Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Aug 1968, p. 5

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Richmond Hill Rotarst I 968-6 9 Executive Activities of Richmond Hill Rotary Club during the coming year will be guided by the executive members pictured above. Front row (left to right): Joe Rabinowitch, director of international service; Doug Allen, vice-president; Arnie Arai, president; Bill Bedford, past president; Gordon McIntyre, director of club services. Back row (same order) Emerson Smith, director of community serv ice; Bev Cook. secre- tary; Joe Malrboeuf, director of vocational service; and Ron Bell. treasurer. The serv1ce club plans to continue its program of community service. which in the past year included the following major projects: provision of a car for use of the VON. purchase of sightsaver books for Richmond Hill Public Library and the annual visit of Santa Claus to the children’s ward of York Central Hospital. The club also sponsored the visit of a local high school student to Ottawa, obtained a piano for the senior citizens‘ day centre. donated $500 to the local retarded children‘s association and undertook the sponsorship of a lgin Mills And Jefferson CORRESPONDENT: LEONARD LOMAS â€" Phone 884-3000 Church News ard Lomas will preach. The Sunday morning service Rev. Earl Gerber and his. at 10 am at St. John's will be family will be away for two‘ morning prayer at which Leon- weeks but can be contacted through the wardens. was held August 13. when prep arations held September 15 at 7.30 pm. ‘ It is anticipated Right Rev. F. H. Wilkinson. re HEADFORD NEWS CORRESPONDENT: BECKY STATON â€" Phone 884-7890 ficiate at this service. The young people's group at Neighborhood Notes tended the stockâ€"car races a . dents wish them good luck. ..Birthday greetings to Lisa Staten who was 13 August 2 MI" and Mrs- C- Lee ahd‘PineEreSt Speedway Saturday Besides his wife. he is sur- Connie Burton is spending the children Gordon and quria‘ evénmg' vived by two sons. Paul and remainder of her summer hou_ Visited their friends the Milines Nelghborhood Notes Rae, a brother. Wilmot of, [family at Lake Simcoe last The second ortable 1 Thursday. p C ass day with relatives in Toronto. An advisory board meetingl were made for the service of dedication for the new organ and other gifts to be that the tired Bishop of Toronto will ofâ€" child through CARE. News 103/ Johnson. The late Mr. Harnden had for the past 15 years been em- ployed by the North York Board of Education as senior custodian at Roading Public School. For many years prior to the con- struction of the Yonge Street â€" subway. he had been employed by the TTC on the Yonge cars. For four years he served as - chairman of Lake Wilcox Pub- I lie School. _I Owen Sound and three sisters, Mr. 8. Mrs. G. Harold Baldwin l Groom Decorates Special Cake 1 For 60th Wedding Anniversary By JEAN LEAF . ‘ A three-tiered cake. ‘ated with loops and whorls of Grady of Toronto, were also decor- among the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin re- icing in intricate design, each‘ceived congratulatory messages iaccented by a small diamond“ iwas a feature of the open housewhen Mr. and Mrs. G. Harold, Baldwin, 84 Fairview Avenue. .Stouffville. received friends on‘ Ithe occasion of their diamond wedding anniversary. August 5. The cake was the artistic handi- work of Mr. Baldwin. This was not the first wed! ding cake to be made and iced by Mr. Baldwin. Among others he decorated his parents“ 50th wedding anniversary cake and another for the celebration of the Sflth anniversary of his own wedding. The couple were raised in Scarboro Township and were married in Toronto by Rev. Dr.‘ Middleton in 1908. For a four- day honeymoon. they travelled yto Hamilton by steamer acrossl Lake Ontario. ' This year‘s celebration was a 4 from Her Majesty the Queen. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Premier John Roberts and Reeve Ken Laushway of Stouffâ€"l ville. There were flowers and; gifts from friends, including a flo r a1 arrangement from‘ Brown's Corners UCW of which Mrs. Baldwin was a member.‘ Mr. Baldwin has been an elder at that church until recently. The Baldwins both were active for many years also at Der»- tonia Park United Church, To- more. For a number of years Mr. Baldwin was head gardener at Pine Hills Cemetery and was also in charge of the West Glen section of Mount Pleasant Cem- etery and other Toronto ceme- teries until his retirement five. years ago. when he had passed; his 80th birthday. i Now Mr. Baldwin gardens a happy occasion with friends and home and keeps a tidy ship at relatives, enhanced by the pres- 84 Fairview Avenue. Mrs. Bald- ence of the bridesmaid at the win serves as his right hand wedding 60 years ago, the but stays close to a wheelchair groom‘s sister. Mrs. Ethel Burs- since two eye operations and 3 [cm of Toronto. Mrs. Baldwin’s couple of falls made it safer sisters, Mrs. P. Peters and Miss that way. Janet Coulson, the Baldwins‘ Mr. Baldwin says he Is daughter, Mrs. John Greens of through making wedding cakes, Scarboro. their son Archie and but. as one guest suggested. he his wife of Stouffville and theirlmay start on christening cakes granddaughter, Mrs. Alister Mc»l for his great grandchildren. ‘ VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: R.R. 2, Gormley Bus Trip to the Ex The annual excursion to the CNE sponsored by the WI will be on music day. August. 22. The bus will leave the commun- ity centre park at 9 am and’ leave from the Shell Tower at 7 pm for the return trip. Anyone in the community wishing to participate in this excursion may do so. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. John McCague, 887-5409 and must be picked up and paid for before boarding the bus. UCW , A bakeless bake sale will be held by the UCW again this year. Members will be receiv- ing further notice in the mail. Proceeds will be used to repair the Sunday school floor. Neighborhood Notes I MRS. W. SANDLE Telephone 887-5421 Duncan Read, at former Vic-l toria Square boy has passed away. The house where Mr. andl Mrs. Terry Besley and family. reside was formerly the Read home. Sympathy is extended to his son John. brother Charles and sisters, Mrs. Isobel Perkins and Mrs. Alice Agar. Mrs. Read predeceased Duncan a number of years ago. Birthday greetings to Patsy Boynton, 12. August 14, Fraser Gee, August 15. Jean Rumney. 14, August 16. Elizabeth Berta, August 16, Mrs. Traynor Can-' ning, August 18, Rolph Boyn- ton. August 20 and John Tyn- dall. three. August 21. Mrs. Clifford Beemer and daughters of Orillia visited Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton last Tuesday. t1Church for the morning service; To Maple School; THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Aug. IS. 1968 5 Button Ville Community Happenings CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. F. H. LEAF â€" PHONE 297-1741 V earl) to aiicnd Al's nieces wed-i (iar- ding at Richmond Hill. Neighborhood Notes .\'ow that a hr .21 0 Half of August gone: in) pl time d . w 1 Charles Hooper farm has been ens are with annuals. Linda Jones accompanied her sold to Buttonville Airport inn Corn .15 high; Combines are grandmother, Mrs. James Mc- terests. the only family farms hIIS)‘ In the fields. Traffic is Quay on a trip west this sum-jleft intact south of 16th Avenue light. Neighbors come and g0» mei‘. ‘from Yonge Street to Conces- The Copp family 15 back from Rev and Keith Carson have‘sion 5 are the Leeks’ on the m0 weeks at Pandash Lake m spent a good part of the sumâ€"l3rd concession, and the Burrs' Haliburton country, And m'mer at their cottage in the Parrylon Don Mills Road. Times the past week or so Janet Snid-‘Sound diStriCt. and among iheirlchange. Buttonville is no long- er. Kathy and Donna have beenlguests have been Murray ander a farming communitv. taking holiday trips. iSandra Carson and the Burr‘ The clubhouse for the golf For Dan Willison. newly ap-lfamlly' foourse is nearing completion. pointed principal of S,_Joseph-S Recently Mr. and Mrs. Rus-‘and the drive and parking lot Separate School at Markhamvsell Burr, Newton Burr and the‘are paved. Only the interior the summer has meant a soâ€" iourn at London where he has been studying at Western L'ni- versity to complete his third year arts course. Next week_ when he returns home the family hopes to take a cammghondm, THE YORK-OSHAWA HEALTH UNIT Howard and Mary Bi'iimw’ell . and their new son spent a camp- TS Operating 3 Clinic in RiCh-mond ing vacation near Parry Sound - . . . ‘ Hill for the application of Topical and returned home last week. The Hooper families have kept Fluoride t0 the teeth of young children their cottage busy this season. On Sunday. Mrs. George Hooperi was soloist at Brown’s Corners This treatment, given by Registered Dental Hygienists includes cleaning of the teeth, takes about 20 minutes, and is painless. It makes the teeth more resistant to decay. There is no charge for this service. Carson families attended Bar-‘finishing touches are required. Miss Dell Stephenson enter. Murray tained friends Friday of last week. to celebrate her birthday. bai‘a Carson's wedding at Clare-l mom United Church. Carson was an usher. with Mrs. Reesor conducting. Miss Adele Carruthers and a friend from Rhodesia spent several days exploring Gananâ€" oque country last week. Last Saturday the Aubrey‘ Stephensons, the Milt Sher- mans and H. R. Patersons took] a day off to visit the Flea Mark-l et at Aberfoyle â€"- a real ex-‘ perience in antique hunting â€"‘ and then picnicked at Guelph.‘ i or finest tire ‘ _ sold for5 05,30 A ». A about and their family were at Port Sidney for the weekend. Al and Beverley Jones and their family spent the past two weeks camping at Parry Sound. Third Add|t|on You coded enpeet to get duo-t riding for your new lowest of three tenders re- ceived. The highest bid was almost double the one from I' and returned home slightly Vyal. The three trustees present, Chairman Warren Bailie, Mar- jorie Black and Dorothy Rob- iertson. also approved the work- For appointment (3 to 7 yrs. old) phone 884-1133 Vyal Construction Ltd. ofi Concord was awarded the con-y tract for constructing a sewage disposal system at Jefferson Public School by Vaughan Township Public School BoardI Thursday evening of last week. Their.price was $17,940 the Christine Mikucki is vacation- ing with friends in Newmarket. Residents of Headford are pleased to have a new family in their midst. The Ball family of Thornhill moved into- their new home August 1. The Balls. raise Afghan hounds. ’l‘hosei dogs. an old breed from the cast. are swift hunters. stand about 26 inches high, have fine, thick silky hair and a topknot.‘ The family also has a dachs- room at Jefferson School is iniMeryl (Mrs. R. Lonsbury‘. Port the course of construction andiHope, Doris tMrs. R. Groves). a third is scheduled to be com-lVei‘nonville. and Ethel tMrs.l pleted by the time the fall termlSam Templeton), Peterboro. ‘ While walking under a lilacl tree, I heard such a chirping. and fluttering that I curiously, peeked through the leavesdbegln‘s' A r { Approximately 80 members When I pulled down a branchl Bnthday g’eetmgs are. ex'lnf the family and numerous ‘tcnded to Joanne Lotoski on members I saw a small nest, at the bot- tom of which were three babyy attended the funeral service at; birds covered with down. ThetLeonard Harnden ISL JOhh'S Anglican ChUI‘Chl male bird was hopping about The death occurred at YorkiAugUSt 5, COHdUOtEd by The rec-l excitedly. He was a gold color county Hospital Friday. Aug- tor, Rev. Earl Gerber. Wilfred with black wings. tail and crown. ust 2. of Leonard F. Harnden,P0W€11y a friend 0f the family As I put the branch back in itsia resident of Lake Wilcox for'W‘i‘s at the organ- of th. ondre ati Augustlfi. e r ° g on Mrs. Pat Ottaw'ay and child-: ren have returned home after spending the past month at a 'cottage at Parry Sound. ‘ Mrs. Murray Bennett United Missionary Camp Stayner. Guests of Mrs. Georgina Nigh evening supper last week were Mrs. Alice Per- at Wednesday and‘ family, Mrs. Jim Barker andl Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton‘ family spent last week at thei at hund. Mr. and Mrs. Ball plan to add a garage and kennels to their new home. Headford resi- place and turned to go, I saw the past 21 years. the female goldfinch come out of her hiding place and hap-1911, pily greet her mate. ./...NiNNNmm... food costs! 'A PKG. 0F 8 IGA OVEN FRESH HAMBURG or dEiEtEets 2:: 39¢ x nadir ._ BRIlltIETS' N69 tihby‘s with Pork g. BEANS ‘. 3d 2” 35 “ .01. ~ (it. lids..." E imlihmhctyonr Hardwood IGA Tomato, - . _ IGA Sweet Mixed â€" Bread and Butter 0R SWEET - Relish 15 our msn MINCED BEEF [WM PIBKIESâ€" SAVEYOURHWW $50. is IGA Top“ '3 “WI! for I $2.00!“de Tobe-sod Ellie SPARE RTBS QUARTER PORK LOINS Pallbearers were Cliff Por- Born at Spanish, Ontario in ter, Richard James, John Kat- he moved to Toronto tenberg, Ernie Eggett, O. Fife where he was married to Miss and Mike Foyle. (bill mm a. 49‘ u 75‘ 379‘ FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 14. 15. 15. 17 “'E RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES GIFT MMWiifi-Hym HWMWUKWIEH, “chug. ymI’GAtoposho- kins, Mrs. Fred Walker and Mrs. Stan Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Boynton and girls spent the weekend at a cottage at Bancroft. CUSTOMERS ENJOY . . . MOSH momma lloglloiyurchkobm lot EATON GET comm WhBAmiM hr 52.“ Ede-Wink.“ “magnum-humor (mohguwiuoflico. ORANGE DRINK It“. saoesm: OI CHICKEN GEM ml BHINATIIWN Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steck-l ley spent the holiday weekend, with her brother and sister-in-i tlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kil-‘ lingbeck at Snow Road. ing drawings for the third ad- dition to the Joseph A. Gibson Public School in Maple. They also approved submission of the application for this addition to spent a few days last week with‘ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Person ‘and family at Cannington. Sunday evening dinner guests1 of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cramp- ton of Caledon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl St. Pierre and Miles of Toronto visited ing on record in the seven years‘ :: the Department of Education. The new addition will contain a kindergarten. library resource centre and three classrooms. The Gibson school is a junior. (kindergarten to grade 6» school.“ Architects for the addition are' Tmmhhm mwmealm'mw ing'mtesstorm miuupfiesof Show” an! brmmmhsafeqfiflm‘ USTOM TIRE SALES 59 Industrial Rd., Richmond Hilll 884-1164 Hanks, Irwin and Pearson. Probably the shortest meet-.l Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley this board has been in existence on Saturday evening. LDWFDDD PRICES * PLUS THEIR CHOKE N FOOD CERTIFICATES Manhattan's.“ alofowamon“ Eli'- Wmuhhmlm 35%bougi84896 «bu Edo- Codifi- mfltmmfi an H FOOD Mame-sh. I”: limb mehm NHHWMM. murmm HONEY FRENCH FINES mmmmtmmm DINNERS LLENCOUR'I' BAYVIEW & MARKHAM RD. RICHMOND HILL was adjourned at 8:20 pm. i IGA BONUS TAPES SAVE TIE BONUS TAPES OFFERED EAOT WEEK WITH STITCH) ITEMS. THEY ARE REEEIAABLE. AlONG WITH you ISA (ASH EEGTSTER WITH rm so. BONUS rm JAVEX lIQUID BLEACH 64 or. bet. mm m: so. nouns rm HEINI BARBEQUE SAUCE 13 or. Int. “TH TREE 56. BONUS TA?! wnm GRANULATED m to lb. bug W FREE $6. BONUS TAPE mono rooo slim WAXED PAPER 100 TI. roI mm m: $2. mus rm SWIFT PREMIUM WISHES I lb. var. pair. WITH FREE $1. BONUS TAPE RAIEIVME MIXED VEGETABLES 2 lb. pkg. mm RE 52. BONUS TAPE "KAI. GROWN (AN. NO. I HAM ONTARIO POTATOB 10 b. bog ATTENTION / ALLENCOU RT IGA CUSTOMERS WE WILL LOSE FOR ALTERATIONS Mon., Tues 8. Wed. °;‘£Z.°2;‘;“"°“"°"2 35¢ AUG. 19, 20 3. 2| WATCH FOR OUR IN THE DAIRY CASE ; GRAND RE-OPENING um mom mm _ aria. talcum 59‘ 93553â€"55598” ., OPENING SPECIALS T? OZ. S'IE I I! MARGARINE

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