The county boards are being set up by the Ontario Depart- ment of Education to ensuré equality of education opportun- ities for all children in the province. Panelists. who will outline the new setup and be prepared to answer your questions. are Vice-Chairman Michael Ogden. Whitchurch Township Public School Board. Business Admin- istrator G. W._ Tindal. York Central District High School Board; Assistant Superintend- ent J. W. Kippen. York Central: and E. J. Kolotyliuk. teacher at‘ Langstéff Secondary School. ‘ Do you want to learn more abbut the organization of the new county school boards which will come into being next Jan- uary 1. If you do. you will have the opportunity at the September 23 meeting of Mac- Killop Home and SchOol As~ soclation. The meeting will be- gin at 8:15 pm in the school auditorium at Lucas Street} Richmond Hill. ‘ County Boards Topic MacKiIlop Sch. Panel The fact that the four dis~ trict people attended the con- ference at their own expense indicates their keen interest in thin type of survival activity. Among the new techniques demonstrated was removal of trapped persons from damaged automobiles. This was accomp- lished by, removing the front window. bending back the steering wheel and getting the casualty to the hospital in the same position in which he was found in the “Tack. Last year Mr. Foster and the York rescue team demonstrated to policemen in the county the equipment available for re- moval of victims from dam- aged automobiles. Mr. Foster, who lives at Gormley, was a judge during the rescue competition between 20 teams from across North America. The winning team came from Canada â€"â€" the Kit- chener-Waterloo EMO Rescue Squad. Norm Foster, chief rescue officer for York County Em- ergency Measures Organization, and Ed‘ Macdonald of New- market and their wives. at- tended the _2lst annual Inter- national Rescue and First Aid Conference in Hollywood. Flor- ida, during August. At Florida Conference Represent York EMO mummmuuumuummmmumumuuummnmmumunmmm You may be the lucky mother this month. All you need to do is cash your cheque in a mem- ber store at the centre. It’s that easy! She has two children. eight- year-old Michael and seven -year-old Jaccqueline, and her monthly government family al- lowance cheque is for $12. Winner of the August “Triple Your Baby Bonus" draw at Richmond Heights Centre was Mrs. S. Groundsell. 5 Malaren Road. Maple. Mrs. Groundsell received a cheque from the merchants‘ association for $36, when her name was drawn at the end of the month. mlllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“Il)llllIlllllllIlllllllllllllllllllulllu A booklet containing In Memorlam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter of “The Liberal", 63 Yonge St. S.. Richmond Hill, or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884-1105. The kit contains a mir- ror. bell and streamers. Libby is a grade 7 pupil at Crosby Heights Senior Public School. Twelve - year-old Libby Hughes. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hughes. 388 Balkan Road. Richmond Hill won a Flyte accessory kit in the third contest. which appeared in the August 29 issue. Libby list- ed the seven errors in the picture correctly and did 1 fine job of coloring. Another render of “The Liberal" has been judged a winner in the Elmer's Sum- mer Safety Contest. Another Winner Elmer Contest Triple Winner In Memoriam Verses MRS. S. GROUNDSELL â€" We Will Not Knowingly Be Undersold â€" 12V: oz. tin..Regular and Hard to Hold. AQUA NET HAIR SPRAY 25% More Special! Kresge Big Value For Regular, Super and Hard-to-Hold hair. 18 oz. V05 41/2 025. HAIR SPRAY 'HAPPY FACE’ Kresge Big Value THURS. FRI. SAT. Imperial size coMains 15% ozs. Firm and Soft spray. n I c o 5 c u I 5 v a I u c lADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY Kresge Big Value Provides quick relief to burnt, chaffed ordry skin. 10 OZ. NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM Kresge Big Value 67¢ l.l9 THURS. FRI. SAT. Gives new body and bounce to your hair; 100's ASPIRIN TABLETS Reg. Kresge Price 67¢ Facial washing cream removes all traces of make-um and grime. Reg. Kresge‘ 1.09 Kresge Big Value THURS. FRI. SAT. Provides fast relief from headaches. DIPPITY DO SETTING GEI. Reg. Kresge 97¢ Kresge Big Value COVER GIRL MAKE-UP Reg. Kresge 99¢ Kresge Big Valu_e THURS. FRI. SAT; Compact, Liquid and Matte finish make-up available. 71¢ 67¢ 77¢ VaSeline “III‘ Vlwnhu-wu- .~.v. u.-. u.“ . -.- SUDDEN BEAUTY HAIR SPRAY THU RS. FRI. SAT. Regular and Super Hold. Reg. Kresge 99¢ Kresge Big Value NEW DAWN HAIR COLOUR 15 oz. V05 SHAMPOO Reg. Kresge Price 1.77 Kregse Big Value Kresge Big Value For regular hair.‘ Choose from 14 easy- 50 easy to apply - - - to-apply shades. available in 12 glow- ing shades! Applyto burns,scra pes and skin irritations. 16 OZ. PETROLEUM JELLY Kresge Big Value Conditionsand softens and dry dry, fly-away hair. The family spray de- odorant! RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT Kresge Big Value NICE’N EASY HAIR COLOUR Reg. Kresge Price 1.77 Kresge Big Value 15 oz. V05 CREAM RINSE Kresge Big Value 'ANGEl FACE’ COMPACT THURS. FRI. SAT. Ideal handbag size, in attractive blue case. Reg. Kresge Price 73¢ Kresge Big Value RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE PKG. or 12 KOTEX NAPKINS THURS. FRI. SAT. Softâ€"more absorbent. Reg. Kresge Price 46¢ Kresge Big Value POND’S PROFESSIONAL CREAMS Kresge Big Value 12 ounce jars of cold and dry skin creams. The toothpaste that makes whiter‘teeth! SUPER SIZE COLGATE Kresge Big Value THURS.‘ FRI. SAT. The Super Steel Sword edge blade!- 11 oz. GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVE 16¢ OFF SPECIAL Kresge Big Valug gkgsf79¢ 88¢ THURS. FRI. SAT. Oral antisepticfor sore throats and bad breath Protects hands from harsh, household chores. EMPRESS RUBBER GLOVES SPECIAL 20¢ OFF Kresge Big Value Reg. Kresge Price 73¢ Kresge Big Value ARRID 5 Oz. DEODORANT She will be glad when you come back to Brylcreem! ‘THURS. FRI. SAT. The deodorant spray The all purpose towel that stoos odour. with the 1000 uses! with FREE COMB 3 oz. BRYLCREEM Reg. Kresge 82¢ Kresge Big Value 14 oz. llS'I'ERINE Reg. Kresge 1.09 Kresge Big Value THURS. FRI. SAT. â€" Open Daily 'til 6 pm. â€" Thurs. & Fri. 'til 9 pm THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill Ontario 9 200's 8: 300’s TANG“ DR. WEST’S TOOTHBRUSH £100 2 67¢ The “Germ Fighter†that cleans teeth better! Kresge Big Value In attractive decorator colours. Reg. Kresge 63¢ K_resge Big Value PKG. or 12 'J’ ClO'l'HS Leaves teeth whiter and brighter than ever before! SUPER SIlE PEPSODENT Reg. 2 pkgs. 35¢ Kresge Big Value Kresge Big Value THURS. FRI. SAT. PEEL-OFF EYE lINER EQgTKFeisigérPrice 99¢ Kresge Big Value THURS. FRI. SAT. Available in thrge shades. Reg. Kresge 49¢ Kresge Big Value Black and brown eye liner make-up. DOROTHY REED TOIlE'I'RIES Shampoos, Talcum, Hair Tonic and Rinses in favorite fragrances. Reg. Kresge Price 1.25 Kresge Big Value PKG. or s WILKINSON BLADES Reg. Kresge Price 63; Kresge Big Value For a faster, smoother, cleaner shave! THU RS. FRI. SAT. 5I¢ Thursday, Sept. 19. 1968