The first night will be spent at the Centennial Park Bush Camp which is a reconstructed loggers’ camp with cookhouse, bunkhouse, etc. Films will be shown about the lakehead and about the logging industry. The youngsters will tour Northern Wood and Northern Forest Products Mills. the Qntario De- partment of Lands and Forests tree farm, Boreal Timber Ltd. Camp No. 503 near Nolula, 140‘ miles east of Port Arthur. They will return home by train to Alliston October 31 in time for Hallowe'en night outings. l Construction will soon be‘ started at Kleinburg Junior Earlier this fall. all the child- ren visited Burlington Outdoor Resources Centre, a retail lum- ber business and a gravel bus- iness. They will visit the Can- adian Car plant in Port Arthur, where a conducted tour will enlighten them on the manu- facture of woodland machinery and a demonstration will be given on the use of these ma- chines. The children raised money by a bake sale, rummage sale, fun fair, and two movies in Mac- kenzie Senior School. The 96 students in two grade threes and two grade fours divided by their own choice into forestry, rivers. pond, and maps groups. The forestry group chose to visit a Lumber camp. Principal John Martin of Kleinburg Junior Public School reports that 30 pupils from grades 3 and 4 will tour to Port Arthur, leaving by train Oc-‘ tober 28 from Alliston. They will be accompanied by Mr. Martin, John Kerr. Barbara MacKinnon, Joy Greenlaw of the teaching staff and Mrs. O. Malvaer and Mrs. Eunice Swartout, chaperones. Junior Public School Joan Creighton, Naylon Street, had a nasty fall at her cottage on Kahshe Lake last weekend and as a result is cov- ered with very colorflil bruises. There are several people in the village who have been un- der the weather with the ‘flu that is going the rounds once again. Marilyn Third, 5 Weller Cres. and Shirley Shields. 21, Railway Street and her five- year-old daughter Lesley and my husband Derek were among the victims. Klein burg K larion Eleanor James, 59 Lancer 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, "The Liberal†is always willing to publish items regarding people and Maple, please phone Mrs. Pam Rolfe, 832-1122; in Edgeley and Concord For more information about SHUR-GAIN local SHUR-GAIN Dealer today. Help your cattle through this stress period by feeding SHUR-GAIN 13% Feedlot Starter. Highly fortified with antibiotics, this palatable low energy feed is deSigned especially to help overcome the stress placed on cattle when moved into feedlot. When cattle move into a new slow down in growth rate and cattle aren't doing their best a Have Your FEEDER CATTLE Arrived? feedlot starter at York Pihes United Gluich Kettleby. The adult study group will meet November 13 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gus- cott, Rushworth Crescent, Kleinburg Estates. Sunday school teachers’ training night is November 5 The serviée November 3 will fezï¬ure a dialogue sermon. October 27 a church youth service was held with a teenage band leading the music. November f0, a Remem- brance service will be held. Team standings: Lemons have 20 points, Kumquat Ltd. 18. Sour Grapes 14, Prickly Pears 23. Figs 18 and Hot Tamales 12. United Church News The Hi-C group met October 13 in the Sunday school base- ment. ‘Vera Veres has the high av- erage with 230. Audrey Rown- tree had high triple (with and without handicap) and high single with handicap, with scores of 831, 855 and 316. Luc- ille Shaw bowled the high sin- gle with 309. Ladies’ Bowling League Charlie McTaggal‘t, Islingâ€" ton Avenue, is a patient in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. School on the addition of four classrooms and a library re- source centre. With The Sick Be there at 1.30 if you wish to buy any goodies from the bake table, as they always dis- appear like magic. The hostess table with home preserves, can- The annual Christmas bazaar and bake sale will take place this Saturday commencing at 130 pm in the church hall. Rev. Norman Green. curator of the new McLaughlin planet- arium, Toronto, will preach at the morning services November 3 and 10 at 11 am. There will be no celebration of Holy Commun- ion at 8 am on these two Sun- days, but on Dr. Armitage's re- turn November 17 Holy Com- munion will be celebrated at the 11 am service. Bazaar St, Stephen’s Anglican Church Drive was taken to York Central dies and delicatessen items ileressings Mrs. Hospital October 21 and is now also very popular. There will portation Mrs minus her appendix. A speedy be Christmas decorations, toys Chairman Mrs. recovery is wished her by all and beautiful aprons, also flow- iting Mrs. T. . her friends and neighbors. ers from the gardens of Maple. gate to district )k I: i :k n,,:, ,, .. .._. MAPLE FEED MILL 832-1241 av environment, they undergo stress. Stress means d increased susceptibility to disease. Every day your costs you money. IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE regarding people and ev ents contributed by its readers Edgeley and Concord, Margaret McLean, 884-1105. in mm The ofï¬cers for the coming lage year, 1968-69, are President _ Mrs. Lorne Wells, Vice-Presi- Wln dent Mrs. J. Irvine, Secretary Mrs. H. C. Elkins, Campaign ‘em' Chairman Mrs. R. James, Co- . Chairman Mrs. D. V. Anderson. W111 Education Chairman Mrs. M. gme Clendennaxn, Coâ€"Chairman Mrs. J. Irvine, Maintenance and No- minating Chairman Mrs. H. C. Elkins, Medical Advisory Chairman Dr. R_ A. Bigford, Publicity Chairman Miss Pat Maclachlan, Service to Patients Chairman. Mrs. J. La Riviere, The campaign report given by Co-Chairman Mrs. David Ander- son in the absence of Chairman Mrs. R. James, revealed that $4,930.32 had been collected ‘during the campaign for funds in April. This was accomplish- ed through the hard work of the captains and the canvassers and the generosity of the people of the district. This glee club is going to Akron, Ohio, in two weeks time to give a concert and sing at a church service and these num- bers are some they will use there. Cancer Society The annual meeting of the Maple Branch, cancer society, was held at the‘home of Mrs. Lorne Wells October 26 at 2 pm with Mrs. G. M. Hamilton in the chair. The Scarboro AOTS Glee Club sang four numbers during the service among them “A Mighty Fortress is Our God†and “The Old Rugged Cross", and they sang the 23rd Psalm as the anthem. After the serv- ice the Glee Club entertained the congregation for a half hour in the church hall with several numbers including “Charmaineâ€, “Hello Dollyâ€, "Haw Great 715161; Art†and “The Battle Hymn of the Republicâ€. At the evening service the! Rev. Douglas Davis of Stouff- ville was the guest speaker who took as his text Jeremiah 18 verses 1-8, “The Divine Potter.†Maple United Church took place October 28 with an excellent congregation at both morning and evening services. Rev. Norman Boogers based his sermon on the words written in the Book of Daniel, Christ sending forth the 12 discipl- es. We must all have the faith ‘of Daniel to fall back on, but llike Christ we must all go for- lward. he said. The church choir sang two numbers during the service “Like as The Hart†by Novello and “Jesu the Very Thought of Thee" by Thiman. Principal Roy Robson reports that the head nurse at York Central Hospital was very im- pressed by the good behavior of all children involved in the ac- cident between a school bus and a truck last Monday and because of this the hospital staff was able to look after them more ef- ficiently. The grade 4 classes this week are going on the Centennial tour taken by last year’s grade 4 clasnl ses. In the near future the grade 5 classes are visiting the Toronto The 98th anniversary of Maple United Church took place October 28 with an excellent congregation at both morning and evening services. Come along on Saturday and bring a friend and stay and have a cup of tea and relax for a few minutes before going home with your purchases. Maple United Church _ _.._r--. Bring the Ehildi‘eh â€"along to enjoy the fun of the fish pond, the white elephant and under $1 Feedlot Starter, drop in and see your Oct. 31, 1968 the bazaar the tables any donaâ€" tables will The November meeting of the ..home and school association will take place at Joseph Gibson Junior School November 6 at 8 pm (please note the new time), ' when Malcolm McRoberts of the Burlington Outdoor Research Centre will be the speaker sup- ported by members of the teach- ing staff of the school, Mr. Mc- Roberts will discuss the concept of outdoor education as it re- lates to all subjects, not just plant and animal life, and how the school teachers follow up each visit to the centre with work in the classrooms to furth- er the education of our children. Li'ons Club “The Liberal†requires a correspondent for Concord. If you enjoy serving your community and want to earn some extra money then phone Staff Writer Margaret McLean at 884- 1105. It is not too late to give one of the Lions members a call if you have something to donate, they will pick it up whenever you say. Remember all money received from this auction sale goes to charity for the good of Don‘t forget to attend the an- nual Lions auction sale at com- munity centre this Saturday, commencing at 12 noon. There will be many items on sale from appliances to toys, crockery to furniture, maybe something you need. Refreshments will be sold in the hall. October 28 saw a cool spell at the school when the workmen on the new addition broke a pipe connected to the heating system. Maple Home and School The grade 4 classes this week are going on the Centennial tour taken by last year’s grade 4 clas- ses. In the near future the grade 5 classes are visiting the Toronto Art Gallery. The central counties annual district meeting held at Mart Kenney‘s Ranch October 10 in the form of a dinner meeting was attended by Patsy Maclach- lan. Marg Wells, Muriel Rose and Marg Amos. ‘ Joseph Gibson School I _- ,v..- Mrs. Wells on behalf of the executive thanked Mrs. Hamil- ton, the retiring president, for her leadership and many hours of helpfulness to all members during her years in ofï¬ce. The president thanked every- one for their help and willing- ne§§ duxjpg the past year, Chairman Mrs. A, A. 2466;, V'iE- iting Mrs. T. J. James. Dele- gate to district council Mrs. L. Wells. Dressings Mrs. D. rWeese, Trans- Concord Correspondent in Maple, Concord, Edgeley and Kleinburg. Kleinburg, Mrs. Lucille ShaW. 893-1432. C. RoSe, Co- l So don’t worry about be- ing a two-timer Arabella. You will get the same sires as always, by calling the offices listed in your new phone book under â€" You see we’re all one now. We’ve united to pro- vide an artificial insemina- tion service that will give you not only'a better calf next year, but even better ones in the years to come. 1 or “Waterloo Cattle Breeders†Yes, “United Breeders†is what the man said, Ara- ‘belIa. The familiar voice at the familiar number didn’t say “Central Ontario Cattle Breeders†UflflER MARKHAM: The building re- port for Markham Village Coun- cil for September listed over a million dollars worth of new buildings for the village. Mark- ham Village Apt. Ltd., was esti- mated at $450,000; the Thos. Shea addition at $130,000. The standings’to date are Ed Borrett 16, Len Weeks 15, Joe Lortie and Pete Cralib 4. WILLOWDALE: Miss Canada will be crowned in North York’s Centennial Arena this year thanks to a $9,500 grant from Metro. The high single and high triple of 276 and 652 was bowl- ed by Lorne Lloyd. The Pioneer games were play‘ ed October 24 and Joe Lortie’s boys took 5 points from Pete Craib’s team leaving them with 2, Ed Borrett’s team scored 4 against Len Week’s 3. The high single and high triple were both bowled by Dave Thacker with 309 and 840 re- spectively. Pioneer League In the games played October 21 Dopey’s took 5 points and left Snow White’s with 2, Sneezy‘s took all 7 from Hap- py’s Ba‘shful’s took 5 and left Sleepy’s with 2 and Doc‘s also took 5 and left Grumpy’s with 2. October 23 saw Bruce Mur- ray's team take all 7 points from Ken White’s team, Dave Thack- er’s boys scored 4 against Clar- ence Palmer‘s 3 and Ross Both- Well’s team also took 4 against George Harrison’s 3. The high single was scored by Marg Thacker with 276 and Bet- ty Fraser scored 670 for the high triple and the high average was 207 by Isabel Dahl. Men’s League Ladies’ League the community, and your help is needed. Apple Day UNITED WHO?? Saturday, November 2 the Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs of Maple will be out in full force selling ‘apples. This is the main source of funds for the Scout move- ment so be generous when one of the boys come: to your door. 01' “Lambton Cattle Breeders†Paul Hoogenboom and Ron Rysek scored for Superior with assists going to R. Guidolin and Wayne Johnson. Peter Fraser had one goal and one assist for Mark Sones blasted home four goals and added three as- sists with Don Pridham right in step with four goals of his own and an assist J. MacKay.‘ added two goals for the winners with Robbie Yoteff getting a goal and one assist. Other as- sists went to R. Doran, G. For- est, G. Payne, W. Reeds and R. Warner. Goalie Marty Shanck received credit for the shutout. Superior Propane 2, DH & A 2 MAPLE MINOR HOCKEY PEE WEES Mingle? Lions 11, Contractors Some Maple pre-schoolers are seen above, enjoying the regular Thursday morning story hour at Maple Public Library. A group of about 15 youngsters are attending this year, from 10.30 to 11.15 in the morning. Story teller in the picture is Mrs. Marian Lavender, one of nine volunteer mothers who take turns at the job. . The Maple Library is located on Merino Road, just west of Keele Street. It is open every afternoon from 12 to 5 and Tuesday and Friday evenings from 7 to 9, Saturdays 10 am to 1 pm. The library also displays art work by local residents and at present has a showing of paintings by Roy Robson, principal of Joseph Gibson Junior School. $250 for each $100. That’s what you can get with this year’s Canada Savings Bonds. Here’s how. The new Bonds have fourteen regular annual interest coupons which can be cashed each year as they come due. The ï¬rst pays 5.75%; the second, 6.50%; the next three, 6.75 °/° each, and the last nine a big 7.00% each. Total regular annual interest amounts to $95.50 on each 5100 Bond. If you choose you may hold all these regular annaai interest coupons uncashed until your Bond matures. If you do, you will then get interest on your interest totalling an additional $54.50 on each $100 Bond. MAPLE The MMHA Atoms and Tykes are busy at present going through their hockey school which should last for another six weeks. Their games have- n’t started yet. Del Brocco 2, Maple Merchants 0 A shutout for Danny James in goal for the winners. Marv Hurano, in hospital last month with a leg injury, was back on skates and rapped home one of the goals with Billy Edmanson‘ scoring the other one. Ron Smith had one assist. it was L. Hughes notching two of the goals while Gary Leon- ard got the other one. D. Hall received two assists and Alex Bittner one. 1 muck HOCKEY masuus Once Upon A Time interest of $150 plus your original 3400 investment. This way each 3100 Canada Bond becomes worth $250. Other denominauons can grow at flu same exciting pate. . | Adults, chiidren, businesses and may buy Canada Savings Bonds. They are avaiio able in convenient amounts of $50 up to 550,0“) for cash or on instalmenss, wherever you W9“. bank or invest. And, as always, Canada Sailings Bonds are cashabie any time as it!!! [not who piuc earned interest. Few investments am so None Md; more surely for the future. Buy Canada My Bonds and make your savmsï¬ may 8W". Penalties galore in this one with Dale Bone standing out in goal for Maple. Offensiver it was Jim Maddin scoring both goals while Mark LeMoine had one assist. l The Maple Bantams were not ‘so fortunate as the Peewees and Midgets but things should get better with the opportunity to practice. Because of lack of‘ available ice time the boys‘ haven’t been able to weld to- gether. Maple Midgets 2, Schomberg 1 Schomberg 6. Maple Bantams 0 STATISTICS PEE WEES GWLT F ans 1 10011 Huston Del Brocco Fred’s Shell Merchants Brown & Guidoh‘n, R. Johnson. W. Payne, G. Reeds, W. Warner, R. (Photo by Stuart's Studio) hants . 1 0 I 0 0 2 0 SCORING LEADERS BAN TAMS Pt.