Fisher and Marion Holmes of Maple.) In Montreal they were bil- leted at the Residence Mercier, a youth hostel. They received breakfast there each morning and were given a box lunch to take to the fair. The choir with its chaper- ones, leaders Hugh Martin and Robert Richardson and accomp- anist Mrs. Erna Fyhbo left from the schol board offices in Maple at 2 pm June 23. Three buses were generously supplied by Langdon Bus Lines of King to take the excited group to Toronto Union Station where they boarded the Rapido. Members of the Festival Choir of Vaughan returned June 26 from a three-day visit to Man and His World where they sang twice daily to appreciative aud- iences. Agents: Allied Van Lines 638-3530 7-67A NEWMARKET: The future suc- cess of the downtown area is the responsibility of local busi- nessmen. Making the statement was John Bousfield of Proctor and Redfern Planning Consult- ants who proposed the $4,250,- 000 redevelopment of the down- town area. He said that public funds would be used only to do the minimum work neces- sary to create a climate where private enterprise would take over and' complete the trans- formation. *nktfir Ginny Third, 5 Weller Cres- cent is confined at home with the measles, not a very good way to start the summer holi- days, While her sister, Valerie is enjoying herself with her grand- mother in Agincourt. **** Kahshe Lake, Muskoka yield- ed two beautiful pickerel this past weekend to Derek Rolfe, one 5112 and the other 71/2 pounds. The Dominion Dav Weekend At Union S t a t i o n, they were again met by the Langdon buses which returned them to the school board offices. Here the waiting parents were served with coffee, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Logan of George Bailey School. Superintendent D. R. MacDonald was on hand to wel- come everyone back. On the return trip, the choir members Were all in high spir- its as they compared souvenirs and enjoyed a chicken dinner. They had all enjoyed visiting the pavilions the more so as there were not last year’s Expo crowds to contend with. “‘0”, Dru-Ah A How did the children enjoy tage on Gel the trip? The phrase heal-dime), relaxed most frequently on the Way‘oughlv lazv v home was “It was a ball". How did the chaperones fare? “Just great", was the consen- sus. sters' favorite songs. “Friends of our Nation" and “New Gen- eration”. and Edgeley districts. In (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) KEELE & HIGHWAY 7 CONCORD BRANCH Will Open In Its Modern New Home On FRIDAY, JULY 12th OPEN HOUSE, THURSDAY, JULY 11th the nights. 1k :k at n- Ginny Third, 5 Weller Cres- cent is confined at home with the measles, not a very good way to start the summer holi-‘ days, while her sister, Valerie is‘ enjoying herself with her grand- mother in Agincourt. -s« * ax * Kahshe Lake. Muskoka yield- ed two beautiful pickerel this past weekend to Derek Rolfe, one 512 pounds. and the other 7V2*ing awards was requested to Additional awards were pre- sented to the top academic stu- dent in grades 6 and 7 by their respective teachers as follows; 7A, Bruce Cameron presented by Mrs. Carolyn Cryderman. 7B, Tony Roldan presented by Mrs. Lyllian Reid. 6A. Jo-Anne Sara presented by Miss Brenda Walton. 6B Judith Thompson presented by Mrs. Marjorie .Stewart. Each of these students receiv- choose a book from, a number The Dominion Day Weekendmf books displayed near the Iwun. me 010 routine, 'rthere'SI‘Bundschuh and Glenn Dollery. nothing to do" Just glve them a‘Bc, David Thompson, Michael few vegetables- Etc- and See Reesor and Kathryn Kennedy. What he can Cl‘eate- Proficiency and leadership 8A. * * * * Michele Camereri, 8B, Joyce Ted and Marilyn Jackman Wade, 8C, Jim Hull. These and their 'two (faughtersi Kelly three students were chosen by and Kathy, 30 Goodman Cres- the students in their respective cent, spent last week at a cot- classes. tage on Georgian Bay where[ The above mentioned plaques parents, With their entrles of 3 Mn Urquhart then called poodle's head made from Dota- upon Merrill McPhail. Frank toes. parsley and seeds and a Callaghan and Barry Gotts to POOdle made from Potatoes. 061- pl‘esent the awards in their re- eryv carmts and SEBdS- con- spective classes. Those receiv- gratulations to these two lads. ‘mg awards were; scholarships This tYPe 0f thing COUIdiBA, Catherine Pile. Anne Hof- While away an hOUI‘ 01‘ tWO, SOlIa‘nd and Marjorie Reaman. 8B. mother, when junior comes iniLaurie Andersom Brigiette With the 01d mum”: ‘ithel'evslBundschuh and Glenn Dollery. nothing to do" just give them a‘Bc, David Thompson, Michael few vegetables- “0- and see Reesor and Kathryn Kennedy. What he can create. pmfininnm “a Innrharehin nA Receiving honorable mention in the show were Clay and Bar- ry Birch, who live with Debbie's parents, with their entries of a poodle’s head made from pota- toes. parsley and seeds and a poodle made from potatoes, cel- ery, carrots and seeds. Con- gratulations to these two lads. they relaxed and spent a thor- oughly lazy week swimming and sunning themselves. Marilyn reports quite good weather, warm during the day and the only rain they had was during the nights. Congratulations to Debbie Bartlett, RR 2. Maple who is a member of the North York Hor- ticultural Society and who won a first in all Ontario for her entry in the animals and birds made from fruits and vegetables contest at the Ontario Horticul- tural Association Convention held in Windsor June 20, 21 and 22. Debbie's entry won her china bookends and was a mallard’s nest in the bullrushes, made from a pineapple, sweet potato, seeds, etc. Jean and ‘her husband, John would like to express their thanks to all the friends and neighbors who willingly gave a helping hand with the arrange- ments and also for the messages of sympathy and the floral tri- butes received. Sympathy of the community is extended this week to Jean LaRiviere in the death. June 29 of her aunt, Agnes Couper, who lived for 18 years at 20 Rich- mond Street, with her brother- in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Park and was reSiding, at the time of her death, with them in Alliston. Miss Couper was a very fami- liar figure in Maple and though in her 83rd year was a very ac- tive person. John is filling the gap while Ernie and Sylvia Hemphill take a well-earned rest and is doing a good job. He says he may be a little slower than Ernie find- ing some of the hundreds of items carried in the store. but give him an extra minute or two and he will put his hand on it. You‘re doing fine, John! There’s a new face in Larwrie‘s Hardware this past week or two â€"â€" it is a familiar face in new surroundings and it belongs to John Neufeld. who for several years operated the restaurant on Keele Street North. To provide our customers with faster and more efficient service we are moving next door to a brand- new office on Keele St. & Highway 7. Modern decor, the latest in furniture and fittings, with a complete range of banking services . . . everything has been planned for your convenience, including ample park' ing space. Drop in and let us get acquainted. When Larry Ashton and members of his staff will be on hand to Show you around. ROYAL BAN K FROM 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. ' J Principal Russell Urquhart fineiwelcomed the parents and 15 a friends on behalf of the students 1017- and staff, then called upon the W011 president of the home and _h91“school, Mrs. Lois Anderson who II“is‘briefly explained about the two bleS plaques, donated by the as- C}”‘ sociation, which were to be “on presented later that evening. and The scholarship plaque will be . lengraved with the names of the “'13 three t0p students from each Fdjslgrade 8 attaining the highest ‘1 Barbara Feeheley. 16 Railway Street spent the long weekend as the guest of her school friend Wendy McBrien of 11 Weller Crescent at her parents’ cotâ€" tage near Bancroft The above mentioned plaques will be hung in the hall of the school on either side of the Centennial mosaic. Space has been provided for the names of future award winners to be en- graved on the plaques. engraved with the names of the Some of the winners of two three top students from each or more crisp new dollar bills grade 8 attaining the highest were Jackie Lines, Gordie Par- academic standing. The leader- rott, Valerie Murchison. Scott ship and proficiency plaque willlLawson and Terry Davis. bear the name of one student Hot dogs and cold drinks were from each grade 8 who has served by members of the lst excelled in proficiency and‘lYork West Ranger Company. leadership. ‘â€" Each graduate wore a red mse provided by the home and school association and Sandra Principe and Karen Homer playéd the piano while gradu- ates and guests assembled in the hall The three grade 8 classes of George Bailey Senior Public gathered in the auditorium at 7.30 pm June 27 for their gradu- ation program when parents and friends were invited to attend. I would like to make an ap- peal through this column for people to be careful with glass. etc. Your correspondent took Sammy the cat to the vet Saturâ€" day as he came home with a ter- rible V-sha‘ped cut on his hind leg revealing the bone. requir- ing a general anesthetic to have it stitched. Next time it could be a child! George Bailey School was a different story when the Rolfes took their tent trailer to Clear Lake in Haliburton. Der- ek fished for hours and all he got was a few nibbles. The weather in Haliburton an the long weekend was not good, in fact at 2.30 pm Sunday the sky opened up and gaVe everything it had, but from then on it seemed to slowly improve until at 1 pm Monday it was just perfect. In the Races included sprints, threeâ€" legged, potato sack, wheelbarâ€" row and a one-legged hop. For the young at heart, a shoe-kick- ing contest was held for the lad- ies. a shoe scramble for the men and a messy egg-throwing contest. The physical fitness types, male and female of all ages, engaged in tug-ofâ€"war con- tests and a once-around-the- park marathon race. Mr. Urquhart called on Cath- munity centre at 9.30 am, the erine Pile of grade 8A who gave‘first day, July 20 for the first the \raledictory speech in \\‘hich;thl'ee-Week session. but wil‘ she thanked the teachers for all‘leave at 10 am on all other days their help during the school Parents please note. years, and the home and school association for arranging the graduation. l - â€" _ â€" RefreShments Were served by members of the Maple Home and School after which the stu- dents enjoyed themselves danc- ing in the auditorium Dominion Day Approximately 100 children and many parents turned up at the park at 4 o’clock, eager to put their best foot forward. front of the auditorium, thesei At 7.15. two rousing ball gamâ€" were suitably inscribed later. es got; underway including all Mr. Urquhart introduced theiages and both sexes. It was guest speaker, Harry Gerber,‘suggested that the umpires were principal of Langstaff Secondâ€" not yet in shape! ary, who addressed the students The lucky winner of the “Seiz- giving them some idea of what doo” draw was Walter McLean to expect at secondary school from Schomberg. The winning and what will be expected of ticket was drawn from the drum them. Michael Reesor thanked by a blonde cutie, fourâ€"year-old Mr. Gerber for taking the time!Cindy Lou Scott. to come to the graduation to ad-i The finale was a beautiful dress the students. ‘fireworks display under the cap- Vaughan Public School Board ‘able supervision of Charlie Wil- Chairman Warren Baiiie pre- mot and his crew. ' sented the graduation diplomasi The Lions wish to thank one and also spoke to those attend- and all for making the Domin~ ing the program. In his remarks ion Day celebrations such a he mentioned the need [or a huge success. strong home and school associ- Swimming Lessons ation with respect to the new; The final registration figure county board which will be for the swimming lessons at formed in 1969 to cover bothLThornhill Pool, organized by the elementary and secondary‘Lions is 143 children ‘ schools. . 'l‘hn hue will lanun 9h- mun, The Lions Club hosted the Dominion Day celebrations July 1 at the community park. Village of Maple Maple MotonMarine Cornell airplane (requires restoring), Cars in- clude 1965 Mustang “big 6” (This item may be financed), 1961 Pontiac and Austin Cambridge both newly painted, 2 tow trucks, Large quantity of Mechanic Tools, Drills, Sanders, 9 in. Atlas quick change Lathe, 6 in. Lathe, Cleen King Washer, 2 sets of Taps and Dies, Floor Jacks, Chain Hoists, New McCulloch electric Welder, gas driven new Chain Saws, Lawn Mowers, Roto- Tillers. Also used items along with a large quantity of new and used parts, Simplex reel lawn mower sharpener. quantity of new Mc- Culloch go-cart parts including kits such as tires, seats, steering linkage, gas tanks, 1 new and 1 used outboard motor, new single lever control boxes, many other items. Giving up Lease 44 Maple Road West, Maple Sat., July 13, 1968, 11 am. sharp including AUCTION SALE for The final registration figure for the swimming lessons at Thornhill Pool. organized by the Lions is 143 children The bus will leave the com- munity centre at 9.30 am, the first day. July 20 for the first three-Week session, but will EV E RY I 968 AMBASSADOR SALES & SERVICE (1968) LTD. 9144 Yonge St. Just South of Richmond Hill 7...“: J, I ZV.“\\“\\\\\\\\\\\X BAKER'S Gard Orr Auctioneer 889-1189 or 223-8066 with

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