Planning Director John Dewar advised the board that the staff and township solicitor were sat- isfied that an error had been made. The second conveyance by the township conveyed the entire width of a laneway to one property owner while the original transfer, made 10 years earlier, when the lane was closed, conveyed half the width of the lane to a difl'erent owner. _.___r _ râ€"i'esently zoned commercial and industrial. the land is the former site of the Superior Proâ€" pane plant on the north side of Richmond Street, west of the railway tracks. Developer John Sanelli was represented at the meeting by his solicitor C. L. Yoerger QC. Mr. Yoerger advised planning board that his client's title to part of the land was clouded as the township had, some years ago. conveyed part of a laneway to two different people, and ask- ed that this be rectified. It is considered that residen- tial development of the proper- ty would be more acceptable to neighboring residents than either commercial or industrial uses. Vaughan Township Planning‘ Planning Board August 8 recommendedicomplete fl approval of rezoning to. permitiCommunity Maple Apprwe Eight Lat Subdivision Former Superior Propane Site iThird Drowning In Three Weeks llBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 AT GATEWAY BRAND NEW '68 W $10 an acre in Bradford Fertilizer to get $0 an acre on your fall wheat, hay and pasture. Bagged or bulk for spreading. Please phone your order to-â€"- Holland Landing 895-5108 AUG. 15 to SEPT. 2 Travel Trailways to t e oronto C.N.E. EXHIBITION BUS SERVICE METEORS Buses leave Exhibition Grounds at 2.45 p.m., 3.45 p.m., 6.15 p.m., 9.15 & 11.15 pm. Sunday â€" 6.15 p.m., 9.15 p.m., 11.15 pm. eight-lot subdivision J FULL _ PRICE Bradford Fertilizer Co. ltd. Trailways of Canada Ltd. SPECIAL BUSES DIRECT T0 C.N.E. GROUNDS For further information call 889-7585 Leave Bayview Plaza Mon. - Sat. ) a.m., 10.15 a.m., 12 Noon, 1.30 pm. Sunday 12 Noon and 2.15 pm. Rideau “500†Tudor Hardtop: WHY NOT Planning Planning board agreed to immendedicomplete the questionaire of the to permit Community Planning Branch lision in giving approval to the subdi- ivision and recommend its ap- >mmercialiproval by Vaughan Township Locust Hill 294-2909 umuummmummummmunumumuuuuuunuummuuuuum llllllllllll|“llIll“lll“Mlll\\ll“lml\“IlllIllllllllll|lllllllllllllmlll ouncfl Stewart Coxford of Radio Station CFGM appeared before Vaughan Township Planning Board August 8 concerning the installation of a cable TV antenna. Proposed site of the an- tenna is north of Elgin Mills Sideroad, east of Bathurst Street. part of Lots 51 and 52. Concession 1. property owned by Mrs. M. C. McFee. Site {or the antenna. which is to serve the Richmond Hill area. will be leased for five years with an option to renew for a further five years. All property owners with- in 1,000 feet of the antenna will be polled and after thls has been done, plan. ning board will consider the application Igaln at the August 22 meeting. Cable TV For Hill? Aurora 727-9421 ‘r The third drowning in three ‘weeks in Preston Lake, near Vandod, occurred August 9. taking the life of John Kudelski, {42. of Alamosa Drive. Willow~ ldale. A private swimming pool in Thornhill was the scene of another drowning tragedy on August 6. Mrs. Millie Albery, 47-year-old mother of two teen- age boys, was found dead in 71%.; feet of water in a pool at 21 Thornebank Road by Mrs. Gladys Trow, the pool owner. Kudelski, I non-swimmer, dis- appeared while picnicking near the lake with his wife. His body was later found 400 feet from shore in nine feet of water by other swimmers, who began a search for the man at his wife's request. A post mortem established death as from drowning, Vaugh- an Township police say. Mrs. [Albery was a non-swimmer. Kudelski had been missing for about two hours before his wife sought help in finding him. The drowning is being inves- tigated by Coroner Dr. G. L. Blackwell of Bradford. No in- quest has yet been decided upon, according to Whitchurch police. On August 4. four-year-old Karen Geisler of Don Mllls was drowned about 100 feet away from a roped-off area, which is attended by a life-guard. The week before, on July 28. a 47- year-old Toronto man, William Solowinski, drowned in the middle of the lake after losing his grip on an inner tube. His death will be probed by an in- quest August 29 in Whitchurch Council Chambers, Vandorf. All three victims were non- swimmers, Whitchurch police point out. They describe the lake as being of varying depth and thick with weeds in parts. There is a roped-off area for children on the north beach, where there is a lifeguard. Preston Lake, Constable Carl Hawthorn says he cannot recall a previous drowning in the lake since he joined Whitchurch Police De- partment five years ago when the station was established in Vandorf. Preston Lake has only been “opened up" for swimming in the past three years, he says. The eyewitnesses, who both work at Texas Instruments In- corporated, Centre Street East, were standing on the corner of Centre Street, waiting to cross Newkirk Drive at the time. A 47-year-old Richmond Hill woman, Marjorie Rosalee Hi1- laby, of 353 Markham Road. is in St, Michael's Hospital, Toron- to, with serious head injuries and a broken leg, police report. Mrs. Hillaby was hit by a 1966 Volkswagen fast-back driven by Beverley-Ann Everard, 19, of 241 Elka Drive, Richmond Hill, while crossing Newkirk Drive, near Centre Street East at about 3.30 pm August 7. Mrs. Albery. of 33 Theme- bank Road, had been invited by Mrs. Trow to use the pool at any time. Her husband, John, is a civil engineer working on a construc- tion job north of Winnipeg. Two eyewitnesses, Mrs. Anna Bucci, of 58 Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill, and Mrs. Anna Parola, 161 Lawrence Avenue, Richmond Hill, say Mrs. Hillaby was half-way across Newkirk Drive when she looked north and saw the car coming. She then started to walk faster but strode right into the car as itI swerved to avoid her, they say. After she was struck she landed on her head. The eyewitnesses, who both work at Texas Instruments In- corporated, Centre Street East, were standing on the corner of Centre Street, waiting to cross Newkirk Drive at the time. Mrs. Hillaby was rushed to Vaughan Township police in- vestigated two minor accidents over the weekend. On August 10 a car driven by Frank Porter, 37, of 5 Orion Crescent, Rich- vale, was southbound on Den- halm Drive, Richvale, when it rounded a curve and struck a parked car owned by David W. Clark, 68 Denham Drive. Total ‘damage was $300. Constable W. Hill investigated. On August 11, Joseph Far- rugia. 34, of 210 Sheppard Ave- nue East, Willowdale, was turn- ing north onto Weston Road from the 400 Drive-In Theatre when he hit a car driven by Robert Dickie, 16, of 210 Em- press Avenue, Willowdale. W §SEASON’S END CLEARANCE i .6666666Mx6. ‘ Ariens "‘3?" ii Riding Mowers 5!. g A Garden Equipment 2 iree York Central Hospital, but after eat an examination there, she was 9. taken to St. Michael’s Hospital, ski where she underwent surgery ow- for 10 hours. according to Con- stable Dick Witteman, who in- dis- vestigated the accident. [ear Her condition is described by His the hospital as “unchanged and feet very seriousâ€. Near Vandorf Mrs. Hillaby has two daugh- ters. Mrs. Sandra DiVicenzo. 21, of 132 Woodlane, Richmond Hill, and Barbara. 17, of 353 Markham Road. Weekend traffic was heavy but not as constant as over July weekends, police in Richmond Hill and in surrounding town- ships say. Relatively few ac- cidents occurred, none serious. Vaughan Township police re- port a steady flow of cars over the weekend to Boyd Conserva- tion Area Park, on Islington Avenue, north of Pine Grove, where the attractions are a swimming pool on the Humber river and wooded nature trails. Wallace. driving a 1959 Ford, struck a 1963 Comet owned by John Strathern, Altona Avenue. Toronto, when pulling out of a service station on Don Mills Road. about half a mile south of Highway 7. August 11. The left side of the Comet was de- molished, says Constable Bob McCausland, who investigated the accident. A charge of failing to remain at the scene of an accident has been laid against William Wal- lace, 19, of 21 Harriet Street, Toronto. by Markham police. Wallace drove off, but wasfollowed onto the Don Valley Parkway by a service station at- tendant, Richard Woodcock, of 42 Montford Drive, Willowdale, who was able to provide Markâ€" ham police with the licence number of the fleeing car. Two Metro cruisers spotted Wallace, gave chase and final- ly stopped him, but only after he had damaged both cruisers. He was subsequently charged with criminal negligence by Metro Police. Wallace appeared in court in Toronto August 12 on both charges and was remanded. Four Richmond Hill residents were slightly injured in a rear- end collision involving two cars at the intersection of Highway 7 and Concession 3, August 10, Markham police report. Kenneth Archibald, 33, of 29 Elizabeth Street South, was making a left turn onto Conâ€" cession 3 when hit from the rear by a car driven by Muriel Gannett. 50, 75 Rockport Cres- cent, causing $600 damage to her car and $200 damage to Archibald‘s car. She was taken to York Central Hospital with her passenger, William Burrows, 37, of 75 Rockport Crescent, with cuts and bruises. Mr. Archibald‘s wife Shirley was a pasenger in his car. On August 11, J rugia, 34, of 210 She nue East. Willowdalt ing north onto W from the 400 Drive- when he hit a car Robert Dickie, 16, 1 press Avenue. Will1 Charges are pending {Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berry have moved into the apartment on ‘the mushroom farm property {formerly occupied by Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Johnston and Chris have moved from the mushroom farm to a new position and home at Picker- mg. moved into the apartment oni An open house is being held the mushroom farm property'for Mr. and Mrs. David Heise formerly occupied by Mr. and Thursday evening (tonight) at Mrs. William Hereabout. the home of his parents. Mr. Sutton has claimed former and Mrs. Russell Heise. residents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc- Mrs, Charles Milsted and Lean and Dale who have moved Charleen returned Monday ev- there. Their house has been ening from a delightful three- sold to Mr. and Mrs, Sheldon week visit to London. Amster- Brooks. . dam and Rome and 13 days A farewell Idinn‘erhhonoring spent in Nigeria with Mr. and A farewell dinner honoring ReV. Roy Nigh and Mrs. Nigh was held Monday evening at the youth centre. They were presented with a set of nesting tables and a purse of money. Cycle Thieves Active Norman B. Stapley. 126 Pem- berton Road, Richmond Hill. had a red and white bicycle taken from the club between 8.45 am and 3 pm, August 10. A bicycle was stolen from the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club, Bathurst Street. for the second weekend in a row. Vaughan Township police report. A bicycle belonging to C. Middleton, 172 May Avenue. Richvale, was stolen from the club August 3. Wallets valued at $35 were taken from the glove compart- ment from an unlocked vehicle parked at Boyd Conservation FESH “"0 curs or m; H i N vgï¬'o'e “' egs PORK lOIN QUARTERS "79¢ BUY THIS LARGE ECONOMY PACK &. SAVE 9 TO 11 PORK CHOPS IN A PACKAGE IMPORTED, FROZEN â€" SHANK, BREAST 6. NECK REMOVED SX BRAND PURE lAMB SHOULDERS 1543;! PORK SAUSAGE I-Mravm59¢ C (K AF «wwlb HI EN L0 ¢ SAUSAGE PATTIES “miâ€: ~39¢ OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY 8. FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. AMPLE FREE PARKING CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILS'I'ED Telephone 887-5445 “NEW PACK" Choice Quality Canadian AsP CORN 89¢ AaP PEAS 419-ï¬-m5895! “NEW PACK†Choice Quality Canadian Whole Whiu SAVE 13c AaP POTATOES 419-noznns69¢ LOW EVERYDAY PRICE ! we care SHOP Am SAVE AT A&P’s NEW FOOD STORE EN WNW AAG'NCWI'WUJI mcï¬ikbiio Huff." scornssw 5e2'22szd4w53¢ GORMLEY NEWS SILVERBROOK FIRST GRADE BUTTER 6 5;! Choicc Quality Canadim Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones and son of Fort Washington. U.S.A. have been visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jones. A miscellaneous shower was held last Friday evening in honor of Miss Luella Heise. Mrs: Allan Doner and family “Fast Way Nowhere" is the title of the film being shown at the Parkside Youth Centre this Sunday evening at 9. [ms bunday evemng at 9, Burning Brush Sparks At R. H. Country Club‘ignite Fire l“ Roof The Boyd Park concession stand was broken into by van- dals August 8 between 9.30 pm and 11.30 pm, Vaughan police report. Damage of $65 to equip- ment in the stand was per- petrated. 9. The victims. Larry Licastro. 27 Gosling Road. Maple. and Rod Huggins, 3 Parkway Ave- nue, Thornhill, were swimming at the time. Park. Islington Avenue. August Richmond Hill police dis- close that vandals hurled rocks through two glass panes on the north side of Beverley Acres Public School. 283 Neal Street, August 9. The panes were val- ued at $40. fl PRUNE ONPLlHJMS 2.352; N amweo WM“?! 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE COFFEE BOKAR WASHINGTON, FIRM, SWEET, TASTY [IMAM Fmi no. 1 M . [uslcuu mun lnoomson, sprucewood Drive. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrison and At the regular meeting of the who celebrated her first birth-Jamin have returned from a newly formed Thornhill branch day August 9. three-week holiday at Thunder of the Progress Club, Norman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hunt Bay. Hall presented a brief on the and family, Clarke Avenue have MrS. A. J. Goodyear and York Central Educational Clinic returned from a 6.500 mile trip daughter Jane, Henderson Av- for Perceptually Handicapped through Western Canada. in- enue, returned by air July 30 Children. eluding Calgary. Banff. Jasper from a three-week trip to Eng- This is a parent-sponsored or- and Vancouver. At Glacier Na- land. ganization in need of financiaLtional Park, Howard was kept Mrs. -Goodyear's aunt and help. lbUSV chasing thl"! awav frnm "null. Mr» -_A II... in nL:n:_._ nelp. busy chasing bears away froin The club adopted the project their campsite. as its main objective for the They crossed the border to year. All proceeds from clublRockford. Illinois and spent a ventures will be donated to the few days at the convention of clinic which is held in Rich- the Experimental Aircraft As- mond Hill. smintinn Rnrnntn for hm“. nu... The drive for funds will begin in September when the mem- bers will be selling tickets for a “Gasarama.†Neighborhood Notes Progress Club Three Vaughan Township fire trucks raced to a house on Lot 58. Concession 1. near Yonge Street summit, on Monday af- temoon. August 12, to put out a fire in the roof. The fire was quickly exting- uished by 13 firemen. but not in time to prevent the destruc- tion of the roof. Damage is estimated at over $2,000. Owner of the house is R. Dibb, 51 Roseview Avenue, Richmond Hill. It is occupied by John Pumell. Mr. Dibb was burning brush at the back of the house, when sparks from the brush set fire to the roof shingles. CALIFORNIA SALMON FLESH VINE RIPENED Extra Large Size 23's CANTALOUPE SAVE 9c SAVE 9e Birthday greetings to Denise No one was injured THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Aug. 15, 1968 South Thornhill News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-5205 MAPLE LEAF RINDLESS BURNS BRAND SIDE BACON mvm49¢ BURNS, PICKLE G. PIMENTO LOAF on m CHICKEN lOAF White or Coloured APPLE PIE Jam Parker Jane EH‘I'FFON CAKE 17m49¢ Jane Parker Daily Dated BREAD Parker Omnge, Lemon or Banana ALL PRICES IN THls AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY. AUGUST 17th. 1968. [Robinsan Sprucewood Drive.y Mn Rockford. Illinois and spent a few days at the convention of the Experimental Aircraft As- sociation. Enroute for home they stopped at Samia to visit friends. Best wishes to Cecile Brouss- eau, Jewel Street and Wayne Moss, Thornhill. who will be married August 17 at St. Michael‘s Church. They will reside in Willowdale. While the ground is dry remove your dead or diseased elm trees. Workmen experienced â€" modern equipment. Discount to those with large dead elm population. RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE & FORESTRY CO. LTD. 884-7774 ATT E N T I O N DEAD ELM TREE REMOVAL I-m75¢ M2,» 151% BAG WHITE SUCED SA“ 63 65¢ PL. and P.D. Insurance EH8" 24-07428 RwPï¬ooph'SOeâ€"SAVEGO Mrs. ~Goodyear‘s aunt. and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. W. Phillips. met them at London Airport on arrival. While staying with them at Cardiff, South Wales, Jane had an opportunity to swim in the British Empire Pool. built in 1958 for the Brit- ish Empire Games. Before returning home. they enjoyed a week in London. see- ing the changing of the guard and other highlights. They visited many summer resorts including Nash Point. Porthoawl and Bristol Channel. Buy 3 loaves -â€" SAVE 16$ 24-02 haves Fbvacpac â€" SAVE 19c 79¢ 65¢ SAVE 100 3;: 25¢