8 l26-Year-0ld Milll Now Grinding Wheat At Pioneer Village I I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, August 1. 1968 Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News "The Liberal†is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord. Edgeley and Kleinburg‘. Maple, please phone Mrs. Pam Rolfe, 832-1122; in Edgeley and Concord, Margaret McLean, 884-1105. in Kleinburg. Mrs. Lucille Sham 893-1432. 'Police Accident Report Man's Drowning In Preston Lake To Be Investigated By InquestI An inquest \llll be held into when the boy ran across his the drowning of a man on July path. apparently to join chil- ,28 in Preston Lake. just south dren on the other side of the of Vandorf. Wllitchurch Town- road. Township police report} Iship police report. Kenneth was taken to Sic-kl William Solowinski, 47. Of 232 Children‘s Hospital, "I‘oronl,o..l IGeorge St.. Toronto, had been where he is reported in good{ supporting himself on an inner condition, Itube and had drifted out into‘ *kix’r . ‘ _ , , Ithe middle of the lake. lIe ap- Thieves broke into the A. J.l t £31221]:illi‘gdldilgfdrizgragfiiidggl Iparently lost his grip on. the Shaler family residence. 72} “085 ofï¬cially opened July 25 by{ ‘tube which was then carried Oxford Street. Elgin Millsï¬ H. R. Simonett, Ontario Minis- ter of Energy and Resources. At its original Prince Edward County site, the 126-year-old I t away by the wind, police say. last week. while the family was IHe tried in vain to swim to‘away on holiday. The Shalersl Ishore. ‘have returned to ascertain their 1 Scuba divers from the Yorkloss. I mill was first Operated by a dis-I ECOUHIY Emergency Measures * >7< *- or tam relative of former Mani- Organisation recovered the A haul of ice cream. pop-3 toba Premier Duff Roblin. “I lbody after two hours of searcll-‘sicles, and soft drinks was was taken down and re-created, ling in the thick weeds of thetaken Thursday of last week stone by stone. at Black Creek at a cost of $250,000. In opening the mill, Mr. Sim-1 onett remarked that at one time fish were so plentiful in Rob- lin‘s Lake near Belleville that it was necessary to hire a man "‘ * "t I Richmond Hill police reportl Eve he ‘ - full time to net file b6f0re they ‘ Although weekend cottage‘a quiet weekend with' only one . n .t fine“ paSture does net prowde an the could enter the gates 0f the traffic was heavy. police ilrincident of note â€"â€" a high- Vltal lngl'edlellts needed for a completely balanced mill. Had the flSll "0t been "1' Vaughan. Whitchurch and‘speed chase down Yonge Street ration. tercepted, they would have jam- med the mill wheel. Visitors to the mill may pur- chase two-pound bags of No. 1 Western hard wheat to be ground in the mill. Village d1- rector Russ Cooper advises that the freshly ground flour will be used to bake bread at the vi1-.l logo and that “there’s nothing, added and nothing taken out." g 'Mr. Cooper promises too that} “when it goes through the stone‘ it gets heated and picks up a flavor you don’t find in flour today the same sort ofl change you get in a chestnutl when you roast it." I The miller was a most im-l portant man in pioneer comâ€" munities, Mr. Cooper says and a village grew around either its mill or its inn. Before 1867, there were at least 100 mills on the Credit River. (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) What's Going On Here? “I see it but I don't believe it†appears to be the reaction of the above Maple youngsters as they watch Mrs. Darlene Walsh during a class at Maple Grove Park, part of Maple Recrea- tion Committee’s summer program. Intent observers are Kathy Hobbs. Kerry Wilson, Lisa Batt. Sandra Soderberg. Mike Kunst, Sharon Key, Kelly Kuipers and Bruce Catoen. A total Of 95 youngsters are involved in the program and late applicants had to be turned away as the staff Of three was unable to care for any more. Classes began July 2 and continue to August 9. going PLAES meeting PEOPLE George hues-WM, Keele Street North is at home again after u stay in hospital. He wishes to convey his apprecia- tion to all the kind and thought- _ v 7 ‘ ‘ . . . ‘ spent a few days last week with; , . -« service dedicating the choir‘s , , , . . . 1111, friends Who vlsrted him and Twenty-foul passengers and a‘brulses, spralns and minor flac’vRumney. 11 years and under. Miss Kathryn Rumney. ‘22::501.311e1.:ce1:€1;.ed a3}; 3.2;: {new gown "" ’-‘ All the Thrills, Action, Exutement ‘* ’" sent cards and flowers While bus drlvel' aboald 3 Gray tm'es- Te" persons “ere taken‘ Rodeo winners of balance Muriel Mortson and Mardiii i ’ ‘ AS PRESENTED IN TORONTO OAK RIDGES 25 Persons Injured, Damage $50,000 I he was confined in York Gen- Coach bus travelling from Bar- ] i l l ' ’ " ’ . north on a camping holiday. I â€"_ .. has Hospltal. rie to TOIOanO' on Saturdayvmond Hill. thlee to York Conn ,and obstacle test were: Greg‘ed Church Camp B16 Camel ‘.k I . fl [ H o it a: o evemng were injured when the ,ty Hospital. Newlnarket. two to.5tevenson, ï¬ve and six year near Bracebridga thley are in??? éï¬gnï¬gismaiiengglr - sympathy of the community bus lost control in a heavy‘Humber Memorial Hospital,lolds; John Mikkelsen, seven and counsellors_ i as this week to Mrs. Ernie rainstorm and rolled over two gang in the death of her miles north of King Sideroad,l mother, Mrs_ Agnes Hayes of on Highway 400. Damage to the DETACHMENT When Bus. Overturns on Highway 400 Weston, and four to to York Central Hospital, Rich-l North VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R.R. 2, Gormley Telephone 881-5421 IBicycle Rodeo Victoria Square recreation Iplayground held its road safety program and bicycle rodeo on IWednesday of last week. A iMarkham Township policeman checked all bicycles for safety. Winners for road safety post- ‘ers were: Mark Brumwell and jKathl‘yn Rumney, 8 year olds: IRonald Vanderkooy and Mark with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. . ‘ Miss Jean Rumney has been jspending the past two weeks ‘with Miss Wendy Hart at their 'cottage at Parry Sound. Master Keith Rumney has been visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wood at Bethany. Miss Nancy Ford of Toronto tests, traffic sense. ClearancelTyndall are attending the Unitâ€"L Western Hospital, Toronto. Onlyyyears; two of the injured were kept‘years_ Ieight years: Doug Williams, 10, Jean Vanderkooy, 11 Mrs. Mabel Anderson of Port llake. I from the refreshment booth in' ling with his family at the lake.l\73uglian Township. The booth He was the father of three chiI-lwas broken into after dren and was employed by theltime. Ontario Government. " I . I closlng, »;< »)« >;. >I' Markham Townships report re- latively few accidents, nearly all ing a Chevy II. The chase, dur- minor. jing which speeds of 120 m.p.ll. A 4-year old Hamilton boy.,were reached, ended at Bathâ€".1 IKenneth Grover, sustained tw‘oiurst Street and Steele’s Ave-I Ibroken legs and head injuries nue. Toronto, after the youth’s when hit a car July 28 at ,thc‘car went out of control. Robertj ,Concession 5 and BethesdaIHawryluk. 203 0V81‘b1‘00kR08d,: ,Sideroad. Whitchurch Town-‘Downsview, was eventually after a 19-year old youth driv- ship. Thomas Bosworth, 27. of caught by Toronto police and driving Keswick, was north charged with dangerous driving. BUTTONVILLE NEWS ILR. :3, Gormley Phone 297-1741 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF ‘Neighborhood Notes handiwork. Last week the Mrs. W. L. Clark entertainedithree-tiered beauty was being. recently at a family shower forcarefully and artfully decorated her granddaughter. Patricia ,lwith intricate loops and flowers. Macklin, who will be a Septem- IMr. and Mrs. Baldwin hope their| ber bride. ]Brown's Corners friends will} Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bennett visit them next Monday. Their and their family are vacationing home is at Stouffville, 84 Fair- 'at their Muskoka cottage. view Avenue, the first street The Albert Copp family is,west of Concession 9. running north from Main Street. Church News Rev. Christopher Dugan is holidaying this week at Paudash Lake in Haliburton. Bruce Armstrong, whom But- Itonville News sent on a British taking a well earned vacation, “vacation with his wife and fam-Iduring August. and In his ab- Lily, has been hiding aroundlsence a former student on the home after all. Well. our in-iVlCtOI‘la Square Cllal‘ge. REV. Itentions were good. Anne andIGI‘aham SCOtt. \Hll conduct the children arrive back thislserVices on the first three Sun- 'weekend. ,days. Rev. Robert Ball of New neighbors in the Alan'Central United Church, Union- IStrikes’ former home at Donville, will be present the last IMills Road and 16th Avenue areISunday in August and the ï¬rst Mr. and Mrs. C. Stanislawskilln September- .and their family â€" two daughâ€"I When Mr. Dugan returns Sep- ‘ters, Lynn and Kim, and somtember 8 there will be a specral scarcely settled before heading; l I Green home, Mrs. Douglas Hood spent a Hope called on Mr. and Mrs. few da's la‘t week with Don Rolph Boynton on Sunday afterâ€"‘ I b STEEL LINTELS concord. bus was put at $50,000. ‘in hospital. _ children without bicycles par- .noon. ‘o- - ' h ’< 1' '-‘ I l - . a. * ,g The Injured suffered mostly .Nme. other passengers with ijclpated in races and games" MI. and Mrs‘ Carl Steckleyjï¬ï¬niggéggenaihttil: $111335} Lion- Baseball llght lulurles were taken to with Laurie Tyndall as winner. and Steven of Toronto had Sat- ’ Four evenings of baseball have been played while I was , . ‘ Buttonville Air ort is a tld " on vacation and the scores are The. bus “135 a d“1°5‘em Elf-Yer and saddlfne‘l 0“ Saturday ‘01 Master Kevin Nichols of looking spread thgse davs. Ned'l Portable Crane as follows. _ ' iexperlmenta mo. e , one O we learn oft e very sudden passing Knoxville, Pennsylvania. has Fey; Fee“ amt for th'e bump! -. July 15; Buds 15, Lions 11; Jane St- Re zonlng Inew models belng tested by of Jack Frisby. He will be es-ereturned home after visiting Engs imkespan impressive dif_I serV lce Wildcats 11, Tiger Cubs 1; and Leafs 8, Beavels 4. July 18; Wildcats 8. Lions 4: Tiger Clubs 15, Leafs 8; and Toronto on a bus en route from Parry Sound. Council Turns Downl ‘Gray Coach, said the driver. 45- A request for a rezoning tolyeal‘ old Robert Crombie of TO- permit development of a con-,ronto. tractor’s ofï¬ce and equipmentl Crombie. a bus driver for 25 Buds 5’ Beavers 3. building with open storage onlyears, told police the brakes‘ MF- Fl‘isby was a former VlC'IDonald NiChOlS and Donllle at-Ito Lot 8 in the open storage T0 Custom July 22; Lions 25, Tiger Cubs Jane Street, south of Sherwood locked when he applied them‘tpl'la Square boy. and at onetended the Wellman re-union atiportion 0f Markham Township's 5; Beavers 17, Wildcats 7; and Slderoad was turned down by‘after a car suddenly pulled in llme larmï¬l 011 the ï¬rm I10W Tweed on Saturday. Don Mills Inaugtrial Area. Specifications Leafs 14, Buds 0. Vaughan Township Council re- front of the bus. It then went,0“’“ed by Amllonl' R9man- Lat-I M11 and Mrs- James Beard OlvDiamond Anniversary July 25; Lions 4’ Leafs 4;;Cent1y. .into a skid and overturned, he†he and lllS lamlll' I‘eSidElerillia visited Mr. and Mrs: When Mr. and Mrs. H. G“ L) be Beavers 7, Tiger Cubs 2; and‘ G. C. Romano, who owns 41 said ‘where your correspondent IlOWIRolpl] Boynton onSunday_ ;Ba1d“.in celebrate their 60th! I-l e acres Of land in the area. asked? the rezoning of 6.38 acres from. its present agricultural zoning.I It was noted that while the Buds 10, Wildcats 7. Constable D. J. G. Skinner in- vestigated the accident. Severe head injuries were suffered by Hugo Lunde, 49. of ., 1 T ,entire area on both sides of 31 Morley Crescent. Isljngtom “'lfe Marlon. 50" Grahams! Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCague W RINGSDALE Ah rMAL 3Jane Street in the general area in a three-cal- Collision on Highï¬â€˜lallgmgl‘ Barbara ‘lllrsv DUTY-and Mr. and Mrs. John McCague . HOSPITAL 15 being farmed, ultlmate dE-iway 400, north of Highway 7, (“We “Idemam and four grand-attended the wedding of Miss 0 DR CARL HEDER velolpment of the area \\'111 no July 28. ‘ gillldl‘flliv lJean Sisler and Mr. Cathcart : . ' .dou t be industrial. Lunde was travellm south lure! 8W5 ‘Jordan in St. Andrew’s United v 1 V T A ,, TEMPLE 3-5401 ‘ Mr. Romano's application ll‘l-,\\‘hen his car blew a tirE. cross- Please remember that flUl'lng Church, Toronto on Friday EXPERIEBLED_ FULL TIME 9 L _‘Clud9d 3. pF°P°Sal ‘0 erect au‘ed the median and sidesm’ped Augustmere “'1†be NO blind†evening of last week The 1‘9- . CIRCUS STARS! Iomce bUlldlng 0f 2-900 _Squal‘e two northbound cars driven by 59.11%le NO Church serl'lce at cepllon l'OllO‘Ved at The Grena' . . i.feelt and an attached equrpment‘Ann Hughes, 2320 Mississauga “Nona Square' diel' Restaurant. High Park. On Q Q bUlldmg Of 15,000 SQual‘e feet. Roadv RR 2. port Credit and‘ Slmdal'. 561316111179}r l at. ll~30.Sunday, the McCagues were at Q Concord Also proposed was an .outsidelAbe Goldman 79 Regal Road, 3111 the .Cllul'Cll Semc? “'1l1_l"3"tlle Toronto International Aha: O I'EARLESS and LOVELY AERIAL STAR c d t sitggage yard of approxtmately Toponm The injured man was Sum? “11th :e‘v' Mam“ Jenkm'ï¬ol‘t as Mr. and Mrs. Jordan left Q Q FEATURED 0N ED SULLIVAN TV SHOW ‘ acres- {a}; ' ~ . _ 50111“ C13? 9. lfor the Barbados where they . v i" ' orrespon en A Planning board recommenda- pits]:l i:,-£:§i:,2l?ofg?etlifé E3351- Neighborth NOtes _ Will be liVing : Dd} &,:\lgh€ .Shlfts : “The Liberal†requires a 311$;‘zgspflï¬gfgeguegl 1:8 de‘ dent was by Constable A. R. \Ilsspeiï¬Ã©ebgglrfi‘fs itifgtgzlgsxflol tDr. Ea-elynl Gee]: of Vanco‘tiver . 43 Hour at Vt eek L‘nlon Contract . INA_EDUCATED ELEPHANT ' " ‘ - u. 9“ “1 591" M 4 W l ' _ ~" "Ire urne to ler lome on . on- ., Lonebponqent fo" .Concord' vicing of the area and tllebcom- CDollald‘. _ . gust 1 will be celebrating hel‘ldav after “(mde the 351. Apply Mr. Johnson . 0F "TARZAN TV SERIES If you enjoy senymg your 18mm of a sec nd w l f . . A car-tluck accident at the 80th birthda‘, ‘ l '_ c . p ‘ Q ~ Q conlmunity and “â€"ant to ï¬le area to “hall 1:,lelzgglicgl gunctlon of Highways 7 and 27 Sympathy extended to \h. “uh heinplgtliei.‘ O o u . , PS 931'“ some EXll‘a money “0" might °r migl“ “01 0011- iiiuiiiremggrodriiilry (mar-Mrs balm“ m]an and‘ z : oilELLOIIILLE BALL PRODUCTIONS AND then phone Staff VVl‘ltel‘1fm-m', . . Edward Mondoux. 32, 71 family .ln Vie Railing 0f MIC . ~ , , I . Pl . Q "THE FOREST RANGERS" Margaret McLean at 884 , COLITCII accepted the planning Pachino Boulev .d 9 1m. Rumney s brothel. lied Rumney '10“ no 8. Countrye 3/11 110' .Iboard recommendation that the below taken t i; 'l Rial fol 0f Victoria Harbor’ 1‘1“ “Wk . Yonge 8: Steeles Willowdale . 9' irezoning be denied, without dis- Ho. ital B. 0 98 $181,110.â€? Airs. Florence Boyd. Miss ‘0 ’ O 3----DM...-Wcussion. beak? illjlll‘ileasmptom \ 1h 59‘ ele Edith Boyd. Mr, and Mrs. Jim ’ , O0.0â€OOOOOOOOOOOOOOW“OOOOC TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN CIVIC HOLIDAY PROCLAMATION It is hereby proclaimed by the Township of Vaughan that MONDAY, AUGUST 5th, I968 The truck southbound on Highway 27 and driven by John Doyle. 17 Ferricr Avenue. To- ronto. struck the car broadside in the Highway 7 intersection. The car had stopped on High- . way 7 facing west and had then, 0 for no apparent reason. drawn Ointo the intersection. Investi- Q gation was by Constable K. H. Q Smith. Q Two people were injured July Q in a collision involving three Q cars and a truck at the golf chriving range on Highway 7. Q just east of Highway 400. Victor Q Simon. 36 3-1 Cardigan Avenue. .Toronto. was eastbound when Q struck in the rear by a truck .1.) . driven by Joseph Langille. 955 I V. _ _ Bloor Street West. Toronto. “Ill be observed as a LIVIL‘ HOIIdbLV :causing his car to veer into a M _ . westbound car driven by James Cluzens are requested to govern . Blnce. 17. 62 Queen Street th 1' H d. l_ ..\ortll. Bolton. Ont. Another emse \ES aCCOI‘ lllg.‘ . westbound car driven by John fl _ v _ v Deneth. 116 Nipigon Avenue. F. G. JAcanAs BRIAN BAILEl :Willowdale. In seeking to avoid Clerk ReeVe . the accident In the westbound . liane. Int the truck stopped In .. S . . . . 5 .\- 1’16 eastbound lane lnvestlga» (’OD Al E‘ [HE QLr‘h‘ :tion was by Consia‘nle R. J Woowumuoouomoo EMU]? Bereavement The community was shockedï¬nd Mrs. Clarence Steckley. lpecially missed by the children who attend Parkview School ‘from this area, as he was their' ‘bus driver and very good fl~lend.,Mrs. R. Wills and Vincent, Ml-s. here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. ‘lives until he moved to his late: Mr, Wally MacDonald of Tor- home on Highway 48, north of onto spent Sunday llStIl Avenue. grandparents, Ml'. Sympathy is extended to his Clarence Steckle)’. with his and Mrs. Boyd and Jimmy, have return- ed after spending the past sev- eral weeks touring Western lCanada and taking in the Cal-I gary Stampede. 1 Mrs. Roy Wills and Vincent‘- -of Vancouver are visiting here; David of york) IMPORTS 16 Industrial Rd. Richmond Hill “ Car insurance due? I'll get you the best car insurance value from the world‘s largest car insurance company. Let’s talk! 9’ JAMES GRAINGER PHONE 130 Yonge St. S. 889-883 - 384-8134 Ph. 88â€"1-1529 . sure um DATSUN & “kg-,2" Insunancg DEALERSHIP Stale Farm Home] Autornobile Insurance C ompany Canadian Head Office Scarborough OLDEST AUTHORIZED DA'I'SL‘N DEALERSHIP l_\' ONTARIO urday evening dinner with I\lIl'.Iday ference. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. M ‘is natural gas lines being laid and Dorothy Reesor and the; Reids have also been on a tew‘ 5 vacation. Kept in Stock STEEL FABRICATING That dusty activity along Don ills Road north Of John Street wedding anniversary August 5,I the cake made to mark the oc-. casion will be the groom's ownl . . BA. 1-3344 HELP WANTED Experienced - Full Time MALE GROCERY CLERKS on & NIGHT snlr'l‘s 43 Hour 3 Week Union Contract Apply: Mr. Johnson Super City Discount Foods YONGE 8: STEELES TOWNE & COFNTRYE PLAZA WILLOVVDA I. F. I . I I pasture dairy ration Solowinski had been picnic-Boyd Park, Conservation Areal; YOU NEED SHUR-GAIN H w. it? To keep milk production up, cattle on pasture should be fed SHUR-GAIN 14% Pasture Dairy Ration. This ration contains extra vitamins and minerals plus plenty of molasses for palatability and quick energy. It' you want to maintain the same high milk produc» tion you were getting from feeding a balanced stable ration, ask your SHUR-GAIN Dealer about SHUR- GAIN 14"}, Pasture Dairy Ration. MAPLE FEED Mlll. 832-1241 dairy feeds LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-884-ll05 ‘ iSHRINE CIRCUS _ is _ COMING THE ONLY MAJOR CIRCUS/APPEARING IN RICHMOND HILL THIS YEAR! AS SEEN ON "HOLLYWOOD PALACE.†GARY MOORE SHOW. ED SULLIVAN, MGM AND WAR- NERBROS.PICTURES.CALGARY STAMPEDE TORONTO EXHIBITION AND MADISON SQUARE GARDEN? DAMBROS - MARTELLS SHERMAN BROS. All/D A HOST 0F OTHERS! EXACTLY A9 PRESENTED N NEW YORK CHICAGO L05 ANGELES TORONTO RICHMOND HILL ARENA Two DAYS SUN. AUG. 4, 2 & 4.30 PM. ON†MON. AUG. 5, 4 8. 8 PM. Adults $2.30 ('hilclren SLZS Absolutely .\'II Elvira Charges If] I‘ll-cuter] by Shanme Shrine I‘ILII‘I