Emummuumuuuuulumuulmmuu“umlmummmmlu\uuunumuummmuuuuuumnumu“umu“mmmmum“nunmmummuumwumum\muumnuuum|\muummmmuï¬ -v..-v....° “.v ~-.-...v..~. .â€" .« “A†an“ mu... ~v..u.« .uvv.‘_u â€"v_...... The regulations are con- {caption was held at the Beverâ€"‘entertained the wedding guestsv‘roads. tained in Chapter XXII of 'ly Hills Motor Hotel where;at their home on Arnold Ave-|pay t] “'8 MUHiCiDal Act, dealing Mrs. McCartney received wear-flue following the wedding i‘e-ilevy. with police villages. ing a rose silk shantung enâ€"iception. tthat t ‘ba e gmummmumuumum“m\mmuuuuuuuuuuuumnmumm1mmmtllum“uuuumummununmummuuuuuuuumuuuuluml1lunulmummuumummmummmummmlmmuuumg{ 1i gghts] Hamilton harbor was filled with ocean ‘liners that dock on the main street of the city. The Russian liner, Alexander Push- kin. Olympia and Franconia were just a few of the cruise ships in port during the Burâ€" dens' stay. Mr. and Mrs. John Peacock. Arnold Avenue, entertained Mrs. Peacock’s mother last week at an evening party on amuuummmluumumumumumnmummumuuumuummm Village Fzre Prevention The Burdens flew 1o Hamilâ€" ton where they spent a quiet holiday enjoying the island’s beautiful beaches and sightsee- ing in the area. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bur- den, Erica Road, recently re‘ turned from a summer holiday in Bermuda. Brian Loughran. Henderson Avenue. and Michael Walker, Elgin Street. return this week from a six week holiday abroad. Brian and Michael have been travelling in Scotland, Ireland. England and France. Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes. Donalbain Crescent, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Carrado Zollo and family of Rochester, New York, over the August holiday week- end. ‘ Local summer campers at Big Doe Camp, Burk's Falls, have been Philip Goodwin, Keith and Ross Crawford, Rocky and Dino Pantalone, Ricky and Randy Micucci and Neil and Eric Bur- den. Funeral services were held in Thomhill Presbyterian Church. Sympathy is extended to Al-‘Ithe occasion of her 80th birth-Fairway Heights Drive, Thorn-’theii‘ home August 10 Ian Albery, Thombank Road,,day. I’hill. t a: * a: on the death of his wife Millie a: s: :1- -t 4 * * * ’1‘ ‘ Mr, and Mrs, Non Albery who died suddenly Aug- Friends will be glad to bean Donald Perry, Arnold Av- with their daughters J: ust 6. Sympathy is also extendâ€"1mm Mrs. Edith watt of Am-‘enue, spent last week visiting Carol of London, Ont ed to sons James, Michael andiold Avenue is making progresslvith Glen Crouter and his famâ€"fviSiting Mr. and Mrs. J Malcolm, and hopes to be home fromin at the Crouters‘ cottage at‘Arnold Avenue. this v Funeral services vyere held in hospital in the near futul-e. :g‘outlihainpton ne ar Owen:l The BeaIs have been Mr. Gadsby was search- ing for an effective clause for an open tire-prevention bylaw for the township when he came across this particular gem. Villagers might be inter- ested to know too. that sub- section 2 of this same section requires that “Every householder shall provide himself with two buckets fit for carrying water in case of accident by fire. un- der I fine of $1 for each bucket not so provided.“ 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 15, 1968 This clause, brought to light by Deputy-reeve S. J. Gadst at a recent meeting of Markham Township Council. specifies that: “No person shall enter a mill. barn, outhouse or stable with I lighted candle or lamp. unless it is well en- closed in a lantern, nor with a lighted pipe or cigar, nor with ï¬re not properly secured, under I fine of sl-u If you ever notice any village resident approach- ing a ban or stable with a cigar, you might advise him of Subsection 5 of Section 509 of the Ontario Munici- pal Act. Vaughan Township earlier this year proposed that it take over village roads on the west side of Yonge Street. but the trustees do not wish to consider this until the matter is finalized with Markham. “Then we want to see the best kind of a deal we can get.†said Mr. Judges. The trustees would like to see some improvement to Arnold Avenue. Trustee William Judges, who was appointed this spring to fill out the unexpired term of Trustee Frank Tucker who resigned. agreed that the assump- tion of these responsibilities by the townships signalled the demise of the police \fillage as a political entity. Trustees also suggested that garbage pickup be supplied twice weekly. inclus- ion of village lights in the township lighting area and snow removal on all roads in the Markham portion of the village. â€"â€" complete reconstruction of John Street, including storm sewers, gutiers. curbs and sidewalks by December 31. 1969. Other roads were to be recon~ structed within five years. The trustees wrote the township coun- cil early in July asking that council “consider amending the existing agree- ment with the intent that village roads within Markham Township (east of Yonge Street) m‘ll become the complete responsibility of the township and rate- payers \\‘ithin that limit will pay the regular township road levy.“ Other requests were that John Street be resurfaced immediately -â€" which has already been done in spite of no answer having been received from the township Thornhill Village Trustees have as yet received no official word from Markham Township concerning the proposed take- ovglf of village roads by the township. Village T rustees Ask TWp. Assume Roads, lights, Garbage Collection Socially Speaking in Thornhill Thornhill and District News PHONE 889-3190 Following the ceremony a re- fception was held at the Bever- ly Hills Motor Hotel where Mrs. McCartney received wear- ing a rose silk shantung enâ€" Miss Carmen Fernandez, the§College. They were on the bride’s maid of honor and onlylteaching staff of Woodland Sen- attendant, was gowned in aiior Public School where the floor~1ength ice green crepeibride will return in September. frock fashioned on straight lin-er. McCrea joins the staff of es with a round neckline and‘Royal Orchard Public School short sleeves. Her matching‘this fall. bow headpiece held a pouff veil} Mrs. Scott Ferguson, of Wil- and she carried a cascade of‘lou‘dale, the groom’s aunt, en- white daisies and yellow rose- Lertained following the wedding buds. rehearsal August 8. Mrs. Fer- Charles McCrae was best man and the ushers were William Spurgeon and Brian McCartney. brother of the bride. Given in marriage by hercouple will take up residence in: father. the bride wore a floor- Richmond Hill. ‘ length white silk faille gown Special guests at the weddingl fashioned on straight lines with were the bride’s maternal grandm a high round neckline and longvmother~ Mrs. McCay of Orange-1 lily point sleeves. The gmvnï¬'ille, and the groom’s paternal, was designed with an attachedlgrandfather, Walter McCrea of silk overcoat edged with Alen-WVillowdale. Out of tovm guests con lace falling into a short'attended from Orangeville, train. Her floor-length veil OfiBronte and Kitchener. l Swedish silk organza was bard-l Mr. McCrea graduated from' ered with lace and she carried‘Thornhill Secondary School and a cascade of yellow talismangboth the bride and groom are4 roses. igraduates of Toronto Teachers’ Miss Carmen Fernandez, theJCollege. They were on the‘ bride’s maid of honor and onlylteaching staff of Woodland Sen-‘ attendant, was gowned in axior Public School where the} floor~1ength ice green crepeibride will return in September. frock fashioned on straight lin-er. McCrea joins the staff of 3 A wedding of local interestlsemble with a matching ostrich William’s parents, Mr. and took place AugustQin Thomhilllfeather hat, matching acces-LMI'S. R. W. Brunott, and his United Church when Lynda Mae sories and a corsage of pink brother Eddie had planned to McCartney became the bride of sweetheart roses and white car- accompany him but unfortun- Wayne Donald McCrea. The nations. ately had to cancel thEiI‘ Plans. bride is the daughter of Mr. The groom’s mother wore 3 Eddie suffered injuries in a and Mrs. Robert McCartney of robin-egg-blue shantung and recent boating accident and is Willowdale and the groom is lace ensemble with matching'flow a Patient in York Central the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don- flowered hat and shoes, whiteiHOSpital Where he is under- ald McCrea of Arnold Avenue, accessories and a corsage ongoing a Skin graft. Thornhill, yellow sweetheart roses. 1 ’3 * * * Rev. Garth Nelson performed the candlelight ceremony against a background of white gladioli and yellow roses. Mrs. Robert Richardson was at the organ. Miss Greenaway is the daugh- Hearley’s parents for the balâ€" ter of Archibald Greenaway QC ance of their holiday. and Mrs. Greenaway of Willow-‘! Mr. and Mrs. Hearley enter- dale and Mr. Burnett is the somtained neighbors and friends at of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burnettflan evening barbecue party at Miss Garnet is the daughter of Mrs. Evelyn Garnet. Bay- view Avenue, and Mr. McDiar- mid is the son of Mrs. T. Jack- son, Mill Road. McCrea - McCartney Nuptials In Thornhill United Church view Avenue, and ML McDiar-' Mrs. Hearley flew over with1 mid is the son of Mrs. '1‘. Jack- Simon 3 Week ahead of her hus-i son, Mill Road. band and stayed with her par-i MiSS Elizabeth Gay Green-rents in Weybridge, Surrey, for[ away will become the bride of 10 (Lays. After MY- Hearley’s Ross Edwin Burnett September arrival in England, the family 28 at 6 pm in Forest Grove travelled to Falmouth, Corn- United Church. Willowdale. Wall. Where they ViSi‘ted Mr. Miss Greenaway is the daugh- Hearley’s parents for the balâ€"l ter of Archibald Greenaway QC ance of their holiday. l Miss Allan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Allan. Franklin Avenue. and Mr. Clubb is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Clubb, Arnold Av- enue. Miss Barbara Garnet will be married to Scott McDiarmid September 14 in St. John‘s An- glican Church, Willowdale. Congratulations and bat * * * "‘ wishes are extended to three Mrs. C. H. Van Ness of New Thornhill couples on the occas- Jersey was the recent guest of ion of their forthcoming mar-Iller Sister, Mrs. Jack Mavel‘. riages. Arnold Avenue, for a two-week Miss Susan Louise Allan will holiday- become the bride of David Paul Mrs. Maver drove Mrs. Van Clubb September 14 at 1 pmlNess to her home in North Al'- in Newtonbrook United Churchllinglon. New Jersey. last week. Miss Allan is the daughterjh’lrs. E. Rummler of Belmar. of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Alla11.:Ne‘V Jersey. MI‘S- Maver’s mo- anklin Avemm and Mcher, motored home with her Clubb is the so“ of Mn an.d‘daughter and is visiting the Mm R H Chlhh Amnm Aw'Mavei's for several weeks. Mr. Judges felt however that large scale amalgamation of some or all of the Southern Six municipalities is approaching and that a police village is an anachronism under the circumstances. he said, and to have the poor drainage corrected at Arnold just west of Yonge Street. Mr. Judges, sales manager at Richvale Ready Mix, previously served four years as a trustee and was chairman in 1965 and 1966. Other trustees this year are Chairman Reg. Robinson. Thornridge Drive and Eric Cole. John Street, "The Liberal" ls always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be reached by phoning 889-3190. WILLIAM JUDGES New Village Trustee Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCrea entertained the wedding guests at their home on Arnold Aveâ€" nue following the wedding re- ception. Mrs. Scott Ferguson, of Wil- lowdale, the groom’s aunt. enâ€" tertained following the wedding rehearsal August 8. Mrs. Ferâ€" guson designed and made the bride’s Veil, maid of honor’s headpiece and hats for the brid- al party. For the honeymoon trip to the Haliburton Highlands the bride wore a yellow and green print ensemble, a yellow Breton straw hat and yellow acces- sories. On their return the couple will take up residence in Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hearley and their son Simon of Donal- bain Crescent flew to England in July where they spent three weeks visiting with relatives and friends. * "‘ * * } Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rae Donald Perry, Arnold Av-wvith their daughters Janice and 811116. Spent last Week VisitingCarol of London. Ontario. are with Glen Crouter and his fam-fviSiting Mr. and Mrs. John Bea}, ily at the Crouters' cottage at=Arnold Avenue. this week. Southhampton ne ar Owen‘l The BeaIs have been showing Sound. ' lthair guests nninf: nf interest in .11!uumunlmmumuummummmumunuluuummuuumuu Tested { Classified munumuuumummnumuunmmum1mum\ummummmum Unionville Trustees instruct- ed the clerk to send for copies of the Thornhill - Markham agreement when it is drawn up, for their perusal. lights into township lighting areas and improve certain roads within a specified time. r Mr. Bean and Tim flew up to ispend the last weekend of Bradley’s holiday at the re- mote fishing lodge before re- turning home. Thornhill Trustees have sugv MlmumuumuImlmmuuulmuuuu\uuuuum1mmmmuuuuui gested that with the townshin‘s assuming responsibility for I N N roads, village residents would pay the general township road‘ levy. In return they asked’ that the township provide garâ€"l bage pickup, incorporate village when he attended the same pe'r- formance. The proposed agreement be- tween Markham Township and Thornhill Village Trustees con- cerning township takeover of roads and other services is of interest to Trustees of the Vil- lage of Unionville. The visitors thoroughly en- joyed the performance of “Romeo and Juliet†and were treated to an added bonus at the theatre when they were able to see Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau at close range Unionville Trustees Study Thornhill Plan Mrs. Peter Mather and her daughter Susan, Royal Orchard Blvd., travelled to Stratford last week with Mrs. John Ar-r nott, Highland Park, and her‘ daughter Mary and Mrs. A.; Campbell. Mrs. V. Smart and! Mrs. J. Barrowman of Willow-s dale. ’ William Brunott. Elgin Street. flew to Holland last week where, he will visit his grandparents“ for several weeks. William’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brunott, and his brother Eddie had planned to accompany him but unfortun- ately had to cancel their plans. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bean, John Street, were in London, Ontario, over a recent weekend to at- tend a wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Bean were the guests of Mrs. Bean’s sister. Mrs. Jack Nash, and her husband. Bradley Bean flew to Little Abitibi, 35 minutes air- time from Cochrane. Ontario, in July where he spent two wonderful Weeks at a fishing lodge. Bride-elect Miss Susan Allan, Franklin Avenue, was enter- tained recently at a miscellan- eous shower at the home of Miss Lynn Osmond. Ravenscroft Crescent. Willowdale. Miss Diana Day is spending‘ a month’s vacation in the Peter- boro lake district visiting her father. Rev. Alfred Day. recent- ly returned from Hong Kong, and relatives. John Maver. Arn- old Avenue, was guest of the family over the holiday week- end. The BeaIs have been showing their guests points of interest in the city including the museum, Pioneer Village and will visit Midland during their stay. The Grandview Hornets won the post league cham- ionship last season and were narrowly beaten in the final playoffs. The team is entirely self supporting and offers hockey to keen players in the Thornhill area at the lowest possible cost. Interested boys are asked to call Coach Gordon Hill at 889-5573 or Manager C. H. Gillison at 889-1906 for information. classification. is looking for players for the 1968-69 sea- son. Tryouts will take place the third week in Septemâ€" ber at Richmond Hill Arena, home ice of the team. Players eligible for the team must live in a five mile area east, west and north of Steele: and Yonge Street. Attention midget hookey players -- boys 16 years and under by December 31! The Grandview Hornets Hockey Club. CMHA C The Libera suffered injuries Vin a boating accident and is patient in York Central and Mrs. Norman Rae Midget Hockey 884-1105-5 Time Time >roven Phone MORGAN DA VIS 889-4846 mm«ammunmmmmnunummmmnumm 3 the M. McLean, ZU hing High Drive, Concord. Rev. H. R. Howden performed ceremony and wedding music was provided by John Shaw, Thornhill at the organ. Given in marriage by her father, the bride walked down the aisle to the strains of Lohen- grin’s Wedding March. She wore a kneeâ€"length gown of white French lace, designed on Aâ€"lines with a jewel; neckline and bell sleeves. Her elbow- length bouffan-t veil of tulle illusion was held by a floral headpiece and she carried 3 cas- cade bouquet of pink sweetheart roses and white cal-nations. Following the ceremony. 65 guests enjoyed dinner and danc- ing at the Windsor Room of the Four Winds Club. The bride's mother received in a street- length jacket ensemble of pink silk with a petal headpiece. pvhite accessories and a corsagc of pink sweetheart roses and white feathered carnations. The igroom’s mother wore a chart- ‘reuse green sheath dress with a tent style chiffon overdress and a stand-up jewelled collar. Her accessories were off~white and her corsage h cambidium orchid. For the honeymoon trip to Haliburton, the bride wore a The two bridal attendants were former fellow students of the bride at Thornhill Second- ary School, Miss Jane Raven of Thornhill and Miss Catherine Murgaski of Buttonville. They Were gowned alike in sleeveless street-length dresses of shockâ€" ing pink Italian ribbed satin with empire \i‘aistlines and scoop necklines squared at the The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Schoolen- berg, 91 Meadowview Road, Highland Park and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McLean. 20 King High Drive, Concord. Rev. H. R. Howden performed the ceremony and wedding music was provided by John Shaw, Thornhill at the organ. Holy Trinity Anglican Church back. The bodices overlapped print. Her Thornhill, was the scene of the at the back with two buttons and white afternoon wedding July 27 of and the sheath skirts had backumre white Andrea Bell Schoolenberg and fullness. Bouquets of pink car-i Mr. and Robin Donald McLean. nations and baby’s breath co‘m-‘both grad The bride is the daughter of pleted the ensembles. Secondary Free Delivery on All Orders Printers and Publishers 63 Yonge Street. S. 884-1105 can help your adver- tisements and bro- chures get the mes- sage across, fast. Printing know-how The Liberal Married At Holy T rinity MR. AND MRS. ROBIN D. MCLEAN CUT CAKE For the honeymoon trip togley. 22. and DaVid Booth. 23. Haliburton, the bride wore a‘bot-h 0f KeswiCk. and Joseph pink linen dress with a floral‘Beaudrow, 22 of RR 2 Sutton. print bodice and a matching'They have been charged with jacket lined with the same‘armed robbery with Violence. Groomsmen was Derek Giles of Thornhill and ushers-were Dr. John Mollard, Willowdale and, Michael Zadel of Chicago. LIST PRICE x; Get these 2 Austin 1100's for just $1945 ' at Yonge Steeles Motors Ltd. MODERN HEATED . . . Rumble Transport 884-1013 889-6192 WAREHOUSE STORAGE COMMERCIAI 94 NEWKIRK ROAD 3 - Richmond Hill - Toronto - 364-2625 IIAL - INDUSTRIAL HOUSEHOLD YOU 0111)‘ See one Austin? Look again. Now Austin gi's es you new tWO-in-One transmission ~ automatic and stick shift both in the same car. So your Austin 1100 is an automatic when you want it to be -â€" and a stick shift when you want to go with the gears. It’s like getting two cars for the price of one! AmtAustin 1100 gives you the barefoot traction of frontâ€"wheel drive. The bite \f dISC brakes. Revolutionary fluid-filled Hydrolastic suspension for new smOPth underneath. And sideways-mounted engine for leg-stretching roominess inside. See us soon and pick up a pair of Austins for just $1945. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS â€"- ALL TRADES WELCOMED SEE US TODAY FOR A DEAL OF A LIFETIME la YONGE sigï¬ltgs MOTORS SHARON: A 16-year-old usher was shot in the leg with a pel- let gun and cashier Mrs. Irene Murrell was struck with an iron bar during a holdup at North York Drive-In Theatre recently. The drive-in is located on the county road between Sharon and Holland Landing. An estiâ€" mated $700 was taken by two men who escaped in a car driven by a third man. Taken into custody 20 minutes later at a road block two miles from the theatre were ‘William Yard~ ley. 22. and DaVid Booth, 23, both of Keswick. and Joseph print. Her corsage was of pink and white carnations and she wore white accessories. Mr. and Mrs. McLean are both graduates of Thornhill Secondary School. The groom graduated this year from the University of Toronto where the bride is also a student. They are now living in Toronto. ‘ LIMITED 7079 Yonge Street, Willowdale 889‘6261 Must North of Ste '35 AveJ Main Dealers for AUSTIN - ALFA ROMEO - ,\I.G. - ROVER - LAND ROVER Mr. and Mrs. Robert White and family have returned from a two Week vacation spent at Oro Station mL_ n,,,. . Friends of Roy Kramar. Roosevelt Drive will be pleased to learn that he will be return- Iing home shortly following a stay in Branson Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bi‘uic and son Michael. Pearson Avenue spent their vacation in Muskoka. uv “ ‘m 30% Ring Funeral Home Mu“- __ If you have any community news, or an item about family happenings, or information on holidayers, please contact your correspondent who will be pleased to include such items in this column. Visiting friends and relatives in British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogg travelled there by automibile across the west- ern provinces for their vacation. Their sons. Robert and Bradley had an opportunity to see what an ocean looks like. The Scout den. located at the corner of Claridge Drive and Pearson is to be moved to the park. A welcome to the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Griffith who have taken up residence at 7 Roosevelt Drive. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Turner and family enjoyed a relaxing holi- day at Lakg_Coycl:iching. Mrs. Peggy Gottschalk has returned from a very enjoyable vacation in Ireland. While there she toured the country and visited friends and relatives. Prior to leaving on the trip she was guest of honor at a ban voyage party held by Rae and Don Robson of Aurora. Neighborhood Notes FRASER DUNN State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office - Scarborough Ontario Richvale News Music and Physical Education Teachers how much you may save on car insurance!†145 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL, ONTARIO TELEPHONE with friendly but firm attitugle with children CC Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosevellt Drive 889-3806 Bus. 889-32 Find out LUNCH HOUR SUPERVISOR ‘VAV! FAR. & INYUIINCI 1 Private School requires: QUALIFIED PART TIME EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Phone 221-9228 FULL TIME woud like to call on you with ‘housewarming gifts’ and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL mum““\uuumuuuunmmum“mummmmummuuunulm muuuuuuuumunmuumumuuu\umummuumwmmmmm Call Mrs. Ralph OLDEST AUTHORIZE!) DATSUN DEALERSHIP IN ONTARIO David 0f WELCOME SERVICE only $8.75 gal. DECOR MART . IMPORTS 16 Industrial Rd. Richmond Hill PHONE 889-8830 - 884-8134 6180 Yonge St. One block S. of Steeles PAINT & WALLPAPER Thornhill’s ()wn . House Paint SAVE $3.75! Reg. $12.50 per gal PERMANENT WHITE EXTERIOR DEALERSHIP 889-3313 SPECIAL Harley 95