WKING eiecihc broom, like new. continental bed 30" wide. very clean. 884-3298. c1w15 'zâ€"Ivheel box trailer. good con: dition. Phone Walter Paxton 773-4494. c1w15 LARGE chesterfield. good con- dition. beige tapestry. 884-5552. c1w15 BLACK LOAM For lawns. flowers, gardens, trees etc. 773-5412. tfc42 LARGE spriï¬gwéction Palomino horse. excellent condition. 889- 3612. c1w15 {384-5462. " clw15 AIR conditiBHé}. ’Frigidaire. FREEZER, 22 u. ft†(SOT at: 9000 BTU. used 2 months. $250 6 d†or best, offer. 884-8698. clw15 like new. 884-1535 or 221-5996. _v __W _ c1wl5 BEDROOM suite. good condi- ‘WARDROBE' grapes 1 '[1‘5’0‘31 tins. new mattress, reasonable. 94». couch, good condition. 889- §§4‘7fl6- “EVE 8200. c1w15 JUNIOR bed and spring. floor VIKING electric broom. ï¬k’é model 'bil‘d cage- and two metal pole desks. 884-2305. nnuz nnnfinnnfni had an" \vidp WEiIDING outfit' mportable. gasoline. 250 amps, good condi- tion, reasonable. 884-4013. ’I‘YPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail: able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. PINE setteesj 2 cushions cover- ed in gold homespun. 884-3270 after 6 pm. c1w15 WCLARY Easy wringer washer. baby cribs. Reasonable. 884-3534 after 4 pm. c1w15 EREME†Ritél’ien 7 suite. table and 4 chairs. good condition‘ 884-6462. c1w15 SCANDIFI'A'VIKN style high back chair. teak end table and lamp. 889-9620. clw15 GREENgtomatoes. Wolfe River cooking apples. 884-6367. FOR sale or trade. 1957 283 motor. completely rebuilt. Wanted â€"- â€"283 motor 1958 up. 884-7842. c1w15 PUMP â€"- deep well. 3'4 h.p. Myers. "self-oiling. 6" stroke, complete with 30 gallon tank. $85. Phone 889-1865. clw15 PUMPKINS. Courtland Apples and other varieties. Apply to H. Topper. 705 Yonge Street. North. c1w15 DINING room suite, walnut. 9 piece, also washing machine. very reasonable. After 5 pm. 884-2848. c1w15 FREE. one pile of good cow manure. straight west of Rich- mond Hill. J. A. Cosgrove. Bathurst St. *2w15 ORGANS New and used. Hammond, Low- rey. Electrohome, Wurlitzerâ€". Organ lessons only $1, individ- ual private instruction. You do not need to awn an organ to learn, Toronto Organ Centre. 5254 Yonge Street. Willowdale. Open evenings. Parking. 222- 6317. mm 1957 Super 88 Oldsmobile $150. RCA 17" TV $50. 2 pieces 14'1" plate glass approx. 48†x 60" $10 each. 884-2900 after 6 pm. ATTENTION HUNTERS Camper for pick-up. sleeps 4, fully equipped, very reasonable. 889-5792. clw15 YOUR new Avon representative [01‘ Concord is Mrs. V. Derouin, 45 King High DriveI 889-8107. ' 02w15 MOTOR and automatic trans- mission complete for 1960-64 Falcon. reasonable. 884-6479 after 5 pm. c1w15 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Concrete sand, etc. delivered in small loads. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfclO ‘AIUMINUï¬-P'lidï¬vcisâ€" HIGHâ€"LOW hospital bed, with guardrails. bedside table, hos- pital gowns, flannelette draw sheets. just like new. 889-6909. afterr'l pm. *lwlsl Richmond Hill SKIDOO. 10 11.1). 884-1498 after 5 nm. clwlï¬ 5 piece chrome. ki’t'cwhen set. 3 piece Chesterfield set. tri-lite lamp, comer table, phone 889- 1382. *1w15 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 8844514. tIc36 RUBBER. STAMPS, fast service â€"- any size â€"- several type faces to choose from, call “The Lib- eral" 884-1105. tfc Shutters. doors, windows. sid- ing. awnings. Free estimates. York Aluminum. 884-4558. “For Sure Fire Results... Use the Want Ads in the BIG One Every Thursday" pnmma gunman rm 224.1983 0 To Order Want Ads 0 To Receive Help In Writina Want Ads 0 For Information. Almut Want Ads. CASH RATES. 1st insertion .7o each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged, .'le per word. min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS OF THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as poastble but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE HARLEY STRAW THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 10, 1968 20 cents a Bale 888-1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 884-1745 th3 clw15 *1w15 c2w15 tfclS tfcas PHONE 884-1105-6 OR 884-1983 0 To Order Want Ads ' To Receive Help LOW PRICE OCTOBER‘SKITE AT VIC'S NURSERY LTD. Woodbine Ave.. Don Mills Road 887-5457 Trees. Evergreens. etc. Low prices, guaranteed stock, igarden supplies. “my Meme-ens. etc. IMARRIEn'man for’sman' horse LOW PI‘ICES, guaranteed stOCk. farm, Toronto area; Permanent garden supplie5~ position. starting salary $325. FREE XMAS TREE BONUS per month plus separate house, With every purchase over $15 heat, hydro etc. Reply giving Open all year round- full particulars of experience, €2W15yage, etc. Box 1, “The Liberal". STANLEY’S mom: I c3wl4 RCA 19†color $350, 1% yrs. old Oak Ridges 4th side. INBOARD hydroplane. Chev V8 powered. complete with trailer and tarp. 221-9393 or 884-5168. c1w15 SINGER Sewing Centre â€" 78 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. 884-3775. Sales & Service. CARPETS dyed, shampooed, 1n- stalled. repaired. bound and sold. Visit our carpet showroom. 221-9959. c6w13 TORCAN high fidelity radio and record player. Cabinet in good condition. Also matching record cabinet. 884-4792 after 6 pm. c1w15 KITCHEN range wood stove, 20", excellent condition for home and cottage. $35 or best offer. 131 Oak Avenue, Rich- vale. 889-4300. clwls SPACE heaters, baby carriages, 7 piece dining room suite, solid oak desk, 'bargains galore at the Newmarket Used Furni- ture Store. 465 Botsford Street. Newmarket 895-3271. c1w15 BROWN squirrel fin- jacket, size 12. Phone 832~2600. No. l CHOICE HARDWOOD Well seasoned Maple, Birch and Oak. Free delivery. 1 cord. 249- 1337 days, 8844922 evenings. c1w15 suitable for cottage or rec room $30. Swivel chair, excellent condition, $20. TV working or- der. $40. 884-6605. c1w15 Carefully selected hardwood. $18.00 single card, (4'x8‘x16") delivered. Alvin Baker 889- 2436. tfc14 CRUSHED stone and, loam for sale. 884~8557. c2w15 CHRISTMAS GIFT’IDEA Baby shoes bronzed. Order early. 221-9188. c10w15 CHESTERFIELD and chair BARBIE doll completeï¬with carrying case. 4 poster bed, wardrobe. vanity and stool and 20 sets of clothes, $15. 889- 6784. 02w14 1 only 35 mm. Paxette II com- plete with tripod, light meter. flash and range finder. 1 only Kodak 16 mm. Turret camera complete with light bar. 884- 7716. clwls 17" Admiral TW $30. 884-8698. c1w15 ROTAPRINT Offset Press mo- del R-40, in excellent condit~ inn with new rollers. May be seen daily 10.00 am. to 6.00 pm. Phone 769-2039 for part- iculars. c3w13 CAULIFLOWER and Brussels sprouts for your freezer, avail- able highway 48, 1/2 mile north of Ringwood, Saturday and Sunday. S. Jensen 640-3560. Stanley Home Parties are fun!! Free gifts, games. prizes, con~ tests. lovely premiums. plus the finest quality merchandise for your household needs. Be- come a Stanley Hostess this week to 3 of your friends and neighbors for coffee in the morning. tea in the afternoon or in the evening. A new re~ presentative has been appoint- ed in your Richmond Hill - Thornhill Area. For further information call 884.2479. Ul‘ Larg adiar field sent: Serv must back I gal-d full-1 first farm appli aven ma} 1 a (Continued) RAILROAD TIES FOR SALE 889-6338 c10w13 All sizes Nowhere in Metro Can these opening Specials be matched MOD MUSIC 85 CRAFTS Bayvlew Plaza - 884-2336 Home trials - Terms Selling Something? . . Use The Classified Phone 884-1105-6 Now! FIREPLACE LOGS FOR SALE Original OIL PAINTINGS console TV Aubrey Ave., house south c1w15 *2w14 *lwls c8w13 c4w14 c2w15 *2w14 __..c,_ cellent opportunity for early TOURS. cruises, rail 3.1111 bfls ALTERATIONS, men's. WOm- advancement in this area. Write tickets, reservations and Indi‘fld- en’s. children‘s. Drapes. 910- to: J. W. Forster. Regional Man- ual travel. call A. H. Creighton Prompt service. local pick-up & ager. c/o Box 84. London. On- Travel Agency. 889-5643. delivery. 441 North Taylor tario. c2w14J t£c47‘Mius, 3344923. tic13 MAN required for sï¬ipping de- partment. Also lady for green- ‘house help. H. J. Mills, Ltd.. Florist. 889-4865. clw15 WAITRESS. Good wages, day work. no weekends. Don Mills and ‘7 Highway. 7 Drive-In Res- taurant. 889-5790 or 297-1280. c3w15 WOMAN required as part time store clerk. no experience nec- essar)’. good starting rate. Ap- ply Cadet Cleaners Friday 11 to 12 noon at 36 Levendale Road, Richmond Hill. c1w15 MANUSCRIPT typist to type technical manuscripts. electric typewriter and tape recorder supplied. 884-7716. c1w15 BABY sitter required for 2 pre- schoolers. Live in preferrably, expectant mother welcome. 884- 2430. c1w15 WAITRESS wanted, experience not necessary. day shift. 7:00 - 3:00 pm. no weekends, good pay. 889-0027. clw15 CLEANING woman, once every 2 weeks. $10 and lunch. own transportation helpful. 889-1464. clw15 URGENT York County Homemakers Ser- vice needs mature, reliable women immediately. Phone 895-8601. c1w15 DRUM TEACHER Needed immediately for 2 evenings weekly in Richmond Hill area. For interview call 225-4453; c1w15 SERVICE station attendant, must be honest, mature. ex- perience an asset, good work- ing conditions, all company benefits. Call Mr. Gustavson 884-0004. c1w15 WOMEN for punch press, day shift, 8 am. to 5.30 pm. Apply Speedex Manufacturing Ltd., 385 Ohio Road, Richmond Hill, 10 miles North of Highway 401 off Yonge Street. 889-7549. WOMAN or girl experienced for typing, 1 or 2 days per week or nights. 889-3072. c1w15 DRIVERS wanted. good récord Required for 92 bed institution. Villa Hospital. Mrs. Stewart. 889-7904. c2w15 MATURE saleslady required for four evenings per week and Saturdays. Renate Wool Shop. 223-5470. c1w15 PRINTER A11 round man to organize and expedite work in modern print- ing shop. Morgan Davis Print- ing. 889-4846. 02w15 PART-time salesman, shoe fit- ting experience desirable, Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday. Apply in person, Shields Footwear Ltd. Rich- mond Heights Centre. c1w15 REGISTERED NURSES For supervisory positions, day or evening duty, ï¬ve day week, alternate week-ends off. Villa Hospital, Mrs. Stewart 889~ 7904. c2w15 MIDDLE-KGED‘lidy for dress and ladies wear store. Write Box 5. “The Liberalâ€. c1w15 CLEANING woman reELIired every other week. Bayview - Steeles area. 889-5613. c1w15 RELIABLE man for used car lot. Must have chauffeur-'5 lic- ence. Preferable someone in the area of Richmond Hill. Ap- ply Bus. Stokes. Puddicombe Motors, 445 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. clw15 HELP! I am in a fast-growing busi- ness and need help. If you have leadership ability and would like to earn extra money phone me for an interview. ‘889- 2192. clwls EXPERIENCED female teller wanted. Excellent working con- ditions. Salary commensurate with experience. For appoint- ment phone 889â€"7528. Royal Bank of Canada, Keele and Highway 7, Concord. clwls LOYAL True Blue 3nd Ofange Home requires child care staff Avenue Taxi. North. 884-1111 DRIVER‘S’W’helpers. Cadillac Lumber. Maple. phone 832-22714 c1w15 NURSING asmï¬ï¬rieqï¬ired for nursing home, full or part time. 889-7072. c1w15 Large United States and Can-! adian Company in Agriculturali field urgently requires repre-l sentative in this area for Crop Service Department. Applicant must have recent agricultural for 8 hour shifts, Saturdays and Sundays. Applicants must be experienced and able to work at least one shift every week- end. Phone Mr. Moore 889- 5421. c1w15 background and be well-re- garded in area. Position is full-time, or can be handled at first along with your present farming operation. Successful applicant can expect above- average earnings with an ex- cellent opportunity for early advancement in this area. Write HELP WANTED UNUSUAL BPPCWT’UIT'I'TY ASSISTANT COOK 250 Yonge St. tfcM tfclS pointment. c2w14 EXPERIENCED driver for ren- tal equipment company in Thornhill, Boben Equipment Co. 47 Maple Ave. 889-7717. c1wl4 WOMAN for light housework 3.30 â€" '7 pm. Monday to Friday. must live close to Markham Road and Yonge Street. Call 884-3143 between 7 - 9 pm. GIRL wanted for typing. tele- phone answering and filing, 5 day week. pleasant surroundâ€" ings. Apply 889-7509. c1w15 DRIVER for panel truck, steady job. must be insurable. Refer- ences required. Concorl Floral Company. 889-1136. clw15 LANDSCAPE help with chauf- feur‘s licence at Vic’s Nursery, RR 2' Gormley. Woodbine Ave. 887-5457. c1wl4 MORE temporary tinfsts'need- ed now, by Local firm requires interested young men to learn the glazing trade. Good future and work- ing conditions. Diamond Glass & Mirror Corp. Ltd. 889-6281. c1w15 MAN wanted. Experienced shipper and receiving clerk. re- quired for manufacturing plant. Reliable. with references. Fil- tration Products of Canada Ltd., 65 Duncan Road, Richvale. CARETAKER "form Victoria Square United Church. Contact Mr. H. Mortson. 887-5513. PART-TIME mire. apply in person. Scott's Chicken Villa, 18'? Yongo St. N. Richmond Hill. c1w15 FEMALE, part-time 'help. week- ends. please apply in person. Scott’s Chicken Villa. 187 Yonge St. N Richmond Hill. c1w15 MAN required for general fac- tory work. gardening and clean- ing, semi-retired person pre- ferred. Call 742-9152 for ap- CHARTERED Elk ’iequires 1 proof teller and 1 machine op- erator. Experienced preferred. Call M. McCready 884-1109. c1w14 CASHIER, experienced, perman- ent, full time. Good wages for responsible person. Apply Mrs. Nement, Canadian Tire Store, 70 Yonge Street North, Rich- mond Hill. elw15 Dish machine operator male or female, full or part time. Whites supplied, shift work. Esso Ser- vice Centre. 400 Highway North of Maple Sideroad. 832-1555. ' tfc12 WOMXN ito clean, private home. 1 day weekly. own transportation. 889-2128. 7 CARRIER “The Liberal" requires a re- sponsible carrier for Keele St. and Maple area. Please phone Carrier Circulation. Glen Pratt at 884-1105. nc1w15 Need EXTRA help? A day. a week or longer? Call: MONA ROBERTSON Temporary Placements 78A Yonge St. S. 884-6944 WANTED immediately â€"â€" Man or woman to supply consumers in Richmond Hill with Raw- leigh Products. Can earn $50 weekly part time â€"â€" $100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh. Dept. J-351-336, 4005 Richelieu St. St. Henry, Montreal. c1w15 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC Requires FEMALE CLERK~TYPIST For manufacturing engineering office. Prefer someone with ex- perience in stock records - pro- ject costing - filing. Apply 8:30 am. - 4.30 pm. (Monday to Friday). 280 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill 889-7373. c1w14 FARDWARE" clerk part-time. Must have glazing experience. 221-2522. c1w15 DRIVER for 1/; ton truck. Em pickup and delivery. 889-7412. c1w15 SHORT o'RDER 000k" and part time waitress for Pop‘s Tavern. 884-2752. c4w13 HOUSEKEEPER for retired gentleman. non-smoker, write Box 4. “The Liberalâ€. *2w14 *HI ’CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE Personnel Placement Agency Young man as junior to do in- ventory control and job costing with progressive firm. transpor- tation necessary. Young lady. experienced, for accounts payable with some tnving Own transportation necessary. Contact: H. Elkins 18 Yonge St. N. Richmond mu 884-6782 MONA ROBERTSON TEMPORARY PLACEMENT 884~6944 HELP WANTED DISHWASHER. TRAVEL APPRENTICE (Continued) c2w14 c3w14 c1w15 c1w15 c1w15|334l§ tfc12 tfc15 BOWLERS needed on Thursday nites at '7 pm. at Allencourt Lanes. Call Ross Barfoot after 630 pm. 884-2228. c8w15 Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Bill, or call EM.6-8684. tic†BOWLERS needed on Wednes- day nites at 9.20 pm. at Allen- court Lanes. Call Mrs. Brooker after 6 pm. 834-5194. c9w14 BOWLERS needed on Tuesday nites at 9.20 pm. at Allencourt Lanes. Call Mrs. Thompson. 4 room basement apartment in private home. 884-6606. c1w15 ï¬ngE storage spat? 15’x65‘. 884-2257 after 6 pm. *1w15 FURNISHED room for one gen- tleman. separate entrance. 237 Crosby Ave.. 884-5608. c2w15 HOUSE. zï¬aions. Ebod loca- tion. Call after 5. 884-5678. 3 room furnished basement apartment with bathroom. Would suit business couple. 834-4207 after 5 pm. c1w15 FURNISHED 3 room basement apartment, private bath. good parking, adults only. 889-4400. c1w15 MASONIC Banquet Hall. 112 Crosby Ave.. available for wed- ding receptions, Xmas parties bowling banquets. Contact Jack Williams 884â€"3200. c15w12 GARAGE'Eiâ€"Tmt. 884-1267 Ibédibdmrï¬use. 3/47’713iï¬lve north of Maple. $175 per month. 832- 1106 after 7 pm. c1w15 BATHURSITSTEEEEST '3 bed- room house, broadloom, $200 per month, 889-0966. c1w15 SMALL one-bedroom apart- ment $115 monthly. 884-2248. ONE bedroom apartment equip ped. 783-6154 or 884-7243. 5 room bungalow in Richmond Hill. good condition, available October 15. 225â€"4740. c1w15 FURNISHED bungalow. Vero Beech. Florida. 223-4446. SUBLET ~â€"one bedroom apart.- ($007615 H60?’ 2 bedroom apartment. available November 1. One baby only. 884-6148. APARTMENT for rent. main floor of house near Allencourt Plaza. 1 bedroom. 884-1857. LARGE house on a few acres, can be used commercially, no open storage, 2 kitchens, 1% bathrooms, $400 monthly on Bayview and Highway '7 in Thornhill. To lease immedi- ately. Phone 787-9486. c1w15 1 bedroom apaï¬menitflor small house. no children. Write Box 3, “The Liberal". *2w15 ROOM for’ie'ï¬i,ï¬it gentleman. ample parking. 889-5786. c1w15 ROOMS for rent, ale. no children. FURNISHED room, cooking facilities. 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork‘s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 1 bedroom apartment in Oak Ridges suitable for business couple, separate entrance, 895- 3271 or 773-5482 after 9 pm. couple. 884-2737 2 or 3 bedroom home with gar- age within 15 miles of Rich- mond Hill. 225-0275. c1w15 CLEAN living couple with two children needs 2â€"3 bedroom house. Rent only $90 - $140 per month. 531â€"4108. *2w14 BY elderly couple. small furn- ished apartment or housekeep- ing rooms. Write Box 2, ‘The Liberal“. *2w15 ment, $120 per month. 888- 1064. mm APARTMENT for elderly DAY care available in my home. 832-2344. clw15 WILL care for children any west side of Yonge. 884-4816. tfc9 COMPETENT 'day‘ care in my home, Markham and Bayview. 884-6271. V tfch age in clean home. Phone 773~ 5429. c2w14 DAY care available in my home, __..--.-..-V DAY" cariï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬le, Romfield CARï¬'EUN-i Circuit and Bayview, ovor 2. Custom built hm tionS, additions, DAY care provided in my home Kitchens a speci for pre-schoolers. RoCkPOI‘t 811d Harrison. 884-2838 Bayview. 884-7583. c1w15 UNDERSTANDING m o t h e 1‘ will care for children in my home. any age, hot lunches pro- vided. large fenced yard, Mark- ham and Bayview district. 884â€" 5286. . clw15 DRESSMAKIN G r5003. PERSONAL DAY CARE TO RENT WANTED TO RENT male or fem- 884-5507. c10w13 *1w15 ('1w15 c2w15 l“2w†c1w15 clw15 c1w15 clw15 c1w15 c1w15 tfc13 884-1245 RALPH ELMS "DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. W o r k guaranteed. 884-7902. RON MOORE" PAINTING â€" PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc35 CALL us for your «and, gravel, fill, top soil and limestone. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. 832-8876. tfc12 CLEANINGwho'rhe and office. 884-2433. Day or night. tfc36 Rugs and chesterfields. Day 0r night. 884-2433. tfcls Stonework. Ostergaard. Richmond 5688. GENERAL contracting. altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. th3 CARPENTRY WORK, additions. renovations, garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889â€"3653. tfc28 *SEPTIc'TANks PUMPED $25. and up. Complete with free spray flushing. Call SPEEDY MISCELLANEOUS E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc81 CARPENTER. Alterations. repairs. kitchens, rec rooms, etc. Free estimates. good work. reasonable. C. Callin. 884-7864. tfc37 CUSTOM BUILDING Brick - - Block work - - Patios General Alterations WALKER CONSTRUCTION Phone 8896292 PERRLSTYLE CUSTOM ' UPHOLSTERING Antique and modern furniture. All work guaranteed. Up to date selection of material and stYIes. 884-6885. tfc1'7 ’ BlLL MITCHELL CONSTRUCTION Rec. rooms. additions, fireâ€" places. custom buildings and repairs. Thornhfll 389-7646. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris Gen'eral eoxitrï¬tingvmof all types. homes and offices re- modelled. CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship, 20 years experience. Phone 889-5292 Walker Construction STONEWORK ‘ Expertly done, all work guaran- teed. Patios. planters, fount~ ains, ï¬replaces, barbecues, etc. For free estimate, call 884-3484. ‘ c6w13 PATIOS Asphalt. brick, stone or con~ crete. All work guaranteed. Metro licence. John Bax-eta Contracting 889- 6344. Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Lib eralâ€. 884-1105. tfc C 85 H CONTRACTING 884-8391 889-6784 tfc14 Plateau; R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs 1 Specialty Free Estimates MASONRY CONTRACTOR " TREE CUTTING Tree Topping and Prunlnl House Painting 488-7521 Writing Want Ads . For Information About Want Ads. PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 889-5061 CLEANING WINDOWS, WALLS AND FLOORS Day or Night 884-2433 RUBBER STAMPS E. C. DOAK Phone: 832-8985 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 or tearing up pipe C. STUNDEN Sewers cleaned without dining SHAMPOOINE Fireplace, etc. V. 16 Elizabeth St. S. Hill, phone 884- tfc23 Richmond Hill 889-5413 889-3185 tfc20 Thornhul tfc43 t£c46 tfc2'1 tfc44 tfc38 tfc38 tfc21 tfc46 tic-£5 tfcl Roger Proulx -â€" Telephone -â€" 884-1650. t£c24 MISCELLANEOUS PAINTiNG‘R’dVFeEorating’Tx; side and out. also carpentry work. 884-5009. tfc44 SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating. roof flashing, etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. 884-1006. tfc44 FURNITURE STRIPPING New revolutionary bath process. Removes all finishes. Strata-Dip Stripping Service, 5 Maple Ave- nue. Maple. 832-2052. tfc12 FLOOR. COVERING All types floor tile. sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 88-1-8831. tfcll BAKER/S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 8.: water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 R. E. Dunn. 884-2798 Cnncrete, Drain and General Repairs. Patio. Stonework and Sidewalks. 889-5228 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Hedgeclipping, sodding and stonework â€" including patios, walls, rockeries and rail-road- tie walls. Fertilizer and top- dressing. Sandy topsoil, mush- room compost. By the load -â€" or yard. Free estimates. A Hartwick. 889-6338. c8w13 ‘ GARDEN NEEDS ROTOTILLING Reasonable rates, evenings and weekendé. 832-1402. c14w8 LOAM - MANURE TOP-SOIL MIX Complete landscaping C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfclo PFREBRED SiaEnese kittens for sale, 6 weeks old. Call after 4. 884-7522. t£c13 EE'REIAN Shepherds. a weeks, black and silver, $35. 884-7014. clw15 BOSTON terrier, 12 weeksiold registered. Phone 884-4007. CHI-FOOD“. 2 year old'fem- ale. 884-3022. clwlS FREVI‘WJvng to good home. male. part Beagle, part Terrier. 12 months old. 884-1634. clw15 BEAGLES, Terriers. Cookers, Shepherds, Labs. and Border Collies. pups. inoculated. $5 â€"â€" $15. 889-7934. tfc6 CAT and small dog boarding with outside runs. Household pet kittens. Registered Siamese kittens, champion sired. Seal and Blue Point Males at stud. Beryl Stewart, 889-2581. tfc6 6 German Stherd pups, 4 months old, 1 female. 2 years old pure bred, 832-8767. fAYzNG hens for sale. 884â€" 3344. c1w15 WELSH pony mare, and her 1b Palomino colt, for sale. 889- 5394. c1w15 TWO Shetland ponies, mare and gelding. quiet, $40 each. 297-1935. clw15 16 Bred sows. York & Lam- brace, due anytime next 6 weeks. Phone Newmarket 895~ 4435. c3w14 WHITE gelding, 15 hands, wes~ tern pleasure, to suit experienc- ed rider. to be sold complete with large western saddle. Hooded stirrups. saddle bags, gun scabbard, breast plate and tie-down. bridle. bit. reins, all hand tooled leather complete price $500. For appointment call 888-1166. clwlS ROOM and board aVail‘able for business girl. 884-1320. c3w18 ROOM. bdard optiEBEf, "avail- able for lady, west of Yonge. 884-3463. c1st ï¬OM 33d board near Yonge Street. 884-8053. ch15 ROOM and board -â€" 1 or 2 gentlemen, $22 weekly. park ing. 298 Browndale Crescent Richmond Bill or phone 884- 3432. clwli WINDOWS ~â€" WALLS FLOORS ‘ STERLING MAINTENANCE 884-1311 ROOM & BOARD} Inside â€"- Outside STERLING MAINTENANCE 884-1311 PETS FOR SALE PLUMBING & HEATING LEONARDI BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION V V TREE REMOVAL Trees Cut and Removed Reasonable Rates Alvin Baker. 889-2436 PAINTING a; PAPER. HANGING GARDENING LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WRO’TOJILLING Gardens, yards. eta. Free estimates. 884-6994 (Continued) PAINTING c3w15 c1w14 c1w15 tfc39 tfc4z tch ’1ch animhardcop, ate low mileage. excellent shape. )nf 221-9393 or 884-5168. (LN/15 1967 Ford Custom. V8 automa- tic, 2 door, power steering, radio, whitewalls. wheel disc. exceptionally clean car remain- der of warranty. PriVate. Phone 884-6142 after 6 p.111. c1w15 All risks. Call 1". A. Tucker. 889-7800. 921-2167. “(:45 1964 Ford Falcon. V8. 2 door hardtop, 4 speed, A-l condition. low down payment. bank rates available. York Imports Auto- mobiles. 16 Industrial Rd. Rich- mond Hill. 889-8830. c1w15 Good used V-Ws, Doherty Mot- ors. 297-2414. ucz HEAR this Two Peugeots for the price of one. To see these cars. drop around to York Im- port Automobiles. 16 Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill. 889-8830. lent condition, $600 full price. 893-1925 or 832-2643. c1w15 A11 risks written Lowest rates Fast service. Auto financing available. 889-6853. 635-6158. 244-6573. tfc38 1959 Dodge Custom Royal 383 cu. in. engine. recent paint job. mechanically sound. 887-5483. c2w14 1960 Valiant. 884-2272. c1w15 1963 VW 'déluxefrédio,’ excel- 1953 Meteor. good condition, reasonable. 884-7812. c1w15 1961 Ford Falcon. 6 cylinder automatic. 2 brand new back tires. 884-6488. c1w15 1963 Morris Oxford. low down payment. in monthly instal- ments, York Import Automo- biles. 16 Industrial Rd.. Rich- mond Hill. 889-8830. c1w15 1961 Pontiac wagon. new tires. good running condition. 884- 8724. After 7 pm. clwlï¬ 1963 4 door Acadian. automatic with radio. Call 884-4050 after 5. Best offer takes it away. c1w15 SPECIAL of the week, 1967 Fiat fastback, low mileage. easy on gas, very dependable. make us an offer. York Import Auto- mobiles, 16 Industrial Rd. Rich- mond Hill. 889-8830. c1w15 i96371mpala convertible. fully equipped, low mileage. $850 cash. 884-3661. ClW15 179766 iValjaint V200, excellent condition, $1,750. 384-2830. 1962 Corvair 700. automatic 6. radio, snow tires. Excellent condition. 884-1468 after 6:30 or weekends. c1w15 2 VW’s for the commuter who wants reliable transportation and a cheap car to operate. Bank rate financing available. York Imports Automobiles. 16 Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill. 889-88304 clw15 717962 7 Chrysler. radio. 'power steering and brakes. Original owner, best offer. 887-5239. TEEâ€"Eilcvsieéial V8. 2 door hardtop, excellent condition. reasonable. 889-6154. c1w15 1965 Acadiï¬, (door, standard transmission, radio, good con- dition. 884-6307. c1w15 1963 Acadian Invader, beauti- ful metallic brown, make offer. For low down payment you can drive this car home. York Im- port Automobiles, 16 Industrial Rd. Richmond Hill. 889-8830. c1w15 shift. excellent condition. 727- 5314. c1w15 1364 Volkswagen deluxe in ex- cellent condition $700 or best offer. 884-7852. c1w15 1962 Falcon station wagon, new motor. clutch, generator. star- ter, exhaust system. Getting company car, $495 or offer. 887- 5451. clw15 196'! BLACK PANTHER 327 Camaro Rally Sport. auto- matic. console. radiO. new wide ovals and Ziebart rust proofed. Too many extras to mention. Asking $2,650. Private. 222- 7457. c1w15 1967 Meteor Montage convert- ible, fully equipped with all extras. immaculate condition. under warranty. Must sell. best offer. 889-3898. c1w15 1961 éhevâ€'vs; 3 spéed floor 1964 Peugeot. 4 door. good condition, $700. 887-5255. 7 1956 Chev half ton pickup. 5175. 727-9501. clw15 1952 Ford tow truck wiih power winch, 7 Maple Avenue. Maple. c1w15 4 deep chrome reverse wheeys plus 2 magnesium wheels to {It Ford products. 727-5314. ‘4. 1961 Ford Galaxie. V8 auto- matic. power ateer'ug. power brakes. radio, good condition. 884-8698. c1w15 1963 Rambler Ambassador “m door station wagon, ps, pb. aut- 7951 Yonge Street. Thomhm’ omatic. V8, radio. Can be 11- morning and afternoons “a named 884-4013. 51W†311 day school. Transpomuon 1961 Falcon. excellent. 6 stand- available. 889-4664. Alter 5, 421. ard. radio. sppw tires, fawn-{3175. than 1961 Falcoxï¬excellent. 8 stand- ard. radio, snow tires, reason- able. 884-7678. Clw15 after ior. aeâ€"Jt-ehwz'oadrtires. 8844305. c1w15 1961 Envoy, good mow}: 1964 USED CARS AUTO INSURANCE Corvair Spydor, 4" speed, tires, radio 884â€"7910. six‘ c1w15 51X ’VOLKSWAGEN'S’ INSURANCE c1w15 c1w15 c1w15 c1w15 c1w15 inter- ‘7RENTALL, 41 YONGE NT“ Rug shampooers, floor mach. ï¬nes, tools, chairs. 884-6761. SLICKS Goodyear slicks. 9147“. and Hal- Ilbrand mags. Phone 8893128» c1w15 1964 Buick LeSabre convertible. V8. automatic. power steering and brakes. radio with rear speaker. Very good condition. $1.495. 884.7332 after 5 pm. clwll RELIABLE "awning lady for Tuesday: and Wednesdays. 5 to 6 hours, $2 per hour plus car fare. 834-3101. CZM3 ACCOUNTANT typlst, male, experienced. all phases office routine. sales. mature. Several years wholesale lumber systems equipment. Box a, “The Lib- eral". clwls WORK for tanvdem dump trucks, weekends and holidays. Call Cecil Lowe. 884-1302. c4w12 CLEANING woman available for Mondays or Tuesdays. from 9 In 3. 8844706 evenings. FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps. etc. Please phone evenings or Saturday 773-4202. tfcl]. 1959 Volkswagen}7écently ha a body job. 8844.772. *1W15 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help ua? Call dention Army. 889-7655. t1c29 ASTRAL W hon-comipi‘eséidi type refrigerator. 884-6452. c1w15 GUITAR. bass, drum, sax. 'éccf. lessons from professional re- cording artists. Mod music. 884-2386. tfc15 PIANOS wanted, all mikes ind conditions. Ca11884-1146. WANTED to buy. a few/ï¬lpbie’s for re-sale as pets. 88931934. il‘wAIifclenrance. IroquoiS, Ride. lite. new. save up to $100. Uaed from $299, equipment 10% d1;- count. Large displuy. McKenzig Camping Trailers. 235 No, 1' Highwzly. Thornhill at Bayvhw. Eel! CIRCULAR or radial um law. band-saw. jointer and small drill press for home use. 884< 8795. c1w15 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 3240 - 66. EXPERT instruction on clari- net, saxaphone, and drums. Robert E. Thiel 110 Harding Blvd. Richmond Hill. 884.4177. c4w14 HORSES for hire and hay ridés’. midnight rides available, horses boarded at reasonable rates. Shenandoa Ranch, 3 miles north of Maple on Keele. 832- 8747. c5w14 REWARD for riturn of ladiel' gold wristlet watch with brace- let. Lost Thursday in vicinity of Loblaws and Levendale. Sen- timemal value. 884-4792 after 8 pm. c1w15 ACADEMIC tutoring. chemis- try, physics. mathematics ‘for high school. community college and university freshman. 889- 6809. c5w14 TEACHER‘wishes ride from} Richmond Hill to Bramalea and back. 884-2228 Ifter 4 pm. AVAILABLE. Driving to E;â€" Linton arriving 8 am, returning approximaer 5 pm. 884-6271 after 6. t1c15 PORTABLE TV RENTALS WEEK OR MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7458 EMPLOYMENT I WANTED " Transportation USED CARS BOARDING STABLES TRAILERS NURSERE ‘ SCHOOL 45 RENTALS WANTED TUITION (Continued) LOST c1w15 clw15 tic45 tfc31 tfc43 1:ch