l 6 Advertise Where The Reader Traffic Is â€" LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ADS! . Hundreds of Bargains THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 1, 1968 . Services For Home and Business . Look Them Over At Your Leisure ; HELP WANTED 5 HELP WANTED 9 HELP WANTED lMISCELLANEOUSMISCELLANEOUS I GARDENING USED CAR IN ATE ~â€"~â€"---â€"â€"»â€"----. - - - a - ‘ CLASSIFIEP I‘D-VERTIS G R S _ . RELIABLE day care required. 77__ _lcont‘nu?§) V 'Cont'nl‘f’r‘l'rw CLEANING home and office.‘ Am_‘9°fllmu°dl l iï¬â€˜gï¬â€™g§§‘CF*h_lfgg‘ï¬â€"g -"‘."“"‘-‘â€"~~:~w- CASH RATES. lst Inserllon ~70 each "0"}, mll'lmulfl ,Vieinity G.E.M. Store. Contact‘SALESMAN to take a small-CASHIER. Good working con- 884-2433. Day or night. llc36l PAINTINGâ€"tkâ€"PKPER“‘MI mks ‘0“ ‘F‘ s: T .k 7834 -f-..';â€m“g‘ J°““ MaSh’mer- charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions 11’ ,889-0301. after 6 p.m. tfc4 line of samples. 889-4182. iditions. Apply in person. Mor- “Kmâ€"WEde 7“" j HANGING 3394860 '93:.)167' ‘ ' “as? “""' . CALM} wordlng unchanged, .7c per word. mlil'l- Charge 300- :EXPERIENCED dressmaker far-ï¬er V W 7__ __7_»f:1:‘3 VFOOdI‘fnd‘WW†WALELm Dd." Ql‘ flight- 884-2433~ like R- E- Dâ€â€â€- 334'2798- ll“ 17939ï¬i1elegrgtatiohÂ¥waiaohiiau:l COMING EVENT NOTICE 100 per word, 1.11111. charge $1.50 clothes made to measure. 88?: SERVICE StathI’l attendant. full S'rLDEN'Fb for part-time evenâ€"ALUMINUM sidin'gwwcle’ancd‘ pLL731BINGV‘&h“EԤT‘tNG-ion-lath: $100. 8894490f3 tha 77734118 Box NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 50c 4182- clue time shift work. t738 longe mg work at the Steer Inn. 884-jeawstroughs cleaned out 884_ P0 U Plouh Telephone .3-i964.d.1 .1. . , U 46 i’â€"â€"â€". ~.â€"â€".â€" . . - _.- ..â€" - \uh ' ,~â€". _' . â€" .. CARDS 0†THANKS’ IN MEMOR‘AMS’ DEATHS’ ‘ONE exl’er‘enced my dr‘VfH-igleen-E-llomvmni-v -- (Ill-318482 -- ---(~â€"l“afll;we tf“884-1650. tte24‘vork Iiifpglt:‘sgldis‘ilgdens'oï¬gWANTED W ~3 ‘ c ‘ ENGAGEMENTS‘ MARRIAGES, BIRTHS w. in- one madle, Otrie fetmaledfor shipâ€"IBOOKKEEPER with experi- BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST pLUMgINï¬â€˜inAï¬ghm PXIï¬-I-V-G- and dub-Emma in 1959.0} , )7 , 1‘ d Hobs Kinig glgltingï¬idgid . fin earmen an reen-‘ -. d ' k" 't' .l . - . t . i i ‘ ‘ ' b ' 9‘3 L 0" 531‘. lla ‘. ’ . ~' ‘ ’eruon 51'“ p g p g ‘eme G00 “or mg condl lonsâ€" Expenemed "1 complete 591 “i A' MILLS 8" SON LTD- :Slde and out. also carpentry wliecls.12‘Brantford body. “1â€, Richmond Hill etc. 884-3383 1 Classified advertisements should be in as early m the house work. Apply Box 192,iTliornhill area. 889-6431. clwolbooks to trial balance. one girl. James D_ Stewart work. 884-5009. Clws 7736053- m“ lUThe Liberal". CZlV‘} â€" A '" "P" ’. "' .. . I , l I “’0441,ack5. "wk †“55am! but “Ot later than 9.30 am 0“ Wednes- â€"- . _ _ .1. EXPERIENCED swncliboardtoiflce, Highway 7 and. hee 9 834.2201 _ ‘_H 77 h ' 7 '~ 7:“ Vi_ “ï¬N it“ lhi 7 W _V_ ink“ _- h~_ï¬_r‘ __ days Selfd ads by mail and enclose payment Ol' telephone ACCOUNTING Staffrequired byloperators for shift work. 889- district. Cali Mrs. Norrie, 889-! “(.43 SHEET METAL wonh i19oz Rambler autoniaug mm- LANDSCAPEAGRADING . 84 1105 884 1983 d 'll ' ' l ‘Chartered accountants °ffice17611- “043 5431. el'enings 889-4462. ch5 PXI’Vï¬ï¬'GEHW' “,Eavestrough, new and repairedulmlcal transportation. Call York‘Rom‘atlng. soddmg and seed- us at 8 - or - an you w receive an invo ce. Apply in writing, giving all de-IETPE‘jE-TW â€"â€"-;~.~â€"‘â€";â€" ---Y-A-T-CH“A-ij-i ,-a-l-itâ€"--l-ï¬f-t . I . I ‘Hezmng' l.Oof flashing etc. Imports 8898830. emsâ€; Grass and weed cutting. ‘t 'lst L R R b d A M AGED mam-3a“ Op' “ l i m m†P 1 km“ ' “Uts‘de- 8844311 Free estimates W rk ~ "’1‘ f ' "‘ m " â€"ileestone. Roy Harrison. 884â€" 'al- 0 ' ‘ 058'} erg an ’ S'lcrators and rough carpenterswvork. Transportation required; “€51 id 8841 0 o guaran- 1954 Famaqe Stahon “,agoméwm “(I45 somates’ P'O' Box 95' Amlora'l727-4052. *lw5 Permanent position. full em- 7* 'â€"~â€" te‘ ' ' 0 6‘ “044 V8. automatic. black \\llll red __ c2w4 TREEâ€"REMOVAL ployee benefits, maximum age PLASTERING _ DRYWALL KERR:TIAYITORâ€"ELECTRICAL llltellor- 773-4388. cl\\5 -â€"7,â€"â€"-â€"â€". . ~-â€"- (Continued) --.--â€"--~â€"-- ----â€"~.â€"-* â€"-----RELIAB’L‘E ladFi-‘equired tor. . . . . Remodellin _ Renov tions . .4 i -. . 30 Electric Stove m g00d __.._‘.“:._.-..____.-_.._,_ YOUNGdady required as sec-‘occasional babysitting 1 yeal.‘60. Reply giving retereiices and[ New __ ï¬e air. 8843329] \ .' CONTRACTOR . ‘1966 Vauxhall Viva. one owner, Tug: CM and Removed working order. Best offer. 884; TWO Z-wheeler bicycles, $10.1-etary by vice-prestdent â€" saleslold Child Bay\.ie“./Palmr “ea statmg quahï¬cations to Box; p ._18 Indilstlial. commercial. l‘GSIdell-‘Cau york Imports, 389-8830, easonable Rates 4691_ 01W; 93pr 384-6019 c1w5’of Richmond Hm manufacturâ€"l884_863o' ‘Chï¬â€˜ 195. “The Liberal". *1W5. ---- - ---- UL “31 and clear“: heating Phone “"5 AM“ Baker. ass-£436 {1' 42 ’ "" . 7 P. , I ‘ï¬h , .M ".7- A in firm. Shorthand and driver's 7‘._-..._.;. __ ,,. __L- , ._, 1, W ' ’ s' “W "H j I A1 CLEANING SERVICES ‘889-2976. lit-029‘ LET s ' ' _‘ ' ’ “" . c {formal dresses, 1 bland nevi LLOYD bab.‘ (8111889. Hal/:3: Pg†I . _ QUALIFIED tool and die RAWLEIGH business no“ open Com lete cleanih and main_ .. . L ‘ v . . ‘1950. Lhevrolet. good running EXP' "7‘; - :â€" w1th coat others worn once blue $25 884-6845. cliiolte Ce necessari. Apply MIS- . R .1 d H“ [mad “en. P g FLOOR CovEmNG . ERT saiden maintenance. . ’ l 47â€" 4Hâ€"u-_-. Gregm-v 389-6927 C1w5tmakel‘. Apply Excel MQtalCl’aft, m 11mm“ 1 ' l e .tenance industrial commercial . - icondltlon’ needs body “lork' Plantino of all kinds Guaranâ€" 3‘7’9 11' 884'3308' c “ .BELL Piano. upright. 800d ~â€" u r“- 7 ~ -» er Ltd. 95 Cousins Drive llurora eStathhed' Excellent OpportunVresidenti l 884 ’22' tfcll All t) pes “0‘01.“19'SheathOds'l884'1083‘ “IWS't d a" ~ . ' Tm“,ng p001 and condition 334-3412. c1w5lSALESMAN free to travel Sim-#9431 ' ‘ c1,,.5;ity. Full time. Write Rawleigh,[ 3:“ v" 3;, ‘ ilï¬xpert workmanship at low 1566'},“(7653100011)†~3400| ee 1191“.me Stock. No Job too accessories, new liner. $200. STOVE and fridge reasonable days a week. Car supplied. $75lEXPEï¬Iï¬Nâ€"CE-D -. Dept. H-351â€"189, 4005 Richelicu‘ RON MOORE cost. Free estimates. Gillettj or best off‘m: Must senesigomg‘sma 'lF'ee esumates- 8344932:- 8324540' c1w5 Can 8846044. ’ Clws' plus expenses and commisswn.I male 01‘ “310333 St, St. Henry, Montreal. ‘PAINI‘ING - PAPERHANGING lime gliders. 884-883]. tfclli-Mexico. 8844535 ’ ï¬ws ,g_ ~ ‘ hairstylist, immediately. A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY c1w5‘1nterior - Exterior. Free esti-l _-.,_ L‘AWN CARE BAKER’S DACKHOE GIRLS bicycl?Raleigh, in ex- SMALL Generalâ€"Electric re- _ wages. La Riviera Coiffure. 832- â€" -~~--â€"---~ - - ~â€"â€". mt I u - . 339-3965, ii‘sfcs‘Yamaha 250â€",ppfgest'gf- c m 1 t 1 . ~ . M 061191“ condition- 334'1224~ frigei'ator. $10. 884-4291. clw5 884 6944 e1w5‘2590- tfc52i OPPORTUNITY ‘1 es ca anytlme tfc35 . . EXCAVATING . ’fer or trade for car. ass-1195,13“: Edeinrzrli‘i‘nngnREEIAtSEONXELE (:1W5 “ï¬sâ€" _~_______.â€"l ‘ ‘ ‘ r“ . ’ ‘Loeal retail sales personnel I‘e-r ~._-.~.A~_â€"â€" ll'enchlng. sewer & water llnesw After 6 *1 ,5lRATEs T d N. â€"â€"-â€"â€"..â€"-â€"â€"-.â€"-_ COLOR and Stereo 1“ per' CONSCIENTIOUS woman want- MALE .heh†full tlme- Please quired for the Richmond Hill E. W PAYNE footings, 889-3604. flew-L..- .,.__ _. _ _*.ll..l884 791‘s 6 eely‘ 884‘8567 or SMALL flldge’ floor ponsher’ feet cond‘tlon- 8845322: after ed for supervision of children apPly m Person onlY- SCOtt'S area full 0,. par-bums! Will give Drains, septic tanks. All types CL’EANIV’G E1966 Datsun Sports 1600, onelml. . ï¬g†_ I†_~__tf(_'% crib, stroller frame. 889-5493. _ 4 pm. clw5 ages 5 and 7 and housekeeping, Chicken Villa, 187 Yonge Street You exce tional eamhigs Trans_ of concrete work ; WINDOWS w!“ Ls lownei', fully equipped. Call; LANDSCAPE GARDENING “1w†TAPPAN-GURNEY gas stove, noon to 5 pm. Monday through NOI‘i-h- __ 01W5gortaï¬onprequhgd Fm! a pep 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES. AND FL'OORS‘ 3Y70ljivfllpgl‘is. Ell-8830. eiw5;Hedgeelipping, sodding and FIRST string beans for sale. 11 perfect condition. $100. 884- Friday, Richvale. Phone BBQ-iFEMALE technical assistannsonal. conï¬dential interview. Day or Night I REAR chrome bumï¬e}._fr01n‘Syofleworkhkj including Panes. quart basket $2.50. 884-2586. 7902. c1w5 9155- p V c1‘ll'5ifor machinery manufacturer,;Ca]1 7734085 unpam‘g‘nYâ€"CWCYOR 884-2433 .1968 Mercury pickup. Complete wa 8. lot eiies. and rail-road. - ClW5 ELECTRIC inner, portable TV; RECEPTIONIST FOR mechanical drafting and secret-lâ€"â€"*“'*" â€"â€"~‘*â€"~Wâ€" ‘ ‘ ‘ i “M4830. 884-2476 itws “e Walls- l‘emllm‘ and 10P- dressing. Sandy topsoil. musli- room compost. By the load -â€"- ‘Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V., ._ . . ._ Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. SIBARGAINS - PHOTOGRAPHY CIWSESSO Service Centre island ,L.Lflsalesnian. Steady employment. 1962 Vauxhall 3150. 12:11?- bird cage and stand. oil stove, RICHMOND HILL OFFICE arial duties 889-1868- vOLKs'iVAGENs‘ meter, 3’ depth swimming pool ideal for cottage. 884-4867. Duties varied. A pleasing tele-iï¬vs wanted to itsâ€"nails. estab-iï¬ourlv rate lug commission, -, . . i G d . 4 . , . . _. . . . . be be 1967 Honda 175 cc. Scrambler DRESSER, baby go-cart, uart " SF 13 -_ 935,9 3?? l‘lin Thornhill and Ric va e. a1 land tidy in appearance, Two â€" -_â€"____-‘Art. uam assured‘ D, W, -~ DMD ._.-_._ L- I. 3600M! $530 or best offer_ Can sealers. screen Storm doorq odd Box 196 ‘The Liberal’ givmger. Prosser. 884â€"8864. c2w5 miles south of King Sideroad?ALL "5 fullyour San?) graVeli Bimbo“?2 889.2205 R0 2‘275ulai’13 F‘t’ll‘lt l’ibttzill pltkup trutk â€"â€"â€"=â€"-â€"â€" 884-3172. *1w5 windows and screens. 884-1065.!3 00mph“ r3533†1 “1“’5‘URG‘ENT. softball coach, Richâ€" on Highway 400. Phone 832-â€11’ “’9 “1.1. and Rhmesmï¬e' ’ “Wilda; u l l y 0 y’ Phone FARM mamâ€"whims ems. EMPLOYERS mond mu League. real chat-1166 for interview appointment 321?; $811522. “585$.Lel_â€"sramoâ€"ens:isiscf 133,“, 1+»â€" ï¬~ More -9 very good shape. $18.50. 889- 200 Amp. GTE. portable weldéir’If 3'0“ Will need Ext“ 0m“ lenge for right person. Dave c2w5 832_8'876‘ ‘ r ’ tfilz‘. WINDOWS .Iprjce scgoorg) 13335:? dofcleï¬dltég? IMPLEMENTS 5499. DOddS. *1W5 with over 100 ft, cable. $450. aSSiStance When the p05t31889-5205. C1W5i _'- WALLS I569? after’s pm ' clw5- --- - _-4 - .. L. L L ‘ .___,l WTOR sir Les Hart Gormley_ 887_5415 strike is settled â€"â€" call 884-6944iMAN over 50 years of agé t6 . CARPENTER _ ; FLOORS i ,,__’__g___ - ._va7 _ fl_iM.H. N I baler PTO drive T ah. b l d h h ’ 4.1;“; Mona Robertson Temporary,‘\ ork on 01f course Also man Alterations, repairs, kitchens,‘i 8844311 .1964 Dodge station wagon, - I - - - . - - ~ - - . . . - - .- - .. $ 150 8:933:51: ty ae orse , , Placements is now booking part lath , g m h ical know“ _ , rec rooms, etc. Free estimates, tfc40,50,000 miles, warranty, $1,195. M.H.N 1 baler engine _ BEAUTX salon qulpm‘?“ time help to help you get your 1“; been}? 8896223? 1 ,5 FURNISHED room in Thorn- good work, reasonable. C.;__ . A, . .__:884-6849. clwa dl'lVe - - . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . 250 WESTINGHOUSE 21" TV, newillsgl‘lynzlaegginlzléyersn9138118,tint; office back to normal, tfcï¬ e ge- a _ ' - C “ hill district. 889-1540. c1w5 Callin. 884-7864. tfe37,B _ kCUS£?MkBUIII-<DING% t. 356673.530“ gagdjï¬es 1.36,; 300 combine 13‘ cut 7 , sin 5, sm ---. i ‘ v . . . - - ' - - o ‘ ' . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . P cture tube. $85, 884-8624.Clws accessories. 112-859-0534. “:5 0!,PORTUNITY . ï¬ztgltjrsrï¬g’g‘s‘; 2Iéoom, suit gin; GENERAL 1f‘tliii‘traictlrilg, altera-[ “C Genergf A‘ftgiauons a I 51:53.0 Sfull ME. 300 combine 11. cut '00“ WRECKING ’dmï¬ FRIG., oak chest of drawers. 2 I am IOOkmg for an aggl.esswe'lRestaurant, part-time or full- ' ' ’ c nous and a mons’ omes’ Of‘ WALKER CONSTRUCTION L- ~i- -â€"-- 4- - l l 3.850 hard working, positive minded flees, factories. Custom carpen-i i5 room house, north Of Rich- 1966 Austin 1100.A-1 conditionlcoplaglï¬itlép‘ . . . , .- " _ .v _ , Phon 889-5292 par-ts in good condition. 833- lfnwn $32355.) ifltmelg kittens individual. If you qualify as amine. 832 1222. clu5 mond Hm on Yonge St. $125!,†of an desmptlons. Les e W38 Can York Imports. 8898830. 2850 5306- clw5 “3°- ' - er aturdayvl I II . . - i vb .lCAPABLE young girl to baby- . _ ,_ Webb 839454.; “03 _ , I .v__,__. __ W- _, _ y- - - - - i - a - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - i ~â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"“.~_._ can 334.3713 1 .5 003 ill 01 Palt “me dSt“ u i . . p81 month. 889â€"7166. clwai ~ . clwo- Many others to choose from CONTENTS of home 0‘ 1. - C ‘l’ i 1. y will 1 av a an ~c fin_=51t 41,1: year old girl, few hours - _-- - â€" - 5â€" **â€""~~“'7"“ LEONARD] BROTHERS ‘ e-â€" -â€"-â€"-k -~ 7. ~â€"-r~~~ ‘ ' v . . me to Jon 1 e f tastl . . . . 'RALPH ELMS DECORATING r Rb‘lBLE TRACTOR moving north. Furniture and BUNK beds, army style’ new, ancial www.complete training per day. Monday to hiday.lROOM 101 16119-312 weekly, orl _ _ A . CONSTRUCTION 1964 _/\1va, _mechanlcally A-1,: . d appliances. 88943129‘ c2w4 500 sets_ Cheap 3368 Yonge will be provided. An investment About 6 weeks Mamham/ exchange for light liousekeep-.Paiiiting, paper-hanging“ inter- Concrete. Drain and General sacrifice, $450 full price. 389:i E UglMEVT AhNTIQU‘hâ€"M furniture and used Street. T0r0nt0. HU 8-7911. .of $1,000 - $2.500 (fully secured) Yonge area. 884-1470. c1w5'mg dunes- 88:1‘4110 _» Cl‘V5i10r ans eXterlor’ Free eStImiteS-rRepall'S- PatiO. Stonework and.3{4:11;_wv“hm__ » A _m Z1110} ‘Iaweygergusoa_nealer furniture and appliances for §____‘__ _ C215 is required. For personal, con- YOUNG man requiredâ€"£5}- gen- UPPER duplex. _2 bedroomtwor guaranteed 884'tfgcié‘ Sl‘lg‘lglfs- ‘1963 Voufswagen 1500' hasllad? Gormley 887-5886 conga 334-3089_ c2w4 MODERN dinette set like new‘fidential interVIew, call Toronto era] labor. Apply in person_ Newlllal‘ket- $120 lnCIUdes all ,_____-_h__k_z 88 '°~~8 ‘ 8 Valve 10b plus 5 new lll'ES-_ Comer of Don Mills & imtmeSâ€"ï¬iï¬xfg $50. Living room furniture. 22 635-9765. *1w5 Canadian spawn & SuppIy Ltd..591‘VlceS- 395'8279- clw5,CARPE_NTRY WORK. additiqllsi. WNW»? , “"39 Call York Imports 839‘3330- _ Stouffville Roads 889m“ calibre gas pistol. 884-8754. . SThORfjs‘T‘Sgï¬vaNT Newkirk Rd., at Water Tower. NICELY furnished room, boardirenovatmsi garages- retreallon _ CHIMNEYS ' . I ._ _ _ I ï¬ll"? c1\v5 C3w4 c1w5 In Medical Laboratory clwsioptional, home privileges. Pal-k_‘FOOI;’lIS,Ftlle flotdl'S-tNO1.101;3 100 Chimneys and fireplaces bulltl1966 Mustang, white hard-topflm .._..h-_-.__ ANTIQUE maple finish bunk;Mature man with Grade 10 or SECRETARY WANï¬D ling. 884-1768. c1w5‘5ma. -_ Fee es lma 95- - I“celland repaiI'Ed- Free estlmates-,automatic transmission. radio,l First dziywrogl; SELEM 1 2:35amï¬pnggodmggggï¬:Enlag‘éir 11 for general Stores “’Orkilflll' For Real Estate office, hours CLEAN furnished main, use of 8*89-323'W_EXCAVATIVG “C285:;géinlzgrkmggzgzp, iggbggggshow-room clean. 889-1860. 1 my i 95: all 9- ‘ - ‘ lug Orders. sorting matel‘la 011 9:30 to 5:30. Please call Man- kitchen â€"â€" young girl â€"- close; . t l ' - - l___. -1 A c Wei "‘“7 ~‘ . . â€"â€4 889-7834. c4w2'5296- 01“'5 shelves, and help to unload agel‘, A101 Brothers Ltd, 339- to Yonge_ 384-3302. c1w3 Trenching, footings, concrete,l walk" Consuucmn “3351957 Oldsmobile, all powere l§?x£ï¬Â§ntrflï¬s £33,232: F3: BLACK LOAM DItNING-room suite, filing cabi- trucks with_supplies used in,33o3_ c1w5 FURNISHED room Cooking and drains. Backhoe loader t ‘mechanically A_1 good tyres, 88966.48. “051 For lawns, flowers, gardens, 23d. 1:31? Iggggigoglgfiiggeestogle raking medical products. DRIVE-R salesman for a Ham facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house rentals. 884-6264, 884-5559.tfcgi ineeds minor body work and!ILAâ€"WIDE}?1%.â€.pjéklib718eps 4. 9.565 etc‘ 773'5412‘ “C42 ‘ ppcs' ht L b t p chise route. Truck supplied. Ap-‘east of Bork’s Jewellers at - -‘-- l lpa.1_n.t'_ LL _.c_1ߤifuny equipped used’I season: playpen, combination ’ . ~ I 1 aAora $1,195 ply Supreme Dry Cleaners, Yonge. tfcsl SEPTIC TANKS PURIPED V {1963 Buick Le Sabre‘ p0\ver,reasonable 885-5792 clws rain and t 11 a t 2‘? 5“."“lm‘ng PO01â€" complete .99 e5 ‘9' " 9010 Yonge Street, Thornhill. I , :325. and un- Complete “llh WANTED steering and brakes. new tires,=-â€"---~-i------.AÂ¥-.--â€"-. - p. 5.1.0 el’ car sea ’ With filter pumps ladder etc Willow‘lale . 9 ROOM house’ panelled hung free spray flushing Call a d h ' I d‘t' 334 ‘RAMBLER cablll ll‘allel‘. like Wicker bassinette. 889-4559 Or†1 ’ t 1032 S ’1 f 1‘ 61,,5 I I 01“5 room, arborite kitchen. $125 SPEEDI‘, i-{O*;-ï¬mï¬'s‘-â€"z" .w 00" m.“ 31"“ C0" “°“' It 51,, 4 $800 0,. offer, after 6 e2w4‘ gm cos s ’ ' e1 01 â€"- a 7â€" a W‘OIVIENâ€"i'lâ€"l "“krl'tilâ€" l); monthl' available Au ust 20 ‘ LI ‘l m 301†area' 3407 an“ a pm' Clwo new' e ps ' W _._'_____‘_-_‘$500. 887-5442 after 6 pm. - 4, to 161119 1 091}- ay 3: g -i 889-5061 889-5413 call 895-860]. c4w5 ---_~- - v -- - _â€" 889-3126. clw5 h OFFICE CLERK ‘01- evenInc poqltlons avallable 1773-4326. (:1\\'5l on ~ 7- mrAr w â€" we ~~rv â€" 196!) Chev 311101713th l'adlo-lâ€"sâ€"ws-‘H A "5 7â€" v ' I “’35 er- “1‘15 re‘ _~_7_~ *_ _ a 013:5;Young girl with 4 years B. 8; C. ° ‘ "â€"77- e---â€"~â€"-â€"â€"~â€"~ tic“: EXPERIENCED cleaning ladyn0ne ownel.‘ in mint 05ndition.‘NEVV Iroquois Tent Trailers Modelâ€iCourse, Preferably 18â€"20 yeai‘SlFuu or part tlme. V1113 HOSpILFURNISHED room and kitchen-3 11 second floor. Parking.’ piano accordion, 120 bass keys,lof age for preparation of payâ€"igiggï¬huéggjgbiet Nolth‘glsé Elle 0 7 ‘ ' standard size, treble keyboardï¬roll, bookkeeping and general . . LaTgStaH near longe- Busmesf 2 bass registers, 7 treble regIS-‘clerical assistance. Must be good1 _ RECEPTIONIST_ pelson- 889'4190- A I 91“â€! ters, good condition. $90. Call with figures. Typing helpful butiPal‘t time el’enlng Work "1 Rei'lIlSTORE front for rent. Size 24x| 14, suitable for office or smalll evenings. 884-4817. elwslnot a requirement. Permanent Emile Ofï¬cer typing alld 300d miposmon’ 5 days per week, telephone v01ce essential. Calhstore. $3500 monthly, 233 Bay- turn, will deliver and guarantee one year. Ken Clark 889-5226., tfc14 TREE CUTTING Tree Topping and Pruning House Painting E. C. DOAK Phone: 832-8985 ITALIAN ‘I'Contino with references, desires work, lweekdays. 884-8234. c1w5 lYOUNG MEN‘ .176519‘ 1.00“th 196,5'Sunbeam Minx, A-l mech {for work. Anything conSIdei‘ed.‘anicam._ $700 01. best offel. iCan you help us? Call Salvationi , .2_2-04 884_64_7 tfcliArmbz 8894655. tfc29yDays 22 o . Res. 5 . nu Y .k I .t . 889-8830. ‘for rent. $40 per week. Larger Cd 01 mpm S dws models available. Trailers for Ami -â€"lsa1e. BA 5-9051, 727-4571 even- ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 'llngs and weekends. c13w49 HOURS-"HOME Truck Camp- .lers, lightâ€"weight, no special equipment needed. Sleeps 4 to clwo SWIMMING POOLS ( .___._.W " ' - ' ' - - t . a 1 l e â€". â€", . . . R“U"‘â€"_‘_BBEE STAMPS, fast service new mattress. dryer and washer‘ App“, . - Gord Smith, 889 7624. c1w5 View Plaza. Phone 884-5112. 15, x 30.! concrete, with filter; REï¬â€˜IABeIiéE lï¬gï¬ï¬lba: gigs; 1965 Inteinational 1 51311011“; m comfort Low cost_ From __ any Size __ several type faces Electmhome record player and Connaught Laboratories WAITRESSES wanted full time. 7 _ tfcz‘as 10“. as $2700. t 1 se 5 p d.‘ It I _ O wagon, good for. camping or de-‘$1195. and up. Life time fat;â€" to choose from. call “The Lib- radio combination, Roto-tiller 1755 Steeles Ave-a We Steady position. good wages. paIvATE l ’ “a “man 0r 15"“ c‘mg' r liveries. 6 cylinder. standard tory warranty. Tent Trailers 13- W. PAYNE CONTRACTINGlany light work. Phone 773- Willowdale, Ont., Shift $1,675, evenings. 889-5163. from $345 ,and up. ml» 384-1105. “0 and TV. 773-4385 after 5 p.m. _ Morning or evening. Apply B, _J _ i.- . .. 2‘4, swï¬mmg p001 complete clot-5 g clwo & M Restaurant. ’72 mile South‘fga.1t 3Ogeziléofnxecgtlgstllgggli: ‘ 889 5762 tfcslg‘gï¬i‘ER NbED b .nc3“5l _______ tfc42‘Fog Iltjeillttâ€"T;avc:ll - Ten; :I‘Boa}: _. . ‘ ' 5 - ‘ 7‘5. ‘*1 SCHOOL ECRETARY No. 7 on Woodbine. 297-2825. ‘ . . ' . ~ _’. , â€". 113 ll Siness UT INSLTRANCE tan t1 1y 1‘31 61‘5 all we “1th filtel, pumps. ladder, etc. 2 me“ RCA Victor 00101 TV-mr Administratsion Ofï¬ce- Wrm , dwsdonble gauge. lemhlll- Aug i PERRI-STILLE CUSTOM woman available for Girl Fri- A 0 Campers. $599. We need your tradeâ€"in B & W set. Over 100 models C1“.5‘;radio, stereo. color, etc. For your selection. Original cost $1,032. Sell fort 3500. 887-5442 after 6 pm. lust 20111. $325 monthly. 389-. UPHOLSTERING ______ W H film) Antique and modern furniture. ‘NEW second floor apartment. All work guaranteed. Up nicely furnished, suit couple or date selection of material 3 KING CITY TRAILERS King Sideroad - 773-4260 tl'cl lday office duties Able ,0 All risks written. Lowest rates V ' 7 ' Fast service. Auto financing handle cash, bookkeeping, meet I . I _ -, - - 1 to public and type. Own transpor- f“ 311111â€. 889’6833’ wafflgï¬g nd tation. Mrs. Blake 425-2020 01‘.244‘6f)‘3‘ C ten applications will be recentâ€"SECRETARYrequired for Rial- ed by the undersigned up tOjinond Hill Separate School 4:00 p.m. August 12th, 1968.,BoaI-d, Apply J_ C, Matthews, AIR CONDITIONERS ‘ Feddm __ an models in stock:g:en;$0:::ï¬nlï¬glgb-Eégz Yong'e $251922 “ï¬tting;Sgiigfséueadixigiall‘aggmgfnurses. everything furnished‘styles. 884-6885. lit-17 evenings. 389-0268. tfc5 ’lsszAnijDs‘TONVEnTIELE"j -. .L.san1e8g:§1ggli\.§l.y ___10west‘ ’ ' elm.) quiréd. . ‘ ' chvélgfgcililtfnrIt‘sgteffesseegdi‘i’ axpl' BILL EIIVTICHELL ' .Starfire fully allijtomatic & PI‘ICES- ater 5 n 0-: â€" a -, â€"â€"---â€"-â€" . . . ....._.V. a--- 1-...-. ' ~' . ~ - . - iv. A. , ‘ . _ -1 ,. U ,akes. Sm?†M 77 » ___ ‘ VT weekends p 1&5; ORGAAS Mr5: Dmmhl .J: Suw' RICHMOND HILL firm seeksCrane 773-4385 after 7 pm. CONSTRUCTIOV , , 130.2191 Jose’sgfdmo‘n 8844967 ROOM and board avmable m "*“_"“-~'-5"â€"' 5 â€"-p r ' :lCO'llbo Organs self contained Blismess AdImmStl-ato.†- services of experienced business emf) Rec. rooms. additions. fire- ell i g - “\‘12- King, gentleman preferred. 773_ FURNITURE SLIP COVERS and 131.“ 1. f1. . Richmond Hill Public School , _ .l . g C places, (.uswm buildings and 1717121 A .LL_-_. _- _._ .1- m I r V 7 7 W F" “can C . _ l ‘ ‘ ae cm $399. Home B rd woman foi office duties. Must, I ‘ H . _ _ “AxTED to buy. 3 f9“, pupmes _ V . d 0H0 #7 _ w†In W“ mule â€" cuttomm'gansi lowest Prices from $599. .-°a .' . _ .. . .be able to handle cash. meet? ‘ep‘ms' “w' “1"†889"645' for rc-sale as pets. 889-7934. 1.908 C0115“ 1"“ ‘mleage' goo NICE’ETight’room‘u-itli‘iamilv made, workmanship guaranteed.iH d __L .. .__ , .. .56 ionge Street 301th, 1- . , . ,_.,_. 1 mg] V_ “res and mechamcany 501mg . t. V_ Pl 1 ’ . S t ainmon owiey Farflsa‘Richmond Hm 02m.) pubic and type. Apply in wt.. ‘ 7 _v _ 7 p “(.40 ~ C 11 original good meals. Private Smmmmg .ease plane. 93mm or a “Organs: Roma†and BUdget‘ -.â€"_' _.._- __. _ 1112’ giving full details to Box} ‘ ‘ RUBBER STAMPS IVFO§_S6IL_7.._ ....d.'_] .J. -. -.- 5149 full pllLE. a. 921"†pool in garden. Congenial sup mdays' 773'420‘“ m3 Plans. Lessons only $1. Open Central Ontario Regional 190, “The Liberalâ€. nc3w3} ‘ †San 3" Odm â€â€˜ owner at 884-8641 01 .. -ttao o nws lsevel'a] type faces to Choose Peat loam in large quantity. evenings. c1w5 lounalngs- 384'2111- Library System ALUMINUM PRODUCTS evenings. Toronto's Organ Cen- PART-TIME teller required byl GERMAN immigrants wish to from " inelu‘iing scrim, BIOCI‘ Call C. L. Kiia ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ dscap- â€".â€"- . - Shutters doors. Windows Sid- tie, Hammond Organ Studios ll‘eqllll‘es Clerk fOl Its ReglmalGuaram Trust Com i l ~ ' . ppett Lan ‘1960 P ntiac Laurentian, lg . '. .' _ v . . . a f . _ letters, Outline and SI nature _ . 0 . , mg' awmngs' Free esnmates' 3254 Yonge street! Winowdale' Informal?" Centre‘ Expeneqce‘iCanada yRichmond Hill Idllfic: lhent t\\§8l4e§;3:m apartmenti 95hâ€" fast service. Call “Tlgie Lib- mg- ?84 3089‘ 02Tmidoor hardtop. V3. automatlc't York Aluminum. 884-4558. (opposite Willow Theatre), 222- "1 .Opel‘atlng a We" maChlne‘43o to, 9 pm Friday 9 am’ «Gum _ H ‘ c W eral". 884-1105. ' tfchRAVELY garden tractor \i'itltlpo“~ep Steering, radio. Needs} a t£035 6517. that; desirable but not essential-no 130 pm. saturday: Expe'ri; GENTLEMAN requires furnish- -â€"_ -_---_«--.._ Imower and attachments. Caill‘smne repair and body work_.‘DRESSMAKING’ alterations to 5517133515053??? leoileet, Uxbridge 852-3260. Chesterfield Sets, $12. ‘ news- 1967 Datsun truEk and camper. wear. 889-5061. 20FC off rugg l‘um' Will sell as one unit or 561381“, ed room, Central Richmond/Hill. clwo l\I . . - . .- “ 1 “St ha\e t3p1ng EXD811€nC8., - ‘ _ ‘ence requ1red. Call Mr. BrowntB‘ 1605' 4MB! i v . . __ iApply stating education and e). .01. Mr. Prakken' at 8344183 V lpel‘ience to Colin Robertsonfl clws SINGLE lady remd_l 5125. 884-3149. any kind of ladies and children's Iii gold wired earrings for tfc44 pierced ears. Special $1.49 pair. Also in Wholesale for Retailers ANTIQUES. furniture. SEWING or ALL KINDS , , t, ' * ‘C - 'dinat , Ce t‘al Onta'io‘_____. _ï¬Â¥.._A. __ , . . . a . ._ . .. , ,- . . . . , MILLINERI SEVIING ,GERMAN Shepherd pups. Reas-leu?énal firbmr,n§vsteln 11291 KITCHEN HELP WANTED room apaitment 01 bacllflol;.second rug, 1., price. All work Placer WWW†31nd 3“) ,bdleable ately. Camper lldslfllg. stove Very reasonable “noâ€, CENTRE .onable. 884-1893. c1\\‘5.Ch:l.ch Street 53w; Rich'mondliobs available August 26 '884"851' ‘1“3 guaranteed. Dav or night. 884- “19mg f‘“ annual auctlo" 531° and sink unit. will in am 889-2488 . - - L, _,_. , - ‘_hâ€">â€"â€"~~â€"â€"iâ€"â€"-m~ * t - ' - , . _ . 12'Centie Street East, RlCllmmldiFElu’ALE toy poodle, 3 months, Hill, Ontario. iWOmen over 35 yearsl with URGENTLY needed, August 31 2433. V tfc2 Vittgfigtenslbï¬lz‘ir;963ml 13121;); truck. Call Y01k Imports .389 “Mg Hill; €933 house broken. 884-8085 even- c3w4 transportation. $235 per month.‘by Single 13le a bachelor apeâ€? HARRiSONs’CUSTO‘M iLions Clubq 887 553;, bmo 3830- , . ‘ “a e ï¬â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€".â€"â€" .- . ~ -. - ~' - - . â€" wâ€" , , . - ifl NEW 1969 models In top rated‘lflgs- ï¬n A clw5; EXPERIEVCE'D ,HOUI‘S. 10.30 am to 7 pm. Seriâ€" mellli Drllate bfllhi Ol “’11 CARPENTRY bï¬ï¬â€˜%ï¬_vwm.iflnl- BATS-Ln. - DA I‘SUN ‘ RCA Victor. laundry and alliGERMAN SheEIEI-a' one 3:63,}; Shgflhand ‘Stenos ‘OUS and Clean only need apply Share a home “1th one Owe: Custom built homes. renova- 01 Ulpplea falm ammas For best deals and service. see ,in person. York Central Hospi- lady. 535-9001 after 6. clwo picked up promptly. For direct kitchen equipment, now on our‘old Good with children 773 t D- . - lions. additions and repairs . v' Y k 0 tario's oldest I . . . -‘ t4 t . ' . ELLAâ€... ,m _ -. n -. w _ - , , . Daud of or . ll _ showroom floor â€"- white â€" 5742. c1w4 Bookkeepinbcï¬aglfï¬esOperators tdl‘ Vaughan Road! Rmhmond RESPONSIBLE couple want 1 kitchens a specialty. Morris lme fall L0“? D15ldme alldï¬Sls Datsun dealer at 16 Industrial avocado __ co er. a A Hill. eng b dr . » R- l_ H - _., - for éeiiitli 32800. Call anytime. , . .- 1 8893330. -------- ~~~~ v ~ DD ADORABL . ‘ For Permanent m. Tem or". V_ e 00m apaitment in lci arrison. 884 -838. tfc4a . . ‘. Road Richmond 1111. BLACKSMITH __ horses tum- Brcnan Television 8159 Yonge E pupples‘ 15†g9 and p 3 CLASS A li~ n ed 1 h ' - mond Hill r Occu and midâ€" "'â€""' hd Pecom 5‘ Sonv WOOd‘ 1119' ’ c1w4 â€" - '_ small inoculated, $5 to 515, Work : ., d f _ c: 5 , " ec aan “3‘ d1 f A a Pa“ 1 p 88:136- PATIOS Ont, Licence No, 324C - 65, _ _L ,,_-_(.--. med alld Shod- 833'1719- St.. Thornhill, 889 2624. '_ 8897934. “C46 Register “ith: .quiie 01 high \Olume sutbur- e o . ugust. Pione - ‘ _l_. Asphalt. brick stone 0,. com “C44 565 Oldsmobile Cutlass con- mm Games mare clue; _ ban Chev â€" Olds dealer. “ages IICdl“a . . .. . . , _- . . - b k < â€"-- V _ ‘.---* JILL GODDmD 1 HI CORPS OFFICE 53 fl t 1 F 11 h f. ‘ _‘_ C1016. All “01k guaranteed. \eltlblE, power steering, r3 Cb and one pleasure mare, Reason. TlPEllRITERS POODLE GRObMING g ASSISTANCE l per a lour- ‘1 ene 1‘5 REFINED young couple. no Metro licence. and top. Bucket seats, automa-rable‘ 3324257- ch5 ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals New Address, 80 Steeles Avenue ll'est. 889-3606. tfc19: Personnel Placement Agency 18 Yonge Street N. available. Apply in confidence ;to Bob Grant. Service Manager. children, require quiet unfurn- ished accommodation within ap- John Bareta Contracting 889- 6344. ROATS - MOTORS tic on the floor. ‘ cubic ilich 310 hp. V8, 4 barrte Radio. 330 Authorized Dealer ._ â€"\ 884.6732 ‘ Eric Matson 310mm le- proximately a 5-mile radius of - - -- - ' . ‘ ‘ 5’ axle, 1,600 or‘ All popular makes for sale in-‘CAT and small dog boarding“ No Charge to Applicants Phone 357'1030- York University from October . £0011 \lkgg douf'b‘m moéot' $253532†7293â€"5588. 3 c1w5_ 01L, ~_;ng he“. and rebuilt Stand_:\\'ltll' outside runs. Complete châ€. c3w3 1. Two bedroom preferred. “35“â€ng CLARK Thornhlll $75 gig-941%? lum‘mg 0:13.15; ° ' lTâ€"Oâ€"ml and‘bjg ard portable and electric inod-‘Cllpplng 811d gl‘Oomlng sai‘i'ices. VEwâ€"OPWTâ€"Y ‘ CONCORD I Please Phone 429'0970 Thurs' . ' . . itickets reservations and individâ€" els_ Special rental rates avaipDogs and cats .of all breeds. ‘ C l t T i‘. CORRESPONDENT day and Friday evenings or “am and Pecorallve PlaStermg- 13 mowed ply‘VOOd huu' 3° lual travel call A. H. Creighton able to Students“ [Household pet Aklttens‘ reglsteh omp e e ra mm; “The Liberal†requires a COP weekends czws. Repairs 3 Specialty horse power motor with two . l A, v 889-5643 ‘ led Siamese k‘ttens Cham l0“ For Real Estate Agems - Free Esti ate tanks. Cable steerin and con- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€" T#**'â€"~‘lTrave gene“ ' L. H. SIMS - . 1’ PERSON-AL training maram respondent for the Concord m s . . g GRAY and white kitten lost tf’c47 88 Baker Ave. ‘Sll'ed- seal and blue pomt "18195 for our‘ ‘new agents 1:“ 163,. area. If you enjoy writing and 483-7521 889-3185 “015' Tee lee trade!" Best 0?: ROS-m-iew Avenue Area. 884-jâ€"--- we - a a is < Righmond Hi“ 884-17451†smd. Beryl Stewart- 889fi308'ld‘1‘esulted in setiisationallv y in- Serving your home Community“ “C20 fee}: ï¬giwzli- -- - - :11“? 8453 “1“‘5‘ abOUt neXt J v . t , 5 ~ We - , .- . .. . __:V_ _,_, . .-......-- - -- ~r ‘ _h ‘tf_c_3 creased manna we provide and welcome an opportunity to Do you have a flinging prgbfl SEPTIC TAsz 50 hp. Johnson electiic stalt KT Richmond Heights Centrey. Week? ‘ METRO “.RECKING sales and technical training and earn some extra money then outboard on 18‘ boat with wind- “Fist r v‘ , 7 - . , . _ phone Margaret McLean at 884â€" lem- If 50 AA call llelp- Wl‘lle PCMPED 325-00 shield. steering, controls. etc. lad-V‘s “lhlt‘e‘ gom Egm _ ...- . _ . , . . . t‘eaariltg.â€â€œâ€˜i§§.£§.'d um; ,,,,, - 3,.f3?t‘332‘3fafeéii35miii‘éiiEli’s 1105- mm 30* 84-. Richmond Hill. or Fall Complete with man... or intensely(3&4:939;-£132?‘tfgegéï¬fgggrggg2:305:33;th Newand used lumbel..ply“.ood& DAY care my home. Sussex :n‘d seminal‘.‘5_ ° ’REQL-IRE'D IMMEDIATELY‘ 331-5'3634- "('1' dition. $1,250 _orâ€" best offer: LOST light tan purse. Sunday. am local events and your 25 ton used pipe. steel andt‘ind “"f‘IlBCERB‘lme: , “Ff MANY of our most successful Toolmaker mu“ ,iell;17§:')04°‘ cpl-0'1"†2].iln-phon'?db09UL-C:121lle: special interests That‘s by 4" casl 80†Pipe. steel reinforc-lGOOï¬ child care in my home. agents come from dead end Experienced in brake and pullch 23' Cabin Cruiser. mahogany Street. “ EPti ‘Pldm‘dsvrcuusband reading “The Liberal" CVBFY ing rods. 35" - 12" - SS", 2000l1arge yard to play in. Langstaff jobs. and have no previous sell- press tools. 82 and fibreglass. excellent condi- ï¬g Pfgwégg -247 filled ’ Thursday. new and used glazed sash. oillarea. 889â€"0911. clw5 ing experience and now cal-n Spot Welder .tion. new 1968 Chrysler 75 hp. ‘e‘lal ' '0' ' ' c1\,'.5 tallks- dOOl‘Si angle erIl- Newaij-care given inmâ€"vho’hTe‘ high incomes selling real estate Experienced man preferred. J 1‘ ‘ ‘ lmOtOli mall.V EXlFaS- $4000 30‘ I u - v and USGd Plumblllg- Latex paint‘vicmity of Baker and'palmer on commission. Must be steady and mature. l cabin cruiser, 75 hp. motor, ‘1 ‘ emonam "593 (white onlyl, $4.00 per gal. 1.4,.2‘1884452.7 02,..5‘ FOR. our 1963 expansion pro- Trucker 7w~3~â€"-‘ good condition. $1.000. 225- Y T A booklet containing In electric wire trolls only) So per! ‘------ , grain we need you now. For con- For warehouse operation. Must REDTALLI 41 YODGE N' .2461. c1w4 Memoriam verses may be ft. Cottage window's â€"- sliders/BABYSITTING 1" my home‘ fidential interview and aptitude be steadv and mature man. able .Rug shampoo“? floor Enact}: l ' procured without charge at picture windows. Plywoods â€",Undel‘3 Yeal‘SPreferred- poplar testï¬Ig call to work from shipping bills. mes! toms, Chalrs‘ 884'6'61' Sewers cleaned 1' Y I Hi. , “I , .____.L the Advertising Counter of lots of 10, quantity disc, 3‘,Acl‘es. Oak Ridges 773-4338» _ BEN ogvnz etc, __V 77m [Whirwtrfcil without digging The Four Winds Nursery School "The Liberal". 63 vonge rough pine Bds. 8c per lin. ft. WWA, rÂ¥ WW 7_ 01“? 223-0320 Apply in person or by phone to PORTABLE rv RENTALS or ACADESI{Cindi-iii. “mullsâ€"â€" 7931 Yungc Street. Thornhill. St. 8.. Richmond Hill. or Rolled roofing $1.50 per roll. DAY care available in mvi Norm Black Realty Ltd. ‘the Personnel Manager. Office WEEK 0R MONTH ‘ L . . try. musics. mathematics for 'uornlll; and al'lel‘IIOOnS all“ “C “ill be pleased to mail 884-3561 home. Rockport Bayview. Fenc- Member Toronto Real Estate Specialty Limited. 240 Prospect RICHMOND HILL TV caring up mm high school. t'miinlllnll} col‘crc L-ll (105' school. 'lransporttllioli one on I‘cqtlesl Telephone l;- mile east of Yonge St. South ed yard. hot lunches. Preschool- Board Street. Newmarkel. 895-232]. 884-7456 C. STL‘N‘DEN and mum-Ht) {ms-11mm, 33'}. pi. mime, 339-4604. After 5.421- 884-1105. off Markham Rd. clw5ie1's. 884.2717. c2w4 c453 cl\\5l tic-i3 884-1245 Richmond Hill 6809. (No.48 3173. tfc'ZO