Consideration of a cha: office hours in Markham cipality to 8.30 am to 4.‘ from the present 9 am to has been deferred until of employees' ‘geelings ha: taken. ' ' Total value in the first eight months of 1968 “‘35 $12,075,525. In the 1967 pe‘od total build- ing value was 3,650,075. Permits were issued in Aug- ust for the following commer- cial buildings: Bramalea Con- solidated Development Limited. a shopping plaza at the north- east corner of Yonge Street and Royal Orchard Boulevard. $500,000; Bay Thorn Builders Limited. five stores and apart- ments at Bay Thorn Drive and Yonge Street. 5100.000. Industrial building permits were issued to: Mani-u Realty Limited. an industrial plaza (six factory units! at Harlecli Court and North Green Laue. $250.- 000; Emerson Electric Limited. renovation of building to of~ fices, southeast corner Highway 48 and 17th Avenue, $20,000. Council authorized a deben- ture issue of $991,000 for pub- lic school purposes in TSA 2. The issue is over 20 years at 6% per cent and will be sold to the Capital Aid Corporation, a government agency. Markham Township building report for August showed the total value of building in the township in the month was $1,136,115, including an amount of $181,000 for new dwellings. The report, which was re- ceived by council September 9. showed that: the total value of building from January to Aug- ust 1968, declined 56.574550 from the value in 'the like period in 1967. Both the schools are two~ room schools no longer in use. The township council approvâ€" ed both moves at its meeting September 9. ‘ The Box Grove School on Concession 9 will be purchased for $18,900 by Markham Toxmâ€" ship for a community centre. The Mount Joy School. near Markham Village. will be bought jointly by Markham Township and Markham Village for $25,000 for conversion into I museum. Because of this policy, transâ€" portation is also required for {our children living on Yonge Street north of the Elgin Millsf Sideroad _East. Superintendenti Gordon McIntyre reported the! most economical way to trans-l port these four chlidren would: be by taxi. From Januaryâ€"June‘ the children from this area were transported to schools in Markham TSA 2 and the town! board paid tuition fees of i $2,000. Mr. McIntyre estimated costs of transportation at $450.! TRANSPORTATION In accord with its transportaâ€" tion policy the board has agreed to provide transportation for eight children on Bayview Ave- nue north of Elgin Mills Road. Arrangements for transporta- tion to Beverley Acres and Crosby Heights Schools have been made with Mortson Bus Line. The board’s policy is to‘ provide transportation when? children would be required to} walk to school on a road where speeds in excess of 45 milesi per hour are permitted. 1 They have been replaced b,\' Mrs. Joyce Patrick. who will although working in the ad- ministration office. work the same times and observe the same holidays as a school sec- retary and be paid according to the salary schedule for that position. The second new em» ployee is Miss Mary Graziani‘ who will be employed as a‘ clerk-typist with starting salary; of $3.550. l The office staff has also been hit by resignations. Mrs. Joy Crosier resigned last May beâ€" cause her husband had been transferred to Ottawa and Mrs. Betty Lindsay has resigned be- cause her husband has been transferred to Montreal. Richmond Hill Public School Board has engaged Mrs. Norma Jean Wilkinson lnee Sandifordl as a teacher effective Septem- ber 1. She has one year and four months of successful teach- ing experience in local schools and will be teaching a class at MacKillop School originally as- signed to Mrs. J. McKinnon (nee Kay Duncan) who has re- signed on the advice of her doctor. I Need Last Minute Staff Changes - Provide Transport For I2 Pupils The open air service will be preceded by a parade from Richmond Heights Centre, which is scheduled to begin at 1:30 pm. It will include Cubs, Scouts, Rov- ers, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. mumuuuuumummumumummuuunulmumuunumlmmm 24 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 19, 1968 mummtumunmum«mummum“mmuumumuummu ; Mark/7am Council Briefs A Scouts Own service for all age groups in Scouting Ind Guiding in the north- ern area of York Summit District will be held at Crosby Park September 22 at 2:30 pm. Scouts Own Service of a change i Markham mun am to 4.30 p: n 9 am to 5 Dn HOCKEY STICKS PLUS MANY MORE OUTSTANDING BUYS Smooth, easy operation. 8‘2 x 2" barrel . . .99 HELMETS from $3.95 i - "II I I. I En5ures completer waterproof ig- ' v r nition system. Seals out moisture. lnC'UdES everything for 0 firSt-C’OSS Gives quick starts in all types of Tune-UP iObi heavy duty POintSI conden- weother. ser and rotor. 6-02. spray bomb .. . .. I unrp. vnnn Ml Mote-Master Waterproof PROTECTIVE Save safely . . . with the latest IGNITION IGNITION SPRAY Tune-Up Kn iures complete|y_ waterproof ig- ' .77 EAGH 3.19 PR. SKATES from $5.61 Now in stock! ‘5 from 59¢ Regulates worm err from furnace 4 x 10" multi shutter register, For floor, $531.13“ 1 .29 K "‘0‘ m 4‘. ’I/n-‘\\‘ Mote-Master Heavy-Duty I I'lvlv IVIUIJICI IICUUIUIIIPD Jr CCN’. 4-LAMP SYSTEM The latest in the stuckâ€"on craze. Colorful daisy de- sign; woter and weather proof. iPnkgé :ifzegs 1 I DAISY DECALS Vinyl Coated ...r.-.-.. for a ï¬rsbdosg Don’t take chances with a dangerous, leaky mufflerâ€" replace prowde the smoothest rude poss:ble. Give moxumum control, Sl’OblllT my points conden: with a Mote-Master Muffler from Canadian Tire. and ensure greater safely ONd comfort. I BIG SAVINGS FOR OTHER CARS Expert Installation 2.45 to 4.90 each (In Pairs) NOTE: YOUR NEW CAR WARRANTY REMAINS VALID WHEN YOU INSTALL MOTO-MASTER APPROVED PARTS EACH 2.83 PR. 'Grcmd-Prix’ styling at your fingertips! Walnut- grain vinyl, foam-backed. { 1 .89 1. ad]. 90†galvanized boot; straigh off; register hanger strips LACE-ON COVER :23; MUFFLER LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE AGAINST BLOW-OUT Steering Wheel BASEMENT 70 Yonge Street North, Rithmond Hill - 884-1196 Provide needed humidity Universal fit for plate type humidifiers. Long osting. 3kg. of S Updates and customizes. Quickly mounted on front or rear fender for added sofetv. Red 2.39 . . . . . . SAFETY Reflectors UNIVERSAL Self-Adhesive .. 1.19 Feature Value! ’TITLE' + Dry Mix Concrete + Dry Mix Mortar + Cold Mix Asphalt Save on . . . DO- IT-YOURSELF PACKAGED Building Materials EASY TO WORK WITH . . . JUST ADD WATER CONVENIENTLY PACKAGED IN 10, 25 AND 50 LB. BAGS Apply for a ‘GAN-GHARGE’ Gredit Gard Moteâ€"Master Ride-O-Matic Shocks feature improved volving to provide the smoothest ride possible. Give maximum control, stability and ensure greater safety and comfort. SHOCK ABSORBERS MOST : ~ 1 DANGEROUS com POPULAR ‘ ~ ‘ CARS 4% "‘ ' \‘V Mote-Master Cross-Pin and Bayonet-Type Guaranteed 30,000 Miles or 24 Months OPULAR CARS chin strap. Tough plastic face guard Youth's size. Combines high-im- pact strength with lightness. Mold. ed polyethylene in red or blue with white stripe, Adjustable, padded IO lb. bag 45¢ 25 lb. bag 90¢ 50 lb. bag $1.45 Youth’s Pro-Style HELMET y W APPLY FOR A HANDY ‘(AN-(HARGE' CREDIT ACCOUNT TODAY! A 3.49