Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Oct 1968, p. 15

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7 13.111. â€"â€" Evensong 8 pm. â€" Adult Confirmation Class Wednesdays 10 3.111. ~â€" Holy Communion Nursery in Rectory '1 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer 7.30 pm. -â€"â€" A.Y.P.F. 21st Sunday After Trinity 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am, -â€" Holy Communion Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitnge, TRINITY XXI 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 11. am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer Preacher: Mr‘ Richard Edmunds WEDNESDAY 10.30 am. â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bayview at Crosby Richmond Hill R". William E. Moore 884-4236 Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert Newton-Smith SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 TRINITY XXI 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€"-Parish Communion (Sunday School for all Agesl Nursery Care EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Maokay Drive â€"- Richvale Rev. William J. Rhodes 889-6789 Mr. Robert Long, Organist SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. H. Reginald Howden, B.A., L. Th. Estelle Markham. ARCT., RMT. Organist and Choir Director 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€" Parish Family [ Communion ‘ (Church School and Nursery) I 2.15 p,m â€"â€" Junior Confirma-! tion Class | M.A.. DD. 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 am. RICHMOND HILL CHRIS“ THE 1‘1"“ ducting their annual fall week BAPTIST CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH of ra er from November 2 (A Fellowship Church) 30331 0mm"! Blvdâ€" 9. p y ’ to 50 WHEN Street 3" Tim“ Drive' There will be nightly meet- (Opposite the High School) Thommue outed" ings at 7_30 pm Sunday through Pastor, Rev. A. B. Arnot. D.D. Arnold 13- weigel- B-A» 3-D" to Friday, with special speakers 884-3091 Pastor participating, according to Pas- SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1968] Phone 889-0373 .tor w. M. Mercer. 9.45 a.m. â€"- Bible School For‘SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 19681 The theme of the. week of All Ages i9.30 am. â€" Sunday Church prayer is “confidence”, and 11 am. -â€" "The Lost Coin” ’ School, Grades 3 to 8 among the subjects to be deal! '7 pm. â€"â€" RADIANT LIFE ‘11 am. â€"- The Service pvith will be: “Confidence is our SERVICE. Followed by Social Hamâ€"Sunday Church SchoolNeed", “Confidence in God‘s Hour Nursery Class to Grade 2 Leadership", and “Confidence Nursery Supervision Infant Nursery Provided [in Prayer". All Welcome Everyone warme welcome! | The week of prayer is especi- MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Maple Community Centre Keele Street North, Maple Pastor: D. S. Davidson 233-9725 Sunday Services 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service Nursery Facilities Provided at both services SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 ALLSAINTS-TIDE “In-VII“!- VANDEMAN s'r. STEPHENS" CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O‘Neil Rev. F. C. Jackson Rev. B. W. Fraser The Ratepayers and the Council of the Cor- poration of the Township of Whitchurch extend to the three Olympic champions our warmest congratulations on their Victory in Mexico. Mr. Gayford. Mr. Elder and Mr. Day displayed the form of sportsmanship, gameness, skill and determination which makes us proud that they come from this area. St. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAPTIST CHANNEL H, TV-CHCH ANGLICAN ALLIANCE Congratulations YOU ARE INVITED TO DIAL TIME 3:00 RM. SUNDAYS THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Street Thornhill. Ontario. The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans. D.D. Minister Mr. Franz Loesgen. Organist SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€" Evening Worship RICHMONifiiILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1968 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. ~â€" Nursery Department 7th. Concession Rev. B. 1". Andrew. Minister SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 10 am. â€" St. Andrew's Church and Sunday School 11.15 am. â€" St. Paul’s Church and Sunday School “Thus says the Lord who creat- ed you; Fear not, I have re» deemed you. I have called you by name. You are Mine." ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue 5.. Near Centre St. Richmond Hill The Rev. James S. Dauphinee THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ont. 5: Que.) Stop 17, Yongc Street Rev. Minion Johnston. D.D. Min. Organist: Mrs. Carol Irving 10 am. â€"- Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Service of Worship SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1968 ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street, Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. 4; Que.) Rev. J. R. W. anrenco B.A., B.D., Pastor Church 884-6323 9.45 am. â€" Church School 11 am. â€"- Morning Worshjp LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street. Thornhill SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1968 9.50 am. â€"- Bible School 11 em. â€"- Pastor Tom Cowan MA., BD. 7 p.m. -â€" Pastor Tom Cowan MA... BD. Midweek Hour Wednesday. 8 pm. Supervised Nursery at all Lord's Day Activities Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 zlst Sunday After Trinity 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday Church ‘ School ‘11 am. â€" The Service ‘Nursery Care is Provided Dur- ing the Service CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Royal Orchard Blvd. Bay Thorn Drive. Thomhlll. Ontario Arnold D. Welgel. B.A., B.D., Pastor Phone 889-0873 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 PRESBYTERIAN ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple and Nursery FacilitieE Provided Nursery and Junior School LUTHERAN ST. PAUL'S. VAUGHAN with "We love Him Because He First lovea’ Us” The week of prayer is especi- ally meant for church members. but all meetings are open to the ‘general public, Pastor Mercer ‘says. 9.45 am. â€" Primary. Junior, and Intermediate Church School 11 am. â€" Nursery and Kinder- garten. 11 am. â€"â€"- Sermon: “20th Cen- tury Definitions" 2: Reformation ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. 1“. James Burn, BA, BB. Minister 884-5526 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 11 am. â€" Worship Service (Infant Care) Church School 9.30 am. â€" Ages 6-15 11 am. â€"â€" Ages 3-5 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH (Yonge and Centre Streets) Minister The Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 Organist and Choir Leader: Gordon M. Fleming Church Office: 884-1301 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1968 CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. A. I. Higgins, B.A., B.D. Mrs. Wilfred G. Bowes Director of Music SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 9.45 am. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Keele Street South, Maple Minister Rev. Norman H. Boogers Director of Music Mr. Hugh Armstrong A.R.C.T. 98th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 11 am. â€" Service of Worship 11 am. â€" Church School 7.30 pm. â€" Special Anniversary Service Guests: Rev. Douglas Davis and Scarborough A.O.T.S. Glee Club (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuckle, Pastor Organist Mrs. J. Keffer For Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER. 3. 1968 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday Church School 11 am. â€" Our Service to God (The Friendly Church) 4 pm. â€" Ages 6-8 Everyone Welcome THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Ministers Rev. A. I. Higgins, B.A., B.D. Rev. Garth C. Nelson. B.A., B.D., S.T.M. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1968 9.30 am. â€" Intermediate Church School 11 am. â€" Nursery 11 am, â€" Morning Worship Baptism For further Information call 889-2131 Members of the Richmond Hill 7th Day Adventist Church will join with sister churches all over North America in con- ducting their annual fall week of prayer, from November 2 to There will be nightly meet- ings at 7_30 pm Sunday through to Friday. with special speakers participating, according to Pas- tor W. M. Mercer. 7th Day Adventists Hold Week Of Prayer ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH UNITED Six new booths will be a feature Of St. Gabriel’s Yuletide Wonderland Bazaar, scheduled for this Saturday. Luncheon will be served from 11:30 to 1 and afternoon tea from 1:30 to 4. The booths inQIUde a cake weight guessing contest and the picture above shows Convenor Margaret Strother With the large Chrlstmas cake to be won by some lucky contestant. There will be a children‘s treasure hunt. postage stamps, new children's books, children's photos. Am-Way Products. dolls and clothing, aprons. novelties, sewing. knitting, fish pond. hot dogs and pop. baking. white elephants._ _ Thei‘e'will be ailucky draw also. with three prizes wall plaque. Al Thomas is the co-con'venor. Welcome to All Yuletide Wonder/and At Church Of St. Gabriel Wednesday fThe Missionary Church SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1968 9.50 am. â€" Bible School With Classes For All Ages Speaker. Mrs. Harmon With Special Singing 11 am. and 7 pm. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Rev. J. H. Good of Zephyr, speaker; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker of Orillia. guest singers. Wednesday, 8 pm, Prayer and Fellowship Bring the Whole Family Interest Is Growing “A Warm Welcome Awaits You" (Clark & Willowdale Sts.) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1968 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"â€" Family Service Speaker: Rev. E. L. Simmonds 6.30 pm. â€"â€" Communion Service 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service Speaker: Mr. Howard Hunt Wednesday â€"- 7.30 pm. Prayer Service and Bible Study GORMLEY Pastor. Rev. B. S. Hallmnn Friday 8 pm. -â€" Youth Fellow- ship. Social at, Willow Springs Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Public Cordially Invited SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1968 9.45 3.111. â€" Family Bible Hour 11 am. -â€"__l\_rIqrnin_g Worship Wednestfay 7.45 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Everybody Welcome DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL CONCORD SUNDAY SERVICES 9.45 am. â€" Bible School (All Ages) 11 am. â€"- Ministry of the Word 7 pm. -- Worship and Com- munion RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road Wesfi Pastor, W. M. Mercer 223-4478 Saturday 9.30 am. â€" Sabbath School 11 am. â€"- Divine Worship Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€" Bible Study Friday 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Young People's A. E. Atkinson Minister. 889-3364 B. Witty, Sec., 889-5057 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Pastor Rev. David A. Dyer, B.A., B.D. 884-6629 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1968 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Service “When You Pray Say ‘Our Father’ ” 7 pm. â€" Sunday Evening Gospel Hour 8 pm. â€"- Youth Fellowship Tuesday 7.30 pm. â€"- Midweek Prayer Hour Wednesday 645 pm. -â€"- Christian Youth Crusaders. MARKHAM: Works Superin- tendent Edward Gough has been appointed fire chief for the village. Mr. Gough will asâ€" sume fulltime duties in this position by December 1 or as soon as a suitable replacement can be found for him in his present department. Other Denominations A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Road and King High Drive Friday Free Methodist Youth Rally RICHMOND HILL (Beverley Acres School) Pastor, Andrew P. Jones Bueschleb. who was not in- jured, was charged by Markham Township Police with failing to yield the right of way. The accident was investigated by Constable Glen Forrester. SERIOUS CONDITION A Scarboro woman is in very serious condition in Scarboro General Hospital after being in- volved in an accident on Satur- day afternoon at the intersec- tion of Birchmount and Steeles Avenues. Markham Township Police report. Miss Derry was admitted to York Central Hospital. Rich- mond Hill, with a broken nose. face injuries and possible in- ternal injuries. The Corvair travelled over 100 feet before crashing through several guard posts and into a tree on the edge of a pond in a private yard. Edelgard Hucke, 42, of 24 Bow Valley Drive, lost control of her car as she was driving west on Steeles Avenue and smashed into the side of a car being driven by 80-year-old Herbert Kennedy of Glenwat- ford Drive, Agincourt. Kennedy was driving at about 30 mph when the Hucke car fish-tailed and went out of con- trol. (Continued from Page 1) able in use and the staff room also serves as the library with consequent conflict of use. The health room is used by the health nurse, the psychologist, speech therapist. remedial teacher, French teacher and for storing audio-visual equipment, science equipment and duplicat- ing supplies and work. Some- times the scheduling tends to be ‘a, little tight. especially if some- one is ill and using the couch in the room. Superintendent of Schools Gordon McIntyre pointed out that when grades 7 and 8 are removed to a senior school, which was the next step planned by the pres- ent board, most of the space; problems would be solved. “This would do away with the portable and give us a room for the library.” Mr, Hincks agreed, Reporting that she had taken a class to the Royal Museum in Toronto another teacher asked about the possibility of more trips of this kind. “The child- ren learned so much from see- ing and experiencing and using all their senses. I was also surâ€" prised that although these child- ren came from the affluent area of Richmond Hill. 111051, of them ‘had never been to the museum. Massey Hall, city hall or had seen the Toronto-Dominion Teenage Girl Dies In Accident???" At Don Mills And 17th Avenueigg An accident at the intersec- tion of 17th Avenue and Don Mills Road on Saturday evening claimed the life of 18-year-old Carolyn Wright, of RR 2 Gorm- ley. whose father Harold Wright is a regional administrator of training for CBC in the Toronto area. The tragedy occurred only a few minutes after Miss Wright left her home on Don Mills Road, between 18th and 19th Avenues. a passenger in a Cox‘- vair being driven south on Don Mills by Diana Derry. 17, Of North Taylor Mills Drive, Rich- mond Hill. Edelgard Hucke suffered a broken pelvis and broken ribs, lacerations to her head and legs and severe shock. On arriving at hospital an emergency opera- tion was performed on her. Damage to her car. a Chev- rolet was about $2,000_ The Kennedy car sustained $500 damages. Constable Terry Hill Her car collided with a Volks- wagen being driven by Hans Bueschleb. 24. of VanHorne Avenue, Willowdale. as the lat- ter car was turning left from Don Mills Road onto 17th Ave- nue. Knock Down The Walls For Space an oil painting, a. full size quilt and a. Mr. When a change is being con- sidered the new board will know taken what has been planned and um in what has been suggested by the asked teachers who have worked in more our schools. “I would hope that child- one of the first things that will 1 see- happen is that grades 7 and 8 using1will disappear from this school. 0 su1‘-;This would solve a lot of your child-jproblems." interjected Superin- tarea‘tendent McIntyre. ‘If we were them going to carry on as a board our seum. next move would have been to r had get all grades '7 and 8 into a‘ iinion senior school system." A charge of failing to yield the right of way was laid against Leslie Moreby. 63. of Bayview Avenue. Richmond Hill. follow- ing an accident October 23 at the intersection of Newkirk Road and Centre Street. Alvin Pegelo. 32, of 387 Alper Street, Richmond Hill. passed a northbound vehicle driven by Lawrence Kehoe, 20, of Oshawa. pulled sharply in front and clipped the Kehoe vehicle. caus- ing minor damage. He then fail- ed to stop, police report. VAUGHAN ACCIDENTS IGNORES BAN A man who was convicted of impaired driving in Richmond Hill Magistrate‘s Court on Mon- day. was charged the same night with driving while his licence was under suspension. Louis C. Pineau. 49~ of RR 3 Mount Albert. was fined $100 plus costs on an impaired driv- ing charge and had his licence automatically suspended for three months. Then at 12 o'clock Monday night he drove into a gas pump at Han's BA on Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. and was subsequently charged. Moreby was westbound on Centre Street crossing the in- tersection when in collision with a car driven by Patrick Killean. 47. of Beechy Drive, Richmond Hill. A Richmond Hill man was charged with failing to remain at the scene of an accident and with failing to signal a left turn after a collision on Bayview Avenue at Bayview Secondary School October 25. A car driven by Pamela Bur- ton of Kleinburg was in colli- sion with a car driven by James Jackson of Maple on the Klein- burg Road on Sunday. Total damage to the cars was $1,000. John MacKa'y of Weston was crossing Keele Street on the Maple Sideroad on Saturday when he lost control of his car which smashed into a light stan~ dard causing $1,200 damage to the car. investigated Maple Sideroad was the scene of a rear-end collision Friday October 25 when a truck driven by Robert Amos of Richmond Hill banged into the back of a car driven by Paul Jensen of Richmond Hill. Damage to the car was $300. All three accidents were in- vestigated by Vaughan Town- ship Police, .... .. Centre, except on Richmond Hill’s skyline,” she reported. Asked what they would be prepared to give up to have more excursions. a senior grade teacher said. “Half my kids would give their right arms to go to Cedar Glen." tLast spring a grade 8 class from Pleasant- ville spent three days at Cedar Glen on a science excursion.) Other teachers from the prim- ary division replied. "Black- boards. textbooks, desks." When another senior grade teacher wondered what would happen to the teaching staff suggestions in the future, Mrs. Simpson assured him that all suggestions from the teaching staff will be incorporated in a report requested by 1500. “All we have learned from you will be passed on in a precise form as coming from our people, (know by b.u4us audio) Standards of yellow and! A reception followed at thel white gladioll formed the set-.Royal Canadian Legion Halll ting in St. Andrew’s Presbyter-land the bride's mother receivedl lan Church. Lindsay August 10.;her guests wearing an ensemble! when Susan Jane. daughter nflof blue lace. She chose whitel Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Green‘accessories and a corsage oil 'of Lindsay. became the bride yellow sweetheart roses. of Edward William. son of Mrs. The bridegroom~5 mother Vera Russell and the late Henl‘ywvore a dress of pink shantung Russell Of RiChmond Hill. and a mnfbhinu innlraf uyhin'h {and Reg Pembleton. (friend of 5the groom) of Willowdale as {the ushers. Reverend 0. G. Locke offi- ciated and the solist Patricia Gill of Lindsay sang “The Wed- ding Prayer" and “The Lord’s Prayer” accompanied by Robert Tompkins of Lindsay. Given in marriage by her father. the bride was lovely in a skimmer-type full length gown of silk organza over bridal taffeta. Daisy appliques ac- cented the hemline. the full de- tachable train. sleeves and bodice. She wore wrist-length gloves trimmed with seed pearls and a strand of cultured pearls, gift of the groom. Holding her veil of double illusion was a cluster of daisy appliques dot- ted with tiny crystals and she carried a bouquet of yellow sweetheart roses and yellow and white carnations. Sandra Green, sister of the bride from Hamilton, was the maid-ofâ€"honor and bridesmaids were Darlene Green (sister-in- law of the bride) of Pembroke, Joan Beeston (sister of the groom) of Willowdale and Dyan Armstrong of Richmond Hill. They were gowned in floor- length turquoise spray silk chif- fon featuring round necklines. The bell sleeves and detachable trains were constructed from Swiss lace and their accessories consisted of white wrist-length gloves and bouquets of yellow and white carnations. Complet- ing their outfits. they lwore headdresses of chiffon petals and veiling. The flower girl, little Clau- dette Woods from Weston, was charming in a white silk and chiffon dress styled with flow- ers at the waistband and real flowers in her hair. Assisting the groom was Doug ' Armstrong of Richmond Hill as I best man and Richard Green, (brother of the bride) of Pem- broke; Alex Russell. (brother of the groom) of Richmond Hill" STARTS THURSDAY, MR. UGLY HITS TOWN”: Box Office Opens Daily '7 pm Show commences at 7.30 Last Complete Show 8.55 SUNDAY, NOV. 3rd STARTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3lst - PARKWAY - Susan Jane Green Is Bride of Edward Russell Box Office Opens 6.30 Show Commences 7 pm Last Complete Show 9 pm Cont. Show from 4.30 Last Complete Show 8.55 - WEEK DAYS - Box Office Opens 7 pm. Show Commences 7.30 Last Complete Show 9.30 SAT., NOV. 2nd E OF STEELES OFF WOODBINE 293: Cont. Show from 700 Last Complete Show 9410 Cont. Show from 5.30 Last complete show 9.40 FRI. - SAT. - SUN. Box Office Opens 6.30 ALSO -â€" Show Commences 7 pm. Last Complete Show 8,25 m OCTOBER 3lst THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. â€"- WEEK DAYS -â€" FRI. - SAT. - SUN AT 1 P.M. 8: 3 P.M. â€" SATURDAY â€" . WEEK DAYS - â€" SUNDAY -â€" 8. OF HWY. 7 n 889-2“ STARTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3lst ODEON - 884-6221 ODEON - 384-”? Wed In lint/5a y AT 2 P.M. V tUWAKU DMALLWM ./ I inmmcken nnEaMs m : OFPaumsmuszum: The bridegroom‘s mother wore a dress of pink shantung and a matching jacket which featured delicate beading at the neckline. She complimented her outfit with a pink hat and a pink and white corsage of sweetheart roses. For a honeymoon to Florida, the bride wore a‘two-piece linen suit of mauve with white trim. Her outfit was accented with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Out-of-town guests came from Washington. DC; Detroit. Mich; Ottawa. Richmond Hill. Nevimarket. Weston, Nobleton. Toronto. Hamilton. Fenelon Falls. Pembroke. Ajax, Oshawa and Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Russell are now residing at 86 Wright St. Rich- mond Hill. With ROBERT SHAW â€" MARY URE ' J=\\\' I . ' I ‘ mm: : “THE HIGH COMMISSIONER" PLUS! 0 Children Under 12 Free â€"â€" Electric In-Car Heaters. 0 Box Office Open 7.00 pm. â€"- Show starts at 7.30 pm SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE "CUSTER OF THE WEST" Week Starting Friday, Nov. lst [£1,197 555:5? "THIIIE - ’ Hum” » ~ “fie; ‘ C ffé’flMflflMA’Wffl/MSMR" $3 ‘ EDWARD SMN FIRST TORONTO SHOWING 2 Big Features in Technicolor CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER - ROD TAYLOR in “SINGLE ROOM FURNISHED" “Thunderbirds Are Go” PLUS COLOR CARTOON All Seats .50c «, Thursday, Oct. 31, 1968 In Color FIND WHAT YOU WANT BY Do you know of an easier way to shop or sell? When you make the “Liberal” Classifed columns your mar- ket place, all you do is place your ad and wait for the phone to ring (and ring it will) or sit back and enjoy reading the Classified col- umns, then phone for an appointment to see the ad- vertised items. Want ads do the work â€" and quickly. RELAX USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS READING AND PHONES 884-1105 - 884-1983 “The Liberal” “Home Paper of the District Since 1878” Cllll‘l'

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