Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Sep 1968, p. 22

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White and yellow mums More a matching hat. chain- formed a prett)r background in pagne accessories and a col-sage Newtonbrook United Clllll‘c]1.*oftangorine roses, Willowdale. September 14 at 1‘ Mrs. Clubb wore a turquoise Pm when Susan Louise A1181“- silk and lace frock. a turquoise daughter 0f Ml‘- and MIR T- R- feathered hat. black accessor- Allan. became the bride 0f ics and a corsage of white car- David Paul Clubb. son of Mlllnations. and Mrs- R H- Clubb, all 0f: For the honeymoon trip to Thornhill. ‘Clearwater Beach. Florida. the Re\'. Donald Prat-t performedtbride wore a lemon yellow and the ceremonv and Howard Le-‘white linen fitted coat and ROY “as at. the organ. frock, white accessories and 3 Given in marriage by hel‘icorsage of white and yellow father, the bride “'01? a f1001‘ carnations. On their return the length white SWiSS appliqued couple will reside in Willow- satin gown fashioned on prin- dale. cess lines with a round neckline * >i< * * and short sleeves. Her long Mistelbarher- veil of tulle illusion appliqued with flowers fell from a crystali H annaf 0rd crown and she carried a cas-I Following the ceremony an evening party was held in the adjoining gardens of the Perc- ivals and Miss Helen Coleman. the bride’s aunt. The bride and groom are both graduates of Tliornhill Secondary School and the Uni-- versity of Toronto. They have returned to the university where the bride has entered the School of Social Work and the groom is doing post-grad- uate work in East Asian studies. A wedding of Thornhill inter- est took place August 30 at the old city hall. Toronto. when Cathie Margaret Percival be- came the bride of Edward (Ted) Bruce McGhee. A ‘ , Cathie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Percival, Elgin Street, and Ted is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas McGhee, Centre Street. Thorn- hill. dueluu-luw Miss Gayle Hannaford was maid of honor for her sister Discount (leaflets and the bridal attendants were - - :VMiss Judi Tribner and Miss; “? 1:11:11???“ “Him! 82:13?! {Elise Mistelbacher, sister of the" groom. They wore peau det soie sleeveless frocks fashion-i NOTICE TO CREDITORS ed on empire lines with fA-iine; skirts and back panels aling In thfgtszllififliicbar d into short trains. The maid of i honor wore turquoise and car-i Walter Chenery, deceased ried a cascade of white baby? All persons having claims 38-imums tipped with turquoise.‘ ainst the Estate of RICHARDiThe attendants were gowned in WALTER CHENERY. late ofirose pink and aqua and carried 34 Garden Avenue. Thornhill, cascades of white baby mums Ontario, who died on or about tipped with pink and aqua. the 20111 day 0{ June, 1953. are They wore matching floral hereby notified to send partic- wreaths in their hair. nlars of same 10 the under- James Sandilands was best Signed on or before the 30th man and the ushers were Mich- day of September. 1968. after ael Hawker. Richard Wall and which date the Estate ““1 be John Hannaford, brother of the distributed, with regard only to bride. the claims of which the under- Following the ceremony a signed shall then have notice.‘reception was held at the home and the undersigned will not be of the bride’s parents, Thorn- liable to any person of whosejbank Road. where Mrs. Hanna- claim he shall not then liaveiford received wearing a pastel notice. ‘blue brocade ensemble. :1 match- DATED at Willowdale‘ On~ tario, this 6th day of Septem- ber, 1968. TANNEY 8: BAKER, Barristers & Solicitors. 42 Sheppard Avenue East, Willowdale, Ontario, Solicitors for the Adminis- tratrix of the Estate. Percival - McGhee “\“lllllll\ll\\l\l\lll\lll\\\l\\\\lll\l\l1“lll\lllllll|\\llll\l\llll\l\“lll\\T‘lll Save (1 Bundle . . would like to call on you with ‘housewarming gifts’ and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL .1“ka“MM“MMMNYIMM“ll\\\\\§i\l\m\\\\\\\ll QUALITY CLEANING AT DISCOUNT PRICES Repairs & Alferations Call Mrs. Ralph Harley 883-3313 (‘lubb - Allan WELCOME SE RVI CE Thornhill’s Own . . . THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday lines with high round necklines| The bride‘s attendants were. at the front and loose panelsiher sisters. Miss Marion Gar-l falling from square cut neck-{nett as maid of honor. and Miss‘ lines at the back. They wore‘ICathy Garnett as junior bridesJ matching green headpieces with'maid. They wore floor length short veils and carried semi- white clotted organza over peau‘ cascades of bronze and yellow;de soie gowns banded at thci mums. iwaistline with shocking pink‘ James Wilson was best man3sashes. The gowns were lash-t for Mr. Clubb and the ushersfioned with fitted bodices. full were Peter Clubb and Andre\\';skirts and cap sleeves. They Allan, brothers of the bride and‘wore matching close fitting caps‘ groom. ‘and carried nosegays of mauvel Following the ceremony 21 re- and white candy tuft. single ception was held at the home of asters, baby‘s breath and spirea. the bride’s parents, Franklin‘ Tony Peckham of Don Mills‘ Avenue, where Mrs. Allan l'e-hvas best man for Mr. McDiar-1 ceived wearing a shantung and‘mid and the ushers were Brian lace frock fashioned on straighLPatchett and Tom Garnett, bro- lines with a champagne lace bodice and tangerine skirt. She xwore a matching hat, cham- pagne accessories and a corsage of tangerine roses. Mrs. Clubb wore a turquoise silk and lace frock, a turquoise feathered hat. black accessor- ies and a corsage of white car- nations. For the honeymoon trip to Clearwater Beach. Florida, the bride wore a lemon yellow and ther of the bride. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the Old Mill Restaurant, Toronto. Mrs. Garnett wore a pastel pink silk ensemble, 3 flowered lie-ad- ipiece of mauve fresh flowers and pink accessories. Mrs. {Jackson wore a sapphire blue silk ensemble, a feathered hat ’in various shades of blue, matching accessories and a cor- sage oi mauve asters. ' Miss Barbara Wesley was maid of honor and Miss Lynn Osmond was bridesmaid Miss Jane Allan, sister of the bride, was‘ junior bridesmaid The attendants were gowned alike in floor length lime green gowns fashioned on p1incess lines with high lound necklines at the fiont and loose panels falling from squaie cut neck- lines at the back. They wore matching gieen headpieees with short veils and cariied semi- cascades of b1onze and yellow mums. Mrs. Clubb wore a turquoise silk and lace frock, a turquoise feathered hat. black accessor- ies and a corsage of white car- nations. The marriage of Cheryl Jean Hannai‘ord, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hannaford of Thornhill, to Richard Kenneth Mistelbacher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mistelbacher of Wil- lowdale, took place September 14 at 3 pm in the Presbyterian Church. 'D1'. Dillwyn Evans performed the ceremony against a back- ground of yellow and pink glad- ioli. Franz Loesgen was at the organ. The bride, given in marriage} by her father, wore a floor length gown of white satin fashioned on Aâ€"lines with a chapel train trimmed with lace falling from a satin bow just jbelow the shoulders. The fitted lbodice had a mandarin collar \of heavy lace and long full isleeves banded with wide lace :cuffs. Her shoulder length ’veil fell from a lace pillbox headpiece and she carried a ‘cascade of white gladioli with red centres. , Following the ceremony a lreception was held at the home ‘-0f the bride’s parents, Thorn- !bank Road, where Mrs. Hanna- ;ford received wearing a pastel, Iblue brocade ensemble, 3 match- ing floral headpiece, silk-white: Iaccessories and a corsage ofi white roses and carnations. Mrs.‘ Mistelbacher wore a raspberry! quilted silk ensemble, a match- ing hat, black accessories and| 4a corsage of white roses and‘ [carnations ’ For the honeymoon trip to Northern Ontario the bride wore an apricot wool fitted coat over a white wool sheath trimmed with wool lace and velvet ribbon, matching acces- sories and a white orchid cor- sage. On their return the couple will reside in Willow- dale. The bride is a graduate of Thornhill Secondary School and attended Western Univers- ity. The groom is in his final year at York University where he is studying for a degree in economics. St. Clement‘s Anglican Church, Toronto. was the scene of a pretty fall wedding Sep- tember 14 at 12 pm when Bar- bara Garnett, daughter of Mrs. Evelyn Garnett of Willowdale and the late Lloyd Garnett. be- ‘came the bride of Scott Alex- ‘ander McDiarmid. son of Mrs. Thomas Jackson. Mill Road. Thornhill, and Evan S. McDiar- lmid of Toronto. Church, Toronto. was the scene Bl‘ampton_ Trenton. Oshawa. of a pretty fall wedding sep-‘Woodbridge and Markham. tember 14 at 12 pm when Bar-v The bride was entertained at bara Garnett, daughter of Mrs.‘ShO\\'el‘S prior to her wedding Evelyn Garnett of Willowdale‘by Mrs. T. J. MacGregor and and the late Lloyd Garnett. be- Miss Patricia Mac-Gregor of To- came the bride of Scott Alexq‘onto. Mrs. A. Flow and Mrs. ander McDiarmid, son of Mrs. M- LOUdOn 0f Thornhill and Thomas Jackson, Min Road, Toronto and Mrs. G. Jack of Thornhill. and Evan S. McDiar- OShaWa and Mrs. A. Jack of mid of Toronto. Willowdale. Entertaining at Canon L. s, Garnsworthy teas were the groom’s mother performed the ceremony against and SiStel‘ in Thornhill and the a background of purple and bride's mother in Ottawa. The mauVe asters and gladioli. bride's teaching associates en- Maurice White was at the or- tertained at a presentation gan. ipagty. Given in marriage by her brother. William Garnett. the bride wore a floor length white dotted organza over peau de soie gown fashioned \\ith a gat ‘ed skirt banded at the wai. line with a shell pink sash. McDiarmid - Garnett fashioned \\'i kirt banded a ith a shell pink Thorn/rill C cup/es Exchange V0 w: London. ; Mi. Klassen described the; Out of tonn guests attended college as a conservative, liib-‘ ’from London St. Ma1ys Ot- e1‘a1 arts college." He said it‘ tana and Hamilton 1“ as in its second yeai of oper- l 1ation and \iould (ommence i Short_ Waddell icoui‘ses September 16 in arts and selences. . Glebe United Church, Otta-E He invited a representative wa, was the scene of a summer of council to attend the rally, wedding August 10 when Maryiat which, he said, it was hoped Elizabeth Waddell, daughter Oflto have representatives of the Mr. and Mrs. P. Kenneth Wad-Ifederal and provincial governâ€" dell of Ottawa, became the ments, the Department of Un- bride of Leonard Paul Shortiiversity Affairs and the De- son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard partment of Education. R_. Short of Jane Street, Thorn- The purpose of the rally was hill. to show “the purposes, aims Dr. W. G. Berry pei‘fmmed and philosophy” of the college, "gthe ceremony and Mrs. George IVIr Klassen said LiPiers was at the organ. John‘ He introduced the president, ”Pickner was trumpet soloist for‘iRev. Elmer McVety, MA, who L‘the'. processional mal‘Ch and‘said that the college was “an during the Slgmng of the reg-iinterdenominational institution ‘ister. fbut not a theological college.” For the honeymoon trip to Bermuda the bride wore a white wool gabardine frock and matching coat, tan accessories and a corsage of tangerine sweetheart roses. On their re- turn the couple will reside in Toronto. Both ‘ tended School. ate of London. Piers was at the organ. Jolini1 He introduced the president, Pickner was trumpet soloist forge“ Elmer McVety, MA, who the processional march and‘said that the college was “an during the signing 0f the reg-iinterdenominational institution ister. Tbut not a theological college.” The bride given in marriage There were 63-students at by her fathel: wore a bllISh‘the institution last year (it was pink Italian silk £1001 length then located at the foimer gonn fashioned on A-lines witlnsmau arms plant building on a chapel tlain falling from the- Lakeshore Boulevard) and this \iaistline and an empiie bodice 3931 “we would expect close trimmed with Guipure lace andito 125-150 students in day and seed pearls. She wore a shoulâ€" night courses,” Rev. McVety der length veil of pink illusion told councillors. and carried a red duchess rose Questioned by councillors, with small pink roses attached he explained that Richmond to red velvet streamers. College was an independent in- and carried a red duchess rose Questioned by councillorsi with small pink roses attached he explained that Richmond‘ to 1‘8d VBIVEt streamers. College was an independent in-; Mrs- Donald Beavis, sister 0f stitution not affiliated with any‘ the bride, was matron 0f honor other universities and that its and the attendants were Miss original charter goes back to Nancy Short, sister of the Manitoba. “We are working out groom, and MiSS Gail Kaiser. our equivalents with other uniâ€" Miss Anne Beavis. the bride’S;ve1-sities." niece, “'35 flower girl. At the moment the college The attendants were gowned offered only courses towards alike in floor length Swiss cot- BA degrees but would “hope ton shantung gowns in carna- to Offer B.Sc. courses as well.” tion red fashioned on sheath Entry standard was grade 13 lines With high .VOKE‘S and but mature students over 23 jewel necklines. They “'Ol‘ewho .L-ould pass the college en- pink stephanotis in their hair trance examination, would also and carried duchess roses in be admitted, Revl McVety dis- corina pink with pink Slephan‘iclosed. “We have beeh assured otis attached '60‘ pink "ElVetlby other universities that if our streamers. " ’ The flower girl wore a pink headband with pink stephanotis and carried a small duchess rose. Michael Loudon of Toronto E2 was best man and the ushersé< wele Fled Wiessegal of Ottawa (1 and Dr. W. G.Wadde11, b1otl1e1 g of the bride. . Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Ol- tau’a Hunt. Golf and Country Club. Mrs. Waddell wore a turquoise silk shantung ensem- ble. 3 matching Miline hat trimmed with beads. bone ac- cessories and a deep blue orchid corsage. \ \“v ‘ \‘ \«mmmfv-v, MW Mrs. Short wore a willow $2 green summer brocade ensemâ€" g ble, a matching Miline hatia trimmed with velvet, matching accessories and a gardenia and e e . . ! wlnte carnation corsage. < For the going away trip tog: Jamaica and Grand Cayman‘ the bride wore a sunny orange linen ensemble, a matching wide brimmed hat and white ac- cessories. The couple are no“ residing in Toronto. Out of town guests attended from Toronto, Windsor. Que- bec. Vancouver. Belleville. Brampton. Trenton. Oshawa. Woodbridge and Markham. The bride is a graduate of Queen‘s University. Kingston. and the groom graduated from the University of Toronto in mechanical engineering He is prere‘fi‘y \“orking toward a 11a Sept. 1 e 31 the bride and groom at- Thornhill Secondary The groom is a gradu- Western University. 1968 at un its gi- muuuum“qu11“lmuummnumun“mumum\mmmmml\1\m\\\\mu\umnummmuuununmmmumuunmuuu“muummmummummummuuummumumunu\u\lmmuummmxmuunumnmuuuumm Rally In Markham Arena Sept. 22 To Inform Public On New College A public rally will be held September 22 at 3 pm in Mark- ham arena to mark the estab- lishment of Richmond College in the premises of the old Mil- liken Public School, at Steeles Avenue and Kennedy Road the college’s director of develop- ment W. J. Klassen, told Mark- ham Township Council at its September 9 meeting. The twoâ€"room Milliken school was bought in June by sponsors of Richmond College for $45,000. s~ummtmummummuu“mun“uuuummlnunmmumnmmmumtml\mmummunummummunuummmumun1mmummnuuuuuuumuummmmmmmumummuum u\ununmulumuunw~umuuummmmmmumunml1mmuummummuunmmun\\mmImun\\uuul\Imuuuuumummum“mu\uummuuu\\\l-1= Total enrolment in Vaug- han Township Public Schools on September 6 was 3,560 pupils, compared with 3,415 on the last school day in June. Ninety-seven new pupils came from Markham TSA 2. making the normal increase 48 pupils. Superin- tendent Russell MacDonald reported at the board meet- ing September 12. Fifty-nine of the pupils from Markham TSA 2 are resident in the Loyal True Blue & Orange Home. Seventy-eight of the 97 are accommodated in grades 1â€"6 at Jefferson School. 12 are in grades 7 and 8 in Rose- lawn Senior School and seven in kindergarten at Ross Dean School. The township public schools have 128 classrooms in ope1ation.includihg 115 1egu1a1 giades. seven kinder- gartens and six special classes. The instructional staff in- cludes: 12 principals, four vice-principals, nine super- visors, 130 full-time teachers “mmvy ( LTBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 Vaughan Enrolment Up 145â€"97 From Markham A course of weekly classes beginning in Rich- mond Hill 8 October, 1968, and Newmarket. 10 October. 1968. at 7:30 p.m., in hygiene of preg- nancy, how baby grows, food for the family, feeding the baby, the hospital stay, and other subjects of importance to the expectant mother. Fathers are invited to attend the first and eighth classes. Registrations now being accepted at YORK OSHAWA DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT Richmond Hill. 129 Church Street South 884-1133 Newmarket, 22 Prospect Street 895-4511 Stouffville. Main Street 640-1334 Sutton. High Street 722-3371 Expectant Mothers Prenatal Classes ‘ It lists the chancellor as John Wesley White, PhD, associate evangelist of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Listed on the board of directors are Robert Thompson, former Soc- ial Credit leader and now a Conservative MP for Red Deer, Alberta, and Phillip Gagliardi, MLA, former Minister of Highâ€" ‘ways in British Columbia. 1M1‘. ‘Gagliardi obtained some public- for students are taught by qualified staff, and if they can do the work, they will have no diffi- culty in being accepted into other graduate schools," he added. Fees were about $500 as against $550 charged by the University of Toronto, he re- vealed. The college obtained no pro- vincial grants, but “we antici- pate when we can demonstrate we have reached a stage of ma- turity, we will be worthy of grants," Rev. McVety said. The Richmond College pros- pectus which opens with the sentence, “We are grateful to God for the completion of the first year . . .". states it had students in the first year from nineteen different denomina- tions, and from as far afield as India and the West Indies. of regular grades. five part- time teachers of reglflal‘ grades, three teachers of Oral French (plus the super- visor). six itinerant librar- ians and one teacher of outâ€" door education, making 3 total of 171. There are two teachers employed in each of three kindergal'tens and five sup- ernumei’ary teachers. Super- intendent MacDonald report- ed the supernumeraries have been placed in the largest schools and in schools where there are special needs. They will be used in supply teach- ing and he said he expects all will be absorbed into regular classrooms by the first of the year. There are 45 male mem- bers of the instructional staff or 26%, the superinten- dent reported. Three memâ€" bers of staff are on leave-of- absence, one serving in Europe with the Department; of National Defence and two in Northern Ontario with OLDEST AUTHORIZED DATSUN DEALERSHIP IN ONTARIO David 0f PHONE 889-8830 - 884-8134 SEE THE NEW 1969 Automobiles Ltd. 16 Industrial Rd. Richmond Hill 26% MALES IMPORT ity for his habit of getting speeding tickets and using gov- ernment aircraft for private purposes while highways min- ister. He is now just a private member.) the Department of Indian Affairs. Brian Robinson has receiv- ed his BA degree from Queen’s University and A1- lister Dorans from Western University. bringing the number of BA's earned by teaching staff members this year to four. AUDIO-VISUAL COURSE The township system‘s audio - visual supervisor. Hugh Jackson, in co-operaâ€" tion with a committee of superintendents has arranged an audio-visual in-service training program for the York South Regional Educa- tion Committee, which is al- ready underway. The pro- gram includes lectures. de- monstrations and practical work and two workshops. The course began September 10 at Bayview Secondary School with an enrolment of well over 100. More than 40 of these teachers are from Vaughan Township. CHILD STUDY A primary adjustment Under the leadership of class, composed of pupils ADULT EDUCATION EVENING CLASSES Registration will take place at each school â€"- Monday, September 23, Tuesday, Se COURSES RECEIVE BA Richmond Hill Power FEES CLASSES S. L. G. CHAPMAN, Superintendent of Secondary Schools M. J. KINNEE. Chairman, Advisory Vocational ACADEMIC SUBJECTS: Grade 13 - English, ARTS AND CRAFTS: Art (1) basic techniques (2) advanced; Oils - Advanced HOME ECONOMICS: Dressmaking - advanced; Millinery (1) beginners (2) intermediate (3) adx‘anced. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS: TECHNICAL SHOPS: Auto fo1 011119315; Auto 1'01 Mechanics; (,‘lnckmaking: E1ect1icitx 11) beginners (2) ad\a11ced;Elect1onics (1) beginnels (2) admnced: Mathine Shop; Mechankal D1afting -â€"â€" adxanced; Sheet Metal; Welding â€"â€"basic; Woodsxmking' (1) beginne1s (2) ad\ anced. SPECIAL COURSES. English f01 New Canadians (l) beginne1s (2) ad\a11ced;Con\eisational Fiench (1) beginne1s ('2) adxanced; Physical Actixities, Men; Physical Fitness and Remeaiion, Women. The following courses are for 10 weeks: Golf, Hostess Hints, Introduction to Computer Concepts, Key Punch operation, Interior Decorating - beginners, Social Dancing, Public Speaking, Effectire Reading. A Minimum Number of Fifteen is Required to Open a Class Classes will 'begin the week of September 30, 1968. Each class listed YORK CENTRAL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Grade Grade Grade Bookkeeping (1) basic (2) intermediate; Business Machines; Shorthand (l) beginners (2) advanced; Typing (1) beginners (2) advanced. Fees are payable on the night of registration. English for New Canadians $5.00 plus! Other Courses 10.00 plus.‘ For {e 12 - le 11 - [e 10 - At the BAYVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL THORNHILL SECONDARY SCHOOL WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL lglish‘ for New Canadiz'ms $5.00 plus $2.00 Registration Fee iher Courses 10.00 plus $2.00 Registration Fee Sewing, Dressmaking and English for New Canadians will be offered on a 10-week semester basis. Those who register for the Fall term in these subjects and wish to continue in the Winter term will not be required to pay the $10.00 fee in January but will pay $2.00 registration fee at that time. additional info1mation phone. York Cent1al Dist1ict High School Boa1d Office Bayview Secondary School , Thornhill Secondary School Woodbridge High School REGISTRATION: Not all courses are offered at all English, Biology. Chemistry, French. Geography, History. Mathematics Mathematics B, Physics English, Chemistry, Geogrlapiy, Histo13' Mathematics English, Geography, Histo1y, Mathematics, Physics English, Hist01y,1 Mathematics Science. time of 1egist1ation, teacheis of Guidance will be available. the assistant superintendent. a group of 15 teachers will meet alternate Wednesday evenings, beginning this week to study the problems and needs of individual stu- dents. This program will ex- tend throughout the year. In-service sessions are being conducted by the sysâ€" tems supervisors for teachers new to the staff. These take place after school and will continue through the fall term. MOVE KINDERGARTEN T\\"0 kindergarten classes have been moved from the Joseph Gibson School in Maple to the George Bailey School. The morning class is made up of children who are transported and the after- noon class is composed of 18 children living close to the Bailey School. The kinder- garten will remain under the general supervision of the principal of the Gibson School. PRIMARY ADJUSTMENT Squadron (Registration Sept. 17th only) at Richmond Hill above is for 20 weeks. Thomas Hook. who lived in London in the early 1800’s, is said to have been able to read a page of Classified ads in the London Times, then repeat them from memory. Even if you're not a memory expert, it pays to read every ad in “The Liberal" classified section regularly. Many do. which is why a Classified Ad will get quick action for you. Simply phone 884-1105 or 884-1933 for fast, courteous service MEMORIZED PAGE OF WANT ADS Illll‘lll‘l\“\\\l\\l\llll\l‘.l’ Tuesday, September 24 and Wednesday. September from 7:00 - 9.00 p.m. )mmi [tee mmuummum BAYVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL THORNHILL SECONDARY SCHOOL WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL muuuu who ha\e had learning prob- lems in grade 1, is being established at the Thornhill School. Mrs. M. Nordin, who became qualified for this special work at a summer course. will be in charge of the 12 pupils in this class. TRANSPORTATION Thirteen buses are in op- eration in the township pro- viding transportation for public school children. The board also has a lease agree- ment for a bus to serve the Burlington Outdoor Learn- ing Resource Centre and a taxi has been contracted for to provide transportation for eight children from the west- ern portion of the township to the Roselawm Senior 0p- portunity Class” Regular transportation costs are estimated at $86,- 000, an increase of $1,600 for the ten-month school year. Rental and taxi agree- mems total $6,000, making the total estimated expendi- ture for transportation, $92,- 000. MllllI\\llll\\\l\ll!\ll\l‘ll!\\\I1\\“lVl“llllll\\\\l\ll\\\\\\lll\l~3* A. C. PECK. Chairman York Central District High School Board Mondays Mondays Mondays (2) advanced; Sewing (1) beginners 01‘ schools Wednesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays HOMELITE . X142 cuts 12" logs in 10 seconds fell: tree: up to 3’in diamelu' 884-4477 884-4453 889-5453 851-2843 Ketola Power Equipment 7571 Yonge St. Get a [In demonstration today! Does dozens of woodcumng chores. Perfectly balanced for easy handling. Rugged die-cast unit stands up to hardest use. 12 lbs $33132?» Wish? 0'3” Thomhill Tel.: 889-1538 High School

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