TSA Markham There are three boys for ev- ery girl in special education classes. on the average. F. H. Wilkinson told the trustees of TSA 2 Markham at a recent meeting. He said the Depart- ment of Education now allows incentive grants for this educa- tion (shop, home economics. crafts. etc.) which amount to approximately $16 per pupil above the ordinary per pupil grant of 55.3% of the total cost of operation. Mr. Wilkinson represents the special educationl division of the department. Norm Roberts. one of the league’s new bowlers this year, shot a 932 triple last week to be high man for the night. In team action Cardinal In- sulation was the only team to garner seven points beating Al- lencourt Barber Shop. In 5-2 splits Bob‘s Delivery Service whipped Aliencourt Lanes: Tompkins Chrysler took Rich- mond Hill Auto Wreckers: and Trend Interior beat ABC Bowl. In 4-3 squeakers. Manufac- turers Life nipped Richmond Hill Community Credit Union and Kinnear Pontiac edged A1- Iencourt Electronic. The high average race saw Bob Weeks in front with 261 followed by Broadfoot and John Moore with 253; Doug Clubine with 252; Tim Saul and Norm Roberts with 251; and Stan and Jack Shadoff with 249 each. Standings: Cardinal Insulation 41; Richmond Hill Community Credit Union 39: Manufactur- er‘s Life 38; Allencourt Barber Shop 38; Bob's Delivery Service 38; Tompkins Chrysler, 33: Richmond Hill Auto Wreckers 27; Allencourt Lanes 24: ABC Bowl 22; Trend Interior 18; Al- ALLENCOURT MEN’S MAJORllencourt Electronics 10; Kin- Herb Lyons was next with 893 followed by Stan Shadoff with 865; Bruno Pezzan with 840; A1 Broadfoot 836; Jack Shadoff 822; and Scott Parke 801. Al Richardson just missed 800 shooting a 799. There are cramped quarters all through the area’s schools‘ at present. Superintendent May-‘ nard Hallman reported, which will continue until the new sen- ior school at Unionville is ready for Occupation. He said spec- ial education classes at Park- view School. where there are 25 students in the senior class, are particularly crowded. He believes, however, that the op- ening of the new school and the new larger county system which comes into being in January, will improve the sit- uation greatly. Then. Mr. Hall- man said. "There will be two boys‘ senior special education classes and one girls‘ group over a larger area including Markham Village.†Mrs. Mildred Toogood, chair- man of the board’s education committee, said that the report will contain information on such services as libraries, spec- ial primary, primary supervis- ory service, physical education. 3 Boys For Every Girl Average In The Special Education Classes Chairman Eidred King said ISOC required a report on property also in order that the new board will be properly in- formed. It was agreed that board members will divide the task of inspecting schools for this purpose and report before mid~November. INFORMATION FOR. 1500 Administrator Wilfred Mor- Iey reported that a resume of services necessary to the area schools has been requested by the Interim School Organiza- tjon Committee. which is pre- paring for the new county board of education. Also re- quired will be 1969 budget re- quirements and an assessment of necessary improvements to school property. Save a Bundle . . . In the Mall Richmond Heights Centre QUALITY CLEANING Discount Cleaners AT DISCOUNT PRICES Repairs & Alterations 884-6171 The ABC Bowling Club is still open for regular as well as spare bowlers. Anyone inter- ested in joining is asked to call President John Filkus at 884-5644. C. Garland Jr.. sec- retary at 247.2263: Pete Milne, treasurer at 884-5377. near Pontiac 10. ABC BOWLING There was a real explosion at the ABC Bowling Club Fri- day night when John Filkus bowled 301. 230, and 234 in ti'lree games for a total of 765 f at. Mr. Hallman also suggested that the January classes be mentioned. These classes, he- gun in January each year, en- abled children whose sixth birthday fell between January mond with 221. 205, and 224 for a total of 650. In second place was Eileen Powell with 162. 255 and 181 for 598: third was Mary Lou Diceman with 184, 137. and 179 for 500 for three games of the evening. mmmnummmmu Upcoming events will see the annual Turkey Roll December 6. This event is open solely to the members with no substi- tutes anewed and no bowling- off prlor to or after that date. The executive is 3150 in the progress of arranging a Valen- tine Party for February 8 of next year. This will be held at the Canadian Legion Hall. A dance will be held along with a cold buffet supper at 8 pm. He was closely followed by Ivan Mansbridge with 301. 232, and 196 for 729. In third place was Carl Reisenweber with 228, 191, and 172 for a 591 total. ummummumnum Oral French etc Mr. Hallman suggested that the report also contain infor- mation on the ITA experiment conducted at Unionville. This is the “Initial Teaching Alpha- betâ€. a phonetic system in which each sound is always designated by the same letter or group of letters. The ladies were also in pretty good form led by Karen f1qu 1 and June 30 each year to be- gin grade 1 education in Jan- uary. rather than the following September. Most of these children proved ready to under- take grade 2 work in Septem- ber. “Not very many boards in Ontario have tried these out," Mr. Hallman reminded the trustees. These classes will also be submitted for special grant. SCHOOLHOUSE SOLD Colty Corners SchooLhouse (No. 11) which was used as the board office until last spring has been sold to Angus Glen Farms for $22,500 net. The property includes three acres of land and the former school. in an area zoned agricultural at Concession 6 and 17th Av- enue. Operating experience on one-write or computer payroll. Current payroll 200 and growing. Must be fully conversant with all governmental regulations. Auditor’s references required. (Finch-Woodblne Campus). PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Secretary for purchasing officer, experience required in accounts payable or bookkeeping. Typing essential. (Finch-Woodbine Campus). This position requires someone to take charge of our duplicating room at the Sheppard Campus, and to look after the incoming and outgoing mail. Experience on office duplicating machines is preferable. A receptionist is required for our Finch-Woodbine Campos. This person must have a pleasant personality and experience in this lme would be preferable. APPLY IN WRITING ONLY TO THE ASSOCIATE DEAN, SENECA COLLEGE, 43 SHEPPARD AVE. E., WILLOWDALE. PAYROLL BOOKKEEPER DUPLICATING ROOM --- MAIL GIRL RECEPTIONIST CLERK FOR COUNSELLING DIVISION A clerk is required for our Counselling Division at the Sheppard Campus. This position calls for an experienced typist and someone who has an easy rapport with the public. Good telephone voice is an asset. FOUR JUNIOR GIRLS FOR POOL TYPE WORK Must be good typist and willing to learn dicta-typing and the switchboard operation, in order to act as relief operators. .1'5 :5 1o; 1(an JNG g 31 explosion 1g Club Fri- John Filkus‘ and 234 in‘. total of 765 followed by ith 301. 232. 1 third place )er with 228, 591 total. {180 in pretty Karen Ham- 1|“|lllllllilllm|llll[RmIRWIN““\ll“WHERE“ll“tumulthll\lill'flï¬lullllllilllllllllWllllummllllllm“MINI“lllllllulllllltl\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\- exx on ful am we at ror onl pla is car grc Stit APPOINTMENTS ON OR ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER IMMEDIATE POSITIONS mun ‘wtInn111mm1mmum1mmmmmmmunmuummunuunnumumuunmmnnumlunmmumummnuunmmmmmmm“g Eumummmnmmmlmm‘m1quluuumluumum“mmmuuuuuunmummumu“mmu“mumuulmuml1ummnmummuu3 SENECA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY OFFERS THE FOLLOWING INTERESTING POSITIONS High School Sports On a field hockey team there are 11 girls, plus any number of substitutions. The 11 girls on the field at any given moment are goalie, two fullbacks, three halfbacks, two wings, two inners, and the centre forward. In playing, the game, we use a short stick which is hooked or curved at the end. One side of the stick is flat, the other round. All players are to hit with the flat side only. The stick itself is never raised above the player’s shoulder without a penalty. The game is started off with a “bullyâ€, that is, the two centre forwards do a sequence of touching the ground and then each others’ sticks (with their sticks). After this sequence is completed three times, they try to get the ball away to their own team. (We use a hard ball instead of a puck as in ice hockey). The object of the game is to be able to pass to each other well enough to run up the field and shoot for the goal. One goal counts for one point. WMWIWWMMW Anyone for hockey â€"- field hockey that is? The high school girls have been very active in this sportrduripg the past_mont1_1. n 7 f‘l-elzlize thgt maxiy of you do not know just what this sport is all about. I will briefly try to explain it to yop. _ Well, now that I have briefly introduced you to the sport, I can start reporting. GBSSA TOURNAMENT On October 19, the Georgian Bay Field Hockey Tournament was held. Nine schools were entered for the competition. They Were as fol- lows: Woodbridge S.S.; Newmarket H.S.; Mark- ham District H.S.; Thornlea S.S.,; Huron Heights S.S.; King City 8.8.; Williams; Midland H.S. and Bayview 5.8. The competition was held at Bay- view. The schools were divided into two teams. The first 5 listed were on Team A, and the rest on Team B. The winning school from Team A was to play the winner of Team B in the playoffs. This presented quite a competition between Huron Heights and Thomlea, who were tied. At the end of their game they were still tied and had to play overtime. However neither team was able to score. mmmmmmmmmmmmmumlnumnummmuummHummiqu A. They had won two games and tied tw-o. Bay- view was the winner of Team B, having won all games. The final score in the playoffs was 2-1 for Bayview, making the team the Georgian Bay champions. Special mention should go to all the coaches and referees without which the tournament would not have been possible. Diana Martyn of Bayview was responsible for scheduling the whole day’s games. Taking other factors into consideration Huron Heights was declared the winner of 'Ileam ' All taken into consideration, it was a very successful, but cold day. FOOTBALL â€"- YORK CENTRAL CHAMPS Congratulations are extended to the Bayvieyv Senior Football Team who recently won the York Central Championship. At the time of the vic- tory, the team had been undefeated, and with only a few games left to play, they are quite hopeful of making it a completely victoriOus season. Last week several people asked me if I was going to report on the town teams of which the members are high school students. For example, the “Mic Mac†baseball team. The answer to this is no! My apologies readers, if I did not make this clear in my introductory column. However, my column deals only with the sports that happen with the school teams. When I have interviews with the outstanding athletes, then I shall mention it if they were on teams outside the school teams. (Pia Schenk is a Grade 12 student at Bayview Secondary School) Field Hockey Pia Schenk ONT. Quarterback John Stokes lit- erally knocked himself out Sat- urday leading his Browndale Bombers to the 1968 Richmond Hill Clvitan Minor Football League championship. The Bombers blitzed Crosby Park 20-0 to take the "Grey Cup" while an upstart West- sides aggregation won the "Mini-Grey Cup“ by edging the Southern Blues 12-8. The Westsiders were the league door-mats this season. Browndale Bombers Win Grey Cup: Over Prone Body Of John Stokes? But all the drama went to Mr. Stokes in the big game as he took the ball with only one play remaining and charged straight ahead, right into the goalpost. The gun sounded and his teammates congratulated one another and then turned to con- gratulate John who wasn’t there. John was knocked out Fresh, Bench", SM Savings per H: to: Fresh, Boneless, By the Piece PORK SIDE “59¢ LOW PORK (HOPS 'IIV’WWKWSIJDEVQ69s! PORK L $6fo6§§ .ggg'ifi’i; APPLE JUICE Pillsbury (a varieties) "39. com: Batter (ream Mixes A&.P Brand SAVE 10: WHOLE BREAST CHARTERS W310i} lEG QUARTERS CHICKEN CUTS Ontario Grown, White Table Stock, No. '| Grade PUMPKIN PIE .5122“ 4 9 ¢ Reg. Price each 55c â€" SAVE 6c JANE PARKER Leaver Brand, Pieces 5. Stem: FEATURE PRICE! MUSHROOMS 3 10H~oznns 1.00 Meat Tenderizer Reg. Price 98c â€"â€" SAVE 9c ACCENT 40sz 89: Scott Reg. Price 59c â€" SAVE 6c TOILET TISSUE pkgor4rous 53c Pillsbury (5 Varieties) Reg. Price pkg 49c â€" SAVE 9c SAVE 8c LB FRESH A quick rush for smelling salts and John was revived and this time it was his turn to celebrate. cold by the impact of the goal- posts and was lying inertly by himself. The game itself saw the Bombers. inspired by the quarterbacking of Stokes. ram- ble to an easy win via touch- down efforts by Doucette and Ogden plus others. Defensively it was players such as Peter Ranieri and Farr piling up most of the Crosby running efforts. The mini-contest saw touch- downs by Pat Buxton and Rob Clephan leading the way to the upset over the favored Blues. Tom Thom scored the touchdown for the losers. This Saturday the teams will receive their awards and one player will be selected as the most improved player for 1968. The festivities start at noon! hour. 1 The locals will have a chance to avenge the less this Satur- day when they meet the same High Parkers at Crosby Park at 10 am. Tested Over confidence and a short- age of regular players conrtrib- uted to the defeat. It was their first of the season. The Civitan Referees met their Waterloo at the hands of High Park who downed them 15-8. AU. PR4CES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1968 Selling Something? . . “The Liberal†. . Savéngs per Na 10° 504.8 BAG ‘alâ€: . . Time Time Proven 217V2-oz pkgs 8 9C CHECK THE BIG SAVINGS! PORK lOIN QUARTERS PORK lOIN Combinatio’n PORK BUTT ROAST SIDE SPARE RIBS PORK TENDERLOINSOTgï¬z'M$1.09 CHOPS &. 2 ROASTS â€" 10 T0 12-LBS PORK CHOPS PORK lOIN PORK lOIN Pork Shoulder Roast 9 TO 11 CHOPS IN A PACKAGE $1.19: 60% W‘HOLE WHEAT BREAD Reg. Price loaf 27c â€" SAVE 21° LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS - Get Results - 884-1105 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 81, 1968 1! Aylmer, Wax or Green CUT BEANS Beef or Liver Chunks Reg. Price 2 ï¬ns 47: - SAVE 59 DOG Sociery 415-ozï¬n589C Golden Dale FEATURE PRICE! 3 1-â€! Pkg! ‘9: Maple Leaf. Mild Nippy or Onion BUY 3 â€" SAVE 11o CHEESE SLICES AVON BRAND VITAMINIZED OPEN WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY &. FRIDAV '1’“. 9 P5. AMPLE FREE PARK!NG RIB PORTION TENDERLOiN PORTION 3 TO 3'/2-LBS SHOULDER OR BUTT 105 YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL 4841-02 T1N A&P FOOD STORE FROZEN, PORK .tB 3 8oz pigs 1 FEATURE PRICE! 214-H-ozï¬ns 3 9c ANGEL CAKE "13:3: 3 9,! CENTRE CM" “5 7 RIB CUT COUNT THEM Rog.Prioeneh59eâ€"MVEZ¢ FRESH SHANKLESS MEATY (White of 33:29) 2 7 ¢ K'NG Sfo 5143 BOX . JANE PARKER LB LB A&.P FEATURE PRICE} An A&.P Quah’ty Produdï¬ SAVINGS PER LB