BAIF owns the 492 acres between Carrville Road and Weldrick and had origin- ally brought in a plan for this area but was asked to prepare a secondary plan for the entire block. right up to the Maple Sideroad. However. BAIF will only develop the Carrville to Weldrick section. called “Neigh- borhood 1" in the plan. Population for this sec- tion is projected as 15.907 with 832 persons (4.53"r) in single family dwellings, The secondary plan was pre- pared by Marshall Macklin lion- aghan Limitedga firm of Don Mills consulting engineers and town planners for the BAIF Associates. BA]? is a syndicate of fire Toronto firms. Bright- way Investments Limitedl Atura Investments Limited, lmperator Projects Limited. Fadine Services Limited and Favorite Construction Company Limited. The firm has recently recenâ€" ed apprmal for the construc- tion of the $53 million Yonge- Eglinton Centre and has built some 8,000 apartment units in Metro Toronto. These include the 1.230 suite \Vyndford Heights Apartments at 4000 Yonge Street. Royal York Gar- dens for which they received ti.e "best apartment" design anard in 1964 and Old Mill Towers which won a 1966 de- sign award. It is planned to house 3.72% of the people in single family detached dwellings; 14.9% in semi-detached homes: 20.09%. in multiple dwellings (town and row houses) with 61.29% of residean housed in high den~ sity apartments. A proposed secondary plan for the Vaughan Township Yonge-Bathurst corridor between Carr- Ville Road and the Maple Sideroad was unveiled at the September 12 meeting of Vaughan Township Planning Board. It projects a population of? 2.417 (13;l5'c) in semi-de- 44,129 people for the area,; tached homes, 3.424 (18.6%) which includes 1,102 acres. This} in town and row houses and is based on a gross average’ 9.234 (63.68%) in high den- density of 40 persons per acre, sity apartments. and a net average densny of‘ This wilL require a total c 72-86 Persons P81“ acre. 4:124 thrnllina nniie and a. 1m VOL. 91, NO. 12. TOWN EN 0035 ES 0 AV A 15,907 Proposed For Stephens Farm Want 63% In High Rise Apartments , The armful of purring feline above is the new pet of Jack Bousfield, Franklin Avenue, 'Thornhill. Sabu, a five-month-old female lion cub joined .the Bousfield household which already included a dog, a cat, a monkey' and an ocelot, about six weeks ago. She weighs about 50 lbs. now. but will reach 150 to 200 lbs. at full maturity. Her present weekly food consumption is 25 lbs. of beef which will of course increase as she grows. Mr. Bousfield assures “The Liberal†that Sabu is tame but not dismesticaftredi and makes a fine, if a bit unusual, house pet. Big Cat Makes Good House Pet The high density residential development is concentrated along Yonge and Bathurst Streets and will act as a buffer between the commercial devel- opments. The apartment de- velopments Will be required to provide 40% landscaped open space and 50% of required parking will be underground, It is suggested that recreation- al facilities should be provided on apartment sites. These would 9.234 (63.68%) in high den- sity apartments. This m‘lL require a total of 4.834 dwelling units and is bas- ed on an average gross density of 39 persons per acre and a net density of 75 persons per acre (excluding acreage utilized for roads, parks, commercial schools etc. a-uuuluuummuummmummumumm“quumumuuuuumn\uuuuuummmuuunuumumumuummuumuml1uummmuluummmmuuum‘ Following representations made to him by Reeve Brian Bailey. Mr. Danson arranged a meeting with members of Paul Hellyer’s department and CMHC officials with a View to securing CMHC fin- ancing. which includes an outright gram. of almost J. R. Devlin, secretary of the Richvale~Langstaff Rate- payers‘ Association has re- ceived a letter from Mr. Dan- son indicating that officials of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation look with favor on the proposal. Indications that federal funds will be provided to permit the Can-ville sewage plant to be erected (imm- stream in the vicinity of Highway ’7 have been giVen by York Centre Liberal MP Barney Danson. Federal Funds Permit Plant At Hwy. Libra? Y ; Hill: include swimming pools, out- door and indoor play areas for children, sauna baths and other adult recreational facilities. Thus, the report states “a reduction of the park standard is advocated to avoid over-sized park facili- ties". Parks are allotted at 1.25 acres per 1,000 popula- tion. “Organized outdoor sports acâ€" tivities such as softball. soccer or football games should be permitted to make use of school grounds within the area," the report notes. Four more elementary schools and another secondary school are shown for Neighborhood 2, Weldrick Road to the Maple Sideroad. Plans show four elementary schools in Neighborhood 1, be- tween Carrville and Weldrick. These would be enlargements of the two existing schools, Roselanm and Ross Doan and two new ones. As well, a high school is shown, grouped with two elementary schools and a library in a campus type ar- rangement set in parklands. The plant was originally proposed to serve only the BAIF Subdivision between Carrville and Weldrick Roads, as well as the York Central Hospital addition and adjacent Don Head Sec- ondary School. Residents of the Richvale and Langstaff area had objected to beinE‘. excluded from the services, Additional costs to move the plant downstream are expected to be in the range of $350,000. 17‘? of the total. "After a comprehensive presentation of the proposal. the officials agreed that this extension was indeed desir- able and indication was given that there was no ap- parent reason that this would not be approved,†wrote Mr. Danson. (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1968 out- For the entire development, forthe report predicts 5,426 ele- ther mentary school and 3,000 sec- ondary school pupils. [£11m mmm “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials leerty; in all things L‘harity" Semi-detached homes are ex- pected to produce 1 elementary and .26 secondary school stu- dents, which agrees with local figures. Leon Kentridge, spokesman for the consulting engineers. ad- vised in answer to a question by Planning Board Chairman Norn Garriock, that figures used in predicting school popu- lations were based on a recent survey made in Scarboro. Vaughan Twp. Board 15 Seeking Three School Sites From BAIF Vaughan Township Public School Board is asking for three additional school sites in the subdivision development pro- posed by BAIF Associates in the area north of Carrville Road. between Yonge and Bath- urst Streets. The board estimates that the first phase of the development, “They must be lower users of the pill than North York, be- cause their figures are higher,†he said. Single family homes are pre- dicted to yield .8 elementary school pupils each and .23 sec- ondary school students. These figures agree with those used by TSA 1 Markham and York Central High School Board but Vaughan Public School Board bases its predictions on from 112 to 2 pupils per single fam- ily dwelling. $36,300. Finance Chief Deputy-reeve S. J. Gadsby thought that the Markham Township Council- lor Allan Summer sparked some lively debate at the September 9 council meeting after propos- ing that the library board’s budget be reinstated by $4,300 to the Angry Debate Over Library Funds The plant proposed will provide for so-called “efflu- ent polishing†and repre- sents an advance in sewage disposal treatment which has created widespread in- terest. septic tank operation in noi only homes but schools and other institutions in the area. Mr. Danson noted in his letter “The initiative of the township was particularly commended. not only for the unique nature of the plant but because of the foresight indicated that will enable the provision of essential services for a much greater area than initially antici- pated.†pointing to trouble with It was almost an hour before the tank truck ran dry. Just before that time, an employee of the plan-t arrived on the scene, fol- lowed closely by two men Markham Road was cor- doned off by Richmond Hill Police Sunday after- noon when a broken pipe on a tank truck parked in- side the compound at the Altane Propane Plant spewâ€" ed out liquid gas, which vaporized and covered a wide area. The first call was received by the police at 3.30 pm and they im- mediately called in the town's fire department. _ While some firemen strugâ€" gled to stop the flow of gas. others washed down the liquid and vaporized gas, and others knocked on doors in the neighborhood. warning people not to light a match and those closest to 1 area Third Propane Leak In Past Year Continued on Page 19) This highlights the bene the plant to leave the original estimate of mmmumulluuumumnmuuuuumulmm\luulmuuuuunuumummmmmmummmunuuumuuumulu‘ Mansbridge Protests Again Under the proposal Carrville Sideroad will be widened to 120 feet and Weldrick Road to 66 feet. This would mean that the Roselawn setback would be lessened by 54 feet. It is also proposed that the eastern boun- dary of the land at Roselawn would be diminished in order to extend Avenue Road north- ward. The board requires a mini- mum of 10 acres for each new school site with each of the present sites increased to 10 acres. Trustees asked that con- sideration be given for provis- ion of educational facilities ad- jacent to other community in- stitutions such as secondary and separate schools, libraries and recreational areas. which surrounds both the Rose- lawn Senior School and the Ross Doan Public School, will create 1,100 additional elem- entary school pupils. The board also asks provis-ifor the†ion for a separate option tOLthe road purchase on the individual‘However sites in accordance with the‘councmc board’s policy adopted in lQGlHSecond N This policy is that the original:â€"â€"â€"7 cost of the land to the sub- divider (reported to be $3.100 to $3.300 per acre) plus taxes and reasonable interest for a period not exceeding three years from date of purchase be the maximum price to be used in negotiating for school sites. The board also requests that the developers provide the nec- essary land for the proposed extension of Avenue Road ad- jacent to Roselawn School en- tirely from their holdings. These recommendations have been submitted to the tmmship planning board; Speaking in support of the proposal, Councillor Anthony Roman argued, “This is the ï¬rst The options will be for 24 months, subject to renewal for a further period if conditions warrant. request was one for the finance committee to consider. “Coun- cil had reasons for cutting the budget (to $33,000) in the ï¬rst place. It should go to the fin- ance committee to find out if we're able to do this,†he said. area is 1m trunk sewer utilized. Reeve Bailey points out that ,the 16%% “forgiveness clause" in the CMHC loan will amount to almost exâ€" actly the $350,000 cost of the additional trunk sewer main which will be required if the plant is moved downstream. If the plant is abandoned when and if the Ontario Water Resources Commisâ€" sion‘s plan for the merail area is implemented. this trunk sewer would still he all levels of government," concluded Mr. Danson. "The federal government recog- nizes its responsibilities in helping to provide the es- sential serVices which are prerequisite to increased housing starts." fits that can accrue from close co-operation between “l. for one, am not satisâ€" fied with their safety preâ€" cautions. We are told the Department of Energy and Resources carries out two inspections each month. What happens between these inspections? Is there laxness or are these leak- ages pure accidents? After all there have been three At about the same time, an employee of the On- tario Department of Energy and Resources a§so arrived at the plant and made an inspection. At a brief meeting of town council Monday even- ing, Councillor Ivan Mansâ€" bridge, who has consistently fought to have the plant, relocated. asked Mayor Thomas Broadhurst Why the town's police and fire bri» gade have to supervise the plant‘s safety precautions from Superior Propane, whose plant is located in Vaughan Township. 1 “The same applies to roads,†lsnapped Councillor Sumner, re- Herring to the fact that ‘council érecently approved an increase of ;$60,000 in the roads budget." “If We didn’t fix the roads] those situations where you wouldn’t be able to get to there is a clear need or the library,†Deputy-reeve GadS-J problem.†by added pointedly. I “Women make up 30% of In a recorded vote, requestedithe working force in Canadian by Mr. Sumner, the proposalfcities,†Rev. Jackson pointed was defeated three-two. Votingl‘out to council, “and the dep- in favor were Mr. Sumner and?uty-minister of labor has Mr. Roman. {stated that our economy would Mr. Gadsby said he was vet-{slump if women were taken out ing “nay, with reservations"."of it. This is an increasing and Asked heatedly by Mr. Sumnerlirreversible trend.†pcluuwlcu III III“ UGBC auu two driveways be approved within 435’ of each other. The firm has already re- ceived approval of the De- partment of Highways for the two entrances onto Highway 7. Evidently still rankling at theitake†of living with others,| defeat of his original proposalvlearns to do things himself and Mr. Sumner at this point moved;has his abilities and potential- that Bylaw 2405, providingiities developed through the use for the increase of $60,000 in of creative toys and activities; the roads budget be rescinded. The nursery would provide? However, none of the otherlassistanee not only to welfare: councillors were prepared toIt‘amilies but to sole support! Second the motlon- Iparents, families who need re-iuuumumuumumnmuummunnmmuunnmumuuuuunmm Mr. Gadsby said he was vot- ing “nay, with reservations". Asked heatedly by Mr. Sumner to say “yea or nay out loud," Mr. Gadsby replied in loud voice “yea or nay.†The deputy-reeve then pro- posed a motion that the ques- tion of an increase in the lib- rary budget be referred to the finance committee. The motion was carried. “Not entirely,†retorted the reeve. He said that winter con- trol measures on roads meant that no one could be sure how much money would be needed for roads. Reeve Stewart Rumble disa- greed: “Council_ should have been able to make up its mind at the first of the year.†year the library board is in really full swing. We weren’t sure of the amount of money that would be needed to operate an A1 library system in Markâ€" ham Township.†“It’s time we took ac- tion on this very serious matter,†Mr. Mansbridge told council. major leakages at the plant in less than a year," charg- ed the irate councillor. When he was told that the Department of Energy and Resources was carrying out an investigation and would have a, report for council later this week. Mr. Mansbridge asked, “How many reports do we need? Do we have to wait for an explosion to happen before we take action? We were lucky this one happened on (a Sunday afternoon. It could just as well have been Monday morning with children on their way to the school across the road." Mr. Mansbridge also ques- tioned the seriousness with which Altane takes these leakages, “when they talk about $250,000 for relocat- PUBLES Dr. Cameron Cowan made a triumphant return to e pitch â€" Saturday as he fired the opening ball which 11 Minor Ball Association Wind-up tournament at the t Incidentally, the batter missed the ball. Dr. Cowan and the late Bing Lew were instrumental HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 The day nursery it was stressed, would see that child- ren are competently cared for while their mothers work. Good care is not the only benefit to the child‘ however. At a day nursery the child learns to deal confidently with other adults and children, the “give and take†of living with others, learns to do things himself and Approval in principle was given to the operation of a day nursery in the former White Nursing Home at Elmwood and Yonge Streets. This would pro- vide complete day care for two to five year old children of working mothers. A brief. outlining the pro-i As (well, the brief noted, the posal. the end result of 18‘day care service could permit months of work and study; \vasiprofessional persons to work presented to council by four‘whose services are needed in members of Richmond Hill and the community. It was noted District Social Planning Coun~ that the study of the problem cil. David Porter, Neil Mann, (Continued on page 3) ‘ Rev. Fred Jackson and Mrsl Margaret McLean‘ 3 Of the total estimated operâ€" ating costs of $40,815,‘the sum of $23,750 would be provided by fees paid by parents, leav- ing the sum of $17,065 to be made up by grants. The prop vinciall government would pay 80% of this, $13552, leaving a subsidy of $3,413 to be pro- vided by the municipality. 80% of this, $13,652, leaving' A large delegation of Rich- a subsidy of $3,413 to be pro- vale-Langstaff residents ap- vided by the municipality. neared at the September 10 While not intended only for meeting of Vaughan Township welfare families, it was pointed Council concerning the location out that the provision of day of the new sewage plant which care for preschool childrenlis to be built to serve the BAIF could make it possible for alSubdivision at Carrville Road mother on welfare to become and Yonge Street. self-supporting and the centre J. Russell Devlin read to could thus produce a reduction' in welfare costs to the munic-llllllllllllllllillll\lllllllllllllll“\lmllllllllll\I\lilll“lllllllllllllllllllllllll ipalit)’. , 1 DIN" Ifnrlnltnn The proposed budget indi- cates 20 children accommo- dated at'the top fee of $15 per week, 2Q at the rate of $8 weekly and 10 at a token fee of $150 Weekly. 3 . The brief stressed hdw- ever, that the primary pur- pose of the day care cen- tre is “to prevent the dis- integration) of family life and to offer security and attention to children in 1 those situations where i there is a clear need or 1 problem.†“Women make up 30% ofv‘ 80% Provincial Grant Aids Working Mothers A home which for many years heard the tread of only the elderly and infirm will echo instead 170 the dancing feet and happy voices of 50 pre-schoolers following a decision of Richmond Hill Council Mon- day night. I He Swings, He Misses! habilitation due to marital strife, emotional upset, drug or galcohol addiction. etc; famil- oies where one parent is com- ipleting education, families of ‘low income where two incomes ‘are required for an adequate :standard of living. ' As (well, the brief noted, the Vaughan Can Get Metro Water So Plant Could Serve Richvale Bylaw 2961 provides that no driveways in the area shall be closer than 650 feet of each other but council accepted a recommendation of its planning and build- ing committee September 10 that an exception be permitted in this case and two driveways be approved within 435’ of each other. The firm has already re- ceived approval of the De- partment of Highways for the two entrances onto Highway 7. Plan Vaughan Industrial Centre The 10 acre parcel is owned by J.D.S. Invest- ments Limited and they propose to erect two build- ings each containing some 50,000 square feet of floor area with a pedestrian mall located between the two buildings. Driveways will give access to parking areas and loading ramps near the easterly and westerly boundaries of the property. Most recent addition pro. posed for Vaughan Town- ship‘s Keele Street indus- trial area is an industrial centre composed of two buildings to be located on Highway 7, some 600 feet east of Keele Street. ll e pitching mound -- albeit for just Lunched the second annual; Richmond 'n park. mg anc 14 )r ball r0. A study will also be made of the costs to serve the BAIF Subdivision based on future connections to Maple and Duf- ferin Street and Bayview Ave- nue reservoirs and their distri- bution system. At the ratepayers’ meeting September ’4, it had been ex- plained that the cabinet order approving the plant had stipu- lated that it serve only the new 400-acre subdivision, York Central Hospital and Don Head Secondary SchooL It was also advised that the original re- quest had been for only a 1.4 million gallons per day plant because that was the amount of water available in the area. However, at the Septem- ber 10 council meeting, a works committee report noted that the township en- gineer met with Metro Works Department staff in August and it was indicated that a supply of water from Metro could be available. This would come from the Keele Street Reservoir ini- tially. Council agreed to have Dun- can Hopper & Associates pre- pare a feasibility study based on present and future require- ments of the township. \l11m“\\“lll\\lll\llll“llllll\l\ll\\llllll1\\\\\lllllllllll\\l\l\\ll\\\\l“WW council the resolution passed at the previous week’s meeting held at Charles Howitt Public School and attended by close to 400 people resident in the area. llll“lllllll“m|“ll!\l\ll\ll\lll\\l\\(fl\llllllill!\llll\\llll\\l\lNull“ll“!!! It asked that any sewage plant for the district be built south of Garden Avenue so that the presently built up area of Richvale and Langstaff could eventually be served by the plant and that it be built of sufficient size to accommodate this larger area. In the interest: of im- proving the local bus ser- vice, town employees will be polling users of the ser- vice next week. The transportation com- mittee of Richmond Hill Council is interested in re- ceiving suggestions from people who ride the local buses as to how the service can best serve them. They are appealing to these cit- izens to give as much in- formation as possible to the men who will be carry- ing out the survey, which will begin Monday morning and continue through to Saturday. They will be interested in knowing why you use the bus and how often you use it. as well as your sug- gestions for improvement. Have You Any Suggestions? (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) rolling in tho SportszPage. PER COPY 10¢