Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Aug 1968, p. 8

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noun-cue.) lav-u I)wa Southern Ontario, who left To- ronto International Airport Julyi 11 on a month long trip to.‘ Europe. Going first to London they: visited, among other places, Westminster Abbey. St. Paul's Cathedral. the Houses of Parl- iament, the Tower of London' and Buckingham Palace where they watched the changing of‘ the guard and where two boys were almost arrested for climb-1 ing 20 feet up Queen Victoria‘s“ monument for a better view andI photographs. They were res- cued in the nick of time by} the fast talking teachers who explained the position and the paddy wagon went away empty. u venu‘uu ... While in Europe the party travelled by four buses. Each bus had a university student as a guide and the one on the bus that Mr. Lamont travelled on had quite a sense of humor and kept them all amused. After Austria they travelled to Italy and then returned to England for a few days in Devonshire. While in England a memorial service was held in Exeter Cathedral for Carl Hamilton. ln each country the students used the language of the coun- try as much as possible. They knew a few phrases and added more as they went along. They learned the character of the _-A»I- -2 ,__L .l_l,4. an 13".”-4 Graham Lamont, 27 Malaren Road. returned to Maple from a trip to Europe, in the early hours of the morning August 9, after a 20-hour delay in London where the plane had mechan- lcal trouble. A part had to be flown in from Montreal, fitted and the plane serviced before it could fly to Canada. Mr. Lamont was one of the teachens accompanying 160 students from seven schools in Southern Ontario, who left To- ronto International Airpont July 11 on a month long trip to Europe. “.3 -v -v‘... u,- monumem for a‘ggfigl. In each country the students‘ Peter Beecham. 3 Goodman 1‘? photographs_ They were l-es_{used the language of the coun-‘Crescent leaves Maple Augustldlj cued in the nick of time byju‘y as much as possible. They” to represent the MaplelCh the fast talking teachers who knew a few phrases and added‘Scouts at the Ontario Scout Jam-‘1',e explained the position and the more as they went along. They'boree at Kelso Conservationlm paddy wagon went away empty_lea1‘nmd the character of the Area, Milton. There are ex-. After almost a week in Lon- people. of each part of Europejpected to be approximately m don they left for Paris visiting they “sited, learned the moneyi3,000 Scouts and leaders at the‘an In Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord, Edgeley and Klelnburg. Maple, please phone Mrs. Pam Rolfe, 832-1122; in Edgeley and Concord, Margaret McLean, 884-1105, in Kle'mbnrg, Mrs. Lucille Shaw, 893-1432. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hin, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 15, 1968 NEWSPAPERS MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE w P£0Pl£’$’ your next few minutes can mean greater shopping satisfaction for you The way to get more satisfaction out of your shopping is to plan it on the basis of the information you get in your ABC weekly newspaper. There is no easier way to save time, energy and money when you go to the stores. Instead of wishing you knew where to find what you want to buy, you can settle in your own mind the details about prices, colors, quality, sizes and other essentials, just by reading the advertising in “The Liberal”. And as you read, you can decide quickly and easily where your shopping trip will take you. even before taking an actual step away from your home. You get your choice of the largest, most attractive selections when you read the advertising in your ABC weekly newspaper. Retailers place in the ABC weeklies more of their advertising than they place in any other advertising medium. Many stores advertise only in your home town paper. So, for more satisfying, more enjoyable shopping, read the advertising in “The Liberal" and plan your trips accordingly. Be sure to read the advertising in “The Liberal” this Thursday and every Thursday. “The Liberal" Shopping is more successful and satisfying when you start it in “The Liberal” before you visit the stores. gal-[ma fall on the same mountain ust 9, that Mr. Lamont and six stud- mdonlents climbed. The elevation [changfrom the valley floor to the to be peak of the mountain was 7.000 fittedjfeet and it was a 20 mile walk. )efore‘They were consequently jok- ‘lingly nick-named “Monty‘s if thejMountaineers". The rest of the 1505 party went up the mOuntain by a]: in l cable car. Home Paper of the District Since 1878 On Sale Every Thursday all the usual haunts of tour-[and widened their horizons im- ists and students, then on to mensely. All agreed that, apart Switzerland and Austria. Ati from the tragedy that occurred Innsbruk the trip was marredlin Innsbruk, it was a very suc- by the tragic death of 18-yearâ€"‘CESSfu1 and enjoyable trip. old Carl Hamilton, the only son. The party was accompaniEd of the Viceâ€"principal of Dryden‘by a nurse who was kept quite High School. who was killed in‘bLiSy with minor ailments. ad- .\ ‘_L:__l s_ IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE The party was accompanied by a nurse who was kept quite busy with minor ailments. adâ€" ministering pills and potions as required, but no serious injury or illness occurred. A farewell party was held for Art and Kay Wolfreys of Maple Avenue at the home of Roy and Carol Munshaw, 18 Railway Street, August 8. The former neighbors of Art and Kay wished them well with the gift of a glass dish to remem- ber them by. A delicious sup- per was served in the garden. but the good luck cake and coffee and tea had to be served indoors due to a thunderstorm. Art and Kay and their two daughters Lynn and Gail left the following day for Syracuse, New York where they have taken up residence in Candle- light Lane. V haveling. 513 - Leafs 9 and Wildcats 9 - landle'l While they were in MontrealgBeavers 3. {cousin Debbie had a birthday; One of the home runs scared 1so Kelly and Kathy were able by the Wildcats August 8 was ,odlnan‘to join in the fun. They also made by Vince Cudia the cap- Augustfdined out one evening at Thorn- tain of the team. who “as cel- Maple‘cliff Restaurant. a beautifulfebrating his birthday that day. ltJam_‘restau1'aiit which served a de-‘His mother made a cake and rvation'licious meal. ‘cold drinks and took them to re ex_ The Jackmans arrived home the game so all the players could ’mater in the heatwave we had in July help Vince celebrate in style. at the and were glad not to have had Swimming Lessons to travel too far in the heat. The second session of swim- * * * * ming lessons is now in full A five-day Bible club was swing having commenced Augâ€" held at 18 Railway Street from ust 10, the bus leaving the com- July 29 to August 2 with ammunity centre at 10 am. Maple average attendance of 11 boyleions Club provide the bus free and girls. Marian Chapman of‘,of charge to the parents to Hamilton was in charge of theenable more children to ben- children who listened intently efit from the instruction given ' to the Bible stories and 'sang at Thornhill Swimming Pool isongs and played games to- during the summer holidays. camp and Peter will be there for a week. Ted and Marilyn Jackmam 30 Goodman Crescent with their children Kathy and Kelly reâ€" turned recently from an interâ€" esting tour. They first went to Haliburton and Algonquin Park, 011 through the Ottawa Valley, crossed over to Hull and into the Gatineau Hills and the Laurentian Mountains and then visited for a few days with While staying with Don, a‘ one time resident of Maple,: they were able to swim every afternoon at the curling and Marilyn’s brother. Don and fam- ily near Montreal. swimming club of which Donls the results were Lions 6 - and his wife are members. They Wildcats 3, Buds 15 - Beavers went to an antique barn one day 9 and Leafs 18 - Tiger Cubs 7. where they were very intriguedlAugust 8 the games were with all lthe paraphernalia on,threatened with thunderstorms. sale. One item that caughtibut after a very brief shower Marilyn’s eye was a number of'the games were played as wooden rosaries for sale. They scheduled and the scores were went to a steak party one eVenâ€"[Lions 15 - Tiger Cubs 5, Buds ing. ‘13 - Leafs 9 and Wildcats 9 - A five-day Bible club washeld at 18 Railway Street from July 29 to August 2 with an‘ average attendance of 11 boys and girls. Marian Chapman of Hamilton was in charge of the children who listened intently to the Bible stories and 'sang songs and played games to- gether and each day learned a memory verse from the Bible. Kay and Jim Jones, 24 Good- man Crescent and their child- l'en Stephen, Michael and Laura returned August 9 from a three-week trip through Que- bec, New Brunswick, Prince Ed- ward Island and home through the States. While in New Brunswick theyi went to Fredericton and visâ€" ited the art gallery, the mus- eum, the parliament buildings, etc. In Prince Edward Island they were lucky enough to be in Surrey while the Surrey Re- gatta and Fisheries Exhibition was taking place and then in Montague when the Annual Highland Games were in pro- gress when everybody who had Vaughan Rural Residential Lot Contrary To Twp. Official Plan In spite ‘of the fact that it“ conflicted at several points with the township’s recently adopted Amendment 15 to the Official Plan regarding rural r e s i d e n ti a1 development, Vaughan Township Council July 30 approved, without comment, rezoning of a 2.761 acre parcel of land on Dufferin Street to rural residential use. Located at the southeast cor- ner of Maple Sideroad and Duf- lferin Street, part of Lot 20, lConcession 2, the parcel is the The land is zoned “A” agri- cultural by Bylaw 2523 which requires residential lots to have at least 25 acres and 330 feet frontage on an improved pub- lic road. neither of which the proposed severance pOSSesses. Staff reports to the planning board noted that the proposed lot is devoid of trees, suitable for agricultural purposes, does not appear to have soil suitable for a septic tank, and would out- let directly onto an arterial road. Located at the southeast cor- ner of Maple Sideroad and Duf- Eerin Street, part of Lot 20, Concession 2, the parcel is the property of G. A. Walter. Join the Promotables this fall... . . . next spring look forward to an excmng, lop paid career. Get the Specialized Business Trainingyou need “lih a course from Shaw Coiieges. Take a Diploma Course in - EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAL 0 GENERAL OFFICE TRAINING - ACCOUNTING I NANCYTAYLORSECRETARiAL Registrations now being accepted for Fa" Term. ENROLL TODAY! 4 Colleges in Metro SHAW COLLEGES ‘8 OF BUSINESS 924-5771 Head Office; 55 Charles St. W. Toronto 5, Ontario Algonquin Park,‘ The Jones family have a Ottawa Valleyflcamper-trailer and found most Hull and intogof the camp-sites on their tour Hills and the‘very pleasant and convenient. ntains and then The weather was very kind to few days with them most of the time and they '1'. Don and fam-‘ are now looking forward to next al. {summer when plans will be ; with Don, amiade for a. trip of a similar lent of Maple,{nature. to swim everylLions Baseball that it“ The land is zoned “A” agri-Zga points cultural by Bylaw 2523 whicth ecently requires residential lots to have ck to the at least 25 acres and 330 feetsth 5 rural frontage on an improved pub- I upment, Iic road. neither of which the‘vi cil July proposed severance pOSSesses. I mment, Staff reports to the planning)V once lived in the area seemed to have returned home for the fray. They spent a couple of days at St. Andravs-by-the-Sea. New Brunswick on their return jour- ney and thought it was a quaint and lovely town. In the games played August 5 the results were Lions 6 - Wildcats 3, Buds 15 - Beavers The results of the tests takeni last Wednesday and Thursdayi at the pool by the children are as follows: ‘ Beginners graduating to jun- iors Jill Bothwell, Linda Kuntz, Sandy Key, Barry Key, Robert Horner, Jimmy Jellison, Sonia King, Kelly Jackman,‘ Lidia Bundschush, Wendy Tay- lor, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Mich- aela Weidenfeldei‘. Janet Mc- Intyre, Kim Weese, Heather ‘Lamont, Greg Mushaw, Michael McInnes, Karen. Ivens, Peter ton Pol app for SUI] ‘Pflug, Rickie Mundola and ‘Gail Bonerra. nin Official Plan Amendment No. 15, under the heading “Policy” stated that “The township will discourage the creation of lots with access directly onto ar- terial roads.” As well, rural residential development was to be contained in selected areas of the northerly and westerly parts of the township, where the rolling topography does not lend itself well to agricultural luses. Lands surrounding the lot are used for agricultural purposes although there are several non- farming residential properties on the west side of Dufferin Street, some 900 feet away. Only aspect of these objec-i tions which the planning board‘ appeared to have coped with was the driveway onto County Road 25, Maple Sideroad. It recommended that the driveway should be constructed along the east boundary of the lot so that when subsequent severance is made of the property to the ‘east it could have its driveway :against the joint boundary, re- isnlting in only one entrance onto Maple Sideroad. Council accepted planning board's recommendation of the The staff report also noted that Mr. Walter had supplied no information as to whether there is a sufficient supply of potable water available for the lot. severance without discussion. subject to requirements of the committee of adjustment. These included a dedication of 10 feet of land across the full width of the property for road widening purposes, payment of a sum of money equal to 5% of the land value for public purposes and a \u‘itten agreement with the tmmship regarding provision of municipal services to the prop- KNOW WHAT'HE’S TALKING ABOUT? When a neighbor com- ments on the week‘s newsi don’t be caught short. Make it a habit to read “The Liberal" every Thursday for latest developâ€" ments in local government. edu- cation and community affairs] ;First Full Time Safety Officer ffiBegins September I In Vaughan 85 poultry feeds 45 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Allen are pictured above following their June 1 Wedding in St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Richmond Hill. The bride is the former Maria Jank0wiak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jank- owiak of 105 Baker Avenue in Richmond Hill. The groom is the son of Mrs. Donald Allen and the late Mr. Allen of 24 Keele Street North in Maple .I. Mr. and Mrs. Allen are now residing in Toronto where the groom will be working on his master’s degree in engineering at the University of Toronto 400 -10 90 80 4O Pretty Summer Wedding HIGH HEAT MAINTAIN STEADY EGG PRODUCTION DURING SUMMER MONTHS WITH SHUR-GAIN SPECIAL HOT WEATHER LAYING FEEDS. Hot weather requires special hot weather rations. Special SHUR- GAIN feeds are formulated with increased levels of protein, min- erals, and Vitamins to compensate for reduced feed intake during periods of high temperature. Keep your egg production up to profitable levels with a SHURâ€" GAIN hot weather laying feed program. We would be glad to work it out with you. MAPLE FEED MILL 832-1241 MEANS LOW APPETITE 'NE W M A R K E T: Councillor; Bruce Eves recently expressed criticism of the number of con- ventions Deputyâ€"reeve Clare Salisbury was attending thisi year. Council had just approvedl the attendance of Mr. Salisbury, Councillors Tom Surgeonor and Seneca Cook and Clerk Grant Blight at the Ontario Municipal V, Association convention in Wind- sor August 11-14, Later coun- Jcil approved Mr. Eves’ attend- ance with Fire Chief John Gib- ' son at the Canadian Fire Chiefs’ annual session at Kelowna, BC. I in September. KINGSDALE ANIMAL ’ HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 (Photo by Robert Comes Concord Correspondent uuun nuuu nu “Hyundaw ".7" Columbus sailed from Spain in August 1492. Talking motion pictlu'es were shown for the first time in New York City in August 1926. The first message by Atlantic cable was sent in August 1858. World War I began in August 1914. World War II ended in August 1945. The Red Cross was established at Geneva. Switzerland in August 1864. The world’s first Long Distance telephone call was made August 10, 1876 between Bl’antford and Paris, Ontario. _._ .A. a August 18 this year sees the introduction of Emnoâ€"Pak service which offers a package of Long Distance calling to individual line residence customers. This new service provides 60 minutes 0f Long Distance calls a month from your telephone to any number of points that you might wish to call within your home province provided that they are served by Bell Canada dial telephones. Charge for the total 60 minutes is only $10. All calls will be timed on a per minute basis. Econoâ€"Pak service rates are available between 12 noon and 8 pm. any day in the week. For full details just call your local Business Office. My “spies” are at \vork again and word they are sending back from visits to Man and His World in Mon- treal glow with enthusiasm. It’s Expo without the jost- ling crowds but all the sparkle and world-in-miniature interest of last year. Two of the more eyeâ€"catching buildings have changed character inside this year. The former British Pavilion, now topped by a gigantic flag of Montreal, features the Music Belfry and has become a meeting-place for music lovers. The other section of the building has become Cars of Yesteryear where exhibits pay tribute to the pioneers of the automobile. The 20-storey geodesic bubble which last year housed the American exhibit has been transformed into a fascinating aviary and garden area -â€" really, an exotic indoor park. Some 800 birds of 150 different species are housed in enormous cages. In fact. in one section, visitors walk into a tropical garden to be greeted by flamingoes, pea- cocks, toucan birds with their huge beaks, and dozens of other brilliantly colored birds from tropical lands. Several new exhibits are fascinating visitors this year. The Humor Pavilion gives a fun-filled look at the lighter side of life: Dolls representing people from the five continents and the way they dress provide a lesson in history and is a veritable museum of man in the Mirror of Man Pavilion. The Telephone Pavilion now has two sections. Canada 67 brings back the thrilling Walt Disney Circle-Vision 360 film. The other section of the. building is now Montreal 326 and recalls the 326th anniversary of the City of Montreal. Poland and Ireland are two new participants in Man and His World. And for those who wish to relive Expo 67 there is a memorial pavilion where the great moments are rememberd. A collection of flags of the participating countries, costumes wom by the hostesses of the various nation pavilions. slides, photos, reports and newspaper clippings are all there. Again this year Man and His World seems to be the place to visit for a comfortable, quick voyage around the world. a .._ ‘ ‘h BELL CANADA NEWMARKET: Teams of doe- tors and nurses at York County Hospital worked for eight hours recently before a Toronto man “as declared out of danger with a good chance for survival after he had almost drowned in Lake Wilcox. Cyril Bulgin. 19. an ex- pert swimmer, attempted to swim from a raft to shore at Blue Spruce Park when ‘he went under. He was pulled from the water after about four minutes later, apparently dead. A doctor and the ambulance men worked on the man at the lakeside and then rushed him to the hospital. THE Challenge 0F Cancer I CANCER DANGER SIGNS i l All' persons having claims against the Estate of Domenica Deciantis, late of the Town of Richmond Hill in the County of York, Widow. who died on or about the 20th day of June, 1964 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the un- dersigned on or before the 315t day of August, 1968, after which date the Estate will be distrib. uted, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned ' shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. Dated at Toronto this lst day of August, 1968. Rita Facchini Victoria Ceci; Mary Cappuccitti and David B. Vileatherheaclo Executors By their Solicitors. Weatherhead & Weather-head. 19 Richmond Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. In the Estate of DOMENICA DECIANTIS. late of the Town of Richmond Hill, in the Coun- ty of York, Widow, deceased. ‘I‘O CREDITORS AND OTHERS The Canadian Cancer Soc: iety lists these seven danger’ signals as possible signs of early cancer: 11) Unusual bleeding or discharge. (2) A lump or thickening of the breast or elsewhere. (3) A sore that does not heal. (4) Persistent changes in bowel or bladder habits. (5) Per. sistent hoarseness or cough. (Bl Persistent indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. (7) Change in a wart or a mole. These signs do not always mean cancer but if you no- tice any of them. tell your doctor. If they are caused by cancer, early treatment is essential. NOTICE MANAGER

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