6 \ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 26, 1968 For Sure Fire Results... Use the Want Ads in the BIG One Ever y Thursday" PHONE 884-1105-6 OR 884-1983 . To Order Want Ads 0 To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads . For Information About Want Ads. charge $1.00. wording unchanged, .7c ENGAGEMENTS, sertion Classified advertisements sh week as possible but not lat FOR SALE NEW crop plums for sale. Also Bartlett pears. 884-6367. BLACK LOAM For lawns. flowers, trees etc. 773-5412. tfc42 SWEET Com, by the bushel or .by the dozen. Apply to Camer- condition, $30. 884-4669. c1w13 °2W13 5‘ PIECE chrome kitchen. set. IRISH hand knit Aran sweater, 889-4689. on Bryson, 832-8963. brand new, man’s medium $25. 884-5759. c1w13 TGIBSON electric guitar Model TDC 350, like new. 889-3619. " nc1w13 ‘_2 MATTRESSES. double bed -size; 4 wooden kitchen chairs. 884-7895. c1w13 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, $30, also dining room suite. $125. 884-1518. ‘ ' c1w13 -GE washing machine, safety wringer, pump. $25. 884-5548. - *1w13 .PONTIAC plastic seat covers ‘for a 1963 Pontiac, never used. 884-8277. c1w13 'LARGE antique chesterfield CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .70 each word. minimum Second and subsequent insertions if COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS OF, THANKS. IN MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone - us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. tfc12 INGLIS wringer washer, $15. gardens, BOY'S bicycle. 26" wheel, good I per word, min. charge .90c. MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. $1.50 ould be in as early in the or than 9.30 am on Wednes- FOR SALE (Continued) 884-7944. c1w13 condition. . 884-3482. c1wl3 GAS RANGE, 36". very good c1w13 30-30 RIFLE, bolt action. Tv floor model. 884-4867. c1w13 21" SPARTON TV with radio, $75 cash. 889-3235. c1w13 ’65 HONDA 150, clean. 889-4193. - c1w13 GAS furnace. one year old. $100. 884-3686. c1w13 CHESTERFIELD, 4 seater. chair. dinette table..6 chairs, 4 burner gas, stove, telephone table. ' 884-8350. c1w13 CHROME kitchen suite. white enamel table with self-storing extension and 4 chairs. 884- 3115. c1w13 PIANO, electric stove, refrig- erator. R. V. Sanders, 121 ?and chair, good condition. 884- 35552. c1w13 :ELECTRIC adding mae‘h’iEE, :s75, file cabinet, as. ' 884-5575. ‘ c1w13 BARLEY STRAW ' 20 Cents a Bale. 883-1923 clw13 :1965 Suzuki 80. low mileage. ex- 'cellent condition, $110. 889- .4116. c1w13 WALNUT dining room suite, -buffet, table, chairs and tap- "tain’s chair. 884-5102. clw13 IWRECKING 1955 Pontiac T 3311 parts available. 884-2157.) c2w13 .65 HONDA ninety trail, low mileage. asking $125. 884-8037. c1w13 MAHOGANY drop-leaf dining ; room table, 2 leaves, 4 chairs. $75.00. 884-3550. c1w13 HEAVY OAK 9-pce dining room suite $65..call 884-6777. ' *1wl3 CHESTERFIELD and 831?. brown, good condition. $25. 884- 3996. c1w13 EASY dryer $60. and Norge automatic washer $45. 884- '4698. c1w13 'PIANO, upright Mason and RISCh, $150.00. Phone 884-1443. c1w13 WALNUT bedroom suite; GEâ€"C heater; GEC radio; bird cage with stand. 884-5201. I“111113 RELAXICIZOR, cost $285, best offer. Used electric typewriter. 889-2783. c1w13 BOY’S hockey equipment. age 10-12. 94 Continental bed. 884- 2722. clwlS BLACK Persian Lamb coat. full length. like new, size 16. 8275. 884-7905. c2w13 DAVENPORT and chair. 525“; baby crib. $10. 884-2946. c1w13 REMINGTON typewriter Tn good condition $50.00. 884-3467. c1w13 GENDRON baby carriage/strol- ler car bed-swing and car seat combination, good condi- tion. 884-5525. c1w13 ONE 23" Motorola, one 17" BOA TV. both in working con- dition. gas stove suitable for cottage. 888-1036. c1w13 DOUBLE mattress and box spring, broadloom rug and 9x12 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. *1w13 For REGAL CARDS & GIFTS, good quality and reaSonable, phone Hilda at 889-4328. c1w13 SINGER Sewing Centre -â€" 78 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill. 884-3775. Sales & Service. c8w13 CARPETS dyed, shampooed, in- stalled. repaired. bound and sold. Visit our carpet showroom. FOR SALE (Continued) PUMP Organ. 884-6034. clw13 BICYCLE, boy‘s, 26", good con- dition, $15. 884-2883. clwlB- RAILROAD TIES FOR SALE 889-6338 c10w13 ARIANS Snowblower. used one season only, like new, walking cab. 4 speeds ahead. 1 reverse, equipped with chains. $475. 221-2874 evenings. 466-3164 days. c1w13 BEDS. 2 single foam mattresses. one folding aluminum, bed settee, gold: bed chesterfield and chair, green; Floor and as- sorted lamps, chest of draw- ers; light mahogany cabinet; record player; ping-pong table. 889.5787. c1w13 CAMP trailer â€"â€" Emperor Prin- cess model -â€" A1 condition. mattresses, spare wheel and tire. Sleeps four â€" baggage compartment on tongue, drop leaf table. Included 7’ by 10' canopy. Evenings 884-8933. c1w13 HELP WANTED MAN wanted for Richmond Hill Arena. 884-1368. _c1w13 SPLENDID opportunity for an active housekeeper. Live in. $135 monthly. Call A-l Em- ployment Agency, 884-6944. ‘ c1w13 EARN EXTRA MONEY. Beauty Counsellors have glamorous re- munerative opportunities. un- limited territory, flexible hours. Business girls or housewives. H. Mein, 277-3374. c2w13 WANTED Ladiesto do occasional house- work. Name your own days and hours. Phone-York Domestic Service, 833-5595 or 727-5978. c1wl3 WAITRESSES for table and counter service, shift work. uni- form supplied, staff training programme, company benefits. Apply Esso Service Centre, 400 Highway. North of Maple Side- road. 832-1555. tfcll Need EXTRA help? A day, a 221-9959. c6w13 FREEZER, upright, needs re- pair, $10. Norge fridge, ideal for cottage, $5. 832-1385, af- ter 6. c1w13 DINING room suite, modern Scandinavian, table, 6 chairs and buffet, nearly new, $150. After 4 pm 889-2324. c1w13 ELECTROHOME organ. rhythm king and more extras. Cost $2.500 new. sell for $1.500. 884- 6383 after 6. clwlB {GUNS ~16 gauge double ibarrel, 12 gauge pump. cordion, 120 bass. 884-5506. c1w13 CRUSHED STONE AND LOAM 884-8557 c2w11 CHESTERFIELD $95, easement window 4’x7' $20, storm door $5, chaise lounge $5. new leath- er brief case $5. skates, ski boots, etc. 884-5759. c1w13 GIRL’S winter coat, excellent condition, size 10 to 12, $10. Also boy‘s standard bike, needs some repair. $10. 884-3616., . c1w13 FLOOR Polisher. $15; lined drapes 15'. $15: apartment table and 2 chairs. 815; antique oak sideboard. $10; 884-1928. c1w13 POOL table and accessories. 4" x 8‘ Gendron. brand new, worth $275, sell best cash and carry offer. 3368 Yonge St. HU. 8- 7911. c2w13 BUNK beds, red Maple, wagon 1 ac-l‘NOW being arranged throughout week or longer? Call: MONA ROBERTSON Temporary Placements 78A Yonge St. S. 884-6944, 9 am to 9 pm. tfc9 GOOD OPPORTUNITY to build up profitable Rawleigh business in Richmond Hill. No capital nor experience needed. Dealers selling in adjoining districts do- ing quite well. Write Rawlegh, Dept. I-351-JA. 4005 Richelieu St.. St. Henry. Montreal. 1AMWAY DISTRIBUTORSHIPS this area. Why not join the growing number of part and full time distributors in this profitable homecare business. No door to door Selling. money back guarantee. Write to Box 222 “The Liberal" for full de- tails. c1w13 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. Has openings for female ASSEMBLERS 3.30 pm. -- 12 pm. Shift premium. Company and Medical Plan . APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 280 Centre St. 13., Richmond Hill or phone. 889-7373 c1w13 SECRETARY TO SALES MANAGER Mature person with at least five years’ secretarial experience re-1 quired for Richmond Hill ofï¬ce of Wood Products Company. selling throughout North Amer- ica. Salary open. Generous fringe benefits. For appointw wheel. spring mattresses. brand new, $69.50 cash and carry. 3368 Yonge St. HU. 8-7911. c2w13 PIANO. Heintzman upright, ex- cellent tone. $75. weekdays after 6 p.m.. Thursdays, and any time week- ends. 884-6261 OFFICIAL HOSTESS to visit except homes of Newcomers, Newly- ClW13 them ‘housewarming gifts’ and [BLUE winter coat with mink local information. while extend-- ment call R. L. Craig. 884-1122. Weyerhaeus'er Canada Limited. c1wl3 Thornhill & Richmond Hill L A D I E S weds, and New Babies. bringing HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) ACTIVE pensioner as caretaker for St. Gabriel's Church. Crosby and BayView. 884-7969. nc2wl2 SIGN SHOP HELPER NEED- ED. STEADY WORK. 889- 1720. c1w13 SHORT ORDER COOK and part time waitress for Pop‘s Tavern. 884-2752. c4wl3 SWITCHBOARD typist 25-4‘0 years of age. personable type. 889-4833. c1w13 4th class engineer. shift work. oil fired. Phone Chief Engineer, 889-1135. c2w13 GIRL for small office. good typing ability, shorthand essen- tial. full time. 889-7764. c1w13 BOOKKEEPER required for Buttonville Airport. experience necessary. 297-1422. c1w13 EXPERIENCED Waitresses for Galaxy Restaurant. full and part time. Call 884-6531. c1w13 OPPORTUNITY for mechanic- ally minded young man to learn a specialized line of equipment. 832-2322 after 6 pm. c1w13 CLEANING woman. 1 day a week, 9 to 3, $10 with lunch. oWn transportation. 889-7181. » c1w13 4 girls for factory work. good starting wages. Filtration Pro- ducts, 65 Duncan Road, Rich- vale. c2w12 CARETAKER for Victoria Square United Church. Contact Mr. H. Mortson, 887-5513. tfc12 EXPERIENCED ., upholsterer. full or part time. Apply Peter’s Upholstery. 47 Industrial Road, phone 884-2189, 223-0709. c1w13 GIRL for general office, work: typing, filing. etc. Apply Speed- ex Mfg. Ltd. 385 Ohio Rd., Richmond Hill. 889-7549. 02w13 SALESLADY part-time night and weekends. no experience, middle-age considered. Bay- view Variety, ,Bayview Plaza. 884-3417. c1w13 RICHMOND HILL factory re- quires a woman for wiring and soldering. experience an asset, but not essential. 884-5772. c1w13 ._.___.. Richmond Hill RELIABLE lady (over 30) for general clerical duties in small meat packing plant. 830-5, 5- day week. 889-4816. c1w13 HAIRDRESSER Experienced only, enlarging our staff. top wage and commission. Village Coiffure. 59 Yonge St. S. 884-2321. c1w12 DICTA-TYPIST needed to do a wide variety of jobs. State experience and phone number in reply to Box 219 “The Lib- eral". ' ‘ c2w12 GIRLS and boys earn your Christmas money â€" Globe and Mail routes available, west and south side of Richmond Hill. 884-4977. c3w11 MASTER electrician, full or- part time. Knowledge of car- pentry and or plumbing an asset. Travel time paid. Call Modern Hydromechanics, 889- 5005 Thornhill. c1w13 TIRE Man. experienced prefer- red. Good working conditions and fringe benefits. Apply to Service Manager, Canadian Tire Store. 70 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. c1w13 CASHIER, experienced. perman- ent. full time. Good wages for responsible person. Apply Mrs. Nement, Canadian Tire Store. 70 Yonge Street North, Rich- mond Hill. c1w13 RICHMOND HILL Part time sales ladies required immediately, no experience necessary, good starting rate. Apply Cadet Cleaners. Friday. 1-2 pm, 36 Levendale Road. c1w13 FARM SALESMAN David McLean Ltd. Realtors. have an opening for 1 experi- enced real estate salesman to (Continued) CARPENTER. Must have chauffeur‘s licence. 889-6161. c2w12 FUEL oil driver for winter months. Phone 889-1942. tfc12 CARRIER “The Liberal†requires a re- sponsible boy or girl for an es- tablished paper route in the Lancer Drive area of Maple. Phone Glen Pratt. Carrier Cir- culation at 884-1105. nc3wl3 RESPONSIBLE woman for motherless home to take care of 2 children (6 and 3 years) and household. Live in. Ample time off can be arranged. Thornhill. Call Mr. Baigent. 889-2560 after 7 pm. c2w12 DISHWASHER Dish machine operator mic or female, full or part time. Whites supplied. shift work. Esso Ser- vice Centre, 400 Highway North of Maple Sideroad. 832-1555. tfc12 WAREHOUSEMAN Required. energetic man with a clear mind looking .for steady work. rotating shifts. excellent benefits in a go-ahead comp- any. Call F. Moynes, 889-7331, Union Carbide, 8100 Keele St. Maple. c1w13 CARRIER "The Liberal" requires a re- sponsible carrier boy or girl for an established paper route in the Naughton-Brookside Drive area of Elgin Mills. Phone Glen Pratt,‘ carrier circulation. 884- 1105. nc3w12 YOUNG man wanted for train- ing on research animal farm, permanent position. non- smoker, only hard working per- son with interest in advance- ment need apply. Phone 384- 2580, High Oak Ranch Ltd. clw12 CARRIER “The Liberal†requires a re- sponsible boy or girl for an es- tablished paper route in the Naughton Drive area of Elgin Mills. Phone Glen Pratt, Car- rier Circulation at 884-1105. nc3w13 STUDENTS in accounts, third or fourth year. Positions offer constructive responsibility, par- ticularly for individuals inter- ested in remaining in practise following graduation. Apply in writing to Leonard R. Rosen- berg and Associates, Chartered Accountants, P.0. Box 95, Aur- ora. c2w13 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have two openings for sales- men to join our Thornhill of- fice. Complete training pro- gram. Top commission paid. For confidential interviw call Mr. Keffer 889-8181. HAROLD KEFFER LTD., REALTOR c1w13 PART TIME BOOKKEEPER female preferred, with dealer- ship or service station exper- ience. FULL AND PART TIME SERVICE STATION island attendants. Must be ex- perienced. SHIFT BOSS to handle the evening shift. We offer salary plus bonus. BOB DONALD ESSO 9700 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL 884-8011 III-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE Personnel Placement Agency DICTA AND COPY TYPIST technical typing for engineers. some switchboard relief. TYPIST with good speed, able to speak and write German and English. Pleasant telephone manner. Own transportation. YOUNG MAN for junior office position. good typist and aptitude for-figures. Contact: H. Elkins 1% Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill, Ont. clwl3' CLEANING home and office. 884-2433. Day or night. tfc36 WALL WASHIN‘G" Day or night. 884-2433. tch MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. 884-2798. tfc GENERAL carpentry, recrea- tion rooms. kitchens and re- pairs. 884-2505. c2w12 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 8; SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 Personal. Commercial and Fine Art. Quality assured. 889-5205. tfc8 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc35 E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l MASONRY CONTRACTOR. Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S. Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CALL us for your sand. gravel, fill, top soil and limestone. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple. 832-8876. tfc12 CARPENTER Alterations, repairs, kitchens,l rec rooms, etc. Free estimates. good work. reasonable. C. Callin. 884-7864. tfc37 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. th3 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. W o r k guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc46 CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations, garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too! small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 R W EXCAVATING Trenching, footings, concrete and drains. Backhoe loader rentals. 884-6264, 884-5559. tfc9 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25. and up. Complete with free spray flushing. Call SPEEDY 889-5061 889-5413 tfc27 TREE CUTTING Tree Topping and Pruning House Painting E. C. DOAK Phone: 832-8985 ( tfcl 1 PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Antique and modern furniture. All work guaranteed. Up to date selection of material and styles. 884-6885. tfcl7 BILL MITCHELL 1 CONSTRUCTION Rec. rooms. additions. fire- places, custom buildings and repairs. Thornhill 889-7646. ' tfc21 CREATIVE CARPENTERY Specializing in recreation rooms. Handhewn beamed ceil- ings. Standard plywood and cus-f tom wall panellings. Cedar cup-‘ iboards and storage racks. Bars. W. L. BROWN 889-4134 c4wll RUBBER STAMPS ,Several type faces to choose from â€"- including Scrlpt. Block; letters, Outline and signature ‘â€" fast service. Call “The Lib-1 eralâ€. 884-1105. tfci Summer Special SHAMPOOING Chesterfield Sets, $12. 20% off rugs Second rug, 14 price. All work, guaranteed. Day or night. 884- 2433. tfc2 STONEWORK 1 Expertly done. all work guaran-g teed. Patios, planters, fount-i ains, fireplaces. barbecues. etc.1 PLUMBING .85 HEATING Roger Proulx â€"- Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 PXINTING and decorating in- side and out. also carpentry work. 884-5009. tfc44 SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating. roof flashing. etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. 884-1006. tfc44 WINDOWS -â€" WALLS FLOORS STERLING MAINTENANCE 884-1311 tfc8 FURNITURE STRIPPING New revolutionary bath process. Removes all finishes. Strato-Dip Stripping Service. 5 Maple Ave- nue, Maple. 832-2052. tfc12 FLOOR COVERING TO RENT FARM HOUSE for rent. Apply 889-3968. c1w13 ROOM to rent. suit gentleman. Richvale. 889-5786. c1w13 FURNISHED bedroom. close to Yonge Street. 884-8312. clwla 1 BEDROOM basement apart- ment. $120. 884-4985 after 5.001 pm. tfcla LARGE lovely room with dou- ble bed. nice home, Thornhill. 889-8671. nclwl3 7 ROOMâ€"Egalow south of Richmond Hill, $50.00 weekly. 530-9569. clw13 FURNISHED basement rooni, Bayview and Rockport area. 884-3948. c1w13 RICHVALE. 4 room cottage. hydro and water. $45.00. 488- 2578, c1w13 m grounds, 11 16th Avenue, $150. 488-2578. c1w13 ROOMS to rent, furnished or DAY CARE DAY care available in my home. west side of Yonge. 884-4816. tch COMPETENT day care in my home. Markham and Bayview. 884-6271. tfc12 DAY care provided in my home for pre-schoooler. Markham Road and Colbourne Avenue. 884-7153. clwll. BABY SITTING In my home. day or night, any time. 75c an hour. 889-4328. Second house from Yonge St. c1w13 % GARDENING TOP quality top soil. crushed stone. sand and gravel. deliv- ered. 293-4060. *2wl3 GARDEN NEEDS ROTO'I‘ILLING Reasonable rates. evenings and weekends. 832-1402. c14w8 LOAM - MANURE 1 All types floor tile, sheet goods. unfufniShEdv Maple- 332‘ff3113 TOP-SOIL Mix Expert workmanship at low e V Complete landscaping C. L. cost. Free estimates. Gillett UPPER DUPLEX. close to Knappett. 884-3089. tfc10 Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll Yonge. Adults only. 884-5992 _TREE Whichâ€"“VAL BAKER’S BACKHOE ‘1‘“3 ‘Trces Cut and Removed EXCAVATING 16 ROOM HOUSE with finished Reasonable Rates Trenching. sewer & water lines, basement. in Richmond Hill. Alvin Baker. 339.2433 footings. 889-3604. tfc2 929-5373 after 5 pm. ciwl3 tfc4z PAINTING LARGE bright room suit young‘WANTED, grass cutting. odd Inside -â€"â€" Outside ‘ STERLING MAINTENANCE 884-1311 tfc8 KEITH McLAREN TRENCHING CASE HOE LOADER 773-4091 ' c4w11 CLEANING WINDOWS. WALLS AND FLOORS Day or Night 884-2433 tfc44 CUSTOM BUILDING -, Brick - - Block work - - Patios General Alterations WALKER CONSTRUCTION Phone 889-5292 tfc38 LEONARDI BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete, Drain and General Repairs. Patio, Stonework and Sidewalks. 889-5228 tfc39 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship, 20 years experience. Phone 889-5292 Walker Construction tfc38 1 PETS FOR SALE 1 BLACK poodle. male. $50. 884-; 7373 after 4.30 pm. c1wlB RABBITS and cages for sale. 473-4651. c1w13= BUDGIE with stand and cage. 884-8293. c1w13 TOY Poodle puppies, black, registered. Call Mrs. Lewis, 889-5331. , c1w13 BOSTON terrier, 12 weeks old, registered. Phone 884-4077. c1w13 GERMAN Sheppard pup. free to good home. 889-9750. , c1w13 KITTENS free to good homefl mother part Siamese. trained.1 889-1395. clw13§ PUREBRED Siamese kittens to; sale. 6 weeks old. Call after 4.1, 884-7522. 1mm EEAGLE pupsfï¬ months oldil. male. 1 female. top running strain, 889-2345. nclwlS- KITTENS. part Persian. utter? trained. 8 weeks old. Free to‘ good homes. 884-5680. c1w13 BEAGLES, Terriers. Cookers, Shepherds. Labs. and Border Collies, pups. inoculated. $5 â€"- $15. 889-7934. tfc6 WALKER hound pups. D and H' shots, 11 months. Started to hunt. $35 and 540, 2 year old. B and T male, $40.00. 888-1729.; c2w12“ NORM'S AQUARIUM and Pets. .business girl. TV outlet and telephone. 884-6958. c1wlZ SUBLET â€"-one bedroom apart- ment, $120 per month. 888- 1064. tfc10 FURNISHED room. y o u n g working girl preferred. close to Yonge. 884-6885. CIWIB LARGE 3 bedroom bungalow, attached garage, 1 acre. Call 488-4386. c1w13 SMALL apartment. suitable for responsible business or retired couple. Write box 221, "The Liberal". c1w13 CLEAN furnished room, use of kitchen. young girl preferred. Close to Yonge. 884-8302. c1w13 HOUSEKEEPING room. stove, fridge, own bathroom and en- trance. Suit business lady. Also garage to rent. 884-7022. *le3 ONE bedroom apartment, frid- ge, stove and balcony. Apply Superintendent, 165 Colborne Avenue, Richmond Hill. c1w13 BACHELOR apartment. Hunt Avenue, Richmond Hill. Avail- able immediately. 773-5715. c1w13 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne. Ist house east of Bork's Jewellers at 'Yongc. tchl s‘ELE‘ESRt-iihed 7 7I bedroom apartment in private home. Jane and Hwy. 7 area. equipped. adults. 889-6313. clwlZ MASONIC Banquet Hall. 112 Crosby Ave. available for wed- ding receptions. Xmas parties, bowling banquets. Contact Jack Williams 884-3200. cl5w12 WANTED PAIR of electric hair clippers for poodle. 884-1464. *1w13 USED wringer washing machine in good condition. 884-2623. Clwl3 Small cash register. good con- dition and reasonable. Call BOD. 384-1788. ('1W13 PIANOS wanted, all makes and conditions. Call 884-1146. th7 WANTED to buy. a fewrpuppies for re-sale as pets. 889-7934 tfc45 USED» SKI-D00 or equivalent condition not important. can re- pair if necessary. 889-3142. c1w13 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi 8.: Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. l jobs. King City. Oak Ridges. Richmond Hill etc. Call even- ings. 884-3383 - 773-5053. tfc12 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Hedgeclipping. sodding and stonework -â€" including patios. walls. rockeries and rail-road- tie walls. Fertilizer and top- dressing. Sandy topsoil, mush- room compost. By the load â€"- or yard. Free estimates. A Hartwick, 889-6338. c8w13 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE VPONY. good with children. 889- ‘3619. nc1w13 APPALOOSA mare. expecting. 884-2157. cZw13 1 grade Guernsey Springer, due October 5. King City, 833-5076. c1w13 BEAUTIFUL Pinto pony, $75. Good with children, must be seen to be appreciated. 889- 2600. c1w13 ====2 PERSONAL Do you have a drinking prob- .lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call 13046-8684. tfcl'i' BOWLERS needed on Monday nites at 7 pm. at Allencour’t Lanes. Call after 7 pm, 884- 13636. clOwl3 BOWLERS needed on Wednes- day nites at 7 pm. at Allen- court Lanes. Call Mrs. Kerr after 1 pm. 884-5957. c10w13 BOWLERS needed on Tuesday nites at 9.20 pm. at Allencourt Lanes. Call Mrs. Thompson,- 884-5003. c10w13 -___â€".â€"_â€"â€"___=gl TRAILERS FALL clearance, Iroquois, Ride- ‘lite. new. save up to $100. Used from $299. equipment 10% dis- 1count. Large display. McKenzie ,‘Camping Trailers. 235 No. 7 Highway. Thomhill at Bayview. tfc12 ‘ATTENTION HUNTERS AND FISHERMEN Rent a travel trailer or truck camper for your trips and be comfortable. Low rental rates weekly or daily. King City Trailers, King Sideroad. 773- 1 1 4260. mm w RENTALS RENTALL, 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers. floor mach- ines, tools. chairs. 884-6761. ’ tfc31 i PORTABLE Tv RENTALS . ‘ . . . - 1w13‘. ' , -34 4.1 ggmgggserpad’ wringer W323; collar. like new. size 14. Two ing the welcome hand of the spec1a11ze In farm and land1 884 6782 c 1F“ free estimate 0811884CSW§31Gate11~ay Plaza. Aurora. Buy DRESSMAKING WEEK OR MONTH ' pairs ivory damask drapes, community. Your own part-time sales. - For interview appoint- m ______'_._ iiiâ€"here the prices cannot be beat, w mvâ€"vâ€"reasonabg RICHMOND HILL TV ALUMINUM must sell. 884-5517 site 5 .m. hours. 1ment call D. McLean, 889-1176. - 3453315055 CUSTOM Open 1 pm to 6 weekdays. 10-6,SE .H“ ‘ as . , ’ 884'7455 D ' ' r p EMPLOYMENT CARPENTRY ‘all kinds 832-1513 c4w13. oors, Wlndows. awnings. and , clwlsl'TII NEIGHBOUR“ WELCOME c1w13 . , ‘ Pm Saturday. c1w13 ' ’ , “C43 railings. Ron W°°ds‘ 884'1514‘ mi 9 and SERVICE-3 Canadian ï¬rm With TRUEâ€"gmmï¬l WANTED qustom bill." homes. renola‘i‘CAT and small dog boardmg‘AI-TERATIONS- mens' w°m' mg: “€35 wrin $35 if I 211‘ nefr' - brand‘es 1“ every PrinCiPal City RICHMOND HILL AREA . . . 't‘9ns' add‘tlons‘ .and â€pm-5' with outside runs Household‘jen's‘ Chlldrinls‘ Drapes' etc" m ger. ‘ r $.31†r 1g and town coast to coast. needs . . . TYPH‘G done In my home-Kitchens a spec1alty. MOUIS k' - ‘ - .Prompt service..441 North Ta)“. MUSIC , . erator, good condition. Double , -_ ,. Men With experience In the 833-5606 c1w13 Harriso 884-2838. tfc45‘pet ittens. Registered S1amese ‘ - 88 _1923 th7 ._ any size ._ v I f _ a lady. age 35 to 55. \\ 1th a car. . . 1 ~ 11. - - - lor Mills. 4 - 1â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" sepera type aces bed. reasonable. 884-6685. 1 d - . t' 1 bit \A‘hO‘Shoe busnless who are Inter-1 h t --â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~s ,kmens- Champion Slred- 5931, . , GUITAR, bass drum, sax, etcs ‘0 choose from, cell The Lib- clwlgian organize “ma a l l 3' ested in joining a shoe company‘FAST and accurate ome yp‘ PATIO and Blue Point Males at stud. ALTERATIONS~ men s. wom- lesons from professional record- em" 9884'1105' “c ROTAPRINT Offset Press 1110- 113;“ t:\.;y:§:-§:::gt£:itneéiéflwith great opportunity fol- fu.'ing. 884-6526. 61‘11'13 Asphalt. brick. stone or con- Beryl Stewart, 889-2581. ocean's. children?» Drapesv “ing artists. Mod music. 884-2336. ï¬â€"â€"â€"- ’ " _~"“- ' , ' te. All work guaranteed: p om t service local pick-up &. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL _ ~ . ~_‘ . . . , .7 . fture advancement. For further LADY desires hauseuork an?†. .23 f_ P , . . 1 c1w13 Concrete sand etc delive ed lice: \IR'II‘IIO'DX’ iglcliliznt Nggsdbtelmlssmn “ch “Chm-w tam-metals call Ml" Wagner - 284‘ RiChmOHd Hill- 9‘3- 510 dailyVMetm hcence' . l TUITION idem?â€- 441 North Tglï¬lm in small loads C L Knapplett iseen daily 1000 a m ‘to‘600 ligedcomlif? Bd;a2n2§g“TalirS 5947‘ CIWI31884'2901' c1w13 32:2: Bareta Contracting 889-{__â€"_~___ Mms‘ 884'1928’ C . 884-3089. tfcloipm. Phone 769-2039 for part- Liberai"_ 'c1\.-13‘II'OI\IEN for punch press. nightICLEANING LADY available ' 1 INTERESTED IN SEWING? ‘1 LOST . _ . , , . tfc46 - . ~ .; ,m m “mars- 93‘113: â€.Shlft 3130 Pam- to 12 a-m- ‘Pa‘dlwedneSda-V 01†Thmdali 9‘3-30-1 ‘Pmate Class vacames TueSdaE‘ (MALE cat. white with blue _______._______. A . ' OF C NADA . - . - - - . ‘ aftern on, R‘ h ‘1. - Shutters, doors, windows, sid- Pick your own tomatoes Thurs-1 TRAILwégï¬l-TED A SL2al£urs£O3 :rBe)aksg.mda§ASp}:]f: Wï¬ Plastering R. CLARK Thornhill Queengville 47834;? #1133? Transportation 3881257835? grey spot on liealda. - , . - . , - - ~ - - ~ ~ 3 or) *w , v . 1 . W 3:31: 8:111:15; Frggeissggmtehday and Erma) e‘enmg and all 15P99de" Manmcturing “d- TuesdavsLEnddleVaifclhlgsdays, 5 to Plain and Decorative Plastering. GERMAN or English, beginnersLNIVERSlTl of Toronto stu-, C I m. . . . gday Saturday, at 264 Weldrick Have an opening for a mature 385 Ohio Read. Richmond Hill. 6 hours $2 per hour plus car Repairs a Specialty to university level, for lndlvid- dent needs ride to St. Geoz-ggs‘BAl/VIEW and 19th Avenue, tfc35-Rd- Richvale. Bring your 0““ young lady to handle telephone [campus for 8 or 9 am. . . _ _ _ , . black and tan. Tag ' ‘ ' - 10 miles North Of ngh“33 . 0 - Fr Estimates uals or small rou 5. Please en- Pat. dog male . , ORGANS {baskets “bile they last, 6 qt. reservations in their charterlwl off Yonze Street. 339_7549_1fare' 884 3101;, gig 483452183 889-3185 quire. 884-409? p ““431884-2716 r1w13 No. 2462. Lame Tiny. 442-0021. New and used Hammond Lo,,._1b35ket 400 ““13 sales office. This office is presu I tfcll WORK for tandem dump ’LI‘UCk-S- “CZO‘HRUOE‘FESSIONAW‘ .4 Râ€"“lDE wanted from Sussexâ€"aha c1w13 El 11‘ v " 11 GREY chrome 5 piece kitch- ently located in Richmond Hill W . “'eekends and while-"3 Ca“ . - . ‘ ‘ L‘ mm mmâ€? 1 4- to K g sham-=2, yey' em" °me‘ Immer“ - , ~ b t\ 'llbe vln to Doncaster “1151‘- Cecil Lowe 884-1302 c-lu'121 SEPTIC TANKS tion. “111 also come to your am“ :lenue 1“ Organ lesSonS only 81.individ-1en 58‘: 1 Pair 05 111mg “39‘“ u. n. mop g. - Are you getting a little tired â€"â€"-â€"â€"'___‘râ€" ' , l . 2. 00 home Piano and theory. For Ba"- arriving at 830 am. re- TRAVEL “31 private instruction. You doilamps; 1 painted antique whne_A\e.. North “illoudale in late of \‘our so-so 10b and limited YOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking PLMPED S a. further information call 884- turning 5 pm. 884-5874 after. . . not need to 0.... an organ torbedroom suite with 2 chests of October. meme. 'We Offer V0,, a yen. for work. Anything wandered-f 8302 After 6 pm c1w13 530 Pm C1“'131T.OERS‘ "“‘Sei’ â€â€˜1 dam bus learn. Toronto Or an Centre,'drawers and night table. Will , - ' - d e “ Can you help us? Call Salvation 1 . . 1‘ .‘ â€"HI’ \I 7 duo ets,reservationsan individ- 5254 Yonge Street.gWillowdale. sell separately. 884-7207. c1\iv13.The followmg qualifications are i-tgugimigsfgflanged-305:;‘Army- 889-7655. tfc29l ACADEMIC tutoring. chemis- TRANSPORTAT O. u ante lual travel. call A. H. Creighton try. physics mathematics forlfmm 03k Ridges leaving 7 am,- . - - t‘ . W .t. .' ~ _._-.“ , “ . , , - 517- “010 Pick your own at Hortonys‘telephone manner and experience give us a call.and fitted in your home. ll ork-; [and university freshman, 339- ley and Bay. at a pm 713-4157‘ C TYPEWRITERS weekends. 20 varieties. any, ' 1right now! Tom Winiker 225-‘manship guaranteed. Also cush-I “Wm 01. 884-3633 after 6 pm. c1w13iga= :6809. ADDING MACHINES quantity. From Aurora 80 5 ‘0967. c211'12jions and arm caps. etc. Please. Only applicants with previous BOARDING Sales Service Rentals miles â€St’ “2 mile south. 888“business ex erience and willin FEMALE clerk with accounts phone evenings 01‘ Saturday -, - Authorized Deal" H to accept ï¬sponsibility w111 b: payable. some payroll and pos-:773'4202- “€111 " l WcA‘N TEYD NURSERY STABLES All popular makes for sale in-jBO'I"S blazer. wine and navy; considered. isibly machircieR acTc‘Sunting ex-. i ; TO RENT ‘SCHOOL DON Mills and NW: cludin new and rebuilt stand-size 18-20 rey slacks; zip-line ‘ erience if, , gping nece5-: ‘ ___________. . - . , ard pogrtable and electric mod-{all weathergcoat; suit: corduroy Salary commensurate with ex- Eary 01m transportation. Apply" ROOM & BO‘ARD Sewers 01.939991 3.3009111 HOT» SI: 11:1 â€Cémtimcif _ ’.i"'“.â€"“â€"â€"* $907552€9546boarde¢ BOX Stalls, els. Special rental rates avail- winter jacket. size 14: girl's sxza perience and ability. m writing stating age, experi- fl“ Without digging 88 cm 1 0r 1‘? men A - 3 The Four Vimds Nursery School .1- .--__...__-~.,, erl‘uRl-R able to students. ‘10-12, pre-leen 7-8. and misses' ems. references and salary to 0-1 and board 3‘31 a 3‘ i“; or “47-71602, _ ._u1 7931 longe Street. Thornhill. HORSES gm. hiâ€, and sleigh L. H. SIMS 19-10 dresses. cotton. woo] and Direct \li‘liien (mounts; to K J Beamish. Construction Eff???“ 77°94‘33““; C3“ tearing u pipe URGENTLY requ1red 3 bed. morning and afternoons 300 rides. midnight rides available, 88 Baker Ave. party. sun. C031. Skirt-V HOUSES Traiiu 31's of Canada Ltd. 346 Company Ltd. 7901 Bayvieu' ROOM and board near Yonge p room home in Richmond H111 all day Brim“ Tran-50011311011 horses boarded at Shenandoa Richmond Hill 884-1745 iumpera. sweaters â€"â€" \‘ery reas- Enford Road. Richmond H111 Alenue. One mile north of Street TTC. 889-0823 af'ez' 5 C. STL‘NDEN Gormlejr area 887-5455 :vailable 889-4664. After 5. 4.21- Ranch. 3 miles north of Maple tfc3‘onable 889â€"2235. c1w13: sly-13 Steeles. 889-1191. c2u'12pm. cl'113 884-1245 Richmond Hill (11113 3175. LCCZO on Keele. civil)