854-1551 Barrow. Insurance SerVIces Ltd. Any size unincorporated busi- ness. If you are paying over $100 per year and not getting an accurate picture of your business every quarter you are wasting your money and your time. Reliable references. We personally handle all sales bills and advertislnlâ€" PHONE 889-7472 BOOKKEEPING UNLIMITED 70 Yonge St. S., AURORA Alvin S. Farmer Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884â€"4474â€"5 112 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. - 684-1177 J oscelyn, Laughlin, Franklin, Tucker Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 889-6662 'A Complete Transmission Service Automatic Specialists Britnell, Moore & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 129 Church St. South Richmond Hill, Ontario 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 15, 1968 Transmission Service 2468 DUFFERIN ST. Automatic & Standard Transmission Specialist LEONARD E. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Telephone 884-7110 49 Yonge St. South Aurora, Ontario SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK, FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS Fire, Auto and Liability Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Chartered Accountants SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY 36 Years’ Experience Bookkeeping Service 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 STEAMFIT’I‘ING WELDING Leno’s Machine Shop Auto Transmission Engineering Bookkeeping NE 887-5311 GORMLEY, ONT. Accountants Auctioneer Accounting Insurance & McBride (418) 884-6564 FIND THE SERVICE YOU NEED FOR HOME OR BUSINESS 884-1219 884-4413 889-7052 80 Richmond St. W.. Suite 402 Toronto 1, Ontario 366-3156 Parker & Pearson HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill 884-5829 Richmond Inn Block Res. 884-2117 l Chinese Food I Delicious piping hot. Chinese food to take out. Home delivery or pick-up. Heat retaining containers. Ask for our special take-out menu. Fast -â€" Efficient â€"- Tasty PHONE: 884-1136 â€" 884-1137 884-1812 Insurance - Mortgages Fin, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Toronto Ernie Brock 8. Son Member - Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association Lawlor, LeClaire & Stony BABRISTERS - SOLICITORS 59 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill, Ontario TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 RES. 884-8635 884-8281 Monday to Friday, 9 to 5.30 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT STUART P. PARKER, Q.C JAMES H. PEARSON ROBERT G. PARKER RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts Blackburn & Ashton Barristers - Solicitors 38A Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. Town Inn TAKE-OUT SERVICE 32 Yonge Street South LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 J. Rabinowitch TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. 485-1145 Corner Agency Limited Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Complete Insurance Service 117 Queen St. E. 2518 YONGE ST. 1812 889-1812 AT ALL HOURS (at St. Clements) 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario “Flowers For All Occasions†Phones RICE’S FLOWERS Richmond Hill 50 Yonge St. N. 884-4494 Insurance Flowers 884-1451 (Continued) Legal 363-3959 Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of 4 Sporting Goods 1 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 (formerly York Office Supplies) 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies, Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales and Rentals. A. W. Kirchen, O.D. Newman, Campbell & Fullerton B.A. LLB. Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ontario. 884-7891. 220 Bay Street. Suite 701 Toronto 1. Ontario. 366-9411. Toronto Officeâ€" 7 Queen St. 15., Suite 151 Phone 363-5877 BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon 884-7561 Winemaker & Swern Barristers. Solicitors 8.; Notary Public 116 YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL 884-1115 884-1116 Norman A. Todd H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. James H. Timmins Barrister, Solicitor 8; Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill, Ontario Office 884-1780 Residence 884-1863 By Appointment Barristers and Solicitors 7755 Yonge Street Thornhill, Ontario 889-6900 Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop Sporting Goods MOVING C.C.M. 3; Raleigh Bicycles Plaxton &7|_lann Office Supplies '0 order too large or ~ too small. Local and Long Distance Moving and Storage 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Optometrists Edward D. Hill ‘ry THOMSON o let’s‘ get togetherl rder your van in advance, eving is our specialty e will save you time and money. 11 your next move. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public By Appointment THORNHILL 889-3165 884-3962 889-6948 889-6271 "UMDUN your neighbourhood mover. Moving (Continued) Legal Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON uuuuuuummI!nnuImuuumuuuummmmunumuu“\uumuu Office Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. 884-1432 Richmond Hill umuummummmunu1u\ummuuuuuuuuuumunuummuum PINDER BROS. |.TD. STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS RUMBLE TRANSPORT THORNHILL Veterinary Clinic VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Richmond Hill Municipal Hall Office hours by appointment Telephone: 889-4851 Langdonk Coach Lines Ltd. BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT 4901A Yonge St., Willowdalo 221-3485 George T. Yates, OLS Res. 24 Denver Cres., Willowdale Coaches for all Occasions DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling WINTER GARDEN Transportation STEEL FABRICATING Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service P.C.V. Class A. C. and H‘ FOR INFORMATION Yates & Yates 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Ontario Land Surveyors aint-Wallpapel 8119 Yonge Street, THORNHILL To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 v. o. N. FREE DELIVERY NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JEAN LOGGIE INTERIORS LTD. Veterinary 889-1059 Surveyors SERVING YORK COUNTY Trucking 884-4101 884-1013 364-2625 Telephone 833-5351 Street. Please start my Monitor subscription for the period checked below. 1 enclose $ (U.S. funds). a 1 YEAR $24 [:1 6’ months 312 El 3 months $6 Name‘ The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Your local newspaper keeps you in- formed of what’s happening in your areaâ€"community events, public meetings, stories about people in your vicinity. These you can'tâ€"and shouldn’t â€"â€" do without. HOW THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR [OCAL PAPER The Monitor specializes in analyzing and interpreting national and world news . . . with exclusive dispatches from one of the largest news bu- reaus in the nation's capital and from Monitor news experts in 40 overseas countries and all 50 states. TRY THE MONITORâ€"IT'S A PAPER THE WHOLE FAMlLY WILL ENJOY “Car insurance due? I’ll get you the best car insurance value from the world’s largest car insurance company. Let’s talk!†Why The Christian Science Monitor recommends you read your local ‘ newspaper ' State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office Scarborough JAMES GRAINGER LAMB THE MOVER LTD. 127 BIRCH AVE. - THORNHILL PHONE 889-4911-2-3 130 Yonge St. S. Ph. 884-1529 LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE MOVING Contact Guaranty Trust Guaranty knows money matters Rates for longer terms on request INIUIINC; 3'“ "I. for one and two years Your money earns ,ZIP Code, Federally incorporated and supervised Capital and Reserve 327,000,000. Deposits in excess of $450,000,000. COMPANY OF CANADA on term deposits 884-1188 889-1905 44 Yonge St. South PB-17 The increase has already been granted farmers by the Ontario Milk Marketing Board. However, an appeal against the rise has been launched by the Ontario Milk Distributors Asso- ciation, which represents pro- vincial dairies, says John Mul- der, general manager of Glen- ville Farms of Newmarket, which merged with Cousins Dairy Company of Aurora in June. J. D. Archer of Kirkland Lake. president of the Milk Distributors Association. said that dairies were prepared to accept an increase of 25 cents Milk Prices Up 2 Cents A Quart If Producers Have Their Way Currently, milk in Richmond Hill costs 31 cents a quart. or 33 cents if home-delivered. Milk prices will be up two cents a quart in September if a proposed increase to dairy farmers of 50 cents a hundred- weight takes effect. “We love the birds,†said Mal Elsey, and by the looks of it the birds love the Elseys. The redwing blackbirds fly about. A blue jay or the brilliant cardinal may decide to enjoy the hospitality. A wild canary might be heard singing from the wonderful maple tree in the back yard. Mr. Elsey is sentimental about that maple because he raised it from a seedling. “They are a bit of a nuisance,†he said, “they make holes all over the place?“ But the muskrats come and they go . . . and what is left . . . just a little bit of Eden, that’s all. A bird could spend a very happy summer in Mr. Elsey’s backyard. There are quite a. number of small shrubs and trees which supply food to a great number of feathered folks. A quaint little bridge spans the ditch on the Charles side of the property. When the ditch is full of water, the muskrats make the journey from Thornhill Pond. Mr. Elsey has his reservations about the muskrats. Mr. Elsey starts work in his greenhouse around the end of September. Peat moss and sandy loam are the basis of much of his gardening triumphs. This year Mr. Elsey plans to build a new cold frame for the young plants that mature next spring. “Unwins have been experts in sweet peas for over a hundred years," he said. Just imagine for a moment that you are stand- ing by the flower border. You’ll see nemesia, a small border flower which has many different colors, double snaps, English stocks, verbena and the cithona which grows to nearly five feet. You’ll find (:01- umbine and a great assortment of painted daisies. The roses and lilies are outstanding. One 1in called “Pink Perfection†drew my undisguised admiration. More delight was to be found with the delphin- iums, cornflowers and a unique plant called Burning Sunset with bright orange blossoms. The Japanese lanterns were just about ready to bloom and there was an interesting plant called Jamaica Queen which blooms all winter. So Mr. Elsey has to propagate a lot of plants. And when he succeeds, he keeps two plants for him- self and gives the rest away to neighbors, friends and children for their special occasions. (Continued from Page ‘3) The Elseys recently returned from a. motor trip to the New England States. There are seeds and seeds according to Mr. Elsey. He’s had extraordinary success with Unwin Seeds from Cambridge, England. This year all the flowers grew from Unwin seeds, except for the roses. Rambiing Around IToronto Barrister Fined $100 A BIRD’S PARADISE Mr. Sumner also voiced the opinion that dedicated parkla‘nds in Varley Village on Union- ville's outskirts were a disgrace and would cost the township $2,000 to clean up. “Parklands dedicated by subdividers need ‘tighter control,†he insisted. Mr. Sumner had strong criti- cism for the state in which some subdividers have left land turn- ed over for park purposes. “The township should start put- ting park property on bond until it is cleaned up," declared the representative for the township‘s Ward I where most of the sub- divisions are located. Before that there was an in- crease of the same amount in May, 1967, following a 35 cents a hundredweight rise in the producer price. He described [and set aside for a park in the Wimpey sub- division on Bayview Avenue as the township’s biggest problem at the moment. “It’s no better than a garbage dump.†Engineer Dusan Miklas sug- gested. “If they (the subdivid- ers) don't clean up the land themselves â€" then charge them for the work." Deputy-reeve Sid Gadsby not- ed that subdivision agreements call far “pay on demand" in such instances, “a far different thing than holding up a bond". Council agreeditoi look into the matter further, so that in the future dedicated parklands may be more acceptable to the township. Vt: I "CII " dy When called to the stand Mac- Kerrow testified that on the ev- a hundredweight but that 50 ening Concerned he had left his cents was “excessive and un_{ apartment at 80 Elm Avenue to wiseâ€. keep an appointment in Klein- Such an increase would com- burg between 7.30 and 7‘45 Pm- pel producers to raise their pric- He was first going to drop off es two cents a quart. or possibly the_ liquor at his mother’s in even higher in areas where new Klemburg before proceeding to labor agreements have just beemhis aPPOintmem» he said- comp1eted_ he said_ LLH-(i e'sEimated he had drivenl “:1-.. ...I..u. 14:- In... There was a two-cent a quart rise in the milk price in March due. the dairies claimed. to higher wages and increased op- erating costs. At present Ontario dairy farmers receive $6.15 per hun- dredweight for milk shipped for bottling. Subdividers should be put on bond to turn over cleaned up property dedicated for park puuposes, Councillor Allan Sumner suggested at the Aug- ust 6 meeting of Markham Township Council. Producers say a 50 cent in- crease is warranted because of higher production costs and in- terest rates. Another suggestion entailed taking a bond. May Bond Developers For Clean Parkland NEWMARKET: An application for a taxi licence to operate in Newmarket has been received from William Van Berkel of Holland Landing. A letter which accompanied the application stated that Mr. Berkel felt such a licence would alleviate any objections and controversyi which has been building up. The application was referred tol a council committee to check the bylaw and consult the chief of police before the licence is issued. l He estimated he had driven‘ about 25 miles when his car became embedded in soft earth on the Maple Sideroad. Due to the fact that his brakes had stopped functioning as he was crossing Highway 7 on Bathurst Street, he had been very in- Another crown witness, Ser- geant William Adams of Vaughan police, said it was his observation that MacKerrow was “very intoxicated†when brought into Vaughan Police Station. “He had the smell of alcohol on his breath, he could hardly stand up and he didn't make too much sense in his speech,†Sergeant Adams told the court. A Toronto barrister, Robertltent on driving carefully from MacKerrow, 50, was convicted of there on and thus did not see a being in the care and control of a sign at Keele Street indicating vehicle while impaired by 8100- the Maple Road was closed from 1101 and fined $100 and $8.50 thereon, he told the court. costs by Magistrate Russell MacKerrow disagreed with Pearse in Richmond Hill Mag- Officer Smith that the road had istrate's Court, August 8. been totally blocked off and MacKerrow. of 80 Elm Av- said that only the left side had _enue. Tpront0._and BR 1. Klein- been blocked. Two 26 oz. whisky bottles were on the seat beside Mac- Kerrow. the constable said. About 5 ounces of whisky was missing from one of the bottles, while the other appeared to be full, he added. The engine of the Chev was running at the time. Constable Smith told the court. After being told to get out of the car the accused began to say, “I am sorry‘ I am finished.†and also that he did not see the “Road Closed" sign on the road, the constable testified. He said that MacKerrow was ex- tremely unstable, that his breath smelt of alcohol and that he had to be assisted to walk. ._V_.. nun...“ v.1 MacKerrow. of so Elm Av- gaild'that oHly he left side had enue. Toronto. and RR 1. Klein- been blocked. burg, also had his licence sus- He said that after his car pended for three months. He became stuck he had tried with- Pleaded not guilty and was de- out success to move it. Asked fended by former Crown At- by Mr. Borins what decision he torney Norm Borins. now of then made, MacKerrow replied Croll, Borins and Goldberg. To- that he had got back into the ronto. Jerry Woron was crown car and had a drink from both prosecutor. ' ' _ Vlwhisky bottles. At this time ~v..-»u a“. ulaAo muc Constable John Scott of‘he had given up the idea of Vaughan Township police test- driving the car, he testified. ifie‘d that on May_21 at 8‘40 pm He had then stopped two boys he found MacKerrow seated be- passing on bicycles and asked hind the wheel of a 1953 Chev- them to try and get a tow truck. roiet stuck in the mud on Maple but this they were not able to Sideroad. near the Airport do, MacKerrow said. He added Road. on a section that was in that he had also tried to get bad condition and had been the attention of nearby motor- blocked off with a barricade. ists by honking his hnrn For Driving While Impaired (Continued from Page 2) Now the horses were a. different story, and the Original Riding Hannefords brought the circus to an exciting finale with their bareback and acrobatic performing. _. . < 1 l ‘,,,i [\__LA..:- “This unique family, the Barrymores of the circus world, can trace their lineage back to the year 1621, when the Hanneford dynasty was begun by a. young Irish lad â€"â€" by the late 1700’s the Hannefords’ acrobatic and equestrian performances had gained the attention of the English royal family. It was during this period that the first royal command per- formance was given by the Hanneford family â€"-â€" a performance repeated by each succeeding gener- ation u “In 1915 the Hannefords came to America as the star attraction with the Ringling Bros. Circus, and were an instant success â€"-â€" of the members of the family that made the first trip across the sea in 1915 only George Sr. remains. Although he doesn’t ride now, at 73 he still appears in the ring with the family, even with a broken hip suffered earlier this year in Green Bay, Wisconsin, when an elephant tripped and knocked him over the ring curb. Although now on one crutch, he is still the boss, and exercises a strong voice when decisions are made.†When the music of the circus finally died down and we filed out into the hot sun once more, old Mr. Hanneford could be seen watching over his horses with the love of five generations shining out of his eyes. Opening night of “The Gnemmy UH'CIB a... Niagara-on-the-Lake was a spirited affair. An aud- ience sporting every imaginable fashion â€" from Nehru jackets and micro skirts to Suits and long dressesâ€"sipped champagne happily before the show and anticipated a good evening’s fun â€" and that is exactly what they got. “The Chemmy Circleâ€, with or without the champagne is a hilarious farce, shown to the utmost advantage by a cast who knew exactly how to do it. Paxton Whitehead who directed this play that would have been a dismal bore if under- played, also triumphed on stage in the part of the excruciatingly clumsy and stuttering Coustouill-u. The constantly inebriated Hubertin was played with relish by Jack Creley, who had the responsive aud- ience nearly rolling in the aisles. ‘ .- 7777A JVAAVV “v..- . One of the busiest people in the production was Margot Sweeney of Richmond Hill, who was run off her feet being assistant stage manager, producing sound effects and playing the part of a cook. In The Spotlight I will be on holidays for the next twn weeks â€" but “In The Spotlight†will return September 5. ght of “The Chemmy Circle†at Lake was a spirited affair. An aud- every imaginable fashion â€" from and micro skirts to suits and long nham‘naqne happily before the show nun-rub-.- ." . good evening’s fun â€"- and that is got. “The Chemmy Circleâ€, with mpagne is a hilarious farce, shown mm are bv a cast who knew exactly 15- He said that after his car He became stuck he had tried with- le- out success to move it. Asked itwby Mr. Borins what decision he ofi‘then made, MacKerrow replied There‘s only one way for you to be well-informed about import- ant _local events and your special interests. That’s by reading “The Liberal†every court Mr. Borins said his client "ought not to be c'onvicted be- cause the evidence is very strong that he didn’t enter the car to set it in motion, but to sit in and then to drink.†He referred to a case in 1962 in the Alberta Court of Appeal (Regina vs. Wynnychuk) in which a man who had been drinking while driving, stopped to be sick. then reâ€"entered the car to rest. He had been found by police in this situation, was later convicted, but appealed the conviction successfully. Thursday In making judgment Magis- trate Pearse ruled that “taking the whole matter of evidence. the fact that the motor was running at the time the police came is sufficient evidence that the accused did intend driving away.†MacKerrow told the crown prosecutor that he had had two drinks during the course of the afternoon before he started driving. Earlier Mr. Borins disclosed that MacKerrow had for five years been a member of his law firm, and “his integnity and honesty is 100 per cent." He could not recall whether the car was running when Con- stable Smith arrived on the scene. Mr. Borins said later, he would appeal the conviction. but this they were not able to do, MacKerrow said. He added that he had also tried to get the attention of nearby motor- ists by honking his horn. What about next Week? In his ï¬nal nddresu to the NEWS