“:Public Library, 24 Wright St,, Richmond Hill, 5 June 6â€"54~3â€"2~1~o_9_ VOL. 91, NO. 7. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1968 Service Far Beyond The Call Of Duty Saves 'Langstaff Lad ’3 Life - - ture. A medical team worked throughout the night before they were able to report that. the reaction was over and that he would survive. By MARY DAWSON "We are very, very thank- ful to have located in an area where there is such 3 won- derful Canine Control Offi- cer as James Ryan,†Mrs. John Corbin of 18 Fairview Avenue, Langstaff told "The Liberal†last week. The Corbins have good reason to be thankful to Mr. Ryan. for through his efforts a collie dog, which had bit- ten their seven‘yearâ€"old son John Lee. was located â€" just 24 hours before the lad was scheduled to start the series of Pasteur inoculations for rabies. There was a special reason w hy this was so im- portant. since John Is allergic These were top pediatric- ians, who advised the boy‘s parents that they should not permit him to have further inoculations, particularly if they were based on horse serum. These include serums for the prevention of chol- era, tetanus and RABIES. The Pasteur treatment for rabies, although effective, is a thoroughly unpleasant exâ€" perience for most people â€"- for John it could be fatal. If the dog were rabid and the treatment was not given. he. would develop rabies, which to inoculations based on I . inn-59 SCI-um. has a 100% fatality rate. Pastor John Corbin and The only 50mm)" “35 I†Mrs. Corbin 5mm 10 wars find the dog to determine whether it was rabid. The family and neighbors spent hours on the road searching the area. nearby farms and running down all sorts of leads to no avail. Mrs. Corbin, John Lee and as missionaries in India be- fore locating in Langstaff last year when the former took over the duties as chap- lain at North York Branson Hospital. John Lee was born in Bombay and suffered a Their first reaction was. "What a beautiful dog you are. you look just like Lasâ€" sic." The two dogs gamboled through the front and back gardens at 18 Fairview Aveâ€" nue. and finally. apparently tired of its young friends at tentions, the collie swung its head in an attempt to nip the younger dog. Unfortunately, John Lee was too close and the collie bit his ankle in- stead. then quickly disap- peared during the resultant excitement. Since their own efforLs did not turn up the collie the Corbins contacted Vaughan Township Police. who refer- red their call to Canine Con- trol Officer Ryan. Within a short time he was at the home to note all, details of the dog's appearance and of its peculiar gait and markâ€" ings. Then he too joined the search. with the assurance, “A dog can't disappear into thin air, we‘ll find him.“ As time ran out. Mr. Ryan din Tthrrnt “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity†RV; (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Brings Own Reward of the 10-day period of grace before the preventive injec- tions were to start. the dog was found â€"â€" in Richmond Hill. All three members of the Corbin family. who had seen the dog. made a positive identification. The dog was healthy and the parents were freed from the agonizing re- sponsibility of making a de- cision which would have risked their son’s life. “We knew our search had ended." Mrs. Corbin reported in evi- dent relief. “We are grateful to our neighbors and friends for their help during our time of anxiety." said Mrs. Corbin, I‘but we are particularly grateful to Mr. Ryan. He went so far beyond the call of duty and gave us such wonderful moral support, that we will never forget; him. He is my son‘s hero." The Corbins are animal lovers themselves and owned pet dogs during their years in India, so were apprecia- tive of the compassionate Check The i est ILSON-NIBLETT Chevrolet The" Buy The 8"“ Oldsmobile PER COPY 10c nexer seen any as clean and w ell kept and where the w elv fare of the animals is of such prime concern as those oper- ated by Mr. Ryan. There was no odor and everything was shiningly clean. We were particularly aware of this after seeing so many mangy, sick (even rabid) dogs wand- ering wild in India. This community should be very appreciative of the fact that: they have a man of Mr. Ryan’s calibre and compas- sion in charge of canine con- trol.†The Corbins realized that the biting was an accident and did not even ask for the name of the owners. How- ever, they did Wish that their story be brought; to the at- tention of people who make a habit of allowing their dogs to run at. large. “When they realize what mental anguish can happen for others when people get careless or intell- tionally break the law, we hope they will be much more careful," Mrs. Corbin ex- plained. “We have pointed his 11-year-old sister, Col- leen, had all had a good look kept in almost constant touch with the Corbins. brought bad reaction to his last chol- era inoculation. administered this out: to our children, so care given at the canine con- that in the future they will John Lee Corbin, seven-year-old Langstaff boy (left above) presents Canine Control Officer trol kennels to all animals in New Delhi. Within 10 at the offending animal them dogs had them ‘ravel .- h - ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ . . . . . . . ' _ ~ , ~ I 7 rd a d-carved from 'sh - r minutes of the Injection. wlnch came romping into to his kennels m Markham :T‘m‘f’s Rifm “Ni. S h n Kd mu “alnut m apprematlon Of his unremlttmg housed there. “We have been realize that laws and bylaws John Lee went into severe their front garden one day, Township to view other beamh fol 3‘ 001 1e og' . . . ' around the world two and a are passed for the protection convulsions and shock with chased by a small puppy strays â€" and finally. with _ Because Mr. Ryan found the (log J0hn_Lee.was_ saved from the discomfort and danger 0f half times and have seen of people and should be ob- an extremely high tempera- from the neighborhood. less than 24 hours remaining being subjected to lthe horse serum-based anti-rabies inoculations. many kennels, but we have served.†Ii' ttttltltllltltttttttttllttttttltttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttlttttttttttt‘tttttttttttllttttlttttttlllltlttllllltttttlllltiltlttttltttllttttlttlltttttltttltlltltttttttlllllttttttttttttttttttttlllltltlllltttlltllltlltttttttttllllll:ttlllttttltttlllltttttttttttttlttlttttltlttltttlltttttttttttttlltttttttttltttttttttttllttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttlttlllttttttlllttttttlltttttttlttttttttttlltlllllltttttttltttttttttttltttttttlltttllttt\ttttttlltltttt\tttttttt\t\\\tttttttllltltttttttttlttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt\tttttttttttttt\ttttttttttlttlttttttttttttlttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttlttttltltttttttttltttttlttttllttttttttttt\ltttttttttltllltlttttttltlttltttltttttttttllttttlttllltttttlltttttttttttttttttttttttttttttltllltlttlllttllttttlttttlttttttttttttttttttttttlttttttlltttl“inhibit-E £22535.'Eilllllliii'ttlii; Strike Over-P0 High Density Residential Building Sad More Benefit Than Industry months required for the tact the area superintendent. Pots of gold, fairy godmothers and ball games all entered into the velopment) wondered Mr. Gal" planned work. and local public and high school discussion at the August 8 meeting of Vaughan Township Planning Board when “001‘- To eliminate overcrowdâ€" boards to determine, if possible,I mg an extenstve addition whoholds the responsibility for; - - . . . . . . u . h ' _ a prehmmary staff report on the BAIF Assoc1ates Limited subdtvtsron on the Sidgngouxf: “389113033111: “:3; Stephens Farm property was considered. comlng mail has been equally as heavy. With a minimum of overtime, the local postal staff has been able so far to have only a small daily carryover. However, the postmaster feels it will take the reâ€" mainder of this Week to get things back to normal. Saturday the local post office will undertake a big Richmond Hill’s postal employees, although voting strongly against acceptance of the terms of settlement of the postal strike last week. conformed to the wishes of the majority of their , coâ€"workers across Canada and returned to work last Friday. The first shift of postal clerks reported for duty at Trustees of Richmond Hill Separate School Board express- ed deep concern Tuesday night of last week at the lack of in- formation received to date on the county-wide school board which is to come into being' January 1. The mechanics of setting up ing and alterations in the Older section will make for better working conditions and more efficient opera- tion. The addition has side of the present buildâ€" organized and at work. GYMNASIUM Mr. Matthews was also asked to negotiate with the Richmond, will be added to the north getting the interim committeei weeks ago, have now been comâ€" Saetgngfgé?tï¬gl?$::ï¬6ndfjltglllt ggihirlfgnitil‘etsusgf ofzhéï¬fouosl :ï¬' midnight Thursday night move to temporary quarâ€" been in the planning stages 1 1 h d d _ _ , . _ ' d all carriers were out on ters at 135 Centre Street for the past two years. . - - P Ete y c “39 "v ans‘vere larger board as Smooth as p05_ dltomunbgymnaswm SIX mng an . _ , . ,. , . . However, as members of theahow was this to be controlledndog and whoever gets there . their routes at the usual East. This Wlll be the Site Therbuildmg on Centre ~ . ;.. , . - ~ - ~ - n Reeve 3311837, 3 reference to planning boatd had not seeni After 13 years in munictpal first Wins. Bin 44' introducing county a month. The Knights had re- quested use of the facilities at Our. ’Lady Help ‘of Christians ~ School, Sunday evenings and on the first and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month. Sunday! evenings would be set aside for social evenings for the Squire Circle, the first Tuesday for a sible. was the main area of con- cern. “Time is running out on. us,†was the consensus. . The number of separat school boards in Ontario will be reduced January 1 from 425 to 71 under a bill introduced and passed in the final days of the Ontario Legislature sittings Mr. Bailey pointed out that the converse would be true if another municipality did this. “It is going to be a wide open ball game,†he said. *‘k‘k Planning Board Member Lorne Wells, referring to a map Street East is a new one, just being completed. and "the post; ‘office'will be its tenant until the spring of 1969. Postmaster Willis assures the public that the move will be accomplished with the least possible inconven- of receiving and dispatchâ€" ing and letter carrier and parcel delivery services for several months while‘ ex- tensive alterations are car- ried on at the building on Arnold Street. All busi- ness firms picking up mail- bag service will also use hour Friday morning and afternoon. 'Po‘stmastér E. T.‘Willis reports only a small vol~ ume of mail deposited in boxes throughout the mun- icipality during the strike. However, it was a different story once the strike was the report prior to the meetingilife, I see red lights and disas- (which had to beg recessed for ter as of? now," he~ said. h 10 mm_“le$\t°s§ly , them a“ 913‘. Mr. Garriock insisted that un- portumty 10 read 1†aim comes less there were some guarantee “if? not made .avallableA to‘of the assessed value of the 911 er, ripiï¬sentfnves ?f B IF housing, the township could end. W10 “ele ere 0 ans“ er ques' up subsidizing the developer “to of \lars†for schools, municipal ser-i boards of education and divid- ing costs in proportion to pro: vincial equalized assessment. The developer’s spokes~ man assured the board that: the township did not need to concern itself with the cost of the sewage treat- ment plant. “You are not: in July. The legislation parallels general council meeting and the over. Business firms and the Centre St. buildin . ien - ' ' ‘ that. for the larger units of adâ€" fourth Tuesday for an executive individuals flooded the Wicket service gfor firth: igliohii'illuiigcreceliiihi: wliï¬irfï¬ffigï¬z‘ff‘g to 1 ck m -lViceSv Dome! em Members Oflcolltained in the report’ en- financing it by levies on gï¬lesgittéogremguset up 0“ thetmeetmg- . local post office with three stamps, registration. money mail at the new building self up a 1.50m 2nd :0 the planning board have hadlCtUII‘Ed “he.†was meant by mul‘ builders,†he said. «The dc- pu c elementary It was pomted out that the. weeks’ accumulation of orders, unemployment in- will be notified individ~ through it three or four timeslengthy (“50115510115 over several “ple housmg‘ . veloper is putting up the :3 ‘ he said, attempting to A representative of the de- money for the plant and years, find what value of housing was self-supporting with respect to. these services. I “There is a whole new balll game since the county school; ually, he assured us. Mr. Willis will be divid- ing his time between the two buildings as he carries out his administration du- ties. surance stamps, parcel post insurance, etc., will be car- ried on at the Arnold Street address. Lock box and general delivery mail patrons will also be served mail on Friday and Satur- day. The flood was still at peak level on Tuesday. This was evidently the story in all post offices throughout Canada, the in- and secondary schools. The legislation provided that; interim separate school organi-l gymnasium at that school was, already committed for Tuesday: evenings. and the suggestion‘ then visit the site before having‘ a major discussion.†was the, opening comment of Chairman Norn Garriock. Two members of the planning‘ board. Donald West and Warâ€"j ren Bryce both felt the reportjsystem.†interjected Reeve SllOUld be tabled t0 giVe mem' Brian Bailey. Vaughan, under bers time to study it. “This isfprovincjal equalized assessment, a confidential staff report andiis to be responsible for 181,260 there are members of the board of county education costs, he, “'1.†know Homing ab_°u_t itv",said, no matter how much newl and M"; Bryce- “The lntorma‘éresidential assessment is creatâ€"l tion IS in brief form and thereted “In essence, you wind up is Titt). realfagalysis ofhthe fiscal with a profit on residential de- posr ion 0 ie towns ip.†velopment’u he said . “That; is what: I want to “Unless there is a large am- Min 83.33:; toplzngliljgtlg‘irg: know firstâ€, agreed Mr- ount of money coming in fromt If John De'wal. advised that Gal'l‘iOCk- “Win it make “5 another source, What you an"altiie develo ment would include a" go brake or “ct?†domg is mkhlg advantage Of‘no industiiial assessment but Mr. Garriock also enquired another municipality which is:wou1d have commercial develop- what was the average value of not residential," said Mr. Gar-imam. This area was Still undel- veloper advised that this could mean town housing. with a den- sity of 18 units per acre, (with 3.5 persons per unit, 63 people per acre). Population of the first phase of the development, he said, would be about 5,000 people and homes would be in the $30,000 to $40,000 class. He assured the board that it was their intention to provide an adequate cost benefit analy- sis “to show you what the costs would be as related to this deâ€" velopment." will have to recoup it. by the sale of lots." "Have you the financial backâ€" ing to build the plant and then recoup?" asked Mr. Garriock. “Yes†was the answer. “It is council’s duty to be responsible for this aspec ," re- .assured Councillor MeArthur. “I suggest that planning is con‘ icerned with land use, schools, .etc." « “I am quite amazed here." stated Chairman Garriock. “It is common knowledge that high density is of no advantage to a municipality. Now you advise we don’t have to worry, it has been remedied. Where will the money come from?†The developer's spokesman stated however, that high den- . The provincial government‘s $2 millionllletro- {report wasredundant. “We pohtan Toronto and Region Transportation Study PIS" feel It 15 leavmg Vaughan evoked some harsh criticism at the August 8 meet- In a state of suspended amma' . . . tion.†he said. mg of Vaughan Township Planmng Board. l My. McArthur was of the ow l lished in each zone to prepare:Columbus be offered use of the point a committee of teachers 0 . iMTARTSR tClldWh a It was promised that guides e a e y- w 8 y and it was proposed to hold a sibilities inherent in the new Mr. McArthur asked that mation has not been received. August 22 planningboard meet- for the transition. The Ontari03gymnasium at St. Joseph’s‘ to work with each such interim for the reorganization would be' series of conferences to discuss organization. Township Administrator J. M. Business Administrator Jack ing so council could discuSS the. zation committees will be estab- was made that the Knights of} Teachers’ Federation will ap-ESchool instead. committee. provided by the government ‘ V h P t I S d d A ' ' m, aug an u n aspen e mmatlon . So far. the promised infor- McDonald be advised of the Matthews was instructed to con- ttttttutultimatumthmmmum“uuuvmmmuml‘ i n . . - . . . . .. - ._ _. , linion, however, that planning l‘e ort before that time. homes in the develo )ment and riock. “It is a case of dog eat -. - ~ ~ mum‘mvgl. gizditlis {111211111103 \.:,rsl,i3ialgiipmiï¬lï¬n’ Cléur‘ltlguailgwg- board should comment on thel p ""‘ "ҠI A a 2353153110?ihiniiiï¬'ciiiit ifvgiiii- Sity development was an emi- ~ ~ \ . ' - . .. u . ,- t . ' n mic advanta e to a municipal - .iepOit. If we go along with .ment ..of considerable Size!†0 g Smokestack : A ., , _ . ., . . . , . “aShY report I e\ or lead. said mends llttle in the way of im- we may be left ity. “Notwithstanding the school no comment . large enough to serve not only children generated. the return - - Planning Board Chairman Notn roved tra ‘ 't t' ' 8 . u _ D nspmaion 1n the - n - Feet ngh iGarrlock. ~ I sat down with area and would compress future ‘s‘l‘l’gï¬eg‘ihgfg; :gpls?l:iloï¬Â§i the subdivision, but the entire to a municipality is greater Something new has been heal excitement. expecting Metro development along the c 3 area. than that from industry,†he be drafted, indicating points ofl opposition. Board Member Lorne Wellsi MI" Garriock aSked if therelsaid. He noted, however, that hiléilogelsllly 3&3, tlfzaaneepai‘rt‘mzii with low density, singledfamilty p 0 . . . . ,dwellings, costs wou ou â€" ‘ la t u to 18 um 5 per acre. 9 thumb concerning the ratio ofggtur: is far greater? industrial and commerc1al de-l (Continued on Page 3) velopment. ‘ WM" M" Dew“ agreed tlitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttlttltttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt this was “something to look atâ€, he advised that a closer Local Sculptor Shows At “Ex†watch is now kept on capi- will isomething new, but it is just ashores of Lake Ontario, south of Ire-hash. just a review of what Highway 407. we already know." Board Member Warren rv- . - - ‘ lnstituted in December. 1962. felt the report was reduxiziiaiite. “asl 31510 ofdtige cplmon that a‘ .the MTARTS report was un- Don West agreed and added.1mpd‘V Sic-“t 1e made' He fav- veiled by the Robarts Govern- "Any development based solely‘ore ElJom Eannmggoard mid ment with much fanfare June on transportation is stupid. 8%Lili0- ntllee lggtfof lscuss It' 13 of this year. More of a'l'here are many other thinng Ci-ls lst 1e uy o .t-hese two development study than one on just as important â€" sewers. “$1nlgséon:t:3::;,:lzh:tl$a:;ï¬:; . â€"fl water. air I ‘ " - ‘ PO lunou- should have.†he sald. ‘ Reeve Brian Bailey objected - ‘ that the report did not show b ReeVe Bailey suggeSted that l ' o l . ~ otl ' " ' Big Crop Peas .3?.“.‘it“..é“.‘“l .2232": added to Richmond Hill's skyline. with the erection July 25 of a 130 foot smoke- stack at Ratcllff‘s (Canada) Ltd. plant on North Yonge Street. .The new stack which is five feet in diameter is made of fibreglass and re- places two smaller stacks which were about 40 feet high. It was put into use August 12. ‘ tal debt in relation to as- sessment. “In any event,†he The large chamber at the base Is a cleaning chamber. I ;\'aughan and Richmond Hill. discuss the report and submit : Processed Here tlttltititiltttllttltttttttllttttttttttttttllttltltttlttltttltttttltttttlllllttltttttltl peas of excellent quality was testimating a total population of e may have to put the pill in the ‘ drinking water to kee A particularly large (TOP Of We have 40,000 now." 100.000 by the year 2,000. “W Dalton Councillor Councillor he said McArthur, in It p to that- ning board would discuss the} - report at its next policy meet- g. opinions, then consider a joint. meeting. was agreed that the plan-1 August 22 to draft a state-i said. “the industrial assess- ment has been dissipated with this new county edu- cation system.†*‘k‘k l l s Councillor Dalton McArthur.’ Richmond Hillites find some old friends in the Automotive Building, at the CNE which opens today. Nine pieces of Jaseph Rabinowitch’s “Found 0b- jects Sculpture†will be on display for the duration of the “Exâ€. Most of the pieces have already been displayed in Ruthe Calvcrley's Gallery at the corner of Yonge and Arnold Streets. Included are Centennial Gal, Apocalyp- tic Angel, Ballerina. Guitarâ€" ist, Simchat Torah (Festival of the Bible), Peace Pipe. Jungle Warrior, Family Portrait and Chess Players. processed this year at the W. replacing Charl Allencourt IGA G.SlsLd..fd kg '0‘ To plant6(anecemtre Stoget E33123. Bnkett on the planmnb \vhcn “lemon†[GA closes J. Twiddy. proprietor. reports. the doors behind us last mm The permanent staff of three mm“. Saturday mgm‘ n “in be was swelled by 40 temporary the signal {01. workmen to summer help. mostly students Sl’l‘inil into action on a complete at local SChOOIS‘ remodelling job. For a couple of weeks large Working around the clock trucks piled high with pea vines they will install new shelving and pods could be seen heading and checkout deskg a complet9_ towards the plant. and latcr ly refurbished meat department after the pods and peas had) b [$5 ment to be submitted to coun-" 031d Cll. “After that, if a meeting; for the evening. advised that -_ . -. . - n - council too felt the MTARTS Tlï¬ecéilifg‘clse can dame, sald' who was sitting on the planning board in place of Councillor Charles Birkett who was on vacation. advised that when the development had first been proposed to council three years; ago it was considered premaâ€" ture. Now. however. council felt; that the township was ready for! some form of housing develop-l ment and could accept housing; in the $25,000 to 330.000 range: "We were buffaloed for lack‘ Vaughanl’lanning Bd. Approves 9-Lot Rural Residential Plan After a lapse of several years ePhoto by Stuart’s Studio) The Humber Estates Subdi-. and a courtesv department been removed thev were again d . _ . . V _ . . . - â€â€˜ . ‘ _ >, ‘ urmg which little or no res], “sum on Hi hwa. 49 “ 5 3.125119 phemlimis may be ord' im the «I-Qdd tail“; the line: demial development tOOk Place of. nine lots gall (if m01?:n:l§:i o o 0 lot sewers." he said. “and the: Found objects including tu‘ dan' vpmked “p' homes mule 3°.dm'.FaImels go“ the in vaughan TOWHShip. subdi- an acre. These are well wood- S [hospital and high SChOOl re‘ -hrome bumpers wheel anldneciaalllttigdp Chikiolaée bars 233:1}? tï¬gnaa ‘3'}: ha‘eï¬eam‘ visions of varying sizes are now ed ravine lots and will accom-l 5 ;quested service because the}, takes brake drdms and a ‘ urc 1359 ' pea V1 es ma re ex‘ beln" Proposedâ€"and ap r v d " v . 1 _ v . d f it from other - i T i i. I i i' " a * p°.e 'mOdale attr«'iCtlve split level were deprne o ‘ 5 other arts of ‘0“‘l’lea‘lil‘ihiieiilgnieuiiiiiiiea L6111513112}fifo'imtliziil tiiieelpezfastiiaeson‘v'aighgihs idiiiinps giew'ngi iiomes' They Will be servedl Unloading a trailer-load of furniture for their giant auction sale ‘50â€â€œ51‘, To Olgamdtgetiiii‘aif mixed cars h:ve been . ~_ . ' . , ‘ ' c _ anmna y private wells and se tic: __ . ‘ . i y. . ~ ' . _ I lplant “It “as an e t ha minuteudewi. is over doesnot mean that the Board conSIdei-ed three applib. tanks. P l stheduled for September ate (lettnto right) Lions Jack Slilltl’l, Herman were prepared to accept hwy! “we? mutt-19:0 .bya iza‘ (sail? [rim “ml-km" my "ears “mi '5 over at the plant cations â€" the 10000 Person Such de\elopment was 1-e-' Morison and ferry Beslcy of the \ ictoria Square and Dlstrict Lions Club. :inz.†he said. "We went to i9calabcduiiitiir tiling 1335. of . ien tasks undis- â€" at present cauliflower and BAIF development for Yonge cently permitted in the tow-ml The annual auction is one of the clubs main money-raising eyemï¬ Queen-S Park to get mis plant all)? n 3 ~ considcrd This is how it got - turbed the store \ '1 ~ <,. ~ ‘ Q ~ ‘ ._ a . . - . . . . \il be LlO_C(i brussels >pIouL are being his and Bathuist Streets. an eight- shlt) by Amendment 15 to the The Lions are willing to pick up any saleable articles resntcnts of [f v0“ haven‘t .een them next Mondav, is ~ -s‘r . ' ' ‘~ a - ' ' - r - -~ “'edni‘Sdal. and Thilldaie-ogzii liggbeetgblfglldnfillll llollleilllgfll‘lfligll i'gsixdtfhjtiiiala111b‘i 23mg; (ifla'n‘ lIt ls be- elf the 31133 “'Ottltl like to get rid Of. A phmle 53“ to 887-5535 “in bl'lllg mop-n; lioim t-d u (“or spend yet†Why “at make a paint Thursday with lots of openinc find it at W. G. Scales ~ beans. division on Highway 49. hApâ€" $511123: ofmth; lteownnflliii)“ 31:11: the hardâ€"working Lion: to your (100;: .0 1130:, “film: i on eAmendi'nent 0f f‘Oii‘g so during the exm' :ESCIalskaiatihzï¬ weekend and corn. strawberries. raspberries. proval was given to the two the land is hm;- and no. gen. hour donations will help the club rarr} on tne1r community .sei'kire a“. Q, mp my...“ ppm par. b'“°"‘ “99 en 0 0\\lng- iflIEllle. blueberries. etc. etc. latter proposals. rerally suited to agriculture. I work. lliililng rural lE‘Sianllal de‘tttttttttItit)ttltttthtttitttttttttttttttlttttttttttlttltltlttlittltltttltttlllttlll‘