Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Sep 1968, p. 11

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TRY THEM . . . . DIAL 884-1105 â€" 884-1106 - 884-1983 "Liberal" Want Ads Mrs. G. Barker brought two prize -winning arrangements of flowers to the United Church Sunday last. The first was an arrangement of scarlet dahlias and cream-colored gladioli, and the second had won a prize as the most original centerpiece. She had displayed these at Rich- mond Hill Horticultural Soci- ety's show Saturday last. “God has given us tongues that we may say something pleasant to our fellow-men” . . . . Heinrich Heine. Mrs. Harry Burton thanked Mrs. Clark for her hospitality and Mr. and Mrs. Boynton for their share in the program. The October meeting of the UCW will be held at the home of Mrs. Wesley Middleton and members are reminded that the October thankoffering will be received. Neighborhood Notes A group of junior farmers from Huron County came down by car on an exchange trip. Among them was Lois Merrill who stayed at the home of Mrs. E. Leek for a weekend. The community extends a warm welcome to two new fami- lies who have recently moved into the area. the MacKays and the Dunleavys. Mr. H. Homer began the ex- cuvation of the basement of his new house this week. UCW members will supply home-made pies for the Hi-C booth at Markham Fair, Ocâ€" tober 3. 4 and 5. Members enjoyed a delightful program when Russell Boynton showed slides of a trip he and Mrs. Boynton took to California, Disneyland and Hawaii. It was agreed that the even- ing service of the anniversary Sunday, September 29 would take the form of a hymn-sing. Mrs. Stewart Rumble chaired the business session. Mrs. Martin Jenkinson point- ed out that the old saying “Let your conscience be your guide" was poor advice. A conscience is not separate from experience but is educated according to the way of life of each indi- vidua'l. Miss Cora Brodie conducted the worship service using Psalm 23 and the ten command- ments of happiness. When he told his captors that he was a Christian they thought he was attempting to deceive them. Testing him with an unâ€" usual examination â€" “Who was Martin Luther?", and asking him to recite the first. verse of the Bible. they were convinced of his sincerity by the answers he gave. Following a twmmonths' re- cess the UCW met at the home of Mrs. W. Clark with 12 mem- bers and two visitors attending. Mrs. E. Leek. vice-president. opened the meeting with a few words of welcome then con- tinued with the mission lesson on Japan â€" the profile of a Japanese officer and his con- duct in defeat. in retreat and as a prisoner of the Allies. UCW There are five children insur her neighborhood attending the gen kindergarten, who have to be mat transported by a parent to the ho; school at noon. but they arefot returned to the entrance afield the subdivision on Jane Streetlpha on a school bus she said. and 1. the parents are worried about the their car insurance coverage sub and responsibility. She was asâ€" our Changes Kingcross Buses! “You've got to do something â€" you can’t just say we can’t do anything. This is serious and you know it," Mrs. Steve Pommer of Kingcross Sub- division charged King Township Public School Board, at its meeting September 10. Mrs. Pommer sought transportaion both ways for her five-year-old son attending kindergarten in Kettleby. license, rifle, ammunition and accommodation! pay for costly hunting trips by selling no longer needed items for cash! Headford News CORRESPONDENT: BECKY STATON Phone 884-7890 “There are 10 new homes in our area." Mrs. Pommer con- tinued. “We're here now, and you are going to have to do something for us. Where are those taxes going? I certainly hope you are for the children. although it sounds as if you were against them. Education is for all." Another member of the pub- lic present told the Pommers. “This is a privilege of Hiring in ithe country." and Mr. Reid commented, "Unfortunately this is one of the drawbacks of livfng in a rural area. This is one reason the province has set up county boards to ensure equal educational opportunities for all children." Another ratepayer ‘assured Mrs. Pommer that other moth- ers in her area would co-oper- ate in transportation. “I drove a child to kindergarten and when I couldn’t there was al- ways a kind neighbor ready to assist. In fact. we had to drive two children to a private kinâ€" dergarten. which cost us $75 a year tuition. But we were glad to do it to give our children the opportunity to have a year in kindergarten." “But you take our taxes. We are paying twice as much in taxes as We ever have. and are getting nothing for them," Mrs. Pommer declared. "We are paying $600 taxes for schools.” “We used up your school taxes in providing a place for your child in a kindergarten.” Mr. Reid assured her. It was pointed out that there are 200 miles of road in the township and transportation costs would rise phenomenally if kindergarten children were bussed. "It would be double on account of the half~day classes." according to Chairman Jack Van Luyk. } Trustee William Reid ‘ told the Pommers. “This is only 1 goodle you're set- ting. If your child is on a bus. he is there on your say-so and at the goodwill of the driver. We don’t pro- vide this transportation and we don‘t pay for it.” Mrs. Pommer charged, “Something is very wrong“ Mr. Reid agreed. “But it is not in our power to change it." “These are available to the children who are registered first. They may be transported to or from the school if there is room on the school bus, but the board receives no govern- ment grant on transportation of kindergartners." Trustee David Bachly told Mrs. Pommer. Trustees explained that at- tendance at kindergarten is not compulsory and this education- al advantage is available to only about two-thirds of the eligible 'children in the town- ship. “When we decided to start kindergarten. we could afford to set up only so many, with so many pupil spaces. sured the insurance would be good as long as no charge was made. “But my son can't walk from that point to our home. After all. he's only five years old." Mrs. Pommer stated em- phatically. Her husband suggested that the bus could travel into the subdivision to diseharge the pupils. "It would be only 50 yards off the highway, but would be much safer. Cars come whizzing over the hill on Jane Street. and some day there's going to be a tragedy when one of them plows into a school bus or a group of child- ren," he claimed. When, on behalf of the parents. he of- fered to pay the extra costs, he was told this arrangement would have to be made with the bus company. we must consider Nobleton. King City, Oak Ridges and all other parts of the township. It is impossible for us to make an ex- ception to the rule for you as we must treat every part of the township on the same basis." Mr. Reid added, “Two years ago they were only building 75 houses a year in the township. This year they are building 150. and we are told the number will drop to 75 again next year. With this fluctuation, how could we plan for the future? Look at Toronto, look at all the port- ables they have, with all their planning.” At this point the Pommers left the mgeting after being as- sured that Mrs. Lavis' request would receive the board's earn- est consideration in committee‘ Tested Classified. Try It . 884-1105-6 “We are governed by the school act." the chairman pointed out. “You are only in~ terested imyour problem, but “The board doesn’t want my more children," count- ered Mr. Reid, who went on to explain that the School Act expects child- ren under 7 to walk up to one mile to school and those over 7 to walk up to two miles. “Our budget for tranportation was set in the spring. so there is noth- in;r we can do until next year." he added. “But you have to do some- thing." Mrs. Pommer declared. "I'm not interested in next year. My son is in kindergarten THIS year." Mrs. Pommer said the buses and could turn on Champagne Cres- 3 to cent. "Children can't makes p that long walk. If they're go-Iat 8 ing to put more homes in fur-‘tion ther, the bus will just have to w come in further. These are Mrs new people coming in, you have Yor; to provide for them. After all, her you want more families and . . she more famllies mean more chlld- her ren." “u ‘ Trustees promised to look at the whole picture of kinder- garten transportation in the township. inot more than twa passengersivas-aiu. . > Young people from other de-i The social action group Will nominations in the area are in-ihoid a bulb 8819 September 23 vited to participate as well as' Then Mrs. Pommer asked forifOI‘ _8 Darw- an answer to a request madei First Langstaff SCOUt 8nd by Mrs. A. Lavis, a neighbor-.1011! Mothers‘ Auxiliary held _ ‘ _ Mrs. Lavis had asked that the;their first monthly meeting beginning at 10_am. Dutch lm- school buses drive in to thelWednesday evening at the homeimembers of the parish. Aiported bulbs Will .be featured second crescent on Kingcrossiof Mrs. J. Qua. Claridge Drive. small fee will be chargedat reasonable. prices and a Drive to pick up school child-1 Registration for the Y Neigh- Rallyers will be given instruc-lguest expert W111 P6 Present 'tO ren. Secretary-Treasurer Bruce bor group will be held SeptemJtions at the church and along‘answer your questions or assist Hunter reported the bus com-:ber 26 from 7:30 to 9 pm atithe way they will have to find‘l’Ou in planning a spring gar- Pany had measured the extra Emmanuel Anglican distance rthe bus now picks up Hall. MacKay DriVe- The Coursewenger hunt. at the first crescent) tenths of a mile. Mrs. Pommer said the buses could turn on Champagne Cres- cent. "Children can't make; that long walk. If they're go- ing to put more homes in fur-‘ ther, the bus will just have to come in further. These are new people coming in, you have to provide for them. After all, you want more families and more families mean more child- ren." “The board doesn’t. want any more children,” count- ered Mr. Reid, who went on to explain that the School Act expects child- ren under 7 to walk up to one mile to school and those over 7 to walk up to two miles.‘ “Our budget for transportation was set in the spring. so there is noth- ing we can do until next year,” he added. "Butyou have to do some- thing," Mrs. Pommer declared. “I'm not interested in next. year. My son is in kindergarten: THIS year." “We V are governed by the school not," the chairman pointed out. "You are only in- terested iniyour problem, but we must consider Nobleton, King City, Oak Ridges and all other parts of the township. It is at sixâ€" conducted by Mrs. Betty Ser-I The rector has been asked to Churchlout certain things. as in a scav- den. A film on the flowers of .Holland will be shown at dif- ferent intervals throughout the vice will be in copper tooling drive his own car in the rally.‘day. An open invitation is sent and will continue from October This will be known as the Em- to all area resxdents to attend 3 to NOVGmbel‘ 21. beginning airmanuel Car and Mrs. Rhodes‘this sale. 8 pm. Call Mrs. Marg Collett at 889-2547 for further informa- tion on this course. We are sorry to report that, Mrs. Jean Fry is a patient in York Central Hospital and wish her a speedy recovery so that she may enjoy her stay with her daughter and son-in-law. Dorothy and Ed Spears, Roose- velt Drive. It was announced in last week's column that they were both staying here before going south, but we hope to have her home very sobn. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Carroll of Oak Avenue. David and Susan and two friends. Judy and Alan Thomas enjoyed a trip of a lifetime recently. They travelled by camper to Alaska, visiting the Calgary Stampede. Edmonton's Klondike Days and on up the Alaska Highway to Dawson City in the Yukon where they participated in "‘Bonanza Days“. They then went on to Fairbanks. put their camper on board ship and sail- ed past the logging camps and fish canneries on the fjords and inlets of the Pacific Coast before reaching Vancouver. They returned home through impossible for us to make an ex- the splendor of the Rockies. will be taking part also. Since the object of the rally is to ltunds for the youth group to commence its season. the rector is asking all members of the congregation to assist in spon'- soring his trip at so much per mile. Please call Miss Sue Fit- chett, 889-4163 if you wish to help, or if you wish to partici- pate as a driver in the rally. The work group of ACW an- nounces that it will hold its an- nual poinsettia tea and bazaar November 23 from 2 to 4 pm. A bake table. gift table. plants and white elephants will be featured as well as a tea room. A work meeting will be held church ball. If You have any items to contribute or can help ‘in any way, please contact Mrs. Joan Fitchett or any member of her group. groups this year at Emmanuel â€" the drama group under the leadership of Mrs. Joan Ed- provide much needed‘ next Tuesday at 1:30 pm in the‘ There are m a nil interesting] i Mrs. Mary MacKay 167 John St. 1 Christ Lutheran ‘Church The young people‘s choir. un- der the leadership of Mrs. Ruth Bootliby, will comence rehears- als Wednesday at 6:45 until 7:45 pm. Any pupils in elementary or high school interested in singing are most welcome. Anyone desiring to join the adult choir is requested to come out Wednesday evenings for re- hearsal from 8 to 9 pm. The King “WW “IN MEMORIAM” GIFTS ito the Canadian Cancer Society may be sent to the following i In Memoriam Secretaries: :Riohmond Hill: Mrs: Wm. Lennox 384 Mill St. :Thornhill: Mâ€" NOW on DISPLAY Coffee and Donuts will be served 889-8830 Phone 884‘ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Low Cost 2nd Mortgages Selling Something? . . “The Liberal” . NO BONUS CHARGE OR HIDDEN FEES: With the Associates, you get a mortgage agreement that is crystal clear. No bonus or hidden fees are ever charged. Prepayment privileges. Confidential arrange- ments. WHY OUR PLAN IS BEST: SPEEDY SERVICE: Just tell us your needs and we'fl set up a plan for you immediately. Above payments based on 15% per annum for7 years ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED COME . . . TEST DRIVE NEW 1969 DATSUN Free Radio in all new cars sold during these 3 days Got cash fast for house repairs, a new car, vacations, or any other good reason. Monthly PaymeMs You Borrow As Low As YORK IMPORT 16 Industrial Road $2.000 $3.000 $4.000 $5.000 ‘al” . . . Time Time Proven It . . . Phone AUTOMOBILES LTD. The AYPA group (young people. 16 and up) of the parish who at present have the rector as counsellor meet in the The Lions Club wishes to re- mind all senior citizens of a meeting September 26 at 730 pm to discuss the possibility of forming a senior citizens” club. Anyone needing trans- portaton to or from the hall may call Lion Wally French at 889-3780. - Emmanuel Anglican Churc Richvale Lionettes announce the beginning of their monthly euchres to be held the fourth Tuesday of the month. begin- ning September 24, 8 pm in the community hall, 31 Spruce Ave- nue. Admission is $1 and there are prizes and refreshments. An invitation is extended to all card players to attend. Birthday greetings are ex- ing following the service. tended to Angela Collins. 9 001- This group has Planned a car by Lane, who celebrated her rally for Sunday afternoon at birthday September 14 by hav- 2 pm. There will be a driver ing her classmates and friends and navigator for each car and for a party. not more than lwo passengers. their first monthly meeting Neighborhood Notes $38.10 $57.14 $76.19 $95.24 6A Levendale Rd. Phone 884-8136 Richmond Hill CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ANNE WHITE, 24 ROOSEVELT DRIVE â€" 889-3806 ,borhood Notes church hall every Sunday even- wards. the study grow hday greetings are ex-[ing followingrthe service. jvened by Mrs. Margare Richvule Dish-id News 884-8134 A work meeting will be held next Tuesday at 1:30 pm in the church hall. If You have any items to contribute or can help in any way, please contact Mrs. Joan Fitchett or any member of her group. The work group of ACW an- nounces that it will hold its an- nual poinsettia tea and bazaar November 23 from 2 to 4 pm. Since the object of the rally is to provide much needed funds for the youth group to commence its season. the rector is asking all members of the congregation to assist in spon'- soring his trip at so much per mile. Please call Miss Sue Fit- chett, 889-4163 if you wish to help, or if you wish to partici- pate as a driver in the rally. 1969 is the year for Dodge and Chrysler. All the way through the fine, new engineering innovations keep Dodge and Chrysler ahead of the pack. New styling i 3 and new luxury touches â€" built right in as standard equipment â€" make Dodge and Chrysler cars and Dodge trucks your best value by far. NOW 0” Tompkins Chrysar Dodge limited DISPLAY AT: 395 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill, Ont Announcing the 1969 Quality-Engineered Dodge and flhrysler liars I and Dodge hunks- with Cushioned-Beam Suspension. New ride New handling. New inside. New outsede. Dodge SPflRlilum ~69 CHRYSLER ANADA LTD. wards. the study group con- vened by Mrs. Margaret Dona- hue and the art and poster group led by Mrs. Marg Jeske. For further information you may call Mrs. Joyce Howard at 889-3171. guest expert will be present to! Roy and Gladys Masters were answer your questions or assistlhosts to the Masters Family Re- you in planning a spring gar-.union. September 15. at their den. A film on the flowers of,home on Weldrick Road. The Holland will be shown at difâ€" event. held as a garden Party ferent intervals throughout thelsaw 59 guests attending â€" Mr. day. An open invitation is sentsand Mrs. F. Westfall of Ot- to all area residents to attend tawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Masters this sale. Ifrom Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Christ The Kim;r Lutheran‘Masters of Toronto and Mr. and Church .Mrs. John Prince of Scarboro The younz DEODIB'S choir. un- and many others. The young people's choir. un- der the leadership of Mrs. Ruth Boothby, will comence rehears- als Wednesday at 6:45 until 7:45 pm. Any pupils in elementary or high school interested in singing are most welcome. hearsal from 8 t0 9 Pm- David Frazer. Weldrick Road ‘ came home for the weekend from the hospital without his cast. Scott Hough. Avenue “IN MEMORIAM” GIFTS Road. who was in the same acci- . . ident also left the hos ital. A to the Canadian Cancer Scoletyispeedy recovery is wisfied for‘ may be sent to the followingiboth boys_ ‘ “(WW Anyone desiring to join the adult choir is requested to come out Wednesday evening: for re- hearsal from 8 to 9 pm. In Memoriam Secretaries Richmond Hill: Mrs.‘ Wm. Lennox 384 Mill St. I 130 May Avenue â€" Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) | Neighborhood Notes 'a euchre September 24 at 8 pm Best wishes from her many‘in the community hall. 31 friends and neighbors are ex- Spruce Avenue. the first in a tended to Mrs. Phillip Korval‘monthly series. Admission is $1 of Kersey Crescent who has soldlpel‘ person and there will be her home and following a brief prizes and refreshments. visit to the Maritimes intends to live in British Columbia. Miss Margaret West was guest of honor at a bridal shower held at the home of a neighbor. Mrs. Joan Bagley. Many useful gifts were received and delici- ous refreshments were served. Get Well wishes are extended to Mrs. Jean Woodger. Pember- ton Road, who is a patient in York Central Hospital follow- ing an automobile accident. Birthday greetings are ex tended to Wayne Bounds. Sep‘ tember 21. Weldrick Road Baptist Church will hold a corn roast September 20 for the young people of their congregation. Richvale Lionettes will hold NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. RHONA WEHRENS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Sept. 19, 1968 Design ’69 "‘ Dodge Monaco and Polara. Big in everything but pdce. Design ’69 'v Dodge Coronet. R costs a Eitfle less to go first ciass. qu4a ’69 " Dodge Charger. Here’s what Wm Design '69 " â€" Dodge Dart. Compact lovers never had «so big 1969 Chrysier. Your next car in four great series: Newport, Newport Custom, 300 and NewYorker‘ 15% OFF Hunters Ammunition 7586 Yonge Street Thornhill 889-0258 YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL ATTENTION (c/o York Central Hespital. Richmond Hill) Memorial Fund Sealed tenders. clearly mark- ed as to contents. will be re« ceived by the undersigned until 12:00 noon. September 30.1968 12:00 noon, September 30,1968 For Snow Plowing and Sanding equipment including operators and fuel. Sand and Sander at- tachments to be supplied by the township. Stand by from Dec- ember 15, 1968 to March 31. 1969. Tender forms may be ob tained from the offices of th undersigned. ~ Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FOR SNOW PLOWING AND SANDING Township of Vaughan TENDERS Township Engineer, 7 Township of Vaughan, Maple. Ontario. R. H. KRAFT. P‘Engu

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