* * * ‘ The many friends of Mrs. Able Seaman 151 Class Lyn. Mona Robertson, Centre Street don Andrews of HMCS Annapo. West. will be sorry to hear she lis. Halifax. is enjoying a two. is at present a patient in York week leave with his pal‘enls‘ Mr_ Central Hospital. where she un- and Mrs. Russ Andrews, 99 dcrwent surgery on Monday. Markham Road. Lyndon has‘ Good wishes are extended for been in the Royal Canadian 3 qlliCk l'e00\’el‘.\'- Navy (now the Canadian AI‘mâ€"‘ * * "‘ ed Forces) for three years Mr. and Mrs. Cam Sinith In Memoriam Secretaries Richmond Hill: Mrs. Wm. Lennox 384 Mill St. W rwn V†i. m mi ‘mond Hilli Richmond Hill Minor Hockey Association ' I POWER SKATING SCHOOL ‘ Just returned from an eight‘ Bill Greenbury, a mining en- day tour of the Mal'it‘imes arelgineei‘ from Sudbury, is spend- Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Dynes and ing part of his vacation as 3 children, Vernor, Robert, Mar- guest of the Garsons in Rich- tha and Laura, of Harrygan mond Hill. Crescent. 7*_ * "' Mr. and Mrs. William J. Len- nox and their daughtér, Bat- bara, have returned from holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Locke at their summer cottage in Morrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Stanley and sons, Martin. Howard and Miles. have returned from an enjoyable cottage holiday at Three Mile Lake in Muskoka. to the Canadian Cancer Society may be sent to the following 'l‘hornllill: Mrs. FASI â€" {CCURATE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE gm PTICAL mmmouo mu mum)“ mums mu. gs me: :1. n. m an A 12â€"year-old horse own- ed by Mrs. Sandy Jeffrics of Richmond Hill was the winner of the Sutton Maid- en Steeplechase on Aug. 9. winning the Gold Tassel Trophy donated by McGuin- ncss Distillers Limited. Mrs. J,effries normally rides the horse in dres- sage competition. “IN MEMORIA M" GIFTS . Mary MacKay 167 ‘John St. “ school will he held every The band. composed of 36 "9 please“ “’ "m" “"‘“ weekday morning from 9 players 15â€"21 years including‘ you' It It * am to 11.30 am August [our girls, Is on a three week 19-30. hour of New York. Ohio and On- Reunion Call! 1 Children six years to 13 ilario, playing for at least 18f To all World War’ll CWAC r years of age will enjOy a éRotary Clubs Their RichmondWeterans â€" to celebrate in Tor- ; varied program of Bible 'Hill engagement Will be their onto on September 27 and Sep- 3 stories. crafts, music and last in North America as they‘tember 28. )‘ contests. [will board their chartered jet The program is now finalized ) >3 * m ‘ on the morning of August 29. for the 10th annual reunion Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Markham (for the return trip to Sunder- which will be held at 201 Niag- of Lavemck Avenue have re- land. located in the County China Street, Toronto turned home following a three Durham. -’ On September 27 from 7 pm week trip to England and b Thebbaréd is one of the bestito midnight. there will be remi- -Europe_ 1 rass an s of its kind in Eng- niscind, dancin and meetin l on their arrival in England land. It is not a marchingfthe“advance guard". Husbandi they spent a day in London band, but presents concerts ofiare invited as the evening will, before crossing the channel to up to two hours of music forialso include events for his en- Belgium, where they rented a every taste- !joyment. car and taured France, Luxemn The young players toured‘ On September 28 from 12 - burg Germany, Denmark anleorway in 1966 and Western‘noon to 2 pm, a reunion tea will â€â€˜ Sweden, where they enjoyed aiGermany in 1967, have appear-ibe held followed by further ] brief stay with the sorbom fam.!ed on both BBC and commerâ€"ireminiscing until 5 pm, a ban- ily. - icial television programs andiquet until 8 pm and a grand re- They continued on a tour of‘ai‘e presently being heard oniunion ball until the bewitching the Netherlands. returning tolRadiO Durham. :hour of midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Attridge tel“ L0. and son, Leonard. have returned Bannon from a two week vacation to Crack. Saskatchmvan. Marie 'l‘ruvelling by car they enjoy- Erik K ed visiting relatives and seeing worths' the many scenic beauty spots of or De“ that area. Jack B Mr. and Mrs. Cam R. Smith and sons, Brian and Mike. have returned to their home on Mill Street following a three week vacation in Nova Scotia staying at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Smith at Glace Bay. They stayed at the Outrigger Hotel in Honolulu and enjoyed excellent weather throughout the entire stay. Mr. Smith is the manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia on Yonge Street South. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southwell have returned to their home on Church Street South following a 10-day holiday at Lake St. Peter, in the highlands of Bali- button. Mr. and Mrs. B. Williamson of Yonge Street North returned on Saturday from 14 wonderful days in Hawaii. They continued on a tour of the Netherlands, returning to Belgium en route for England, where they spent the remaining week of their holiday. Renting a car they saw many of the historic buildings in Lon- don and surrounding district and visited Roger Scarff; a for- mer resident of Richmond Hill and an active member of the local Jaycees. The Markhams are both well known music teachers in Rich- mond Hill. Children six years to 13 years of age will enjoy a varied program of Bible stories. crafts, music and A Vacation Bible School will begin next Monday for a two-week period at Rich- mond Hill Baptist Church on Wright Street. across from the high school. The school will be held every weekday morning from 9 am to 11.30 am August 19-3 . enâ€"I Weekend \‘iSitOl'S and dinner Rotary News nd-Yguests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric, At Monday evening's regular 5 a Zinck, Beaverton Road werelmeeting of the local Rotary Lcthr. and Mrs. Thor Lovold and'plub. Jim Harvey introduced rdaughter, Sandy, from Sharothhe guest speaker. Ken Wal- HVlr. and Mrs. Andy Petrovchak lace.‘froln the Junior Board of vell’and daughters, Janice and Sandy‘Trade. V ongfrom Thornhill, Mrs. Helen Hor-l1 As President Arnie Arai was 'ing10dyski, Downsview. and Ben on vacation. the meeting was StflReiner and son from Rexdale. 1chaired by Past President Bill Stainer at 884â€"7062. The play" which opens Sep- tember 27, is being directed by Gerry Crack, “‘itl‘. Joan Harold as producer and Kit Robertson, set designer. The local Rotariaus will be hosts to members of the Sun- derland Youth International Concert Band from England when they visit Richmond Hill to present a concert at the new arena on August 28‘ M1‘. and Mrs. Zinck also visit- ed the new apartment of the recently married young couple, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Haworth of Driscoll Road were hosts to‘ many of their friends at a week- end party held at their summel‘i cottage on the Lake of Bays. Gubsts included Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monks and their daugh- ter. Louise. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Interested in acting or any facet of the theatre? The local Curtain Club will be holding a casting very short- ly for the hilarious comedy. The Odd Couple, and is not only interested in acting mem- bers. but the backbone of any production â€"â€" the backstage crew. Further information may be obtained by calling Dr. Dennis Stainer at 884-7062. Bannon and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Crack, all of Richmond Hill. Marie Nickle 01' Willowdale. Erik Kustusch and Mrs. Ha- \\'01‘ths' brother. Kiri“ Novikov. of Detroit and Mr. ahd Mrs. Jack Basham from Sault Ste. Marie. Further information may obtained by calling 884-2528 Able Seaman David Duffy. 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Duffy, 162 Norfolk Avenue. Richmond Hill is seen above participating in a basic airframe course at the Canadian Forces Base, Borden. Ontario. He serves in the navy component of the Can- adian Armed Forces and previouslxr qualified as an aero engine technician. The airframe course gives him the other half of the training nece5sary for obtaining qualifications as a naval aviation tech- nician. we“ as the 1' other aircraft. Among the subjects he studies are the repair and maintenance procedures common to the air- frames of the C45 Expet‘iter and the Silver Star as well as the refuelling and servicing of these and be On September 28 from 12 noon to 2 pm, a reunion tea will be held followed by further reminiscing until 5 pm, a ban- quet until 8 pm and a grand re- union ball until the bewitching hour of midnight. T13i15teenâ€"year-old Peter fin isl:ed third in the boys’ 25 yam class. Next Monday. August 19, L. Reesor will speak on SCOPE lScout Centennial Ontario Pen- nsylvania Expedition) and on August 26 Ron Bell will address members on his classification ~â€" Automotive Retailing. The swimming Wright family of 235 Ashlar Road. exhibited their skills and walked off with several trophies at this year’s regatta at Orr Lake August 4. Jackie won the Wardle Mem- orial Trophy for the one mile swim and the Shirley Stoddard Trophy for her first place finish in the ladies’ open 50 yards. Her sister, Susan. only 15 years old came in third in this latter event and also came first in the girls' 14-15 year 50 yards. Her trophy was donated by the local ratepayers’ aSSociation. As President Arnie Arai on vacation. the meeting chaired by Past President Bedford. Just call 884-1105-6 or mail your news items to 63 Yonge Street South â€" we‘ll be pleased to hear from you. There is no charge for this service. but items must be received by Tuesday noon for publication in the current issue. Returning fron: hoï¬days â€"â€"at the cottage. parts of Canada. the States or abroad? If 50. Editor Margot Crack would appreciate hearing of your summer activities for inclusion in “Life in the Hill" columns. (Canadian Forces Photo rears ‘ ' n v ' atter‘ Followlng a ho ennoon m 1 tthuskoka the young couple will Herfre'turn to England where; JOhn localxwlll complete 1115 studles to- wards hls PhD degree at Cam- ï¬n_ bridge University. yard 1 muuu1mlu1unmumu1m\ummmmuumumuwummmumm Mr. and Mrs. John Haroldi and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Crack attended the opening perform- 1ance of The Chemmy Circle on "I‘hursday evening at the Court ‘House Theatre in Niagara-on- the-Lake. . Prior to attending the theatre they dined at the Oban Inn and following the performance met Margot Swecny of Richmond “.Hill, who is spending the sum- mer months as an apprentice with the Shaw Festival. and has the small role of a cook in the current. play. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnold Price of Fernleigh Circle North re- turned on Sunday from holiday- ing at their summer cottage on Lake Bernard, Sundridge.‘ »- we a: Just returned from a delight- ful holiday in New Hampshire are Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMilâ€" Ian and children Sandra and Greg of Cartier Crescent, who spent the past two weeks visit- ing Mr. MacMillan‘s aunt and uncle. Katharine and Ted John- son, at their home in Chocorua. r + yu.--..- r n, r it all Delta Lambda Chapter Beta ‘Sigma Phi met recently at the home of Mrs. Joyce Devlin. .Ken Breakwell gave a talk and showed a film on the symp- toms and treatment of cystic ‘Iibrosis. Proceeds from the chapter‘s annual spring dance were presented to the guest speaker for the Canadian Cysâ€" tic Fibrosis Foundation. Members of the chapter clos- ed the season with a buffet luncheon at the Richmond lnn, followed by a tl‘ip to the Mcâ€" Michael Conservation Area to View paintings by the Group of Seven and other objects of Canâ€" adian art and culture on display there. This was a most delight- l’ul afternoon out for the mem- ,bers. The local Curtain Club will again hold drama classes for children this year. with Audrey Rowlands and Mary Monks. who are both experienced teachers and actresses. instructing the senior group and Patricia Car- roll Brown of Toronto. the jun- iors. Miss Brown is well known in little theatre circles all over Ontario. Last season she direct- ed in North Bay and in Sault Ste. Marie her production of Look Homeward Angel, won the regional drama festival. She also directed a very successful high school production of Oliver and conducted drama work- shops while in the "$00". The Curtain Club is also plan- ning a stage managers’ work- shop to be held in September. Alison enjoyed meeting her relatives for the first time, since she was born in Canada. She and her mother were particularly happy ‘to spend 1wo days with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cunningham and family, former neighbors of Allgood Street, at their Kent home. Mrs. Cunâ€" ningham served as secretary for Richmond Hill's Civic Improve- ment Committee until return- ing to England in March of this year. Bake in moderat‘e oven, 350 degrees. 30 minutes. Makes an 8 inch square. Frost with chocolate icing. Mrs. Eva Hayman Church Street South P. Miles, and the Jones family to Guelph to attend the wee!- ding of her son. John, to Miss Lois Thomson at Guelph Pres- byterian Church. The ceremony will be performed by the bride's father, Rev. Forbes Thomson. which 1 1: added, [last Mrs. Ivan Manshridge, All- good Avenue and her eightâ€" yea1'-old daughter Alison re- turned August 13 from a three- week holiday in England. This was the first trip home for Mrs. Mansbridge in 11 years and she thoroughly enjoyed visiting family members in Northumber- land and Mr. Mansbridge's fa- ther at Twickenham, in the vicinity of Richmond. Surrey. On August 24 she will accom- pany her daughter Diane, who has been in Canada for the past month. her mother-in-law. Mrs. Add to above. Sift: 1 cup flour 1 tsp. baking powder 'l‘ken add to alcoves†Add: 1 tsp. vanilla Pinch of salt and beat. Add: 12\' tscanU cup boiling water in Mrs. John Miles arrived on Wednesday from Coventry, Eng- land. to spend the next few weeks at the home of Mr. and Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publislv ed m this column â€"â€" how about yours? , Sons . assisted ‘ bridge in burning 4 ing the ; members Friends and neighbors of Bill‘Maine, VEI‘mC and Barbara Savage of Elka dacks. thl‘ougl Drive are both happy and sad IS_1andS dlsmt this week. They are happy to‘Rlchmond Hill learn of Bill's appointment as manager of Loblaw‘s in Belle-‘Obituary ville. They are sad to reallze that they will be losing good friends and neighbors. “Lu (- beat Dissolve 2 squares chocolate in half cup boiling water. mmuuuuutmmmumuuu1umqu\mm\m1m11\u\\muuuu\u\l Mrs. Drive that they will be losing good friends and neighbors. e - The Savages have lived in w S Richmond Hill for six years. In. ’ I while Bill capably filled the position of assist:an 1" > D d S t d I at the local Loblaw‘s. Barbara a I has done all the Uplllg .s . Matthew‘s United Church since William Sa\age. a lifelong 1962 and has canvassed in her resident of Richmond Hill. died area for many community or- Saturday morning at his home ganizations, Bill has played on Centre Street East. in his hockey, basketball and fastball 95m year. on local teams and is a keen Canada was only six )eal‘s old SON-91'. / that November day in 1873 and 7, Carrie Lee 6 and Suzanne 4, will be joining him in time for the September school opening. During the past three years the Savages have also provided a loving home atmosphere for several wards of the Children‘s Aid Society while they were awaiting adoptive parents. It will be going home for Bill and Barbara, both natives of Bellex'ille. so they will not find the transition too hard, “But we will miss our Richmond Hill friends. We have been very hanpy here." Mrs. Savage told "The Liberal". ' Bill will be taking over his new duties August 17 and Bar- bara and their children, Darren CHOCOLATE CAKE 1 cup brown sugar 2 heaping tbls. butter Cream together. Drop in 1 egg, unbeaten, then What’s Cooking? .m served a 0nd Hill's ( Committee England in Len Jones. Knollside Michael am 1 Councillor J in keeping the 2 on Allgood : absence ; of the tsp. soda has been and Stephen [or Ivan Mans- ; the home fires 00d Street dur- of the female family. Canada, er, well known local actress and mother wet-ellnember of the Curtain Club. y to spend twolsaw a rehearsal of The Little and Mrs. Tedlflut at the Playhouse Theatre. family, former At Peggy's Cove, they saw good street, at the fishermen‘s huts and watch- 9, Mrs, Gum. ed them prepare their catch for as secretary for the day, and later, at Five Is- Civic Improve- lands Park tried 'their hand at ‘ until return- clam digging and made their I March of this own clam chowder soup, a novel and fascinating experience for and Stpnhpn the whole family. From there they drove to Bill ‘ Maine, Vermont, the Adiron- 11ka ‘ dacks. through the Thousand sad‘ Islands district and home to Just returned from a delight- ful holiday in New Hampshire are Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMilâ€" Ian and children Sandra and Greg of Cartier Crescent, who spent the past two weeks visit- ing Mr. MacMillan‘s aunt and uncle. Katharine and Ted John- son, at their home in Chocol'ua. Ste. Marie her production of Look Homeward Angel, won the regional drama festival. She also directed a very successful high school production of Oliver and conducted drama work- shops while in the “Sooâ€. The 4th annual conference titled “Should Perceptual be Perpetual" held at Ryerson In- stitute August 6-9 was attended by Mrs. A. Crawford and Mrs. J. Stephens of Thornhill and Mrs. R. McKittrick and Mrs. J. Downey of Richmond Hill. This conference was jointly sponsored by the Canadian Asâ€" sociation‘ for Children With Learning Disabilities and the Ontario Department of Educa- tion. Prior to her marriage August 10, to Alan Whitely of Toronto and Niagara Falls. Miss Caro- lynn Sayers, Starlight Crescent. was feted at a number of show- ers. The conference featured [our leading authorities from the United States with a wide back- ground and experience in the field of special education. Watch these columns for highlights of this conference in next week's issue of "The Lib- oral". Before the close of the school year, Mrs‘ Sandra Parks and Miss Barbara Binnings. fellow students of York University, en- tertained at a miscellaneous shower at the Vanier Residence. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stringer and twin sons, Martin and Ver- non. Tormore Drive, have re- cently returned from a two week house trailer trip to Que- bec. the Maritimes. the New England States, the Adirondacks and the Thousand Islands. Following their stop in Que- bec they drove up the St. Lawrâ€" ence through New Brunswick to St. John and Monoton‘ con- tinuing to Halifax, Nova Scotia. where they saw the famous clock at the Citadel before driv» ing to Dartmouth. At a slop- over in Fredericton, Mrs. String- Hostesses at three miscellan- eous showers were Mrs. A. Jones, Buttonville: Mrs. D. V. Webb, Richmond Hill and Mrs. William Bremner of Cooksville. A cup and saucer shower was given by Mrs. H. D. Sanderson and her daughter, Jean, who was one of the bridesmaids at the wedding which took place at Richmond Hill United Church. Former classmates at Rich- mond Hill High School. Mrs. Gary McConnell, Oshawa and Miss Wendy Askanase. Rich- mond Hill, jointly hostessed a bathroom shower at the latter's Leisure Lane home. A luncheon and pantry show- er was given by Mrs. Joseph Goodier and her daughter, Jo- lene, to wind up the preâ€"wedâ€" ding parties for Miss Sayers. Cape Breton was their long- est port of call where they stay- ed four days, touring the 'scenic mountains and relaxing on the beach. Canada was only six years old that November day in 1873 and Richmond Hill was just com- pleting its first year as an inâ€" corporated village, when Peter G. Savage (later to serve many Years as councillor and reeve) and his wife Welcomed a baby boy, whom they named William. The home in which Mr. Savage was born still stands on the west side of Yonge Street (North of Centre) and is occupied by his nephew, also named William Savage. Through the 95 years of his life, Mr. Savage has loved his community and taken an active interest in everything “hich af- l‘en-led its welfare He “as a Wm. Savage, Lifetime Resident Died Saturday In His 95th Year r of Richmond Masonic and of St. Mary's Ang- Mrs. Terri Clarke of Rich- mond Hill was the matron of honor and Mrs. Petra Evans, Colleen Riesebosch and Mrs. Beverley Clarke were brides- maids, all wearing floor length deep red velvet gowns, fash- ioned with empire waist, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Clarke of Willowdale. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a long, white, wedding dress. fashioned with empire waistline and A- line skirt with seed pearl appli- ques train edged in scalloped lace. Her fingertip veil fell from a headpiece of dainty flowers. and she carried a white orchid encircled with matching roses on a white prayer book, Hang- ing from her little linger was a small ivory t'an carried by the groom‘s great grandmother, grandmother and mother on their wedding dams, and matching cathedral‘ The reception followed in the Following a motor trip to parish hall. the bride's mother Kingston and the northern receiving in a peacock blue suit United States Mr. and Mrs. of peau de soie with matching Clarke have taken up residence hat and shoes accented by silver in Richmond Hill. .0.4 v-u-u «.1 n-1v-4 --1»-t ~-4 -n-u-t r->-U-I-U.U-U-ll-u.", Le VILLAGEUR BOUTIQUE Main St. â€" Unionville WELCOMES YOU TO THEIR SUMMER SALE Back to School’ â€"- dresses, jumpers, qkirfq hlmmpsi Ph‘- 'n‘u-KI-U-n-n-n-n-u- .-uc-u-uâ€u.«.u.u-. Mrs. Seldon C. Smith of Cen- tre Street West entertained at an afternoon tea on Wednesday last for Miss Penny Wilson. daughter of Peter Wilson, Purpleville. whose marriage to her son, David Smith, takes place August 24 at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. , The chapel of St. Mary‘s An- glican Church was the setting for the candlelight ceremony which united in marriage Faye Christine Evans to Robert Laur- ence Clarke March 16. Rev. James O’Neil officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Frederick Ev- ans of 240 Rosemar Gardens. Richmond Hill, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Clarke of Willowdale. ;uumummamumuummuuml“mull1m\\luluuuuumumuum Guests were present from Niagara-on-the-Lake, Port Cred- it and Toronto. Pouring tea “ere Mrs. H. H. MacKay, Mrs. Robert Keith. Mrs. Lewis D. Clement and Mrs. Walter Smith. lican Church and for more than a quarter of a century served the people of the Village as a merchant, located in the Lorne Bloek, on the northwest corner of Yonge and Arnold Streets.. Mr. Savage was predeceased by his wife, the former Jennie Palmer, 21 years ago. He leaves to mourn his passing one daughter, Adele (Mrs. L. R; Cardwell’, 44 Centre Street East: two grandsons, Bruce and Brian Cardwell and a greatâ€" granddaughter, Janet, all of Richmond Hill. The funeral service was held Tuesday at the Marshall Funeral Home, with Rev. Fred C. Jack- son oï¬iciating. Interment fol- lowed in Richmond Hill Cemeâ€" tery, with three nephews. Garth, Ralph and Douglas Palmer. William Neal. Frank Tale and Arthur Foster acting as pall» auumuuuuumuuuummmmmuuumuumuumuummmuum bearers Popular lifetime residents of Gormley. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin S. Farmer, with their family will be appearing this Friday, August 16, in a documentary television pro- gram “Five Years In The Life Of The Farmers" on Channel 6 at 8 pm. )Ir. Farmer is a well knowu figure in Richmond Hill and district, having been an auctioneer for the past 47 years. Gormley Family On Television THE LIBERAL, Richmond H‘i‘fl. Ontarï¬a, My; Aug 15, 1968 Candlelight Wedding Ceremony MR. AND MRS. ROBERT CLARKE matching elbow length capes, and tiara headpieces. The ma- tron of honor carried a nosegay of pale yellow roses accented with daisies and the bridesmaids carried nosegays of yellow cen- tred white daisies. Willy Tiessen of Toronto was the best man and Thomas Ev- ans, David Dilts and Clifford Clarke were the ushers. -.,-, -1»-.‘â€".‘-..-u-u-u-u-‘ -4.-‘»."-..-u-u.u-u-u-n-u' Le VILLAGEUR BOUTIQU Main St. -â€"- linionville \\'EI‘COMES YOU TO THEIR SUMMER SALE Back to School â€"â€" dresses, jumpers, skirts, blouses, etc. Open 'l‘uesday to Saturday 8: Friday evening ,n-u- ». .- - r- r- m. »- r- v-u-w-w- »- .-u-v I )-.-«.-u-n-«.-w-u-hâ€"n-.‘- ‘ - .-u-a-a“ v.0.u-u- | WIENERS Blade 8: Short Rib Bacon Ends BLADE BONE REMOVED SLICED YOUR FAMILY BUTCHERS Bayview Plaza, Richmond Hill . NELS GAGE LTD. ii, Roasts "2- 49¢ gloves and handbag and a cor- sage of mauve hyacinth and white roses. The groom's mother assisted, wearing an ivory and orange-ice brocade suit with matching hat, ivory shoes and handbag and a cor- sage of Centennial roses. Out-of-town guests were from Niagara Falls. Welland, Burl- ington and Toronto. lbs. .15 Photo by Stuart‘s Studlo) lbs. lb. 39c 884-7691