Permission was also granted to Frank Gra'barchuck of Central Van & Storage and Worldwide Shipping to install gasoline and diesel fuel tanks and pumps at his new plant on Newkirk Road. The companies have had W. A. Stephenson Co. td., contractors. received permission from Richmond Hill Town Council last week to move gaso- line and diesel fuel tanks and pumps now installed on their Yonge Street North property and relocate them at their new building, approximately 100 feet east. I similar installation at their building on Industrial Road. The new tenant of this building, UCLWCCH ucavcu auu cal Lu, :1 place where God and His people speak familiarly, with each other. FREE-STANDING ALTAR After Vatican II, the church re-shaped her liturgy to fulfil better the needs of her members in sacred wor- worked caretuuy to translate the original concept into an exciting structure of steel. stone and wood. High over the altar. the nave comes to a peak. From this lofty central point, all the main beams radiate. not unlike great arms reaching curves across the rear of the nave, emphasizing the unity of nave and sanctuary. cele- brant and congregation. STAINED GLASS For centuries, men’s minds have been instructed, their hearts moved, by the inspir- ing use of design and colour tween the serpent and the woman. between the ser- pent's seed and the woman’s seed. In the vision in Revela- tions, the woman brings forth a child who. as the Messiah, triumphs over death and ascends into heaven. Our Lady. me patroness or the church. In all, there are six slab glass windows. each made of one inch thick col- ored glass set in epoxy. The epoxy framing, formâ€" ed into figures, gives the ap- pearance of sculpture, when viewed from the outside dur- tens empnasxzmg its upward sweep. The lobby floor, de- signed by Pokorny, is laid with beautiful Vermont slate. Rich, deep red carpeting, ‘selected by Dana Decorating, covers the sanctuary floor. The red Levanto marble baptismal font is the product of the church in guidance and counselling is reflected in the three private consulta- tion offices. Additionally. the diversi- fied activities of the parish- ioners will be served by the large parish hall under the church, a hall that provides pours by, and at some time or other during the week. most residents of the 'Hill' pass by. Joe Malboeuf and Trans Metro have done their best with trees and landscaping to effect a visual transition from the busy-ness of Yonge Could he speak to the many who have worked so hard to build this church in his memory. he would un- doubtedly say, with his chm acte'ristic simplicity: “You have wrought better than I could have dreamed. God bless you." Il‘WNW““\lllllilllllllllllliiillllllllllillllllllllllilllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllilillllllllllllillll“llillllliiilllllllllilllllllliiillllillllllllllllull“ll\l\\l\l\\\l\lll\lllii\i\\llilllllllllllillilllllilllilllill“hill“iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliiillilli“illllillliilllilllllllillllllilillillll“ll‘ill“lililllliiliilllillll““Milliliillillllllillllilmm“lllll“llill\“illlllillillililliilill“illiillllllllilillllllllll““mulllllllllllml]“llilllllllllllllllllillll“llllllllllllll\illlli“\llliilllilliilllllililw “‘llll“tillillll“iiilllilllilllllilllllilllllilillllllllillllilili“illlllilillli“illllillllllillllllllllllilllllliliilillli\lllillllllillliilllillillllillllliilllllllilllllilllll“\lliIii“llllllullllliillllliuluullllimllil‘ Fuel Tanks Require Church News The Sunday morning service at St. John's Anglican was conâ€" ducted by Leonard Lomas and Leslie Eliot delivered the ser- mon. Morning prayer and litany will be held this Sunday at 10 am and the rector. Rev. Earl Gerber, who has returned from a two~week vacation at Keswick. will preach the sermon. Neighborhood Notes THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. August 1. 1968 l q u-mumumummmunmmuuummulnmummmummmmmmumumuu“mumImunmuummmunuuuumummumImm“mmumummmmmm1lmummlmnnmnumnnnuumumlumuummmnlmuumlmmmmnuuI1\l\1\11mlluummmmumuumuumml“mummmuluuumumumuummIIuummmumuummmmnmuummmumuuwmum“mumum“nmummummmmunumunlmmmmummunnummuunmmmumumumlumuummumn“ummmmuum\mmmmmmmmmuuuumuuuumumm“nunuuuummumuumuumumimunummmum“nummmunmh Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Tracy Goulding. Aug- ust 1, Katherine Watson on the 2nd, Brian Feeney On the 3rd. D‘Arcy Bolton, August 6 and Laurie Gamble on the 7th. There is no contradiction in this apparent opposition â€"â€" a church should always represent a meeting-point between heaven and earth, a place where God and His people speak familiarly, with each other. FREE-STANDING ALTAR After Vatican II. the church re-shaped her liturgy to fulfil better the needs of her members in sacred wor- By JOHN WILSON A resident of Bedford Park Avenue Mr. Wilson ls a lead- ing Roman Catholic layman. Drive to Richmond Hill any evening after sunset. from any direction, and you cannot fail to notice a lumi- nous white crass spearing high Into the sky above the town. The cross is plain, white, traditional. In no way does It prepare you for the very beautiful modern church that sits so solidly on the ground below. And yet, the lift and thrust of the towering spire of steel and concrete adds the counter-balancing imâ€" pression of a leap towards the heavens. “Christ In ElGIN MILLS AND JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: Leonard Lomas Telephone 884-3000 ALENCOURT IGA i The agreement between the commission and Mississauga, P o rt Credit, Streetsville, Brampton and Chinguacousy Township were approved earlier by the Ontario Municipal Board. Accurate Kitchens. can make use of the installation, Mr. Graâ€" barchuck told council. although if necessary to get the facilities for his Newkirk Road site, he would have removed them. Zoning Amendment l‘Three-Ring Circus This permission will require an amendment to the town’s zoning bylaw it was pointed out by Mayor Thomas Broadhurst. He recalled that when control of "hazardous use“ was removed by the provincial government from the committee of adjust~ ment and transferred to council, legal advice had been to amend the zoning bylaw by a blanket prohibition of "hazardous use.†At that time it was not fore- seen. he noted, that this could be a hardship on established businesses. such as the two ap- plicants. The town‘s solicitor will be requested to advise council of more expedient means of handling applications for hazardous uses. Until these are written into the town’s zon- ing bylaw. applications of this nature will be referred to the bylaws committee for investigaâ€" tion and recommendation to council. PEELâ€" Sewage and water ser- vice agreements between five Peel County municipalities and the Ontario Water Resources Commission have been sanction- ed by the provincial cabinet. The total approach is sculptural and bears the con- ceptual stamp of William McElcheran, the well-known Canadian liturgical artist and sculptor. In their planning. Cox and Moffett, the architects, have worked carefully to translate the original concept into an exciting structure of steel. stone and wood. ship. The bold form of the new St. Mary Immaculate has been adventurously de- signed to meet these needs, to express spatially intimate unity of priest and people in offering the sacrifice of the Mass. Nowhere is this seen more clearly than in the position of the free-standing altar, so located that, during Mass, it is surrounded on three sides by the congrega- tion; All other elements of the building work together to develop and emphasize this theme of the unity of God's people. High over the altar. the nave comes to a peak. From this lofty central point, all the main beams radiate. not unlike great arms reaching Selling Something? . . Use The Classified Phone 884-1105-6 Now! The Marketplace†Theme Of New Church, Melding Beauty, F unctionalism f1889-4846 THINK Arrives Here Aug. 7 Richmond Hill Jaycees are sponsoring a visit from the King Brothers three-ring circus to Richmond Hill August ‘7. Locale will be under “the big top" at Crosby Avenue Park. Featured will be aerial acts, acrobatics, and gymnastic ex- hibitions. Added enjoyment will be the clowns and varied animals in- cluding elephants. There will be two perform- ances. One at 2 pm and the other at 8 pm. Foreign acts will include the Heidi troupe from Germany performing gymnastic feats; the Apollo troupe of equilibrists; the sensational star of the fly- ing trapeze. Charlotte St. Leon. Also seen will be the Nelson family of aerialists along with a congress of clowns headed by Joe Elgin, Fred Roberts and Tom Hart. The ciréus will comprise more than 200 people including 50 performers and a complete dis- play of wild animals. Also billed is an 80-year-old elephant by the name of “Big Mary.†nun1mmummlnuIlmuummuuuuumlmmuuuumuulmuuuu MORGAN DAVIS mmummuummummumumummunmmuuuuummm down in an encompassing gesture, gathering in the congregation around the place of sacrifice. Behind the altar. the altar boys‘ pews complete the circle which curves across the great wall sweeping out on both sides of the taber- nacle enclosure. This enclo- sure is elevated above the altar to emphasize its import- ance. On either side of the sancâ€" tuary. the nave opens into chapels. Both chapels will have simple altars placed against a massive stone wall. The other two walls will con- sist of tall, brilliant, stained glass windows. These windows are separ- ated by concrete columns which visually buttress the great beams over the sanctu- ary. A large choir balcony curves across the rear of the nave, emphasizing the unity of nave and sanctuary. cele- brant and congregation. STAINED GLASS For centuries, men’s minds have been instructed, their hearts moved, by the inspir- ing use of design and colour PRINTING! TWO CHAPELS BAYVIEW 8. MARKHAM RICHMOND HILL FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 31, AUG. 1, 2, 3 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES in places of worship. In no way is this truer than in the use of stained glass. High above the altar of the new St. Mary Immaculate, above the peak of the roof, the great sanctuary window breaks the light of the after- noon sun into many colours reflected onto the huge. sweeping wall at the back of the sanctuary. And as clouds move across the sun, the reflected colours dim and glow. the figures appear and disappear. The central figure of this magnificent window. design- ed by Gerald Tooke. repre- sents the winged figure of the woman of the Apo- calypse, mentioned in Rev- elations XII as a key figure in the drama of salvation. This reference picks up the story of Genesis III where God foretells the enmity be- tween the serpent and the woman. between the ser- pent's seed and the woman’s seed. In the vision in Revela- tions, the woman brings forth a child who. as the Messiah, triumphs over death and ascends into heaven. By virtue of a resolution adopted by the Town Council of the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill, isrr’hereby pro- claimed that Monday, August 5th, 1968, shall be 3. Civic Holiday. SIDE BACON R. Lynett. Town Clerk DEVON RINDLESS Civc Holiday TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ngT;\'E CALIFORNIA â€" PRODUCE OF USA. c THOMPSON SEEDLESS or RED CARDINAL E RIGHT TITIES ' HAM LB. .I. 0.0... (n - lo‘ eon¢ The great dragon, identified in Revalations III as the an- cient serpent of Genesis, is frustrated by the child‘s as- cention, and turns against the woman and her offspring. the people of God‘ The other figures in the window â€"- the seven angels with the seven trumpets, the four horsemen of the Apo- calypse. the Lamb of God standing on the book of the seven seals â€" all contribute to the presentation of this centuries-old vision of the New Jerusalem by St. John the Evangelist. Different from the sanctu- ary window. the portal winâ€" dows. situated over the enâ€" trance, are just as beautiful and instructive. Designed by Heinz Gauge], they employ his new “positive-negative approach" in presenting the- matic scenes from the life of Our Lady, the patroness of the church. In all, there are six slab glass windows. each made of one inch thick c01- ored glass set in epoxy. The epoxy framing, form- ed into figures, gives the ap- pearance of sculpture, when viewed from the outside dur- SLICED T. Broadhurst, Mayor 1 LB. VAC PAK ing the day. From the inside, and at night. the story pre- sented by the figures is de- tailed in colored glass. At the foremost point of the church, where the portal windows angle together. a twelve foot high sculpture of Our Lady is affixed. to indi- cate to all that this church is Mary's spiritual protection. NATURAL BEAUTY The materials used in building St. Mary Immaculâ€" ate have been carefully selected for their natural beauty. The main walls. in- side and out. are of rough hewn Kingston stone. rich in texture, salmon pink in color. The stained glass windows are divided by massive col- umns faced with bush ham- mered concrete. The roof is plated with copper. with bat- tens emphasizing its upward sweep. The lobby floor, de- signed by Pokorny, is laid with beautiful Vermont slate. Rich, deep red carpeting, selected by Dana Decorating, covers the sanctuary floor. SUMMER MATERCHANDISE UNHEARD 0F PRCES! 75c Everything in the store must be cleared by Saturday at closing time in order to make room for new Fall stock. SAVE! CALIFORNIA â€" PRODUCE OF U.S.A. THOMPSON SEEDLESS or RED CARDINAL SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION AND Dad's ngkies A Save 4/ $1.00 560 LLENCOURT IGA ONLY pf Con-Art Studios who have also installed the altar de- signed by Vincent Vannin. Con-Art will also produce the Stations of the Cross. bronze castings set on a background of Calcutta-gold, Italian marble. The stone work on the apâ€" proaches to the church has been done by Mike ‘di Carlo. one of three men left in To- ronto who still do this highly skilled work. The total. har- monized effect of all these elements is a happy marriage of function and beauty. RECTORY Functional though it be. and as beautiful as it is. this building also serves needs other than those directly re- lated to worship. The rectory has been designed with an eye both to the present and the future. The growing role of the church in guidance and counselling is reflected in the three private consulta- tion offices. Additionally. the diversi- fied activities of the parish- ioners will be served by the large parish hall under the church, a hall that provides SAVE! OF ALL an auditorium. special meet- ing rooms. kitchen. wash- rooms. and a cloakroom. The close grouping of church. hall. offices and rec- tory results in a compact composition contained under one great roof form. THE SETTING A word about the setting of the new church will ex- emplify a favorite theme of the former pastor. the late Rev. Frederick McGinn: Christ in the market place. Built on land that includes the original site. plus prop- erty acquired to the south and east of the old church, the new St. Mary Immacul- ate faces Yonge Street. also known as Highway 11. The doors open up to a view of municipal and pro- fessional offices and of many operating businesses. Traffic pours by, and at some time or other during the week. most residents of the ‘Hill' pass by. SAVE! Street and the town to the peaceful quiet of the church itself where. regardless of belief, Christ the Lord waits in the market place with His message of peace to all men of good will. The final chapter of the story of the new St. Mary Immaculate‘s building, dec- orating and furnishing must be told in terms of the dedi- cation. efforts and generos- ity of pastor. parishioners, patrons and other benefac- tors. It is a story that spans many kinds of men and women, from many walks of life. All have been moved to their contribution not simply by the needs of the parish for a larger church, bud: equally by their desire to raise a memorial to the cherished memory of the late Father McGinn.